Oily facial skin - causes in women: what to do and how to get rid of oiliness

Oily skin is caused by excessive sebum production, which is why it is called seborrheic skin. It is prone to inflammation and the appearance of various cosmetic defects (blackheads, etc.). How to care for oily and combination skin? What cosmetics should I use?

Excessively shiny skin with visible blackheads are the main symptoms of oily skin. People with this skin type should pay special attention to their daily skin care and the products they use. To ensure proper care, you need to know what cosmetics to use. Using the right products can be an effective way to solve problems. With a wide range of skin care products to choose from, it's not easy to choose the best one, so it's worth knowing what ingredients to look for in cosmetics to ensure the promised results. However, first you should learn about the symptoms and characteristics of oily skin.

How to identify oily skin?

This type of skin is characterized primarily by visible shine. This is a characteristic feature that distinguishes it from other types. The skin may have an earthy gray-yellow color, an uneven, bumpy texture, and sebaceous glands and blackheads are also visible. Sebum most often appears on the forehead, chin, nose, as well as on the back and chest.

However, oily skin responds quite well to adverse weather conditions, unlike, for example, dry or sensitive skin. Wrinkles, including facial wrinkles, appear later and less clearly.


Most often, oily skin appears in adolescents aged 12–13 years. This condition is caused by overproduction of the sebaceous glands, which is caused by increased levels of androgenic hormones. Oily skin can be genetically determined. When there are people in the family with acne or comedones, there is a risk that other family members will sooner or later develop these cosmetic problems. Sometimes in women, oily skin is accompanied by menstrual irregularities and/or hirsutism. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor and donate blood for hormones. This situation may indicate hormonal imbalances and should be addressed by a specialist.

The described skin type is a transitional state, which means it should change with age. Oily skin turns into combination or dry. Most often, people turn to a cosmetologist with problems of excessive sebum production in adolescence. But in an adult they also occur.

Oily skin care basics

Oily skin care should focus on:

  • proper skin cleansing,
  • regular exfoliation of the epidermis,
  • keeping the skin moisturized.

A very common situation is the fight against shine. It's worth remembering that over-drying oily skin can have the opposite effect, causing it to produce even more oil. Of course, this does not mean that you should give up mattifying cosmetics, but when using such products you need to remember the need to provide your skin with a portion of hydration. Oil-based cosmetics should be avoided as such products can clog pores.

Causes of oily facial skin

There are many reasons why facial skin becomes oily, but hormones play a major role in this process. If the hormonal system works correctly, then this condition will not last long, but if the disturbances are more serious, then the person will suffer from this until the production of hormones improves.

A woman’s hormonal background is very variable and depends on the period of the cycle; the production of one hormone above or below the norm causes an imbalance in the entire system. It is important to identify the root cause of the failure in the production of this hormone and direct efforts to eliminate this cause.

Below is a description of the work of hormones that can cause oily facial skin.


This class of hormones is present in high concentrations in the body of men; they are also present in women, but in the smallest quantities. If for any reason their concentration increases, then the balance is upset and this can lead to oily skin.

Increased production of hormones of this group is observed in the second phase of the female cycle and contributes to excess sebum secretion. If the system is normal, then this period lasts no more than a few days and at the beginning of the first phase everything returns to normal.


The hormones included in this group are called female, since their production in the female body is many times greater than in the male. Their insufficient production in women or their excess seriously affects the state of the hormonal system as a whole. If there is a large amount of them in the blood, varicose veins may occur, weight gain, excessive cellulite, skin regulation is disrupted and a manifestation such as a fat face may be noticed.


Oxytocin, or the happy hormone, mainly affects the skin through sugar. It must properly utilize glucose, which is in excess in the blood, but if it fails to utilize it, then sugar remains in the blood, and this is fertile ground for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria in the body. The more bacteria there are, the higher the risk of their multiplication in different layers of the skin and such manifestations as sebaceous skin.


The effect of the sleep hormone on skin condition is very similar to the effect of oxytocin. If there is little melatonin, then it does not cope with its role of neutralizing the remnants of oxidative processes in the body. If these residues are not removed, fats accumulate in the body, the shine and elasticity of the skin is lost, and bacteria develop in excess.


When increased, the stress hormone directly affects the deterioration of the skin. A person may experience peeling, acne develops, the layers become thinner, become more susceptible to external factors, against the background of such changes, the balance is disturbed and oily skin appears, which causes discomfort and unnecessary problems, but is treatable.


Insulin and glucose are closely related; it is insulin that is responsible for blood glucose levels. If insulin does not cope with its functions, then type 2 diabetes develops. But even if diabetes has not yet developed, the inability of insulin to process the required amount of glucose causes a number of problems: mainly it has a detrimental effect on female sex hormones, which causes problems with fertility in women, as well as visible skin problems. It becomes more easily inflamed, becomes thinner, the balance of bacteria is disturbed, darkening is observed in some parts of the body, as well as circles under the eyes.

Thyroid hormones

Excessive production of thyroid hormones leads to metabolic disorders in the body, the skin “breathes” less well, changes such as weight gain, fragility and dullness of hair and nails may be observed, sweating increases, pores become clogged and oiliness appears. To ensure these negative effects, it is necessary to diagnose the condition of the thyroid gland and identify disorders.

Additional care

  • It is better to leave ordinary creams, cream or milk in the past, as they are little compatible with the original data. It is optimal to select special gels, micellar water, tonics.
  • It is recommended to use soft exfoliants if there are no inflammatory processes on the surface. It is advisable to choose options that have the specification “non-comedogenic” in the instructions.
  • It is advisable to select all basic activities with a focus on regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Moreover, preference should be given not to those procedures that are vaguely “intended for this type of skin,” but specifically those that narrow pores.

How to deal with oily skin

All processes in the body are interconnected; an excess of some hormones leads to an excess or suppression of others. Therefore, the first priority in treatment is to find the root cause. Without properly targeted treatment there will be no long-term results.

If oily skin type has been passed on from birth, then you should not abuse bad habits and not monitor your general health, so as not to aggravate the situation. Proper nutrition, moderate physical activity, healthy, full sleep, positive emotions and a limited amount of stress are the key to a long and happy life without serious diseases. If problems arise, then you shouldn’t solve them yourself; for this, there are experienced specialists who will save money, time and improve the rhythm of life.

What is high fat content

The skin of each of us consists of a very large number of thin layers. It takes part not only in the respiratory process, but also has protective, thermoregulatory, excretory and even metabolic functions. It is considered the most extensive organ of the human body, instantly reacts to any changes in its work, actively “signaling” the presence of such in various ways: rashes, irritation, dryness, comedones, acne and other unpleasant manifestations.

Therefore, if the skin suddenly begins to secrete an excessive amount of sebum and becomes greasy, which was not observed before, then this is a reason to seriously worry and consult a doctor. Such problems lead to a constant unsightly shine, clogged glands, acne, various cysts, and even the development of seborrhea. A healthcare professional will usually order general tests and tests to ensure there are no internal pathologies, and then prescribe therapy.

Solving problems with an endocrinologist

If there is an imbalance in the hormonal system, then an endocrinologist will eliminate it. I, Georgy Nikitich Romanov, am an endocrinologist with more than 20 years of experience in the specialty. If you have very oily facial skin, and conventional methods do not help to eliminate this problem, then the best solution would be to contact me for help. I will take a detailed history, prescribe tests based on what I see, evaluate the results, and determine effective treatment. Women of different ages approached me with this problem, and we always found the best solution to this problem.

I provide face-to-face consultations at a medical clinic in Gomel, as well as online consultations. You can sign up for an online consultation in one of the suggested sources: Viber, Telegram, Instagram, WhatsApp, Skype, Vkontakte.

My experience and knowledge work for you to solve skin problems and eliminate existing discomfort.

Care for dry problem skin

There are two essential steps to keep in mind:

  • Cleansing

It should be carried out using gentle products designed specifically for skin prone to flaking, dryness and tightness. I recommend gentle foams and soft emulsions.

  • Hydration and nutrition

Special lotions, sprays, light creams with antioxidants, oils and hyaluronic acid - one of the most effective means to combat dehydration.

Cosmetics for dry skin should combine soothing and nourishing ingredients. I advise you to pay attention to preparations with natural oils and extracts of medicinal herbs.

If you are concerned about the feeling of tightness and flaking, do not forget that chlorinated tap water can harm you. When washing your face, use water that has previously been passed through a filter. To avoid over-drying after hygiene procedures, wipe your face with a mild toner that does not contain alcohol.

The most favorable period for those with dry skin is summer. On warm days, painful sensitivity disappears or appears extremely rarely. In hot weather, the ideal remedy is a spray with a light formula that evenly covers the face and promotes intense hydration. In winter, additional nutrition is needed. Before going outside, you should apply a special rich cream with a high protection factor.

Why does the skin dry out?

Even oily skin that loses moisture becomes tight and flaky, and therefore needs to be moisturized. In addition, discomfort causes tightness and a gray complexion. The main reasons for moisture loss:

  • the presence of skin diseases that dry out the cells of the epidermis or internal organs;
  • bad weather (low temperature, sun, wind, dust);
  • low and therefore insufficient humidity;
  • taking antibiotics for a long time;
  • unhealthy/irregular diet and drinking patterns, smoking;
  • excessive sweating;
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • age-related changes.

Care for sensitive problem skin

To avoid irritation and redness, you need to remember one simple rule - no aggressive influence. Only careful care is allowed.

  • Eliminate irritating components

These include alkali, anionic surfactants, as well as acids and some oils.

  • Avoid overly greasy creams

They have a warming effect, which leads to vasodilation and redness.

  • Use only gentle peelings

Mechanical impact is excluded, as is the use of scrubs. The most effective is the use of special exfoliants that do not injure the skin. During the day you should take care of nutrition, at night - about strengthening barrier properties and recovery. Choose professional hypoallergenic cosmetics that will not only protect against irritation, but also remove redness, increase firmness and elasticity.

If you are hypersensitive, washing with soap is contraindicated. Use special soft products - foams, gels or emulsions. Do not forget that frequent changes of medications will not help you, but will only worsen the condition of the epidermis. So the best option is to use products from one company or series.

Choosing cosmetics for problem skin is a particularly difficult task. I advise you to stick to liposomal products. They have passed clinical tests, are hypoallergenic, and contain natural ingredients that eliminate the cause of defects and do not cause harm. A professional approach helped us find unique formulas for each case – even the most complex ones.

Increased sebum secretion and rednessSalicylic acid eliminates excess sebum, lime extract launches regeneration processes, and aloe moisturizes and gently relieves inflammation.Pro Quick View

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This type is suitable for dry and sensitive skin. They contain substances that prevent moisture from evaporating: ceramides, hyaluronic acid. Look for creams with soothing plant extracts: cucumber, aloe, chamomile. Vitamin E and light oils in the composition will also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. However, if your face becomes too oily, it is better to apply a cream specifically for the oily type to the problem area.

How do I know if I have oily skin type?

In general, even visually this is not difficult to do. Those with oily skin have a constant shine on their face that does not go away after washing; the skin looks thickened (it actually is); in places of the sebaceous glands - on the forehead, wings of the nose, chin - pores are too enlarged; You may notice clogged pores.

If it is visually unclear what skin type you have, do the following: wash your face with foam, do not use cream, and after 2 hours, press a paper napkin to your face. If on a napkin:

  • There is no imprint left - the skin is normal.
  • Only the T-zone was imprinted - combination skin.
  • Oily spots remain all over the face - oily skin type.
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