Revergen: your ideal skin without scars and stretch marks

Due to improper or untimely treatment of acne, scars often form on the skin, which are difficult to treat. Such defects appear at the site of acne localization if the skin has been subjected to severe inflammation and damage. To reduce or completely remove such consequences, you can use special creams for acne scars on the face.

What do stretch marks, post-acne and scars have in common?

Stretch marks, scars, post-acne - scarring changes that are caused by injury to the middle layer of the skin - the dermis. Therefore, with superficial damage, a scar does not appear.

Post -acne is scarring skin changes that appear after acne elements have healed.

Stretch marks are scars caused by internal microtraumas of the skin and subcutaneous tissue during weight fluctuations and pregnancy.

Post-traumatic scars are the formation of connective tissue in place of healthy skin after operations, mechanical, thermal and chemical influences. They are divided into two groups: normal (normatrophic and atrophic) and pathological (hypertrophic and keloid).

The first group of scars is the result of normal physiological reactions of the body in response to damage to the skin, while pathological scars are formed due to inadequate reactions to damage. Hypertrophic scars and keloids rise above the surface of the skin, differ from it in color and cause psychological discomfort.

What does scar removal mean?

Any method of removing scar changes must cause tissue remodeling. In some cases it is aimed at filling the hole, as with atrophic scars, and in others it is aimed at smoothing the tissue. It is important that the methods used are not only effective, but also safe.

How does a laser work on a scar?

An example of the low effectiveness of the procedure is the treatment of scars with hyaluronic acid preparations. There is no point in treating atrophic scars with hyaluronic acid, especially at the first stage. The filler does not regenerate the scar, but camouflages it, and not for long.

In modern aesthetic medicine there is also a shift away from dermabrasion and peeling. Bad peeling will be ineffective, and strong peeling will be dangerous.

It is also advisable to avoid methods that require a large number of procedures. Examples: microcentesis, non-ablative laser, picosecond laser, retinoids. These methods still somehow work with fresh scars, but the number of sessions in relation to the effects is inadequate.

What measures are there to prevent scarring of the skin?

  • Timely contact with a dermatologist, competent selection of post-acne care and medications for problem skin help prevent the development
  • Hypertrophic and keloid scars occur as a result of injuries and surgical interventions, often due to genetic predisposition. To prevent the formation and reduce their severity after closing the wound or removing sutures, use external cosmetics based on silicone.

Acne scar treatment

Experts offer different treatment methods. They will help you understand the issue of how to get rid of acne marks and prevent them. Rapid skin regeneration occurs if collagen is produced at a sufficient level. Collagen is a natural building material for the connective tissue of the human body. It is he who fills the voids that form on the skin of the face. The most effective in combating the effects of acne are acne scar products containing collagen.

Skin after acne and acne has a lack of natural collagen, the lack of which can be compensated with the help of collagen injections that contain this substance. Treatment of defects after acne allows you to achieve the following effect:

  • filling skin irregularities;
  • smoothing skin texture;
  • stimulation of the body's release of natural collagen;
  • visual reduction of problem areas;
  • restoration of complexion.

Defects after acne must be treated, since with age it is much more difficult to effectively get rid of post-acne. Acne prevention and treatment should be entrusted to professional dermatologists and cosmetologists, who will help develop a regimen for the care and treatment of problem skin, and also prescribe the necessary examinations.

The unique COLLOST® injection gel, which was developed on the basis of natural collagen, which has a beneficial effect on the skin, will help you get rid of acne marks. It increases the number of collagen fibers that are formed in the skin.

How does Revergen work?

Gel for scars and scars “Revergen” is a remedy for stretch marks, post-acne and scars of varying localization and severity. Recommended for use in cosmetology and dermatology practice for patients on new and old scars – a year or more after wound closure.

Thus, with regular use, Revergen silicone gel for scars evens out the color and reduces the visibility of scarring changes in the skin.

Effective pharmaceutical drugs

Scarring is a common unpleasant consequence of acne. To effectively get rid of fresh, shallow scars, dermatologists recommend using special ointments. The main purpose of external remedies for acne scars is to eliminate or prevent blemishes on the skin. For this purpose, zinc, salicylic or syntomycin ointment can be used. All of them contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes in the tissues of the skin, and also lighten it.

Zinc ointment has a drying effect and is recommended for use during the wound healing stage to avoid scar formation. The product exfoliates dead skin cells of the epidermis, thereby accelerating regeneration processes. The medicine can be applied to damaged areas of the skin every 3 hours or at night.

Salicylic ointment is an inexpensive product that has disinfecting, exfoliating and healing effects. Before applying the drug, you need to treat the skin with a scrub and antiseptic, and then dry it and spread the ointment in a thin layer. It is recommended to apply a gauze bandage on top. It is advisable to carry out the procedure before going to bed.

Synthomycin ointment is a product that has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. The medicine must be applied in a thin layer to clean, dry facial skin three times a day. Improvement in the condition of the skin will be noticeable after 7-14 days of regular use of the ointment.

Bodyaga Forte is a gel that successfully fights various skin defects. The herbal product contains microscopic needles that provide gentle peeling of the skin, warm the tissues, improve blood circulation, and also help cleanse pores and remove dead particles of the dermis. The active ingredients of the drug easily penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, providing a restorative and antibacterial effect. Before using acne scar cream, it is recommended to do a susceptibility test.

Bodyaga Forte gel should be rubbed with massage movements into problem areas of the skin and kept on the surface of the dermis for a quarter of an hour. When applying the product to the skin, only a slight tingling sensation should be felt. If a more severe reaction occurs, you should stop using the drug. Frequency of use: 2 times a week.

Contractubex and Dermatix

Contractubex is one of the best remedies for scars. It contains 3 active ingredients that complement each other:

  • heparin, which promotes healing, softening and restoration of the epidermis;
  • allantoin, which increases elasticity, firmness and smoothness of the skin, as well as eliminates itching and redness;
  • onion extract, which stops the inflammatory process and prevents the growth of scars.

The gel must be rubbed in with light massage movements until completely absorbed. The treatment course can last from 1-2 weeks to 3 months. For old scars, it is recommended to apply the product under a bandage for 6-12 hours.

Dermatix is ​​a silicone-based medication that effectively combats itching, pigmentation disorders, hyperemia and loss of skin elasticity. In addition, the product smoothes out scars well. Before starting to use the drug, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of contaminants and dry it. Then you need to apply a small amount of the product to the scar formation and rub in. You need to use the gel twice a day for 2 months.

Fermenkol and Sledotsid

Fermencol is a medicine that destroys excess collagen in scar tissue, which stops the growth of the scar and reduces the size of the skin defect.

The product should be applied to the problem area of ​​the skin three times a day. The treatment course lasts for 1 month. It is advisable to use the drug together with medications for phonophoresis.

Sledocid is an ointment for acne scars on the face, which has a comprehensive effect on the root of the problem. With this medication you can reduce inflammation, speed up recovery processes and get rid of scars.

The product should be distributed in a thin layer over the surface of the damaged skin at least 3 times a day. The duration of therapy can last from 7 days to several months.

Kelofibrase and Kelo-Kote

Kelofibraze is a drug for old scars. The cream tones, moisturizes and improves skin elasticity. The urea contained in the preparation helps to normalize the water balance of tissues.

It is recommended to apply the medicine to the scars 2-3 times daily, and then rub it in with light massage movements for 5-7 minutes. The effect will be noticeable after 2 weeks. The duration of treatment depends on the age of the scar formations and their size. If you have old scars, it is recommended to apply compresses to the damaged areas. This should be done before bedtime.

Kelo-Coat is a silicone-based gel. It helps reduce the severity and improve the aesthetic appearance of scars. The drug must be applied in a thin layer and wait until it dries completely. It is recommended to perform the procedure twice a day for 2-3 months.

After the gel dries, a breathable film forms on the surface of the skin. It is allowed to apply decorative cosmetics on top of the external product.

Preventive actions

The beginning of the formation of various forms of post-acne lies not in the process of healing of the inflamed elements of the rash, but at the stage of acne development. By adhering to the correct tactics when dealing with acne, you can achieve their removal without a trace. To do this you need to do the following:

  • refrain from squeezing out pustules yourself;
  • regularly treat your facial skin with soothing and antiseptic lotions;
  • use medications containing anti-inflammatory components to remove acne;
  • refuse to use powder and foundation, as they create an airtight film on the surface of the skin, which promotes the growth of bacteria and the occurrence of inflammation;
  • If acne worsens, it is recommended to limit your time in the sun and avoid visiting solariums.

These simple tips will help you painlessly endure the development of pustular formations on the face and prevent the appearance of scars after they have healed.

Thus, scars are skin defects that arise as a result of improper or late treatment of acne. To completely eliminate or significantly smooth out flaws, it is recommended to use special ointments. You can buy them at a pharmacy or make them yourself.

Homemade external remedies

If desired, you can make homemade ointments to get rid of scar formations. In terms of their effectiveness, they are no worse than ready-made pharmacy creams. Best recipes:

  1. You need to mix 1 tsp. honey with the same amount of ground cinnamon, and then apply the resulting thick mass to the cleansed problem areas. After 20 minutes, rinse off the product with warm water. The procedure is performed once a day, every other day.
  2. You need to mix 500 g of goose fat and ground Sophora japonica fruits, then steam the mixture for 4 days in a row (60 minutes every day). On the 5th day, apply the ointment to gauze and apply to the scars for 15 minutes.
  3. It is necessary to combine 400 ml of vegetable oil and 100 g of beeswax, and then keep the composition on low heat for 10 minutes and cool. Distribute the finished product over areas of skin with scar formations 2 times a day.

In addition, the cabbage-honey mask has good healing properties. To make it, grind the cabbage leaves in a blender and add 10 g of natural honey to the resulting pulp. Apply the product to the location of the scars and wash off with warm water after 2 hours. The procedure is performed twice a day for 3 weeks or 3 months.

Contraindications for use

Not everyone can use anti-scar ointments. The main prohibition against their use is an allergic reaction to any component included in the drug. In addition, you should refuse treatment with external anti-scar agents if:

  • herpes;
  • postoperative scars;
  • localization of scar formation near the mucous membrane;
  • suppuration near the scar;
  • problems with blood vessels.

Many ointments cannot be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Before starting treatment, it is better to consult a dermatologist.

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