Bags under the eyes: a weight you don't need to carry around with you

If the first thing you see in the mirror in the morning are bags under your eyes, then you need to get rid of them urgently so as not to look constantly tired. Of course, sometimes you just need to start getting enough sleep (due to lack of sleep, many residents of megacities such as Moscow often turn to surgeons to remove circles under their eyes), and then they will go away on their own. But what if this doesn't happen? First, you need to find the cause of their occurrence, this could be genetic characteristics, kidney or liver disease, as well as normal aging.

How to remove bags under the eyes?

Getting rid of under-eye circles is no easy task, and understanding what causes them is only half the battle. It is much more difficult to find an effective method that will remove them once and for all. There are many methods, which mainly differ in the method of influence and in price (the most expensive method is blepharolasty and surgical removal of the paint bags).

One of the popular methods of getting rid of bags under the eyes is the use of special cosmetic masks that help remove swelling and puffiness. This is convenient because masks can always be at hand and can be made at any time, but the substances from them cannot penetrate deep into the dermis. But mesotherapy can do this - the second method. It is more effective, since the substances penetrate into the deep layers and act not superficially, but from the inside, and the result lasts much longer. Another method is lymphatic drainage, which disperses stagnant fluid and removes toxins from the body, after which the bags disappear. But the most effective way is blepharoplasty, as well as surgical removal of the bags (pads or swelling on the cheekbones that visually enlarge the bags under the eyes).

If you have tried all the known masks for bags under the eyes, if the results after mesotherapy soon disappear, then you should think about plastic surgery to remove swelling and puffiness under the eyes once and for all. This operation can be combined with the removal of Bisha's lumps.


It is necessary to understand that treatment of a hernia under the eyes is unacceptable without consulting a cosmetologist. In our clinic, specialists select an individual solution for each patient.

How to remove hernias under the eyes without surgery? To do this, hardware procedures are used to get rid of fat deposits under gases:

  • mesotherapy with Mezoai and other drugs;
  • peptide injections;
  • fractional photothermolysis;
  • ultrasonic lift;
  • thermolifting;
  • microcurrent lymphatic drainage.

The effect is noticeable after a course of treatment.

Plasma therapy is an innovative, scientifically developed method that gives good results. Essentially, it is an injection of plasma that strengthens the dermis. After a course of therapy, the effect lasts quite a long time.

Ultrasound therapy can also help remove hernias under the eyes. Using the Altera System device, it is possible to achieve lifting of the upper eyelids and eyebrows.

Contour plastic surgery will help to even out skin relief, but only after the recommendation and under the supervision of a cosmetologist.

A more radical solution to eliminate a hernia under the eyes is surgical blepharoplasty.

Where in Moscow to remove circles under the eyes?

Dr. Igor Anatolyevich Bely has been successfully practicing plastic surgery for more than 23 years. Every year he performs about a thousand different surgeries to help his patients transform themselves. Doctor Bely will find out and fulfill all your wishes with precision. Sign up for a consultation with surgeon Igor Anatolyevich Bely by leaving a request on the website or by calling5 or write to messengers: or.


The average price in Moscow for eliminating hernias under the eyes for hardware procedures is from 8,000 rubles, for blepharoplasty ranges from 40,000 to 90,000 rubles, the cost of injections for this aesthetic problem is in the region of 16,000 – 20,000 rubles.

The GMTCLINIC clinic has in its arsenal 25 modern devices for eliminating skin problems and rejuvenation. Our clinic is a clinic for plastic surgery, laser cosmetology and a center for modern hardware and injection rejuvenation techniques.

Price for removing bags under the eyes

The cost of removing bags under the eyes depends on the method that will be used during the procedure. During the consultation, the doctor conducts an examination, prescribes the necessary tests, and draws up a plan for the operation. In addition, the doctor finds out the wishes regarding the result that the patient wants to see as a result, and offers options for performing the operation (several of the most suitable methods). Only after this can he name the exact price for removing bags under the eyes.


There are contraindications for removing hernias under the eyes; they should not be neglected:

  • Infectious diseases and cancer.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Dry eye syndrome.
  • Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.
  • Exacerbations of chronic diseases.

There are contraindications for the hardware method of eliminating the problem:

  • Skin diseases in the area of ​​localization of procedures.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Diabetes mellitus (with limitation).
  • Connective tissue diseases.
  • Electrical implants.
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  • Oncological diseases.

Rehabilitation after surgery

After the patient recovers from local anesthesia, he is transferred to the ward and a cold compress is applied to the eyes. This lasts about 2-3 hours, after which the patient can either go home or, if circumstances require, remain in the clinic under the supervision of specialists.

With Dr. Bely in Moscow you can remove circles under your eyes, and the very next day the results will begin to appear, and after a couple of weeks you will completely forget that you ever had bags under your eyes.

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Basic principles of periorbital zone correction

In our clinic, you can remove bags under the eyes and significantly rejuvenate the skin around the eyes using various, very effective, well-proven non-surgical methods. Four main tasks that our doctors solve when correcting problems in the periorbital zone:

  1. reduce the amount of fatty tissue in the area of ​​the “bags”;
  2. increase the elasticity and firmness of the orbital septum;
  3. improve the quality of the skin in the eye area due to the restructuring of the dermis and its framework proteins - collagen and elastin;
  4. reduce the “sagging” skin flap.

Progress of the operation

The patient enters the clinic in accordance with the surgical plan and waits for the plastic surgeon in his room to apply markings. After this, an anesthesiologist-resuscitator comes for the patient and escorts him to the operating room, where everything is ready for aesthetic intervention. Throughout the operation, the anesthesiologist-resuscitator monitors the patient's condition using instruments. Depending on the volume of tasks performed, the plastic surgeon will choose a classic or transconjunctival approach. In both cases, the marks after the operation will not be visible to prying eyes, so it will be difficult to guess about the operation performed. After all the manipulations have been performed, the plastic surgeon will carefully apply stitches and a bandage that will protect the eyelid area.

How to get rid of bags under the eyes with surgery

Age-related changes in the eyelids (the area around the eyes) layer by layer:

Layer 1: The skin around the eyes is very thin, there is no layer of subcutaneous fat underneath. Therefore, it is not surprising that it is primarily a marker of age-related changes. The skin of the orbital area loses elasticity, turgor and elasticity decrease (due to a decrease in the body's production of elastin, collagen, and hyaluronic acid), a network of fine wrinkles appears, the number of which is constantly increasing. Externally, the skin thins even more, becomes dry, and begins to “lay down” on the upper eyelid like a parchment-like, flabby bag. The eyes visually begin to appear smaller.

Layer 2: Orbicularis oculi muscles and hernial packets. Today, there are two opposite theories about the aging of facial muscles and the mechanism of the appearance of bags under the eyes - bulging hernias.

The first (generally accepted) theory states that the ligaments, which are attached on one side to the facial bones of the skull, penetrate through all layers of the face, cover the facial muscles and on the other side are attached to the skin of the face. Thus, dense, inextensible, immovable ligaments form a kind of corset to maintain facial tissues in the “correct position”. The soft tissues between the ligaments form “spaces”, which, on the contrary, are very mobile and extensible. In the process of aging, the “spaces” located between the dense supporting but already stretched ligaments expand (increase) and begin to bulge. This happens because, on the one hand, we are constantly experiencing the action of gravity, and on the other hand, the orbicularis oculi muscles are overstretched, lose elasticity, fullness, and their tone decreases. Such muscles begin to sag along with the fatty hernias of the eyelids located underneath them. As a result, we see large bags above and below the eyes.

Fig 1. B.Mendelson's theory a) young face; b) a person with signs of age-related changes.

The second theory, proposed in 2006 by French plastic surgeons Claude LeLouarn and Jacqees Buis, tells the opposite point of view. In their opinion, gravity has a relatively small effect on facial muscles. According to the “Face Recurve” concept, facial muscles in young people have a curved shape and are located in the deep fat layer. Under the influence of constant contraction, muscles straighten and shorten over time. This tight, straight, short muscle pushes the underlying fat more superficially. As a result, bags appear under the eyes (so-called fatty hernias). This theory justifies the use of botulinum toxin to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and bags under the eyes. Botulinum toxin injections can reduce the tone of tense, shortened facial muscles.

Figure 2. “Face Recurve” theory by Claude LeLouarn and Jacqees Buis.

a) the orbicularis oculi muscle and the zygomatic muscles in a relaxed state; b) the same muscles contract (the fat underlying them is pushed outward); c) blue arrows - the direction of pushing out fat during contraction of muscle fibers: fatty “hernias” of the lower eyelids bulge, the nasolacrimal groove worsens, and the uneven contour of the cheekbones intensifies.

Be that as it may, bags appear under the eyes as a result of prolapse (protrusion, bulging) of hernial bags. Adipose tissue is prone to swelling, which occurs with any excess fluid in the body - the bags under the eyes increase. The thin skin around the eyes stretches accordingly. And if at first (up to 30 years old) the skin quickly returns to normal (shrinks) after the swelling disappears, then again, over time it does this less and less willingly. As a result, we begin to observe a network of small wrinkles.

Layer 3: Bones of the facial skull. According to the famous surgeon and anatomist Bryan Mendelson, during the aging process, some areas of the facial skull undergo resorption (resorption), as a result of which the appearance greatly changes.

Figure 5. Orbital aging. The superomedial and inferolateral parts of the orbit have the greatest tendency to resorption. This leads to the appearance of signs of aging of the periorbital region, in particular, to the bulging of the medial fatty “hernia”, raising of the inner part (head) of the eyebrow and lengthening of the transition line of the upper border of the cheek.

B. Mendelson in his works proved that the upper inner and lower outer parts of the orbit are most susceptible to resorption during age-related changes. This causes the medial fatty hernia of the upper eyelid to bulge, raise the inner part (head) of the eyebrow, and deepen and lengthen the nasolacrimal groove. A decrease in bone support in the middle zone of the face (the upper jaw is most susceptible to resorption) contributes to the deepening of the nasolacrimal groove and the appearance of paint bags.

How to get rid of bags under the eyes reviews

“When I talked to Ilona Sergeevna, I immediately gained trust and respect for her; I no longer wanted to go looking for an alternative.
The first impression turned out to be undeceiving; further communication only confirmed the first impressions: I promptly received answers to my questions and test results via email. Ilona Sergeevna also performed the operation professionally, together with competent and courteous operating nurses. After blepharoplasty, I stayed in the clinic for a day and constantly felt the care that nurse Anya provided me. The next day, Svetlana magically performed procedures to promote the healing of stitches and swelling. “Many thanks to all the staff and the head of the Abrielle aesthetic surgery clinic for the friendly and homely atmosphere, for the impression that the patient is not in a medical institution, but among relatives, for the participation, concern and desire to always come to the rescue.” Ekaterina, 54 years old Other reviews about blepharoplasty on our website.

Thus, it becomes clear that:

  1. The use of various modern creams and masks to improve the properties of the skin has only preventive value, since these products are not able to penetrate the barrier layer of the skin. They act very superficially.
  2. Quitting smoking and alcohol is also a preventative measure, as these bad habits worsen the condition of the skin and accelerate its aging.
  3. Mesotherapy - the introduction of special preparations through injections to improve the properties of the skin around the eyes - is a good prevention of aging.
  4. Botulinum toxin injections are a necessary preventive procedure to reduce the number of wrinkles around the eyes.
  5. Plastic massage and microcurrent therapy help to increase tone, improve the properties of the skin and circular muscles of the eyes, and give a more lasting result.

However, all these procedures have only preventive value. They need to be performed in order to delay the appearance of bags under the eyes, and not to get rid of them. If bags, swelling and excess skin under and above the eyes have already appeared, it is useless to try to eliminate them with such measures. The effect will be immediate and fleeting.

How to get rid of bags under the eyes with blepharoplasty

A plastic surgeon will tell you how to get rid of bags under the eyes using blepharoplasty during an in-person consultation. With the help of this operation, normal anatomy is restored: excess skin, a strip of stretched muscle are eliminated, and hernial sacs are removed. Blepharoplasty is simple to perform, easily tolerated by patients and provides a guaranteed, lasting aesthetic result. It will no longer be possible to examine the “traces” of the operation after 2-3 months.

If we talk about rejuvenating the eye area, understanding all the mechanisms of age-related changes in this area, then blepharoplasty almost always needs to be supplemented with lipofilling. By injecting fat to fill the brow area, filling the tear trough, filling the cheekbones and temples, we perform true rejuvenation of the eye area in two ways. The first is the replenishment of lost volumes and the restoration of smooth contours inherent in young faces. The second is skin rejuvenation (thickening, increasing turgor, elasticity, reducing pores, vascular and pigment formations) due to the potential of stem cells, always present in adipose tissue.

Blepharoplasty in combination with eye lipofilling will not leave any traces behind and will completely preserve your individuality. Such simple surgical procedures will not only restore former attractiveness, but also bring youth, freshness and a unique radiance to a woman’s image. Why carry with you the burden of the past in the form of bags under your eyes? If you want to look young and evoke admiring glances from others, you will have to get rid of bags under your eyes, sooner or later. Better early. Then it’s time for you to seek advice from an experienced plastic surgeon. The plastic surgeon will determine the extent of the operation, the type of blepharoplasty, and most likely this small operation will help change your life for the better.

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