Top Korean fillers for contouring: how to make the right choice

Main characteristics

Liquid implants allow you to get rid of many appearance defects associated with natural aging of the skin or those that appear under the influence of aggressive external factors.

Most drugs are based on hyaluronic acid (HA).

This substance is present in the human body, but its volume decreases with age, which leads to thinning of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles.

With the help of injections, fluid reservoirs in the intercellular matrix are replenished, and a lifting effect is achieved.

Some products contain additional components: vitamins, coenzymes, amino acids or lidocaine (ensures painless administration of biogel).

The advantages of Korean fillers include:

  • long term retention of results (up to 1.5 years);
  • low cost;
  • minimal risk of side effects.

Nelly Mezerya (Cosmetologist):

Korean pharmacological companies have patents for the manufacture of drugs developed in the USA, Germany, Japan, but assign different names to the manufactured drugs (generics). The motto of Korean manufacturers is: improving quality without increasing prices. In this way, companies make a profit from turnover.

Indications for use

  • Skin creases/folds;
  • Wrinkles of varying severity;
  • Thin lips and unclear contours;
  • Fuzzy oval face;
  • Soft tissue deficiency;
  • Sagging skin flap;
  • Asymmetry;
  • Gravitational ptosis.

Full face

Let's note another popular request for beautiful lips - don't overdo it.

Lips should not make up more than 25% of the lower third of the face.

The upper lip should ideally correspond to 1/3 of the lower lip. The main volume of the drug is distributed in the center of the lips, corresponding to the line of projection of the wings of the nose.

It is worth paying attention to the shape of the face; square and trapezoidal shapes may not be suitable for correction of the angles of the lower jaw.

List of the best fillers

The agent for contour plastic surgery is selected individually, depending on the condition of the skin and the patient’s wishes.

Among the most popular drugs there are several brands. Let's look at the most effective ones.

To correct the relief of nasolabial folds

  • Dermalax (Dermalaks) . Viscous monophasic gel removes pronounced folds and deep wrinkles. In addition to hyaluronic acid, it contains lidocaine chloride (0.3%), which ensures complete painlessness of injections. Additionally used for remodeling the oval of the face and for lip augmentation.

Products based on monophasic gel have the advantage of having a homogeneous structure of hyaluronic acid molecules. A drug of this composition is evenly distributed without forming nodules or lumps.

  • Yvoire Classic (Ivory Classic) . The drug has a triple effect. Application allows not only to solve the problems of contouring, but also to achieve a rejuvenating result, as well as nourish the skin. Consists of high molecular weight hyaluronic acid. Designed for introduction into the deep layers of the epidermis. In rare cases, minor side effects occur after invasion, which go away on their own without additional therapy.
  • Hyafilia (Huafilia) . They belong to the fifth generation hybrid biological gels. The effectiveness is due to the combination of mono- and biphasic products in fillers. The active substance is represented by stabilized (85%) and native hyaluronate, the molecules of which are in free movement. The cross-linking of particles is ensured by the BDDE ester. The effect of use lasts from 9 to 12 months.
  • Dermaren (Dermaren) . The product is actively used in plastic surgery and cosmetology. In addition to filling the cavities of the subcutaneous space in the area of ​​pronounced nasolabial folds, it is suitable for increasing the volume of the lips and smoothing the relief of the nasolacrimal groove. It can also help eliminate crow's feet and wrinkles on the neck. Able to attract water molecules and retain them, promote the regeneration of epidermal cells. Additionally, it has a protective effect against the development of infections and the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.

For lip augmentation

  • Revolax Deep (Revolax Deep) . It is distinguished by a high degree of purification of raw materials, which guarantees the safety of use of the drug. In addition to increasing lip volume, it is in demand for eliminating wrinkles in the neck area and contouring the oval of the face. A longer-term fixation of the gel in the intercellular matrix is ​​also considered an advantage.
  • Rejeunesse (Reginess) . A fairly soft filler that smoothly fills the subcutaneous space, making the final result natural. To make the procedure more comfortable, lidocaine is included in the composition. After the infection, minor bruising at the puncture sites is acceptable. According to cosmetologists, it is considered one of the most popular drugs for contouring.
  • Hyaldew Shine . Recommended for lip augmentation and elimination of bulge in the nasolabial fold area. The concentration of hyaluronic acid reaches 20 mg/ml, the active substance is characterized by a high degree of hydrophilicity. The manufacturing plant uses MCL technology to produce the drug, which makes it possible to produce a product that is durable and prone to correct molding. Has a moisturizing and anti-aging effect.
  • Neuramis (Neuramis) . Pyrogen-free gels of varying degrees of viscosity, designed to give lips a seductive plumpness. Can be used to correct the shape of the chin, eliminate the severity of the nasolacrimal groove and skin creases. Helps get rid of the painful shade of the skin. Some modifications from the collection contain lidocaine in addition to hyaluronic acid. The production of the main raw materials is carried out by the Japanese concern Shiseido.

To eliminate wrinkles

  • Revofil Plus (Revofil plus) . The high effectiveness is associated with the additional biomimetic peptides included in the composition, which have an additional effect in smoothing out wrinkles. Thanks to the optimal combination of ingredients, connective tissue deficiency is gently replenished, hydrobalance is normalized, and the production of one’s own collagen and elastin is stimulated.
  • Mi Fill (May fill) . Monophasic filler based on double cross-linked hyaluronic acid, supplemented with lidocaine. Also used to model the shape of the nose. Eliminates age-related deformations, promotes cell regeneration.
  • Univelo . Designed for the treatment of skin dehydration, copes well with the signs of fine-wrinkle aging. In addition to hyaluron, it contains a phosphate buffer with a pH level of 7 units. Thanks to this component, minimal degradation of the active substance is ensured. It is often used at the preparatory stage before rough cosmetic procedures (laser resurfacing, plastic surgery, peeling, dermabrasion). Helps cope with atrophic scars and stretch marks.

Advantages and disadvantages of fillers compared to popular competitors

Neuramis lip preparation is a ready-to-administer biogel in a glass syringe with two disposable ultra-thin needles.

Advantages of the drug:

  • high quality and safe composition;
  • minimal likelihood of side effects or allergies;
  • variability of the drug - for the correction of strongly and weakly expressed defects;
  • moderate cost;
  • proven effectiveness and prolonged effect.

Photos before and after

Indications for use

The lip augmentation drug Neuramis is also indicated for the correction of the following deficiencies:

  • bags and bruises under the eyes;
  • sick complexion;
  • impaired skin hydrobalance;
  • inflammation of the skin;
  • enlarged pores;
  • drooping of the outer corners of the eyelids and eyebrows, the edges of the mouth;
  • folds, creases, small, medium and severe wrinkles;
  • flabby tissue in the cheekbones and jaw;
  • ugly nose shape;
  • scars.

Cost of drugs, where to buy

You can buy fillers from Korea in almost any online store. In some cases, the provider may request an educational certificate.

When concluding a transaction, you must carefully check the product certification, check the product lot number and expiration date. Particular attention should be paid to the integrity of the bottle - it is strictly prohibited to use opened drugs.

Approximate prices:

NameVolume (in ml)Price (in rubles)
Dermalax1,13 500-5 500
Yvoire Classic1,04 700
Hyafilia1,02 500
Dermaren1,13 500-6 000
Revolax Deep1,02 500
Neuramis1,04 000
Rejeunesse1,12 900-5 600
Hyaldew Shine1,02 500
Revofil Plus1,06 000
Mi Fill1,02 700
Univelo1,02 300

Patient profile analysis

CC Steiner (1962) proposed studying the position of the lips relative to the line (S-line) connecting the middle of the S-curve formed by the contour of the nose and upper lip with the cutaneous point pg. He assessed the position of the lips in two positions, namely the lips in front or behind the aesthetic line.

RM Ricketts (1957) recommended determining the position of the lips relative to the aesthetic line (E-line). It is carried out through the most prominent points of the nose and soft tissue chin - point pg. With a harmoniously developed face, the lips are located behind this plane: the upper lip is 2–3 mm, the lower lip is 1–2 mm.

To study the position of the upper and lower lips on the soft tissue profile, S. J. Burston (1967) proposed using a B-line connecting the soft tissue points sn and pg. The author took linear measurements from the protruding points of the upper and lower lips perpendicular to this line. This line does not depend on the size of the nose, which continues to grow until the age of 27. According to S. J. Burston, the ratio of the lower lip to the upper is 2:1 in men and 2:3 in women. The upper lip should be located 3.5 ± 1.4 mm in front of this line, and the lower lip should be located 2.2 ± 1.6 mm in front of this line.


  • Diabetes;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Critical days;
  • Lactation period;
  • The presence of permanent implants in the affected area;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • Autoimmune pathologies;
  • Exacerbated form of chronic diseases;
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • Predisposition to allergic reactions;
  • Herpes;
  • Psychosomatic disorders;
  • Pathology of internal organs;
  • Age up to 18 years;
  • Tendency to form keloid scars;
  • Oncology;
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Viruses/ARVI;
  • Infections.

Consideration of the overall picture of the client’s health is an integral part of the preparatory stage for contouring. If you miss any contraindication, the risk of side effects and serious complications increases both during the procedure itself and during subsequent rehabilitation.

To do this, a series of tests and samples are taken. A cosmetologist can also schedule consultations with related specialists.

Some of the above cases are temporary; the possibility of invasion is considered on an individual basis.

Types of gels

There are three types of gel fillers.

  1. Synthetic

The active substances in them are: silicone, paraffin, polyacrylamide.

It is believed that these fillers provide a fairly long-lasting effect. And at the same time affordable.

However, a large number of contraindications and a high risk of complications negate the mentioned advantages.


  • May begin to migrate under the skin
  • Often cause allergies
  • May provoke inflammatory processes
  • They are not removed from the body (removal only by surgery).
  • Biosynthetic

The composition of these gels is better compatible with facial tissues.

Main components:

  • Collagen
  • Carboxymethylcellulose
  • Insoluble polymethyl methacrylate
  • Hydroxyapatite
  • Polycaprolactone.

Such fillers dissolve in 2-3 years, but do not require a second procedure.


  • May cause swelling
  • Blockage of blood vessels
  • Necrosis
  • Migration under the skin.
  • Biodegradable

The safest fillers. Their components have a minimum of contraindications and are completely absorbed and excreted from the body.

The active component is hyaluronic acid.


  • They can only occur due to incorrect administration of the gel.

Experts' opinion

Many cosmetologists prefer to use fillers from Korea, noting the optimal price-quality ratio. These products have good plasticity and viscosity, and a high degree of purification ensures high safety of the procedure.

Nelly Mezerya (Cosmetologist):

Every day the cosmetology market has an increasing range of Korean-made fillers. Many have proven themselves very well and are loved by cosmetologists for their relatively low cost and high quality of preparations. Neuramis fillers have become an excellent alternative to more expensive drugs, the results of the procedure are good. It is possible to purchase a fake, so you should order from trusted suppliers and do not chase a lower price.

The doctor shares his experience in using drugs and focuses on the most suitable ones for the task:

The second forum participant agrees with the opinion of his colleague:

The specialist talks about the high effectiveness of Revofil:

The cosmetologist highlights the advantages of Regeness:

About the duration of the effect of Neuramis:

In this commentary, the cosmetologist advises trying Huafilia filler:

The next “brave twins” are Olga and Anna. Both are 38 years old.

Olga (in the photo on the left, with red hair (2 minutes older than Anna. “Two minutes is a huge time, simply decisive!” Olga laughs, “I always ended up being the eldest!”

The sisters did everything together. At first we studied together in the same class, then in the same group at the institute. Then they even worked at the same job - first Olga (well, of course, I was the first!), and when she quit - Anya.

They studied a completely unfeminine profession - mechanical engineering technology. They also work, not to say, in the “female” sector - in the field of banking IT. Both have two children. Olya has two girls, Anya has two boys.

And both are charming, cheerful girls. Both came to the Bikod clinic for their first consultation with Dr. Tatyana Tlatova with a determined attitude. Each was ready to give up the sweet fate of being injected by her sister:) “We read reviews about the method, the clinic, and the doctor, and realized how lucky we were that we saw an ad that they were looking for twins on BeautyInsider,” - said Olya.

Doctor Tlatova, having examined both of them, decided that she would work with her. “Both sisters look good,” she commented, “but Olya has more evidence. By “indications” I mean the depth of wrinkles and the general condition of the skin.”

When asked why, if the sisters are twins and their lifestyle is approximately the same, age shows up differently on their faces, Tatyana replied that yes, it happens, and this is not the first time in her practice. “Oddly enough, I deal with twins quite often. And even those who were very similar in childhood are still different in adulthood. Some have more active facial expressions, others were more successful and quickly found their own cosmetics that meet the needs of the skin... There can be a lot of reasons.”

In general, Olya had to prepare for the procedures, and Anya had to be happy for her sister :)

Duration of action

The manufacturer declares a certain validity period for each of the products in the line:

  • Neuramis Meso - the drug has a low density, is used more often to prevent age-related changes, the validity period is 6 months;
  • Neuramis Lidocaine - the correction result lasts up to 9 months;
  • Neuramis Deep/Deep Lidocaine - both products provide stable results lasting 1 year;
  • Neuramis Light - the effect lasts from 3 to 6 months, subject to two or three procedures.
  • Neuramis Volume is the most pronounced effect of the entire line of products, lasting from 9 to 16 months.

Advantages of liquid lift over traditional surgery

  • Lower price - the procedure costs much less than plastic surgery, since it does not require preoperative preparation, anesthesia, postoperative recovery and other associated costs.
  • Subtle and natural result, amenable to correction. The consequences of surgical plastic surgery can only be corrected through repeated surgery, which is difficult, costly and dangerous.
  • There is no recovery period - after a liquid lift, only slight redness of the skin, minor hemorrhages and swelling are observed, which disappear quite quickly.
  • Safety – surgical skin tightening, even performed by an experienced and highly qualified cosmetologist, carries risks associated with anesthesia, bleeding, infection and other possible consequences. Liquid lifting is completely safe.

However, this lifting method is not recommended for those who want long-term results and for patients with significant age-related tissue changes. In this case, it is better to prefer traditional plastic. Therefore, when choosing a lifting method, it is recommended to take into account the advice of a specialist.

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