Taking care of the skin around the eyes: the best anti-wrinkle cream according to FAN

Lifting creams tighten the skin, replenish the deficiency of nutrients and vitamins, and add elasticity. Products for the eyelids, body, and face are divided into different categories. Correct use of cosmetics with a lifting effect can slow down the aging process and eliminate age-related changes. Caring for eyelids has certain features. The skin here is thin, sensitive, devoid of sebaceous glands, so it ages quickly. Any cream for caring for this area is also not suitable - a greasy formula can cause swelling. For this reason, it is recommended to select special products for the skin around the eyes. In our article we offer you a review and conclusions about the best creams with a lifting effect.

Why do you need lifting eye cream?

The skin of the eyelids, like any other area of ​​the face, requires proper care. But many girls and women neglect this, and in vain. If you don’t take care of your skin, you may notice your first wrinkles as early as 25 years old. And every year there will be more and more of them.

To slow down the aging of the eyelid skin, you need to use a cream with a lifting effect, which:

  • moisturizes the skin, tightening it;
  • has a draining effect;
  • makes the skin denser;
  • relieves swelling;
  • makes the skin more prominent.

Review of anti-aging wrinkle creams

One of the first to highlight is a very good cream for caring for the skin around the eyelids “Ginseng” Nevskaya Cosmetics

. This is a budget option for girls who are accustomed to organic cosmetics. Among the active ingredients in the composition are shea butter, olives, ginseng and echinacea extracts. The manufacturer also indicates the presence of tocopherol. The product can be used on the entire face, not just the eyes.

"Ginseng" Nevskaya cosmetics
Anti-aging cream eyelid gel Librederm

Broad-spectrum hyaluronic acid (Libriderm) is used to tighten the upper eyelid. Girls who have experienced the effects of this product claim that wrinkles are smoothed out in a matter of minutes; in addition, the epidermis remains a pleasant feeling of hydration and coolness. The main reason for this effect is the special form of hyaluronic acid - molecules of different volumes.

Kosmoteros Creme Lift Paupieres

a soft rejuvenating product that is used to restore the turgor of mature skin. It consists of organic components - this is Hyasealon (a mixture of three hyaluronic acid molecules of various sizes), Matrixyl - a substance that can replenish the epidermal matrix (fill wrinkles, smooth out unevenness). Both ingredients are peptides that are completely safe for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Kosmoteros Creme Lift Paupieres
Guam Microcellulaire Eye Contour Cream (Guam)

– a nourishing cream for the skin of the eyelids, which can be used from the age of 25. It guarantees cellular tissue restoration, increased collagen synthesis and increased integument strength. The phytoplankton included in the composition helps to thicken the structure of the epidermis, and Asian centella is known for its lightening properties.

Cream (Shiseido)

– suitable for use on young skin. Reviews claim that this eyelid tightening cream helps prevent premature aging and perfectly moisturize the epidermis. This pharmaceutical product belongs to premium pharmaceuticals and contains biohyaluronic acid, burnet extract, and lemon essential oil. Its more affordable analogue is Nonicare (25+) Eye Cream.

Shiseido Benefiance WrinkleResist24 Intensive Eye Contour Cream
Diademine Lift+ Smoothing Eye Cream (Diademin)

– high-quality smoothing cream from the mass market segment. An extremely effective product for young skin. Unfortunately, it won’t work after 40 – it simply won’t cope with intensive lifting. Known for its proprietary Amino-M-Cell formula.

Eva Esthetic (Eva)

- an affordable cream for tightening the skin of the eyelids after 45. The consistency of this product is similar to a gel, but has a denser texture. Visibly tightens the epidermis, reduces wrinkles, brightens them and makes them less noticeable. Contains eyebright extract.

Eva Esthetic
Premium Professional Gerantoprotective (Premium Professional)

has an almost oily composition. Among its components there is a squeeze of corn, currants and shea. The product is supplemented with a vitamin cocktail of retinol and tocopherol.

Weleda Wild Rose (Weleda)

– pink cream from the famous company Weleda. Combines a tightening effect, deep nutrition and hydration of cells. Provides acceleration of collagen synthesis and strengthens existing fibers. Helps improve the quality of the epidermis.

Weleda Wild Rose

– this is not a cream, but a gel, which is enriched with plant extracts and natural olive oil. Known for fast absorption and high efficiency. With constant use, it helps reduce the number of facial wrinkles, reduce the size and depth of the main ones, and prevent their appearance.


What should be included

Cream lifting is selected taking into account the characteristics of the skin and its condition. As a rule, this can be done experimentally - by regularly using a cream from a particular manufacturer for a month. This time is quite enough to evaluate the first results.

Firming creams have different functions: exfoliating and moisturizing, as well as stimulating collagen production. Ideally, the cream should be multifunctional, that is, combine all these functions.

When purchasing a cream, you should definitely pay attention to its composition. In order for it to give the skin elasticity and have a rejuvenating effect, the cream must contain Q10. This antioxidant is found in every person's skin cells. However, as you age, its amount becomes less. Therefore, saturating the skin with Q10 will slow down the process of wrinkles.

Other valuable components of the cream with a lifting effect include:

  1. Hyaluronic acid (promotes skin hydration).
  2. Kinetin (reduces the number of wrinkles, retains moisture in skin cells, making its condition overall better).
  3. Copper peptides (increase skin density and elasticity, reducing the depth of wrinkles; stimulate collagen production).
  4. Retinol (has a beneficial effect on the skin of women over 35 years old).
  5. Vitamin A (maintains the moisture balance in cells at the required level).
  6. Vitamin C (promotes nutrient absorption).
  7. Vitamin E (provides skin protection from ultraviolet radiation).
  8. AHA acids or alpha hydroxy acids (remove dead cells and lighten age spots).

Expression wrinkles around the eyes

The age of their formation is very individual and depends on the activity of the facial muscles and the accompanying factors listed above. Dry skin, lack of collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin lead to the rapid formation of creases. If the leading factor is still facial expression, then a remedy that gently blocks active facial expressions is needed.

How to remove wrinkles and expression lines

Peptides with botulinum-like action temporarily block the hyperactivity of facial muscles, have a cumulative effect and work at the time of application. With regular use, they impart a feeling of restraint to facial expressions, which “weans” frowning and excessively tense muscles.

Terms of use

Unfortunately, no woman is immune from age-related skin changes. Fortunately, nowadays there are different ways to combat them. And one of the most effective is to use a cream with a lifting effect. It just has to be correct. And then you will be able to achieve good results.

There is no point in starting to use a lifting cream until you are 35 years old. This will not bring any benefit, and may even harm the skin, triggering the so-called “withdrawal effect.” This happens because products with a lifting effect promote collagen production, and the result is the resumption of the natural process of skin renewal.

Preparation for application

Before applying a cream with a lifting effect to the skin around the eyes, you need to prepare it by performing a few simple steps:

  • remove all makeup from your face;
  • wipe it with cosmetic cream or milk;
  • wipe the skin with a tonic that does not contain alcohol.

Then you can start applying the cream.

Correct application

To apply the cream to the skin around the eyes, it is recommended to use a smoothing massage technique. It consists of light movements of the fingers strictly along the orbital bone, or targeted tapping with the ring fingers with constant control of the pressing force.

It is not recommended to rub the cream into the skin, so as not to injure it and thereby worsen its condition.

If the main purpose of using the cream is to get rid of wrinkles, then it should be applied from the periphery to the center, that is, from the outer corner of the eye to the nose. And if you need to eliminate swelling, then the cream is applied, on the contrary, from the center to the periphery.

If the skin is highly sensitive, then the cream must be applied more carefully, using a cotton pad or swab.

It is important to know that lifting cream should not be applied to the moving eyelid.

Frequency of use

To get noticeable results, it is recommended to use the tightening cream for a whole month, and then purchase an eye cream that has a different effect. Lifting cream should be applied twice a day - 1 hour before leaving the house and going to bed.

Anti-swelling creams

Faberlic Air Stream Oxygen glow (Faberlic)

from the Renovage line - a hypoallergenic cream for eliminating swelling and tightening tissue in the eyelid area. Improves elasticity, quickly copes with irritated skin. It consists of synthetic additives and two proprietary components: Tumerin and Novaftem-O2. To enhance the effect, try a product from the Prolixir series.

Faberlic Air Stream Oxygen glow
It is important to note that for winter care it is better to use eye cream from the Verbena Velvet Wear line (Faberlic Verbena)

. It is known for its high protective functions. After application, it leaves an invisible layer on the skin that does an excellent job of protecting the epidermis from cold and wind. Nivea Make-up expert (Nivea) is also suitable.

cream Placental series (Tiande)

is in the top most purchased products of this company. Consists of an extract of natural placenta. Quickly tightens the epidermis and cools the surface of the skin. This helps relieve swelling in just a few minutes after use.

TianDe for wrinkles Placental series

is an inexpensive drug that is used in ophthalmology to relieve postoperative swelling, redness and accelerate tissue regeneration. Occasionally used for emergency lifting of a mobile eyelid. For the same purpose, doctors prescribe Medico Med Vizivit or Aevit vitamins (rub into damaged areas), and in some cases it is even replaced by ichthyol ointment.

Cream with gel-like texture for eyelids Bark with Shea butter

against swelling and wrinkles helps get rid of large bags and swelling. With constant use, it prevents the appearance of these imperfections and also visibly refreshes the area around the eyes. In terms of action, its “brother” is Mirra with a lifting effect.

Bark with Shea Butter
Clarins Baume Contour des Yeux Eye (Clarins)

– an ideal remedy for relieving eye fatigue. The balm creates a thin protective film on the skin that has a lifting effect. When applied, it cools the surface of the epidermis, nourishes cells with vitamins and mineral compounds. Instead of a rather expensive French product, you can use Siberian Health Expert of Youth or Ultraceuticals Ultra A.

Clarins Baume Contour des Yeux Eye
Cream from Oriflame Incredible optimal effect (Oriflame)

– used to saturate the skin of the eyelids with beneficial substances and reduce signs of fatigue. Based on the reviews, it is clear that the product is not a first-class anti-edema balm. But a small cosmetic effect is still present. Slightly more positive reviews about Avon Anew Cinical eye lift (Avon).

Oriflame Incredible effect optimals
Green pharmacy

invites its fans to buy cream against swelling and dark circles. According to the manufacturer, the product can also be used to reduce bags (but will not remove them completely). It has the richest composition: parsley, chokeberry, niacinamide. In tandem, these substances guarantee a quick effect and long-lasting action.

Kleona Light and nutritious

- This is a composition for nourishing skin cells. It contains rose extract and base oils. Helps restore elasticity and strengthen the contour around the eyelids. Suitable for young skin. A slightly more expensive, but more effective analogue is Payot My Regard.

Kleona Light and nutritious
Filorga Optim-eyes (Filorga)

helps to cope with problems typical for girls: bags and dark circles under the eyes. Has excellent reviews on various forums. It is able to quickly eliminate visible signs of fatigue, perfectly “invigorates” the skin, and cools the surface of the epidermis.

Filorga Optim-eyes

How to choose a quality product

When choosing a lifting cream for the area around the eyes, you should determine your skin type, study the composition of the cream, and also identify the presence or absence of a tendency to allergies. And then, taking into account these data, as well as the cost of a cream from a particular manufacturer and reviews about it, you can choose the ideal product for yourself.

It is generally accepted that a quality product must contain hyaluronic acid. It is hypoallergenic, a natural derivative of the human body, which has a moisturizing and tightening effect. But this is not the only useful substance contained in the lifting cream; there are also others, which have already been described above.

Why do you need a separate eye cream?

A frequently asked question: why and for what purpose do you need a separate eye cream? The skin of this delicate area is significantly different from other areas of the facial skin, requires special anti-aging care and is a target for the first age-related changes. It is around the eyes that signs of skin aging first appear.

Features and differences of the skin around the eyes:

  1. The skin of the eyelids is thinner . Advantage: active ingredients are easily absorbed and effectively penetrate into the deep layers. Disadvantages: with excessive movements and facial expressions, creases quickly form. This area is prone to irritation and allergies are more common. People prone to eyelid hypersensitivity periodically experience reactions to creams, manifested by redness and swelling.
  2. In the layers of the dermis there are fewer collagen and elastin fibers than in other areas of the face, which help keep the skin smooth.
  3. Large vascularization and loose subcutaneous fat are the cause of many negative manifestations. For example, when drinking significant amounts of water, nighttime gatherings, short sleep, stress and fatigue contribute to the appearance of swelling, “morning bruising” and a tired appearance. The reason is impaired microcirculation in the tissues of the eyelids and fluid retention in the tissue, traces of which persist for a long time.
  4. There are significantly fewer sebaceous and sweat glands. This leads to a decrease in the natural protective properties of the skin around the eyes. In particular, sunscreen, after receiving even a small portion of sunlight, the skin quickly turns red, pigmentation is formed, which visually looks like bruises. Moreover, many do not apply cream with SPF to the area around the eyes, fearing irritation of the mucous membranes.

Usually at a young age, cell regeneration is sufficient. And, despite the actively working orbicularis oculi muscle, with the help of which we squint, blink, etc., the folds are smoothed out and wrinkles do not form. At an older age, as well as due to the influence of a number of factors, the eyelids lose this ability, it becomes easier to form noticeable folds, wrinkles remain even in a relaxed state of facial expression.

Read about the causes of early wrinkles and early aging here .

Review of good products

In order for every woman to have the opportunity to compare the effect of good creams, their price range, in order to later make a choice, we should review the most popular eyelid products with a lifting effect.

One hundred beauty recipes

The cream contains sea buckthorn oil, royal jelly, golden mustache and vitamins A and E. It relieves inflammation that appears on the skin and removes bags under the eyes. Part of the line of products to combat dark circles under the eyes.

A 20 ml tube of cream will cost an average of 73 rubles.

Reviews of lifting cream for the skin around the eyes One hundred beauty recipes


“I purchased the cream in a small soft tube, packed in a cardboard box. There is a lot of information written on it. Since this cream is made in Russia, it inspired confidence in me. I was also pleased that the cream contains useful natural substances. I am a fan of cosmetic products from this manufacturer, so I bought this cream without thinking twice. I started applying it to cleansed skin in the area around the eyes. The consistency of the cream is very pleasant, there is no greasy sheen. After a month of use, I noticed a slight lifting effect, but there were still dark circles under my eyes. I recommend the cream."


“I discovered this cream when I was 26 years old. Lack of sleep and nerves at work took their toll, and I noticed that my skin began to look tired and bags appeared under my eyes. I started looking for a cream for the skin around my eyes. I chose the product “One Hundred Beauty Recipes” in beautiful packaging. The composition of the cream is excellent, the aroma too, the texture is light. As for skin tightening, this cream, in my opinion, is best suited for young skin, not mature skin. But it helped me, and the circles became less noticeable. I recommend.

Augen Crème by NEOBIO

The cream contains various beneficial substances. Argan helps restore hydro-lipid balance, smooth out wrinkles and protect cells from aging. Grape oil nourishes and moisturizes the skin, saturating it with vitamins, and also supports barrier functions. Almond oil evens out the skin. Wax softens it and provides care. This cream is a regenerating eye contour product suitable for regular use.

A tube of 15 ml will cost an average of 654 rubles.



“I’m 30 years old and there are no big problems with my skin yet, but nevertheless, I noticed that it began to lose its elasticity. I realized that it was time to start using some cream. I really like the composition of cosmetic products to be as natural as possible, which is why I chose the German Augen Crème. A tiny drop is enough to use, because the cream has an oily and dense texture. I apply it to the area around my eyes at night once a day. It is absorbed gradually and is a little sticky. But what I want to say is that it nourishes and moisturizes the skin perfectly and the lifting effect is noticeable. But still, I will continue to look for a cream so that it has a lighter texture. The stickiness and oiliness on the skin bothers me.”


“And I think that applying cream to the skin of the face twice a day is not at all necessary. Even in adulthood and even the most ideal cream. The skin should rest. When I need a smoothing product, I try to choose one that does not contain fragrances, dyes, parabens and other chemicals, because I may have allergies. I'm glad I discovered Neobio cream. It moisturizes the skin well, strengthening it and smoothing out small wrinkles. The composition contains hyaluronic acid, vitamins and healthy oils. And the aroma is pleasant. I am completely satisfied with the cream, I recommend it to everyone.”

Natura Siberika “Eagle look”

The cream is part of a premium line of highly effective cosmetics. Designed for use by men. The cream from this manufacturer improves regeneration, stimulates metabolic processes in cells, nourishes the skin, giving it a healthy appearance. The first results are noticeable almost immediately.

A 30 ml bottle will cost an average of 464 rubles.



“I became acquainted with the Eagle Eye cream after reading several reviews on the Internet. And since I’m used to taking care of myself, I don’t see anything wrong with using different creams, including for the skin around the eyes. Therefore, I purchased this cream for myself in a 30 ml bottle. I am 35 years old, and my skin is still in very good condition. I use the cream more for preventive purposes. It has a uniform consistency and a pleasant aroma. It is absorbed well if you do not overdo it with the amount of cream applied. I apply it in the morning, immediately after my shower. In the evening I use a different cream with a different composition. I think this is more correct. I can only say good things about Eagle Eye, I recommend it.”


“Although this cream is intended for men, I decided to try it on myself and did not regret it. It was written on the box that the cream helps reduce wrinkles, eliminate dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. I noticed the first results a week after I started using it. Expression wrinkles have practically ceased to be noticeable. The next miracle was the thickening of the thin skin around the eyes. I never ceased to be surprised and was not too lazy to consult a cosmetologist. As she told me, in cosmetics intended for men, the concentration of active ingredients is significantly higher. This is the secret of such effectiveness of the Eagle Eye cream. I will continue to use it."

With snail mucin from Mizon

Korean-made cream that effectively eliminates all problems that arise with the skin around the eyes. Its composition is unique in that it contains snail mucus and birch sap. The results are visible very quickly.

A bottle of 15 ml will cost an average of 490 rubles, and a 25 ml bottle will cost 940 rubles.



“I bought a 15 ml tube because I found it more convenient to use than a jar. The cream has a pleasant aroma, a white tint and a fairly thick consistency. It is used very economically, there are no problems with distribution on the skin. I have dry skin, so I expect good hydration from every cream I use. I tried using Mizon cream as a base for makeup - it fits perfectly. During the day it does not roll off and does not shine on the skin. In the first few seconds after applying the cream, a slight tingling sensation occurs. There is no heaviness on the skin, no stickiness, but still the hydration from it is not enough for me. Although the cream is undoubtedly good. For those with less dry skin than me, this is sure to be perfect.”


“I have aging, dry and very sensitive skin with fine lines and wrinkles, so finding a suitable cream for the skin around the eyes is a real problem for me. It should moisturize and nourish the skin well, fill wrinkles, be hypoallergenic and suitable as a base for makeup. I found out about the cream with snail extract by accident (I came across a picture of a stylish dark jar on the Internet). I ordered and began to wait with anticipation. A 25 ml jar arrived. The cream has the consistency of thick sour cream. I immediately applied it to my hand and was happy because I was sure that the texture would suit me perfectly. After application to the area around the eyes, the skin does not become oily or sticky, but its nourishment is visible. But I didn’t notice any intense hydration or the promised lifting. On the contrary, the condition of the skin only worsened, it all tightened. I do not recommend this cream."

Revitalift Laser x3

Promotes skin regeneration and has an effect similar to a laser procedure, but this is subject to regular use, following the instructions. This cream is considered one of the best for the skin around the eyes, as thanks to proxilan, caffeine and vitamins in the composition, it successfully fights wrinkles. Suitable for all skin types.

A 15 ml tube will cost an average of 899 rubles.



“It is no secret to any woman that with age, the skin around the eyes becomes dry and wrinkles appear on it. And when getting rid of them, difficulties arise. I came across this cream when I was on vacation in Turkey. In one of the stores I saw a set from L'Oreal - cream and serum for the face and eye cream at an attractive price. I couldn't pass by. I was already familiar with the serum and face cream at that time, and I really liked them, but I had to try the eye cream for the first time. I found it not very convenient to apply the cream using the metal applicator built into the tube. But the cream itself is just super! Very light texture, unobtrusive smell, absorbed instantly. Dry skin disappears because it moisturizes it perfectly. After two months of use, the results were amazing. The skin around the eyes has become more elastic, fine wrinkles have disappeared, and deeper wrinkles have become smaller. The dark circles brightened and my overall skin looked fresher. I'm very pleased with the results. I will continue to use creams from this series in the future.”


“I purchased Revitalift Laser x3 cream at the Magnit Cosmetics store near my home. The first thing I liked was the packaging, which inspired confidence. It was written on the box that the cream helps eliminate wrinkles, bags and dark circles under the eyes. The smell is subtle, the consistency is non-greasy, the shade of the cream is pinkish-pearlescent. There were no problems with application, although I did it as usual, with my fingers and not with an applicator. There were no allergies. I used the cream regularly for a month, and during this time I noticed a lifting effect and an improvement in the condition of my skin - it became fresher and more elastic. I have no complaints about the cream; on the contrary, I am grateful to it for what it did to my skin.”

Sensibio by Bioderma

The cream is suitable for use by women with sensitive skin. It is well tolerated, so it can be applied under makeup and used with contact lenses. The cream contains no dyes or preservatives, which increases its hypoallergenicity. It helps smooth out wrinkles and eliminates discomfort such as dryness and tightness.

A tube of 15 ml will cost an average of 1020 rubles.



“I bought eye contour cream from the manufacturer Bioderma along with face cream. I like the products of this manufacturer, so I trust them. I bought it six months ago at one of the pharmacies in our city. And a 15 ml tube lasted me 5 months (I used it once a day). I don’t have deep wrinkles yet, but the small ones haven’t disappeared during use. But the cream-gel really helps with swelling. It also perfectly moisturizes the skin and is perfect for use under makeup. Stays on the skin evenly and does not roll off. I certainly recommend this product as a moisturizer, but it does not remove wrinkles.”


“I decided to buy Bioderma cream-gel for the skin around the eyes after preliminary studying its composition. And when I found out that this product was approved by dermatologists, all fears disappeared. I calmly went to the pharmacy and bought it. After opening the package, I applied a little cream to my hand. I was pleased with the light texture, quick absorption, lack of a greasy film and weak aroma. I applied the cream to dry, pre-cleansed eyelid skin and almost immediately began doing makeup. During the use of the cream-gel, no allergies occurred. I recommend it to those who are looking for a product for basic eyelid skin care.”

Uriage Isofill

It is a bioactive complex that activates the production of hyaluronic acid and collagen. It has a hypoallergenic composition, is perfectly absorbed without clogging pores. Clear results become noticeable after two months of regular use.

A 15 ml bottle will cost an average of 1050 rubles.



“I’m 37 years old, of course there are small wrinkles on my skin, and there’s always swelling under my eyes from lack of sleep. For the last four months I have been using Uriage Isofill anti-wrinkle cream. And I can already boast about my results. I’ll say right away that the texture of the cream is very pleasant, it is absorbed instantly, does not clump after application and does not leave a greasy film. The aroma of the cream is very subtle. The existing wrinkles, of course, have not disappeared, but new ones have not yet appeared. True, I thought that it would last longer. I will buy this cream again, I’m satisfied.”


“I usually buy skincare creams at the pharmacy because they have a gentler composition. As a rule, there were no allergies from their use. My skin is super sensitive, so finding something suitable can be difficult. At the end of winter I saw Uriage Isofill in the pharmacy - a cream with a rejuvenating effect. I didn’t take it right away, I decided to study all the information and reviews about the unfamiliar product. Interestingly, people who tried this cream on themselves did not report any amazing results. But I still decided to try it. After application to the skin, the cream did not cause any unpleasant sensations; it was not felt at all on the skin. But I didn’t see any results from using it, not even hydration.”


The cream has a natural and safe composition, so it is suitable for women with sensitive skin. It promotes the disappearance of wrinkles and swelling, moisturizes the skin well, increases its elasticity, restores metabolic processes and generally improves the appearance of the skin.

A 30 ml bottle will cost an average of 1,890 rubles.



“I love cosmetics from this manufacturer. I have been using day and night cream for a long time, and recently I decided to buy an eye cream. I apply it to my skin twice a day. Within a few days from the start of using the cream, I noticed a lifting effect, the skin of the eyelids became firmer and more elastic. Shallow wrinkles have become barely noticeable. I will continue to use it, because I am sure that with regular use, the rejuvenating effect will, as they say, be obvious.”


“A work colleague told me about Cosmoteros cream. She, like me, is over forty, but she looks much younger than her age. So I shared my secret. Without thinking twice, I bought this cream and started using it. I liked the cream, however, for a couple of days there was slight swelling under the eyes, but no redness. And then it started working in full force. A truly obvious result appeared after a month, but in general the bottle lasted for 4 months. The skin became smooth and elastic, wrinkles became less noticeable. I recommend."

Diopticreme by Lierac

A very effective cream that helps restore skin and smooth out wrinkles in a short time. Launches the process of active cell regeneration. The cream contains SPF, which provides the skin with sun protection, and calendula, which has a calming effect. With regular use of the cream, it will be possible to achieve results similar to injection procedures.

A 10 ml tube will cost an average of 2,100 rubles.



“I’m 30 years old, but all my life I’ve suffered from extremely dry skin, so I’ve had expression lines visible for years now. I approach the choice of cream very responsibly and am still searching for the perfect one. On my last trip to the store, the consultant recommended taking Diopticreme from Lierac. Although the price is high, the cream is effective. I took it and have been using it for a month and a half now. The composition is excellent, quite thick, does not smell much. Moisturizes the skin perfectly! I apply it under concealer. The wrinkles, of course, did not disappear, but the skin in the eye area simply changed. I recommend the cream!”


“And I haven’t had a very happy experience using this cream. I am 26 years old, and once while talking with my older sister, she advised me to use Lierac cream as a preventive measure against the appearance of wrinkles. I bought it. I liked everything about it - the texture, the degree of absorption, the convenient tube, and the economical consumption... For several days everything was just wonderful. But one day I came home from work very tired and just washed my face without applying any cream. This morning I woke up, the skin under my eyes was all tight and tingling. Applying the cream did not help. I had to save myself with baby cream. And I gave that tube to my sister. The cream didn't suit me."

Recipes of Grandmother Agafya “Injection of Youth”

The cream is a rejuvenating elixir for skin care in the eye area, which was created according to the recipes of the herbalist Agafya. It has a special composition suitable for combating age-related skin changes. There you can see the Regu-Age complex and gold bio-peptides, which have a strong tightening effect and restore skin elasticity, as well as Arctic rose oil, which deeply nourishes the skin and smoothes out wrinkles.

A tube of 40 ml will cost an average of 75 rubles.



“I have been using this cream for six months, and I can say that it is best suited for girls under 25 years old. I didn’t notice any lifting or tightening; the only thing the cream was capable of was moisturizing the skin and evening out its color. But for that kind of money it’s very good to get this effect.”


“And I liked the cream. When I apply it to the eye area, there is a pleasant feeling of freshness and lightness. Over time, I noticed that the skin in this area became better - it took on a healthy appearance. I began to like my reflection in the mirror. I am very pleased with the results from using this cream."

L'Oreal Laser

An effective cream with elastil, nanosomes, proretinol and vitamins in its composition. Quickly absorbed. Interestingly, it eliminates not the wrinkles themselves, but the reasons for their appearance. If the cream is used regularly, the cells themselves will begin to produce collagen. Deep wrinkles will not be smoothed out, but fine wrinkles will be smoothed out completely.

A 15 ml tube will cost 756 rubles.



“I bought this cream for myself and have been using it for a month and a half now. During this time, I noticed that the number of wrinkles was significantly reduced, the skin around the eyes became smooth, the bags under the eyes disappeared and the look shone. Every day the contour of the area around the eyes becomes more elastic. I don’t use a metal applicator, I like it out of habit – using my fingers. During use, I managed to achieve results even greater than from mesotherapy, which I regularly went to the salon for. Looking at me, my colleagues at work also began to use this cream.”


“I’m 30 years old, but my skin is very dry, so I’ve been using creams for a long time. I saw L'Oreal Laser cream from my older sister and decided to try it on myself. Of course, it is designed for people over forty. But, not having any big problems with my skin yet, and using the cream, I did not notice any obvious smoothing of facial wrinkles. I can’t say anything about regeneration, but it didn’t give me enough hydration. Maybe the cream is actually not bad, it just didn’t suit me, giving only light care. So I won’t say that I don’t recommend it to anyone.”

Images Six Peptide Eye Cream

Cream with peptides for the area around the eyes against dark circles and puffiness. With a lifting effect. Promotes restoration of eyelid skin, provides it with protection from environmental influences. Deeply moisturizes, tones, strengthens. Accelerates cellular regeneration. Removes existing wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones.

A 25 ml jar will cost an average of 416 rubles.



“For as long as I can remember, there have always been dark circles under my eyes, and I was always embarrassed about it. I tried a bunch of different folk remedies and creams. Chinese Images Six Peptide Eye Cream was next. I ordered it, and as soon as it arrived, I started using it. After two months, I noticed that the dark circles became significantly lighter. I was very surprised. The wrinkles, of course, did not disappear, but for me the main goal was to get rid of dark circles. And I partially achieved it. I will continue to use this cream."


“My skin under my eyes is very dry, and in the evening bags appear. I was looking for a suitable product for myself and found Images Six Peptide Eye Cream. At first I didn’t believe that he would help me solve my problems. But he helped! I used it regularly, and during this time the skin under my eyes became perfectly hydrated. But the most surprising thing is that the bags disappeared. I couldn't be happier with my cream."

Mincer Pharma

Polish cream that increases skin elasticity and tightens it, as well as eliminating dark circles and swelling. Suitable for application not only to the area around the eyes, but also to the lips. Gives the face a healthy, fresh look.

A 15 ml tube will cost an average of 566 rubles.



“I’ve already tried a lot of creams for the area around the eyes until I came across the Polish Mincer Pharma, designed for people over forty. A 15 ml tube lasted me 3 months. Twice a day I applied the cream under my eyes and on my upper lip. I noticed that it really tightened the skin, making it smooth and matte. I also noticed a slight lifting effect. I’m very pleased with my find.”


“At the age of 30, I already began to notice “crow’s feet” and nasolabial folds, which made me very upset. But then I bought this cream, although it is intended for those over 40. The texture of the cream is light, it is white in color with an unobtrusive floral aroma. Absorbs quickly without leaving a greasy film on the skin. The skin did not suffer from a lack of moisture, but gradually smoothed out. After two months of regular use of the cream, I began to look in the mirror with pleasure.”

Platinum Ultra Lifting from Faberlic art 0314

The cream restores the skin and moisturizes it well. Small wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes moisturized and soft. The composition of the cream is very interesting. It contains hyaluronic acid, argan oil, vitamins A and E. But the most unusual component of the cream is platinum, which helps restore skin cells and rejuvenate them.

A 15 ml jar will cost 599 rubles.



“When I started using Platinum cream from Faberlic, it was more for prevention purposes, since I am young and don’t have a lot of wrinkles. But dark circles are annoying. Imagine my surprise that when the whole jar reached the end, I saw that the circles had lightened and my eyes shone. I ordered more cream. Now he is my favorite."


“I’m 37 years old and this is the first time I’ve encountered Platinum cream. Although I started using it recently, the first results have already appeared. Small wrinkles began to smooth out. I like absolutely everything about the cream – from the consistency to the aroma. I recommend."

Top 10 moisturizing creams

Belweder with niacinamide (Belvedere)

takes an honorable first place as a very good cream for moisturizing the eyelids (its analogue is a balm with gluconolactone). Its active ingredients include milk thistle extract and base oils (almond, shea). Thanks to the safe formula, it can be used both at 20 and 40 years old. Helps smooth out the epidermis, slightly even out wrinkles, deeply moisturize and provide elasticity throughout the day.

Gigi Vitamin E Eye Zone Cream (GiZhi)

offers its fans an Israeli remedy to combat dry skin and premature aging. This cream uses purified tocopherol, soy proteins, and hyaluronic acid solution. Thanks to such a powerful composition, the product tightens the contour of the eyelids, significantly moisturizes the skin and normalizes tissue nutrition.

Gigi Vitamin E Eye Zone Cream
Levrana Raspberry (Levrana)

– a special product for young skin. Raspberry extract tones the epidermis and prepares it for the effects of negative external factors. The product can be used from 18 years of age. Its main purpose is intensive hydration and nutrition. Alpika is recommended as an analogue.

Levrana Raspberry
Healthy Skin Boro plus (Khimani BoroPlus)

– used to strengthen tissues, nourish, smooth out wrinkles, and heal wounds. The most powerful composition makes the product hypoallergenic and incredibly cheap. Its analogue is the dietary supplement Evalar Qi-Klim botoeffect.

Healthy Skin Boro plus
Eye cream gel Natura Siberica (Natura Siberica)

for skin care after 30. In terms of consistency, it is rather a light ointment - with a dense consistency that is quickly absorbed. The product is enriched with shea butter and European olive oil; in addition, the composition includes ginseng and extracts from various herbs.

Cream-gel for eyelids Natura Siberica
Bioderma Sensibio Eye Countour Gel (Bioderma)

– a very high-quality French-made cream for smoothing, moisturizing and nourishing the skin of the eyelids after 50. The composition includes the active substance Toleridine, which is used to quickly soothe irritated and damaged skin. Characterized by the effect of coolness and deep saturation of cells with moisture.

Avene Soothing Eye Contour Cream (Aven)

– a soothing and moisturizing gel for the delicate skin around the eyes. Natural ingredients help maintain beauty even under the influence of age and external factors, remove shadows over the eyelids, and guarantee high hydration. More affordable, but no less effective, is ELASTIderm Eye Cream.

Avene Soothing Eye Contour Cream
Cream filler Novosvit Hyaluronic AquaFiller (Novosvit)

from La Vallee, according to experts, is an excellent method of emergency wrinkle smoothing. The gel is spread over the skin with a roller, ensuring uniform distribution of nutrients and massage of the skin. With constant use, there is a strengthening of the epidermis and a noticeable reduction in deep folds.

Novosvit Hyaluronic AquaFiller
Eye Cream L'Oreal Revitalift (Loreal Revitalift)

contains active collagen, which not only saturates cells with moisture, but also tightens the epidermis. Recommended for use after 40, refers to anti-aging cosmetics. May occasionally cause allergic reactions.

Two lines of Silapant (Silapant)

– a unique product with pantohematogen. Guarantees hydration and nutrition of the upper layer of the epidermis, as well as strengthening collagen fibers. Prevents their destruction, helps normalize metabolism in the skin of the eye area.

Rating of popular brands


  • 1 Vichy is a French manufacturer of cosmetics based on the thermal water of the region of the same name. The brand gained fame in the 50s of the 20th century. The company produces products for the face, body, and hair. Cosmetic samples are graded by age. The brand's products are distributed exclusively through the pharmacy chain.
  • 2 Lierac is a manufacturing company from France, founded in 1975. Produces a wide range of cosmetics for various purposes. The tandem of traditional and innovative methods of creating products allows us to produce a high-quality product on the world market that meets the requirements of modern living standards. Distributed through the pharmacy chain.
  • 3 Yves Rocher is a French brand based on the production of plant-based cosmetics. Natural herbal cosmetics are included in the list of popular products in Europe and the world. Good reviews are the best confirmation of product quality. Cosmetics based on plant extracts for any age and skin condition are environmentally friendly.
  • 4 Clean Line is a Russian brand that produces a budget version of high-quality products based on the healing properties of herbs and other plants. The raw materials grow in environmentally safe regions of Russia. Cosmetic preparations are designed for different age groups and skin types.
  • 5 Natura Siberica is a Russian-made organic cosmetics brand. Natural animal and plant components, environmentally friendly production and high efficiency of products offered to consumers are the manufacturer’s calling card. The diversity of the offered assortment is reflected not only in the age and functional gradation, but also in the line of products produced using raw materials from various regions of Russia (Siberia, the North, the Far East, etc.).

Also trustworthy: Shiseido, Guerlain, Black Pearl, Recipes of Grandma Agafya, 100 beauty recipes.

Pharmacy products for preserving the youth of the eye contour

Some products and cosmetic procedures are inaccessible due to high cost and questionable health safety, so it is worth paying attention to pharmaceutical preparations. They often demonstrate a more pronounced effect, since they contain a maximum of active substances.

The pharmaceutical industry offers a huge selection of pharmaceutical products with which you can successfully combat age-related changes. Most drugs contain substances necessary for skin rejuvenation in higher concentrations than cosmetic creams and lotions.

It is precisely because of the high concentration of active substances contained in pharmaceutical preparations that it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction before use. If excessive swelling, itching and redness appear on the skin of the eyelids, you should immediately stop using the product. In particularly severe situations, you should consult a dermatologist.

Heparin ointment as a means of rejuvenating the skin around the eyes

The use of Heparin ointment as an anti-aging agent against wrinkles under the eyes is due to the fact that its chemical formula contains moisturizing and nourishing components for the skin. Regular use of the ointment helps to increase the elasticity of the epidermis and effectively moisturize the delicate skin of the eyelids.

Heparin ointment is applied in a thin layer to the cleansed skin of the paraorbital area with light patting movements, after which the excess product is removed with a cotton sponge. The course of application is quite long, and the ointment is used at least twice a week.

Heparin ointment is usually used to eliminate hematomas and reduce the manifestations of varicose veins

The composition of Heparin ointment includes:

  • natural peach oil;
  • heparin;
  • benzocaine;
  • vegetable glycerin;
  • petrolatum;
  • cosmetic stearin;
  • Methylhydroxybenzoate.

A couple of times I added the ointment to the cream that I apply around the eyes. I applied it under the eyes, where there is swelling. Leave it on for an hour, then wash off the mixture with micellar water. The bags under the eyes disappeared! Wink But here you need to be very careful, in case you have an allergy.

Wi Tu


Relief Advance for sagging age skin of the eyelids

Relief Advance contains medical petroleum jelly, glycerol and shark liver oil. Due to the peculiarities of the composition, the product lies on the skin in a dense layer and prevents the evaporation of moisture from its surface, which helps get rid of dryness and unusually nourishes the skin of the eyelids. In addition, hydrocortisone acetate helps relieve local swelling and heal small cracks.

It will be most effective to use Relief Advance to protect the delicate skin around the eyes from dryness and the appearance of a fine network of wrinkles. It should be used no more than 2 times a week and only in the morning or afternoon, since in the evening the product can cause swelling of the eyelids and stretching of delicate areas of the skin, which leads to deepening of wrinkles.

Many ingredients of the Relief pharmaceutical product are used in professional anti-aging products for rejuvenating the skin around the eyes

Relief Advance contains:

  • shark liver oil;
  • vitamin complex;
  • glycerol;
  • phenylephrine;
  • medical Vaseline;
  • cocoa bean butter;
  • benzocaine;
  • zinc sulfate;
  • hydrocortisone acetate.

Relief can be used to eliminate bags and dark circles under the eyes; its active substances can constrict blood vessels, quickly eliminate swelling and smooth out wrinkles.

Angelina, cosmetologist


Hydrocortisone ointment for smoothing wrinkles under the eyes

Hydrocortisone is a drug that is a glucocorticosteroid for local use. It is produced in the form of a white ointment that is homogeneous and greasy to the touch. The main active ingredient of this pharmaceutical product is hydrocortisone acetate.

When used externally, the active ingredients of the drug quickly penetrate the dermis and improve metabolism. After 1–2 months of using hydrocortisone to care for the skin of the paraorbital area, you can observe a smoothing of fine wrinkles.

Hydrocortisone ointment helps reduce the severity of wrinkles and other age-related changes in the area around the eyes

Hydrocortisone ointment contains:

  • hydrocortisone acetate;
  • medical Vaseline;
  • stearic acid;
  • lanolin;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • pentol

I decided to try hydrocortisone ointment after reading positive reviews about it. As they say, such an ointment is capable of retaining moisture in the skin. Therefore, the crow's feet around the eyes begin to decrease. I like to experiment on myself, so I decided to do it. It must be admitted that the effect appeared quite quickly. The skin has clearly become healthier in appearance. I used it at night and applied it around the eyes. It took about a week for the results to become noticeable. From me, hydrocortisone ointment gets the most positive review it can get!

Victoria, 39 years old


Light gel Curiosin to restore skin tone around the eyes

A product for external use with zinc hyaluronate has a strong anti-aging effect, thereby helping to tone the skin and smooth out fine and deep wrinkles. The rejuvenating effect is achieved due to the complex effect on the skin of all components of the drug. Apply the ointment in a thin layer to cleansed skin around the eyes, then remove excess with a paper napkin. You can use the drug no more than 2 times a week to avoid an allergic reaction to the active components. The course lasts 10–12 days, then there is a break.

The active component of Curiosin is zinc hyaluronate, which prevents skin aging and fills it with moisture.

The chemical formula of the drug contains:

  • zinc hyaluronate;
  • zinc chloride;
  • potassium sorbate.

After several days of use, the skin brightened and began to look fresher. I am pleased.



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