Flax seeds for bust enlargement. Reviews, how to take

Thanks to the imposed stereotype, women began to think that if they enlarge their breasts, they will instantly become much more attractive. External beauty, in turn, will attract hordes of admirers, and life will become a fairy tale. This is not entirely true, because a girl of any size can radiate a captivating charm. Therefore, first of all, you need to work on your internal resources - thoughts, and then begin to correct your appearance.

The properties of some natural foods can affect the plumpness of the mammary glands. This is a great alternative for those who want to change their bra size without first getting under the surgeon's scalpel.


The unique composition of flaxseeds allows us to call them a healing product that can give the body energy and beauty, and in some cases, heal. These properties of flax seeds have been used and confirmed for many centuries.

The value of flaxseeds is due to the presence of components in them:

  • the seeds contain more polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3-6-9), so necessary for ensuring the vital processes of the body, than fish oil;
  • fiber, which helps eliminate poisons and cholesterol from the body, has a beneficial effect on the digestive organs and is a means of preventing colon cancer;
  • lignan (a plant hormone from the estrogen group), which has antioxidant properties, prevents breast cancer, antibacterial and antiviral effects;
  • nearly 20 types of proteins and amino acids;
  • 40 types of fatty acids;
  • 21 types of minerals;
  • 20 types of vitamins (A, B, F, E, etc.).

The chemical composition of small seeds allows them to have a significant effect on the body and cause a healing effect. The phytoestrogens included in their composition are very useful for the female breast, which makes it possible to use flax seeds for breast enlargement.

The benefits and harms of this plant

Clinical observations and studies have proven the beneficial effects of flaxseed on the body:

  1. Flax seeds have an enveloping, anti-inflammatory and healing effect on the mucous membrane in diseases of the digestive tract such as gastritis, peptic ulcers, and a laxative effect for constipation.
  2. Beneficial effect on thyroid pathology.
  3. Small flax seed prevents the formation of blood clots.
  4. A unique plant stimulates blood circulation and cardiac activity, reduces cholesterol.
  5. By increasing the activity of metabolic processes, this product helps reduce excess body weight and regulates blood glucose levels.
  6. Experts note its effectiveness in preventing cancer.
  7. An assortment of vitamins strengthens the immune system, helps fight old age, improves skin condition, and gives shine and health to hair. Cosmetologists widely use masks, creams, lotions and shampoos containing flaxseed oil.
  8. Flaxseeds help remove toxins from the body.
  9. It has long been used in folk medicine to treat hormonal imbalances (infertility, menstrual irregularities, mastopathy, decreased libido).

Long-term (more than 9 months continuously) intake of phytoestrogens can be harmful, since prolonged high levels of estrogen are unnatural for the body.

Excess estrogen can cause side effects such as headaches and dizziness, nausea and weight loss. But other health problems may also arise.

Flax seed recipes for breast enlargement

You can take whole flax seeds for breast enlargement, grind them, drink flax seed oil (cold pressed) or take a drug made from flaxseed oil (Linetol).

Daily dose of seeds: 1 tbsp. twice.

They must be taken for 2 months. daily. After a monthly interval, the course is repeated.

There are many recipes and recommendations for using seeds:

  1. Whole seeds should be chewed well for better absorption. Small flax grains can be added:
  • the easiest way to use: 2 tbsp. mix seeds with yogurt or kefir 200-300 ml and drink;
  • 1-2 tbsp. in porridge (the seeds add a nutty taste and go well with the addition of fresh berries);
  • in salads (the taste does not change, it is especially good to combine with spinach and other greens);
  • Flax seeds would be an excellent addition to fruit purees and smoothies (1 tbsp per serving).
  1. Flax seeds, crushed in a blender or coffee grinder, can be mixed with natural honey in a 1:1 ratio. It is better to grind them immediately before use, since exposure to air causes very rapid oxidation and loss of the unique properties of the seed components.

Ground flaxseeds can be added to salads, sauces, cereals, and dairy products (cottage cheese, yogurt, milk, kefir).

  1. Flax seed oil also has a nutty flavor. It is recommended to take it in the morning on an empty stomach or during meals, 1 tablespoon. The oil can be added to drinks (yogurt, kefir, cocktail). To reduce the unpleasant taste, you should immediately drink the oil with a glass of cold water.

Breast firmness can be increased by external use of flax seed oil, combining it with internal use.

To do this, apply a small amount of oil to your breasts and massage it with gentle movements for several minutes. Then take a shower and wash off the oil (you can alternate cold and warm water).

There are many recipes from users with recommendations to add seed oil or the seeds themselves to the baking dough:

  1. buns,
  2. of bread,
  3. cupcakes,
  4. cookies,
  5. pancakes

However, these recipes must be approached with caution, taking into account information about the harmful effects of heat treatment on seed components.

Read all the pros and cons of breast augmentation using folk remedies.

What is the effect of using turmeric for breast enlargement? Details here.

Diet Tips

Flaxseed can be consumed ground, in oil form, or in capsules.

It is also found in ready-to-eat foods such as muffins and other baked goods, pasta, snack bars and alternative milks.

Ground flaxseed can be added to:

  • breakfast cereals,
  • smoothie,
  • soups and stews,
  • salads and sandwiches,
  • yoghurts.

You can also add a spoonful of flaxseed to the muffin mixture or use it to coat chicken instead of breadcrumbs.

However, too much flaxseed can give the food a bitter taste, which some people may not like. One solution is to start with a small amount and gradually add to taste.

Is there an effect

Flaxseed phytoestrogens, when used correctly, increase bust size and strengthen breasts.

Phytoestrogens are components produced by a plant and identical in composition to the estrogen hormones produced in the human body.

The most powerful phytoestrogens are lignans and isoflavones.

Flaxseed contains lignans, and the level of their content in flax seeds is much higher than in other products of plant origin.

Lignans stimulate the synthesis of estrogens in the female body itself and increase their activity. They also enhance the development of milk ducts, which leads to an increase in breast size.

Estrogens protect the breasts from the development of malignant cells.

Using flax seeds for breast enlargement or other herbal products containing large quantities of phytoestrogens will not give immediate results.

When used correctly, breast enlargement can be noted within a year. Breast size increases by 1-2 sizes. The breasts become lush and firm.

Doctors' opinions regarding the use of flax seeds for breast enlargement are ambiguous:

  • Some of them call this method of breast enlargement a myth. They justify their opinion by the fact that the synthesis of estrogen in the body stops after puberty (at about 16 years of age). And the breasts, having reached their maximum size, no longer increase;
  • other experts prove that estrogens at any age can affect the firmness and fullness of a woman’s bust, and the high content of phytoestrogens and sex hormones makes flax seeds for breast enlargement also a means of preventing breast cancer.

Linseed oil

The product is a source of healthy vegetable fats that fight cancer. They bind poisons and stabilize hormonal levels. The formation of degenerated cells in the body slows down, and the size of the seals decreases.

If it is not possible to find flaxseed oil, it can be replaced with vegetable or olive oil. You should not purchase cheap products; it is better to buy purified varieties in trusted stores.

Do you need to consult a doctor?

Once you decide to use flax seeds for breast enlargement, you should consult your doctor to avoid harming yourself with this alternative treatment. Like any other, it has a number of contraindications.

It is not always possible for a woman to identify the presence of some contraindications on her own.

Such an example could be:

  • changes in the thyroid gland,
  • mastopathy,
  • cholecystitis,
  • the presence of stones in the kidneys or gall bladder, etc.

In some cases, an examination may be necessary.

See a full review of prices for breast augmentation in Moscow.

Is breast enlargement effective with iodine? Read more.

What methods of breast enlargement are there? Details here.


Proper diet, physical activity and vitamin complexes are the three pillars on which the health of the endocrine system rests. We told you what foods it is advisable to include in your daily diet, and which ones you should avoid. We recommend purchasing multivitamin complexes, and even more so medications for treatment, only after consultation with an endocrinologist. The specialist will also help you choose a special diet and monitor the results of treatment or prevention.

Tokareva Lyudmila Georgievna, therapist, medical offices 36.6


This is important to know

When using flax seeds for breast enlargement, you should remember:

  1. The capsule of grains can make them difficult to digest. But there is no scientific evidence that crushed seeds are more effective.
  2. During the treatment course it is necessary to ensure plenty of fluids. Insufficient fluid volume can lead to the development of ileus (intestinal obstruction).
  3. It is not recommended to subject flaxseeds to heat treatment, since the components included in their composition can form decomposition products that are toxic to the body. Boiling and frying the seeds is only for external use.
  4. Raw flax seeds (whether whole or ground) contain cyanide. Therefore, they must be taken in strictly recommended dosage.
  5. It is necessary to observe the terms and conditions for storing seeds: they should be stored in the refrigerator, in a dark glass container that closes tightly, crushed for up to 10 weeks, and whole for a year.
  6. Flax seeds can cause an allergic reaction.

A woman herself must decide whether to use flax seeds. Sociologists claim, based on survey results, that men are more attracted not by size, but by the firmness and shape of a woman’s bust.

Flax seeds for breast enlargement not only contribute to the fullness of the breasts, but also tighten them and make them elastic.

Having seen visual changes after persistently taking the seeds, a woman gains confidence in her attractiveness, becomes beautiful and desirable.


I took this oil once a day in the morning on an empty stomach (20-30 minutes before meals). I started doing this whole thing on January 12th and as of today, 2 months have already passed without the 1st week. I was lucky enough to observe the first effect of taking the oil after about 3 weeks, and enough time has already passed to draw conclusions about the effect and results. Flaxseed oil contains analogues of human hormones and yes, damn it, this oil increases libido. And not only libido, but also breasts. Sorry for the details, but over these 2 months my bra has become noticeably tighter for me... Just don’t twist everything upside down and think that from size 1 you will go to size 3 - no, this won’t happen, but when I measure the OG up to /afterwards a difference of 3-4 cm was discovered, and this, you see, is not so little.

Lina's joy


It doesn’t increase, I’ve been taking it for 3 months (for another reason, the doctor advised) my breasts have remained the same as three.



I drink, I don’t know, but the truth has increased a little, just a little! They even started to notice. But maybe because I took some time.

Just! !


For the beauty of a woman’s bust, the determining role belongs to the health, elasticity, and tightness of the mammary glands, and not to size. Small, high breasts look much more attractive than large and saggy breasts, so it is more rational to take care of maintaining muscle tone through physical exercise and regular skincare procedures, for which flaxseed oil will come in handy.

  • Author: woman
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