YVOIRE fillers: guaranteed quality of contouring

YVOIRE hydro

This drug has a concentration of hyaluronic acid of 2% and a molecular weight of HA of 3 MDa. A pronounced clinical effect is achieved in 2–3 procedures.

  1. Ingredients: non-crosslinked hyaluronic acid 20 mg/ml.
  2. Injection site: superficial and middle layers of the skin.
  3. Application: biorevitalization (hydrolifting).
  4. Release form: 1 syringe × 1.0 ml/pack, 2 needles 30G.
  5. Shelf life: 2 years.

Results of using biorevitalizant for abdominal skin YVOIRE hydro

New generation fillers IVOR (yvoire)

The development of these fillers based on hyaluronic acid is carried out by LG LifeSciences (a department of the LG technology corporation). The newest generation line of fillers, Yvoire, has been approved by a number of leading European countries in this field and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Varieties of the drug Ivor (Yvoire):

  • YvoireClassic - effective in combating folds in the nasolabial area. With its help, you can easily model the desired shape of your lips and increase their volume;
  • YvoireVolume - used to correct cheekbones, cheeks and chin. The drug is effective in these areas due to its increased density.

YVOIRE classic

Innovative filler for sophisticated work in difficult areas: long-lasting, stable results without swelling and displacement of the drug.

  1. Ingredients: cross-linked hyaluronic acid 22 mg/ml.
  2. Particle size: 900 nm.
  3. Injection site: deep layers of skin and subcutaneously.
  4. Application: Augmentation of facial and body tissues using injections into areas that require restoration.
  5. Release form: 1 syringe × 1.0 ml/pack, 2 27G thin-walled needles.
  6. Shelf life: 2 years.
  7. Recommended cannula: 23G 50 mm and 25G 40 mm.

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Line of drugs Ivor (Yvoire)

The first drug in the line is Ivor Hydro (Yvoire Hydro)

– biorevitalizant, hyaluronate concentration 2.0% (20 mg/ml), it is intended for skin rejuvenation procedures and combating imperfections, such as post-acne, enlarged pores, bags and dark circles under the eyes. The drug is injected into the upper layer of the dermis and acts on the surface of the skin, smoothing out fine wrinkles and unevenness. After the procedure, the skin takes on a healthy appearance and becomes very smooth and elastic to the touch. The procedure is indicated at any age, but is most effective on young skin aged 23-28 years. The effect lasts up to six months.

Yvoire Classic S

contains 2.2% (22 mg/ml) hyaluronate and is injected into the middle layers of the skin. Unlike the biorevitalizant Ivor Hydro, Ivor Classic contains stabilized hyaluronic acid, therefore it has a fairly viscous texture and is used to correct wrinkles of medium depth:

  • in the periorbital zone (nasolacrimal and buccal folds, also called palpebromalar groove)
  • in the oral area (smile lines, wrinkles around the mouth, nasolabial folds)
  • in the area of ​​the glabella (“angry” folds of the glabella)

Yvoire Volume S

contains 2.2% (22 mg/ml) hyaluronate and is injected into the middle layers of the skin. This filler is more elastic than Ivor Classic and is used not only to correct wrinkles, but also to increase missing volumes:

  • in the frontal, temporal region (deep transverse forehead wrinkles)
  • in the cheek-zygomatic area (filling “sunken” cheekbones, recreating the volume of the middle third of the face)
  • in the neck and décolleté area (correction of the “rings of Venus”)

Yvoire Contour

contains 2.2% (22 mg/ml) hyaluronate, but has the highest density among the entire Ivor line of drugs, and is injected into the deep layers of the skin and onto the periosteum. Ivor Contour is able to change and improve facial contours without surgical intervention. You can add volume to the back and wings of the nose, remove the dimple on the chin, change the shape of the chin, correct drooping eyebrows and drooping corners of the eyes and lips. Introducing the gel into the cheekbone area will increase their volume, the cheekbones will “lift”, and this will indirectly help smooth out the nasolabial folds.

Course and dosage of the gel. After the procedure

The dosage of drugs and the course of injections are selected strictly individually by a certified specialist! The effect after injection of fillers depends on the concentration of the drug and the correction area. On average, the result lasts from 9 to 24 months with proper care. The skin after injections is very vulnerable - to avoid infection and inflammation, do not touch your face with your hands, do not wash your face, do not use decorative and skincare cosmetics for two days. Do not massage or self-massage your face. Also exclude the sauna and swimming pool for two weeks. Be sure to use sunscreen when exposed to the sun!


  • active inflammatory processes on the surface of the skin;
  • acute viral or bacterial infections or related conditions;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • oncological diseases;
  • increased sensitivity to hyaluronic acid;
  • age up to 18 years.

Cost of Ivor (Yvoire), prices for the drug

The average price for Ivor fillers in Moscow is:

  • Yvoire Hydro, 1 ml - from 8,500 rubles
  • Yvoire Classic, 1 ml - from 10,500 rubles
  • Yvoire Volume, 1 ml - from 11,500 rubles
  • Yvoire Contour, 2 ml - from 16,000 rubles

YVOIRE volume

Pronounced ability to create and maintain soft tissue volume for a long time. Impressive results even in complex clinical cases.

  • Ingredients: cross-linked hyaluronic acid 22 mg/ml.
  • Particle size: 900 nm.
  • Injection site: deep layers of skin and subcutaneously.
  • Application: Augmentation of facial and body tissues using injections into areas that require restoration.
  • Release form: 1 syringe × 1.0 ml/pack, 2 27G thin-walled needles.
  • Shelf life: 2 years.
  • Recommended cannula: 23G 50 mm and 25G 40 mm.

Contraindications and side effects

The use of the drug is prohibited in the presence of the following contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • oncology;
  • inflammation;
  • skin diseases;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • infectious diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • mental pathologies;
  • herpes;
  • elevated temperature;
  • diabetes;
  • age up to 18 years.

After injection of fillers, undesirable manifestations are possible:

  • soreness;
  • swelling;
  • redness;
  • bruising;
  • hematomas;
  • granulomas;
  • fibrosis;
  • necrosis.

Reviews from real people

Marina, 29 years old, Samara:

I have had a thin face since birth and I decided to change the shape of my cheekbones. On the advice of friends, I went to a cosmetology clinic near my home. I was recommended to have contour plastic surgery with Ivor fillers. The procedure was painless and lasted one hour. On the second day there was slight swelling and redness, but after three days everything went away. I was pleasantly pleased with the result - my face with prominent cheekbones became much prettier. I recommend this wonderful drug to everyone.

Lyudmila, 38 years old, Kursk:

As I got older, my face began to become wrinkled. The use of creams and ointments did not significantly improve the skin condition. My sister, a professional cosmetologist, talked about the characteristics of the South Korean Yvoire products. “Stop waiting and wasting time!” – I thought, and at the cosmetology clinic they injected me with Yvoire Hydro. Minor swelling disappeared without a trace on the second day, along with wrinkles. Now I look ten years younger and I enjoy looking at myself in the mirror. I recommend this simple and painless procedure to everyone.

Yulia, 43 years old, Astrakhan:

I have long dreamed of making my lips fuller and more sensual, but I never got around to it. I learned that you can painlessly change the volume of your lips using Ivor fillers. I was a little confused by the price, but the unscheduled bonus at the end of the year eliminated doubts in favor of fulfilling my long-awaited desire. The method is really painless and the effect is exactly what I expected. I admire myself every day and advise those who want to try a new method of facial correction.

YVOIRE contour

The densest product in the YVOIRE family of fillers. Maximum natural volumizing effect with excellent resistance to tissue pressure and the work of facial muscles. YVOIRE contour was created using HICE technology, which maximizes the degree of cross-linking while minimizing the concentration of BDDE.

  1. Ingredients: cross-linked hyaluronic acid 22 mg/ml.
  2. Particle size: 1400 nm.
  3. Injection site: deep layers of skin, periosteum.
  4. Application: volumetric modeling of face and body, intimate plastic surgery.
  5. Release form: 1 syringe × 2.0 ml/pack, 2 needles - 21G and 23G Terumo with thin walls.
  6. Shelf life: 2 years.
  7. Recommended cannula: 23G 50/70 mm, 25G 50/70 mm.

Description of the drug

Yvoire filler is a cosmetic filler for eliminating wrinkles, improving color and correcting facial contours. The action is based on the rejuvenating properties of hyaluronic acid, which is part of the drug. Thanks to the use of hyaluronate, the product is elastic, painlessly inserted and securely fixed in the body tissues.

Possibilities of the drug

Fillers are often used in the following areas:

  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • increase in lip volume;
  • correction of the oval of the face.

The drugs are most effective in areas where facial expressions are actively manifested. This is the area around the lips, eyes, bridge of the nose and between the eyebrows. Yvoire fillers are characterized by a high elasticity index, which ensures that the composition is resistant to deformation and does not allow the drug to migrate from the injection zone.

Main advantages

Ivor fillers have a number of favorable characteristics:

  • duration of action;
  • high security;
  • uniformity of distribution;
  • painlessness;
  • hypoallergenic.

The benefits of the cosmetic product can be seen in this video:

When should fillers not be injected?

Yvoire preparations are not recommended in cases indicated in the general contraindications to injection contouring. There are no special restrictions on these fillers specifically. If you have a history of any chronic diseases, you should definitely inform your cosmetologist about this. The fact is that the entire list of chronic diseases for which contouring is not recommended is too long to publish in full. A cosmetologist (if he is not a recent student from a cheap beauty salon, but a professional in his field) will never agree to carry out a procedure if it can harm the client.

It is worth waiting for contouring during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in the presence of inflammatory processes in the body caused by seasonal infections or other factors. If a cosmetologist sends you to other specialists for a consultation, this is not a whim, but concern for the patient!

Benefits of Yvoire Dermal Fillers

  • The effectiveness of Yvoire has been confirmed by long-term clinical studies.
  • The good plasticity of Yvoire injection gels contributes to their uniform distribution in soft tissues.
  • The preparations correspond to the structure of the intercellular matrix, therefore they are completely biocompatible with the skin.
  • Maintain volume without displacing the drug from the injection area.
  • A high degree of purification virtually eliminates the likelihood of allergic reactions.
  • Low hygroscopicity minimizes the risk of swelling after the procedure.
  • Yvoire fillers have a long-lasting effect (from 6 to 12 months).

What are the contraindications for Ivor?

Restrictions for subcutaneous administration of the drug:

  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Oncology;
  • Herpes;
  • Dermatological pathologies;
  • Diabetes;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Breastfeeding;
  • Acute infections;
  • Psychical deviations.

Injections should not be given to girls under 18 years of age. They will not bring any results and will disrupt the natural processes in the skin.

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