How to insert a ball into a penis: risks of the procedure, consequences and reviews from women

Penile implants are foreign objects inserted under the skin through an incision. They are given different names: ball bearings, yakuza beads, pearls, speed bumps, inserts, penis balls, etc. still suggests using the official term - “penile implant”. And recommends distinguishing it from inflatable therapeutic and semi-rigid implants, which are widely used for the surgical treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Who might need this?

Such an operation is most often performed by men who are dissatisfied with the size of their reproductive organ or who strive to satisfy their sexual partner as much as possible during intimacy, to help her achieve a faster or more intense orgasm. Many men decide to undergo this procedure because the woman they love previously had a sexual partner with a larger penis or balls in the penis.

Many people are interested in how to insert a ball into a penis.

Possible complications

The procedure performed by a specialist is completely safe for health.

But if it is done at home, complications are possible:

  1. If hygiene rules are not followed and implants are not sterilized sufficiently, infection may enter the penis, which leads to adverse consequences.
  2. The quality of erection and libido may deteriorate.
  3. The tissues of the penis sometimes “do not accept” a foreign object. Rejection occurs.
  4. If the balls are made independently and are not smooth enough, then the fact of their ingrowth into the tissue is noted. Then the inflammatory process begins, swelling of the penis and the appearance of severe pain, which forces you to refuse intimacy. The incision site begins to fester.

In case of unsuccessful implantation, you must definitely go to the doctor. Usually the implant is removed, and then symptomatic treatment should be given.

To avoid complications and negative consequences, it is recommended to perform the operation in a clinic. Although there is no 100% guarantee that the balls will not be rejected by the organ.

Method of organ enlargement

Currently, installing such implants in the penis is considered a popular and safe way to thicken the organ. After the operation, men are able to better stimulate their partner during sex. The procedure is absolutely harmless to the reproductive system and is also reversible, since the balls can be removed at any time. The removal procedure is even easier and faster than installation. A penis with inserted balls does not cause discomfort; implants have absolutely no effect on erectile function or the activity of the urinary system.


There are a number of men who dream of giving their partner maximum pleasure during sexual intercourse. And for this they are ready to do anything, even implants implanted into the genitals.

Such subcutaneous balls are one of the most inexpensive ways to thicken certain areas of the penis. They are also called clitoral, because during sexual intercourse it is the clitoral area that is much better stimulated. And all because the genital organ is given relief in certain areas.

The procedure is quite simple. It is carried out quickly and only with the consent of the patient. Not every man will decide to undergo such an operation. Only those who want to make the organ thicker without causing much damage to their health.

Implantation of balls into the foreskin makes it possible to additionally stimulate the erogenous zones of the partner. The procedure is reversible. The clitoral balls can be removed at any time. They do not have any negative effect on reproductive function.

The process of removing the balls is even simpler than installing them. Let us note that they will not affect in any way either the erection or the functioning of the genitourinary system.

What are penis enlargement balls made of?

In expensive private clinics they use balls made from natural pearls. The diameter of each pearl is approximately 9-10 mm. In this case, the man himself chooses which balls to insert under the skin of his penis. But for faster healing of the surgical incision and for the comfort of the penis, doctors recommend that men sew medium-sized smooth balls into the penis.

Some clinics offer balls made of medium-hard prosthetic materials. In addition, implants are produced from glass, plastic, and silicone. A man can choose the balls according to his taste and his finances, or he can follow the recommendation of a medical specialist. The patient can also choose how many balls should be placed under the skin of the penis and what size they should be. The specialist, as a rule, does not interfere in the selection process. However, he can advise in which places on the male organ it is best to insert balls. The optimal areas are determined based on the positions in which the patient prefers to have sexual intercourse, and also takes into account which areas of the female genital organs need to be stimulated. A man can choose up to 10 balls. Balls can be inserted into the lower and upper sides of the reproductive organ. Depending on the location of the implants, stimulation of the clitoral zone or the lateral, upper and lower integuments of the woman’s vagina increases.

After the patient determines the size and number of balls, the doctor begins the surgical intervention. The operation is performed on an outpatient basis, using local anesthesia. The duration of the procedure is no more than 15 minutes. The implants are sterilized before being placed under the skin of the penis.

So, how to insert a ball into a penis.

What are they made from?

Glass transparent balls

In the modern world, pearls with a diameter of about 10 mm (up to 1 cm) are also used, as in ancient Asia.

But the pleasure is not cheap, and the procedure can only be performed in private clinics.

There are other material options to suit every taste and budget. A man can select the balls individually.

Clitoral balls are made from:

  • glass;
  • silicone;
  • material used for the manufacture of prostheses, with moderate rigidity;
  • plastic;
  • rarely made of metal.

Metal balls for penis

You can choose different sizes based on your preferences. But smaller diameter balls contribute to faster healing of the insertion site.

If a man prefers to trust specialists, he will receive professional advice and valuable recommendations about the size and material of the balls.

Interesting! In prison, prisoners make implants from plastic, plexiglass or glass. Even a piece of plastic toothbrush serves as material. Next, the workpiece must be thoroughly sanded with sandpaper, a cloth, and even worn in the mouth so that the surface becomes perfectly smooth.

It is impossible for unevenness to remain - the ball can grow into the tissue of the penis.

Implantation process

The surgeon administers an anesthetic drug to the patient. When the penis loses sensitivity, an incision is made and a passage is made under the skin to the area where the ball will be located. The ball is inserted under the skin by pushing it from the incision to a specific area of ​​the penis. The surgical wound should be no more than 5 mm. The incision is tightly sutured so that the ball remains in the required place and does not move under the skin. The incision is made across the length of the penis. Therefore, a scar that has healed after surgical manipulation is completely invisible in the folds of the reproductive organ. The wound is sutured with either simple or self-absorbing thread. Most often, two stitches are applied.

After the operation, the patient remains in a hospital hospital or in a private clinic for half an hour, after which he is sent home.

Material of manufacture

Before using implants, the material of their manufacture is studied in detail.

The quality of the materials used depends on the price of the implant being installed. The most expensive models use balls made from natural pearls. Each of these products has a diameter of about one centimeter. The patient independently chooses the material and size of the ball to be installed.

Surgeons who regularly perform surgeries to enlarge the reproductive organ of men advise using medium-sized models. They are considered the most comfortable, since they fit better than others under the skin of the phallus.

Products made from hard materials are also considered good implants. These include balls made of silicone, glass or plastic. It is these models that give the penis elasticity in an erect state. However, when independently choosing suitable implants, it is better to consult a doctor.

Read also: How to quickly pump up your butt with butt exercises in the gym for girls?

Installation at home

Some men risk carrying out such procedures at home. Such manipulation is safe only if it is carried out correctly. Implants for self-insertion under the skin of the penis can be purchased at an intimate goods store. A man takes a shower and thoroughly washes his genital area. After this, the penis, palms, scrotum, and pubic area should be treated with a disinfectant solution to prevent infection from entering the wound. The places where the balls are inserted are marked on the penis with a marker. However, it should be taken into account that the implants should not come into contact with each other, the distance between them should be at least 2 cm. Next, a syringe with a thin needle and a novocaine solution is taken and an injection is made into the selected location. When the penis loses sensitivity, an incision of up to 8 mm is made. From there to the selected area under the skin, a stroke of approximately 5 mm is made with the syringe. One tablet of the drug “Streptocid” is taken, ground into powder and pushed into this passage using a syringe. The ball must also be inserted into this hole and pushed through. The incision is treated with brilliant green, and a sterile bandage soaked in an antibiotic solution is applied to the penis.

Now it’s clear how to insert a ball into a penis. The risks of the procedure are described below.

Interesting Facts

  1. In the zone, prisoners quite often implant balls into their penises. They also use other names: “sleepers”, “drops”, “rods”. Prisoners do the implantation on their own, wanting to be better lovers after finishing their sentence, because the inserted implants are movable and affect different nerve endings in a woman’s vagina.
  2. Fashionable changes in the appearance of the penis came not only from prison and the army, but also from China and Japan (where samurai and the upper class enjoyed the privilege). It is also known that the Yakuza criminal group actively used this type of plastic surgery. Each inserted ball meant a year behind bars.
  3. According to research by men's health expert Tobias Koller of SIU Healthcare in Illinois, the implantation of clitoral balls is not such a harmless event. During an unsuccessful operation, the urethra can be damaged, which will cause severe pain. Scar tissue then forms and the result is erectile dysfunction.

Risks and dangers of the procedure

Surgical intervention to thicken the penis with balls is considered harmless. But in some cases there are quite unpleasant consequences. Problems usually develop after the procedure is performed at home. In order to avoid troubles, it is necessary to carry out implantation in specialized clinics that have a good reputation. Most often, after a poorly performed operation, men experience the following problems:

  • implant rejection;
  • penetration of infection into the genital organ;
  • weakening of erectile functions.

It is important to find out in advance how to insert the ball into the penis. The possible consequences can be very serious.

It must be taken into account that implant failure can occur even after a properly performed operation. This happens if the tissue of the genital organ does not adapt to the presence of a foreign object in them. During rejection, the patient feels intense pain in the penis area. In this situation, you have to forget about intimacy all the more. If the above problems occur after installing the implants, you should immediately visit a medical specialist. Doctors usually advise men in this situation to remove the implants from under the skin of the penis.


Implanting beads into the foreskin is not the only way to increase manhood. Let's talk about them in more detail below.

Vacuum pump

A fairly popular method of penis enlargement is a vacuum pump. With its help, the penis becomes thicker and longer. It consists of a cylinder - this is a flask, and also has a pump. In some versions it is also equipped with a pear.

The penis must be placed in a flask from which the air has been pumped out. There is low pressure there. Without air, the penis begins to enlarge.

Advantages of the device:

  • efficiency;
  • when used according to instructions there is no danger to health;
  • cheapness;
  • large range of models;
  • ease of use at home;
  • There are practically no side effects.

It is very important when pumping up the penis to follow all the instructions. The procedure time is strictly regulated.

If you violate the instructions, you may encounter the following problems:

  • swelling of the genital organ;
  • the appearance of hematomas;
  • hyperemia of the penis;
  • expansion of blood vessels - capillaries.

The described symptoms do not pose any danger to the life and health of the genital area, but the unpleasant sensations will cause discomfort. Implanting balls into the foreskin is a more complex procedure, but quick, compared to pumping up the penis. They do it once.

Some people think that the longer the penis is in the flask, the larger it becomes. But that's not true. On the contrary, when overexposed, growth slows down.


The size of the genital organs is individual for everyone. Some men are ready to do anything to change nature and increase their “dignity”. This usually happens if sex is not satisfying. A successful operation also has a psychological effect. A man feels stronger and his self-esteem increases. Complexes are a thing of the past.

Today medicine offers three types of surgery:

  • transplantation of gluteal fat tissue into the penis;
  • tissue transplantation from abdominal muscles;
  • transplantation of tissue consisting of muscles and blood vessels.

A contraindication to intervention is the patient’s mental disorders. Before the operation, a psychologist must communicate with the patient and make his verdict. The duration of surgical procedures is about three hours and they are performed only under general anesthesia.

When the patient is on the operating table and ready for surgery, the doctor trims the foreskin. The skin moves closer to the pubic area. Then a piece of tissue is cut from another area of ​​the body that has been selected in advance. It is used to wrap the genital organ and connect the vessels. At the very end, the surgeon returns the skin of the penis to its original place.

Thanks to the surgical method, it is possible to increase both the length and width of the organ. So, it becomes larger by 2 cm in length and 5 cm in width. The man remains under observation for about 5 days. Intimate life resumes only after two months, not earlier.

Recovery is often quick and without any complications. And yet, sometimes the patient may experience swelling of the penis, rejection of the transplanted tissue, or infection.

Considering that the patient's own tissue is transplanted onto the penis, rejection is quite rare. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you must strictly follow the doctor's instructions.

Symptoms of infection

It is unacceptable to carry out the procedure without maintaining sterility, without disinfecting the balls and the genital area. If surgical intervention is carried out carelessly, it is unlikely that infection will be avoided in the tissues of the male organ. When pathogenic microorganisms enter the penis, they become infected and the man experiences the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the penis;
  • severe pain in the genital area;
  • leakage of an unpleasant-smelling yellowish fluid from the surgical incision.

If such a situation arises, then most often doctors decide to remove the balls from the penis. Next, anti-inflammatory drug therapy is prescribed.

Where can you insert balls into your penis?


If you have a medical insurance policy and your passport is in order, then plastic surgery can be done for free in a private or public clinic.

Otherwise, you will have to pay for the operation:

  • Installation costs from 6 thousand to 30 thousand rubles, depending on the clinic’s prices.
  • If you need to pull out the balls, you will have to pay at least 5 thousand rubles.
  • In Moscow, the clinics are as follows: On Clinic, CMRT, ABC Clinic, Mont Blanc.
  • In St. Petersburg: Medical Unit No. 157, Family Doctor, SM Clinic.

Where to do it?

You can perform an operation to insert balls into the penis, as already mentioned, at home, but the success of this procedure depends on the correctness of its implementation.

In addition, you can perform such an operation in a specialized private clinic, the range of services of which includes similar surgical procedures. Carrying out in public clinics is also possible by personal agreement with the surgeon, on an individual, private basis.

Contraindications for surgery

  • The presence of inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • High fever, flu, colds;
  • The presence of liver diseases in the chronic stage;
  • Presence of sexually transmitted diseases, HIV, hepatitis, syphilis;
  • Presence of mental illness.

Author: Farhat Fuad Akhmedovich Plastic surgeon, Candidate of Medical Sciences Leading specialist at the Lux Clinic plastic surgery clinic. Received the Crystal Lotus Award in the category “Best Plastic Surgeon for Mammoplasty”. Since 2011, he has been an expert in plastic surgery at the Federal Office of Medical and Social Expertise.

Reviews from women

Women's opinions regarding the presence of balls in the male genital organ are quite diverse. Many of them criticize such events because they believe that a man’s penis should be natural, and the presence of foreign bodies in it is slightly frightening and looks rather unaesthetic. In addition, this category of women is of the opinion that implanting balls under the skin is very dangerous and harmful to health. As for the sensations during sexual intercourse, women say that the balls did not give them a pleasant experience, and sometimes even the opposite - there was some pain during sex.

Another category of women considers balls in the penis to be a fairly good technique for stimulating the erogenous zones located in the vaginal area. When it comes to aesthetic factors, they respond quite positively, and some of them even think that a penis with balls under the skin looks quite attractive. Women say that balls in a man’s penis pleasantly stimulate orgasm; with their help, you can experience more vivid and sensual experiences in sex.

In this case, there is no pain, and there is no discomfort during sexual intercourse. The only thing that this category of women sometimes doesn’t like is too many balls in the penis. They believe that one to three medium-sized balls are enough. If such implants are too large or their number exceeds five, then this often injures the walls of the vagina, pain is felt during sexual intercourse, and the penis itself is very large. Moreover, such a number of implants interferes, according to women, with other types of intimacy and causes some discomfort.

We looked at how to insert a ball into a penis.

Why are the balls inserted?

Before installing ball-shaped implants into the penis, you should become more familiar with their purpose. Many guys use them to tighten and thicken certain areas of the reproductive organ. The main advantage of such devices is their ease of installation. Guys just need to visit a specialist who will install the balls under the skin of the phallus in just an hour.

Most often, guys who are dissatisfied with the size of their penis and want to enlarge it decide to use such implants. Some people use them to better satisfy their partner and bring her to orgasm. Thanks to the balls, the volume of the penis will increase, and the vagina will be better stimulated during sex.

Today, the use of balls is considered a fairly common method of thickening the erect penis. This popularity is due to the effectiveness and absolute safety of the method. Implants are also popular because they can be installed temporarily.

If desired, the inserted balls can be removed at any time.


This is the most dangerous and artisanal option for carrying out this procedure. We categorically do not recommend using it - in this case, you risk causing serious harm to your health.

To carry out such a procedure, which became widespread in places of deprivation of liberty, all that was needed were bandages with cotton wool and some kind of antiseptic - as a rule, brilliant green or iodine were used. The intervention was carried out as follows:

  1. The hands and genital area were washed thoroughly; all skin surfaces were treated with alcohol or other antiseptic;
  2. Next, it was necessary to sharpen the screwdriver and treat it with alcohol. They refused to calcinate the screwdriver with a flame due to the fact that soot got on the tip, interfering with the procedure;
  3. The intervention was carried out on the penis in a non-erect state;
  4. Then, the penis had to be placed on a table with a sterile cloth previously laid down;
  5. The skin on the side was pulled back to the maximum possible distance;
  6. A tool was attached to it, after which the skin was punched through with a hammer, which made it possible to form two holes at the same distance from each other;
  7. A ball pre-treated with alcohol was inserted into this hole;
  8. At the end, the surface of the skin was treated with an antiseptic again - for example, brilliant green, and then bandaged.

This artisanal method was dangerous, first of all, due to the risks of infection, long and difficult wound healing, swelling, and so on. In this case, the ball either fell off on its own or had to be removed by consulting a doctor.

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