Is your skin dry and oily at the same time? Here's how to deal with it!

The main reasons for the appearance

So let's start with the reasons. Regardless of skin type, the following may be the main causes of enlarged pores:

  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Improper skin care.
  • Harmful effects of environmental factors.
  • Bad habits.
  • Stress and poor nutrition.
  • Diseases of the intestines and stomach.
  • Using low-quality or inappropriate decorative cosmetics.
  • Chronic fatigue and sleep disturbance.
  • Dehydration.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Gynecological diseases.

In addition to improper care, the reasons for the appearance of oily skin with enlarged pores are a decrease in the production of collagen and elastin, with the subsequent formation of so-called holes in the places where the sebaceous glands emerge. A similar problem is also caused by the use of fatty creams and the abuse of scrubs.

The reason for the appearance of dry skin with enlarged pores may be insufficient activity of the sebaceous glands and improper care. With this problem, it is important to provide the skin with daily toning, cleansing, moisturizing and protection from adverse environmental factors. In addition, you should not wash your face with tap water, dry your skin with a towel, or use products containing alcohol.

The cause of dehydrated skin with enlarged pores may be a lack of fluid in the body and in skin cells. Therefore, with such a problem, it is necessary to drink at least two liters of fluid daily, and provide proper care to the skin so that it does not quickly lose water. It is a mistake to believe that only dry skin can be dehydrated. This problem is also inherent in oily and combination skin.

Summer care goals for combination skin

When choosing products for the care of combination skin in the summer, it is necessary to take into account not only the impact of provoking factors, but also the reactions of different areas of the facial skin to them.

  • Regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands in the T-zone . It is in summer that activity is most increased, which leads to blockages and subsequently rashes.
  • Regular elimination of hyperkeratosis , which inevitably appears on all areas of the facial skin. You need a product that works effectively and delicately and does not dry out the skin of the entire face.
  • Moisturizing the skin - it is important to monitor the water balance of the skin, preventing dehydration.
  • Protecting the skin from the sun - prevents dehydration, photoaging and pigmentation.

How to get rid of enlarged pores with oily skin

To combat enlarged pores on oily skin, it is recommended to visit effective salon treatments. The latter include:

  • Peeling, which allows you to remove the stratum corneum of dead cells and renew the surface of the skin. For oily skin, mechanical, enzymatic and chemical peeling is suitable. The procedure should be carried out approximately once a week. The course often includes 3-4 procedures. Peeling is not recommended in winter, as in winter the skin becomes more sensitive and dry.
  • Moisturizing procedures allow not only to enrich skin cells with the necessary moisture, but also to improve metabolic processes. For this purpose, salons use masks based on hyaluronic acid, alginates, etc.
  • Facial cleansing is a mandatory procedure for oily skin with very enlarged pores. It allows you to remove dirt and oil from the surface of the skin. Cleaning can be mechanical, ultrasonic, vacuum, etc. The procedure should be carried out 3-4 times a month.
  • A therapeutic massage that helps unclog pores and remove sebum. The procedure should be carried out between facial cleansings.

Salon care for oily, dehydrated skin

The main rule of caring for oily skin is to saturate it with moisture. The best option is to apply a moisturizing mask to your face. To speed up skin renewal, do light peelings (with enzymes or based on lactic or AHA acids). These procedures will strengthen the skin framework and correct age-related changes: wrinkles, pigmentation and sagging facial contours.

Procedure protocol

1. Cleanse your skin of makeup with Vita-C Foaming cream foam.

2. Apply Lactica Exfoliate lactic acid peeling to your face. Exposure time is up to 10 minutes. Then apply neutralizing ph Balance Gel and rinse with cool water.

3. Wipe the skin with Hydra Perfect intensive hydration tonic.

4. Distribute Anti-Acne Serum cream-serum for problem skin over your face.

5. Apply a moisturizing mask.

— Alginate mask with argireline Amyno-Lifting is suitable for clients with well-defined wrinkles. Has a lifting effect and evens out skin texture. Exposure time is 25-30 minutes.

— Super-moisturizing cream mask with hyaluronic acid Hyaluronic Acid Mask. Restores the protective lipid barrier of the skin and relieves dryness for a long time. Exposure time is 15-20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with water, then tone your skin with Hydra Perfect intensive hydration toner.

6. Complete the procedure with sun-protective moisturizing fluid Sun Shade SPF-40.

How to remove enlarged pores with dry skin

If you have dry skin with enlarged pores, what should you do? First of all, it is necessary to provide her with regular cleansing and toning, which is carried out using special cosmetics once a day before bed. At the same time, the latter should not contain alcohol, as it contributes to dry skin.

How to treat enlarged pores with dry skin? To do this, you can use the services of beauty salons. For example:

  • Using tightening face masks.
  • Cryotherapy is the treatment of enlarged pores by applying cold to the skin. The procedure allows you to improve metabolic processes, which has a positive effect not only on the skin, but also on the entire body.
  • Darsonvalization is the effect of high-frequency current on the skin surface. This procedure is effective and completely safe.

So, how to deal with enlarged pores if you have dry or oily skin? First of all, it is necessary to provide the skin with proper care. You should cleanse it daily of dirt and sebum. The procedure can be carried out using both special cosmetics and traditional medicine methods. Various salon procedures are suitable for treating skin with enlarged pores. For example, facial cleansing, peeling, massage, using special masks and creams.

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Is your skin dry and oily at the same time? Here's how to deal with it!

What an unfair and confusing contradiction it is to suffer from dry and oily skin, but it is a very common problem. If your skin fluctuates wildly on both the oily and dry spectrum, you probably blame this harsh reality on genetics—or just plain bad luck. Using the wrong products for your skin type can lead to an imbalance, which can subsequently lead to dehydrated (not dry) skin and increased sebaceous glands. Don't know how to provide comfort to your capricious skin? We have a solution here...

Stop calling your skin dry.

Dry skin lacks the ability to produce oil, so if your skin looks dry but appears oily, your skin is actually dehydrated. When our skin is dehydrated, it may feel tight and itchy, but will appear oily. This unfortunate phenomenon occurs because when the skin is not properly hydrated, the sebaceous glands will begin to pump out sebum to protect the skin barrier. The result is a radiant complexion that still feels dried out.

Check your facial cleanser.

A common culprit for dehydrated skin is washing your face. Harsh cleansers designed to combat oil and pimples may be too harsh for many of us and may do more harm than good. Sulfates (a standard ingredient in many soaps and detergents) are added to absorb oil from the skin as well as moisturize the skin. Swap out your current cleanser with a gentle but deep cleanser like Yon-Ka's Nettoyant Gel. Formulated without ammonium laureth sulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate or sodium laureth sulfate, this cleanser cleanses skin and removes makeup without stripping.

Be careful when cleaning.

Cleansing with proper exfoliation is important, as are the steps you take immediately after. When working with dehydrated skin, it is necessary to tone and moisturize the skin immediately after washing your face. When you wait too long, you miss the perfect window to hydrate your skin. Allowing your skin to "breathe" can cause dehydration, so dab on a toner as soon as you're done cleansing and follow up with a moisturizer right away.

Moisturize your skin with the right ingredients.

Like dry, dehydrated skin requires moisture, but not the same type. For dry skin, emollients such as beeswax and olive oil found in PS Yon-Ka cream are used, but dehydrated skin needs moisturizers such as hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid helps treat dehydration, and when used in a lightweight formula like HYDRA N° 1 Fluide, is the ideal solution for oily skin.

Address seasonal dehydration.

If the cold weather is causing your skin to act strangely, it may be due to a loss of moisture. Prevent this seasonal skin woes by using a moisturizer while you sleep. Instead of dry air pulling moisture away from your skin, a humidifier will keep the moisture in place. At night, your skin is also at its most permeable, so applying moisturizer and moisturizing with a moisturizer will allow your skin to repair and replenish. The relaxation salon at its best!

Oily roots - dry ends or combination hair type

What to do if your hair has oily roots and very dry ends, how to reduce oily roots, restore damaged dry ends and tidy up your hair. Let's try to figure it out.

Often, owners of combination hair types find it difficult to figure out exactly how to care for them - on the one hand, the hair quickly becomes oily at the roots and begins to shine, on the other, the ends look dry and lifeless, which means that drying and degreasing products will only aggravate the situation. Let's figure out how to correctly determine your hair type and choose the right products to care for it.

Features of combined hair

Combination hair requires special care - after all, just a few days after washing, the roots begin to look greasy, while the ends remain dehydrated and brittle, difficult to style and electrified. Combined hair type may indicate problems in the body, poor nutrition, hormonal imbalance and metabolic disorders in the body, and improper care. Therefore, if the problem is acute, we recommend consulting with a specialist to understand its causes.

Try to lead a healthy lifestyle, reduce the amount of fatty, spicy foods and carbohydrates you consume, which further activate the sebaceous glands, take vitamin and mineral complexes to normalize the body’s functioning and metabolism. Dry ends suffer from a lack of moisture - try to drink at least one and a half liters of fluid a day, minimize caffeine consumption, which stimulates the removal of water from the body.

Often, dry ends are caused by aggressive effects on the hair caused by frequent coloring, perming, blow-drying, curling or straightening at high temperatures. Hair is very sensitive to external factors, so unfavorable ecology, highly chlorinated water with a high chlorine content and low air humidity can negatively affect its condition.

Features of care

Combination hair needs special care products; products for dry or oily hair will not be suitable in this situation. The former will cause oiliness at the roots, the latter, due to the aggressive degreasing composition, will make the ends even drier and unprotected.

The optimal solution would be to consult a trichologist who will help you correctly determine your hair type, understand the causes of the problems and select for you a special care regimen that will help make your scalp less oily and your hair ends healthier, shiny and manageable.

Caring for oily roots

It should be aimed primarily at moisturizing and nourishing the hair. After all, it is the insufficient water content in the hair structure that often provokes intense sebum secretion. To normalize water balance, use moisturizing care products.

There are lines of care products specially designed for this hair type. Choose products based on natural ingredients; it is best, of course, to choose a professional moisturizing shampoo, rich in biologically active substances, nourishing the hair and saturating it with moisture, while normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Also, to normalize the production of sebum, you can apply special preparations to the roots, for example, Dixidox De Luxe lotion No. 4.4, which regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. with keratin for scalp care.

For example:

Restoring lotion with keratin Dixidox De Luxe No. 4.4. Perfect for combating oily scalp.

Products for dry hair

There are professional lines of care products for dry, weakened ends - hair oil, serums, masks, lotions - for each case, its own professional cosmetics are selected. The preparations usually contain natural biologically active components, extracts of medicinal plants, vitamins and minerals that effectively restore the structure of the hair, saturating it with moisture and nutrients, fighting brittle and split ends.

Hot Oil gives an excellent effect.

Oils rich in natural biological components are recognized as an effective care product. For intensive restoration of damaged hair, we recommend trying Hot Oil.

General rules for caring for combination type hair

  • Do not wash your hair too often - this causes increased work of the sebaceous glands and also negatively affects the condition of the ends.
  • Do not apply shampoo twice - by washing away the protective film from the skin and hair, you stimulate intense oil production and further damage the ends.
  • Avoid washing your hair with too hot water and rinse your hair with cool water after washing.
  • Try to apply shampoo mainly to the roots, and wash the ends lightly and last.
  • Buy a moisturizer to apply after washing your hair, and apply restorative and nourishing products to the ends.
  • Visit your hairdresser regularly and trim off split ends.
  • Try to protect your hair from aggressive factors - dyeing with strong dyes, perm, frequent blow-drying.
  • Use hair masks made from natural ingredients: lemon with aloe juice and honey, tomatoes with olive oil, eggs with apple cider vinegar, decoctions of medicinal herbs, natural oils.
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