Waxing of legs: types, techniques and rules for doing it at home

Most girls use a razor to remove unwanted hair from their legs, but regular shaving not only does not have a long-term effect, but also leads to skin irritation, which makes it more and more difficult to achieve absolute smoothness over time. Waxing of legs is an excellent alternative to a razor, as it pulls out the hairs along with the follicles, which ensures that the results last up to 3-4 weeks. In addition, you can use wax at home.

The essence of the waxing procedure

The depilation procedure using wax paste involves superficial removal of hair, in which the follicles under the skin remain unaffected. In the process of removing a strip of material, the root with the outer part of the hair is pulled out, and each time there is a slight traumatic effect on the bulb. Preserving the integrity of the follicle is a significant difference between this method and the hair removal procedure, in which subcutaneous elements are destroyed, and subsequent hair regrowth becomes impossible.

After the hair removal procedure, hair growth is almost impossible, since the follicles were affected

Waxing is an ancient invention. Its prototype is hair removal with a special composition, including beekeeping products. This method was used by queens in ancient Egypt.

Using wax, you can treat the entire surface of the legs or perform depilation of one of the areas: the lower leg or the area above the knee. This depends on the thickness and individual location of the hair. So, for some people in the lower leg area they are denser and stiffer than on the upper part of the leg and vice versa. In the knee area, depilation is more difficult due to the uneven surface, but this can be solved with the correct technique.

Hair removal with wax is more painful in the area above the knee than on the lower leg. Although individual sensitivity depends on many factors, including the temperature and consistency of the wax used. Also, with each session, the sensations that cause discomfort are dulled, and the skin gets used to this method of depilation.

With wax you can remove hair only on the lower leg or all over the entire leg, it all depends on your preference

In addition, if you regularly use wax, the hair structure changes. They thin and weaken, making them soft and pliable and making the procedure easier. Over time, the length of the interval between sessions increases as hair growth slows down.

During the procedure, wax at the required temperature is applied to a small area of ​​skin, and then in one movement the mixture is pulled off in the direction of hair growth.

It is in the direction of hair removal that waxing differs from sugaring. With sugar depilation, the paste is removed according to hair growth, and not against it.

The result after waxing on the legs lasts approximately 4-5 weeks. It is possible to reduce this period depending on the specific characteristics of the body. The next procedure is usually carried out after 5-6 weeks, when the hair reaches a length of 5 mm.

Waxing allows you to completely get rid of hair on your legs for a long time.

The nuances of waxing different parts of the body

Epilation of different zones differs. The most difficult areas are the bikini area, armpits and face.


If you need to epilate your facial skin, the procedure should be treated with extreme caution. The most sensitive area is the location of the “antennae”.

It is best to use cold wax for facial hair removal. It will remove short and thin hairs.


The direction of hair growth on the arms of different people may differ. Most often, hair grows towards the palm, but this is not always the case. That is why wax is applied from the elbow to the hand, and removed in the opposite direction. It is best to epilate your hands using warm wax.


Epilation of the legs is considered the most painless. In addition, it is easier to do than others.

On the day of the procedure, you must take a shower. Two hours after this, the feet are treated with talcum powder or powder. This will ensure they are perfectly dry during the procedure. Sprinkle the area under the knee joints especially carefully. Leg epilation is usually done with hot or warm wax. It is most convenient to apply it in strips of about 10 cm. Fabric strips are placed on top of the wax. After the wax has hardened, remove it with a jerk in the direction opposite to hair growth.


Hair growing in the armpit area can be located in one or two directions. It is recommended to remove them using hot wax, taking into account the direction in which they grow in each area. If it is inconvenient to carry out the procedure yourself, you can call someone from your household to help. This will help avoid injury and bruising.

Deep bikini

Removing hair in the bikini area without experience in self-hair removal is quite difficult. You can still handle a classic bikini without outsiders, but to perform a deep bikini you should call an assistant.

How to choose a leg wax depending on the type of procedure

Depilation of the surface of the legs can be carried out using types of wax that differ from each other in consistency, heating temperature and release form. Depending on the material used, the following types of waxing are distinguished:

  • hot;
  • warm;
  • cold.

Hot depilation

When removing leg hair with hot wax, the procedure is effective and least painful. The high temperature of the composition allows you to remove the toughest and densest vegetation, and the maximum opening of the pores facilitates the process of removing hairs. However, in this case there is a high risk of getting burned. Therefore, at least for the first time, it is recommended to entrust the procedure to a professional in the salon.

Hot wax must be heated to a temperature of 50–60 °C

Warm depilation

For home use, wax at a temperature of about 40 °C is optimal. The procedure using such material is called warm depilation. It is impossible to burn yourself with wax unless you overheat it, and the soft consistency of the composition allows you to completely eliminate both dense and soft hair on any part of the legs, including the knees.

Warm wax comes in cartridge form, making it easy to apply. It is very convenient for removing hair from the flat surface of the legs. Cassette wax is heated before application in a special wax melter, usually included in the kit.

Wax in cartridges is best suited for home hair removal of legs.

Cold depilation

The simplest depilation option is to use strips with cold wax applied to them. They are suitable for getting rid of thin and soft hair on the legs. The effectiveness of this method may be low, since cold material does not grip hair as well as warm or hot material. Also, depilation using strips is a rather painful procedure. But cold wax is as safe as possible, since it eliminates the risk of getting burned.

Ready-made strips with cold wax can easily be used for depilation at home.


Ladies often remove hair from their legs using wax. This is a painful procedure, but it gives results for the longest possible time for a small material investment. Waxing is effective when there is no hormonal imbalance. This occurs during pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause, and adolescence. It is not advisable to wax during or before menstruation. If everything in the body is normal and there is only a low pain threshold, then simply use pre-painkillers that will help you survive the discomfort during the procedure.

Preparation in the procedure

In order for the waxing session to go as efficiently as possible and with the least pain, it is necessary to specially prepare the surface of the legs:

  • 2 days before the procedure, perform a thorough peeling, and avoid visiting the bathhouse, sauna, solarium or beach and avoid excessive cooling of the skin.
  • Take a shower an hour before waxing without using cosmetics.
  • After the skin has dried, apply an antiseptic (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, etc.) to your feet.
  • For better adhesion of wax to hair, use talc or baby powder.
  • If you have sensitive skin or are performing the procedure for the first time, you can use painkillers. For example, Lidocaine or Emlu. The drug must be spread over the surface of the legs an hour before the procedure and covered with film so that it is better absorbed into the skin. You can also take a tablet (Ibuprofen, Tempalgin, Nurofen) 40 minutes before the session.

To numb the surface of your legs before depilation, use Emla cream.

Before waxing, be sure to test for allergies to the components of the wax composition. To do this, apply a little mass to your elbow and observe the skin reaction for 10 minutes. If it does not turn red or itch, then you can begin depilation.

For waxing, the hair on your legs must grow by 5 mm. On excessively long vegetation, the procedure will be difficult and painful. If the hair is under 5mm, the wax will not adhere to it properly.

Depilation kit

Materials and devices for the procedure must be prepared in advance, including:

  • disposable spatula, preferably wooden;
  • wax in a form convenient for you;
  • fabric or paper strips;
  • wax melter or container for melting the composition in a water bath;
  • antiseptic (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, etc.);
  • moisturizing cream.

Preparation and application

To obtain a decent result, you should perform the correct preparatory work before depilation and carry it out, following the technological process.

Epilation with hot wax

Hot wax perfectly cleanses the legs and bikini area from hairs growing there.

The preparatory stage of this procedure is heating the wax. For this purpose, beauty salons use a wax melter. The device has a sensor that prevents overheating of the mixture. If you don't have a wax melter, using a water bath or microwave will help melt the wax. Melting occurs in one to three minutes. The wax should become viscous. However, it should not be overheated, otherwise you can burn the skin while applying the mixture.

How to wax your legs at home

For home leg hair removal, it is better to choose warm or cold wax. This is especially true for those who are trying this method for the first time.

Try to perform the waxing procedure in the evening, since irritated skin needs time to recover and calm down. Night is the optimal time for this.

Depilation with hot or warm wax

Waxing on legs using heated wax looks like this:

  1. Bring the mixture to a temperature of 55–60 °C if it is in a jar or in granules. In case of using cassette wax - up to 40 °C. To do this, you can use a special heater or water bath.
  2. Use a spatula to grab a little mixture from the heated jar and carefully spread it in a thin layer over the skin along the hair growth. If you use wax in a cassette, simply roll the roller along the surface of your leg, also following the hair growth.
  3. Place a bandage on top and press it, which should be larger in size than the area with wax.
  4. Wait about 20-30 seconds for the wax to form a thick, hardened layer.
  5. Grabbing the bandage by the edge with one hand and firmly pressing the skin next to it with the other, remove the strip with a sharp movement against the hair growth parallel to the skin.
  6. Perform the same sequence of actions on other parts of the legs. The composition can be distributed simultaneously over several areas.
  7. Get rid of excess wax using cotton pads soaked in cosmetic or vegetable oil.
  8. Apply moisturizer to your skin.

When using wax in a cartridge, you don't need a spatula to apply it - just roll the roller over your leg

To work the surface of the legs in the bending area, you should tighten the skin. In this case, the wax will be able to penetrate into all folds and grooves, and the bandage will lie flat.

During waxing, it is important to remove the bandage with a sharp movement, otherwise the quality of the procedure will decrease

Video: how to perform leg depilation with wax in a cartridge

Cold wax depilation

Cold depilation technique:

  1. Place the wax strip between your palms and rub it for a minute.
  2. Place the tape on the skin area and smooth it along the hair growth.
  3. After 3-5 seconds, holding the skin on one edge, grab the bandage and sharply remove it against the hair growth.
  4. If the hair is not completely removed the first time, simply glue the strip again.
  5. Treat your skin with oil and apply moisturizer.

Wax strips are suitable for beginners and those who are afraid of getting burned

As a rule, 8 short or 6 long strips are required for one shin, and 18 small or 14 long strips are required to treat the entire leg.

Some manufacturers produce special post-waxing oils that remove residue from the skin and soothe it.

Video: how to use wax strips

Advantages and disadvantages

Before waxing your legs, you should study the features of the technique, since it is not suitable for many girls.

However, every day the procedure is becoming more and more popular, what is the reason for this? Here are the main advantages of the technology:

  • Safety. The main risk a girl faces when waxing her legs at home is overheating of the wax. This may cause thermal burns. However, mechanical damage to the skin is not possible;
  • Long lasting effect. Hair begins to grow back only after 2.5-3 weeks;
  • No pain. When performing warm and hot waxing of legs, the girl practically does not feel any discomfort;
  • Rapidity. You can remove unwanted hair from your legs in just 20 minutes;
  • Versatility. The method is suitable for hairs of any color and structure.

The procedure also has a cumulative effect. Over time, the hairs become thinner and softer, which is why they are not so noticeable when growing back.

Consider the disadvantages of the procedure:

  • Risk of thermal burns. Overheated wax cannot be quickly removed from the skin, causing it to quickly burn;
  • Possible allergy to wax;
  • Soreness. This does not apply to hot and warm depilation, but only to the cold method of hair removal. Especially girls with sensitive skin should avoid this technique.

Using wax to remove unwanted body hair is possible even without special preparation. The wax has an easy-to-work consistency that easily spreads in a thin layer on the skin and quickly hardens, capturing unwanted hairs when plucked.

Skin care after waxing

After waxing, you need to take measures to avoid redness, inflammation, bruising or ingrown hairs:

  • Do not use talc after the procedure as it clogs the pores.
  • Apply anti-ingrown hair products to your skin.
  • Treat your skin with a scrub 2 days after waxing to reduce the risk of ingrown hairs.
  • If redness, bruising or burning occurs, soothe the skin with a decoction of chamomile or calendula.
  • For 2 days after the procedure, do not wear tight clothes made of synthetic fabrics, and also refuse to take a bath, go to the bathhouse or sauna, visit the solarium, or actively tan.
  • Do not treat your skin with alcohol-containing products or rub it.

Anti-ingrown hair products usually contain fruit acids, which remove the top layer of skin

Types of waxing

Traditional, one might say, the most ancient, depilation was carried out with molten hot wax. Today's technologies make it possible to remove hair not only with a hot composition, but also with a warm and even cold one.

  • Hot wax will require close monitoring of the heating temperature; it should not be higher than 60°C, otherwise you can get a skin burn. Remember also that if the procedure takes too long, the wax cools down and needs to be warmed up.
  • Warm wax should be 10-20°C lower in temperature than hot wax. In this case, the temperature can be controlled by hand: if it becomes uncomfortable, remove the wax from the heat. For the warm wax procedure, wax in a jar or granular product is most often used.
  • Cold wax does not need to be heated at all; it is produced in the form of special strips of durable paper impregnated with a wax composition. The strips are small in size and are most often used to remove hair above the upper lip, arms and legs.


Avoid waxing or consult your doctor first if you have:

  • diabetes;
  • low blood clotting;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • allergic reactions to the composition used;
  • any skin damage on the legs, including scratches and pimples.
  • warts and other skin growths.

During pregnancy, you need to be careful about waxing, as there is a high risk of unexpected reactions to the painful procedure.

During pregnancy, it is better not to perform waxing without consulting a specialist.

Waxing during pregnancy

During pregnancy, hair removal should be performed with extreme caution. It is recommended to remove hair from different areas on separate days, taking a one-day break between procedures.

There are the following restrictions on hair removal during pregnancy:

  • hypertonicity of the uterus;
  • pathologies of fetal development;
  • threats of miscarriage;
  • viral infectious diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • herpes;
  • mechanical skin lesions.

In addition, hair removal is not recommended for women who have a low pain threshold and a predisposition to skin irritation.

Waxing is considered the least painful, so pregnant women can do it. It must be borne in mind that this is only allowed for women who had this procedure done before pregnancy. During initial hair removal, the fear and pain experienced can harm the unborn child. The most dangerous consequences are miscarriage or fetal hypoxia.

The safest option for removing hair during pregnancy is to use a razor.

Reviews of leg waxing at home

I’ve been waxing my legs for almost 10 years, the last time I did it was two months ago, the hair has become less (I used to be so hairy up to my knees that mom, don’t worry), now I can afford not to shave for two months. It’s clear that if you run your hand, they can be felt if you haven’t epilated for so long, but they are not visually visible.

Tutta Larsen


I have also been using wax for about 2 years. I used to shave my legs, 3 hairs grew from one pore, thick and silky. Then I bought an epilator - I used the epilator to scrub my legs for about 4 years. The result is a little less hair BUT a lot of ingrown hair! I switched to waxing (first in the salon then at home) I REALLY HAVE LESS HAIR, 10 times less than it was! Six months ago I decided to use my hands (my hands were like those of a macaque, but I had blond hair). That is, I haven’t shaved my hands before, I haven’t cut them, I haven’t done anything. The result is that after 3 months, 3 hairs grow on your arms.



better cassette. Firstly, it’s really easier to do hair removal with them than with liquid canned (or beaded) wax. Because The wax itself will be applied in a thin layer - you won’t get burned. Also, it is more economical. Well, it gets dirty less. Jar wax is good for a deep bikini (and it’s very difficult to do it yourself), because... there are places “hard to reach”. And it is more difficult to work with him. I make a regular bikini using a cassette with a narrow attachment. Deep - in the cabin (I can’t get it myself)))) Legs, armpits - with a regular cassette. The wax melters are all exactly the same, I have the cheapest Chinese one now (for more than 2 years) - it works great)))) In general, it’s easy to do it yourself, the main thing is to find time. The first two times it’s a bit difficult, then you get used to it and figure out what’s what – and the whole process becomes quick)))



What we women don’t do is always be beautiful and well-groomed. For me, one of the important points of beauty is absolutely smooth skin of the legs and, of course, all even the most intimate areas. Everything has to be perfect. A couple of months ago, my husband’s sister came to visit us; she is a makeup artist, massage therapist and cosmetologist. And of course, he always carries with him everything necessary for these procedures. In the evening we had nothing to do and I decided to have the waxing procedure, especially since I saw that she was doing it to herself and from her facial expression it seemed to me that it didn’t hurt at all. Apparently there is professional restraint in her, so as not to scare the client. I asked her to wax my legs, otherwise I was tired of using the machine all the time, and after waxing the result lasts longer. She laid me on a special massage bed and began the procedure. The most important thing in all this is that the wax is well heated. Also, wax should be applied against hair growth, so all hairs will be removed and your legs will become super smooth. The first impression of applying wax was very pleasant, but then, as she began to apply strips and tear them off, everything pleasant disappeared. It seemed to me that it was very painful, but as a decent woman I endured it to the end. We did hair removal using this barbaric method. After finishing the procedure, she applied a special post-epilation oil to me. I would like to say that despite the unpleasant sensations during hair removal, after this procedure there was no irritation or redness, which surprised not only me, but also my super master. After all, as she says, during the first procedure there is always slight irritation. My legs became very smooth and this effect lasted for more than a month. And the new hairs were already very thin and barely noticeable. Although I swore that I would never go through such a procedure again, I still go now systematically, because there is no such pain anymore and the result is worth it. I think the main thing is to get to a good specialist. Some people do it themselves at home, but I haven’t decided to do that yet. And I also don’t dare to wax my intimate areas. If you want beautiful, smooth legs and more, then I think hair removal is your option.



The eternal problem with shaving legs. There is little time all the time and there is no desire to shave them almost every day. I used disposable razors all the time and therefore I had to shave my legs, if not every day, then every other day for sure. And a lot of money was spent on constant purchases of machines. Sometimes it's even dangerous. More than once I accidentally made cuts on my legs, which took a long time to heal, and the traces of them still remain. I recently started waxing myself. Let me just say that the procedure is not the most pleasant, but the effect is obvious. I do hair removal at the salon. It doesn’t cost a lot of money, since I personally have to do it once a week, and sometimes less often. There is no stubble left, such as after shaving with machines. The first time was very unpleasant and even painful, but each time it became easier and easier. And now I do hair removal with an almost calm face. In principle, I really like it. Much more convenient and profitable.



I decided to try wax for the first time because there was terrible irritation after the razor, and the epilator was very painful. I bought a jar of warm veet wax at a nearby store, it smelled nice and heated up in the microwave. I decided to test it on my feet, sat down more comfortably in the bath and got down to business. When I smeared it and applied the strip, the thought flashed through my mind that it would be more painful than from an epilator, I don’t know why I thought so, but in the end the first jerk was almost not painful. As a result, I was able to treat my legs up to my knees and decided to move on to my armpits, and this is where the downsides began - it’s not very convenient to pull the skin on your own, not all of the hair is pulled out, and personally it was even more painful for me than with an epilator. I ended up keeping the wax for use on my legs only.



You can do a leg waxing session yourself. With this method, you can quickly remove unwanted hair on your legs and thighs. To do this, use hot, warm or cold wax. The optimal solution for waxing at home is the composition in a cartridge, which is convenient for applying the molten mass to the skin.

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Other Leg Hair Removal Methods

If waxing for some reason is not suitable for you, you can consider alternative ways to combat unwanted hair on your legs.


Hair removal with a razor - what could be easier and faster. But after this type of leg depilation, hairs often grow into the skin and irritation appears. They become darker, tougher and thicker. And the effect of this type of removal of vegetation will last no more than 2 days. And then you have to shave your legs again.

Chemical depilation

Depilatory creams that destroy protein in the hair are convenient to use when you need to quickly achieve perfectly smooth legs. If you are invited to an important event or are going to the beach. However, you cannot constantly get carried away with such aggressive products - it is harmful to the skin. In addition, the cream will not affect very coarse stubble, such as occurs from regular shaving. The effect of this method of removing vegetation lasts up to 1 week.

Electric epilator

Depilation of legs at home can also be done with an electric epilator - the method is popular. The compact device is convenient to take with you on a trip. Removes hair completely from the root. Captures even the thinnest and shortest of them, thanks to the various attachments included in the kit. Absolute smoothness of the skin can be achieved for up to 2 weeks. But depilation with such a device is very painful.


In this case, hair removal occurs by applying sugar paste to the skin of the legs along the hair growth. You can buy it or prepare it yourself. The basic recipe includes sugar, water and lemon juice. When the paste hardens, it is rolled or torn off in the same direction.

Since the hairs are pulled out according to their growth, their hair follicles are practically not damaged, which avoids hair ingrown into the skin. But sugar in the paste often causes allergies, so sugaring is not suitable for everyone. The effect lasts up to 1 month.

Laser hair removal

This procedure can only be performed in a salon or clinic with special equipment. There are 4 types of lasers:

  • ruby,
  • alexandrite,
  • neodymium,
  • diode

The light waves emitted by the laser are absorbed by the pigment melanin. The hair follicle heats up and is destroyed. The hair stops receiving nutrients and it dies.

Laser hair removal must be done in a course. It's not cheap. Useless for fair-haired and dark-skinned people. Hair stops growing for 1-2 years, and sometimes forever.


The method acts on hair in a similar way to laser hair removal. Only in this case, the thermal heater of the hair follicle is not laser radiation, but a flash of high-pulse light. It doesn't make sense to epilate your legs using a flash if you have blond or gray hair that doesn't have enough melanin.

To obtain visible results, up to 10 sessions will be required. The course will take from 6 months to 1 year - the number of procedures is determined individually by the cosmetologist. The effect will last on average 2-3 years.


A method to get rid of hair forever. However, the price for this result is high - hair removal is very painful. The cost of a session is calculated in minutes. And one procedure takes a lot of time, because every hair needs treatment.

A thin needle is inserted into the hair follicle and an electric current is passed through it. As a result, a thermal burn or alkali is formed (depending on the selected mode). The latter fills the follicle and causes necrosis, i.e. tissue death. To completely remove unwanted hair on the legs, 5-10 sessions will be required.

Ultrasonic hair removal

A special gel is applied to the feet. Under the influence of an ultrasonic wave, it penetrates into the deep layers of the skin. Destroys hair follicles, slowing down the process of cell division. After ultrasonic treatment of unwanted hair, waxing is required.

The method has virtually no contraindications. Smooth skin can be achieved for up to 7 months. However, to achieve visible results, you will need to conduct many sessions - about 10 with intervals between them of 1-1.5 months.

No matter how varied the depilation methods are, the best one is the one that suits you. If it is important to get rid of unwanted hair for a year or more, pay attention to salon methods. By spending only 20-30 minutes on the procedure, you can achieve smooth skin for 1.5 months on your own using waxing. If you have absolutely no time and desire to restore beauty, remember the classic - a razor.

Features of hair removal

Waxing hair removal has been a method of getting rid of unwanted hair since ancient times. Of course, previously only girls from noble families could afford it; ordinary people had to make do with resin. Since then, the methodology has remained virtually unchanged.

For natural hair removal, ordinary candle wax is not used; there are special compounds. Most often they are a combination of beeswax and paraffin, which have excellent density, but at the same time they heat up quickly on the stove. For very sensitive, allergy-prone skin, water-soluble formulations of sugar and water are used; the mixture is prepared like a sugaring paste (sometimes with resin), but wax is also added and citric acid is completely excluded.

Many companies present finished products on the market, divided into several types :

  • Cold wax - Choco-Milka, Wax Bar, Epil, Beauty Image;
  • Warm wax - Byly Depil, Lyconproducts, Amie, New Style, View Topic;
  • Hot wax – Depileve, Perron Rigot, Yabb, Ehu, IRISK PROFESSIONAL.

Video: armpit hair removal with hot wax

What wax is used

Wax comes in different types, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Hot.

This is a solid material that is made from petroleum products or pine resin. The wax must be melted using special devices.

  1. Warm.

This is wax with additives in the form of oils. Warm wax can be purchased in cassettes or liquid that needs to be heated.

  1. Cold.

Cold wax is used in emergency situations when it is not possible to heat the material. This variety is represented by liquid mixtures or wax strips.

  1. Homemade wax for depilation.

You can also make your own depilatory mixture. To do this, you need to take beeswax and palm wax, glycerin and a couple of drops of your favorite aromatic essential oil. Let's start cooking:

  • Grind the wax, mix and heat it at approximately 62–68 degrees.
  • Remove the mixture from heat, add 2-3 drops of oil and glycerin. Let it cool for 15–20 minutes.

Also, do not forget to prepare the strips that you will lubricate with the mixture. When the wax becomes plastic, you can begin the procedure for removing unwanted hair.

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