Are there any contraindications to vacuum breast augmentation?

Nowadays, probably every woman dreams of beautiful and firm breasts. Almost everyone strives to meet the modern “beauty standard,” regardless of age. Perhaps this is why advertising marketing ploys praising miracle drugs for breast enlargement always work. Vacuum breast augmentation has been especially actively advertised lately, which can be performed both in the salon and at home. What kind of miracle remedy is this, and is it any good? Let's figure it out.

The emergence of vacuum non-surgical technology

Initially, this device was developed for completely different purposes. The creator of vacuum technology, Roger Khoury, while working as a plastic surgeon in one of the American clinics, initially used it to treat wounds, abrasions and various disorders in the soft tissues of patients. After some time, the thought came to him that the potential of the device was not fully revealed. Then the decision was made to use the Brava system for breast enlargement.

The inventor claims that the use of his device gives excellent results, is absolutely safe, and does not cause harm to health. The device looks like a women's bra, in which vacuum pumps are built in instead of regular cups. Whether this device should be trusted is a very controversial question. The fact is that there is no evidence of serious research related to his work. Therefore, when using a vacuum breast enlarger, you act at your own peril and risk.

What problems do vacuum devices solve?

A breast enlargement device is used to correct the following aesthetic defects:

  • sagging breasts,
  • asymmetrical mammary glands,
  • small bust,
  • preparing the breasts at the beginning of pregnancy for feeding the unborn baby.

Before you start using vacuum devices, you should understand the principle of their operation and evaluate the positive and negative aspects of the procedures. It would be a good idea to consult a doctor and undergo a series of tests.

The mechanism of action of a vacuum breast enlarger

The operating principle of the device is quite simple. The action is based on creating a vacuum space and is somewhat reminiscent of the operating principle of an anti-cellulite jar:

  • the mammary glands are drawn into the vacuum space;
  • increased blood flow to tissues begins;
  • through the walls of blood-filled vessels, plasma enters the tissues and fills them;
  • This kind of swelling gives a visual enlargement of the breasts and lasts for some time.

However, to achieve even minimal results, this device must be worn for a long period of time. One session is designed for up to 10 hours of wearing such a bra. Given the time frame, it is best to use it during night sleep.

In addition, the author himself claims that if you deviate from the attached instructions: reducing the time or taking breaks in wearing, you may not count on the result you expect. Only discipline and perseverance will allow you to achieve your goal - the breast of your dreams. Therefore, be prepared to wear a bra using the Brava system for at least 600 hours.

The principle of operation of the Brava system

The operating principle of the American innovation is based on the method of forced injection of atmospheric air. As a result, the flow of blood into this area of ​​the female body increases. Metabolism in the mammary glands occurs much faster due to the supply of additional oxygen. In addition, there are major changes in hormonal levels. The body increases the production of female hormones. The breasts gradually swell and enlarge. And the longer the vacuum is created, the more blood flow and nutrients are delivered to this area.

The positive result of this procedure is noticeable after the first application. But to maintain the effect, it must be carried out for 2-3 weeks and repeated periodically. Decreased blood flow leads to a gradual decrease in breast size. Therefore, periodic stimulation using the Brava system is needed.

The process of its use in terms of duration, quantity and frequency can be regulated by the woman herself. This is a big advantage in operation, which made this development very popular. The desired effect can be achieved quickly.

Vacuum massagers and their use for breast enlargement

Vacuum technologies have been used in cosmetology for a long time. With their help, procedures are carried out to eliminate cellulite and rejuvenate. However, cups are completely unsuitable for vacuum breast massage, since the effect on the mammary gland should occur evenly over the entire circumference. With the advent of vacuum massagers, it became possible to carry out procedures on this part of the female body.

When using a vacuum massager, you must take into account its features and follow some rules:

  • the device must be positioned maintaining the correct distances from the edges of the pumps to the breast, since the pressure must be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the mammary glands;
  • vacuum pumps must fit tightly to the surface of the body, without allowing any gaps, to prevent air leakage;
  • the air suction tube must also be positioned correctly, tightly attached to the pump spheres and the box - mechanism.

A properly worn vacuum massager can be worn instead of a regular bra at any time of the day or night.


The female breast is a particularly sensitive and vulnerable organ. Any uncontrolled or too aggressive external influence can greatly harm health and even be fatal.

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination, including by a gynecologist and mammologist.

Self-appointment or recommendations from a friend are excluded in this case. It is important to remember that vacuum breast massage is prohibited when:

A good specialist will refuse to perform the procedure:

  • Girls under 18 years of age whose glands are in the stage of active growth: excessive pressure often causes the development of pathological changes in the tissues.
  • For nulliparous women, accidental trauma to the breast ducts can lead to mastitis.
  • Ladies over 35 years old during hormonal changes in the body: aggressive exposure increases the risk of tumors and cysts.
  • For expectant mothers in the second half of pregnancy, as pressure changes are very dangerous for the fetus.

There is still debate about the advisability of massage during lactation. Some doctors claim that using a vacuum will increase milk production, prevent sagging tissue, and remove stretch marks that appeared during pregnancy. But most doctors oppose the procedure, arguing that breast structures become especially sensitive when breastfeeding. The slightest injury to them invariably leads to the development of mastitis.

Possible complications

Despite the prevailing opinion about the benefits and complete safety of vacuum breast correction, this procedure also has opponents. They all unanimously say that deep and intense massage is dangerous for the delicate mammary glands, and warn patients about the possibility of complications. First of all, we are talking about:

  • excessive stretching of tissues, which leads to even more sagging breasts and the formation of stretch marks;

  • hematomas remaining after the procedure;
  • pathological vasodilation;
  • the appearance of blood clots;
  • poor circulation in other parts of the body due to a strong rush of blood to the problem area;
  • ruptures of breast tissue;
  • development of stagnant and inflammatory processes in case of injury to structures.

Many doctors believe that the claimed effect of strengthening the pectoral muscles is just a marketing ploy. These structures are located so deep that the vacuum has no effect on them. And the expected breast enlargement, in their opinion, is nothing more than temporary swelling caused by excessive blood flow. To maintain the visual effect, you need to constantly repeat aggressive massaging, which is dangerous to health.

Closing Arguments

As you know, breasts increase during puberty under the influence of the female hormone estrogen and are formed by glandular tissue. Therefore, it is not easy to increase your bust size using physical procedures.

The use of the vacuum method is justified if small breasts are the subject of a woman’s suffering and low self-esteem, and surgical intervention is impossible for some reason.

A fit, well-groomed figure, including breasts, even small ones, is the pride of any woman and attracts the gaze of men. It is better to reconsider your attitude towards lifestyle:

  • start doing strengthening gymnastics or swimming;
  • add healthy foods to your diet that help maintain the tone of the whole body;
  • take care of your body using properly selected cosmetics.

The changes that will begin to occur in your body will bring joy and energy.

Bust enlargement pump video


How much does the procedure cost?

It should be noted that such massage is in great demand in salons in Moscow and St. Petersburg. As you know, demand creates supply. On average, one procedure costs 1,500 rubles. The cost of a session depends on the prestige of the institution, the qualifications of the artist, and the equipment used. When paying for the entire course, as a rule, the price is reduced by 10%.

Disadvantages of lipofilling

  • Like all absorbable materials, implanted fatty tissue loses its volume over time. A sustainable result lasts only for the first 1.5 – 2 years. To maintain the volume, it is recommended to repeat the procedure. However, there are no alternative methods without loss of volume in injection plastic surgery. All non-absorbable, non-encapsulated gels and fillers are prohibited for use in Europe and Russia, because the consequences of such injections were very severe - the gels migrated and caused inflammation.
  • You can enlarge your breasts using fat by no more than 1-1.5 sizes. Since this is a non-encapsulated material, introducing it in large quantities will not allow it to be fixed in strictly regulated areas.

For small volumes, the operation can be performed under local anesthesia. If fat tissue is harvested as a result of extensive liposuction, general anesthesia is usually used. Accordingly, before the operation, the patient must undergo a general examination and undergo tests that are standard for any surgical intervention.

How to do vacuum breast massage: procedure technique

Before starting the procedure, you should wash your hands thoroughly. It is necessary to examine the breasts, if there are no injuries or pustules, apply a special cream or gel to the massage area, and then select the required size of the nozzle.

The Brava system creates the necessary vacuum, without the need to perform any massage movements, unlike devices that are based on massage with vacuum cans. In this case, the nozzle is moved outward from the center of the sternum, reaching the armpit area. The intensity of pressure is changed according to the woman’s sensations.

It is unacceptable to use bowls larger or smaller in volume than necessary. There should be no gaps between the cups and the mammary glands, and air should not enter from the outside.

After completing the procedure, you should perform a manual massage. To do this, make light circular movements in the direction from the center of the sternum to the armpits. This allows both to soothe the skin and serves the purpose of a detailed examination of the mammary gland after the procedure.

On average, there are 10 to 15 procedures per course, the session lasts 10-15 minutes.

Pashkova Alla Valerievna

Obstetrician-gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences.

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If discomfort appears in the chest, signs of increased fragility of blood vessels, or severe swelling, the technique of this massage recommends taking a break until the above symptoms completely disappear.


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Lipofilling and liposuction

Donor adipose tissue for lipofilling is usually taken using liposuction. You can use lipofilling as a concomitant operation if you are planning liposuction. This combination of procedures has its advantages. Liposuction is a fairly traumatic procedure. After removing some fat from the abdomen and thighs, a long rehabilitation period is required - 1 month. The swelling lasts for several days, physical activity, sauna, bathhouse, etc. are excluded for several weeks.

Compared to liposuction, lipofilling is a much easier procedure. It does not require surgery and is performed using injections. Therefore, for those who have decided to undergo liposuction and are thinking about breast augmentation, it is worth considering the option of breast augmentation using their own fat.

If the patient does not need liposuction for aesthetic reasons, then adipose tissue is collected from the areas richest in fat cells, but invisible to the contours of the body: from the subumbilical area and the inner thigh.

If there is no need for liposuction, adipose tissue is collected from the subumbilical area and the inner thigh

What is a pump for?

  • Increased arousal. To keep up with her partner, a woman tries different things, and a pump is effective and safe.
  • New experiences. With pump, everything feels different. The intensity of experiences changes, and this is what people who love experiments strive for.
  • Increased libido. Ladies who rarely experience pleasure or do not receive it at all in sex can discover their sensuality in this way. This is a method of engaging nerve endings that really works.
  • Pleasant torture. With the help of a pump it is easy to carry out BDSM experiments. This is an attribute that is suitable for a session, appropriate for torture with orgasms.
  • For breast enlargement. Some pumps are designed for bust growth, and their use gives an increase of half a size.

How to use

Over the past decades, various techniques for using erectors have emerged. To choose the right technique, you need to understand exactly what results are needed.

There are two options:

  1. Classical.
  2. Packing.

Classic method

It is recommended for those men who most want to increase the length and volume of the penis, as well as make the erection harder and longer. The method is considered universal. In this case, choose models with flasks of wide diameter. This promotes expansion of the tissues of the genital organ in all directions.


It solves only two main problems: lengthening the phallus and its alignment in case of anatomical imperfections. Despite the limited parameters of tasks, it copes with them better than the classics.

For this purpose, devices with a long and narrow cylinder are used. When the cavernous bodies expand, the penis will rest against the walls of the flask and take their shape. Time after time, the effect will be more and more noticeable. With this technique, moisturizing the penis with lubricant is especially important, otherwise you may encounter the appearance of cracks and microdamages.

Important Tips

If you follow the rules and instructions, the vacuuming process will be pleasant, and the effect from it will be maximum.

Here are the top tips:

  1. Before first use, read the instructions in detail. Even if a man has used such products before, the new one may have some important nuances unique to this model.
  2. Before starting, the erector is disinfected. First, the cylinder is washed with a soap solution, then the remaining soap is washed off with water. Then the inside of the material is treated with cotton wool moistened with alcohol, miramistin or another disinfectant. When washing, it is prohibited to use hot water, as the plastic may become deformed.
  3. To warm up the penis, lubricate it with a product to enlarge the penis. This will make the procedure more pleasant and effective.
  4. The area of ​​skin contact with the rubber seal is also lubricated with gel. This will ensure a tight fit in the area of ​​pubic and groin hair. You cannot use creams and oils for this, as they will lead to destruction of the seal.
  5. The penis is inserted inside the flask, after which the male pump is pressed against the skin. The erector rotates slightly back and forth in one place to evenly distribute the lubricant.
  6. Turn on air pumping or pump it out manually. The atmosphere is rarefied for 10-20 seconds, and then air is let in through the release valve. This will create the effect of constant expansion and contraction of the penis.
  7. The first session lasts about 5 minutes, and then the duration gradually increases to 20 minutes. Vacuum intervals also become longer: 20, 30 and 40 seconds.
  8. After the procedure, the erector is washed again. Those parts that can be removed are washed separately, after which they are completely dried and the structure is assembled. The vacuum sealer is stored in this form until next time.

During washing, make sure that water does not come into contact with parts where batteries or accumulators are located.


People who did not get the expected effect and experienced pain during procedures with vacuum pumps, upon detailed analysis, reveal that they violated safety requirements. In order not to harm the reproductive system and health in general, you need to familiarize yourself with them in advance.

In order for the use to be completely safe, attention is paid to the following points:

  • If pain occurs, you don’t need to wait a second. The pressure inside the system is immediately released through the check valve. Until the cause of the discomfort is found, do not use the vacuum pump again. In most cases, simply less pumping power is required.
  • The signal for immediate stop is the appearance of any amount of blood in the cylinder. This means that the skin or mucous membrane is cracked. Before the wound has completely healed, you cannot continue.
  • For the first time, you need to try the minimum vacuum. Pumping is carried out smoothly, especially in manual mode.
  • There is no need to be guided by the reviews of other users regarding the comfortable pressure on the device’s pressure gauge. Everyone’s norm is individual; what is a barely noticeable effect for one may cause problems for another.
  • Too much vacuum is prohibited. It does not lead to increased blood supply, but to a deterioration in blood flow in the tissues of the penis, which causes the death of individual zones. Moderation is the main principle.
  • You cannot pump for more than 20 minutes, so as not to cause complications.
  • You should not use the erector more often than indicated in the instructions.
  • The testicles cannot be placed in the cylinder; they must remain outside. If this cannot be done, it means that the size of the device is selected incorrectly.

The main recommendation is moderation and adequacy. The irrepressible pursuit of results, contrary to common sense, is not only ineffective, it is dangerous. For comparison, you need to remember the sensations that arise during natural sexual intercourse: we are not talking about a crazy vacuum.

What types of nipple pumps are there?

A classic vacuum pump for nipples consists of a flask directly into which the nipples are placed, as well as a bulb used to pump out the air. There are also automatic models. They are equipped with a control panel, and the vacuum is created automatically.

For additional stimulation, many massagers are additionally equipped with vibration. This helps to influence erogenous zones. There are models that combine a bulb and a flask into one device. This is very convenient: the pear begins as soon as the flask ends. From the outside it looks like an enema, but using the device is comfortable.

Piston models are very popular among women. Some try to make such a device at home using a syringe. This can be harmful and injure the nipples, especially if it is not possible to start air at a critical moment.

assortment of pumps and other nipple toys

It is important to know

Before using the pump, it is imperative that you read the instructions supplied with the device. Often women start using a pump and do not calculate their strength, which subsequently leads to the fact that due to the effect of vacuum, the skin tissue of the glands is very stretched, and from the outside it does not look very attractive.

  • If the force of the vacuum flow is very intense, then the breast may receive minor injuries, which in turn will cause disturbances in hormonal production, as well as changes in the appearance of the gland.

    Most specialists convince women to use such a device. After all, first of all, the risk that pathological disorders will begin to develop in the glands in the form of severe inflammation or even ruptures of soft tissues. This type of disorder is very difficult to correct and treat. Therefore, before you decide to use a breast pump, you need to consult a mammologist.

  • The doctor must conduct a thorough examination of the breasts and confirm that the woman does not have any diseases. In case of diagnosing various diseases, using the pump is strictly prohibited.

If you have a desire to make your body beautiful and healthy, then do not forget about a healthy and balanced diet. Eating the right foods will help maintain the results for a longer period of time.


The effect of using a vacuum erector depends on whether the size is chosen correctly. It is not always possible to return the device to the seller, and throwing money away is a shame. Therefore, it is better to spend time studying the selection rules.

The following two points are important in this matter:

  • The length of the flask is calculated as follows: the length of the penis in an erect state + 5 cm or more. If a man is overweight, you need to add not 5, but 7 cm.
  • The internal volume of the cylinder is determined as follows: the circumference of the base of the phallus is divided into 3.14 and + 3 cm.

For pumping using the packing technique, the circumference is simply divided by 3.14.

Which massagers to use

Despite the fact that they began to massage the breasts with a vacuum quite recently, the market is already flooded with devices and devices that allow you to easily perform the procedure in salons and at home. Here's a quick overview of the most popular ones:

  • The Brava system is a device for home use. It consists of two bowls that fit tightly to the body. The air is pumped out of them by a built-in mini-pump powered by batteries. The entire structure is held in place by a fabric bra with a zipper and volume adjusters.

It is recommended to wear it for 10 hours at a time, day or night. One of the disadvantages is the lack of clinical studies during the development of the device.

  • A vacuum pump is the most popular massager for breast enlargement, equipped with one or two cups with a manual pump. During the procedure, the glands are placed inside the dome, where a vacuum is created using a rubber bulb. Normalize the pressure by opening the safety valve.

  • Pangao Breast Enhancer is a corset-shaped massager, inside of which there is a built-in microcomputer that controls pulsed vacuum supply. You only need to put on the device correctly and use it in accordance with the instructions.

  • Celluless beauty is a very compact device. It is a removable vacuum jar with a comfortable handle, inside of which a pump and power supply are located. Infrared radiation enhances the healing effect of the procedure.

  • Nova NV600 is a professional multifunctional device that is often used in salons. Equipped with a special attachment for breast massage. Allows you to adjust the strength and frequency of pulsed vacuum.
  • IB-8080 is another professional device that can increase breast size, change the shape of nipples, and restore elasticity to ligaments. The action of pulsating vacuum during the procedure is complemented by vibration, electromagnetic waves, and infrared radiation. You can work with one or two banks at the same time.

Which device to choose is up to you. The manufacturers of each of these devices guarantee an increase in the bust by at least one size. When this happens - in a week or in a month - will depend on the individual characteristics of your body, the effort and perseverance applied. In any case, a good attitude, great desire and patience will definitely lead to the long-awaited result.

Side effects

During normal use of the device, in most cases there are no side effects. They appear in those who did not take into account contraindications or used the pump not according to the instructions.

The consequences may be as follows:

  • capillary network with damaged vessels in areas with particularly delicate mucosa;
  • dryness and peeling of the skin in the head area;
  • cracks on the surface of the penis;
  • pain from hematomas;
  • swelling of soft tissues.

If you use the device incorrectly for a long time, causing microtraumas and tissue damage, you can achieve the opposite effect - weakening libido.

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