The best cream for bust enlargement: reviews from doctors and buyers

The dream of many women is lush, firm breasts. But nature has not endowed everyone with luxurious forms. You can, of course, quickly and effectively enlarge your bust through surgery, but not everyone decides to take such a step: it is dangerous and expensive. Then women look for an affordable alternative. One of the ways to change the volume of the breasts, which most representatives of the fair sex can use, is the use of a product such as bust enlargement cream. Reviews about such cosmetic preparations are very different. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the opinions of experts and consumers regarding common creams for changing breast volume.

Will the cream really make your breasts bigger?

Does breast enlargement cream help? Reviews on this matter are mixed. In order to answer this question, you need to understand what the mechanism of action of such drugs is based on. Conventionally, all creams can be divided into 2 types (depending on the composition and principle of action):

  1. Cosmetics based on natural ingredients. Such creams simply care for the skin of the delicate area, making it taut and elastic, thereby creating the appearance of enlarged mammary glands. But it is impossible to actually change the size of the bust with the help of such drugs - both doctors and consumers testify to this.
  2. Creams containing natural phytoestrogens affect breast growth at the hormonal level. They are truly effective when used regularly. But a significant drawback of such drugs is the risks associated with hormonal imbalance. Pathological changes in the menstrual cycle, pain and heaviness in the chest - such complaints often arise in women as a result of prolonged use of these cosmetics.

In addition to the main components, breast enlargement creams contain other ingredients that help moisturize and saturate the skin with vitamins. Therefore, thanks to such bust care products, wrinkles in the décolleté area are noticeably smoothed out, the shape of the mammary glands is corrected, and the skin becomes elastic.

Who is the product suitable for?

The deterioration of the condition of the breast skin, which predetermines its sagging, occurs for various reasons. These include sudden weight loss, lactation, pregnancy, mono-diets, unbalanced nutrition, and a sedentary lifestyle. Any of these provoking factors is an indication for regular moisturizing and nourishing of the skin. It is also advisable to use breast tightening cream for the formation of stretch marks or age spots. Eliminating such cosmetic defects will allow a woman to find psychological comfort and regain her former attractiveness.

How does the cream increase breast volume?

How does bust enlargement cream work? Real reviews from women indicate that the product has a complex local effect, namely:

  1. Due to natural estrogens in the cream, the glandular layer of breast tissue increases.
  2. Substances such as elastin and collagen increase elasticity and tighten the skin.
  3. Vitamin supplements help nourish the skin.
  4. Plant substances improve blood flow.

About properties

Reviews of UpSize bust cream emphasize that this product can be used for different purposes. The main one is breast enlargement. But this is not the only property of the drug.

What else can the cream do? For example:

  • give elasticity to the bust;
  • improve breast shape;
  • trigger skin renewal at the cellular level;
  • rejuvenate the skin;
  • enlarge your breasts by several sizes.

Accordingly, this drug generally has a beneficial effect on the delicate skin in the bust area. But should you pay attention to UpSize at all? Or is it better to avoid it?

Advantages of the cream breast enlargement method

Why do many women choose bust enlargement cream? Reviews speak of the following advantages of using these funds:

  1. Relative safety compared to surgical methods of bust enlargement.
  2. Different price categories - every woman can choose a product that suits her pocket.
  3. Comprehensive care for the chest area - the cream not only changes the volume, but also cares for the skin, smooths out wrinkles, and tightens.
  4. The product is easy to use independently at home.
  5. Availability - you can easily purchase bust enlargement cream in pharmacies.

Reviews left by consumers claim that, in addition to the advantages, there are also a number of significant disadvantages of using such products. More about them below.

What does Aliexpress offer?

This Chinese trading platform offers consumers a lot of inexpensive formulations designed for breast care. Almost all of them contain natural ingredients.

Placing an order is quite simple. Everything here is organized according to the principle of an ordinary online store. Selected products are placed in a virtual basket, after which the checkout process begins.

After this, the order is sent by Russian Post to the address you provide when placing it.

The most popular and current offers include the following creams:

  • Bonixia;
  • L&K ;
  • Benars;
  • Pueraria mirifika.

Average price - from 400 to 600 rubles.

Disadvantages of using bust enlargement cream

Despite these advantages, the use of cream to increase breast volume also has its disadvantages:

  • the risk of developing hormonal diseases associated with exposure to phytoestrogens;
  • using the cream you can increase the volume by no more than one size;
  • to achieve a visible result, it is necessary to use the cosmetic product for a long period (at least six months);
  • Regular purchase of funds will be quite expensive;
  • There are age restrictions on the use of such drugs.

Breast lift after breastfeeding without surgery

A few tips will help you quickly restore your breast shape after lactation.

Proper nutrition.

To create favorable conditions for restoring breast shape, a balanced diet is necessary. It should always be balanced. To restore the elasticity of Cooper's ligaments, you should include brawn and jellied meat in the menu. It should have enough meat, fish, eggs. Vegetables and fruits are required as a source of vitamins and fiber. But it’s better to exclude fast, or simple, carbohydrates. This applies to baked goods and sweets.


It is very important to choose underwear so that it reduces stress on the ligaments and supports heavy glands. The bra should not squeeze the breasts. To do this, you need to choose the right size and models with wide straps.

Skin moisturizing.

Breast ptosis depends on the condition of not only the ligaments, but also the skin. To prevent it from losing its elasticity, in addition to a balanced diet, it is necessary to maintain a drinking regime. You can use moisturizing cosmetics.

Physical exercise.

They help strengthen the muscles of the back and chest, as well as improve blood microcirculation in the gland itself, which will help avoid significant ptosis.

When should the cream not be used?

Unfortunately, not every woman will benefit from breast enlargement cream. Reviews about this method of changing breast volume are mixed. In order to achieve the desired result, it is not enough to use the cream correctly; it is important to take a responsible approach to choosing the product.

First of all, it should be noted that there are age restrictions on the use of cream to increase the volume of the mammary gland. It is not recommended to use such cosmetics for teenage girls, as hormonal components can negatively affect the health of the developing body.

This cream is not suitable for women over 40 years of age, since the cream cannot correct age-related structural changes in the breasts. There will also be no noticeable effect if the gland has noticeably lost its shape and volume after giving birth and breastfeeding.

Effect of use

You should not expect your first breast size to grow to a size 4 within a couple of weeks of use. Such miracles do not happen; even the most expensive creams are not able to achieve such an effect.

The main effect after using the cream is the tightening of the breast tissue, lifting creates the effect of maintaining the skin, giving it a rounded shape.

After using the cream, you will notice that the skin becomes more tender, pronounced irregularities and depressions disappear. Girls do not have to be afraid that stretch marks will appear during pregnancy, since the cream prevents their appearance.

You should choose creams that will help maintain the positive effects after you finish taking the cream. Otherwise, all your work will go down the drain - the elasticity will slowly begin to disappear, the breasts will lose their attractiveness and round shape.

How to choose a cream?

In order to get the desired result, you should carefully approach the issue of choosing a corrective agent. First of all, you need to clearly define your intended goal, which can be realized (that is, of course, you can dream about your breasts instantly increasing by 3 sizes, but you need to understand that such a result can only be achieved with the help of surgery).

It is important to listen to the opinions of doctors and consumers to choose the best cream for bust enlargement. Reviews will help you find answers to many questions and decide on the brand and price category of a cosmetic product. In addition, it is necessary to assess the individual characteristics of the woman: age, skin type, initial and desired breast size, etc.

It is worth considering that a “promoted” expensive product is not always equivalent to the concept of “the best cream for bust enlargement.” Reviews claim that often domestic inexpensive herbal remedies are much more effective than their foreign advertised counterpart.


We have almost completely studied the composition and real reviews of UpSize cream. As already mentioned, you can see different opinions about the drug on the Internet. And among them, people often talk about the effectiveness of using the product.

Someone emphasizes that there was no result from UpSize. Such opinions are extremely rare. Most often, buyers emphasize the high effectiveness of using the cream. It really tightens and rejuvenates your breasts. After using UpSize, the bust increases several times. Not too much - only 1-2 sizes, but the result will still be there.

Reviews from doctors about the use of breast enlargement creams

Doctors are wary of such shape correction methods. It has been experimentally proven that creams in this case are ineffective and the results are short-lived. In addition, complications often arise in the form of allergic reactions or hormonal imbalances. But on an individual basis, experts can recommend such methods of correction of the mammary glands, for example, if it is impossible to use other methods, as well as in order to restore minor irregularities in the shape of the breast. These are the doctors' reviews of the bust enlargement cream.

Below we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most popular brands of creams for increasing the volume of the mammary glands, as well as consumer reviews about them.

How to use breast enlargement cream?

In order to achieve the desired results, it is important to use the purchased breast enlargement product correctly. How should you apply the cream:

  1. Clean and dry your bust skin.
  2. Apply the cream, avoiding the nipple areola area.
  3. Rub the product in with massage movements until completely absorbed.
  4. Breast enlargement cream must be used twice a day for at least two months.

The structure of a woman's bust, how to increase it

The structure of a woman’s mammary glands differs from the identical male ones. Ladies' breasts look in the form of two convex hemispheres located at the level of the third to sixth pair of ribs.

Every woman can boast of her unique breast shape:

  1. Disc-shaped breasts have a wide base and a small bulge.
  2. The hemispherical one is distinguished by the same dimensions of height and diameter.
  3. With a pear shape, the height of the chest is much higher than the base.
  4. The gland is strongly lowered down near the mastoid bust.

The size of the bust depends on the amount of fatty tissue in the mammary gland and its shape. Women who have given birth have larger busts than girls. Sex hormones affect the appearance of the gland. With age, the amount of estrogen decreases and the breasts sag as the glandular layer of cells becomes thinner.

There are several ways to enlarge your breasts, make them firm and beautiful:

  1. Active sexual relations will lead to increased blood circulation in the tissues and the penetration of estrogen into them.
  2. A massage done by a specialist or done independently can increase breast volume.
  3. Vacuum massage sessions have a positive effect on the breasts. By attaching plastic cups, devoid of air, to the mammary glands, pressure is applied. As a result of the procedure, the gland tissues are compressed and they swell. Thus, the bust is increased by one or two sizes.
  4. Women use this method of bust enlargement as contraceptives, which combine two types of hormones - progesterone and estrogen. But hormones should be used to enlarge breasts only as prescribed by a doctor.
  5. Specially selected sets of physical exercises help make your bust larger.
  6. Women with small busts should include foods with phytoestrogens in their diet. These include dishes made from soy and fennel. Frequent consumption of bananas increases the amount of hormones in the body. Seeds and flaxseed oil help make the mammary glands larger if you drink tinctures from the seeds or make compresses from the oil.

Read also: Recipes for masks for lip augmentation at home

Recently, cosmetologists have suggested using cream for breast enlargement.

Breasthill cream: a new generation product

Breasthill bust enlargement cream has won the trust of consumers and specialists. Real reviews confirm its effectiveness. Women who have tried this product on themselves claim that the result becomes noticeable after just a month of regular use.

What is the secret of such a miracle in the cosmetology industry? The secret lies in the composition of the cream. It contains the extract of a tropical plant such as white croix. The extract from this flower contains natural estrogens, which act on the mammary glands according to the principle of female hormones. Namely, the substance activates the growth of glandular tissue, due to which the forms become more magnificent.

In addition, Breasthill Bust Enlargement Cream contains a complex of vitamins and rose essential oil. Real reviews claim that the product gently and, most importantly, effectively cares for the skin of the décolleté area.

But such a product is not cheap - about 2000 rubles.


When using any product for the body, skin and human health, great attention is paid to the composition of certain drugs. What is UpSize? Real reviews about this cream indicate that the product does not contain any chemicals. Only natural ingredients and compounds that have a beneficial effect on the skin.

"UpSize" consists of:

  • essential rose oil;
  • deoxymiroestrol;
  • Pueraria mirifica root;
  • anemarrena asphodeloides rhizome extract;
  • macadamia and shea butters;
  • vitamin E;
  • jojoba oils.

In combination, all these components improve the condition of the skin, rejuvenate and tighten it. In addition, according to the manufacturer, the UpSize composition helps increase breast size by several sizes. This is the main property of the drug.

Bustex cream: advertising gimmick or reality?

Another top seller is Bustex (bust enlargement cream). Reviews indicate quick results.

Manufacturers of the cream claim that breast volume will increase in just a few weeks by a size or even two. We tried to figure out how true this is by analyzing reviews of women who use the cream of this brand and the opinions of experts. The conclusions are as follows:

  • the active component of the cream is a substance such as deoxymiroestrol, which has a rejuvenating effect and promotes the growth of adipose tissue in the mammary glands;
  • The product contains plant extracts and essential oils that nourish and moisturize the skin;
  • the cosmetic product has passed clinical trials, and, according to a sociological survey, 95% of consumers note the effectiveness of the product.

The price of the drug also attracts buyers. So, Bustex, a bust enlargement cream, costs about 1,000 rubles. Reviews claim that the consumption of the drug is also economical - one tube is enough for 2-3 months of regular use.

Breasthill Company

The manufacturer of this cream is Thailand. They actively advertise their products all over the world, so few people have not heard about the cosmetics of this company.

The manufacturers promise that this is a new generation drug, made after thorough tests and numerous checks. Thanks to the cream, the growth of fat cells in the subcutaneous layer of the breast is activated. After some time, the breasts will begin to enlarge and acquire a rounded and attractive shape.

Breasthill also promises that your breasts will increase by one or even two sizes.

The composition contains only natural substances.

Doctors agreed that the cream was not able to fulfill all its promises. The maximum that can be achieved is tightening and improving appearance.

Price: from 1500 to 3000 thousand rubles.

Most reviews are negative. The girls did not notice that their breasts had increased in size, and this is exactly what the manufacturer promised.

Guam cream: types, principle of action, reviews

Another product for changing the volume of the mammary glands, which is popular in the domestic market, is Guam, a bust enlargement cream. Consumer reviews indicate that after two months of regular use of this drug, a noticeable result appears: the breasts are tightened, the skin is smoothed, and stretch marks become less noticeable.

The manufacturer offers two types of products: with menthol and white clay. But the active components in both are identical. The undeniable advantage of the Guam brand product is the absence of hormonal effects on the woman’s body. The ingredients are exclusively natural: red algae, zhi mu plant root, cereals, rosehip oil. This composition has a lifting effect, nourishes and moisturizes the skin. But such a product is quite expensive - from 2000 to 2500 rubles.

Breast skin care with Clarins firming gel

Intensive firming gel for bust / Clarins Bust Beauty Extra-Lift Gel

I love taking care of this part:) not always effective, but very nice!

Expanded opinion:

I had a very successful first experience using similar products. Super effective ampoules here, so I continue to buy products. My breasts are small in size (about 2.5-3) after feeding two children and due to age they have lost a little elasticity, there is asymmetry, plus weight fluctuations. At the consultation, the surgeon did not see any problems, and I decided to postpone the operation :)

Why did I buy this particular one - promotion! and super promises » The gel provides an instant tightening effect, maintains the elasticity and tone of the skin of a “natural bra”. Thanks to its dual action - strengthening and moisturizing - day after day the bust becomes more beautiful and toned."


— a bottle with a frosted glass pump, very convenient to use, one dose per breast, the quantity comes out exactly as needed!

But here’s the main drawback in the photo (wow! how dirty everything is all the time):


- transparent amber gel. It’s a little sticky, but when applied it goes away and you can get dressed right away. The aroma is almost inaudible. Contains: - vu sua (star apple) - increases collagen production, protects against free radicals, - oat sugar - increases tone, - ginseng extract - stimulates, tones, - cataphra tree bark - moisturizes and softens the skin.

I apply the gel 2 times a day, in a figure eight motion. As I wrote above, the stickiness quickly disappears without any residue right after application. During the evening shower, when washing off, I don’t feel any film: it seems to be completely absorbed. Comfortable and wonderful sensations, believe me, this moment of relaxation is so pleasant :) The breasts literally become “velvety” before our eyes - no, not silicone, but so silky and well-groomed moisturized. This is really instantly noticeable. It really immediately visually smoothes the skin of the chest.

Since the manufacturer promises an instant lifting result, I immediately discovered its absence, but was not upset, since I really look at skincare products.

In general, I am pleased with the result: a pleasant procedure, moisturizing, smoothing, and if you tune in directly and turn on the placebo :) you can see a slight lifting on small breasts with regular use. And such remedies are good as prevention during a diet. In general, don’t deprive your breasts of additional pleasant moments :) I’ll also note as a bonus - excellent care for the décolleté area, which is open in the summer and moisturizing is very recommended for it, especially if you are already a little over thirty :) (unfortunately, to restore an aesthetic appearance without carefully caring in advance, it will be quite difficult later) I apply one dose and move upward to the neck.

Cost-effectiveness: this is a big obvious disadvantage, the gel is used up very quickly. 50 ml. It lasted me a month. And even before the end it will obviously be difficult to get it out of the bottle.

Perhaps I’ll buy bust milk from Clarins without expecting super firmness, but with the continuation of the beauty ritual :) and this gel is on the repeat list. I would be grateful for your recommendations for similar and effective care products.


3650 rubles (after discount)
Testing period:
more than a month

Your Veronica.

“Beauty will save the world, starting with us – passionate and open to everything new” (lines from the magazine)


Eveline cream: economical option

Popular among women is the product of the brand “Eveline” - a concentrated cream for bust enlargement. Reviews about this cosmetic product can often be found positive. The undoubted advantage of the cream is its low price. It costs only 100 rubles (for a package of 200 ml). It is not surprising that such a drug is a leader in sales among more expensive analogues. Despite the cheapness, women note the effectiveness of the cream. Reviews say that the breasts become elastic almost after the first use, the skin is noticeably smoothed. But adding breast volume using Eveline cream is quite difficult. Reviews claim that even after long-term regular use, the bust will increase by no more than one size.

There is also such a disadvantage of this product as the presence in the composition, in addition to natural components, of chemical parabens. Often these substances can cause allergic reactions. In addition, there is an opinion that dyes contribute to the development of tumors in the mammary gland.

Evinal cream

This is a Russian manufacturer that creates its own cosmetic line. The company has formed an international campaign, its products are popular all over the world.

Manufacturers claim that their products penetrate to the germ layer of the skin, thanks to which they have a positive effect on its condition.

Their products contain no alcohol or harmful preservatives. Also, the manufacturer advises doing an allergy test to avoid health problems after use.

Price: from 500 to 2000 thousand rubles.

Most reviews are negative. Despite the fact that the breasts became smoother and firmer, the increase did not occur.

Pupa brand cream

Women who have used the Pupa brand bust enlargement cream note that the product creates a sort of “invisible bra.” At the first use of the drug, the breasts noticeably acquire tone and tighten. The volume increases due to the growth of adipose tissue, and all thanks to the effect of an extract from the Asian gardenia plant. The cost of such a drug is 2500–3000 rubles.

Which cream to choose for breast enlargement, and whether there is any need to purchase such a product at all, is up to the woman who wants to change her shape. But maybe you should really appreciate the merits of your own body and accept yourself for who you are? Or, at worst, spend the money not on purchasing questionable products, but on playing sports? After all, according to doctors, this method of form correction is much more effective and useful.

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