What is better: tattooing or microblading of eyebrows and how do they differ?

Issues discussed in the material:

  • What is the essence of the permanent eyebrow tattoo method?
  • How is eyebrow microblading performed?
  • What is the difference between microblading and eyebrow tattooing?
  • Which eyebrows last longer: after microblading or tattooing?
  • What are the contraindications for both procedures?

If you want to change your appearance and are wondering how microblading differs from eyebrow tattooing, our article will help you understand this not so simple (as it might seem at first glance) matter. Permanent makeup imposes a number of limitations, like any complex cosmetic procedure. But the beauty industry offers various options, so every woman who has decided to change her appearance will be able to choose the right solution for herself.

Who needs procedures

Eyebrow masters believe that microblading and tattooing have one thing in common: goals. They correct the same defects, so when choosing one of the services, girls begin to doubt.

Any mechanical trauma to the skin for cosmetic purposes, be it microblading or tattooing, must be carried out by an eyebrow specialist under sterile conditions.

Both procedures fix the problems:

Eyebrows have sparse or light hairs

Fuzzy eyebrow contour

Gaps among eyebrow hairs

Changing the shape of the eyebrows

  • Fuzzy contour of the eyebrows, the cause of which is a congenital individual defect or age, since with age the pigmentation of the face is disrupted, the contour of the eyebrows changes.
  • Sparse or light hairs. Blonde girls suffer from this problem; they have to tint their eyebrows every day with decorative cosmetics so that they are visible.
  • Gaps among hairs. This point follows from the previous one, since it is caused by sparse hairs. Bald spots in the eyebrows do not visually look neat, creating a disheveled effect, so this case also needs to be corrected.
  • The girl does not have enough hairs to form the correct eyebrow shape. With the help of high-quality microblading or tattooing services, you can supplement the number of hairs by painting them with pigment. Thus, you can change all the parameters: size, length, thickness, bend.

Girls can add to the list what they don’t like about the look of natural eyebrows without makeup.

The photo below shows the results of the procedures:

When is each method preferable?

It is necessary to choose one or another type of procedure based on the condition of the hairs, their color and the desired result.

Microblading is appropriate when it is necessary to radically change or correct the contours and outlines of the eyebrows .

It is worth noting! This method does not involve a sharp change in the base color, so it is recommended to obtain the most natural color.

Permanent makeup is not used for major changes in contour and color.

This procedure is aimed at color correction and alignment of hair outlines if you want to maintain the result for as long as possible.

What is microblading and what are its features?

Microblading is a completely manual procedure. The master works with a manipulative pen like a pencil. The needle in the manipulator is not single, but consists of many very thin blades. Hence the name of the microblading method - microblade.

With microblades, the master penetrates the skin by 0.1-0.8 mm, or 0.3-0.5 mm. Unlike the dot tattoo technique, which is aimed at filling the shape with color, microblading involves drawing the hair - filling out the eyebrows. The eyebrow master applies strokes of different lengths and directions to visualize the growth of individual hairs.

Microblading is less traumatic for the skin than tattooing. The recovery period is practically invisible to prying eyes.

You can see the result of microblading in the photo below:

Microblading is an alternative to tattooing, but has several differences:

  • The work is performed in the upper layers of the skin, unlike conventional tattooing - where the pigment is introduced into the inner layers of the skin.
  • The procedure is carried out using mineral pigments, the size of which is 1 micron (4 times smaller than the second method), this allows the color to quickly penetrate the skin.
  • Minimal damage to the skin due to careful handwork, as well as the small size of the pigment.


Tattooing: eyebrows turn out bright and often unnatural. The machine does not take into account the microrelief that a particular client’s brow arch has. But at the end of the procedure, the pigment is shaded, which smoothes out all the imperfections. Eyebrows become thick and expressive.

Microblading: eyebrows look natural and natural after the procedure. The master can draw strokes of any shape and in any direction, imitating natural hair growth. During the process, specialists often use rulers to ensure that the lines are straight. With microblading, the ink does not spread because it is placed exactly within the boundaries of the incisions. But shading is not done, so the eyebrows turn out less bright.

Advantages and disadvantages of microblading

In the cosmetology industry, the microblading technique is minimally traumatic. In addition, it has a number of advantages, because of which it is deservedly popular even with the most demanding girls:

  • No unpleasant or painful sensations during the procedure.
  • Microtraumas do not bleed, the healing period lasts a couple of days, and there are no side effects.
  • Maximum repetition of natural hairs, visual creation of natural lines.
  • The pigment is retained by the skin as much as possible.
  • Microblading can be removed without using a laser.
  • Hides facial imperfections - congenital or acquired during life. The master will be able to hide scars, hems, and large scratches with a mass of hairs if you ask him about this in advance before the procedure during its discussion.
  • If you are allergic to decorative cosmetics, you do not have to use them. The pigment itself used in the service has virtually no allergic reactions, since it contains only natural ingredients.
  • Possibility to change the type of eyebrows. The work of a master can change some factors: increase density by drawing small hairs, change shape (length, thickness), bend, location. At the same time, the change in characteristics does not affect the girl’s appearance, since the manual method is performed with small strokes that merge with the total mass of hairs.

There are still some disadvantages to the procedure, although they are few:

  • Price is the main disadvantage of microblading. One session can cost up to 20 thousand rubles, in contrast to the low price of tattooing. It is cheaper to use decorative cosmetics than to pay for the services of a specialist.
  • No long-term effect. Often the effect lasts for about six months, maximum - a year.
  • The skin is not stained. The result is the effect of combed, gel-shaped eyebrows without a shadow base.
  • Not ideal for fair-skinned girls due to the contrast of the drawn hairs and the pallor of the skin underneath.
  • The work depends only on the master, since the method involves manual work, unlike automatic methods. If you choose the wrong salon, there is a possibility of a bad result.

The selection of videos below also talks about the pros and cons of microblading:

Video review


A selection of videos about microblading: from the features of the procedure to its pros and cons.

Contraindications for microblading

The microblading procedure is contraindicated for you in the following cases:

  • for respiratory tract/mucous infections;
  • for diabetes, tuberculosis, skin cancer;
  • tendency to form scars, the presence of large moles;
  • papillomas on the face;
  • allergies to paint components;
  • presence of scars more than 1 mm deep.

An important limitation is the poor blood clotting rate. During and after microblading, blood will flow in the eyebrow area, which is difficult to stop because of this indicator. This interferes with the work of the master, and also disrupts the durability of the pigment, washing it out of the body ahead of time. Blood clotting can be improved by eliminating alcohol, energy drinks, coffee, or taking vitamins from the diet.

Where to do

We have discussed in some detail how eyebrow microblading differs from tattooing. One cannot fail to take into account such an important point as the choice of the master and the clinic itself. With tattooing, everything is much simpler, since this procedure is performed in many salons.

To find a good microblading artist, you need to read reviews about his work for a long time. When meeting a master, you should not only ask him how eyebrow microblading differs from tattooing, but also ask him to show his diploma or certificates. You should not trust this work to tattoo artists who also decided to start a similar business. The technique for applying tattoos and permanent makeup is very different. Tattoo artists who try to draw eyebrows in their usual way can disfigure the client’s face.

Those who understand this issue advise going to those craftsmen who work on German or Italian machines and use German pigments.

What is tattooing

Tattooing is a serious, crude technique of applying pigment, in which the work is done automatically using a special installation.

Tattooing is performed with a machine or a pen-handle that contains a hollow needle. Needles must be disposable. A hollow needle allows you to insert a coloring pigment under the skin. Regardless of the instrument used for tattooing, the needle penetrates the skin no more than 0.8-1 mm.

The initial rehabilitation period is about one week, by which time the skin has partially recovered. The final pigmentation color and shape of the eyebrow tattoo can be seen only 3-4 weeks after the day the pigment was applied.

Correction is necessary after 4 weeks, in case of partial depigmentation of the skin or fading of the dye.

The blades of the device deeply pierce the skin, introducing pigment into the lower layers of the epidermis, so the result lasts longer.

You can see the result of the tattoo in the photo below:

The peculiarity of tattooing is that there are several techniques, thanks to which each girl chooses the one that suits her:

Nanospraying or shadow technique

The hairs are not dyed, but the skin underneath is painted over with pigment to provide a background for them. Thanks to the technique, eyebrows look thicker.

Powder spraying

The entire eyebrow is painted over with solid pigment, the effect is similar to coloring eyebrows with shadows.

Watercolor method

The borders of the eyebrows are not painted over; only the inner area is painted with pigment. The master creates smooth transitions that look like real color shifts.

Pixel method

The device sprays the dye onto the skin, thereby preventing it from penetrating into the deep layers of the epidermis. The result is not similar to natural eyebrows, since the hairs are not drawn, but their entire area is painted over.

After the procedure, there are recommendations according to which it is forbidden to sunbathe, wet eyebrows with water, or tear off peeling skin. The skin is wiped with disinfectants several times a day. In addition, be sure to apply wound-healing ointments and creams.

Pros and cons of tattooing

Advantages of all types of tattooing:

  • Pigment stability and long-term preservation of the result.
  • No clogged pores, allergies to decorative cosmetics.
  • The lines are symmetrical and regular in shape.
  • Low price for the service compared to microblading.
  • A significant time saving on daily makeup; sometimes it’s enough to add lipstick to complete your daytime makeup.
  • Creates the perfect eyebrow contour for those who love clear lines.

Like any aggressive method of affecting the skin, traditional tattooing has a number of disadvantages:

  • The presence of pain during and after the procedure.
  • Long recovery period after injection of pigment under the skin: from a week to a month.
  • In the first days after the procedure, the result of mechanical trauma to the skin is noticeable to others.
  • The effect of permanently painted eyebrows.
  • Correction after a month, during which the master corrects the mistakes made and checks the quality of the work.
  • Coloring pigments can change the shade even to an unnatural one (red, green, blue) or suddenly turn pale.
  • The hardware application method is more traumatic and there is a risk of damage to the deeper layers of the skin. It is only possible to restore damage caused by mistake using a laser.

See also a video collection that talks about the pros and cons of tattooing:

Video review


A selection of videos that talk about the pros and cons of tattooing


What is the difference between eyebrow microblading and permanent makeup? The main thing is the naturalness of the result. Despite the fact that tattooing makes the image more complete, it is noticeable to the naked eye that the eyebrow is drawn on. With high-quality microblading, this can only be said upon careful examination at close range. But this moment is not critical for everyone. Girls who have bright facial features and are accustomed to noticeable makeup do not consider its visibility a disadvantage of tattooing.

At first after the procedure, clients can only judge the sensations. What is the difference between tattooing and eyebrow microblading? The reviews indicate a period of rehabilitation. After microblading, crusts and redness go away much faster, since a smaller area is injured. But those who have done tattooing before are often disappointed by the fact that the pigment is washed out very quickly after microblading.

Contraindications for tattooing

The technique involves indirect intervention in the human circulatory system. The master’s responsibility is to notify about contraindications to the procedure. If the master insists that there are no contraindications to the procedure and offers to carry it out immediately, we advise you to immediately refuse his services.

Tattooing is contraindicated:

  • persons under 18 years of age;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • for respiratory tract/mucous infections, within 5 days after infectious diseases;
  • the procedure is not compatible with taking hormonal medications, antibiotics, or during exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • for diabetes, tuberculosis, asthma;
  • with a tendency to form scars, the presence of large moles and papillomas;
  • AIDS;
  • if you are allergic to pigments;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • bleeding disorders and other blood diseases;
  • if there are scars on the skin more than 1 mm deep.

If the desire to achieve long-term beauty does not coincide with the body’s capabilities, then leading eyebrow experts advise not to risk your health and postpone the procedure until better times.

What is the difference between microblading and eyebrow tattooing?

The procedures have more similarities than differences, but they are also present:

  • The main difference is the depth of the skin puncture. Microblading is a gentle procedure in which the pigment is injected shallowly, so the recovery period is limited to a week. In tattooing it's the opposite.
  • The price is also a difference, since microblading costs up to 10 thousand rubles, and the maximum price for tattooing is 5 thousand.
  • The durability of the results varies between procedures. With proper care, tattooing can last up to several years due to the introduction of pigment into the deep layers of the skin. But because of this factor, it is difficult to remove it if necessary. Microblading loses its vibrant color after just a year.

In the photo below you can see the results of microblading and tattooing:

The main characteristics of the two methods are clearly shown in the table:

Painful sensationsLocal anesthetics are always used.It is possible to undergo the procedure without anesthesia, as pain is minimal.
Recovery period for microtraumasThe swelling subsides within a week, and the skin is completely restored within a month.Full recovery in a week.
Durability of the resultSome years.From six months to two years.
Pigment changeTurning red or blue, blurry lines.Lightens by 1-3 tones, without changing the color of the pigment.
Consequences of repeated proceduresLeaves dot marks on the skin.Not detected.
The need for correctionsIn a month, then in a year.Repeatedly – ​​after a month, further does not require correction until the date of depigmentation.
Deleting a resultLaser correction in several stages.Discoloration with solution.
ResultDensely filled with pigment, a well-defined eyebrow, powder-coated effect.Natural hairs.
Average price of a service from an eyebrow specialistFrom 1500 rublesFrom 4000 rubles


Tattooing: much more painful than microblading. The depth of the punctures here is four times greater, and the shading greatly irritates the skin. The degree of discomfort depends on the woman’s pain threshold. Often, before starting the procedure, local anesthesia is used in salons - gels and anesthetic sprays. The whole process lasts about two hours. If necessary, painkillers are applied several times.

Microblading: the procedure is easier to tolerate, since the skin is much less damaged. With the use of pain-relieving gels, clients usually stop feeling pain and experience only slight discomfort. The procedure also lasts about two hours.

Which is better: microblading or tattooing?

Often, due to ignorance of the nuances of the procedure, as well as in pursuit of longevity, women choose tattooing. Yes, this procedure gives a result that is twice as durable as microblading, and also costs less.

However, if you are getting a tattoo for the first time with a new artist, the post-effect of the procedure can harm the condition of your facial skin. The cost of eliminating such errors from the procedure can exceed its original cost by many times. In addition, even a laser does not always completely get rid of the color pigment introduced under the skin by the unfortunate eyebrow artist.


Below are some reviews. If you have something to say, leave your feedback in the comments below the article, it will be useful to our readers.

have always had expressionless, narrow eyebrows , and I chose permanent makeup as a way to make them more noticeable. The procedure did not help make the hairs more noticeable , and they still had to be tinted.

After the skin healed, I decided to do microblading , and I liked it better: my eyebrows became clear, bright and visually thicker.

I was very lucky with the master: there are no complaints about the quality on my part.”

Anna Shevich, Solnechnogorsk.

did microblading to form the correct hair contours on the advice of a friend. In
the first three months I was satisfied with the result , but then the color began to disappear, and after a year there was no trace left of the procedure . I was warned that this was possible because I have oily skin, and subsequently I chose another option - permanent makeup.

The result was also short-lived, although I liked the look of the hairs after this procedure more : they looked more natural.

But in general, permanent makeup is not for me, because I can’t afford to pay for such procedures every few months.”

Victoria Golikova, Snezhinsk.

What to choose?

Each girl must make the choice herself, based on her goals from the procedure, focusing on their differences. If you want to try the service to see if you need it, microblading is suitable for you, as the result fades quickly and the procedure is painless and does not injure the skin.

If you want to achieve an effect for several years to come, then tattooing is for you. The technique only requires a month of rehabilitation, but then you won’t have to waste time on daily eyebrow makeup.

The techniques, regardless of the differences, have one common result - eyebrow makeup, which can hide facial imperfections or highlight the advantages of a girl’s appearance.

To understand which service suits you best, talk to the specialist, tell him about your preferences and desires. The master will advise you on the method, and will also select a technique and tell you the differences.


Tattooing and microblading, similar procedures, have a number of common features, both positive and negative. It is impossible to say for sure which procedure is best for you. For a final decision, a consultation with an experienced cosmetologist with a diploma in makeup artist is necessary.

Only he will be able to advise, based on the patient’s health record, appearance and wishes, which procedure should be chosen. The main thing is to remember that permanent makeup is for a long time; and correcting unsuccessful work is an expensive and rather unpleasant procedure.

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