Hyalax fillers - what are their advantages compared to competitors

Characteristics of fillers

Hyalax products are patented by the German company CITC Gmbh. Fillers are produced at the Croma GmbH plant located in Austria. Princess gels are also produced here. This circumstance influenced the parallel comparison of products.

In Russia, the brand, according to the existing agreement, was represented by CITC AG RUS Ltd. Later, as the relationship became more complicated, the Russian partner, which carried out its own developments, separated and created its own similar product, patented under the consonant name: Hyalax Countur.

Similar brand names cause confusion in identifying products. The products are based on hyaluronic acid, but have differences in characteristics. This should be taken into account when planning to purchase Hyalax filler.

The products of the German company meet high requirements, thanks to the use of hyaluronic acid synthesized using SMART technology in the production. Gels are characterized by a high degree of purity of raw materials and optimal homogenization. Fillers make the work of cosmetologists easier: the substance is simply injected, distributed, and stays in the body for a long time.

Indications for use

The Hyalax filler line products have a wide spectrum of action and are used on different levels of the skin, areas of the face and body.

Your doctor will help you choose the right remedy depending on the degree of wilting and the characteristics of the treatment area.

Age-related defects:

  • loss of skin elasticity;
  • fine and deep wrinkles, folds and creases;
  • ptosis;
  • facial depressions;
  • scarring;
  • sagging skin above the knees, inner surfaces of the shoulders and thighs;
  • imperfections of the oval of the face and nose;
  • loss of lip volume.

Fillers are also applicable for correcting facial defects not related to age, for example, for modeling the volume of lips and cheekbones.


Filler injections can combat various manifestations of age-related changes.

The effect of the procedure appears immediately and lasts from 9 to 12 months. As a rule, marks from injections are not noticeable, but swelling may appear in the first 12 hours.


The main advantage of fillers among competitors is the patented formula for making the product.
The SMAPT synthesis technology involves a deep degree of purification of the filler base, during which a minimum content of the toxic BBDE ester is achieved, as well as the removal of oxygen from the structure, which ensures high uniformity and optimal viscosity of the gel.

The drug also eliminates the occurrence of allergic reactions, and therefore does not require a test before manipulation.

Indications, effectiveness of use

Hyalax fillers are used in the beauty industry to eliminate age-related defects. Gels add the missing volume, smooth out the skin texture, harmonize contours, and improve the quality of tissues. As a result of using Hyalax, the following is achieved:

  • elimination of wrinkles, ptosis;
  • improvement of existing facial features;
  • stimulating the internal work of the body on a local scale.

The use of Hyalax fillers is prescribed by cosmetologists for:

  • eliminating or minimizing wrinkles and folds (work with creases of different depths);
  • oval lifts, various parts of the face;
  • formation of the desired reliefs, modeling of individual areas (lips, cheeks, nose, chin, temporal zone);
  • improving the condition of tissues with characteristic dryness and sagging.

Attention! Filler injections are indicated for patients who have significant changes in appearance, usually occurring after 25–35 years of age. Non-surgical contouring procedures using Hyalax are widely popular among patients aged 30–45 years.

Brand Confusion

At the moment, on the filler market in Russia you can find drugs called “Hyalax contur Base”, “Hyalax Contur Light” and “Hyalax Contur Volume”.
Products differ in packaging, ratio of components and packaging volume. At the same time, the Hyalax contur line is certified and of high quality.

This confusion was the fault of the company. The fact is that initially it entered into a tripartite agreement for the development and joint sale of products with the Russian company CITC AG RUS Ltd and for production with the Austrian Croma.

But later a decision was made to terminate cooperation with Russia. At CITC AG RUS Ltd, they had already begun work on the Contur series, which was to be produced as premium fillers. Therefore, we decided not to close the project; we just needed to find a manufacturer with suitable capacities.

As a result, the “Hyalax Contur” series was developed for a long time in Switzerland, and currently in Israel.

Hyalax Contur brand drugs are also certified by Roszravnadzor and have passed all the necessary tests.

It is impossible to say for sure whether they are worse than the Hyalax line, since the goals of therapy are different.

For example, the action of the Hyalax Contur Light drug is aimed at correcting deep and fine wrinkles, while the Hyalax Light filler is used only to eliminate minor defects.

Or Hyalax Contur Volume is used to replenish and remove deep wrinkles, but Hyalax Volume with the same effect has not yet been released.

Description of product types

To solve different problems, 3 basic types of gels are produced under the Hyalax brand:

  • Revitalize skin. The drug is intended for biorevitalization. The substance has a weak density, the concentration of sodium hyaluronate is 1.8%. The gel is injected superficially. The product is aimed at improving skin quality. As a result of injection of the drug, hydration and slight tissue lifting occurs. The skin texture is evened out and tone increases. Biorevitalization Revitalize Skin can be combined with contouring with Hyalax gels.

  • Light. Light texture filler for dermal tissue filling procedures. The substance has a soft consistency, a sodium hyaluronate concentration of 2.3%. The gel is injected at a medium depth. The drug is used to work in delicate areas, eliminate small and medium-depth wrinkles, bio-reinforcement, lip modeling.

  • Base. A dense texture preparation for corrective and volumizing work. The sodium hyaluronate content of 2.4% in combination with high viscosity helps to use the substance for effective filling of wrinkles of different depths (medium, severe), volumetric modeling.

The manufacturer announces the release of additional products to expand the line:

  • Hyalax for volumizing work with fabrics;
  • Revitalize Skin + enhanced biorevitalization gel, suitable for aging skin;
  • Light premium for leveling the relief with “weak” nervousness (shallow, fine wrinkles);
  • Lips to change the volume and shape of the lips;
  • Volume “strong” gel for smoothing large, deep folds, wrinkles, and working with scars.

The selection of the drug is the prerogative of the cosmetologist. Patients are advised to completely trust their doctor in this matter. An experienced cosmetologist takes an individual approach to solving each problem.

Types of fillers

The Hyalax line of fillers is represented by five products, differing in the concentration of hyaluronic acid and the percentage of reticulating or stabilizing agent (this substance does not allow hyaluronic acid to quickly dissolve), the degree of effect on wrinkles and the area of ​​​​the intended intervention.

Hyalax Revitalize skin

The composition of the dermal preparation, in addition to synthetic hyaluronic acid, includes glycerin, which promotes deep hydration of the skin.

The drug is injected into the skin superficially and helps eliminate fine wrinkles in the neck, eyes, face and hands, and also contributes to a general increase in skin elasticity.

Hyalax Light

The drug has a wide range of applications and is used to eliminate shallow wrinkles on the face in addition to the area around the eyes, as well as contour modeling and adding volume to the lips.

The content of hyaluronic acid is 23 mg/ml. Injection is carried out into the middle and deep layers of tissue, the effect of the procedure remains visible for up to 9 months.

Hyalax Base

The product is effectively used for volumetric correction of defects with noticeable age-related changes.

Gel injections are injected deep into the skin to eliminate pronounced wrinkles and facial hollows, shaping the cheekbones and jawline. Contains 23 mg/ml acid.

Revitalize Skin Plus

The drug stimulates the work of connective tissue cells to restore the production of their own hyaluronic acid at a concentration of 20 mg/ml and collagen.
Application areas: face, neck, hands, skin above the knees, inner shoulders and thighs.


Filler with the most dense and viscous texture for contouring of serious defects.
The product has a complex effect. Injections are administered deep and superficial to the tissue to correct volume deficits and fill deep wrinkles.


plans to further expand the range of fillers and replenish the line with drugs that will more comprehensively or specifically solve the aesthetic problems of cosmetology.
The exact completion date of the project is still unknown. Announced products:

  • Hyalax (without additional name) with an action aimed at replenishing the lost volume of tissue on the face;
  • Light premium is a universal remedy for correcting minor defects;
  • Lips is a preparation for aesthetic correction of lip volume and contour.

Carrying out the procedure

Gialax fillers are designed for injection under the skin to a specified depth. The gels are completely ready for use. It is enough to prepare the skin, break the seal of the drug packaging, connect a suitable tip to the syringe, and administer the product intradermally.

Before injecting the substance, the skin must be cleaned and disinfected with an antiseptic solution. The process may be anesthetized.

The cosmetologist uses the chosen technology. The operating principle depends on the problem being solved. Based on the details clarified during the preliminary consultation, the cosmetologist selects the drug, calculates its quantity, and the scheme of action.

Important point! The quality of the result depends on the doctor’s actions. The patient is advised to carefully select a cosmetologist and monitor the process.

The procedure for injecting Hyalax fillers takes 20–90 minutes. The duration of the manipulation is influenced by the scale and complexity of processing. The cosmetologist works with suitable tools: a thin needle or cannula. The doctor punctures the involved space, evenly injecting small portions of the gel to a certain depth or manipulating the cannula. After the substance is evenly distributed under the skin, the doctor helps the process: lightly massages the area. The cosmetologist completes the procedure with antiseptic treatment of the areas.

Healing period

The use of gels based on hyaluronic acid and modern innovative drugs minimizes the recovery period. Complete rehabilitation occurs within a week. After the procedure, obvious deviations are rarely noticeable: extensive swelling, bruising, discomfort. In the first 2–5 hours, hyperemia, swelling, and severity of the puncture areas may be present. Side effects cause minimal inconvenience and disappear without additional treatment in 2–5 days.

The doctor will recommend adhering to restrictions, compliance with which will help you recover faster, prevent complications, and get the desired result. To do this, it is important to give up for 3–5 days:

  • decorative cosmetics;
  • drinking alcohol, smoking;
  • exposure to temperature, temperature changes (steaming in a bathhouse, hot water, prolonged exposure to frost);
  • swimming in public bodies of water (swimming pool, sea, river);
  • tanning;
  • playing sports and other intense physical activities;
  • performing procedures involving areas filled with filler.

The cosmetologist provides detailed instructions after the procedure. On the first day, it is advisable to refrain from washing your face, using any cosmetics, or visiting public places. Subsequently, it is permissible to use your usual care products.

The results of injecting Hyalax fillers are immediately noticeable. Wrinkles are noticeably smoothed out and contours are volumized. The maximum positive effect develops within 1–2 months. The result of the procedure lasts 6–12 months. The duration of the effect depends on the individual characteristics and behavior of the patient. The results of repeated interventions last longer.

Experts' opinion

When choosing fillers, experienced cosmetologists rely on the degree of brand recognition, the presence of a large clinical trial base and the ability to clearly and clearly predict the result and expected consequences.

Hyalax preparations have long been used in the practice of domestic cosmetology and, according to experts, have proven themselves well.

Cosmetologist and dermatologist from St. Petersburg, Elena Legeyda points out the simplicity of the procedure.

On the forum of cosmetologists, doctors note the positive reaction of the body and the duration of the effect of the procedure. Unfortunately, the forum has an anonymous nature of publications and there is no way to refer to the specific author of the comment.

Doctor Anna Nebogatova often uses Hyalax drugs in her practice and publishes a photo of the result on her profile.

Cosmetologist Irina from the city of Birobidzhan also speaks well of the drug.

Minimizing the effect

Dissatisfaction with the result is a rare occurrence when performing contouring with Hyalax gels. The substances are plastic, softly and evenly distributed throughout the tissues.

Elimination or minimization of the effect, if such a need arises, can be achieved with the help of subcutaneous administration of drugs with hyaluronidase activity. To easily correct the result, microdoses of the drug are administered; to completely eliminate the achievements, sufficient portions of the substance are administered.

Physiotherapy will help reduce the effectiveness of the filler. At home, steaming in a bathhouse and increasing physical activity are suitable.

Hyalax reviews

In this section you can read reviews from our clients or leave your own review.

I used Hyalax Base to smooth out wrinkles. I’m already 44, of course I can’t get my girl’s face back, but I wanted to look younger. The procedure was painless and very pleasant.

I saw the result immediately. Small wrinkles are almost invisible, deep wrinkles are smoothed out. I look younger. I am happy with the result after 8 months.


44 years old

With age, the corners of the lips drooped, and their very shape became different from before. I did the Hyalax Light correction. The lips became more attractive, the contour became clearer, and the corners of the mouth were tightened. I haven’t been overjoyed for 6 months now. I am satisfied with the chosen drug and the work of the cosmetologist! You can expect disappointing results if the gel is not administered by a professional, and even without special conditions. Self-respecting cosmetology clinics purchase only certified drugs and syringes, which must be opened in the presence of clients. Larisa

45 years

I am very pleased that CITC has created an innovative rejuvenation technique that produces positive results. I hope that such procedures will become more in demand. I'm sure people will be impressed by the natural transformation. In general, using fillers from the Hyalax line you can achieve very good results. Elena

50 years

I underwent a full complex of skin rejuvenation at Hyalax Beauty. I am very pleased with the result, I recommend it to everyone! Narine

41 years old

Hyalax preparations conquered my ancient wrinkles. Even though these procedures did not turn me into a 20-year-old girl, my skin now looks much younger than it did before the procedures.

The skin smoothed out almost immediately. The procedures themselves were painless and were carried out in a fairly comfortable atmosphere. Thank you very much to Hyalax!


44 years old

I really liked Hyalax Revitalize. It seems that there is a very good degree of purification - I did not notice any redness around the papules even in allergy sufferers (and I have quite a few such patients). The effect is long-lasting, the price is reasonable, in my opinion, the drug is promising. Milan

32 years

HA Moisturizing Mask Hyalax® is a mask for care and prolonged hydration of the skin of the face and neck. I've been using masks for a year now. The mask moisturizes, refreshes and restores the skin, normalizes the water balance in the superficial and deep layers of the skin, stimulates the growth of young and healthy cells. Has the effect of long-lasting deep hydration. Suitable for home care. She's simply flawless. Highly recommend! Alice

25 years

Attended the seminar. Colleagues, thank you for the knowledge gained. Highly qualified specialists, friendly atmosphere, modern techniques. Anastasia

39 years

Good afternoon I would like to express my gratitude to Evgenia Sergeeva! Very responsive and sincere leader!

He will always give you advice and answer any question about what is best for a particular client!

I am very pleased that I met such a wonderful person. I hope for further cooperation!!!


34 years

Hi all! If you are deciding where to go to study, then without hesitation, go to the Hyalax-Beauty Academy! High-level specialists teach. After attending the seminar, new strength and inspiration for my work awakened in me! And the methods themselves are excellent, I revised many things in my work. I am more than pleased with everything that happened at the seminar in St. Petersburg. prosperity to you! Catherine

29 years

In cosmetology, I was recommended to use the drug Hyalax. Kolem drug for about 6 months. Well tolerated. In any case, no swelling. Everything is within normal limits. Elena

36 years

In my review of fillers, I recommend contacting only the trusted company GIALAX BEAUTY LLC, where you must familiarize yourself with the certificate for the drugs, otherwise rejuvenation will be fraught with consequences.

I tried fillers for the first time a year ago and realized that this was exactly the product for me! It was as if I had a second youth, the wrinkles smoothed out, my skin became elastic, I was in a pleasant shock.


28 years

I decided to give myself filler injections for a very long time, in the end I thought about it for almost a year, read reviews and decided. I was very afraid of pain, for me this was the main drawback. Small wrinkles feel like they have disappeared forever, large wrinkles have smoothed out and become invisible! Respect Hyalax!!! Evgeniya

35 years

In my review I will describe the main benefits of Hyalax fillers for beauty. Long-lasting effect, quick results, safe drug, no side effects. Alexandra

54 years old

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Choose an experienced cosmetologist with an appropriate license, then the unpleasant side effects after contouring will quickly be forgotten, and your reflection in the mirror will delight you for a long time!

Contour plastic and injection correctionProcedures aimed at correcting skin defects, restoring elasticity and overall rejuvenation.

Precautionary measures

Before performing the procedure, the cosmetologist is required to conduct an in-person consultation, which helps clarify the details of the intervention and determine the possibility of performing the manipulation. The introduction of fillers is excluded if contraindications are identified:

  • the period of bearing a child, natural feeding of the baby;
  • severe autoimmune and somatic disorders;
  • significant endocrine, cardiovascular deficiencies (diabetes mellitus, heart defects);
  • malignant tumor processes;
  • blood diseases;
  • acute course of chronic, general diseases;
  • individual negative reactions to the components of the substance used;
  • damage to the integument, dermatological diseases in areas of expected exposure.

The procedure is not performed during the rehabilitation period after other interventions. It is recommended not to be exposed immediately after illness, during the peak of menstruation, or when feeling unwell.

The occurrence of complications after the procedure is minimized. Manifestations of a negative nature are the result of doctor mistakes, patient ignoring restrictions, and individual reactions of the body. Possible:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • serious hematomas, swelling;
  • substance contouring;
  • granulomas, seromas, “lumps”;
  • allergies (itching, rashes, redness);
  • changes in the sensitivity of areas (numbness, soreness);
  • necrosis processes.

The appearance of symptoms indicates the need to see a doctor. A cosmetologist will help you quickly, without additional consequences, eliminate the problem.


There is a list of restrictions for the filler injection procedure relating to the general health and skin of the patient.


  • inflammation or rash in intervention areas;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • the presence of autoimmune diseases, as well as undergoing immunotherapy;
  • oncology;
  • tendency to develop scars;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the product;
  • age up to 18 years.

Also use with caution when the patient is taking any medications.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Doctors prefer to work with proven gels that give predictable results. Hyalax is one of these drugs. Most often, fillers are compared with the positively proven Princess line.

The cosmetologist offers Hyalax as one of the options.

The cosmetologist recommends Hyalax along with other products.

The cosmetologist distinguishes Hyalax from a wide range of similar products.

Patient reviews

Patients are not inclined to try new drugs given the high cost of the procedure. It is much safer to remain faithful to the tried-and-true Princess and other analogues than to experiment with new products for the same money. Those who have tried Hyalax like the effect, but it quickly disappears.

The patient likes the results of the procedure with Hyalax, but the drug quickly dissolves.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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