Myths about mammoplasty

Breast surgery is one of the most popular aesthetic surgeries in the world. Hundreds of thousands of women every year come to surgeons to enlarge, reduce or tighten the mammary gland, making their figure more seductive. It is not surprising that there are many rumors about this intervention, most of which are exaggerated or simply not true.
  • Implants cause breast cancer
  • The prosthesis interferes with breastfeeding
  • The implant may rupture inside the body
  • Implants need to be replaced every 5-10 years
  • Over time, enlarged breasts sag
  • Huge scars remain after surgery
  • Artificial breasts are unnatural in appearance and feel
  • The surgeon can create a bust of any size in one operation

Often, it is the myths about mammoplasty that stop a woman from scheduling a consultation with a plastic surgeon. Beauty Institute GALAXY dispels popular misconceptions.

Implants cause breast cancer

In fact, there is no connection between breast cancer and implants. Prostheses are made of biologically inert materials (silicone gels are most often used), which cannot in any way affect the development of cancer cells in tissues. However, this misconception has a completely logical explanation.

First, after mammoplasty, women undergo regular breast examinations, which increases the chances of detecting cancer. Secondly, when there is a dense prosthesis under the tissue, there is a greater chance of finding a suspicious nodule. Because of this, it seems that the cause of cancer was mammoplasty.

IMPORTANT! Regular breast examination is required for all women, regardless of whether they have dentures or not.

The prosthesis interferes with breastfeeding

There are two misconceptions about this topic:

  • the contents of the prosthesis may pass into breast milk;
  • During the operation, the ducts of the mammary gland are damaged.

A correctly installed implant cannot interfere with breastfeeding. It is placed under the gland tissue or under the pectoral muscle, is completely isolated and has no contact with the milk ducts. The filler of the prosthesis is usually represented by a thick silicone gel, which does not leak out of the shell even if it is damaged. Accordingly, it has no chance of getting into milk.

As for the second part of the misconception, such cases rarely happen. Typically, the ducts are affected if the incision is around the areola. The GALAXY Beauty Institute employs professionals in their field, so the risk of such a complication is minimized. In addition, for complete safety, there are alternative approaches: through the fold under the breast or the armpit.

Of course, surgery cannot be performed during lactation, and after installing prostheses, it is recommended to wait at least six months before getting pregnant so that hormonal changes do not affect tissue restoration.

Preparation for mammoplasty

During the preoperative period, a woman must undergo an examination, which includes a general blood and urine test, an ECG, a blood test for anticoagulants, a test for hepatitis and HIV, and an ultrasound to exclude the presence of cancer.

The operation cannot be carried out without the woman’s preparation. Two weeks before surgery, you must stop smoking and alcohol, drugs containing aspirin, and the use of hormonal contraceptives.

Mammoplasty is performed only after restoration of the mammary gland one year after childbirth and the end of lactation.

The recovery period after surgery depends on the type and modification of mammoplasty (in particular, on the installation of an implant under the mammary gland or under the muscles). In most cases, the rehabilitation period takes about a month. It is also recommended to follow the prescribed restrictions and periodically see a specialist.

How is the operation performed?

The time of plastic surgery is from an hour to four hours. The operation is followed by a recovery period characterized by a number of restrictions. The patient is discharged one day after mammoplasty.

In our clinic at the address: Samara, Upravlencheskiy village, st. Krasnoglinskoe highway, 1/23 You can get advice from a competent plastic surgeon.

Consultation with a plastic surgeon1500,00
Mammoplasty (Breast lipofilling)100 000,00 — 200 000,00

Operation planning:

  • Study of individual characteristics with subsequent conclusion and decision-making on the surgical method based on the characteristics of the breast and skin.
  • Discussion of possible options for solving the required problem, risks and limitations. (The doctor must know about the patient’s medications, vitamins and bad habits).
  • Providing information about anesthesia, cost of surgery and technique.

Direct operation:

The incision, depending on the structure of the breast, can be made under the armpit, along the border of the areola or under the breast. After making an incision, the surgeon separates the skin and breast tissue to create a pocket behind the chest wall muscle or behind the breast tissue. The next step is to place the selected implant into it.

Disadvantages of mammoplasty:

  • Long recovery period (the size of the implants is proportional to the adaptation period);
  • Consequences of anesthesia (nausea, etc.) on the first day after surgery;
  • Pain that must be relieved with analgesics every six hours;
  • The need to wear compression garments for a month (including nights during the first two weeks);
  • Traces of postoperative sutures. The size of the scars depends on the characteristics of the skin, the size of the prostheses and the talent of the surgeon;
  • Refusal of active sports (basketball, swimming, volleyball) and training on exercise equipment with load on the muscles of the shoulder girdle;
  • Quitting cigarettes (nicotine has a detrimental effect on blood circulation and blood flow to the skin);
  • Avoidance of saunas and baths. For at least two months after surgery. In the future, it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the steam room - it should not exceed 100ºС;
  • After the operation, it is recommended not to become pregnant for a long time. At least six months. After six months, planning a pregnancy is allowed, but it is worth remembering that caring for the breasts and nipples will have to be carried out more carefully and scrupulously;
  • Risk of complications (inflammation, infection, hardening, breast deformation);

The implant may rupture inside the body

This is one of the most popular horror stories regarding breast implants. Allegedly, it may break, which is why a woman is prohibited from:

  • fly on airplanes;
  • exercise.

Modern third-generation implants, which are used at the GALAXY Beauty Institute, are capable of withstanding enormous loads. They will not tear even if a car drives over them. Accordingly, neither heavy training nor airplane flights can cause the implant to rupture.

Even if, theoretically, the shell was destroyed (for example, by a knife strike or other injury), the contents will remain inside it. Unlike older models, the gel has enough density and memory to allow it to stay in place. Of course, if damaged, the prosthesis is replaced.

Implants need to be replaced every 5-10 years

This popular myth about breast surgery dates back to the early days of implants. Then their shell was quite thin and fragile. Movements of the chest during breathing led to its deformation and damage. To avoid such problems, doctors recommended redoing the operation every few years.

Modern implants have been tested under very stringent conditions and have a lifetime guarantee. They do not suffer from breathing or from an active lifestyle, and their shell remains as strong as immediately after installation.

Over time, enlarged breasts sag

This myth is partly true. All breasts sag as the skin becomes less elastic with age. The larger and heavier the iron, the more pronounced the process. Silicone prostheses significantly increase mass, promoting greater stretching of the skin.

Plastic surgeons have found a way out of this situation. If you install the implant completely or partially under the pectoral muscles, they will support it. As for the natural age-related changes that occur to the bust, they can be easily compensated for with the help of a surgical lift.

Breast reduction

All women want big beautiful breasts. But too large breasts are a serious problem for a woman's health. Patients diagnosed with hypermastia or gigantomastia (very large breasts) experience severe pain in the back and neck, suffer from breathing problems, skeletal deformities and skin irritation. The size and shape of the mammary gland are characterized by lability during a woman’s life and depend on fluctuations in total body weight, hormonal changes in the body, feeding, and age-related changes in the skin.

The desire to improve the shape of the mammary gland, and sometimes get rid of complexes, leads a woman to a plastic surgeon. Heavy, pendulous breasts can cause both physical and psychological suffering. Many patients complain of pain in the thoracic and cervical spine. It is not uncommon to see scar grooves on the shoulders caused by excessive pressure from bra straps. Often women complain of diaper rash in the area of ​​the inframammary folds, which is difficult to treat.

Skin, and sometimes excess fatty tissue, due to which the nipple and areola are raised, and thus a new breast shape is modeled, breast reduction surgery, or reduction mammoplasty, is a more serious intervention on the part of the surgeon. During the operation, excess glandular tissue and subcutaneous fatty tissue are partially removed, and mammary glands of a new size and shape are formed.

Huge scars remain after surgery

This myth is surprisingly tenacious, although the technique of performing mammoplasty has reached unprecedented heights. Many women don’t even want to think about surgery because they are afraid of the terrible scars all over their breasts.

Doctors at the GALAXY Beauty Institute use three types of incisions during mammoplasty:

  • in the armpit;
  • in the fold under the mammary gland;
  • around the areola.

Of the options listed, only access through the areola may be slightly noticeable, but only if you look closely. The surgeon's skill and high-quality suture material ensure excellent wound healing, by the end of which the scar becomes a thin white line.

IMPORTANT! The exception is a rare situation when the body is prone to the formation of keloid scars. In this case, traces of the operation can really be striking.

Breast augmentation

Every girl and woman just needs to feel confident. Many have achieved this only through breast augmentation surgery. Beautiful breasts are an indicator of femininity and sexuality. It will give you confidence in your beauty, increase your self-esteem and allow you to become irresistible!

The first step to beautiful breasts is knowledge about the operation itself.

The female breast is a part of the body that has special requirements. We don't know why you decided to have this surgery, because they are as unique as you are. You can find out all the nuances of the operation by scheduling a consultation.

Why should you sign up for a consultation?

We carefully prepare you for aesthetic surgery, starting with your initial consultation. Here we will talk in detail about possible methods of breast enlargement and the advantages of one method or another. Taking into account your wishes and taking into account all the initial data, a picture of the desired result is formed.

You may have some concerns or questions - this is completely normal.

During your consultation, you will meet your surgeon.

You will learn about all the benefits of each type of implant installation.

Together with your surgeon, after discussing your preferences, you will choose the method of surgery and the appropriate size and shape of implants.

You will discuss the advantages of the implants we use.

You will be able to ask all your questions.

The procedure and details of the operation will be explained to you, and the surgeon will select implants for you, taking the necessary measurements.

How is hospitalization going?

On the appointed day of the operation, you come to our department and settle down in a comfortable room (single or double hotel-type room, shower, toilet, TV, Wi-Fi, winter garden). Here you will be greeted by friendly and caring staff.

Your anesthesiologist will answer questions about anesthesia and agree with you on the best pain management program. Stress before surgery is a thing of the past! Thanks to the magic of the anesthesiologist, you will feel emotionally comfortable.

Comfortable anesthesia program

During the operation, the doctor will continuously monitor all parameters of your body, thanks to the latest equipment from leading global manufacturers. The duration of the operation itself usually does not exceed one and a half hours.

We pay special attention to a comfortable awakening. When you wake up after anesthesia, you will be surprised that you will not experience discomfort and will be able to navigate your surroundings perfectly, enjoying your new breasts.

The recommended hospital stay is from 1 to 3 days.


I'm used to leading an active lifestyle! When can I start training again?

On average, you can start training a month after surgery. But only a doctor can estimate the length of recovery time you need. You are unique, and so are the characteristics of your body.

When can I wear a new bra, not special underwear?

After the operation, we recommend not to wear underwear with so-called “wires” for three months.

Is it possible to get new breasts before pregnancy? Will I be able to breastfeed?

Many women who have breast implants successfully breastfeed their children. It is better to discuss these experiences with your doctor during a consultation. He is your best advisor.

I want to give breast augmentation surgery to my mother, is age a limitation?

The person's health status is important for the operation. There are no age restrictions for performing the operation; it can be done from the age of 18 (upon reaching adulthood).

How to prepare for a consultation, I’m very worried?

Your feelings are completely normal. Write down any questions that concern you before the consultation and we will be happy to answer them in as much detail as possible, do not hesitate to ask again.

Artificial breasts are unnatural in appearance and feel

Some people believe that implants make the bust look like two balloons, others are sure that dentures are easy to identify by touch because they are dense and cold.

In fact, externally enlarged breasts often look much better than real ones, especially if anatomical implants that have a teardrop shape are used. Using computer modeling, doctors at the GALAXY Beauty Institute select the size of the implants so that the shape of the new bust is in perfect harmony with the woman’s physique.

As for the unnatural sensations during palpation, in fact, only a doctor or a person who has repeatedly encountered such busts can identify the implant. The prosthesis heats up from body heat and has the same temperature as it. It is possible to feel its boundaries only in very thin women if the implant is located directly under the mammary gland.

The surgeon can create a bust of any size in one operation

Many people believe that with the help of implants you can create truly huge breasts. In fact, the possibilities of surgery are very limited:

  • initial breast size (i.e. amount of skin);
  • woman's physique;
  • maximum implant sizes.

No doctor can carefully place large implants on the narrow chest of a thin woman: there is not enough space and tissue to hide them. Such a bust will look funny and unnatural. In addition, the maximum possible volume of breast implants is 750-800 ml, depending on the manufacturer.

IMPORTANT! Most often, it is enough for a woman to install implants with a volume of 200-300 ml to be completely satisfied with the result. If you want more, the operation can be performed in several stages, leaving time for the skin to stretch.


Gynecomastia is an enlargement of the mammary glands in men due to changes in hormonal levels (for example, as a result of taking any hormonal drugs, steroids, etc.).

Pseudogynecomastia develops with obesity. Fat deposits accumulate in the area of ​​the mammary glands, and forms are formed that are very similar to a female bust, although the mammary glands themselves retain their normal anatomical dimensions, that is, they are reduced.

Gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia, of course, cause representatives of the stronger sex a lot of psychological difficulties, and the only way to eliminate them is surgery.

We will help solve this problem without pain and using high-tech modern equipment.

Breasts can be enlarged without surgery

This myth is regularly fueled by numerous articles in popular women's publications. What methods are not recommended by their authors to enlarge breasts without surgery:

  • sport exercises;
  • special creams, lotions and preparations;
  • special diet;
  • filler injections.

In fact, exercise will not enlarge the mammary gland itself in any way, since there are no muscles in it. The bust may rise slightly due to the pectoral muscles, but no more. The diet is completely useless, as are cosmetics. As for filler injections, they can slightly increase the volume and adjust the shape, but do not make the gland a size or two larger.

So, breast enlargement can be effectively and quickly only through operations: classical mammoplasty and lipofilling (injection of the patient’s own pre-prepared fat into the breast tissue). Both manipulations are full-fledged surgical interventions that require preliminary examination, high-quality equipment, anesthesia and subsequent medical supervision. All this, as well as consumables, implants and compression garments, is included in the cost of the operation in our clinic.

Beauty Institute GALAXY advises: don’t believe the myths. They are very far from the truth. Come to us for a consultation and see for yourself the possibilities of modern mammoplasty.


Breast surgery is represented by three large groups:

  • Augmentation mammoplasty. (circular) - The purpose of such an intervention is to enlarge the breasts, giving them a beautiful shape while maintaining the function of lactation.
  • Reduction mammoplasty. — The operation involves excision of excess tissue and stretched skin while simultaneously moving the nipple to its natural position.
  • Mastopexy (anchor breast lift) - (breast lift). A surgical intervention during which the surgeon makes aesthetic correction of the shape and height of the mammary glands.

Each method has its own limitations and characteristics. Only a specialist can determine exactly which tactics are preferable in a particular case and can provide a long-term desired result.

Breast augmentation surgeries

Most men consider large breasts to be the standard of beauty for a woman’s body, while women focus on a male audience. Whether this is true or not is a moot point, but there are quite a lot of ladies who dream of making their breasts larger. Augmentation (enlargement) mammoplasty is associated with the introduction of implants into the breast tissue, which visually enlarge the bust. When planning the operation, the surgeon determines through what access the endoprostheses will be installed:

  • axillary (axillary) - installation of the prosthesis is performed through an incision in the armpit, the advantage of access is the absence of visible traces of the operation;
  • submammary access involves an inframammary incision, the disadvantage is a noticeable scar under the breast;
  • periareolar (peripapillary) - the implant is inserted through an incision along the lower edge of the nipple; the disadvantage of access is the risk of loss of lactation function, but no traces of surgical intervention are visible.

The method of breast augmentation with implants, as a result of which the bust takes on a beautiful shape and becomes elastic, is considered a classic mammoplasty. However, there is an alternative method - lipofilling, the essence of which is to transplant the patient’s own fat, taken from other parts of the body. Today, the method of breast enlargement using your own fat tissue is finding more and more adherents, as it causes fewer complications and allows you to simultaneously get rid of fat traps.

Reduction surgeries for men and women

Too large breasts can bring a woman a lot of suffering: difficulties with choosing underwear, regular pain in the back and neck, not always appropriate attention from others, and so on. To reduce breast size, reduction mammoplasty surgery is offered. The intervention is carried out both for women with a very large bust size and for men suffering from gynecomastia.

Types of gynecomastia in men:

  • true - pathological proliferation of glandular tissue caused by congenital pathologies, endocrine disorders, as well as metabolic, symptomatic and medicinal causes;
  • false (lipomastia) - local fat deposits, typical for patients with BMI.

The cost of breast reduction in women is often higher than other types of plastic surgery, since reduction mammoplasty belongs to the group of the most complex and lengthy reconstructive operations on the mammary gland.

Breast lift surgery

If a woman is unhappy with the way her bust looks, it is worth making an appointment with a mammologist and identifying the cause of the problem. Breast surgery is recommended against the background:

  • changes in the process of formation of the body (hypomastia, asymmetric development, hypertrophy);
  • changes associated with pregnancy, breastfeeding, age factor (post-lactation involution, increase in volume, mastoptosis);
  • congenital anomalies (amastia, athelia, underdevelopment of the pectoral muscles);
  • postoperative changes (mastectomy).

When a man experiences discomfort due to breast enlargement, he should consult a specialist to determine the cause of the changes. Often, male mammoplasty consists of liposuction, less often with mastopexy.


Like any operation, mammoplasty has a number of contraindications:

  • too young an age, when the shape and size of the glands have not yet formed;
  • period of gestation, breastfeeding and less than a year after lactation;
  • chronic diseases in the stage of decompensation;
  • infections (acute and chronic);
  • bleeding disorders;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • diabetes;
  • neoplasms in the breast area until the cause is identified and removed.

You should not hush up details regarding your health, since concealing any contraindications to surgical breast correction can result in serious problems for the patient himself. In turn, a good doctor will never turn a blind eye to the presence of contraindications, will explain the reason for the refusal and offer an alternative path.

After mammoplasty - patient rehabilitation

It is important to understand well that everything does not end in the operating room. At the end of the operation, an equally important period of rehabilitation after mammoplasty begins. Recommendations for recovery depend on the method and complexity of the intervention.

If lipofilling was used, you need to do the following within a month:

  • wear compression stockings;
  • do not sleep on your stomach;
  • do not play sports;
  • exclude massage in the chest area;
  • avoid saunas, beaches and other places where you can overheat;
  • do not eat foods that cause swelling;
  • do not smoke or drink alcohol.

If breast augmentation by implantation, mastopexy, reduction was used:

  • the patient remains under observation for at least a day;
  • it is necessary to take medications recommended by the doctor on an individual basis; sutures after mammoplasty are removed after about 7-10 days, if self-absorbable suture material was not used;
  • all conditions for postoperative rehabilitation during breast contouring with autologous fat are met.

It will not be possible to evaluate the results of mammoplasty in the first days, since tissue swelling persists. However, the first assessments can be made as early as 2-3 weeks after the intervention.

At this stage, the seams are still very visible, which can later be corrected by sanding. Even at the stage of consultations and preparation for surgery, you need to understand that the breasts will acquire their final appearance and shape only after a few months. After breast surgery, the body and glands are completely restored within six months on average.

How much does mammoplasty cost in Rostov-on-Don?

The cost of surgical correction of the mammary glands is determined taking into account a number of factors:

  • type of mammoplasty (for example, making breasts small surgically will cost more than moderate correction using liposculpture);
  • complexity of the operation (each case is individual and sometimes even a standard procedure is complicated by its own nuances, and the intervention can also be complex);
  • cost of consumables (implants, fillers).

Prices for mammoplasty in Rostov clinics are approximately the same. If the price tag is too low, then there are two options. Or the clinic misleads potential clients by indicating the cost not for the range of services within the operation, but only for the intervention. Or we are talking about saving on materials and equipment, and therefore on the health of patients.

Where to get breast surgery in Rostov

Have you been dreaming of changing your bust size? You are not satisfied with the result of implantation and want to try to make your breasts beautiful and natural using lipomodelling? Make an appointment for a breast augmentation consultation at Medical Park. We have our own laboratory, the latest equipment and qualified surgeons with over 20 years of experience. According to reviews from patients after mammoplasty, we are one of the best breast surgery clinics in Rostov-on-Don. Don’t try to love yourself as you are, while experiencing pain and psychological discomfort! Take advantage of the possibilities of modern aesthetic surgery and get the bust of your dreams.

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