Ligamentotomy: for or against? Reviews from experts

Preparation for the procedure

Before the operation, you should undergo an examination. It includes:

  • biochemical, general blood and urine analysis;
  • test for syphilis;
  • presence of glucose in the blood;
  • determination of blood clotting;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • antibody determination;
  • X-ray of the chest organs.

In some cases, the doctor prescribes additional consultation with specialized specialists - andrologist-urologist, endocrinologist.

The date of the procedure is set by the attending physician after receiving all the tests. The patient must warn specialists about the presence of allergies, bad habits, and use of medications.

Plastic surgery to enlarge the penis can be performed not only for medical reasons. Often it is performed solely for aesthetic purposes, at the request of the client. In this case, the decision on the need to lengthen the penis is made directly by the patient.

Dzidzaria Alexander Gudisovich surgeon, head of the department of oncourology

Recommendations for wearing an extender after ligamentotomy of the penis:

By releasing the inner part of the corpora cavernosa of the penis, ligamentotomy surgery creates additional potential for increasing the length of the penis using an extender. Regular wearing of an extender after surgery leads to physiological growth of the membranes and tissues of the penis. In addition, the extender helps to consolidate the result achieved by surgical intervention and prevents the formation of adhesions in the early postoperative period, therefore it is recommended to be worn for 3 to 4 months after surgery to increase the length of the penis.

Our ABIA Clinic is the official partner of the representative office of PeniMaster extenders in Russia (Alargo LLC). Their products are modern extenders, which are made of hypoallergenic plastic and silicone, are easy to use, are small in size and allow you to wear them in almost any situation. The penis extender must be used daily for 2-6 hours a day; It is not allowed to use the device while sleeping. Careful personal hygiene and keeping the device clean will help you avoid possible inconveniences when wearing an extender. You can receive more specific recommendations in person during a consultation with a urologist.

Carrying out the procedure

The operation includes several stages.

  1. Anesthesia. General anesthesia or epidural anesthesia (injection into the back) is used. In the first case, the person is unconscious, in the second, sensitivity below the belt is removed.
  2. An incision in the scrotum. The method is considered the most non-traumatic. Minimal discomfort after surgery, small scar.
  3. Cutting off the suspensory ligament. A scalpel is used. There is no risk of damage to blood vessels, nerves, or erectile dysfunction.
  4. Stitching the incision. Cosmetic stitches are used. Surgical or self-absorbable threads are used.

The duration of the procedure is about an hour. Hospital stay is two days. The patient's general condition and wound healing are monitored.

Ligamentotomy: for or against? Reviews from experts

In Russia, plastic surgeons perform ligamentotomy. Urologists do not undertake such operations.

I am a member of the Professional Association of Andrologists of Russia, I can say that in our medical circles there are no specialists who advocate ligamentotomy.
There are two reasons for this: low efficiency and high risk of complications.
Patients want guarantees that the surgeon cannot really give.
Abroad, doctors are protected by law, contractual obligations and the work of insurers, so they easily agree to carry out such manipulations. They honestly tell patients about the possible risks and low effectiveness of the operation. By agreeing to surgery, despite all precautions, only the patient bears responsibility. In the Russian Federation things are different. Doctors are absolutely not protected at the legislative level. All responsibility ultimately falls on the surgeon who performed the operation. No one will understand whether the patient received detailed advice, whether he was warned about the risks and complications. Urologists and andrologists understand perfectly well that in fact ligamentotomy is a “dummy operation
”, and they will not risk their good name, despite the material attractiveness.

The penis is enlarged by several centimeters by cutting the suspensory ligament and releasing the inner part of the organ. In this case, the binder loses its properties. A postoperative scar is formed in the area where the incision was made. The resulting tissues perform the support function. Naturally, when patients see “before” and “after” photographs of the operation, which show the additional 3-4 cm that have appeared (for clarity, they apply a ruler to the penis), the result looks attractive. But you need to understand that this result is immediately after the operation. Time will pass, the tissues will heal, and in fact it will turn out that the penis has not grown by 4 cm.

Another disadvantage for the patient, but a benefit for the surgeon, is wearing the extender for at least six months. An extender means extra money, as well as an opportunity to justify the lack of the desired result. Patients find it difficult to wear an extender and sometimes neglect it. And then, when they come to the doctor and realize that the result is not quite what they expected, they talk about deviations from the rules of postoperative rehabilitation. The surgeon can take advantage of this and shift the blame for a poor result onto the patient.

Another popular request is to increase the diameter of the penis.

The increase in volume thickness occurs due to the installation of a biomatrix under the skin. The penis consists of cavernous tissue and is devoid of subcutaneous fatty tissue, which does not allow for a significant increase in diameter. The biomatrix fills the space and stretches the skin, of which there is not much on the penis. It is impossible to achieve an ideal effect, and a poor result is again not worth the possible consequences.

There are a number of other popular manipulations that are incorrectly defined as medical. I'm talking about piercings, sewing balls under the skin to stimulate the walls of the vagina, and so on. The good news is that such manipulations are not dangerous and will not lead to organ loss.

To ensure that men in adulthood do not experience discomfort associated with the size or diameter of the penis, it is necessary to provide them with information about what is normal.
It would be useful to have educational programs that explain to teenage boys in an accessible form how to care for their penis. If the size is not satisfactory, then at a young age it is possible to enlarge the penis using non-surgical methods. These methods include: taking medications that stimulate tissue growth, special exercises that stretch the penis, the use of extenders and vacuum devices. A balanced diet and regular exercise strengthen the body, which is important for normal tissue growth. To recognize ligamentotomy as an effective operation, it is necessary to analyze real statistical data, which simply does not exist.
For this purpose, a group of at least 33 patients must be selected.
All measurements were taken before and after the operation. Observations were made over a period of time. The results have been summed up and will be confirmed by a group of experts. Currently, patients are guided by advertising promises. Whether to believe them is solely the choice of patients. I urge you to treat the issue of penis manipulation with extreme skepticism and caution. It may be simply impossible to restore the functionality of an organ. It’s worth thinking about whether a man wants to risk, without exaggeration, his most important organ for the sake of a dubious effect! And remember, ligamentotomy does not give results, it is a dummy operation.

Predicted results

How many centimeters can you enlarge your penis?

The penis lengthening potential is between five and six centimeters. The result depends on many factors:

  • elasticity of fabrics;
  • reserve of the urethra and cavernous bodies;
  • wearing an extender.

The risk of postoperative complications is minimal. The erection remains normal, there is no tissue damage.

Side troubles include:

  • poor healing of sutures;
  • infection of the operated area.

How is ligamentotomy performed?

Access for ligamentotomy is performed along the midline of the scrotum, using penoscrotal access. Video of ligamentotomy. This hidden access leaves virtually no skin deformations or scars. After reaching the penopubical (pubic) area, the superficial sling-shaped ligament of the penis is dissected, and then the suspensory ligament of the penis. In this case, careful hemostasis is carried out in the area of ​​the surgical field. Particular attention is paid when mobilizing the lateral tissues, near the spermatic cords. The suspensory ligament is dissected along the periosteum of the symphysis along the midline and laterally for 1-2 cm on each side.

Careful performance of the ligamentotomy operation does not lead to damage to the dorsal nerves, arteries and veins of the penis. As you approach the edge of the lower surface of the pubic symphysis, the likelihood of the appearance of superficial branches of the dorsal vein increases, and at the depth of the wound, the deepest dorsal vein. The ligamentotomy operation is considered complete when three edges of the lower surfaces of the pubic bones become accessible to palpation.

After completing this stage of ligamentotomy

An additional dissection of the lateral bundles of Scarpa's fascia is performed, avoiding damage to the elements of the spermatic cord. After performing ligamentotomy, the penis moves forward by 2-3 cm, that is, the primary elongation of the penis occurs immediately. The use of extenders in the postoperative period is intended to increase and consolidate the lengthening effect after ligamentotomy.

Male intimate plastic surgery

Ligamentotomy - lengthening of the penis

During the operation, the ligament that fixes part of the penis inside the body is cut. At the beginning of the operation, the specialist makes a small incision in the scrotum area. Next, the process of exposing the connective tissue fibers of the suspensory ligament, which are located in the pubic region, and cutting them is carried out. The surgeon then pulls out the hidden part of the penis, after which he fixes it and sutures the wound.

Thickening of the penis

Penile thickening is an operation aimed at increasing the diameter of the penis. This is a more complex intervention than ligamentotomy.

Today, non-surgical and surgical methods are used to thicken the penis. A non-surgical method is the injection of the patient's own fat, taken from the pubic or abdominal area, into his penis. The extracted and processed fat is transplanted subcutaneously, distributing it along the shaft of the penis.

Surgical methods are usually chosen by patients who want to get results once and for all. However, it is necessary to understand that thickening the penis is a traumatic intervention, after which a rather difficult rehabilitation follows.

Currently, specialists carry out penis thickening using three surgical methods. The first of them is transplantation of a fragment of the rectus abdominis muscle. During the operation, access is made to the rectus abdominis muscle, then part of it is isolated on the artery and vein. After this, the surgeon turns the muscle and moves it under the skin of the penis and attaches it to its membranes.

The next way to increase the diameter of the male genital organ is to implant a skin-fat graft from the buttocks. The specialist uses flaps of subcutaneous adipose tissue from the area of ​​the natural fold under the buttock and then transplants them under the skin of the penis. In this case, the transplants seem to encircle the penis along its entire length. Over time, postoperative marks in the area of ​​flap removal become almost invisible.

The third method of penile thickness correction is serratus anterior muscle transplantation. The donor is a muscle flap from the armpit area. During the intervention, an incision is made on the side of the chest. The next step for the surgeon is to dissect the tissue along the coronary sulcus. Next, the flap is removed and moved under the skin of the penis, the vessels of the implant and the anterior abdominal wall are connected.

Penile prosthetics

Penile prosthesis is a plastic surgery that involves inserting a special prosthesis into the male genital organ, which allows a man to have full intimacy with a woman. In many cases, this operation is the only option for a man.

The choice of method of surgical access (incision sites) depends on the type of prosthesis chosen and the individual characteristics of the patient. All these issues are discussed in detail during the preliminary consultation. The main options for incisions are: in the scrotum area, under the pubis, and also through the foreskin. In any case, after the scars heal, the stitches become invisible. The main part of the prosthesis is installed in the area of ​​the cavernous bodies.

Testicular prosthetics

Testicular prosthetics is a surgical intervention aimed at solving the aesthetic problem of the male genital organs associated with the absence of a testicle (testicle) in the scrotum.

Through a small incision along the side surface of the scrotum, a silicone prosthesis is placed into it, which in shape, elasticity and size completely corresponds to a normal testicle. For each patient, a testicular prosthesis is selected individually.

Vasectomy - blocking the vas deferens

Carrying out this operation leads to the cessation of male reproductive function.

Using a simple surgical operation, the vas deferens on both sides are crossed and ligated through a 0.5-1.0 cm incision on the scrotum. As a result of a vasectomy, sperm does not enter the ejaculate. The testicles remain unharmed and continue to produce hormones, so sexual desire, erection and orgasm are not impaired. There are usually no side effects with a vasectomy.

Circumcision - “circumcision” of the foreskin of the penis

The operation is performed according to the latest European standards, both by complete circumcision and by plastic surgery of the foreskin. After appropriate anesthesia, mobilization and excision (full or partial) of the foreskin is carried out through a circular incision around the head of the penis, then self-absorbing sutures are applied. If observation is necessary, the patient spends 1-2 hours in the clinic room.

Coproroplasty is the elimination of curvature of the penis.

Currently, 3 surgical methods are used to correct the curvature of the penis.

The first is plication of the tunica albuginea using the Nesbit method and its modifications. The use of this method is advisable if the patient maintains erectile function and has sufficient length of his penis. The surgeon makes a circular incision in the coronary sulcus, located at the base of the head of the male genital organ. Next, the process of moving the skin down and, as a result, exposing the tunica albuginea, onto which paired plication sutures are applied.

The second way to treat penile curvature with surgery is to excise the fibrous plaque of the corpora cavernosa with grafting. During the operation, a circular approach is performed, after which the specialist dissects the fibrous plaque and applies a patch/grafting to the tunica albuginea.

Penile endoprosthetics is the third method of correcting the curvature of the male genital organ. It is indicated for patients with severe penile curvature and erectile dysfunction. The result of the operation, as a rule, is not only the elimination of penile curvature, but also the restoration of erectile function. The operation is characterized by the replacement of poorly functioning cavernous tissue of the penis with a special prosthesis. Typically, infillable and semi-rigid implants are used.

Surgical treatment of premature ejaculation

The surgeon begins the operation by intersecting the nerve trunks located at a distance of 3 centimeters from the edge of the incision. They are located on the dorsal surface of the penis. After crossing the nerves, the doctor restores them by applying a special suture. For about 2-3 months, the head of the penis has zero sensitivity. It increases and returns to normal with the growth of nerve trunks. This may take about 6-8 months. After this period, as a rule, the patient gets the opportunity to control the duration of sexual intercourse.

Plastic surgery of the frenulum of the penis

Plastic frenulum of the penis (frenulotomy) is a surgical procedure aimed at cutting a short or scarred frenulum of the foreskin in order to lengthen it. The operation is simple and painless.

Plastic surgery of the short frenulum of the foreskin is usually performed under local anesthesia using frenulotomy. After treating the operated area with a disinfectant solution, the doctor begins to dissect the frenulum. This is done in the transverse direction using a scalpel. After which a ligature is applied, and then the edges of the wound are sutured in the longitudinal direction. If the patient has rough scars formed due to spontaneous rupture of the frenulum, they are removed. When suturing, very thin medical threads are used. Upon completion, a gauze pad is applied to the wound and secured with a bandage.

Preparing for surgery

To be able to perform intimate plastic surgery, you must first consult with the plastic surgeon who performs this intervention. Find out from the doctor about the nuances of future correction that interest you, asking him all your questions.

If you cannot meet with a surgeon, we draw your attention to the Online Consultation service. Ask any question about plastic surgery and receive an answer from a surgeon within one business day.

No less mandatory conditions for intimate plastic surgery are undergoing a routine medical examination and testing.

Rehabilitation after surgery

Depending on the chosen operation, you must be present in the clinic 1-3 days after the operation. On the first day, the most painful sensations may appear in the affected area. A timely visit to the surgeon for examinations and dressings is mandatory. Any physical activity is reduced to a minimum for 2-3 months.

Cost of the operation

The price of intimate plastic surgery for men depends on the complexity of the surgical intervention. The cost of the operation is also affected by the number of days spent in the hospital and the price of implants. The full cost of the operation is determined by the surgeon at a preliminary consultation, when he gets to know you better and conducts an examination.


Initial appointment with a plastic surgeon - 1,000 rubles.

Carrying out the operation - from 30,000 rubles. (enlargement of the glans penis)

Other expenses - find out the full receipt of the all-inclusive operation from the clinic administrators by phone. 8 (863) 2-372-000

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