How to get rid of expression wrinkles around the eyes, on the forehead, near the mouth?

Wrinkles under the eyes may appear earlier than in other areas, because the skin here is thin, devoid of fat, and constantly forced to withstand significant loads. At risk for the appearance of deep wrinkles around the eyes are women and men with very active facial expressions and those who like to squint constantly. Fine wrinkles under the eyes can appear as early as 20-25 years old; over time they only become deeper and more noticeable. Stress, bad habits, and negative heredity accelerate the manifestation of age-related changes. You have two options - either leave everything as it is, or start fighting with age. Read more about the methods used at GMTClinic.


The following methods can effectively and quickly remove wrinkles under the eyes:

  1. Anti-wrinkle eye mesotherapy eliminates even very deep furrows and is carried out by injection using cocktails. A needle or cannula is used to administer drugs.
  2. Dermadrop is a non-injection mesotherapy.
  3. Biorevitalization is aimed at filling folds with hyaluronic acid.
  4. Botulinum therapy (BTA) – botulinum blocks nerve impulses, resulting in the disappearance of expression wrinkles in the eyes.

Other methods of rejuvenation are fractional resurfacing, laser peeling, TCA chemical peeling. You can use these methods independently or in combination to improve results.

Chemical peeling as a means of combating wrinkles

You are probably familiar with peeling. This is the removal of the upper layer of the epidermis with all the excess that has accumulated on it and indirect stimulation of the deeper layers. Particularly effective for removing age spots, acne, dead, excess dead skin cells.

It would seem, what does wrinkles have to do with it? The fact is that this very effective cleansing procedure simultaneously triggers natural regeneration processes. And the skin becomes more elastic - small wrinkles are smoothed out, and large ones become less noticeable. Therefore, peeling can also be called a means of combating age-related and facial imperfections.


To remove wrinkles under the eyes after 40 years or at an earlier age (from 25-30 years), you do not need to give up your usual lifestyle, but you need to make some adjustments to improve the results of the procedure and minimize possible side effects. 2 weeks before and a month after the procedure, you need to stop visiting solariums, beaches, and increased physical activity; stop taking blood thinning medications a week or at least 3-4 days. After rejuvenation, you should not sunbathe, visit baths, saunas, or use decorative cosmetics. Contraindications – acute and chronic diseases, pathological changes in the epidermis in the area, cancer, other serious pathologies, lactation and pregnancy. There are also relative contraindications - they are rather precautionary measures.

Prevention: proper diet, sleep, skin care

Before moving on to describing ways to eliminate wrinkles, it is worth saying a few words about how to prevent them from appearing longer. The secret lies in several points.

1. Proper sleep pattern

That is, at least 7-8 hours. There are those who need even more time to fully recover - this is individual.

2. Food

Try to include fruits, vegetables, nuts, cereals, and fatty fish in your diet. And minimize sweets and starchy foods. It is also important to drink the required amount of fluid daily - preferably water or green tea.

3. Regular physical activity and walks in the fresh air

We are not talking about striving for some unprecedented sports records. But moderate exercise a couple of times a week is a good prevention against premature wrinkles.

This may seem strange. It would seem, how, for example, are squats related to smooth skin around the eyes? But everything in our body is interconnected. A healthy, strong body has more reserves in order to maintain all organs and systems in good condition.

4. Skin care

Finally, don't forget about face creams that are suitable for your skin type. It is recommended that you start using them regularly during your teenage years. Remember that different creams are suitable for different age groups.

All of these measures will help you look and feel better. And we're not just talking about smooth and beautiful facial skin. Such things improve the tone of the body as a whole - and the hair looks more beautiful, and the weight is normalized, and menstruation occurs on time and without pain.

We strongly advise you to take care of yourself! All this is very easy to do even at home. However, if the problem has already arisen, “duck’s feet” have appeared around the eyes, noticeable horizontal wrinkles, nasolabial folds have deepened - here we are no longer talking about prevention. This requires treatment.

More information about fillers and the purposes of their use

The drugs are intended to be administered by injection; fillers serve as dermal fillers. When using them, it is possible to fill the area of ​​skin folds, wrinkles, and also create the desired contours for the facial area. The product is most similar to a gel mass with a plastic and viscous structure. The specialist introduces it in such a way as to ensure uniform distribution, as a result of which the lost tissue volumes are replenished. The skin smoothes itself, which removes folds, wrinkles, creases and unevenness.

Correction of facial wrinkles with botulinum toxin

In all the variety of cosmetic procedures, Botox injections for the correction of facial wrinkles should be highlighted.

Some medicines, completely unexpectedly for their creator, turned out to be useful in places completely different from those originally intended. “Botox” (the exact name is botulinum toxin A) is just such a drug. Back in 1982, it was conceived as a remedy to help cope with strabismus, and even had already undergone the first clinical trials. It was during the test that it turned out that it helps muscle fibers contract less.

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The result was amazing: the muscles responsible for facial expressions relaxed, and this effect was observed for several months. At the same time, the muscles received a sufficient amount of blood and worked as usual. Experts have concluded that this drug is safe and can be used for cosmetic purposes.

It took another eight years before Botox became popular. It received its widespread use in 1993 after the publication of Professor Blitzer on the use of the drug to eliminate wrinkles in the face and neck. From that moment until, for example, 2002, the demand for Botox increased sixfold. By the way, “Botox” is a special name for botulinum toxin A, invented for sales. After this, the procedure itself received this name.

There is another drug for the correction of facial wrinkles - Dysport. Let's figure out what it is and what it has to do with Botox. Let's start with the fact that if Botox has long taken a leading position in the cosmetology market, then Dysport has just declared itself. In fact, it is absolutely identical to Botox, only produced by a different pharmaceutical company. They have one main component, botulinum toxin type A + hemagglutinin in the required consistency. Their only and main difference is the substances used in the manufacturing process. If Botox has sodium chloride, then Dysport has lactose.

These drugs are also produced using different technologies. But this information is unknown for certain, since both manufacturers hide the manufacturing technology. Another significant difference is the dosage of the active substance per bottle. "Botox" contains a smaller amount (only 100 units), but "Dysport" contains much more (300-500 units).

There is no consensus yet on which drug is the most effective. What exactly to choose for the procedure is up to the client or cosmetologist to decide. In Russia, both Botox and Dysport are permitted and widely used in cosmetic procedures.

With the help of these drugs you can reduce the number of wrinkles. You can smooth out absolutely any, located on different areas of the skin of the face:

  • on the forehead (horizontal creases);
  • between the eyebrows (vertical);
  • on the bridge of the nose (horizontal);
  • in the corners of the eyes;
  • above the upper lip;
  • on the chin.
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With the help of Botox, you can also eliminate blemishes and rejuvenate the skin of the neck and décolleté. You will be able to see the final result 2 weeks after the procedure. But some changes will be noticeable after a few days. To remove the drug from the body, you do not need to take any additional steps; it gradually leaves on its own after about six months or a year. The amount of the drug administered (in units) determines how long the effect will last.

But, as before any serious procedure, proper preparation is needed here. Be sure to read the list of contraindications. It's quite extensive. As a rule, professional cosmetologists will talk with you in advance, examine the condition of your skin, the places where you plan to inject the drug, and discuss all contraindications. Only after this you will receive permission for the procedure.

Botox injection sites to eliminate wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes. Number of injections

WrinklesHow to eliminate
Glabellar lines that appear between the eyebrows when frowning.5 doses of botulinum toxin in the area between the eyebrows
Forehead lines2-4 injections into the left and right frontal part
"Crow's feet":2-3 injections in the corners of the eyes
Infraorbital wrinkles1-2 injections in the infraorbital area

Instead of Botox, you can use its analogues, which give the same result. The number of units of botulinum toxin administered depends on the drug used and the condition of the tissues in the periorbital area.

Botulinum toxin-based products used to fill wrinkles around the eyes

(USA)"Ipsen" (France)Merz Pharmaceuticals GmbH. (Germany)
Bottle size50 and 100 units300 units50 and 100 units
Storage temperature2-82-8Room
PeculiaritiesMay cause allergies due to the presence of proteinContraindicated in case of allergy to cow's milk protein.Does not contain proteins, therefore practically does not cause allergies

Causes of expression wrinkles

All our feelings and emotions are primarily reflected on the face. It seems to project an internal state. It is simple to explain this from a scientific point of view: the facial muscles are in close contact with the fibers of the skin, so they tend to react to any emotions. Throughout the day, various events happen to us, both positive and negative.

And the face reacts to all this: the muscles contract, and due to this, they are overstrained. The result of this tension is wrinkles.

But this is only a small part of the reasons that lead to wrinkles. There are others:

  • Poor care and use of low-quality cosmetics. For example, our skin definitely needs hydration. If she doesn't receive it, then wrinkles form.
  • Heredity. The type of skin and its tendency to develop all kinds of imperfections (including wrinkles) are transmitted to us at the genetic level.
  • Stress. When we experience some negative emotions, we, as a rule, involuntarily tense and wrinkle our forehead and nose, lower the corners of our mouth, and move our eyebrows. The skin has the ability to remember facial expressions. During stressful situations, the level of adrenaline and the stress hormone (cortisol) increases in the body. Together they cause the skin to age faster.
  • Lack of sleep. The skin simply does not have time to recover. If you constantly sleep poorly or do not get enough sleep, then it ceases to be elastic and ages.

  • Use of harmful substances. The most common are, of course, alcoholic drinks and cigarettes. They dry out the skin and prevent nutrients and vitamins from being absorbed properly.
  • Frequent exposure to direct sunlight. Ultraviolet light accelerates the aging process of the skin, making it dry and inelastic.
  • Age-related changes. They start at age 25. Little by little, the skin loses elasticity, moisture and is much less resistant to external influences.
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