How to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes

Why wrinkles appear faster around the eyes, and what you need to do to keep your skin young

Age-related changes occur earlier here due to a number of reasons:

  • The thickness of the skin of the eyelids is only about 0.3-0.5 mm. Due to the lack of subcutaneous fat, any, even the smallest changes immediately become visible.
  • Low content of collagen and elastin - proteins that form the framework of the skin, giving it elasticity and preventing the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Dynamism. When blinking and turning the eyes, constant tension is created in the facial muscles, which also provokes wrinkles.
  • Solar damage. Do not apply sunscreen to the skin of the eyelids and the area around the eyes. Therefore, UV radiation coming from the sun leads to the formation of free radicals, which cause age-related changes.
  • Smoking. Under the influence of tobacco smoke, free radicals are formed - substances that trigger the aging process.

Therefore, you need to start anti-aging procedures in this area earlier than in others. From the age of 30, you should pay attention to the area around the eyes, so as not to encounter obvious negative changes later.

Previously, it was possible to remove wrinkles here only through blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) and eyebrow lifting. Now they have been successfully replaced by non-surgical methods, in which rejuvenation is carried out using filler injections, Botox and other conservative methods.

Surgical methods for eliminating wrinkles around the eyes

Blepharoplasty is eyelid surgery. Plastic surgeons remove bags under the eyes, sagging tissues, and drooping eye corners. If desired, the shape of the eyes can be changed during surgery. The doctor makes a miniature incision in a natural fold, through which excess skin is removed and tissue is tightened.

Browlifting – eyebrow lifting. Allows you to change their shape and remove sagging fabrics. The operation is performed endoscopically. A small incision is made near the temple or in the hair growth area, into which microsurgical instruments are inserted. The doctor tightens the tissue without leaving clearly visible seams on the skin.

Before and after endoscopic brow lift and blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids 4 months after surgery

With the development of cosmetic methods, surgical operations have faded into the background. Botox, fillers and other non-surgical methods successfully compete with the work of surgeons.

Botox to eliminate wrinkles around the eyes

The introduction of Botox and its analogues (botulinum toxin preparations) into the periorbital zone eliminates wrinkles and raises eyebrows. The injections block the depressor muscles that cause tissue drooping (ptosis). The skin and deeper structures are lifted, wrinkles disappear, and the face becomes visually younger.

Botox for eliminating wrinkles around the eyes before and after

Who is the procedure recommended for?

Wrinkle removal with fillers is performed to improve appearance if desired by the patient. Including the following can be eliminated in the clinic:

  • nasolacrimal groove;
  • skin folds and creases;
  • uneven terrain;
  • drooping eyebrows, eyelids, corners of the mouth;
  • sagging and asymmetry of the face.

Fillers are also used to correct scars, post-acne, to change the chin, oval, lips. The substance does not affect facial expressions, patients will not notice any discomfort.

Botox injection sites to eliminate wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes. Number of injections

WrinklesHow to eliminate
Glabellar lines that appear between the eyebrows when frowning.5 doses of botulinum toxin in the area between the eyebrows
Forehead lines2-4 injections into the left and right frontal part
"Crow's feet":2-3 injections in the corners of the eyes
Infraorbital wrinkles1-2 injections in the infraorbital area

Instead of Botox, you can use its analogues, which give the same result. The number of units of botulinum toxin administered depends on the drug used and the condition of the tissues in the periorbital area.

Botulinum toxin-based products used to fill wrinkles around the eyes

(USA)"Ipsen" (France)Merz Pharmaceuticals GmbH. (Germany)
Bottle size50 and 100 units300 units50 and 100 units
Storage temperature2-82-8Room
PeculiaritiesMay cause allergies due to the presence of proteinContraindicated in case of allergy to cow's milk protein.Does not contain proteins, therefore practically does not cause allergies

Recovery process after wrinkle correction

Since the procedure is slightly traumatic and is limited to injection, there is no long rehabilitation period. You can also see changes almost immediately after the procedure; you only need to wait a couple of hours. But the final look will be achieved approximately 2-3 weeks later. During this period, it is important to treat the affected part of the face with care, including steaming, rubbing, and performing massage actions. Usually the specialist schedules a repeat visit to the clinic, this allows for a qualitative assessment of the result and, if necessary, correction. But usually this is not required; the involvement of an experienced cosmetologist and the use of proven fillers ensures the desired result in one procedure.

Using fillers to eliminate wrinkles around the eyes

In the paraorbital area, injections of fillers (fillers) are successfully used to fill wrinkles. The most commonly used preparations are those based on hyaluronic acid. It is a natural polysaccharide found in the connective tissue of all living things. With age, the natural level of acid decreases, so it must be administered artificially. Hyaluronic fillers have the ability to attract water, so they simultaneously smooth the skin and moisturize the tissue.

Hyaluronic fillers to eliminate wrinkles around the eyes before and after

There are many drugs of this type, differing in concentration and duration of action. This allows the cosmetologist to choose the option that is most suitable for a particular patient. Denser, concentrated fillers are typically used to correct deep wrinkles.

Ways to deal with imperfections

Mesotherapy . To correct wrinkles in this case, “beauty cocktails” are injected under the skin around the eyes. These are special mixtures of vitamins, microelements, hyaluronic acid, etc. The cocktail is selected individually. The technique is effective for minor wrinkles, provides deep nutrition, hydration, etc.

Botulinum therapy . These are the so-called “beauty injections”, known to almost everyone. Botulinum toxin type A is injected under the skin, on the basis of which several drugs have been created. Botulinum toxin blocks the nerve responsible for the work of facial muscles. Due to the reduction of facial expressions, wrinkles do not form in the problem area.

Contour plastic . A cosmetological technique that involves the injection of fillers – special preparations based on hyaluronic acid – under the skin. These preparations have a dense gel consistency, due to which they replenish the volume in the problem area, thereby evening out the skin texture. They gradually dissolve, so the procedure must be repeated regularly.

Blepharoplasty . A surgical technique aimed at radical removal of wrinkles in the area under the eyes, on the upper eyelid, and around the corners of the eyes. A long-term effect is achieved by excision of excess soft tissue, its redistribution and lifting. Plastic surgery allows you to eliminate not only wrinkles, but also “bags” under the eyes, drooping eyelids and many other imperfections. To prolong the effect, the stretched orbicularis muscle is trimmed and fixed in a new position.

Hyaluronic acid fillers used in the eye area

ProductHA concentration (mg/ml)Duration of action (months)
Belotero Balance22,56
Restylane Silk206
Restylane Lift209
Restylane Refine2012
Restylane Define2012
Juvederm Ultra XC2412
Juvederm Volbella1512–18
Juvederm Vollur17,512–18
Juvederm Voluma XC2012–18
Juvederm Ultra Plus XC2418

Most dermal fillers come in 1-3mm syringes with tiny needles. To eliminate discomfort during injections, an anesthetic, lidocaine, is added to the drug.

Preparations are used to fill furrows:

  • Nasolacrimal, located under the line of the lower eyelid. It runs from the lower corner of the eye to the zygomatic arch, reaching the middle of the pupil.
  • Palpebromalar, extending towards the temple.
  • Nasobuccal or nasozygomatic, directed from the middle of the pupil to the cheeks.

All these furrows are signs of gravitational ptosis - drooping of facial tissues under the influence of gravity. In youth, the skin is dense and elastic, so it resists gravity, but with age it loses this ability. This leads to the appearance of grooves that are filled with hyaluronic acid.

What other procedures are used to eliminate wrinkles near the eyes?

  • Mesotherapy. Injections of nutrients that reduce wrinkles and improve skin condition. These preparations contain vitamins, microelements, biologically active substances, enzymes, and amino acids. Injections of mesopreparations eliminate wrinkles around the eyes, remove dark circles and puffiness.
  • Mesolifting. A procedure combining non-surgical skin tightening (lifting) and mesotherapy. Preparations for its implementation contain hyaluronic acid and anti-aging components. They simultaneously fill wrinkles and improve skin condition.
  • Plasma therapy. Administration of blood plasma taken from the patient. Improves metabolic processes in the area around the eyes, enhances blood and lymph flow, smoothes wrinkles, and removes dark circles.
  • Laser resurfacing. During the procedure, the top layer of skin is removed using a laser. Wrinkles are smoothed out, minor defects are eliminated, and tissue renewal and rejuvenation processes are launched.

In modern cosmetology, all these techniques are often combined with each other, allowing you to get excellent results. After the procedures, the skin around the eyes becomes beautiful, young, without wrinkles, swelling and dark circles.

What causes wrinkles under the eyes

In the adult human body there are about 400 muscles, the contraction of which is controlled by the central nervous system. Moreover, 57 of them are located under the skin of the face. Facial muscles, contracting for their natural reasons, form folds - facial wrinkles. They appear by the age of eighteen to nineteen, and if you do not pay attention to this problem in time, then over time a characteristic network appears around the eyes, which is often called “crow’s feet.” It is in these places that the skin is especially delicate. There are very few sebaceous glands that provide natural normal hydration, and the facial muscles have to work even in sleep. Every year, the skin loses moisture and elasticity, becomes less elastic, wrinkles do not smooth out for a long time and eventually “settle” on the face thoroughly.

The reason for the formation of wrinkles lies in collagen, a protein responsible in the body for the elasticity and strength of the dermis. As you age, your body gradually reduces collagen production. Collagen is the main component of connective tissue and the most abundant protein in our body. If there is little collagen, then the skin looks dull, flabby, and wrinkles are pronounced on it. Therefore, you need to properly care for your facial skin from your youth, since in adulthood, removing deep wrinkles under the eyes will become a troublesome and expensive task.

Incorrect or poor nutrition can be put on par with an age-related decrease in collagen in the body. Not only the condition of our internal organs, but also our appearance and even our mood depends on what we eat.

External factors can also negatively affect the production of collagen proteins:

ŸFine wrinkles like to appear under the influence of excessive sunlight, cold weather and wind. Frost, wind and sun equally negatively affect the condition of the skin. Those who like to frequently visit the solarium also need to be on alert. As well as natural factors, ultraviolet light mercilessly dries the skin. It removes moisture from its surface and thereby contributes to the appearance of wrinkles.

ŸIn early youth, deep wrinkles may appear due to frequent drinking and smoking. Often, one glance is enough for an experienced specialist to recognize the presence of bad habits that adversely affect the condition of the skin.

ŸIncreased emotionality. The habit of frowning eyebrows, violent expression of emotions through facial expressions are usually considered among the natural causes of the appearance of “crow’s feet.”

ŸImproper facial care, especially with alcohol-based cosmetics. Excessive use of such cosmetics often leads to irritation and flaking of the skin. In addition, the alcohol content in our usual “washes” and tonics increases the risk of allergic reactions. But its main danger lies in its ability to remove moisture. By cleansing the skin with alcohol-based products, we at the same time dry out the skin. Insufficient hydration is considered one of the main reasons leading to the appearance of wrinkles.

It is generally accepted that oily skin is less susceptible to wrinkles. This controversial judgment is only partly true. In people with this type of skin, age-related wrinkles actually appear a little later than in people with dry skin, but due to the increased activity of the sebaceous glands, wrinkles are usually more pronounced. And with oily skin types, and with very dry and combination skin types, the skin under the eyes remains the thinnest and most sensitive. If we add the genetic factor to everything else, we get the same result - wrinkles. Regardless of skin type and age, to prevent the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes and not spend money on an expensive remedy for wrinkles under the eyes, just follow simple recommendations.

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