Bags under the eyes, how to get rid of them? Expert advice

Sometimes patches and home decongestants really “don’t work,” and if they do, it’s only as a placebo—after all, sometimes getting rid of “bags” and “circles” under the eyes is not as easy as it seems at first glance. In this material we will tell you why this aesthetic defect occurs in general and what correction methods exist. We talked about this with cosmetologist Natalya Petrovna Ishenina

and have prepared for you an overview of the top and most effective procedures for the beauty of the periorbital area.
Let us immediately note that for some patients, according to individual indications, more radical methods of plastic surgery are indicated to solve the problem, for example, blepharoplasty
. Today this is the most effective way to quickly get rid of “bags” under the eyes forever. We will also talk about in what cases and why plastic surgery blepharoplasty is sometimes most appropriate in the article.

Causes of swelling under the eyes

In general, there can be a lot of reasons. Let's look at the main ones. Bags under your eyes may appear because you don't get enough sleep. Due to hormonal changes, your body may retain fluid. These changes include pregnancy and menstruation. Perhaps you consume too much salt, cry a lot and for a long time, you are allergic to external irritants, cosmetics. Bags can appear from alcohol and smoking, fatigue, and heart disease. Swelling appears due to strong physical exertion, due to a hernia of the lower eyelid, due to the fact that you do not drink enough. Bags under the eyes can appear due to age.

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What you need to know about the procedure

Preparing such a homemade cosmetic product is simple: a chilled decoction of herbs, cereals, tea or juice is distributed into the cells of the mold and sent to the freezer compartment. The cubes “reach” there for 8-10 hours.

5 cooking rules

When preparing ice to wipe your face against wrinkles, certain rules must be followed. There are five main recommendations.

  1. Only clean water. Tap water is not suitable. You need spring, melted, mineral without gas or filtered.
  2. Suitable forms. For freezing, you need to use special ice molds; silicone ones are the most convenient.
  3. Base options. You can simply freeze the water. However, herbal facial ice will be more beneficial. Fresh juices of vegetables and fruits are also used. As well as coffee, tea, cereal infusions, and dairy products. Cosmetic oils are added to the main liquid.
  4. Need to dilute with water. Some juices should be diluted halfway with water before freezing. This applies to citrus fruits and berries, since when they come into contact with sensitive skin, inflammatory processes can occur. Juices of cucumber, watermelon, aloe, and grapes can be frozen undiluted.
  5. Possibility to add a “handle”. The ice melts quickly in your hands. Therefore, for the convenience of using the product, you can listen to this advice: when freezing, when the liquid has already “set” a little, stick a cotton swab or toothpick into each of the compartments of the mold. This will be a kind of “handle”. By holding it, you can easily remove the cube from the mold and distribute the product on your face.

Features of application

During the ice cosmetic procedure, you should also adhere to certain recommendations. For example, if you froze the product without cotton swabs, you can hold the cube with tweezers. But then you need to act carefully so as not to get hurt. What else is important to know?

  • Do not overexpose. You need to wipe your face quickly: do not linger on each area for more than four seconds.
  • Walk along the right lines. Move the cubes from the chin to the earlobes. Then from the corners of the mouth and nose to the middle of the auricle. Follow from the middle of the forehead to the temples. Work from the inner corners of the eyes, along the upper eyelids to the outer corners, and then along the lower eyelid to the nose. Process the nose, smoothly moving from the back to the sides and wings.
  • Do not press. You shouldn’t press the frozen liquid tightly to your face, but you need to slightly “smooth out” each fold.
  • Cover other areas. You need to wipe not only your face, but also your neck and décolleté.
  • Don't dry yourself. After the procedure, you should not wipe your face with a towel, performing diligent movements; just pat the skin dry.
  • Do not apply cream. There is no need to apply cosmetics immediately after an ice session. Pores will be closed after exposure to cold and the cream will not be absorbed. Let your face return to normal: let it pass for at least half an hour or an hour.

In addition to benefits for the face, ice can also cause harm. “Cold” sessions are contraindicated for sensitive dermis, with rosacea, the presence of wounds and cracks on the face, as well as with individual intolerance to cold or the components on the basis of which ice is prepared. Also, do not conduct sessions in winter if you plan to go outside immediately.

Video on the topic Ice cubes for toning and nourishing the skin

What to do if you have severe bags under your eyes?

If you are not sure that your bags under the eyes are caused by various diseases, then you can try standard, traditional methods. First, normalize your sleep schedule. Sleep more, improve your quality of sleep. Give yourself more time to rest, drink more fluids. Try to eat less salty foods, and do not eat such foods before bed. In addition, you should limit yourself in consuming smoked and spicy foods. It's best not to drink coffee before bed. If you have swelling in the morning, you can put cotton pads soaked in green tea or tea bags themselves under your eyes. In addition, slices of cucumbers and masks made from grated potatoes can help you. If these methods do not save you at all, you can start using cosmetics. Place patches under your eyes and apply creams that are designed to remove swelling. If all these methods do not help, contact a cosmetologist. Maybe you have it hereditary, and you can only get rid of it with the help of cosmetology, or maybe you have a disease. If the option of diseases is completely excluded, then the cosmetologist will advise you on procedures that can correct the problem. Usually this is a biorevitalization procedure. In addition, manual and hardware techniques can be used. Microcurrent therapy can be performed. Lymphatic drainage will be enhanced.

Herbal Recipes

Cubes based on herbal infusions and moods are one of the most popular remedies. For dry skin, plantain, parsley, St. John's wort, hawthorn, and dandelion are recommended. If the skin is oily, then chamomile, calendula, and celandine are suitable. For the combined type, brew chamomile with dandelion or yarrow.

Linden ice

Description. Ice prepared from linden decoction and oils can also be used to wipe your hands. If you add myrrh oil to the product, it will not only nourish the skin with moisture, but also give it a pleasant aroma.


  1. You need to prepare a linden decoction: you will need a tablespoon of linden blossom per glass of boiling water.
  2. Add a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil to the prepared broth.
  3. The composition is poured into molds and sent to the freezer compartment.
  4. Use after waking up and preparing for bedtime.

Chamomile ice

Description. Chamomile ice for the face works well for problems with increased oiliness. But frozen chamomile infusion can be used for any skin type, as it has soothing, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, regular washing with such cubes helps smooth out fine wrinkles.


  1. A spoonful of chamomile flowers should be filled with 200 ml of boiling water.
  2. After an hour and a half, freeze and pour into molds.
  3. Use after waking up and preparing for bedtime.

Mint and dandelion ice

Description. You can use not only one component, but also a combination. Then you get a double effect. For example, if you make a decoction of mint and dandelion, you can achieve not only a lifting effect, but also get rid of inflamed tubercles.


  1. You need to take mint and dandelion leaves in equal proportions - one tablespoon is enough.
  2. The herbs should be poured with boiling water and left to steep for half an hour.
  3. Prepare a frozen cosmetic product from the cooled infusion.
  4. Use after waking up and preparing for bedtime.

Getting rid of bags under the eyes with fillers

This is the best way to get rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes. It has many advantages that make you choose it. This is a very quick procedure, it will take no more than 20 minutes. After the procedure, you will not have a long period of rehabilitation and there will be no traces of intervention. You will not have to use bandages or undergo long recovery after the procedure. Usually, there is no allergy to the drug; it is maximally biocompatible. In addition, the effect of the procedure can last up to a year, it has maximum effectiveness. Fillers are almost always based on hyaluronic acid; vitamin complexes and beneficial substances are added to it. This acid is present in the human body and is easily absorbed. It is excreted naturally after some time. The effect will be visible immediately after you undergo the procedure. The skin will become much denser and more elastic, thanks to this dark circles under the eyes will disappear and bags will go away. Overall, you will look much more youthful.

Cosmetic ice for the face: what are the benefits?

Ice washes are beneficial for a number of reasons. It’s hard to believe, but the product gives an effect after the first session. For example, if you use herbs for the face against wrinkles with ice, the contour of the face is tightened. Upon careful examination, you will notice that minor inflammations have gone away. Moreover, ice helps normalize sebum production, neutralizing oily shine.

According to reviews, regularly using facial ice for wrinkles can achieve the following positive effects:

  • eliminate swelling;
  • “lighten” dark circles;
  • smooth out small age-related wrinkles;
  • tighten pores;
  • increase tone;
  • improve color.


Mesotherapy is a rejuvenating procedure that can remove bags and bruises under the eyes. A complex of vitamins, which includes medications, is injected into the eye area. The injection is carried out into the middle layers of the skin. Ascorbic acid and phytic acid are often used. During the session, oxygen and other elements will be supplied to the skin. It will become smoother and more elastic, and will look better. Carefully study the contraindications to the procedures, as they may be unacceptable in your case. If you follow all the advice and study the contraindications, the procedure will go better and the effect will last for a longer period. After you have undergone cosmetic procedures, it is best to maintain a healthy lifestyle and get good sleep. This way the effect will last for a long time, you will feel much better. This procedure is tolerated by most people, rehabilitation does not take a long period, it is approved for use in absolutely any season.

How to use juices

Vegetable, berry and fruit juices also have a pronounced rejuvenating effect. To smooth out wrinkles, lemon, orange and grapefruit, half diluted with water, are suitable.

Cucumber and watermelon juices can also be used for rejuvenating purposes; there is no need to dilute them.

There is no point in storing frozen fruit and vegetable cubes for more than three days: after this time they lose their properties.

Photos "before and after"

SMAS face and neck lift, blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids. Surgeon: Iskornev A.A.

Done by Iskornev A.A.

Done by Melnikov D.V.

If you freeze oils

Ice for the face with essential oils at home is used when you need to enhance the anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effect of the main component of the “cold” product. The following oils are used.

  • Oil of geranium, ginger and bergamot. Increases tone.
  • Clove oil. Has a rejuvenating effect.
  • Lemon oil. Eliminates oily shine and increases elasticity.
  • Petitgrain oil. Promotes renewal, acts as an antiseptic.

Cosmetic and essential oils must be added to decoctions, juices or water. It is recommended to take ten drops of oil per glass of liquid.

Video on the topic Ice facial toner from Indira

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