The nuances of using a facial scrub. How to use the product correctly?

The upper layer of the dermis becomes keratinized due to dying cells. They are being replaced by new ones. The formed layer is not removed naturally, which leads to the formation of a so-called shell on the face.

Using a facial scrub improves the appearance of the skin, making it more youthful, soft and seemingly glowing. Many people wonder how to choose a facial scrub. Everything is quite simple: we take into account skin type, financial capabilities and the final result.

Unlike regular soap or detergent, a facial scrub contains fine particles or abrasives that have a positive effect through the process of exfoliation. The most popular component is natural salt, which has a gentle effect.

Benefits of a facial scrub developed based on natural salt:

  • remove old epidermal cells;
  • make the skin smooth and elastic;
  • reduce acne marks;
  • saturate cells with oxygen;
  • charge the skin with health;
  • even out complexion.

Dead cells accumulated on the epidermis slow down the renewal process, preventing the penetration of nutrients and the regulation of sebum. In the absence of proper care, black spots and peeling appear.

However, improper or excessive use of this remedy does more harm than good.

Before choosing a facial scrub, you should study how this product works and become familiar with the main criteria.

Choosing a facial scrub that gives results is difficult. Seeking this out often causes damage to the skin and is costly. There are many options on the market. But skin isn't universal, so it's hard to rely entirely on what other people say. What works for some will not necessarily work for others.

How often can I use it?

With fairly frequent use, the abrasive particles included in the product can damage the non-keratinized layer of the epidermis. And this can lead to an inflammatory process.

Approximate frequency of use:

  1. For normal skin, the scrub can be used daily.
  2. For dry and thin skin – no more than 1 time in half a month.
  3. For oily skin type – apply scrub 2-3 times a week.

Experts recommend carrying out the application procedure in the evening, preferably shortly before bedtime, so as not to immediately expose the cleaned surface to ultraviolet radiation.


  1. Scrubbing is a procedure that should be performed regularly when caring for your facial skin.
  2. The frequency of deep cleansing should not be exceeded, as this may lead to thinning of the dermis.
  3. It is worth distinguishing between the concepts of “scrub” and “peeling”: the first means exfoliation of the dead layer with coarse particles, the second means dissolution by chemical means.
  4. Removing the top layer with dead cells cleanses the pores, accelerates the regeneration of the epidermis, refreshes, prevents early aging, and is necessary for the penetration of vitamin and mineral compounds into the deep layer.
  5. It is necessary not only for women, but also for men to cleanse the epidermis of the face: excessive production of sebum by the glands leads to clogged pores.
  6. Scrubbing can be done using homemade products or purchased at a pharmacy or retail chain, taking into account gender, age, and typical type of dermis.

Application: how to apply and scrub correctly?

After purchasing the product, you should pay attention to your skin type and the frequency of acceptable use. There are many cosmetic products designed to remove keratinized epithelium. It must be used carefully and applied with light movements.

Attention! The scrubbing substance should not be applied around the eyes and lips, as these areas are highly sensitive and the substance can damage them.

Oily skin

Oily facial skin has a thicker and denser structure, and sometimes even rougher. Owners of this type feel that the abrasive particles of the substance are unable to help them. To some extent this is true; scrub microparticles can damage the epidermis. In addition, it has rather large pores; when the substance is applied to the face, the particles of the product clog them, and all this leads to the formation of pimples and comedones.

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Dry and sensitive facial skin has a fine structure, which means it requires careful treatment. Most often, the particles in scrubs are sharp and uneven; they may well harm her. With frequent use of a scrub, abrasive particles during friction can leave microcracks on the skin, thereby injuring it. All this causes irritation, redness and peeling of the skin.


Most often, representatives of the fair sex under the age of 30 have normal skin. But such cases are becoming less and less common. Such dermis needs care no less than problematic ones. The appearance of normal epidermis is elastic, fresh, without acne or comedones.

For preventive purposes, almost any scrub can be used for this type of skin every 1–2 days.

Myths and facts about facial scrubs

Myth : Scrubbing damages your skin.

Fact : Scrubbing is not synonymous with damaging your skin unless you use it incorrectly and press too hard during application. Massaging movements should be light, do not forget, this is your skin, and you are together with it forever.

Myth : Scrubs can cure acne.

Fact : No, facial scrub will not help get rid of acne. Quite the contrary, if you rub the damaged areas too vigorously, it can cause skin irritation and a burning sensation. However, a facial scrub can prevent acne if you remove dead skin cells promptly.

Myth : It's normal to feel a tingling sensation while washing your face.

Fact : If your scrub contains ingredients like mint or menthol, you may experience a slight cooling and tingling sensation. Otherwise, such sensations indicate that the ingredients included in the cosmetic product are not suitable for your skin.

A facial scrub will help you look fresh and rested.


Using a facial scrub is prohibited in the following cases:

  1. When feeling tight.
  2. If irritation or itching occurs during the procedure.
  3. For various injuries and wounds on the face.
  4. For acne.
  5. For inflamed or sunburned facial skin.
  6. For allergies.
  7. For rosacea on the face.

If there is at least one contraindication from the list, you must wash the product off your face as quickly as possible and refuse to use it further.

Inflamed and damaged

With this type of epidermis, comedones and acne may well appear. The appearance of the face will be significantly affected, and their owner will experience pain. It is not recommended to use a scrub for this type of skin, as this will only lead to the spread of infection throughout the face.

Important! Some scrubs contain comedogenic components, which, when interacting with the epidermis, clog pores and contribute to even more breakouts on the face.

Sensitive and delicate

This skin has less protection, so it is more often exposed to various damages. Using a scrub for this skin type can lead to:

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  • irritation;
  • redness;
  • itching;
  • peeling.

The best option for cleansing sensitive and thin skin is gentle gommages. They have a more delicate effect on it and do not damage it during use.

The benefits of scrubs

There are other ways to cleanse the face, such as acid peels, but unlike scrubs, they are not recommended for use in the summer due to the risk of causing hyperpigmentation under the influence of UV. Peels can also cause increased skin sensitivity to sunlight.

Therefore, we can safely say that scrubs are the optimal solution for regular intensive cleansing of facial skin. With proper use, the effect will be noticeable very soon: the skin will become smoother, more radiant, elastic, and firm. For example, the Clean Line Cleansing Scrub can cleanse pores, make the face more even in tone and speed up cell renewal processes.

Precautionary measures

When choosing a product, you should pay special attention to the following points:

  1. It is better to give preference to gel-based substances.
  2. No individual intolerance to ingredients.
  3. The scrub must be suitable for your skin type.
  4. The abrasive particles from its composition must have a smooth shape.
  5. The base contains moisturizing and nutrients.
  6. Natural components have a positive effect on the recovery process.

If an allergic reaction occurs, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

What is the difference between a scrub and a facial peel?

The two methods promote deep cleansing of the skin layers, but that’s where the similarities end. Equating the concepts of “peeling” and “scrubbing” is a misconception, since the first method involves cleansing using chemicals according to the following scheme:

  • dissolution of dead cells;
  • destruction;
  • penetration of nutrients into deep layers.

A scrub is a mechanical cleaning product that contains abrasive particles. The difference is presented in detail in the table.

Scrub and peeling: difference (table)

CompoundFruit acidsAbrasive components
ImpactDeep action without damageMassaging
ApplicationHyperpigmentation is possible, so should not be used year-roundThere are no restrictions on use depending on the seasons
PeculiaritiesCareful selection of composition and concentration is requiredIt is enough to observe the type of dermis and conduct a test for allergic manifestations

Peeling acts deeply and helps eliminate pigmentation, scars, and rejuvenate, but only with the right choice of components and quantities. Scrub:

  • removes dead layer;
  • evens out the terrain.


After applying the product, care for the epidermis is carried out using the following means:

  • various masks, including herbal ones;
  • nourishing and moisturizing serums;
  • skin oils;
  • creams.

After cleansing, the skin more readily absorbs beneficial substances and is saturated with them, so after scrubbing, professionals recommend using at least one of the above products.

Important! After the procedure, under no circumstances should you apply substances containing acid-containing products to your face, otherwise the development of inflammation and irritation is guaranteed.

How to prepare your face for scrub treatments?

The first thing you need to do is remove your decorative cosmetics. Applying any cleansing composition over foundation or highlighter is a real crime, for which you will have to pay for a long time. Don't want your pores to clog even more? Use milk or micellar water!

Then it is very important to wash your face again. Yes, it's necessary. The cosmetics are still at least somewhere, but they remain. In addition, now there are also traces on the skin of the products you used to remove foundation and powder. When everything is done, you can start scrubbing.

By the way, it would be nice if everything happens in a bathhouse, sauna or in a bathroom filled with steam. The more you steam your face, the more the pores will open.

Can I exfoliate with a body wash?

Experts do not recommend using body product to scrub your face. They explain this by saying that abrasive substances in body products are larger in size and can cause harm when applied to the face. Therefore, you need to use the product for its intended purpose, if the instructions say that it is for the body, then it is for the body and not for any other places.

Timely and proper care of the epidermis allows you to keep it beautiful and healthy for a long time. In this case, the products must fully correspond to the type of skin, otherwise the result may not please you and you will have to seek help from a specialist.

Effective recipes

For quick and safe cleansing, it is best to use oatmeal, honey, ground coffee (read recipes in this publication), fermented milk products and fresh berries with seeds (raspberries, strawberries).


The basis for such scrubs is coffee grounds, for the preparation of which two teaspoons of finely ground coffee are brewed with 100 ml of hot water.

Liquid after 10 min. drain and add to the grounds :

  • 10 ml of washing gel, a pinch of salt (for oily and combination types);
  • 10 ml cream (for dry type);
  • a little foam or shaving cream (for normal skin).

Caffeine increases blood flow to the surface, activates collagen synthesis, and small particles of coffee “polish” the surface being treated, making it shiny.

Rejuvenating scrub with coffee:


Delicate scrubs for dry and sensitive skin types are prepared using ground Hercules flakes.

To prepare 20 g of flakes (you can grind them in a coffee grinder), brew 150 ml of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. The liquid is drained, leaving it for washing after the procedure.

Add to the brewed flakes:

  • 3 g baking soda, 3 g salt (for oily and porous skin);
  • 10 g sour cream or 5 ml avocado oil (for dry and sensitive skin).

Normal and combined can be cleaned with the resulting substance without additives. To enhance the effect, you can pre-lather your face with cleanser.

Oatmeal scrub:


Scrubs based on raspberries and strawberries contain fruit acids that have a rejuvenating and brightening effect on the epidermis.

Before the procedure, just grind 30 g of berries and add to the resulting puree :

  • 10 ml of cream - for dry skin;
  • 15 g of honey - for oily and combination skin;
  • 10 ml of washing gel - for normal use.

Two weeks after using the berry cosmetic mixture, the face will become lighter, wrinkles will become less noticeable, and the skin will become soft and velvety.

Strawberry face mask-scrub:

General recommendations for use

You can't exfoliate your skin every day . He must recover. This requires 7-10 days for dry skin, 5-7 for normal skin, and 2-3 days for oily and combination skin.

Sometimes after using scrubs, peeling on the face increases, especially with a combination type. The reason is insufficient moisture of the epidermis.

Therefore, you should not give up scrubs. You can solve the problem like this :

  • complete refusal for 30 days from nourishing creams and masks;
  • intensively moisturize your face with cream in the morning and evening, after cleansing;
  • use thermal water during the day. It can be sprayed over makeup.

For dehydrated epidermis, the scrub can be used once every 5 days.

The use of nourishing cosmetic products is resumed a month later, after the skin is completely saturated with moisture.

What to choose

By making scrubs at home, you can choose a composition that will completely solve all your facial skin problems. But experiments require time, energy and space.

For women over 35, it is advisable to focus on natural cleansers. They exfoliate and keep the epidermis toned.

Younger people can experiment with store-bought scrubs. They will quickly get rid of excess fat, flaking and blackheads.

Rarely a woman can resist the temptation to buy a beautiful tube or bottle that promises instant results. Whether he will suit her or not, time will tell.

Find out how to properly use a facial scrub:

  • features of using honey composition at home;
  • will a sugar scrub help with rejuvenation?
  • how to use other natural products to nourish and restore the skin;
  • about the rules for using popular products from well-known manufacturers - Black Pearl and Clean Line.

Indications for use

There are specific indications for which it is recommended to use the product:

  • Uneven microrelief of the dermis.
  • Pigmentation, post-acne.
  • Large and clogged pores, blackheads.
  • Wrinkles.
  • Flabbiness of the skin, decreased elasticity and tone.
  • Peeling.

If you notice that cosmetics apply unevenly on your face, roll off during the day and remain bald spots, pay attention to its high-quality cleansing, one of the ways of which is to use a polishing scrub.

However, keep in mind that to significantly improve the condition of the epidermis, you need to use the polishing scrub many times - only after 3-5 uses you will notice a dramatic difference.

Rules for selecting finished products

The advantages of industrial cosmetic products are convenience , delicate consistency, rounded polymer particles as an abrasive, and a pleasant smell.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the base of the product and the main additional component (hyaluronic acid, vitamins, etc.).

For those with a dry and sensitive type, it is better to take cream-based products - masks, scrubs and gommages.

You should not choose a product with aggressive components - caffeine, fruit acids, vitamin C.

Such components may cause irritation. Cleansers with them can be made at home.

For oily and combination skin, products with green, black clay or kaolin are suitable. Sour and vitamin supplements are welcome.

Normal skin can be effectively cleaned with gel-based rollers and scrubs.

For any type, you should not buy products with collagen, enzymes and elastin. These ingredients increase the price significantly, but are useless when cleansing.

Expert advice on choosing a store-bought scrub based on its composition:

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