Reinforcement of the face with gold threads: myths and effectiveness

Bio-reinforcement of the face is one of the newest ways to preserve the natural oval of the face and skin elasticity. What it is will be discussed further. Reinforcement is a construction term that means “providing a frame to support an entire building.” In cosmetology, this means strengthening skin fibers, eliminating sagging and increasing skin elasticity by introducing biological injections into the subcutaneous layers.

  • The essence of the bioreinforcement procedure
  • Thread reinforcement: its advantages and disadvantages
  • Hyaluronic reinforcement, advantages and disadvantages
  • The benefits and harms of bioreinforcement
  • Indications and contraindications for the reinforcement procedure
  • Technique of the procedure

How and to whom is bioreinforcement performed?

The optimal age for the procedure is 35-50 years: it is during this period that the skin loses its elasticity and age-related changes become very pronounced. And although such boundaries are very arbitrary, since the aging and regeneration processes proceed differently for everyone, the milestone of 40 years can be considered the moment when there is a reason to visit a professional cosmetologist.

The essence of the procedure is indicated above, now let’s talk about how it is carried out.

At the first visit, the doctor takes an anamnesis, based on which he gives advice to the patient regarding which medications (for example, blood thinners) should be avoided for a while, and which, on the contrary, should be taken to prevent the occurrence of severe bruises and stains after the procedure (it is worth keep in mind that almost the entire face is exposed to external influences).

Please note that bioreinforcement of the face is not carried out if at least one of the following factors is present:

  • pregnancy or lactation;
  • neoplasms;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • keloid scars, acne, pimples, wounds, herpes, etc. skin defects.

The procedure itself is usually carried out within a couple of weeks. A cream with an anesthetic effect is applied to the patient's face for 30-40 minutes. Then the doctor disinfects the skin, marks problem areas and begins administering the drug (depth - from 2 to 4 mm, width between application lines - about 1-1.5 cm). He does this with a long, thin needle (the exception is when performing the procedure with a cannula), the specific size of which depends on the type and viscosity of the injected substance.

Injections are made first in the horizontal direction, then in the vertical direction. As a result, a frame is created on the face from the drug, which subsequently causes the production of elastin and collagen in this area. Thanks to this, the processes of regeneration and hydration of the skin are enhanced, which is noticeably tightened.

Patient 1. Photos before and after the procedure

Patient 2. Photos before and after the procedure

Other effects:

  • wrinkles and folds (nasolabial, tear grooves) are smoothed out and made less noticeable;
  • facial contours become clearer;
  • jowls, sagging cheeks, etc. defects disappear, double chin tightens;
  • complexion improves noticeably.

The first effect becomes clearly visible after a couple of months. Over time, it only intensifies, as self-rejuvenation processes begin, and lasts up to two years (depending on the type of drug used).

The whole procedure lasts no more than an hour and a half, after which the face is treated with an antiseptic. Then the patient receives recommendations for the rehabilitation period (for example, for 3-4 days you cannot use decorative cosmetics, scrubs, etc., for two weeks - visit saunas and steam baths, be in direct sunlight, engage in active sports) and goes home. Any bruises and marks from injections disappear after 2-5 days.

Results of the operation

Of course, the most important result is the achievement of excellent external aesthetics and a rejuvenating effect. The design provides an excellent supporting effect, due to which good skin tone is restored. Also, along with the formation of connective tissue, blood flow is activated due to the sprouting of new vessels, which leads to better nutrition and hydration of the skin and, as a consequence, to increased elasticity and skin turgor. Visually, the skin becomes more radiant, smooth and velvety. Therefore, the more threads introduced per unit area, the more stable and durable the result.

The effect of the gold thread reinforcement procedure lasts on average about 5-7 years. To ensure longer retention of the results, it is necessary to carry out consolidating repeated procedures at intervals of approximately once every three years. But it should be noted that the above periods are average. Most patients manage to maintain the results for 10-15 years.

Bio-reinforcement with hyaluronic acid

The introduction of hyaluronic acid is the most popular way to preserve beauty, including bioreinforcement. The injection substance itself is obtained from biomaterial, so it practically does not cause allergies. A filler based on it acts in a similar way to how hyaluronic acid, produced by the body itself, works. After a few months, the filler dissolves naturally, but the formed frame will work for up to two years, and the appearance of the face and the obvious tightening effect will only improve during this period.

Origin of collagen for injection

This protein is quite difficult to synthesize in the laboratory, so in most cases the collagen implanted into the skin of the face is of natural, animal or human origin.

Bovine collagen

When it is injected under the skin, the body perceives this collagen as its own. But the opposite reaction can also occur. The body may perceive a foreign protein obtained from the skin of a bull as foreign, and the threads will be rejected. This can lead to unpleasant aesthetic consequences.

Human collagen

To eliminate the threat of an allergic reaction, autologen is often used for injection - collagen taken from another area of ​​human skin. It is easily digestible, but will also be destroyed much faster.

Although a hostile reaction of the body to foreign collagen occurs in practice, this is a rare case. The most common drugs at the moment - Zyderm and Zyplast - contain protein of human origin, and they are used by cosmetologists all over the world. The only caveat is that before the first injection, a skin test is performed, which will help identify possible incompatibility.

CosmoPlast and CosmoDerm fillers also contain human collagen. They cost more, but eliminate the need for a skin test before the procedure. In addition, they contain lidocaine, which reduces pain.

Some preparations contain protein extracted from the treated skin of a corpse. For example, Cymetra. Collagen facial filler does not cause any inflammatory or allergic reactions. It also contains elastane fibers, proteins and propylene glycans, which have a powerful rejuvenating effect on the skin from the inside.

Bio-reinforcement with threads

This is another way to create a supportive frame on the face. Only fillers are not injected under the skin, but absorbable or non-absorbable threads.

Bio-reinforcement with threads

The former are used for less visible defects and provide lasting results for up to two years. They dissolve under the skin, awakening the body’s natural regeneration processes within six months to a year.

The latter are used for highly visible age-related changes and skin defects, facial asymmetry and are introduced for a period of up to 5 years. Unlike fillers and absorbable threads, after the introduction of which a natural frame is gradually formed on the face, non-absorbable threads serve as a sculptural frame until they are removed.

Is it possible to tighten cheeks at home?

The Internet is vying with each other to offer exercises for lifting the cheeks, but alas! - You cannot tighten your cheeks with exercises. The reason for drooping cheeks after 40 is overstretching of the ligamentous apparatus. And while it is possible to tighten muscles with exercises, it is not possible to tighten ligaments.

Your cheeks, of course, will become smaller if you lose weight, but they won’t go back to their place, the sagging will remain.

Fortunately, modern cosmetology and plastic surgery have possibilities that our grandmothers and mothers never dreamed of. She also copes with sagging cheeks.

Let's find out what these methods are.

Bioreinforcement with cannulas

One of the ways to perform bioreinforcement of the face is to use a cannula. Unlike injections, it is considered less painful and traumatic. The reason is simple: filler or threads are introduced using very thin, smooth and flexible needles with a rounded tip and a hole on the side (it is no coincidence that this method of bioreinforcement is called softlifting, which means “soft”). The cannula is inserted through small incisions on the skin (when bioreinforcing the entire face, no more than 7 of them are made), it does not injure tissues and small capillaries, which eliminates the occurrence of pain and bruises. In addition, with the help of a cannula, correction can be carried out in the area of ​​the cheekbones, temples, eyebrows and eyes, chin, and nose.

If you are planning to undergo facial bioreinforcement, we invite you to our Aesthetic Medicine Center in St. Petersburg. Doctors with appropriate education and high qualifications will provide the necessary assistance when choosing a bioreinforcement method and will make the procedure as comfortable as possible for you. And the availability of the necessary high-quality drugs is a guarantee that you will get exactly the result you expect.

What do you need to know before choosing a clinic?

As with any other type of surgical intervention, the key task is to select a good clinic and a competent specialist. The incompetence of the doctor can lead to complications such as damage to the facial nerves, tissue infection, changes in aesthetics in a negative direction, and other negative consequences. It is also very important that the clinic uses real gold threads of the highest standard, since low quality products increase the risks of complications.

The Osnova Plastic Surgery Clinic offers the services of qualified plastic surgeons with extensive experience. Genuine gold threads and modern equipment for surgical interventions guarantee patient safety and effective results. Rejuvenation by ten or more years without a scalpel is not a marketing trick, but a reality thanks to technology such as gold threads. The visible positive effect of using gold threads for face lifting has led to the fact that this technology began to actively spread to other areas of the body. Today, with the help of gold threads, you can also improve the tone of the skin in the décolleté area, on the neck and shoulders, in the chest area, as well as on the stomach and hips.

Rehabilitation after thread lifting

Since thread lifting is not an operation, it does not require a rehabilitation period. Immediately after the procedure, the patient can return to their normal lifestyle.

At first, swelling of the skin and redness of the treated areas may be observed; they disappear on their own. For the next 12 hours, you must refrain from physical activity and applying makeup. For the next 3 days, you should not visit the bathhouse or sauna, and it is not recommended to drink alcohol.

Skin thread lifting with mesothreads - reviews

Tatyana Vyacheslavovna Doctor: Kotova Irina Nikolaevna

Irina Nikolaevna is an excellent specialist. It works according to a program compiled individually for you. I performed peeling, biorevitalization and mesothread procedures. I already see a positive result. I highly recommend coming to her for a consultation. The clinic has good equipment. Prices correspond to good quality.

Yulia Doctor: Kotova Irina Nikolaevna Very attentive doctor. The procedure was performed painlessly. The principle of action of the drug is clearly explained. Very pleased.


I did mesothreads to return the corners of the lips to their place and remove the nasolabial fold. I was very pleased with the result; my face immediately looked younger, like when I was 25 years old. At first there was swelling, but now it’s all gone, I’m very happy.


I used mesothreads to correct the décolleté and neck area, it turned out well. The skin smoothed out and became more elastic, wrinkles almost disappeared. Price

Preparation for the procedure

The reinforcement operation does not require complex preparation. At the preliminary consultation, which is mandatory, the doctor discusses all restrictions.

The cosmetologist recommends eliminating medications that affect blood quality 1–2 weeks before the procedure. 1–2 days before the reinforcement procedure, you will have to give up alcohol, smoking, and strong physical activity.

It is advisable to adhere to the principles of a healthy lifestyle. Be sure to stay healthy. Manipulation is carried out only when you are in ideal health.


In the absence of contraindications and compliance with the technological process of the operation, the occurrence of negative consequences is minimal. Minor redness of the skin, swelling, bruising is a normal reaction of the body. The manifestation disappears on its own in 2–7 days. If symptoms persist for a long time, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

As a result of the cosmetologist’s mistakes or failure to comply with restrictions during the rehabilitation period, the following are possible:

  • asymmetry;
  • uneven skin;
  • spreading of gel in tissues;
  • the occurrence of foci of inflammation.

Negative consequences require additional correction. To prevent side effects from tissue reinforcement, it is recommended to carefully choose a cosmetologist and follow all doctor’s recommendations.

Ways to tighten the oval face

  1. Surgery is the most effective, but at the same time expensive and complex method, which is accompanied by a long recovery period.
  2. Hardware correction is a more gentle, non-invasive method, but less effective.
  3. Facial gymnastics is useless for an older person and is suitable as a preventive measure at the turn of 30-35 years.
  4. Thread lifting and contour injection plastic surgery are modern, gentle techniques that are considered the best choice when there are contraindications to surgery or you simply want to avoid the unpleasant consequences of surgery.

Traditionally, contour plastic methods are used to correct the oval of the face . A number of experts recommend plastic surgery, but these interventions are aimed exclusively at lifting; it is impossible to replenish the volume lost with age using surgery .


At the preliminary consultation, the doctor must collect an anamnesis to identify contraindications. If this condition is violated, the operation can have various negative consequences. It is prohibited to carry out bioreinforcement when:

  • unsatisfactory skin condition (violation of integrity, inflammation);
  • poor health (increased temperature, pressure, inflammatory processes);
  • serious diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems;
  • blood diseases;
  • oncological, autoimmune processes.

Manipulation is not carried out during pregnancy and lactation. It is advisable to avoid intervention during menstruation. Reinforcement is not given to patients with serious mental disorders. It is necessary to take into account that individual reactions of the body are possible to drugs.

Biorevitalization "Aquashine"

Often, before reinforcement, a cosmetologist recommends taking a course of biorevitalization. This procedure significantly increases the effectiveness of lifting.

Over the past few years, the drug “Aquashine” has been in constant high demand. This product from the South Korean company Caregen is now very actively used to correct cosmetic imperfections.

Before proceeding directly to the procedure, the specialist thoroughly cleanses the skin of impurities. Then the face is disinfected with an antiseptic. At this point, the preparatory stage is considered complete.

The next step is light anesthesia. It is performed using a special gel. Then a film is placed on the face. The holding time of the latter is from 30 to 40 minutes. This is quite enough for the anesthetic to take effect.

Now the cosmetologist can give injections. The entire face is treated with injections, including the chin, as well as the neck and décolleté area.

The average duration of biorevitalization is approximately 15-20 minutes. The price varies from 10 to 20 thousand rubles per session.

Comparison with similar procedures

Bioreinforcement is carried out using vector lifting technology. The procedure involves creating a frame that supports the tissue. Manipulation allows you to prevent and eliminate age-related changes (ptosis, wrinkles).

The introduction of fillers for aesthetic correction of certain areas is carried out locally; manipulation eliminates asymmetry and improves the expression of the treated areas. The difference between the procedures lies in the choice of filler and the technology for introducing the substance.

A similar tightening of the skin by strengthening the frame can be achieved using thread lifting. A similar effect is achieved by hardware methods of influence: thermage, alterotherapy. Popular botulinum therapy provides lifting without creating a framework in the tissues.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Doctors positively evaluate the effect of fillers. For specialists, the technique of non-surgical contouring is an excellent opportunity to solve patients’ problems. Cosmetologists use gels for different purposes. Bioreinforcement is recognized as an effective, affordable technique. Some doctors are skeptical and use only more serious methods to tighten the oval.

Cosmetologists offer different correction options. Bioreinforcement is considered optimal in terms of price and efficiency.

The cosmetologist praises bioreinforcement, despite the fact that the results vary.

Some cosmetologists are skeptical about bioreinforcement and propose more radical measures.

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