Memo for preparing for intimate plastic surgery

The most common complaint heard by an intimate surgeon is hypertrophy of the labia minora. In other words, their size is too large. However, the labia minora are not always to blame. Often, lack of volume in the large lips leads to an unaesthetic appearance of the intimate area. Then the contour rejuvenation method comes to the rescue. This is an injection enlargement of the labia majora. This type of correction is used by both young patients with congenital defects, after childbirth or injuries, and women of elegant age who care about the beauty and youth of the whole body.

Reasons for labia enlargement surgery in women

The main reason that pushes women to change the shape of the labia majora is dissatisfaction with their appearance. This organ may not be sufficiently developed by nature, and then the large lips do not completely cover the small ones. And this, in turn, causes discomfort and increases the risk of developing diseases. A decrease in volume is associated with age. Under the influence of gravity, tissues sag, losing tone, becoming flabby and unattractive. Lack of volume or asymmetry can also be associated with injuries received at home or during intimacy.

Often representatives of the fair sex, deciding to rejuvenate the intimate area, decide on a comprehensive transformation. Then labiaplasty is performed - correction and reduction of the labia minora plus replenishment of the volume of the labia majora by introducing gels or autologous fat.

This article is intended for patients who are planning to undergo labiaplasty, the most common intimate plastic surgery.

There will be little text, more photographs, they will help you imagine what the result of the intervention might look like. Any doctor practicing in this area must soberly assess the possibilities of surgery in each specific case and not promise an ideal picture, in some cases this is simply unrealistic.

The photo shows the intimate area as most women who turn to plastic surgeons in the intimate area want it to be, but this is not always achieved.

Women can divide the results of any plastic surgery into three options:

  1. Very good.
  2. Better than it was.
  3. It got worse.

If the doctor and patient achieve the effect described at least in the second point, then this is already a victory; again, unfortunately, this does not always happen.

As a rule, this is due to insufficient training of the specialist and it is often impossible to correct these errors.

So, good results through the eyes of a surgeon: “Very good”

A complex situation of hypertrophy and asymmetry of the labia, the left side is thickened and, if you look closely, consists of two fused leaves, which determines its thickness. The result is very good, almost perfect.

Also a difficult case, again several leaves that form a pronounced folding; in the photo on the right you can see how organically they were able to be connected.

The situation is quite easy to correct, the main thing is that it turned out very natural.

These labia minora were thick and large. The patient wrote in her review: “It amazes me that I had to experience shame and embarrassment for so many years until this was recognized as a problem. Finally I feel free, an amazing feeling, like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.” This is about the categorical opponents of these operations; of course, they cannot be imposed, but the left picture is unlikely to seem normal to the majority.

Very thick lips, a problematic situation in which it is very difficult to perform the operation perfectly, a somewhat thick edge is deliberately left, this was done in order to prevent a difference between the lips and the clitoral hood.

Very good result of wedge-shaped vertical resection.

A neat appearance after labiaplasty and correction of the clitoral hood.

"It's better than it was"

A difficult option to work with, double lips completely fused on the left and not completely fused on the right. Unfortunately, asymmetry remains; this is not due to errors in the doctor’s work, but to a pronounced congenital defect. As a rule, in this situation it is difficult to create an ideal final picture, so the doctor may ask the woman to decide for herself whether additional correction is required. But still a very good result.

Duplication of the labia on the right, as a result it is thickened, both are elongated. The surgical technique was not chosen very correctly; a central wedge resection was performed here, which did not allow adequate correction of the upper part of the right lip.

The asymmetry is very promising for correction, but the doctor used a surgical laser, which determined the deformation of the edge and its thickening. With a marginal wedge resection, the result would be ideal.

A difficult option for correction, in which the technique of marginal linear resection with excision of folds in the area of ​​the clitoral hood would be effective. The doctor preferred the central wedge-shaped one, which resulted in a junction defect in the middle of the left labia. The hypertrophy of the clitoral hood remained, but in general, compared to what it was, it became significantly better.

A very complex case, a combination of hyperplasia, hypertrophy, hypertrophy of the clitoral hood. The resection was performed quite adequately, however, if the excess tissue in the clitoral area was removed, the volume would be complete, although it must be admitted that in this situation the operation was done well.

Again the doubling of the labia in the area of ​​the clitoral hood. It was not possible to connect the inner sheets with the outer ones, but this is always technically very difficult.

“It didn’t get any worse, but the doctor overdid it”

In all the cases listed below, the patients were satisfied with the result, just a critical look from the doctor.

The folds of skin in the area of ​​the clitoral hood are not eliminated, and the labia are excessively excised. Excess skin can be removed, but lip augmentation is almost impossible. The problem is that after childbirth the genital gap will gape, which will cause aesthetic and physiological harm. Only vaginoplasty will help.

In my opinion, it didn’t look so aesthetically pleasing before, so any result will be good, but the same problem as above. It is necessary to understand that excessive excision of the labia is unacceptable, as it always leads to serious irreversible health consequences, atrophic colpitis, vaginitis, etc.

It’s a difficult situation, and the doctor came out of it very well, everything was quite neat, but the problem is the same, too much labia tissue was removed.

In combination with vaginoplasty, here it is simply necessary, in the picture on the left the posterior wall of the vagina protrudes, the result will be quite aesthetic and physiological.

Labia enlargement surgery

Enlargement of the labia majora is carried out in two ways:

  • lipofilling
  • injections of absorbable gels based on hyaluronic acid.

Lipofilling involves replenishing the volume with fat taken from another area of ​​the body. Typically, fat is taken from the sides, abdomen, thighs, and buttocks. You can find out more about the procedure here.

Gels for intimate correction differ from each other in density and duration of action. Your cosmetologist will tell you more about fillers during your consultation, or you can visit the section on contouring on our website.

Unlike lipofilling, plastic surgery with gels gives temporary results. The effect of lipofilling lasts forever (if you exclude sudden weight loss).

Vaginoplasty results

The duration of the effect largely depends on the genetically determined characteristics of the connective tissue of each individual woman. The effect of gravity is inevitable: over time, not only facial tissues sag, but also internal organs. Possible prolapse of the kidneys, spleen, etc. The only method - vaginal plastic surgery using mesh implants - provides a 100% guarantee that there will be no recurrence of prolapse in the future. However, if you are planning to give birth and are sexually active, then reinforcement with mesh implants is unacceptable.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Indications for enlargement of the labia majora are:

  • unsatisfactory size when this paired organ does not cover the labia minora;
  • unsatisfactory shape, asymmetry;
  • consequences of traumatization;
  • age-related changes: sagging, dry skin.

Correction is not carried out if:

  • endocrine disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • oncology;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • tumors;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • weakened immune system;
  • infections and viruses.

Lipofilling and contour plastic surgery are not performed on pregnant and nursing mothers. Patients under 18 years old also do not undergo labia majora enlargement.

Where to get vaginoplasty in Moscow?

For most patients, when searching for a plastic surgeon, the determining factors are: price, level of the clinic and the doctor’s reputation. This approach is fundamentally wrong. Focusing solely on the highest or lowest price, you risk making a mistake in choosing a worthy surgeon. A high price does not guarantee high quality of services provided. In turn, a greatly reduced price should also alert you; it may indicate insufficient experience of the doctor and/or poor-quality technical equipment.

How to prepare for labia augmentation procedure

If you are taking blood thinning medications, you should stop taking them two weeks before lipofilling of the labia majora. During the day before surgery, you must abstain from sex. Do not come to surgery with irritation or scratches after hair removal in the intimate area. Lipofilling is not performed during menstruation.

Your doctor will advise you on other questions related to preoperative preparation.

As for preparing for filler injections, it is also better to do them outside of menstruation. Damage and inflammation on the skin are unacceptable.

Vaginal plastic surgery: rehabilitation period and timing

After vaginal plastic surgery, rehabilitation is 1.5-2 months. Therefore, advertisements about “instant results from vaginoplasty” should be treated with skepticism.

Vaginal plastic surgery is not an “office” procedure, but a full-fledged operation with a rehabilitation period!

Remember that you cannot perform vaginoplasty by running into the clinic for a few minutes. In addition, depending on the initial pathology, not one, but several reconstructive operations may be needed.

Stages of the labia augmentation procedure


  1. You consult with a surgeon and undergo preoperative tests.
  2. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. It lasts about an hour. First, the surgeon removes fat from the “problem” areas. Then the fat is cleaned and evenly distributed in the correction area. In this case - in the area of ​​the labia majora and pubis (if necessary).
  3. Strips - thin antibacterial patches - or sutures are applied to the puncture sites. Then the woman is transferred to the ward, the doctor gives her recommendations so that the recovery period is comfortable. After a short time in the hospital, she goes home.

Contour plastic with fillers with hyaluronic acid

  1. During the consultation, the cosmetologist identifies contraindications and talks about the benefits of different drugs. Together with your doctor, you choose a filler.
  2. If there are no contraindications, the area of ​​the labia majora is cleaned and treated with a disinfecting solution. Using a needle or cannula, the gel is injected under the skin. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The injections take about 40 minutes.
  3. You leave the clinic having previously made an appointment for a follow-up examination.

Plastic surgery after childbirth. (Chest, abdomen, intimate area)

Have you ever heard this: “I don’t want a child, I’m afraid of ruining my figure”? Surely I had to. Many women absolutely consciously accept that their figure will change after childbirth, and for some the consequences become an unpleasant surprise. The good news is that you no longer have to put up with changes that don't suit you. Every woman can regain her figure after childbirth or even improve it (many, having seen how beautiful their breasts look, enlarged while breastfeeding, decide to “fix the result” with mammoplasty).

In any case, today every woman, regardless of the number of children, deserves to be a slim and beautiful mother.

The three main problem areas for women after the end of lactation are:

  • breast,
  • stomach,
  • intimate area.

After the end of the breastfeeding period, the woman begins to take care of her figure and pays more attention to the problems that have arisen. These changes are quite natural and almost everyone experiences them. To those young mothers who are unhappy with the changes that have happened to them, we offer our advice and assistance.

Recovery period


First days.

After the injection of autologous fat, swelling and bruising are observed. This is a normal reaction. By taking prescribed medications, you will ease your condition in the first days.

2-3 weeks after lipofilling.

High temperatures should be avoided. It is forbidden to go to the bathhouse, take hot baths, or sunbathe. It is better to limit physical activity.

One month after surgery.

The first results can be assessed 30 days after lipofilling. Later the result stabilizes. During the first month, you need to see a doctor for routine examinations.

Contour plastic with fillers with hyaluronic acid

3-5 days after the procedure.

You cannot massage the filler injection area, lie in the bathroom, or go to the sauna. You should not drink alcohol. Medicines that affect blood clotting are prohibited.

2 weeks after injections.

You need to see a specialist to monitor the result. If necessary, additional correction is made.

Possible complications

The competence of a specialist, adherence to the operation protocol and care recommendations will save you from unpleasant consequences. If the surgeon’s instructions are not followed, inflammation and pain may develop, including during sexual intercourse. If you have any concerns, make an appointment at the clinic. Our specialists will always help you solve all your problems and answer your questions.

Breast surgery after childbirth.

During the period of feeding a baby, the breasts, as is known, increase in size, and then return to their previous size, but, unfortunately, do not always retain their beautiful shape. And a young mother really wants to have young, firm breasts. Most often, in this case, a breast lift is required, which can be carried out either with its simultaneous enlargement or without the installation of implants .

It happens that a girl was quite happy with her small breasts until she saw them while breastfeeding. Usually the breast increases by 1-2 sizes. And many people really like it. There is a sort of natural “trying on” of the new breast. What is called “feel the difference”! And it is quite natural that when, after weaning a child, only memories remain of luxurious forms, women turn to us. They no longer have doubts about whether they need breast augmentation. They just want to forever return those beautiful forms that motherhood temporarily gave them!

Breast plastic surgery after childbirth is one of the main areas of work of Svetlana Vyacheslavovna Gagarina. In our clinic you can undergo a breast lift to quickly restore its previous shape. You can also undergo breast augmentation and give it the desired volume. We also perform breast reduction for those women who require it after childbirth or for other reasons.

Ideally selected high-quality breast implants, precise and professional work of a plastic surgeon, thin and invisible seams - this is what will help you return to an active life and enjoy not only the happiness of motherhood, but also confidence in your own attractiveness.

Cost of the procedure

Method Price
Lipofilling RUB 40,000*
Contour plastic with fillers from 12,000 rub.

*Excluding the cost of preoperative tests.

Your doctor will help you decide on the method of correcting the labia majora. The procedure can be complemented by labia minora plastic surgery to achieve the best aesthetic result.

Since 2002, the Medial Clinic has been helping women become more self-confident. Intimate plastic surgery is performed by Anzhelika Vladimirovna Nikolaeva-Fedorova and Levan Leonidovich Valiev. Cosmetological correction (labia enlargement with hyaluronic acid) is carried out by cosmetologists.

Sign up for a consultation by phone or chat on the website. We will be happy to accompany you on the path to transformation and getting rid of complexes!

Vaginal plastic surgery – where to do it?

If you have discovered that you have indications for vaginoplasty, then you need to be especially careful when choosing a clinic and an intimate surgeon. At the initial consultation during the examination, the doctor will tell you whether surgery is really necessary and what method is best to perform it.

Remember that the main thing for you is the choice of a surgeon, not a clinic, since it is in his hands that you trust your health.

When choosing a surgeon, pay attention to the following points:

  1. Reviews and opinions. Of course, you need to search the Internet for reviews of those who have had a similar operation and can share their impressions with you. Today, there are many forums on plastic surgery, where you can read reviews from women about the operation itself, clinics and specialists. Most of these platforms allow you to write reviews anonymously, which gives women the opportunity to discuss even the most sensitive issues.
  2. Information about the qualifications and experience of surgeons. Identify a few surgeons who have received the best reviews from patients and search for detailed information about each of them online. Pay attention to the doctor’s experience and specialization. You need to choose a surgeon who specializes specifically in intimate plastic surgery and has a higher education in gynecology.
  3. Find out about the surgeon's approach. Try to find interviews and other publications about the surgeon of your choice. From them you can glean a lot of useful information about how a particular doctor performs vaginoplasty. The presence of scientific and medical publications, although not obvious, indicates the reputation of the surgeon.
  4. Author's methods. Doctors with extensive experience often improve existing vaginal plastic techniques and develop their own (read more about the Beatrice laser vaginal rejuvenation technique). This is definitely a plus.
  5. Surgeon consultation. After you have chosen several specialists, go to each of them for a consultation. Ask as many questions as possible about how long it will take to prepare for the surgery, how long it takes, what the recovery period is like, and what complications there may be. Do not be lazy to clarify all these points with your doctor, since what is written about vaginoplasty on the Internet may be very different from what is in reality. This will become a kind of test for a specialist. The doctor must answer all your questions in detail and patiently. If he tries to brush it off and change the subject, then this is a reason to think about whether you need such a surgeon.

Risks and complications

If pubic correction surgery is performed correctly, serious complications are quite rare, especially if the patient follows all the recommendations of the recovery period.

But we need to talk about the risks:

  1. Hematomas and bruises usually resolve within 3 weeks, but in some cases physical therapy may be required.
  2. Infection of wounds and sutures can occur both during surgery and due to improper treatment of sutures at home.
  3. Dehiscence of seams is possible after physical activity and after intimacy during the recovery period.
  4. The appearance of teeth - this complication can be prevented by healing ointments and gels prescribed by the doctor.
  5. Hyperpigmentation of the skin - occurs under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  6. Tissue necrosis - can occur when the edges of the wound are tightened too much.
  7. Seroma - due to damage to the lymphatic system, fluid may accumulate under the skin.
  8. Decreased sensitivity - can occur when nerve endings are damaged (with extensive surgery).

When using low-traumatic techniques, uneven relief is possible due to uneven removal of fat.

On the day of surgery

You should not have breakfast, drink tea or water in the morning if you have general anesthesia.

It is necessary to strictly follow all the surgeon’s instructions. You can take a shower in the morning, but the detergent should be non-aggressive. All hair should be removed from the genital area. On the eve of the operation, you should not put any medications or douche into the vagina.

On the day of surgery, you should not use cosmetics; it is recommended to remove nail polish. Contact lenses will need to be removed immediately before surgery.

To minimize complications, you need to cleanse the intestines with an enema so that there is no stool immediately after the intervention.

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