How to highlight cheekbones: rules for applying cosmetics, advice from makeup artists, photos

Nowadays, a girl can significantly change her face, as makeup truly works wonders. Recently, sculpting has become especially popular, in other words, contouring or “emphasizing” certain points of the face. Girls especially love to darken their cheekbones, thereby removing chubby cheeks and making their face more expressive.

A huge number of brands provide a wide selection of different cosmetics. A large number of cosmetics are produced with which you can truly and beautifully highlight your cheekbones. This article will tell you how to highlight your cheekbones with makeup.


For girls with a square face, the sculpting product should be applied to the side areas of the forehead. This trick will help make your face narrower. Don’t forget to properly highlight your cheekbones with makeup; blend them thoroughly, moving from your earlobes to the middle of your cheeks. For girls with a square face, highlighter is applied to the area under the eyes (a little closer to the nose) and to the middle of the chin.

Correction of cheekbones using makeup for any face shape

There is a standard scheme that is suitable for any face shape (it is described above). But every professional makeup artist has his own secrets on how to highlight cheekbones, taking into account the shape of your face.

Triangular face

Oblong face

Round face

Square face

Important tips for girls

We bring to your attention all the most basic nuances that will help you create the ideal complexion tone, lighten and darken it in the places where it is needed.

  1. Remember to use matte textures for sculpting. This is especially true for highlighting the cheekbones. Everything that requires darkening is done with matte products. For those areas that need to be brightened, various shining products are usually used. Simply put, your highlighter should shine.
  2. A regular cosmetic sponge will help you achieve perfect blending of the product. Shading with a sponge is done with soft circular movements. For an amazing effect, try moistening the sponge a little with plain water or using a moisturizer: this will give you a more even coverage.
  3. Everything in makeup should be set with regular powder. Choose the best one for yourself. After finishing your makeup, be sure to set the tone and cosmetics on your face with powder. This will make your makeup last longer and help get rid of all the excess contouring.
  4. To find out which shade of contouring product is right for you, lightly press on your cheek with your finger. In the resulting hole you will see the color of your face's natural shadow. This is exactly what a contouring product should be in your everyday makeup bag.

Choosing a corrective composition

You need to select a corrector for each girl individually. Just because a particular remedy works for someone doesn’t mean it will necessarily work for you.

First of all, pay attention to your skin type. This is one of the most important criteria for determining the appropriate texture of the product. If in the areas that will be corrected the skin is not smooth, there are inflamed areas, acne marks or fresh rashes, then this is the case when dry corrective compositions are ideal. Wax products will not lie smoothly on raised areas and can only emphasize the presence of imperfections. Therefore, give preference to dry textures, apply them on top of powder, with light movements, when the makeup is already completed. Fat correction is more suitable for processing before photo or video shooting.

Dry corrective products are the best option if your skin is prone to oily skin, it is shiny and has enlarged pores that will only absorb liquid formulations. If you have a dry skin type, then you need to choose concealers with an oily soft texture.

Before applying decorative cosmetics

You should know that before any makeup you need to thoroughly prepare, cleanse and moisturize your skin. This will not only enhance the durability of makeup and prepare the skin for the use of all decorative cosmetics, but will also make the surface and tone more uniform.

You can wipe your face, for example, with an alcohol-free toner. After waiting a little, apply a moisturizer to the skin: it will help achieve a more even coverage and get rid of flaking and unpleasant dryness. Without these preliminary manipulations, your face will be covered with a layer of plaster. This looks pretty ridiculous.

Nowadays, there are many different facial primers with different textures and purposes. Basically, they serve as a kind of base for makeup, play the role of a barrier between the skin and cosmetics, and enhance the durability of all makeup as a whole. There are mattifying primers that rid the face of unwanted shine throughout the day, and products that illuminate the skin from the inside. We advise you to pay attention to the choice of makeup base, because such products have a number of advantages.

Also, do not forget that you need to apply make-up and decorative cosmetics to your face in the right lighting. Your makeup may look different in daylight than in artificial light. Ideally, it is best to place a mirror on the windowsill and paint in that light. This way you can fully understand how your daytime makeup will look on the street.

Evening make-up requires a sequence of actions

  1. First, the brow ridges and the periorbital area are shaped. Apply a light shade of concealer to the skin in this area.
  2. The sides of the nose, the temple area, and the jawline are covered with a dark corrector.
  3. Shading the makeup contours is done with slow, smooth movements of the sponge. Start with light lines.
  4. The sculpting effect is secured with transparent mattifying powder.
  5. Nude blush is used as a finishing layer.

Highlighter will help older women hide expression wrinkles in the corners of the mouth and eyes, and reduce deep wrinkles on the forehead

Cosmetics for highlighting cheekbones

There are an impressive number of means with which you can highlight your cheekbones. Usually they are emphasized with the help of dark correctors of various textures: there are dry correctors and creamy, softer ones. A natural shadow around the cheekbones works especially well when using bronzer; it gives the face a slight glowing tan. Girls often use blush, eye shadow and other cosmetics for this purpose.

Dry and oily contouring

There are two main ways to contour your face. This is face sculpting with dry or oily correctors:

  1. Dry corrector is a facial correction product that helps narrow the cheekbones, nose, and reduce the forehead or chin area. It does not have a pronounced effect, unlike fatty products. Dry correctors are suitable for contouring during the day or for creating light evening make-up.

  2. Fat correctors are means for creating a dense tone. Therefore, they are not suitable for everyday makeup. In addition, they are immediately noticeable on the face during the day, especially in bright sunlight. This correction is intended for creating an evening make-up or for photo shoots and video shooting.

Specialized proofreaders

This is the most popular way to highlight cheekbones not only among experienced makeup artists, but also among girls who do their own makeup. Concealers come in different textures and colors. To choose the color that suits you best, press your finger onto your cheek. A natural shadow will appear in the dimple: approximately this color should be your contouring product.

How to properly highlight cheekbones using such a corrector? It's actually not difficult. First, you should know something important: concealers come in cream and dry types. The first ones should be applied over foundation, but under no circumstances over powder. Dry products need to be handled differently. Professional makeup artists advise applying them to already powdered facial skin. Here is the sequence in which we highlight the cheekbones with a corrector:

  1. The cream corrector is applied over the foundation. This is best done with a round brush, making soft, driving movements. If you want to do full facial contouring, apply it to areas that require natural darkening: the temples, hairline, under the cheekbones, and the wings of the nose. By the way, girls nowadays like to highlight their nose with the help of makeup and various correctors to make it more pronounced.
  2. All the boundaries of the corrector need to be carefully shaded, then examine your face from all sides and make sure that everything is done efficiently, there are no boundaries anywhere.

Highlighting your cheekbones with a concealer is quite easy. It is not such an obvious type of correction, but it noticeably highlights the cheekbones, making the face thinner and more expressive.

Features of highlighting

Often, when tone has already been applied to the face and light and shade has been created using contouring, it looks too matte, it lacks the colors of life and natural healthy volume. Lightly highlighting just a few areas on the face can instantly refresh the makeup, making it harmonious and natural.

If we talk about how fashionable it is, then the use of highlighter has been relevant for many seasons in a row. If you pay attention to fashion shows and photos of models, you will notice that sometimes makeup artists apply highlighter to the entire face. For everyday life, this option is too radical, and under no circumstances should it be used.

Remember that you should never use highlighter to highlight areas that you usually hide. For example, if you have a diamond-shaped face, then highlighting the upper cheekbones will only make the situation worse.

Highlighter can be applied:

  • pointwise to the bridge of the nose;
  • from above to the area of ​​the upper lip;
  • in moderate quantities to the center of the chin.

For high-quality makeup, you need to choose the right highlighter. If you have an oily skin type, but want to naturally highlight your face, choose a good dry or crumbly composition.

For useful tips on applying highlighter, watch the video:

Using concealer for sculpting

Another way to highlight your cheekbones? It turns out that this can be done with concealer. Sometimes girls confuse it with a corrector. Remember that there is a huge difference between these two similar products.

You know that concealer is needed mainly to disguise various defects. But a concealer with a dark shade can also be used to highlight cheekbones. Just apply it the same way you would apply a special concealer: just below your cheekbones. And don’t forget about the main point in makeup - correct and competent shading! It's best to do this with your fingers or a sponge.

Try mixing concealer with moisturizer for a more natural look once applied to your face.

We highlight the cheekbones with concealer just below the cheekbones with a wide brush. We draw a line from the earlobe to the corners of the lips, not reaching them a little. After applying all the decorative cosmetics to your face, do not forget to blend it thoroughly.

What problems does black-and-white correction of the facial zone solve?

  • giving the appearance expressiveness;
  • creating contrasting accents;
  • change in the contours of the chin, cheekbones, nose;
  • masking anatomical defects and aesthetic errors;
  • visual rejuvenation and refreshment of the image.

Make-up using sculpting products is suitable for all girls without exception. It is appropriate for everyday life, business style, and evening trends. There are no age restrictions on heavy multi-layer makeup.

Both young girls and mature women use means of visual and aesthetic correction of appearance with equal success. A facial sculptor is not a specific cosmetic product, but a set of techniques, methods and tools for changing appearance. It can be described as an everyday analogue of theatrical or cinematic makeup.

How to highlight cheekbones with blush

Blush is an ideal product for those who want to make their face not only more expressive and thin, but also fresh and youthful. To create cheekbones, you need to take blush in two shades: light and dark. For such purposes, the following color scheme is good: not very bright red and fresh pink. How to apply blush on your cheekbones to highlight them without going overboard? Firstly, to correct cheekbones with blush, it is best to take a brush with beveled edges.

  1. To apply blush, you need to choose it a little darker than your natural skin color, so you will get the most natural result.
  2. To understand where to apply blush and how brightly, stand in front of the mirror and smile broadly. If with this action your cheekbones are clearly and clearly visible, remember that you should not highlight them with blush too brightly.
  3. The most convex area of ​​the cheek should be covered with pearlescent blush or highlighter.
  4. The light color of blush should be applied to the apples of the cheeks and carefully blended towards the temples.
  5. A dark shade should be applied below the cheekbones and shaded towards the extreme corners of the lips.
  6. After this, thoroughly blend the border between the two colors. Remember that almost everything in your makeup depends on shading.
  7. Loose blush is applied with an angled brush.

The undoubted advantage of this method: the face looks thinner, the cheekbones are quite noticeably emphasized, the appearance is fresher and more youthful. Of course, there is no shadow effect created here, as when using dark shades of correctors. This must be taken into account in advance.

Remove unnecessary

Costs: from 45,000 rub.

One of the most popular ways to create ideal cheekbones is to remove Bisha's lumps (fat formations that are located under the skin below the cheekbone and form the so-called “fat body” of the cheek). The procedure lasts only 20–30 minutes. It is often performed simultaneously with liposuction of the cheeks and lower part of the chin - in this case, the face turns out to be more harmonious and proportional. You will see the effect after three to five days, when the swelling has completely subsided and everything has healed. The resulting result will be very durable - lumps will no longer appear. Even if you suddenly gain weight, you will simply have subcutaneous fat, which will go away after losing weight. It would seem that there are continuous advantages. But be prepared for the fact that as you age, your face may slip and sag, since you no longer have the necessary “support.”

By the way, they say that removing Bisha’s lumps is very popular among stars. It is believed that Megan Fox (30), Taylor Swift (27) and Natalie Portman (35) .

Megan Fox 2004/2016

Taylor Swift 2006/2016

Natalie Portman 2001/2017

Bronzer to create a tan effect

How to highlight your cheekbones in order to achieve not only a thin face, but also get rid of signs of fatigue on it? In this case, you will need bronzer.

When using this cosmetic product, you get a more natural and natural shadow effect on the cheekbones, highlight your face, make it more rested and sculpted. For best results, we advise you to use a soft brush made of natural material. We offer some tips from professional makeup artists:

  1. The bronzer should be one or two shades darker than your natural skin color to avoid a mask effect on your face.
  2. Bronzer is applied from the area under the cheekbones, closer to the earlobes, and gradually moves to the corners of the mouth. Don't apply the bronzer directly to them; stop a short distance from your lips.
  3. Blend thoroughly, making sure that there are no clear boundaries left on your face.
  4. Bronzer is also applied to parts of the face that are most quickly exposed to ultraviolet rays. Where a natural tan should appear, add a little of this product. Usually this is the forehead along the hairline, temples and nose, which can also be slightly adjusted with makeup.
  5. If you are using a creamy bronzer, feel free to apply it with your fingertips. Make tapping movements, soft and driving.

Types of brushes for sculpting makeup

  • semicircular flat, designed for uniform application of cosmetics;
  • with a beveled cut, used for point modeling of the wings of the nose and cheekbones;
  • dome-shaped, well distributing powder and other powdery compositions, effectively smoothing out transitions;
  • with a heel-shaped working part, used to treat large areas of the face - forehead, chin, cheekbones;
  • sponge - a pillow-shaped brush with a pointed end, used for applying corrective cosmetics and shading.

It is important to create your own color palette, ideally suited to the natural color type of appearance. Cosmetics with reflective inclusions look incredibly impressive. They allow you to create current and fashionable makeup.

How to choose contouring products based on your skin type

Those who are just starting to use contouring are interested in which contouring is better - powder or cream. Powder products, as noted above, are easier to shade, while cream products create a denser coverage. But this is not the only thing you need to be guided by when choosing proofreaders. Be sure to take into account your skin type.

For oily skin, choose dry contouring. Such sculpting products are available in loose or compressed versions. They mask oily shine and last longer as they literally get into the pores. It is important to choose a highlighter without shimmer, matte or satin, as glitter looks like greasy glitter. The shade must be matched to your skin tone.

Dry facial contouring products come in different colors:

  • golden;
  • transparent (with shimmer);
  • whitish;
  • pink;
  • colored.

Note! For owners of fair skin, contours of a cold range are suitable, for those with dark and tanned skin - golden ones.

Cream contour products have moisturizing properties. Cosmetics with a light texture do not highlight flaking, while dense cream products, on the contrary, highlight them.

It is recommended to choose a contour with caring components - oils and vitamins. They are mostly intended for those with dry skin, but there are products with a matte finish that can be applied to oily skin.

Important! Makeup contouring using cream correctors begins with the eyes and eyebrows, so that crumbling mascara or shadows do not spoil the coating.

Pay special attention to shading

Make sure that the shading of all products applied to the face is thorough; no clear lines should remain. Whatever you apply, blend the line first along the edges into a light haze, and then the line itself in the middle.

It is important that the pigment in the center of the line is brighter than at its edges. This way you will correctly place the light and shadow accents.

What is needed for this

Facial contouring lessons will be effective only if you have special cosmetics. So, to start doing makeup, you will need:

The basis

This could be foundation or BB cream. Without this, it is impossible to start any make-up. It is important that the tone matches your skin color. Too yellow, too white or too dark a shade can ruin the whole composition. Choose the foundation that you are most comfortable using. It should match not only the color scheme, but also the type of dermis. Recommended foundations:


Since contouring is a play of light and shadow, you will need bronzers, highlighters and correctors. For convenience, they are collected in special sets. They can be dry or creamy. We will tell you how to choose them in the next paragraph.


You can apply the product either with brushes or with a beauty blender. There should be several types of brushes in your arsenal. We will also talk about them below.

All necessary tools and makeup products can be purchased in the online store The assortment of the First Moscow Customs Goods Store includes a wide variety of beauty products at attractive prices. Hurry up, go to the catalog, you are guaranteed to find something suitable for yourself.

Rating of the best facial sculptors

The contouring procedure requires the availability of high-quality means of aesthetic correction of appearance. The modern beauty industry offers a wide range of cosmetic products.

Top 5 best facial sculptors

  1. Travel Contour Kit Smashbox - Powder. Sculpting kit, which is a powdery mixture of 3 shades: neutral, cool, warm. The compact palette fits easily into a woman's purse. The only negative is the lack of a brush in the kit. Cost 1600 rubles
  2. NYX Cream Pro - Cream. A palette of highlighters and quick contouring products. The cosmetic product combines matte and sparkling textures. The former eliminates oily shine, the latter creates an expressive accent. The set is designed for evening makeup. Cost 1550 rubles
  3. Lumene Instant Glow Bronzer - Liquid. The product is easily absorbed into the skin of the face, darkening it naturally. Cleanses the epidermis and has an antibacterial effect. Cost 900 rubles
  4. Soda Stik - Viscous substance. Gives the skin a bright radiance and healthy glow. Contains microscopic sparkling inclusions. The product is intended for holiday makeup. Cost 500 rubles
  5. Wonder Stick, NYX Professional Makeup - Thick cream. Universal stick with a light cream shaft. Suitable for lightening dark skin and bronzing milky white skin. It can be used to draw fine lines accurately. Cost 900 rubles

With any of these means or their analogues, fashionistas transform facial features beyond recognition, hide aesthetic flaws and anatomical errors of the skin.

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