Eyebrow microblading: what is it, how is it done and how long does it last?

The microblading procedure is of interest to those who follow the achievements of cosmetology. Fashion is rapidly gaining ground in approaching naturalness, including in eyebrow drawing. The thin threads that the girls used to draw out so diligently have become irrelevant. Having given your eyebrows the “correct shape”, it is enough to update it from time to time. But if your eyebrows are colorless or liquid, you should learn more about microblading.

Eyebrow microblading

Microblading is a manual tattooing method originating from South Korea. Sometimes it is called biotattooing. In this case, the device is not needed. The result is obtained from a combination of the professional skills of the cosmetologist, his experience and the accuracy of the client. What is the procedure? What tools are used? What can a specialist offer, and what choice will the client have to make? These questions arise for anyone who decides to get acquainted with microblading.

Much determines the success of the procedure

What is microblading?

Tattooing is carried out using a special tool. The thinnest blade is attached to the handle. Actually, this is where the name comes from - microblading literally translates as “microscopic blade”. The cuts are made taking into account the direction of hair growth and the degree of their thickness. Then a pigment of the appropriate color is applied. As a result, the eyebrows acquire the desired thickness and beautiful shape.

Important ! The color lasts a long time and does not lose its saturation and brightness.

The main thing is to apply the pigment of the appropriate color

Thanks to the procedure, you can save time on applying makeup and avoid using eyebrow tinting products. So, with a little patience, it will be visually difficult to distinguish natural hairs from artificially applied ones, except with a very careful look.

You should consider microblading if:

  • it is necessary to change the color and shape of the eyebrows;
  • the shape of the eyebrows is asymmetrical;
  • the shape of the eyebrows requires changes due to excessive thickness or lack of hairs;
  • the skin is covered with scars and scars;
  • baldness of the eyebrows is observed.

There are certain reasons for undergoing the procedure

Important ! After this procedure, the eyebrows will look natural and frame the eyes beautifully. Areas of bald spots will disappear, scars and scars will become invisible. The color will be evenly distributed along the entire line.

After microblading, you need to use facial skin care products. Gels and foams for washing contain detergents: sodium laureth sulfate and sodium lauryl sulfate. These are surfactants (surfactants). They are aggressive and can harm not only eyebrows, but also facial skin.

It is necessary to use facial skin care products after the procedure.

There are a lot of cosmetics from famous manufacturers on the shelves. It is difficult for an inexperienced buyer to understand a large number of positions.

It is important that the cosmetic product does not contain aggressive sulfates, dyes, synthetic derivatives, or silicone.

Important ! The natural ingredients included in the products provide safe care for eyebrows and facial skin.

It is important to use products with a minimum amount of “chemicals”

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Microblading is in great demand among girls and women. This is due to the numerous benefits of the procedure.

But there are also disadvantages to the procedure.

  • High price.

    Although if you compare the costs with the costs of classic coloring, you can even feel the benefits. So, the cost of blading is on average 7,000 rubles, correction after a month is 3,000 rubles. Coloring lasts for 12 months. The cost of correction and coloring is 1000 rubles, enough for 3 weeks. In total, about 17,000 rubles will be spent per year.

  • Recovery.

    After the procedure, the eyebrows do not immediately acquire the desired shade. Only after correction after a month is it possible to achieve the desired result.

  • Rehabilitation.

    After the procedure, crusts on the eyebrows form and disappear within 1.5 weeks. It can be painful and traumatic.

  • Risks of infection.

    Poorly processed instruments and peeling off crusts during healing are the main causes of infection.

  • There is no way to fix it.

    Allergies, individual pigment immunity, incorrectly selected color, lack of experience on the part of the artist lead to the fact that the result does not live up to expectations. And if regular coloring can be corrected, then with microblading it is not so easy.

Despite the disadvantages, this procedure allows you to abandon pencil, shadows and paint for a long time.

Preparing for microblading

Microblading requires preparation, in this case the area of ​​intervention. Before going to the salon, you cannot fix your eyebrows yourself or give them a more accurate shape. On the contrary, when hairs grow, a specialist has the opportunity to create a more natural and expressive line. And only a master can do this professionally, taking into account all the features.

Only a master will do everything “right”

The general condition of the client is also important, so other recommendations must be followed. The procedure is invasive because incisions are made in the skin.

Taking antibacterial drugs can impair the penetration and absorption of pigment into tissues. As a result, the result after the procedure may differ from what was expected.

Important ! Drinking alcoholic beverages before manipulation can increase bleeding and complicate the process, promoting infection.

You should not drink alcohol before the procedure

Visiting a solarium can cause skin sensitivity to pigment. The color of the dye may not be sufficiently saturated and bright.

It is not recommended to eat spicy food, strong coffee, tea, or smoke on the day of visiting the salon.

All these rules have a basis and will help you avoid disappointment.

To obtain the expected result, the specialist must carefully assess the initial condition of the eyebrows. It is important to take into account everything: the thickness of the hairs, the direction of their growth, the thickness of the eyebrows. Therefore, you should not pluck your hairs for two weeks before the procedure.

You should not pluck eyebrow hairs before the procedure.

It is worth noting an important point ! You need to think about the desired shape and color of the pigment. It should be taken into account that tattooing is difficult to remove even with the help of special means or to replace the design with another one.

When making a choice, you need to understand that the color should match the color of your natural hair, skin, and iris. Too drastic decisions may look inappropriate and defiant. Women with fair skin should opt for shades of brown or gray. For redheads, shades ranging from honey to dark brown can be recommended. For brunettes, dense shades of brown or black are suitable.

It is worth considering the issue of choosing the color of the pigment

Contraindications and possible complications

The list of contraindications must be announced by the master before signing up for microblading. These include:

  • diabetes;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • oncological diseases;
  • inflammation in the body;
  • ARVI, influenza;
  • recent Botox injections on forehead;
  • allergy to paint;
  • pregnancy.

It is not recommended to carry out the procedure during menstruation and hormonal imbalance. The reason is that there is no guarantee of correct and complete penetration of the pigment if the hormonal background is unstable.

Complications after the procedure are rare; they are possible if you are allergic to the pigment and do not follow the technique. The most common consequence is inflammation in the treated area. Severe swelling may spread to the eyes and face. It is also possible for the wound to become infected with subsequent suppuration.

How does the procedure work?

First, you will have a conversation with a specialist. The nuances of the desired result are discussed in detail. This includes the width, arch, and color of the eyebrows. The specialist must receive detailed information about the presence of scars, cicatricial changes, and inflammatory foci. Based on the facts received and your wishes, the need to hide defects, the specialist will express his opinion and advice, taking into account the color type and skin condition.

The master must conduct an inspection and survey

After clarifying all the details, the specialist will outline the shape with a pencil. The future line is freed from excess hairs. This is followed by disinfection with a special solution. Microblading is performed under local anesthesia, using various drugs. They can be creamy, or in the form of napkins soaked in the product.

Creamy anesthetics are applied to the eyebrows and left for 20-30 minutes. Cover the area with cling film on top. Mask wipes are also applied for 20-30 minutes.

Important ! Adequate anesthesia will relieve the patient of pain and make the procedure more comfortable.

Proper anesthesia will relieve pain

How does eyebrow spraying work?

Typically a microshading session lasts approximately one to two hours. The following stages can be distinguished:

  1. First, clean the skin and eyebrows, treating the work area with a disinfectant.
  2. Then the eyebrows are brought into the desired shape: excess hairs are trimmed and plucked out so that the bend is as natural and beautiful as possible.
  3. If necessary, local anesthesia is used, usually Emla cream under film.
  4. A sketch is outlined with a special pencil, all the necessary points (upper and lower) are indicated. To be agreed with the client.
  5. Using a special machine, a pre-prepared form is filled with dye. At the client's request, a sketch is selected, and then the device begins to gradually introduce pigment into the upper layers of the skin using spot spraying.

Advantages of the method

Each method has a number of advantages. Regarding microblading, the following can be noted:

  • the effect of “naturalness” is achieved by drawing each hair;
  • uniqueness of the design;
  • they use a special tool, at the end of which several needles of the thinnest diameter (one hundredth of a millimeter) are attached, fastened together in the form of a brush or spatula;
  • the specifics of pigment introduction are regulated by the master;

Possible difficulties must be taken into account

  • swelling is less pronounced;
  • short healing period;
  • preservation of color for a long period.

Thanks to the features described above, the result of the manual method is valued above the hardware one. The lines are smoother and clearer, there is less swelling. The ability to introduce pigment to a certain depth allows for a more even color.

Important ! The pain is less pronounced than with hardware tattooing. Therefore, microblading is preferred by patients with sensitive skin.

The procedure is loved by those with sensitive skin.

Pros of microshading

The main advantages of pixelated eyebrow spraying include:

  1. Less pain than with microblading. This is due to the fact that the pigment is applied to the skin using microscopic dots rather than lines. Therefore, the procedure can be suitable even for delicate skin.
  2. The ability of microshading to correct slight asymmetry of the eyebrows and add additional volume to them.
  3. Less healing time than microblading. Due to shallow pigmentation, the skin after microshading returns to normal in about a week. In this case, normally there should be no swelling.
  4. High natural result of the procedure. Thanks to the cosmetologist’s control of the intensity of pigment application, the color of the eyebrows after microshading turns out rich and beautiful, while creating the effect of using shadows.

Types of manual tattooing

In the salon, the client is introduced to various types of eyebrow microblading. This is important because the differences relate to the duration of the procedure, the means used, and the complexity of the manipulation. This will also affect the price of the service. Before you settle on one type, you need to find out what the differences are.

Each procedure has its own characteristics

Shadow microblading/shading

This type ensures minimal invasiveness of the intervention. The procedure is suitable for women with fair hair and skin. The application of pigment gives a shading effect due to the absence of sharp, clear lines. The expected color is golden wheat or grey. The shade is even, the eyebrow line is natural.

Shadow microblading is considered a minimally invasive procedure.

Hair microblading/European

In fact, the hair method is the opposite of the shadow method. It is carried out by drawing clear lines that imitate hairs. The pigment is introduced using a special method.

Important ! The need for this method arises if you need to significantly change the shape of the eyebrow. Another such case is the replenishment of a bald spot.

Hair microblading


The name itself indicates that the method is restorative in nature. They resort to it in order to “return” eyebrows in the absence of them. This may be the result of trauma to the maxillofacial skeleton, radiation therapy, or other diseases. The complexity of the procedure is much higher compared to other varieties. This is a job for the most experienced specialist.

Important ! What is more important is not the decorative effect, but maximum naturalness.

Reconstruction is a more complex procedure

Microblading 6D/oriental technique

This is the most thorough and labor-intensive type. The effect is achieved through a series of “secrets”. The master uses several similar shades of pigment. The cuts made by a specialist have different lengths, depths and directions. Eyebrows literally look like an artistic value, since retouching of imperfections and drawing of the smallest details are added to the main work.

It is worth deciding in advance what type of procedure will bring you closer to your dream. The choice must be made carefully. If the high price does not bother you, use oriental technology. If the price should be close to the optimal one, brunettes can choose highlighting, and blondes can choose shadow shading.

Important ! In any case, everyone will have the opportunity to save time when applying makeup and always have an irresistible look, under any circumstances.

6D microblading is considered a complex procedure

Types of blading

Knowing what eyebrow microblading is, its pros and cons, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the types of the procedure. They are divided into two types depending on the application technique.

Powder spraying.

Otherwise called eyebrow microshading. The pigment is applied pointwise, in a chaotic manner, within the outlined boundaries. The result is the effect of shadows or a shaded pencil. This technique is suitable for women who like to always look perfect and show off their excellent taste.

Hair technique.

The master draws the hairs, filling them with pigment. The technique allows you to get the most natural eyebrows.

Most often, girls choose hair microblading of eyebrows. It also comes in two types depending on the technique of drawing hairs:

  • European:

    the hairs are applied evenly, in one direction, creating a clear contour;

  • Oriental:

    The direction of the hairs is different, creating the effect of natural thick eyebrows.

It is important to understand that the result is influenced not only by the application technique, but also by the direction of hair growth, skin type and even age.

Before and after microblading

The success of micropigmentation is determined by several components. One of the important ones is the professional experience of the master. The length of each cut, its depth and direction, and the differences in shades of color give the overall effect. But there are features of the procedure that cannot be avoided.

After the end of the manipulation, the intervention area looks swollen and red. Therefore, the color appears sharper and brighter. The effect is temporary and will go away in a few days.

The result lasts up to two years on average. But correction may be needed within a month. The full effect is achieved by carrying out from two to five procedures.

Important ! This is due to changes that can occur during the healing of incisions.

It takes time to achieve certain results

When not to do microblading

Since the procedure is associated with a violation of the integrity of the skin, there are a number of contraindications to it, which can be either temporary or categorical.

Temporary contraindications include:

  • the client's condition under the influence of alcohol and drugs;
  • the presence of any inflammatory processes;
  • elevated temperature, regardless of the cause;
  • colds;
  • high blood pressure;
  • the presence of injuries or various skin lesions in the eyebrow area;
  • taking antibiotics.
  • pregnancy and lactation, as well as menstruation;
  • the presence of allergic reactions (depending on the degree and type, this may be a strict contraindication)

Absolute contraindications for which microblading is strictly prohibited include:

  • the presence of infectious diseases (hepatitis, syphilis, HIV) - this poses a danger for the master, who, if injured, can introduce an infection into the blood;
  • poor blood clotting - this can lead to bleeding when blood vessels are damaged, in such cases it is very difficult to stop the bleeding, it can also lead to curvature of the pattern and washing off of the pigment;
  • psychological diseases;
  • epilepsy – due to stress and pain, the client may experience an epileptic attack, which threatens his life;
  • diabetes mellitus - in the presence of such a disease, wounds take much longer to heal than in ordinary patients;
  • oncological diseases;
  • susceptibility to scar formation - in this case, even small scratches and damage to the epithelium form visible scars during healing;
  • the presence of moles or inflammatory rashes on the eyebrows.

If you have the above contraindications, you should refuse to undergo the microblading procedure, since no aesthetic effect is worth your health and life.

How to choose a microblading artist?

To get a good result, you need to trust the specialist you contact. Microblading is a manual form of tattooing. The firmness of the hand and the precision of the specialist’s movements ensure an ideal form and no complications. In addition, he must be experienced enough to correctly assess the structural features of the skin and the woman’s color type.

There is a lot to consider when choosing the right professional

Important ! Check out some of the wizard's work. You can evaluate the style, similarity or differences of your tastes by studying before and after photographs, posts on social networks, and reviews from clients who have undergone the procedure.

The basic condition is compliance with asepsis and antiseptics, the sanitary and hygienic regime of the office in which the procedure is carried out. This also includes maintaining the sterility of instruments.

A little coloring

The choice of pigment tone is important for obvious reasons. The specialist will focus on half a tone darker than desired. This happens because during the healing process the skin absorbs from 20 to 50% of the pigment. This figure increases with hardware tattooing techniques. The fact that the color gradually “blurs out” is also taken into account.

Obviously, the choice of pigment tone is an important point


Tattooing will change your appearance, give you the desired features, and hide defects. It is important to understand that in order to maintain the effect for a long time, a number of facts must be taken into account. What is it about?

Microblading is an invasive procedure. Small and shallow wounds form on the skin, but they are still there. Do not wet the tattoo area with water, apply makeup or care products, do not introduce infection by touching your hands, or rub the area with clothing (a hat, for example).

Important ! For the specified time, do not use decorative cosmetics or resort to peeling.

You cannot use cosmetics after the procedure

You should not actively take water procedures. Refrain from visiting the pool, sauna, or bathhouse for a while.

During daily hygiene procedures, do not use too hot water.

Avoid taking spicy foods, fast food, strong tea and coffee for a while. Alcoholic drinks and smoking, as already mentioned, can negatively affect the healing process and delay it over time. On average, healing and restoration of the skin occurs within 2-3 weeks.

Important ! Refrain from intense sun exposure. Even after your skin has recovered, you should not sunbathe without adequate protection. The sun protection factor should be at least 30-35 SPF.

You can't stay in the sun for a long time

Physical activity, sports, and strength training are accompanied by profuse sweating. Sweat running down your face can irritate the affected area. Active microcirculation in the first days can contribute to the removal of pigment.

The optimal product for post-manipulation care is Panthenol or Bepanten, which are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. One of these preparations can be applied to the area where the pigment is applied twice a day, starting from the third to fifth days after the micropigmentation session.

Important ! Do not mechanically remove crusts from wound areas. The physiological healing process must take its own course.

It is better not to touch the crusts where the wounds are located

How long does the paint last?

The duration of color retention depends on various factors, primarily on the quality of the pigment and care. Typically, the dye is removed from the skin within a year, while a high-quality pattern lasts about six months. If you take proper care of your skin after the procedure, the effect will last longer. Also, the duration of color retention depends on age.

For young girls, microblading lasts less time than for older women.

Photo comparison of eyebrow tattooing and microblading procedures.
It is also worth considering the oiliness of the skin; the higher it is, the faster the pigment is removed. Ultraviolet radiation has a negative effect on the preservation of pigment. Therefore, it is better to avoid visiting a solarium, and if you are in the sun for a long time, you should use sunscreen. If you attend correction procedures, the effect of microblading can last for 2 years.

How does the area of ​​intervention change over time?

After the crusts fall off, you may feel that the color has almost disappeared, the pigment has dissolved. However, during the second week the color will appear in all its glory. You should wait patiently for the final result by the end of the second week from the day of your visit to the salon.

As already mentioned, before the procedure begins, a conversation with the master should take place. The doctor will explain what you can and cannot do before and after the intervention. The expected timing of any changes and care products are also discussed. The rehabilitation period after microblading will pass without complications and with the desired effect if you carefully follow the recommendations.

Important ! The influence of the client himself on the outcome of the procedure cannot be underestimated.

You should follow your doctor's recommendations

Manual for the procedure


  1. A week before the scheduled day of the procedure, it is not recommended to sunbathe, visit a solarium, or pluck eyebrow hairs.
  2. Three days before the meeting with the specialist, the eyebrow area is scrubbed.
  3. Within 48 hours before the session, you should stop taking medications, alcoholic drinks, energy drinks, and coffee. These products thin the blood, provoke bleeding, and increase the pain threshold.
  4. Before the session you should get enough sleep and be in a good mood.
  5. In the morning it is important to eat a hearty meal and only then go to the session. Microshading, like any other type of tattoo, cannot be done on an empty stomach. Otherwise, a person’s blood pressure may drop and their health may deteriorate.

Before visiting the master’s office, you should have a hearty breakfast.

In the master's office

Pixelated eyebrow spraying

The cosmetologist examines the eyebrow area, the condition of the skin, and talks with the client about his well-being. The shape of the eyebrows is selected. First it is drawn on paper, then transferred to the face. To avoid any complaints, the form is agreed upon with the client.

The shape of the eyebrows is chosen taking into account the contours of the face:

  • Any eyebrows will suit an oval face.
  • Round - slightly upturned with a playful bend.
  • Elongated - straight.
  • Square - rounded.
  • Heart-shaped face – soft with a raised break, etc.

Additional Information. In addition to the shape of the face, it is important to take into account its features. So, eyebrows of medium thickness are suitable for girls with classic features. Thin eyebrows look good on a face with fine lines. Girls with large facial features can have thick eyebrow arches.

Step-by-step description of the session

After inspection and selection of the form, the procedure itself is done:

  1. Makeup is removed from the face.
  2. The forehead and eyebrow area are degreased.
  3. The selected shape is drawn.
  4. The work area is treated with an alcohol solution or skin antiseptic.
  5. Excess bristles that spoil the chosen shape are removed.
  6. At the client's request, the area is treated with an anesthetic composition. Thanks to this cream, a woman will not feel an unpleasant tingling sensation.
  7. The master begins to work with a tool at the end of which is a disposable needle with tiny peaks. The needle collects pigment, which is introduced into the epidermis.
  8. The procedure is carried out carefully. It should start from the outer corner, moving towards the inner corner of the eyebrow.
  9. After all the punctures are made, the pigment is shaded with a special tool.
  10. Next, the treated surface is covered with a layer of healing cream.

At first, the pigment is strongly visible, the eyebrow arches swell and turn red. Side effects will disappear after 24-48 hours. The real color will appear after 20-30 days. It takes the eyebrow arches a month to recover after the procedure. This time will be enough for the pigment to distribute evenly.

Before and after the procedure

Use of cosmetic Vaseline

Let's take a closer look at how to care for your eyebrows after the intervention.

The procedure ends with the application of a tissue regeneration agent, which it is advisable not to remove for three hours.

In order to remove the remaining cream, just wash your face carefully with warm water using foam, gel or baby soap. To avoid irritating the manipulation area, do not wipe your eyebrows with a cloth or cotton pads. It is better to use paper napkins, carefully blotting off excess moisture.

You need to wash yourself very carefully after the procedure.

One way to care is to use cosmetic Vaseline. After washing, it is applied in a thin layer and left for three hours.

Important ! During the first day after the micropigmentation session, the procedure for applying Vaseline is repeated at least three times. The effect is manifested in a decrease in swelling and pain.

The second day begins with washing using a traditional product. This removes any remaining unabsorbed Vaseline. After wetting the eyebrows using the method described above, apply cosmetic Vaseline. The manipulation is repeated until the wounds are free of crusts. On average it takes from 7 to 9 days.

You need to use cosmetic Vaseline

If you maintain a routine of daily activity, it is worth carrying Vaseline with you. When you feel tightness and increased dryness during the day, apply a thin layer of the product. Under the protection of Vaseline, the wound heals in more comfortable conditions. Fewer shorts are formed and they fall off easily. After healing, as already mentioned, the color of the pigment will become lighter.

Important ! After this, you can stop using Vaseline and proceed to using regular care products. And 14 days after the manipulation, the desired color will be restored.

If you have a high level of activity, you may need to use Vaseline frequently.

Using the product "Bepanten"

Let's consider another scheme for eyebrow care after manual tattooing. This time we will turn to the use of the healing agent “Bepanten”.

The healing process of the incisions made by the master’s hand occurs gradually and goes through certain stages. During the first two days, the wounds may ooze a reddish-yellowish fluid. This is how the body protects the wound from infection. To speed up the process of skin restoration and the formation of more delicate scars, you can treat the area with chlorhexidine. This is also useful because it prevents pigment from being absorbed from the skin during healing.

You may need to use Bepanten

By the third day after proper care, eyebrows stand out brightly against the background of the skin. The next phase begins - peeling. It is not recommended to “rush” the process by mechanically removing peeling fragments. On the contrary, this area needs to be moisturized with additional products. This is where Bepanthen cream comes in handy. Just like cosmetic Vaseline, it is convenient to carry with you and apply to the eyebrow area if you feel dry or tight.

Important ! A mask made from a decoction of chamomile or mint with the addition of linseed oil will complement the care. The resulting product promotes anti-inflammatory effects, gentle hydration and healing.

When the intervention area turns pink, it means that skin restoration has begun. The pallor of the pigment during this period should not be embarrassing, because the color will soon be restored to the desired result.

Pinkish skin is a sign of skin restoration

Methods for removing paint if you are not satisfied with the result

There are times when a client is not satisfied with the result of the procedure and wants to remove the result of microblading. The master may be to blame for this, based on his inexperience or negligence, or the client himself, if during preparation he did not pay enough attention to the choice of the shape and color of the eyebrows. There are several methods for removing paint; it is better to use salon methods, which guarantee results with minimal risk of complications.

Laser removal

This method is based on the principle of selective photoactivation. The laser pulse affects darker areas, namely the dark pigment. Under the influence of lasers, it heats up and is destroyed, the remaining pigment is removed through the lymphatic system.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely get rid of paint after the first session; you often have to repeat the procedure a month later, and sometimes several more times.

It is not recommended to use laser removal if infectious diseases develop, there are wounds on the skin, if you have a strong tan, or if the color of the pigment is light. This is a fairly effective procedure, but if there are contraindications, you should abandon it and resort to other methods.


Remover is a special mixture that contains active chemicals that destroy pigment. With its help you can remove dye of any shade, which is a significant advantage. It is performed quite quickly and costs significantly less than a laser removal procedure. Most often, just one session is enough.

It has virtually no drawbacks; problems can only arise due to the negligence of the master. Apply the remover under the skin using a needle to the depth of the pigment. It has contraindications, which include any skin lesions and diseases.

Concealing tattoo matched to skin tone

This method is the cheapest, but should be used only in extreme cases. With its help, you can solve the problem quickly, but the effect of such disguise may not last long. Often, over time, the dark pigment will lift and bleed through the flesh-colored dye.

Folk remedies

If the result is not too critical and there is no need to urgently get rid of the pigment, you can use folk remedies. But you need to understand that you won’t be able to completely get rid of the dye.

Among the most effective methods are:

  • visiting a solarium or tanning - ultraviolet radiation has a destructive effect on the pigment, which gradually fades and loses color.; Masks and compresses. To prepare them, you can use lemon, chamomile, honey, strawberries or Aloe Vera.
  • preparation and application of scrubs;
  • external use of castor oil;
  • using peroxide or iodine.

Is it possible to remove micro tattoos at home?

It was previously mentioned that manual tattooing reflects the skill of a specialist. Handcrafting can bring the desired individuality to the appearance. If the result does not suit the client, it is necessary to resort to micropigmentation removal. The salon procedure may not suit you for one reason or another: price, time spent on the session. Although today such interventions are offered in several versions (laser, use of remover liquid).

There are different options for microtattooing

Important ! Do not be mistaken that you will be able to completely restore the original drawing at home. It’s better, after weighing all the pros and cons, to go to the salon. You can try to make the desired correction if you want to tweak the color a little, for example.

What remedies are recommended to be used at home to reduce the effect of micropigmentation?

  1. You can prepare homemade salt peeling. To enhance the whitening effect, add lemon juice. Use the resulting mixture to gently exfoliate. Home remedies also have pronounced activity. Carry out the procedure carefully, no more than twice a week. Finish the session by applying moisturizer.
  2. Add 2-3 drops of vitamin E to aloe juice. Rub the resulting solution into the skin and leave for 10 minutes. In the absence of an inadequate reaction, you can apply this product every day until the desired effect is obtained.
  3. Prepare a yogurt-based mixture by adding honey, aloe juice, and salt. Apply by rubbing into skin. Exposure up to 30 minutes. After removal, you need to apply a moisturizing, softening cream.

Girls like the procedure

Don't forget to be careful ! Do not abuse available but unverified information!

The best remedy of all times is prevention. It is worth carefully considering the need and details of this procedure in advance.

Cons of eyebrow spraying

The main disadvantages of powder eyebrow spraying include:

  1. High cost of the procedure.
  2. There are a small number of professionals who can carry out this procedure efficiently. The fact is that microshading came into fashion not so long ago, so there are not many qualified cosmetologists who can guarantee results.
  3. Inability to radically change the shape of the eyebrows. Microshading can only help improve what you have, not create something from scratch.
  4. Lack of clear eyebrow contours. Therefore, the procedure is not suitable for people who prefer detailed drawing of hairs.

What is the difference between microblading and classic tattooing?

Microblading and tattooing have common points, but also significant differences. Manual makeup can be considered one of the stages in the development of the classical method.

Type of pigment

An important difference is the pigment that is used to apply the design. Tattooing is carried out using more intense, concentrated products. The composition also leaves much to be desired, because they are often chemicals that change color and its intensity over time.

To carry out micropigmentation, pigments of a lighter, liquid texture with mineral components are used. Over time, the pigment dissolves and is excreted from the body.

Soluble pigments can be added

Depth of pigment introduction

The tattoo technique requires a greater depth of pigment application. If with microblading it is about a millimeter, with classic tattooing it is up to one and a half millimeters. This is primarily noticeable during the session. The manual method is less painful and heals faster.

The duration of retention of the effect is also related to the depth of administration. With hardware tattooing, it takes longer, but predicting the result becomes more and more difficult over time. The picture may float, become discolored, or change colors. The question is, is such a long-term effect necessary?

Important ! The effect of micropigmentation can last from one and a half to two years. Main factors: individual characteristics of the skin, metabolic processes, immune defense, age. It may seem paradoxical, but on aging skin the result can last longer, up to three or more years.

The effect of the procedure lasts quite a long time


What is most important to the client is the appearance after the procedure.

With tattooing, the effect of a so-called “cast” eyebrow is achieved. It does not look completely natural and is noticeable even at first glance.

Important ! Manual tattooing is also called eyebrow architecture. We are talking about a much more skillful correction of shape and color. For example, the result of working in oriental technology can be compared to a work of art.

The appearance after the procedure becomes completely different with seemingly small changes

Eyebrow microblading: what is it, how long does it last, duration of the procedure

The previously popular eyebrow tattoo has gone out of fashion in 2022. It has been replaced by a technique whose goal is to preserve naturalness. The procedure is performed manually (as opposed to classic tattooing), using a special pen-shaped machine. Using gentle movements, the master draws hairs or dots, creating the effect of natural hairs or coloring with shadows.

What is the difference between eyebrow microbuilding and tattooing:

  • the pigment is applied manually, which allows you to draw beautiful, even lines;
  • the machine does not vibrate when introducing pigment, so there are no unpleasant sensations during the procedure;
  • The paint is injected into the skin to a depth of no more than 2 mm (for tattooing - 8 mm), so it lasts less time, but the color fades more smoothly.

Read more about the differences between microblading and permanent techniques in the article.

Eyebrow microblading is a neat technique that does not require drawing skills. It is enough to correctly apply the contours and draw the hairs in a natural direction. Despite its apparent simplicity, the procedure takes at least 3 hours.

The timing of “wearing” depends on the susceptibility of the pigment, compliance with the rules of care, and the individual characteristics of the body. On average, a repeat procedure is carried out after 12 months, but many women “wear” their eyebrows much longer - up to 2 years. With insufficient care, the period is reduced to 6-8 months.

How much does microblading cost?

The cost of the procedure is based on several parameters:

  • region;
  • salon pricing policy;
  • master's competence;
  • cost of equipment, equipment, consumables;
  • technology used;
  • features of the initial state of the eyebrows.

To think through your budget, you need to choose a salon and an experienced professional. Draw up a clear project for modifying the eyebrows, including shape, elimination of defects, pigment color.

We will indicate the average prices for different types of microblading.

Type of procedureCost of one procedure
Shadow microblading (shading)7,000 – 10,000 rub.
Hair microblading (European technique)6,000 – 12,000 rub.
Reconstruction4,000 – 9,000 rub.
Microblading 6D (oriental technique)8,000 – 15,000 rub.

First of all, you need to decide the issue of choosing a salon and a specialist.

And the main thing is to answer the question “is it worth experimenting”? Experts believe it’s worth it if:

  • you were disappointed with the result of permanent makeup;
  • eyebrows are liquid and naturally light;
  • you are not satisfied with the shape, width, line of your eyebrows or they are noticeably asymmetrical;
  • there is baldness of the eyebrows;
  • you are ready to experiment in order to save time on makeup and the desire to look fresh and well-groomed 24 hours a day.

What is microblading?

Experienced artists use several microblading techniques, including hairline, shading, and 3D and 6D techniques.

Hair technique

This technique is the most common and in demand among clients. Most masters have mastered it perfectly, which is why an almost perfect result is guaranteed when performing it. The essence of the technique is to create the contour of the eyebrow by applying small strokes.

Often the master has a set of different templates, differing in the shape of the outline, the size and direction of the strokes, as well as color. This greatly simplifies the process of choosing a design for the client. Depending on the direction of the hairs, Eastern and European hair techniques are distinguished.

Eastern involves applying strokes of varying lengths and directions, which allows you to create the effect of natural growth. The European technique, on the contrary, involves creating strokes of the same length, directed in a single vector, which creates the effect of natural eyebrows styled using gel and a brush.

Hair technique is suitable for girls with sparse eyebrows. To ensure a longer lasting effect, the procedure should be corrected a month after completion. The cosmetologist adds pigment in the necessary places to make the eyebrow color more uniform and natural. After this, you can be sure that the effect of microblading will last more than six months.

Hair technique with shading

The effect of the usual procedure can be enhanced by shading the pigment. Using this technique, you can achieve the effect as if the master drew the eyebrows with a pencil and shadows. Shading allows you to achieve a longer lasting effect that will last more than 10 months.

If correction is carried out in a timely manner, the effect can be maintained for up to 2 years. A variation of this technique is the shadow technique, which involves darkening the necessary areas of the eyebrow contour using a targeted application of pigment. Similar manipulations are recommended for blondes and girls with light-colored hair.

3D, 6D technology

Previous microblading techniques involve the use of special equipment to reduce the procedure time. But if the client wants the drawn eyebrow arches to be practically no different from natural ones, each individual hair needs to be drawn by hand. This is the essence of 3D and 6D technology.

In this case, the master takes a lot of time to draw each hair. He chooses the length, thickness and direction of the stroke each time. To do this, you need to have a lot of experience in order to end up with eyebrows that are no different from natural ones.

When choosing a microblading technique for the first time, you should focus on the simplest one. This procedure will be cheaper, faster and may ultimately be of better quality than others. It is not always easy to find a master capable of performing the 6D technique at the proper level.


Marina, Murmansk

“I wanted to experiment as soon as I heard about microblading. It seems to me that permanent tattooing is only suitable for older women - it is too harsh, like makeup.

I found out everything in detail and, on the advice of a friend, chose a salon and a specialist. The procedure lasted a little over an hour. I can’t say that I experienced any vivid sensations. The pain is quite tolerable. Then everything went as the master warned. No complications. I look at my reflection with pleasure - neat eyebrows that require a minimum of care. I recommend!"

Girls like the procedure

Svetlana, St. Petersburg

“Whoever has light eyebrows will understand me. They require constant attention. Whatever one may say, expressive eyebrows on the face are beautiful!

After the procedure, it became much easier to “draw” the face. The color changed over the course of a week while it healed. On my fair skin everything was very visible in contrast. Now the shade is somewhat lighter than planned, but the master warned that this was possible. Overall I was pleased with the result. I recommend that anyone who has the financial opportunity undergo this procedure.”

Features of caring for the eyebrow area

Eyebrows are considered an important facial accessory. They help express emotions. Well-groomed eyebrows set the tone for your entire appearance. The eyebrow area needs care. Cosmetologists recommend that women perform simple measures at home to care for the main facial accessory, including:

  1. Gentle makeup removal. For this purpose, creamy foams and gels are used.
  2. It is unacceptable to go to bed if there are decorative cosmetics on your eyebrows. The dye clogs the pores, causing hair growth to slow down and they become frail and lifeless.
  3. Every evening, moisturizer is applied to the entire face. Brow bristles also need support. They can be coated with burdock or coconut oil.
  4. To increase blood flow to the hair follicles, eyebrows should be combed every day with a special miniature comb.
  5. A simple massage has a positive effect on the condition of eyebrow hairs. To do this, the arches are gently kneaded, patted, and pinched with fingertips.

Note! Eyebrow bristles respond well to tea and herbal compresses. To do this, throw a spoonful of black tea, a spoonful of dry chamomile or cornflower into boiling water (0.5 l). The cocktail is infused for 120 minutes. Cotton swabs are dipped into it, which are then applied to the eyebrow area for 20 minutes.

The beauty salon has its own procedures to help tidy up your eyebrows, for example:

  • lamination;
  • application of professional nutritional compositions;
  • extension;
  • tattoo;
  • henna decoration.

Photos before and after the procedure

Photos before and after eyebrow microblading No. 1

Photos before and after eyebrow microblading No. 2

Photos before and after eyebrow microblading No. 3

Which is better: microshading or microblading?

If you choose between pixel spraying and microblading for girls with light, thin hair, then preference should be given to microshading. This procedure can also be recommended for people with thick eyebrows that have voids. But even a beautiful shape can be given pleasant brightness and volume by pixel spraying.

Some girls prefer to have a clear outline with detailed drawing of each hair. In this case, you should choose microblading or classic tattooing. If you prefer the effect of shadows, then you should opt for microshading.

Regardless of the choice of technique, be it microshading or microblading, it is very important to find a qualified specialist. It will be extremely difficult to correct the unsuccessful result of both methods - just like eyebrow microblading is removed.

Clear drawing of eyebrows is microblading

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