Everything about eyebrow tattooing: types, application techniques, post-procedure care rules

General information

So, what is eyebrow tattooing? In a nutshell, the procedure can be described as drawing a temporary tattoo in the eyebrow area. A more complex definition might well sound like this: the introduction of a coloring pigment into the upper layers of the skin for the purpose of correcting the shape, width, length or thickness of the eyebrows. The purpose of permanent makeup can be to add brightness and create a healthier and more well-groomed appearance of hair. In addition, it can be used to eliminate eyebrow scars and gaps, as well as their asymmetry. Depending on the existing problem and the client’s wishes, the specialist determines and recommends the most suitable correction method.

Expert advice

In search of “my” master, I met Galina Tanaeva, who not only creates endless feminine beauty, but also teaches permanent makeup in her own school.

Galina shared her secrets of proper eyebrow tattooing with me.

A little “Hollywood” - the shape of the eyebrows of movie stars

  1. Correctly chosen eyebrow shape according to your face type can visually correct appearance defects. For example, a rounded, very elongated face can be slightly expanded by increasing the distance between the eyebrows.
  2. 2/3 of the eyebrows should go up, and 1/3 should go down.
  3. The inner part of the eyebrow should be wider than the outer part.
  4. The lower line of the eyebrow from the beginning to the curve should be very even.
  5. Wide, prestigious eyebrows are not suitable for many people; those with small facial features and thin lips will have to give up the idea.

I'm sure you don't understand! Tattoo artists and stylists agree that the shape of the eyebrow should follow the outline of the upper lip.

Main types

Permanent eyebrow makeup can be done in several ways. The most general classification involves dividing the procedure into two areas:

  • Shading.
  • Hair technique.

Each of the above trends also includes several additional techniques that have their own specific features.

Table 1. Types of eyebrow hair tattooing

PeculiaritiesDrawing hairs of different lengths and widths at different angles, taking into account the natural features of the face.Drawing standard hairs with the same characteristics.

If necessary, the patient can choose any method suitable for himself, after consulting with a specialist. During the procedure, it is possible to perform sketches using several techniques at once.

Table 2. Types of eyebrow tattooing using shading technique

ViewShotMixed typeSoft type
PeculiaritiesCreating a clear outline and coloring the skin inside itThis involves drawing a small amount of hair and creating a soft background along the entire eyebrow.Creating a blurred background along the entire eyebrow to give it a well-groomed and more vibrant appearance.

In addition to reproducing standard techniques, many artists also practice temporary eyebrow tattooing based on plant coloring pigments (for example, henna). This method can be used for shading; it makes the eyebrows more well-groomed and healthy, but it does not last long, no more than one month.

What are the types of permanent eyebrow makeup?

Today, masters can offer you several techniques for performing permanent eyebrow tattooing, which differ fundamentally in the manner of execution and in the final result.

Hair technique

This technique consists of applying individual short lines to the skin under the eyebrow hairs that imitate hairs, and is performed using a hardware method. In this way, you can adjust the thickness of your eyebrows, and at the same time they will look very natural.


Microblading is the same hair method of permanent tattooing, but done manually with a special tool. This method requires special clarity and precision of movements from the master. A mistake made by a master can have a lot of consequences, which will not only spoil the appearance, but also lead to inflammatory processes.

High-quality microblading will delight you with a natural-looking eyebrows and will hide a lot of imperfections.


Using soft shading, a soft, blurred shadow base , which gives the eyebrows volume and rich shade, while maintaining a soft natural arch line.

Powder spraying

Powder brows are created by spraying pigment into a clearly defined area of ​​the brow . First, draw a clear outline, and then shade the middle. Sometimes gradient shading is done, additionally creating the necessary accents to correct the shape of the eyebrow.

Combined technique

Very often, masters combine two techniques to obtain additional volume and richness. The most popular combination is the hair technique and powder spraying.

Main stages of the procedure

Many people are interested in the question of how eyebrow tattooing is done? Experts warn that preparation for the procedure should begin about a week before it takes place. It is recommended to refuse to attend peelings and facial cleansing, if possible, stop taking medications that thin the blood, and avoid alcoholic beverages.

At the first stage, the specialist selects a new shape and color of the eyebrows, based on the characteristics of the patient’s face and his wishes. The rough versions are drawn using an eyeliner; the client’s task is to evaluate the artist’s work and decide which option he likes best. At the same time, excess hairs that do not fit into the developed concept can be removed.

To prevent the patient from experiencing too much pain during skin punctures, it is customary to use a local anesthetic cream. It starts working within 10 – 15 minutes. The deeper the composition is introduced, the higher the chance that you will have to endure a little pain.

The tattoo is drawn in accordance with the chosen technique. The master selects paints, demonstrates to the client the sterility of the needle used (the package must be opened directly in front of the patient) and introduces the pigment to a depth of 1.5 millimeters. On average, completing all manipulations takes no more than 2 hours.

Video: how to tattoo eyebrows

Answers to frequently asked questions

  • How long the coloring pigment will last depends on the type of epidermis and proper care. A certain number of women decide to undergo correction after the first month, but most women return for a second visit to the specialist only after 1 or even 2 years.
  • The procedure for removing permanent eyebrow skin or performing its correction can be carried out in every professional beauty salon.
  • The cost of the procedure includes the cost of coloring pigments, makeup artist services, and also takes into account the level of complexity of the work performed.
  • Manipulating the correction of such makeup will cost you less than the procedure for applying a new contour.
  • Before the session, there is no need to shave the natural eyebrow hairs, as they do not interfere with the procedure.
  • The steps of plucking and tinting your eyebrows will make choosing a specific design much easier, but they should be done a few days before your scheduled session.
  • Damage to the follicles of natural eyebrow hairs is excluded, since they are located in the deep layers of the epidermis, which remain untouched during permanent treatment. For information: a needle with pigment penetrates the skin only tenths of a millimeter.
  • For 2 years, coloring pigments will retain their original brightness and saturation, after which minor color correction may be required.
  • In areas where there is no natural growth of eyebrow hairs, it is possible to imitate their natural growth using the “hair” technique. As a rule, this technique is used in cases of short eyebrow arches and baldness in their border zone. This kind of makeup can also be performed in the complete absence of natural hair in the eyebrow area, although it will be very difficult to achieve a natural appearance. As with correction using a cosmetic pencil, so with permanent correction, you can achieve drawing of any details.
  • The procedure for permanent eyebrows is considered the simplest and least painless, unlike lip or eye tattooing. It can be performed without the use of anesthetic compounds.
  • The qualifications of a master are determined by the presence of special certificates, permits, work experience, and the number of positive reviews (including on the Internet).
  • Sometimes (in very rare cases) the patient’s skin may not perceive coloring pigments well. To identify this, you need to ask a specialist to conduct a preliminary test on another area of ​​the skin.
  • Find out in advance what coloring pigments your artist will use, and be sure to read reviews about them.
  • No one is immune from receiving a poor-quality result after a procedure, so be sure to ask for receipts or, for example, a service agreement, which will indicate your name, residence address, as well as the details of the salon/clinic specialist who performed the procedure. Having such supporting documents in hand, you will be able to file a complaint with the court for the recovery of material and moral compensation, as well as with other authorities to resolve the issue of banning the person who carried out the procedure from engaging in such activities.

Consequences of eyebrow tattooing

When carrying out a cosmetic procedure, most patients focus exclusively on a positive result. Unfortunately, quite often permanent eyebrow makeup is accompanied by a number of unpleasant side effects and sometimes complications. After studying reviews from real clients, you can draw up an approximate diagram of the body’s reaction to violation of the integrity of the skin and the introduction of pigment:

  • Local redness (first hours).
  • Formation of swelling (by the end of the first day).
  • The appearance of crusts (approximately on the second day, persists for about a week).

The listed side effects are considered to be normal. However, in some cases, after eyebrow tattooing, the consequences can be much more serious. Thus, there are situations when an infection penetrates into microscopic wounds from punctures, provoking the development of inflammatory processes. As a rule, such a complication is caused by neglect of the recommendations of the rehabilitation period, as well as violation of safety precautions during the procedure itself.

Unfortunately, mistakes made by cosmetologists happen quite often. Reviews from patients confirm that often the final results of tattooing are very far from expected. Eyebrows are not only of the wrong shape, but also of width, thickness and even brightness. In addition, the work of individual artists looks asymmetrical, and the low-quality color pigments used may change shade over time.

Proper eyebrow care

Despite the fact that the tattoo is not a tattoo, it must be taken care of in the first weeks after the intervention, otherwise its appearance may change for the worse.

Immediately after the procedure

Swelling and redness of tissues is a normal reaction to tissue damage. You may experience some discomfort after the anesthesia wears off. The blood released to the surface forms crusts that protect the skin from mechanical injuries and temperature changes. Healing underneath occurs naturally.

A few days later

In the first week, it may seem that the color of the pigment is too bright, but as the skin gets used to the new condition, it will change. At this stage, inflammation and an allergic reaction are possible.

After complete healing

Normally, swelling, redness and crusts disappear within 2 weeks. The final correction is carried out a month after the first procedure. The technician must check the result of the work to schedule a follow-up visit. He will correct the contour, fill in the existing gaps, and achieve the desired tone in different areas.

What not to do

You should not touch your eyebrows until they have healed completely: rub with a washcloth, paint, scratch. For a week, the application site must not be wiped with any liquids other than alcohol-free disinfectants. You should not visit the sauna or gym, because... sweat eats away damaged tissue.

Fresh permanent makeup should be protected from direct sunlight and frost to avoid burns and complications.

Rules for the rehabilitation period

Proper eyebrow care after tattooing provides half the success in the pursuit of beauty. As a rule, rehabilitation takes no more than 7–9 days. At this time, you should avoid visiting baths, saunas, and steam rooms. It is also strictly not recommended to sunbathe in a solarium or in direct sunlight, use decorative cosmetics, scrubs, etc.

However, caring for eyebrows after tattooing involves not only observing certain restrictions; it is extremely important to take into account all the recommendations of a specialist. Thus, the treated area should be regularly moistened with an antiseptic composition, and after the formation of a crust, moisturize and nourish with creams that promote skin regeneration.

Post-procedure care

In the first hours and days after the manipulation, it is necessary to properly care for the eyebrow area in order to prevent the occurrence of unpleasant consequences and inflammatory reactions.

Follow these guidelines:

  1. During the first day after the procedure, you should lubricate the eyebrow area with a thick layer of a special cream that contains panthenol or streptocidal ointment.
  2. Three times a day, it is necessary to wash this area with a special soap solution to remove any remaining protruding lymph. Approximately on the third day after the session, crusts may form in the eyebrow area, which are strictly forbidden to be picked off! At the right time, they will disappear on their own and without your participation! If you perform proper care and follow all recommendations, crusts may not appear.
  3. You must constantly moisturize this area of ​​the face and prevent it from drying out and tightening the skin. For the first 3 days after the procedure, it is not recommended to wet the eyebrows with water, and also to apply decorative cosmetics to the face, which can bring bacteria onto damaged skin that can cause a severe inflammatory reaction.


Permanent eyebrow makeup belongs to the category of rather complex procedures, the implementation of which is necessarily regulated by a number of restrictions. Contraindications usually include the following:

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • the first two months after birth;
  • menstruation;
  • chronic diseases of internal organs in the acute stage (pathology of the cardiovascular system requires special attention);
  • oncology;
  • diabetes;
  • AIDS;
  • hepatitis;
  • increased body temperature;
  • colds accompanied by general malaise;
  • increased sensitivity of the skin, manifested in a tendency to form colloidal scars;
  • allergies or individual intolerance to the components that make up the coloring pigments;
  • high blood pressure.

In some cases, you can find reviews from cosmetologists that tattooing should not be done if the skin is excessively wrinkled or oily. In these cases, it will look unaesthetic or not last too long.

Pros and cons of technology

Permanent eyebrow makeup performed by an experienced stylist allows you to avoid wasting time every day creating your eyebrow line. It is not always possible to create a beautiful eyebrow design on your own and choose a natural shade for them.

With the help of professional tattooing, a woman can make her eyes more expressive and look attractive in any situation. Unlike decorative cosmetics, permanent makeup does not have to be washed off and reapplied every day, and touched up throughout the day. It will not fade in the sun and be washed off with water.

However, to obtain the desired shape of beautiful eyebrows, you need not only to pay for such a cosmetic procedure, but also to be patient. Immediately after tattooing the following may appear:

  • swelling;
  • redness;
  • crusts.

One procedure cannot be done. It will take at least a week to restore the damaged skin, for which special procedures and skin care should be carried out so that the pigment does not come out and is washed off. After healing, you will need to get a tattoo again, which will eliminate possible shortcomings in the eyebrow design.

It should also be taken into account that if improper care is taken in the first weeks, you can not only ruin the created eyebrow pattern, but also harm your health. A small wound can, in the absence of regular sanitation, turn into a source of inflammation. Such complications also often occur when tattooing is performed by an inexperienced artist.

All this should be taken into account when deciding on eyebrow correction. This is an expensive cosmetic procedure that requires the use of certified pigments, modern equipment and the work of an experienced stylist who has completed courses and has good practice.

Photos before and after

Photos before and after No. 1

Photos before and after No. 2

Photos before and after No. 3

Photos before and after No. 4

Rules for working with pigments

Range of pigments for tattooing

So, pigments. A tradesman would call them paints and would be partly right. Pigments consist of two parts - a coloring agent and a solvent. The latter can be alcohol, glycerin or sorbitol.

BioTouch pigments

If you are a beginner, keep in mind that glycerin pigments have a denser color. But hydroalcoholic ones lose their original brightness over time.

Coloring pigments can be organic mixed and mineral.

Let me give you an example of using different pigment colors in your work:

ColorSummary and tips
Blak (dark)
  • For the arrow, interciliary zone.
  • To eliminate the possibility of getting a blue undertone, it is recommended to add Burgundy, Red or Orange in an amount of 10% of the total volume.
Chocolate Brown
  • Use to create “black eyebrows” (types IV-VI according to Fitzpatrick).
  • To prevent blue discoloration, add Orange or Real red (10% volume).
  • For light lightening, Light Brown (less than one drop) is suitable.
Dark Brown
  • To achieve traditional dark brown eyebrows (Fitzpatrick types III-V).
Slightly lighter (MP) Chocolate Brown
  • Recommended for use on olive and black skin.
  • To eliminate blue tint, use Orange.
  • Allows you to get red eyebrows (types I-III according to Fitzpatrick).
  • To prevent redness in color, add Olive (10% of the total volume).
Light Brown (golden brown)
  • For light brown eyebrows (Fitzpatrick types I and II).
  • Suitable for Anglo-Saxon women.
  • To avoid the formation of a pinkish undertone, add Olive (10% of the total volume).
  • Highlight with Yellow or Taupe.
Taupe (taupe)
  • For light eyebrows (types I and II according to Fitzpatrick).
  • Suitable for blending on fair skin. Allows you to get a light brown color to correct pink eyebrows.
  • A lighter tone is obtained by adding Yellow.
Gray (grayish)
  • In its pure form it gives a rich grayish tint, suitable for tattooing grayish eyebrows.
  • When working with types I - II, it is recommended to add Beige or Taupe (1 drop).

Amiea Derma Safe range of pigments recommended for eyebrow tattooing

Separately, it is worth considering the rules for correcting a bad tattoo, the color of which has acquired a pink, blue or greenish tint:

  1. Very black color. An overcoat of Yellow color is suitable. It is not recommended to use White and Beige; there is a high possibility of getting contrasting snow-white spots.
  2. Grayish or blue color. Use orange color for preliminary shading.
  3. Pink color. The main color for the overlap is Taupe. With Beige you can eliminate small mistakes.

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Tattoo removal

How to remove eyebrow tattoo if the result disappoints you? There are several ways to correct unsuccessful permanent makeup:

  • Laser. Gradually evaporates the surface layers of the dermis and destroys pigment to a depth of 5 mm, this is the most effective way.
  • Color correction. Designed to solve simple errors, fill gaps in lines, etc.
  • Tattoo Remover. A special chemical composition applied over the design that neutralizes the effect of the pigment. Requires regular use and does not immediately produce positive results.

How much does permanent makeup cost?

It is difficult to pinpoint the price of eyebrow tattooing. In different beauty salons it is different, which affects:

  • execution technique;
  • the amount of dye used;
  • professionalism of the performer;
  • prestige of the salon;
  • cost of analgesic drug;
  • region.

On average, the price tag for hair-type eyebrow tattooing or using the microblading technique will range from 3 to 6.5 thousand rubles. Correction will cost 2 times less. Powder technology is much more expensive - 8-15 thousand rubles.

Positive and negative sides

Advantages and disadvantages of eyebrow tattooing


There is an excellent chance to correct eyebrow imperfections, and thereby make your appearance more attractive.

The color lasts for 5 years.

You don't need to dye your eyebrows all the time.

Tattooing does not require special care.

The presence of natural components in the coloring matter. They do not harm skin cells (except in cases where the patient cannot tolerate the substances contained in the paint for health reasons).


The procedure is not cheap (from 100 to 200 dollars)

Pain in a patient undergoing tattooing (this depends on the threshold of sensitivity and how professional the artist is).

Since the needle damages the skin, negative consequences are possible: the skin turns red, swelling, itching appears, and scars may appear.

Formation of hematomas (when the patient has increased bleeding of the skin and fragile blood vessels).

It turns out that eyebrow tattooing has both its advantages (and there are more of them) and disadvantages. If you analyze all of them separately, you can make the right decision: is it necessary to visit the salon, or is it not worth doing?

Execution techniques

Currently, clinics and salons use various makeup techniques. These techniques include the following:

  • Voloskovaya . This technique involves drawing each hair, simulating natural eyebrow hairs, which visually creates volume and thickness, and the eyebrows look like real ones. This technique is used when a woman has sparse eyebrows, light and barely noticeable. As a rule, after such a procedure, eyebrows no longer require any additional makeup.
  • Soft shading technique . This procedure is often called the powder effect. It is used when eyebrows are thin, sparse, and need to be added volume. A tattoo needle does not give the eyebrows a clearly defined shape; they have soft boundaries. The shading is applied as a solid line. Thanks to this, the eyebrows look very natural.

Hair method

Hair makeup technique is performed in two ways:

  • European . With this method, the hairs will be the same size and directed strictly in one direction. This method is also called “hair to hair”.
  • Eastern . With this method, hairs of different lengths are used, they are intertwined in different directions. Additionally, soft shading is also used here. Eyebrows made using this technique have a natural look and are suitable for any woman. However, this procedure requires painstaking work.

To recreate truly high-quality hair makeup, a specialist will need a lot of experience. You need to skillfully draw each hair so that the eyebrows look natural even close up, and you also need to choose the necessary paint.

Using this tattooing technique, you can add thickness to even the sparse eyebrows , as well as draw on eyebrows if they are completely absent. The technique also allows you to change the bend, shape, make asymmetrical eyebrows the same, disguise all existing scars on the skin, imitate hairs on the temples and along the hairline.

Before starting the procedure, an experienced master must discuss all the nuances with the client: choose the shape of the eyebrows, shade, draw a sketch on paper. After this, the face is cleaned and disinfected, and the eyebrow lines on the face are marked. If a person likes everything, then the master can start tattooing. In this case, a special anesthetic solution is applied to the skin, microscopic punctures are made with a needle to a depth of 0.8 to 1.5 mm, drawing individual hairs. As a rule, the average duration of such a procedure is about 1 hour.

Shading method

This method of procedure is used for very sparse eyebrows, when natural hairs are practically absent. The eyebrows look as if they were lined with shadows or a contour pencil. This technique can emphasize the natural shape. Shadow shading is applied to the hairs with a special machine, making the eyebrows more expressive and clear. Caring for such eyebrows after the procedure is very simple: you just need to pluck the hairs that grow beyond the boundaries of this contour.

  • Makeup for blondes . An experienced specialist must choose a shade that will be in harmony with the color type of a woman’s appearance. A well-chosen shade of pigment will make the face more expressive and bright. Blondes are not recommended to have conspicuous eyebrows of a rich dark color. This will only betray them into vulgarity. For fair-haired ladies, it is best to use red-brown, olive-gray, beige-brown and light gray shades for makeup. It is also necessary to take into account that the color will become a little lighter after 3 weeks, so the paint should be chosen a little darker than the desired tone. For blondes, choose a shade 2-3 shades darker than your hair color.
  • Makeup for brunettes . For brunettes, choose dark brown tones for warm hair color or dark gray tones for cool hair color. Black color is not used in makeup, as it gives a blue effect when refracted. As a rule, for brunettes the shade is selected 2-3 shades lighter than their hair color. If the natural hair color was light, and the real girl dyed her hair brunette or brown-haired, then the shade of the eyebrows should be matched to the acquired hair color.

Latest technology

Currently, 3D permanent makeup has gained particular popularity. This technique is relatively new. It involves both shading and drawing of hairs. Thanks to this, you can create a voluminous eyebrow pattern, even if there are none. The procedure is quite expensive, but it has a number of advantages.

Firstly, 3D makeup looks very natural. Only by touching the eyebrow, you can understand that this is just a tattoo. Secondly, this makeup technique allows you to draw every detail. For this procedure, more than 3 shades of pigments are used, thanks to which you can experiment with the length and thickness of the drawn hairs.

Where can I do it?

The tattooing procedure is taught quickly, so there are a lot of masters in this field. Before you decide to correct your eyebrows, you need to carefully choose a specialist. Many people work from home. Others provide this service in specialized salons or clinics. When choosing, pay attention not to the place, but to the experience of the person you trust with your face, look at examples of his work. Popular places in Moscow where most clients go are:

  • DeltaClinic;
  • Good Hands;
  • Mywaytattoo;
  • Style-salon.
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