Injection cosmetology: types and recommendations of specialists

Consultation Services Doctors Results Reviews

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Zadiran Alina Valerievna Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist. Candidate of Medical Sciences

Publication date: September 20, 2022

Review date: November 24, 2022

Few people know, but the first “beauty injections” were made back in the 19th century. And then women sought to find the ideal of beauty, so they wanted to enlarge their breasts and lips, or change the shape of their nose. The Aesculapians of that time used candle wax, paraffin and various oils as fabric fillers. Such experiments did not lead to anything good - only to very serious health problems.

Silicone has been used as a filler that gives shape to fabrics since the 50s of the 20th century. True, complications still occurred. They still meet now. The safest filler is hyaluronic acid. Although it began to be actively used not so long ago - since the 90s of the last century.

Now hyaluronic acid is considered a classic of injection cosmetology; it is certainly included in meso-cocktails, products for biorevitalization or bio-reinforcement of the skin, contouring and volumetric modeling of the face.

About 30 years ago, Botox began to be actively used in dermatocosmetology. This is a drug based on botulinum toxin type A, produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. It is indispensable for correcting wrinkles in the upper part of the face and eliminating excessive sweating.

The secret of the popularity of “beauty injections”

Today, almost no woman can do without injection cosmetology.

Why are “beauty injections” so popular? Because injections are an understandable and predictable procedure. The doctor administers the drug, and the patient can only wait for the result. At the same time, there is no need to change your usual lifestyle. Beauty requires sacrifice - this is definitely not about injections!

Injections are given:

  • exactly to the right place and to the required depth,
  • unchanged,
  • in the required quantity.

The injections also cause almost no discomfort. Modern needles allow procedures to be performed with minimal discomfort. In addition, there are painkillers that do not have any side effects on the body.

Sharubina Karina Petrovna

Trichologist, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

The popularity of injections in cosmetology

Injections are a method of administering a drug with a specific therapeutic effect to a certain depth: intradermally, subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intravenously. Injection cosmetology uses intradermal and subcutaneous administration.

Cosmetics created for external use cannot always give a visible effect and help cope with some deep problem, because they have a superficial effect. There are also products that are designed specifically to remain on the surface of the skin and protect it from various negative environmental factors. If you have more serious age-related changes, for example, damaged skin connective tissues, metabolic disorders, or wrinkles that have already penetrated deeply into the skin, various creams and serums will not be able to help.

The biggest advantage of injection facial cosmetology preparations is that they have an almost instant effect, which lasts for quite a long time (depending on the type of procedure).

Injections should not be given in the following cases:

  • serious inflammation of the skin;
  • severe illness;
  • allergy;
  • age up to 18 years.

Most injections are safe and well tolerated.

You will be pleased with your reflection in the photo after injection cosmetology procedures.

Basic injection techniques

1. Botox – intramuscular injection of botulinum toxin helps reduce muscle hypertonicity. This is necessary to interrupt the process of formation of facial wrinkles, creases on the forehead, in the bridge of the nose and corners of the eyes.

2. Biorevitalization – deep injection hydration of the epidermis using hyaluronic acid. For the procedure, hyaluronate of minimal viscosity is used, and injections are given at small (0.5-1 cm) equal intervals. The procedure smoothes wrinkles and stimulates internal metabolism, which triggers the process of natural rejuvenation.

3. Plasmolifting – intradermal injection of the patient’s own blood plasma filtered in a special centrifuge. After the procedure, the skin becomes moisturized, soft, young and well-groomed. The advantage is that there is no risk of an allergic reaction.

4. Mesotherapy - carried out in the same way as biorevitalization, but instead of hyaluronic acid, cocktails are used, which include peptides, vitamins, micro- and macroelements. The procedure helps restore and rejuvenate the skin, and also helps solve specific aesthetic problems - such as pigmentation, dull color, stretch marks.

5.Contour plastic surgery is a quick way to correct your appearance without surgery. Using fillers of different densities, you can enlarge your lips, lift your cheekbones, and make your face shape clearer. More often, hyaluronic acid preparations are used, which behave predictably in soft tissues and slowly dissolve over 6-18 months.

6.Bio-reinforcement - creating an additional frame to maintain youthful skin. The method allows you to tighten soft tissues, get rid of a double chin, and prevent tissue ptosis.


  • oncological diseases;
  • severe damage to the cardiovascular, renal and hepatic systems;
  • acute infectious pathologies;
  • relapse of chronic illnesses;
  • injuries, inflammatory skin lesions in the affected area;
  • severe mental and neurological disorders.

Before prescribing procedures, our specialists conduct a complete examination of each patient, which allows us to minimize risks and reduce the likelihood of unwanted reactions.

Preparations based on botulinum toxin

This group includes Botox, Dysport, Xeomin and a number of other drugs. Their main active ingredient is botulinum toxin type A, which is injected into the facial muscles of the face and temporarily blocks the nerve impulses transmitted to them, thereby smoothing the skin adjacent to these muscles.

Botulinum toxin is effective for treating the forehead and bridge of the nose, as well as for eliminating crow's feet around the eyes. Sometimes it is used to correct the shape of the lips: by relaxing the necessary muscles, you can lift the adhesions, making your facial expression more welcoming. Botulinum toxin is also successfully used to eliminate excessive sweating.

The achieved effect lasts for about six months, after which the procedure will have to be repeated. Long-term inactivity of facial muscles leads to a decrease in the rate of formation of new wrinkles. A Clinic also uses a technique for administering botulinum toxin, such as mesobotox. It combines two procedures at once - the classic injection of Botox (the drug Dysport can also be used) and mesotherapy. As a result, several effects are achieved in one procedure.

The drug is not injected into the muscles, as with classical botulinum therapy, but subcutaneously, and affects only individual muscle fibers adjacent to the skin. As a result, partial muscle work is preserved, and, therefore, the face remains with active facial expressions, but without wrinkles.

Another serious effect of the procedure is internal skin rejuvenation. The result of mesobotox is smoothed, beautiful skin without any signs of fine wrinkles. Special additives help improve its color and general condition, which help to activate blood circulation, which means they improve skin nutrition and increase its elasticity, resulting in a significantly improved complexion.

Mesobotox is recommended for use in areas with orbicularis muscles that need to be worked and to remove a network of fine superficial wrinkles on the skin. In this way, mesobotox is injected under the eyes, into the crow's feet and nasolabial folds, since complete blocking of the muscles in these areas with Botox, Dysport or Xeomin in high concentrations can lead to problems with the expression of emotions. Mesobotox is also used to prevent ptosis (under the lower jaw) and hernias (under the eyes).

Mesobotox is also indicated for people with overly active facial expressions. This technology is also indicated for people suffering from rosacea. Botulinum toxin, getting under the skin, begins to affect the hormone serotonin, as well as ion channels responsible for the appearance of many signs of rosacea (the effect of dilated blood vessels) and its chronic form - rosacea. This allows you to normalize neurovascular disorders and, thereby, reduce the severity of redness and uneven skin texture.


It is recommended to visit the clinic first to undergo an examination and determine what specific procedures are needed. After this, the cosmetologist will give recommendations regarding preparation.

As a rule, you only need to stop taking medications that affect blood clotting, on the eve of beauty injections, do not abuse alcohol or smoke, and also avoid aggressive types of exposure to the skin. More stringent restrictions are provided for those who are planning a plasma lifting course: since in this case the body’s own resources are used, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle for at least a week.

Mesotherapy and biorevitalization

These two methods are somewhat similar to each other. All kinds of serums, cocktails, pure substances and various mixtures are used for mesotherapy. During biorevitalization, only hyaluronic acid is used. When performing mesotherapy, a drug is introduced into the skin or into a specific problem area (for example, into the subcutaneous tissue) to solve a specific problem.

With the help of mesotherapy, you can solve problems such as dry skin, dull complexion, wrinkles, spider veins, age spots, uneven skin texture. For each specific problem, a different drug is selected. For example, vitamin C is used to lighten the skin, and hyaluronic acid is used to moisturize and rejuvenate. Vitamins and amino acids are almost always present in injections. The number of procedures depends on the specific skin problem, so the course is always prescribed by a cosmetologist.

For those who are afraid of needles and injections, there is non-invasive mesotherapy. With the help of a strong jet, a mixture of oxygen and beneficial components penetrates the stratum corneum of the epidermis, and then into the basement membranes (through the intercellular spaces). Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid solves a huge number of problems - from eliminating skin dehydration to restoring clear contours of appearance. Hyaluronic acid, like a sponge, attracts water molecules, moisturizing the skin and eliminating swelling. In addition to all this, hyaluronic acid acts as a conductor - it directs the substances necessary for the cell directly into it, and lets things that should be fenced off from pass by, blocking access. This remedy is also called the “secret of eternal youth.” And not in vain: hyaluronic injections trigger the process of cell regeneration, which directly affects the overall quality of the skin. The more hyaluronic acid, the better the skin!

Possible side effects

We should not forget that any procedure, even the most seemingly safe one, can have side effects. What problems arise after injection cosmetology?

  • Small bruises that disappear quickly. To avoid them, it is better not to take medications a week before the procedure that can slow down the process of blood clotting in the body. Alcohol can also cause hematomas. Therefore, it is better to give up alcoholic beverages 2 days before the procedure and not drink them for another 2 days after it. Cosmetologists also advise refraining for some time from sports activities and visiting baths and saunas.
  • Infections of the skin and subcutaneous tissues. As a rule, they appear exactly in the place where the injection was given. Therefore, listen carefully and follow all the cosmetologist’s recommendations. Immediately after the procedure, do not use creams and decorative cosmetics; try to minimize all contact with the skin at the injection sites. It is not recommended to swim or take a bath immediately after the procedure. It is better to use only a shower for 2-3 days.

Much more serious consequences cannot be excluded, but, as a rule, this happens mainly when conducting sessions in various underground salons or where the necessary conditions of sterility and safety are not observed. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to do such injection cosmetology procedures only in good, trusted clinics.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best dermatologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!


This method of combating skin imperfections was developed by Swiss and Russian scientists. The renewal process occurs due to the introduction of a person’s own plasma into the skin. Plasma is the liquid part of human blood that plays a role in the process of tissue regeneration (repair). The procedure takes place in 2 stages. At the first stage, blood is collected and purified in a special centrifuge separator. The device separates the blood into plasma and red blood cells. During repeated purification, platelets are concentrated in the plasma.

At the second stage, the patient is injected with purified plasma into problem areas to stimulate regenerative function. Thanks to injections of platelet-rich plasma, the body receives a powerful stimulus to launch natural rejuvenating processes. The patient's metabolic processes are normalized and blood circulation improves. New molecules of hyaluronic acid begin to form in the dermis, and a powerful process of producing young collagen and elastin is launched. This helps smooth and reduce wrinkles. In addition, new collagen gives the face a radiant, healthy complexion. RegenACR is a more advanced plasma lifting technology. The principle of operation of this technique is indicated by its name. Regen means regeneration, and ACR means autologous cellular rejuvenation (ACR). Two active substances are obtained from the patient's blood. Autogel fills wrinkles and begins to regenerate tissue from the inside. At the same time, the synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid is activated, and a tightening skin framework is formed. Autoplasma erases all traces of fatigue, saturates it with oxygen, perfectly moisturizes the skin, and gives a healthy pink tint.

As a result, the skin becomes as elastic, dense, toned, and radiant as it was in its youth. Wrinkles, folds, acne marks, age spots and other aesthetic defects disappear.

The best fillers for volume modeling and tissue lifting


This is a dermal filler based on calcium hydroxyapatite, which has a unique triple mechanism of action, including non-surgical face lifting, long-term correction of wrinkles and improvement of skin quality. It works as a filler and stimulates the process of producing your own collagen. Radiesse is one of the most studied and safest fillers. And one of the most popular on the planet. Cosmetologists love to work with him, patients all over the world trust him with their faces!

Radiesse gives an instant lifting effect, removing moderate to deep wrinkles and improving skin quality. Immediately after the injection, the volumes characteristic of a young face are restored. Nasolabial folds are instantly smoothed out, the oval of the face becomes even clearer and more expressive than it was 20 years ago. The increased effectiveness of the drug is explained by its unique formula, which powerfully stimulates the skin’s own regeneration processes. The drug contains calcium hydroxyapatite microspheres and gel, which completely biodegrade over time, that is, they are completely eliminated from the body. Microspheres do not attract moisture, so the filler is ideal for complex patients: those prone to swelling, those with loose skin, and male patients. Men have thicker, heavier skin, and they often experience a noticeable loss of volume in the cheeks, nose, and chin folds. These changes can be eliminated by targeted and deep injection of a gel based on calcium hydroxylapatite.

A filler based on calcium hydroxylapatite allows you to perform a vector face lift (in this it successfully competes with a thread lift), working on the temporal region and eliminating deep nasolabial folds. Suitable for non-surgical correction of the shape of the nose (smoothing the hump, modeling the tip). Used to harmonize the chin. Effective for radical rejuvenation of the dorsum of the hands. Used to rejuvenate the earlobes.

Radiesse does not cause an inflammatory reaction in tissues and does not migrate. In addition to the immediate lifting effect, calcium hydroxyapatite in the composition of the drug stimulates the synthesis of its own type 1 collagen, which creates the effect of velvety skin and restores the firmness and elasticity characteristic of youth. The correction is simple, does not take much time, and does not cause discomfort. The rejuvenation effect lasts up to 2 years.


The American innovative drug Sculptra has already been dubbed injection plastic surgery by cosmetologists. This is a biostimulator based on polylactic acid, which, entering the deep layers of the skin, starts the process of producing collagen types 1 and 3. It is also called “young collagen”. Tests of the drug Sculptra show that three months after its introduction into the skin, the amount of collagen in it increases by 66.5 percent. The skin is noticeably tightened, deep folds and wrinkles disappear, and lost volume is restored. With the help of Sculptra, facial asymmetry is also ideally corrected. Sculptra is also ideal for tightening the neck, décolleté, inner surfaces of the arms and legs, abdomen, buttocks - the main areas of the body where sagging skin structures are most pronounced.

The gradual restoration of volume can be an advantage for many patients who want to maintain individuality during the process of external transformation. Over time, polylactic acid completely disintegrates and is eliminated from the body naturally. The effect after injections lasts for 2 or more years. From time to time, the patient may need to administer 1-2 additional bottles to look perfect. The interval between repeated injections varies widely from several months to several years.

Estefil (AestheFill)

Estefil is a South Korean drug that perfectly compensates for the loss of its own structural proteins. Once in the target area, the drug particles begin an immediate process of tissue renewal and collagen formation, due to which the volume is completely replenished and even deep wrinkles are smoothed out. This happens precisely because of the special properties of Estefil molecules, which, due to their porous structure, provide the most effective collagenogenesis. In addition, polylactic acid, which is part of the drug, actively stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid by mature skin cells. The uniqueness of the filler is that after the disintegration and complete removal of its main active substance from the body (on average, this process takes 3–4 months), what remains at the location of the gel is not a void, but new collagen and elastin.


Ellanse, produced in the Netherlands, is today still the only filler in the world that can regulate the duration of the cosmetic result. It can maintain the result of rejuvenation for a year, two years, or more than 4 years! The main component of Ellansa is polycaprolactone, a fully biodigestible soft medical suture material that is used in medical practice. Ellans is a biodegradable filler. A high-quality gel carrier eliminates implant migration and guarantees complete predictability and durability of the result. Ellans is such a powerful drug that with its help various parts of the body can be successfully corrected - the stomach, arms, inner thighs, and knee areas are tightened.


This is a Swiss filler based on pure hyaluronic acid, obtained through a bacterial fermentation process and belonging to the “highest quality” class. The drug is based on hyaluronic acid with low and high molecular weight in equal proportions. This is a special hybrid technology. Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid moisturizes the skin and gives a reinforcing effect. High molecular weight improves local blood circulation, stimulates the production of your own collagen, and provides tissue lifting. This is achieved due to the accumulation of water molecules around the high molecular weight acid. This formula is called Hydrolift.

Profhilo activates the vital activity of not only fibroblasts and keratinocytes, but also adipocytes (fat cells), supports their viability, which leads to the restoration of its own subcutaneous fat, the deficiency of which is determined with age.

High fluidity allows the components of the drug to freely pass through the subcutaneous tissue and dermis, which is not possible with traditional fillers with hyaluronic acid. Profhilo is ideal for introduction into anatomically complex areas - forehead, neck, submandibular areas.

Profhilo smoothes out skin defects well, for example, post-acne scars or after chickenpox. The drug has excellent potential for combined use with traditional fillers containing stabilized hyaluronic acid for more precise and skillful volume correction. The basic course is limited to only two procedures with an interval of one month. Additional correction (if necessary) is possible after 2-3 months. The first results can be seen approximately on the second day after the procedure, and the skin will reach full bloom in about three months. The effect lasts for 8–10 months.

Neauvia Organic

The contouring preparation, created by a group of Italian and Swiss scientists Neauvia Organic, is obtained from 100% pure hyaluronic acid. Thanks to such a pure composition, the drug is suitable for everyone! But the effect of contouring also depends on how strong and elastic the hyaluronic acid molecules are “shielded” among themselves. Traditionally, the cross-linking agents BDDE (butanediol diglycidyl ether) or DVS (divinyl sulfone) are used for this purpose. They cannot be used in large quantities. And a low cross-linking agent content reduces the duration and effectiveness of hyaluronic acid in tissues. The scientists who developed the Newvia Organic line of organic fillers decided to use a new cross-linking agent - PEG (polyethylene glycol) polymer. It is widely known and has long been used in the pharmaceutical and medical markets, is non-toxic, and completely decomposes in tissues. PEG helps the filler stay in the skin for a long time. Does not cause adverse reactions. It is PEG that makes the Newvia Organic line the most biocompatible fillers with the human body. Their tissue rejection is reduced to almost zero. PEG reduces inflammation and granuloma formation. At certain temperatures that can be reached during procedures in aesthetic hardware cosmetology, such as exposure to laser, ultrasound, and others, traditional hyaluronic acid filler begins to break down. And PEG in the Nuvia line of drugs makes the acid much more resistant to heat, without limiting the range of aesthetic procedures.

Newvia fillers also have amazing elasticity and plasticity. That is, the ability to change shape and size under the influence of external loads and maintain them or return to their original position. Therefore, each filler in the line adapts to the existing anatomical structures and at the same time maintains the required shape for long-term aesthetic correction. Nuvia fillers are able to create the desired volume without causing compression of surrounding tissue, thus always providing natural-looking results.

In addition, there is almost no migration of filler in tissues. In addition to hyaluronic acid, Newvia Organic contains calcium hydroxyapatite (it is also a component of Radiesse fillers). This naturally occurring mineral triggers the formation of new collagen in the skin. As a result, the density, firmness and elasticity of the skin improves, acquiring the ideal double effect of volume and hydration.

Nyuvia preparations are administered not only to the face area, but are also used to rejuvenate the skin of the hands, feet, other parts of the body, and intimate areas. The result lasts from 15 months to 2 years.


German dermal filler consists of hyaluronic acid molecules stitched together into a mesh polymer, which increases its ability to retain more moisture and launch skin renewal processes many times faster. The drug is suitable for everyone, including patients with very sensitive skin. A unique feature of Belotero is that, due to its dense structure, it is able to model the contours of the face and neck, removing gravitational ptosis, that is, drooping of facial tissues, and smoothing out neck wrinkles.

Fillers from the Belotero line, in particular, perfectly correct the areas of the cheeks, chin, area around the eyes or forehead, ideal for increasing volume or changing the shape of the lips.

Thanks to good cleaning of the drug, granulomas (nodules resulting from inflammatory reactions) do not appear on the skin. Fillers can be used even in cases of increased sensitivity of the skin. Belotero is a biodegradable drug, that is, it is eliminated from the skin naturally; the risk of complications is practically reduced to zero. They remain in the skin for 12 months or more.


Today there are dozens of preparations for volumetric facial plastic surgery on the market. The attending physician must explain which one a particular patient needs. The patient cannot independently choose a drug without knowing the current condition of the skin and the forecast for the development of aging processes in it.


Injection cosmetology involves violating the integrity of the skin, therefore, there is a risk of infection and inflammation. For this reason, such techniques should not be used at home or in a regular salon - only in a specialized clinic with high hygienic standards.

Injections should be trusted only to a certified cosmetologist.

His qualifications determine the success of the procedure. The doctor must be well versed in the variety of drugs that are used for intradermal administration and be able to choose the most appropriate option in each specific case.

Three important documents confirming that this is a cosmetologist and not an unqualified specialist:

  1. Doctor's diploma;
  2. Certificate of dermatovenerologist;
  3. Cosmetologist certificate.

Certificates are confirmed every 5 years.

Commercial diplomas are not proof that you are a qualified doctor.

It is important to calculate the dosage correctly. Too little of the drug will not have the desired effect, and too much can even disfigure the appearance (for example, if we are talking about Botox or contouring).

It is necessary to carefully select injection sites, as well as perform injections correctly, injecting drugs to the desired depth. This requires not only experience and skill, but also a thorough knowledge of anatomy and physiology.

All injection procedures are characterized by a prolonged effect that increases over time. On average, the result after a procedure or course lasts for a period of four months to two years. You can repeat the procedures in the future.

Some injections are designed to solve specific problems, others have a complex effect, improving the condition of the skin and stimulating natural renewal processes. This is an ideal choice when obvious defects are not noticeable, but the face looks tired, stale, and middle-aged.

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