Solarium: how to sunbathe properly and profitably (doctor's advice)

How often can you visit a solarium, how to sunbathe correctly, is the procedure harmful? More than one woman asked such questions.

The fact is that many people want to have a beautiful bronze tan, like after visiting a seaside resort. But today you can enjoy tanned skin all year round.

If earlier this was an amazing phenomenon, now it is no secret to anyone how this is achieved. That's why solariums exist.

But not everyone knows that such procedures can, along with the benefits, cause considerable harm to health. Therefore, women and men who have decided to undergo such a transformation for the first time should figure out how to properly sunbathe in a solarium.

What types of solariums are there?

Before considering the types of solariums, you should understand what kind of device they are. When it is turned on, special lamps inside begin to emit long-wave UV rays.

Under their influence, the process of melanin synthesis starts in human skin, which causes darkening. The intensity of tanning depends on the number of lamps, their power and the duration of the session.

Modern solariums are divided into 3 main types:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical;
  • turbo.

A horizontal solarium is a classic option where you can simultaneously lie down and relax after an active day at work.

In this position, the tan adheres better to the legs, and white spots may remain in places of compression.

You will have to stand in a vertical capsule, but this does not cause discomfort. In this case, it will be better to tan the upper body.

It is recommended to choose booths with a lifting platform, which will allow you to bring your face closer to special lamps if the client’s height is insufficient. To ensure the tan is distributed evenly, you will need to twist a little.

Turbo solariums come in vertical and horizontal versions, but differ from the previous ones in the power of the lamps.

Due to this, the duration of the session is reduced. They also have an air conditioning system, which creates comfort for the sunbather and protects against burns.

Be careful with Tingle products

The tingle effect of the cream is reminiscent of the sensations in the skin from a real sun tan - warmth, tingling and redness.

This occurs due to the expansion of the microcirculatory bed, the vascular network works better and delivers more nutrients and oxygen to the skin.

Such drugs are contraindicated for rosacea and rosacea (dilated blood vessels or spider veins on the face). It is also undesirable to use them on sensitive skin and during the first sessions.

Benefits and possible harm

There are conflicting statements regarding the benefits and harms of tanning in a solarium. A strong argument against artificial insolation is the risk of cancer.

Only being under the normal sun is more dangerous, since it is not controlled. And in the solarium, thanks to the presence of a timer, the session is strictly timed. Therefore, the likelihood of getting a burn or sunstroke is reduced to zero.

The main thing is to exclude possible contraindications and adhere to the recommendations of a specialist who will explain how to properly sunbathe in a solarium. This is especially true for those who are doing it for the first time.

People who, due to their skin type or health condition, cannot be exposed to ultraviolet radiation for a long time, are not advisable to visit a solarium.

It is better to use self-tanning (special long-lasting emulsions that are applied to the skin like a cream).

But the benefits of a solarium are significant. First of all, it serves as an alternative to the sun when summer ends and there is an acute shortage of UV.

And without this, it is impossible to produce vitamin D, which is so necessary for the beauty and health of the skin.

In addition, a solarium is an excellent help in the fight against acne, and you can even strengthen your immune system with its help.

Solarium is also indicated in a number of other cases.


  • predisposition to acne on the face and body;
  • reduced immunity and frequent colds;
  • skin pathologies (for example, psoriasis);
  • frequent stress, nervousness, depression, depression.

The abundance of ultraviolet radiation in the body stimulates the production of endorphin - the “happiness hormone”, which has a positive effect on the nervous system and improves overall well-being.

You can add one more plus to this - an artificial tan turns out smoother and more intense than a natural one. The main thing is not to overdo it - everything good in moderation.

Who is not allowed to enter the solarium?

It would be right for men and women to consult a doctor before going to the solarium for the first time.

But few people do this and it is in vain. After all, this is the same physical procedure that entails certain changes in the functioning of the body.

Therefore, it would be useful to find out what contraindications there are.


  1. pregnancy;
  2. age under 18 years;
  3. for the first skin type;
  4. exacerbation of any chronic diseases;
  5. predisposition to bleeding;
  6. during menstruation (women);
  7. the presence of multiple moles on the body;
  8. dermatological problems;
  9. taking medications that increase the sensitivity of the epidermis to UV.

Separately, it is worth clarifying that artificial tanning is not prohibited for psoriasis. They only take into account a number of points: the possibility of causing an exacerbation and the need for additional moisturizing of the skin.

Safety first

In pursuit of a beautiful tan, many neglect safety measures, and this can lead to disastrous consequences. Therefore, when visiting a solarium, you must follow certain rules:

  • wear glasses to protect your eyes (otherwise damage to the lens or retina may occur);
  • protect hair from drying out (a special cap will help for this);
  • protect the breasts, more precisely the areolas and nipples, by applying special stickers or ordinary cotton pads (women can wear a swimsuit bra).

If you often visit a solarium, then do not forget to use hair masks, as ultraviolet radiation dries out your hair.

If this is your first time going to a tanning salon, stick to a 3-minute session. In the future, you can increase the time to 5-10 minutes.

Experts advise not to do more than 10 sessions (this is a normal course). In addition, it should be repeated no more than 2 times a year.

Don't forget to apply UV protection cream to your skin. Remember that it must be special, that is, suitable for artificial tanning. Regular oil will not work for this.

It is better to do shaving your legs or other parts of the body at least a day before the session, during which time the irritation will subside.

These recommendations also apply to men.

Cover your private parts, chest, eyes, hair, tattoos, moles

Do not sunbathe naked, even if it is not prohibited by the rules of the salon. Cover your private parts and breasts (at least put small “stikini” stickers on your nipples). And doctors categorically prohibit women over 30 from sunbathing without a swimsuit top.

Protect your eyes with special glasses (if you simply close your eyes, there is still a risk of getting a retinal burn). But ordinary glasses and contacts need to be removed. Wear a cap on your head, because ultraviolet rays make your hair dry, brittle and dull.

Before the session, apply lipstick with SPF protection to your lips if you do not want them to dry out and crack. In addition, it is necessary to hide all tattoos and moles. To do this, also use stickers, which are sold in tanning studios.

Preparatory activities (4 tips)

Before taking artificial sunbathing, you will need basic preparation, consisting of 4 successive steps:

  1. Thoroughly cleanse the skin. One shower is not enough for this. To ensure an even tan, you need to remove dead skin particles. Scrubbing will help. If you ignore this advice, then the tan will subsequently begin to fade along with the keratinized surface layer of the epidermis. Maximum 3 hours before the session, take a shower again, but without using any detergents, so as not to wash off the hydrolipidic layer from the skin (serves as protection against burns).
  2. Then you need to moisturize so that the skin does not dry out under the influence of UV. Lips are also not deprived of attention. It is advisable to make a moisturizing hair mask shortly before the procedure.
  3. As before visiting the beach, purchase a special activator cream for tanning in a solarium. Its composition is slightly different from the standard one.
  4. They change their usual diet, focusing on healthy foods. They especially lean on fresh fruits and vegetables, as they contain a lot of vitamins.

Immediately before placing in a solarium capsule, you must remove any decorative cosmetics from your face. The hair is hidden under a cap or scarf. Special tanning products are applied to the body.

You cannot resort to skin peeling, depilation and procedures in 1-2 days, which will damage the integrity of the skin. This will cause burns or an uneven tan.


Like any cosmetic procedure, tanning in a solarium has a number of contraindications:

  • Various skin diseases;
  • Asthma;
  • Cardiovascular pathologies;
  • A large number of large moles;
  • Menstruation;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Thyroid diseases;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Also, the procedure should not be performed on children who have not reached the age of sixteen (you should not take risks, it is better to do it after adulthood).

For the safety of your body, you must follow the contraindications of solariums and follow the recommendations of a dermatologist.

Solarium: how to tan properly for a beginner

It is important to consider your skin type, which determines the duration of the procedure.

If the goal is not to tan from scratch, but only want to maintain dark skin after a resort, then it is enough to visit the solarium once a week for 10 minutes.

Ultraviolet light severely dehydrates the skin surface. Therefore, after going to the solarium, you will definitely need appropriate care, namely, hydration and nutrition.

To do this, use products containing vitamin E. They help relieve redness and irritation, thereby speeding up the skin restoration process.

How to behave when deciding to visit a solarium for the first time:

  1. They choose a good salon based on the recommendations of their friends in order to receive professional service.
  2. On site, the condition of the premises and the equipment itself are inspected to ensure compliance with sanitary standards. If it’s dirty, then they look for another option.
  3. The employee is obliged to instruct the client on the operation of the solarium, show all the buttons and how they work.
  4. They receive safety glasses, which they put on immediately.
  5. They are conveniently located in the cabin and close the lid.
  6. After the allotted time has elapsed, they leave the capsule.

After the session, you cannot shower for 2-3 hours.

How to sunbathe in a vertical solarium

The main points on how to properly sunbathe in a solarium have been clarified, but it is worth highlighting some points for a vertical solarium. These recommendations are the same for women and men.

In a standing position, the legs are less affected, so they tan worse. Because of this, it is advisable to choose booths with a mirror floor.

Thanks to this technique, it is possible to reflect ultraviolet rays and distribute them evenly throughout the body.

To ensure that the inner side of the arms and other hard-to-reach areas are not left deprived, it is necessary to periodically move (raise the limbs, spin).

How to tan beautifully in a horizontal solarium

In fact, the horizontal view of a solarium differs little from the vertical one. The only thing is that the client gets more pleasure from staying in it, since he is able to relax and even take a little nap.

And in order for the tan to go on evenly, you need to know how to tan properly in it:

  1. During the session you should constantly roll over either on your back or on your stomach;
  2. do not forget to place the inner surface of your arms and legs under the lamps;
  3. periodically take a pose so that the light flux falls on the sides.

To prevent pigmentation from appearing on the face and neck area in the future, it is recommended to turn off the top tanning function. Those who do not want to darken their face too much do the same.

What determines the cost of a salon procedure?

Solarium prices are calculated based on the cost of one minute of the procedure. It is influenced by several factors. So, in small salons they offer their services at minimal prices, but in popular studios the price can be several times higher. However, the low price is a reason to think, since it is possible that the lamps in this salon have not been replaced for a long time. The power of ultraviolet lamps is another factor that affects the cost of a minute in a solarium. Also in some studios the price includes free stickers, stickies, glasses and a hat with cream. Because of this, the price for the service increases. On average, one minute in a vertical solarium will cost from 10 to 25 rubles.

Men want dark skin too

There is a preconceived idea that solariums are for the female half. In fact, men are not averse to showing off their dark skin. In addition, artificial exposure to UV has a beneficial effect on men's health.

Exposure to ultraviolet rays activates the production of testosterone and vitamin D, which is an important component of masculinity. Due to such procedures, libido and sperm quality are enhanced.

Key aspects on how to properly tan for men for the first time:

  • select appropriate clothing - tight swimming trunks that reveal the body as much as possible;
  • The specialist selects the duration of stay in the capsule individually, depending on the skin type;
  • as protection they use: eye glasses, sunscreen and stickers for nipples and tattoos;
  • first get rid of excessive vegetation on the body.

If you follow these tips, then after 5-6 sessions you will be able to get a gorgeous tan, like after a vacation at sea.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

I can say with confidence that many myths about solariums are baseless. There is definitely more harm from sun rays than from artificial tanning. In addition, this procedure will be useful in winter, since after it the production of vitamin D, which is important for the absorption of calcium, increases.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

A session in a solarium brings pleasure, which will have a positive effect on the condition of the whole body.
Sunbathing is useful if a person knows when to stop. After the procedure, there is even an improvement in blood circulation. Nowadays, anyone can flaunt a golden skin tone at any time of the year. And this became real thanks to the solarium. The main thing is to know how to tan correctly.

Moreover, such sessions are inexpensive and accessible to everyone. Do not be afraid of stereotypes about the harmfulness of solariums. The main thing is to follow the basic rules and the benefits are guaranteed.

In the tanning studio, ask to talk about the characteristics of the lamps

First of all, ask about the lamp life and the amount of UV radiation. Everything is very simple: the more lamps in the solarium, the more powerful and newer they are, the less time it takes to turn into a seductive mulatto.

Typically, lamps are changed after 600-800 thousand hours of use, as their effectiveness decreases over time, and the old lamp will no longer be able to tan your skin sufficiently. On the other hand, if the lamp life does not exceed 20 hours, it is better to reduce the session time.

UV radiation is important in terms of the percentage of UVB. For light, thin skin it should not exceed 0.7%, and for dark skin - 2.4%.

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