Skin-fat apron on the abdomen: causes and methods of elimination

Every day, girls are faced with the cult of a beautiful, well-groomed and healthy body - on the TV screen and glossy pages of magazines, exceptionally ideal figures without an ounce of excess fat are constantly shown. Of course, today many brands in the beauty industry, clothing, etc. when building their advertising campaigns, they are increasingly focusing on body positive standards, but this does not mean that there are no fewer people who want to become the owners of an ideal flat stomach.

Horizontal folds on the abdomen in people of medium and heavy build look natural, however, it turns out that even the thinnest women have stripes in the waist area. These folds form above and/or below the navel and are not fat deposits. Horizontal stripes are a kind of wrinkles that appear once and never go away on their own.

The reason for the formation of horizontal folds on the abdomen

The reality is that horizontal folds on the stomach are a “problem” that is familiar even to avid athletes and people who are not inclined to be overweight. So what is the reason for these “wrinkles”? You need to understand that folds on the stomach are normal. They do not have any consequences for the body, their presence (in most cases) does not indicate any disease.

This is a physiological feature of the body: the skin wrinkles when a person sits, and over time “remembers” this compressed position, leaving marks on the stomach. However, the intensity of this “memory” depends on the elasticity and firmness of the skin - if the turgor is disturbed (due to the individual structural characteristics of the skin, as a result of age-related changes, due to illness, etc.), then after extension the skin is more difficult to “remember” its original position.

Why does this problem arise?

1. We have already mentioned one of the reasons for this aesthetic defect above - a sharp loss of body weight. In such cases, fat deposits on the anterior abdominal wall disappear, but the skin that covered them does not. If weight loss occurs quickly, then the dermis simply does not have time to shrink enough for the stomach to become even and smooth. A fold is formed. And due to the fact that there are no “reinforcing” structures in it, it sags under the influence of gravity.

2. The second reason for this violation is strictly the opposite - excess weight. Both the skin and fatty tissues on the anterior abdominal wall have some elasticity. But, if too many of them accumulate, they gradually begin to sag, forming a so-called “apron”. The situation can also be complicated by a person’s age. After 45–50 years, the abdominal muscles begin to weaken, and therefore the “apron” becomes more and more noticeable.

3. The third reason and a common question that women ask SM-Plastic specialists: what to do if after childbirth the skin on the abdomen hangs and does not return to normal? Why is this happening? The answer is simple: while the fetus grows in the uterus, the volume of the abdomen increases and, accordingly, the area of ​​skin that covers it. After childbirth, the volume of the uterus, together with the volume of the abdomen, decreases sharply. But the skin is not capable of shrinking so much and quickly to compensate for the changes. As a result, stretch marks form on them, and excess skin sags under the influence of gravity.

4. Finally, the fourth reason is diastasis (separation of the rectus abdominis muscles). It occurs when the white line, which represents the fibrous structure of the anterior abdominal wall, is weakened and stretched.

How to determine whether skin turgor is normal?

After 25 years, the skin begins to lose elasticity - the production of the required amount of hyaluronic acid and collagen decreases. Of course, comprehensive answers to questions about the condition of the skin can only be obtained through a consultation with an experienced cosmetologist. However, no one has canceled the preliminary self-diagnosis methods:

  • Step 1 – pinch the skin on the outside of your palm with two fingers and hold for a few seconds;
  • step 2 – release the skin: if the skin quickly returns to its original state, the turgor is not disturbed; if fingerprints disappear slowly, the skin needs “help.”

Why fat accumulates in the lower abdomen

This is primarily due to the characteristics of the human body and centuries of evolution. Once upon a time, fat reserves were necessary for survival in harsh natural conditions. As part of the modern development of society, fat no longer performs such an important function, but our ancient brain continues to accumulate reserves for a rainy day.

This is interesting: women are characterized by the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, while in men it is deposited in the visceral areas. At the same time, estrogens play a huge role in the production of fat deposits: during menopause and after it, when hormonal changes occur in the female body, you can notice an increase in the volume of the waist and hips.*

In addition, modern lifestyle is often associated with sedentary work, unhealthy diet and regular stress. All this contributes to improper distribution of subcutaneous fat and the formation of pronounced deposits in the lower abdomen.


Other targeted actions can also help make your lower abdomen smaller. These include massage of the problem area. You need to do it like this:

  • lie on your back, preferably placing your head on a pillow or other soft elevation;
  • clasp the lower abdomen with the thumb and forefinger of one hand;
  • gently pinch the muscles and fat folds around the navel for three minutes;
  • Pat the belly for about a minute and stroke its surface without pressing.

This massage takes little time and gives good results.

Breathing exercises

To quickly and effectively lose weight, perform the “vacuum” exercise. This is a yoga asana aimed at improving peristalsis and normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. However, in addition to this effect, it has a lot of other advantages, including helping to work out all the abdominal muscles, quickly getting rid of a bulging belly and strengthening the corset. To do the exercise:

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees, stretch your arms along your body and relax as much as possible. Start breathing slowly from your diaphragm.
  2. Exhale smoothly, trying to get all the air out of your lungs. After exhaling, pull in your stomach, trying to press it as close as possible to your spine. Hold the position for 10–15 seconds.
  3. Slowly begin to inhale, releasing tense muscles.

How else can you exercise if you want to strengthen your abs?

Here are a few more exercises that help get rid of this problem that poisons women’s lives. If you do them for half an hour for a week, the result will be obvious.

Exercise 1.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands over your slightly bent knees. During breathing exercises, pull your stomach in. Move your left leg with your toe extended to the side. Give the straight arm the opposite direction, raising it above your head. Shift your body weight to the other side. We rest our right hand on the bent knee. We strain our left muscles, wait 8-10 seconds, then change sides. Your back should be perfectly straight and your feet should be firmly on the floor. In each direction we repeat the described steps 3-4 times.

Exercise 2.

Lie on the floor and do breathing exercises. Place your arms along your body so that your palms face down. Raise your straight legs slightly above the floor, extending your toes. You need to cross them with each other, alternately bringing them together and apart in the air. You need to perform 3-4 approaches 10 times.

Exercise 3.

You need to lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Raise your arms straight up. Perform breathing exercises and tighten your stomach. Stretch your arms forward, lifting your shoulders and upper body off the floor as far as possible. Hold your breath and count to eight. Slowly take the starting position. Repeat 5-6 times, trying not to lower your head too low. It is important that you work primarily on your stomach and not your neck. It is also recommended to do lateral raises to engage the obliques.

Exercise 4.

It is also called “Cat”. You need to kneel and lean on your elbows. After breathing exercises, smoothly, using the diaphragm, alternately draw in and inflate the stomach. According to some data, this exercise also has general strengthening and healing effects.

How to remove fat in the lower abdomen for a man

Guys should remember that to remove excess fat they will have to constantly exercise. Cardio exercises, including swimming, cycling, running, will help you look better and get rid of the hanging bag in your belly.

Strength training and lifting heavy weights

Exercising in the gym will increase the level of effectiveness of the overall weight loss complex. Improving the condition of the figure and accelerating the burning of lipid tissues is achieved by training with dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells and special exercise machines.

Note! It is better to combine strength training and weight lifting with jogging and swimming, and home exercises.

Organization of proper nutrition

To burn fat, first of all you should worry about changing your diet to a healthier one. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to go on a strict diet: moreover, most of these methods of losing weight have a negative impact on health. In addition, after you return to your normal diet, the volume will return. Therefore, in order to remove fat from the lower abdomen with maximum efficiency, it is necessary to improve your diet. First of all, exclude trans fats and free sugars from the menu. This means that you should give up fast food, store-bought sweets and snacks. Also, sweet soda and packaged juices should disappear from the diet. They can be successfully replaced with fresh fruits and berries, homemade compotes and decoctions. When losing weight quickly, you need to adhere to the two most important rules.

  • Diet.
    Include more protein in your regular menu. This can include lean meat and fish, seafood, eggs, dairy products, soy, legumes and nuts. If you don't want to spend a lot of time preparing delicious and healthy food, pay attention to Formula 1 protein shakes from Herbalife Nutrition. One glass of this product replaces a full meal, providing a long-lasting feeling of fullness. In combination with physical activity, protein shakes help you quickly get rid of excess fat and effectively work muscles. In addition, this product is additionally enriched with a vitamin and mineral complex of 23 elements necessary for the human body. This is an excellent alternative to strict diets with a calorie deficit: you will not suffer from hunger and lack of nutrients, and with the right exercise schedule you can quickly get rid of lower belly fat.
  • Mode.
    To effectively lose weight, nutritionists recommend sticking to a nutritional schedule. You should try to eat at approximately the same time, and the break between the main meal and snack should not exceed three hours. This will prevent you from constantly feeling hungry and not overeating during dinner. By the way, the advice “not to eat after six” is relevant only for those who go to bed at nine in the evening. In other cases, the last meal should take place three hours before bedtime: this way you will not go to bed on an empty stomach, but most of the nutrients will already be absorbed. For those who are accustomed to overeating at night, it is recommended to replace their regular dinner with Formula 1. Evening Cocktail from Herbalife Nutrition. One serving of the cocktail contains a lot of pure protein and a complex of microelements, as well as L-tryptophan, which helps normalize sleep.

If necessary, you can contact the Healthy Lifestyle Club. A nutrition consultant will provide proven information, optimize and personalize the program, and provide support. The specialist will also take the necessary measurements and record the results to see the dynamics. This way, it will be much more pleasant to watch your figure in a friendly and warm atmosphere.

Special Moves

Breathing exercises have proven themselves to be effective in combating this deficiency. They are performed like this:

  1. Inhale through your mouth. The air enters for a long time through the rounded and elongated lips.
  2. Inhale through your nose. The mouth is tightly closed. Quickly and sharply you need to draw the maximum amount of air into your lungs, then hold your breath for 10 seconds.
  3. Exhale through your mouth. In this case, you need to use the diaphragm and stomach. Pronouncing sounds like “pa-ah” helps a lot.
  4. Hold your breath after exhaling, and tilt your head down. The stomach should be pulled inward so that it “sticks” to the ribs. Count to eight, relax and breathe in the air noisily.

If you combine the described actions with physical exercise, the effect of the latter will be much greater.

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