Consultation Services Doctors Results Reviews

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Avdeyuk Elena Vladimirovna Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Publication date: May 14, 2022

Review date: November 19, 2022

After 50 years, age-related skin changes accelerate. This requires radical methods to slow down the aging process and correct its signs. With the help of A Clinic technologies, you can do this without plastic surgery.

The key to maximum rejuvenation is a comprehensive approach. None of the procedures alone will give lasting, pronounced results. But their optimal combination guarantees the effect!

This requires a specialist diagnosis. After this, we will create an individual program for you. In it we use the achievements of modern cosmetology that will provide the best results in rejuvenating the face and body.

Sharubina Karina Petrovna

Trichologist, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Age-related skin changes after 50–55

Rejuvenating facial skin after 50–60 years is an important process that allows you to cheat time and slow down aging. Women at every age want to look young and attractive. After all, modern ladies even after 50 years lead a busy, active lifestyle. Cosmetic procedures along with plastic surgery will help them maintain youthful skin.

Menopause provokes hormonal changes in the female body. As a result, the skin is practically not saturated with collagen, elastin, and loses freshness and elasticity. In addition to wrinkles, deep folds appear in the area of ​​the forehead, cheeks, mouth, the oval of the face floats, and the clarity of its contour disappears. A decrease in estrogen leads to dull, dry skin.

Time takes its toll, irreversibly changing the entire body. But this is no reason to despair! Innovative techniques make it possible to slow down natural processes, prolonging youth.

Facial procedures


While there are many other methods aside, the classic option has been and remains rhytidectomy - a facelift. This procedure copes well with sagging and wrinkles, has a minimum of complications and guarantees a long-term (up to fifteen years) effect.

And those who don’t like the prospect of going under the knife can try lifting massage - a set of simple exercises that tones the facial muscles in a natural way. This gymnastics can be easily done at home, allowing you to smooth out wrinkles without the involvement of doctors.

However, of course, you should not hope for a panacea - even with daily procedures, decisive changes will have to wait from a year.

Dermal filler (filler)

If a facelift still seems too harsh to you, dermal fillers can come to the rescue. This product will smooth out folds, soften wrinkles and fill in the resulting “hollows”, but will do little to help sagging skin. To achieve maximum effect, fillers are used in combination with other procedures.


A change in skin tone from light to parchment yellow or brown is the clearest sign of aging. To disguise its traces, you can use dermabrasion, a short procedure that evens out and brightens skin tone.

The main disadvantage of dermabrasion is post-operative recovery - after it you should avoid the sun for about six months.

For those who are interested in a quick result with a minimum of consequences, it is recommended to choose microdermabrasion, a more superficial, but no less effective operation. It will do a great job with wrinkles and age pigment, and the sun will not be a hindrance for you.

Non-surgical methods of rejuvenation

Mature skin requires constant care. Eliminating wrinkles after 40 is one thing, but the period after 50 is really difficult for women. Signs of aging manifest themselves in different ways and each of them has its own means of combating it.

Non-radical methods of rejuvenation include:

  • ethnoscience;
  • cosmetical tools;
  • cosmetology.

Traditional medicine is simple and accessible. For example, it is useful to wash your face with cold water every day. This procedure strengthens the muscles and helps keep the skin toned. You can also wipe your face with pieces of ice. Pamper yourself with fruit masks more often, they will make your facial skin more elastic.

The range of cosmetics is wide and varied. Check the composition of the product, it should contain vitamins and minerals, glycolic acid, retinol, etc. The basis of cosmetic care is toning. To avoid injury or dry out your skin, use an alcohol-free toner. Also massage your face regularly.

Wanting to preserve their youth, women turn to cosmetology services. In beauty salons and clinics you will find many different anti-aging procedures. Most popular:

  1. injections, with the help of which special preparations based on hyaluronic acid are introduced into problem areas, as well as dysport and xeominchemical peeling, which accelerates the process of cell renewal, evens out skin texture, and stimulates blood circulation;
  2. biorevitalization;
  3. rejuvenation with stem cells and fibroblasts;
  4. RF lifting;
  5. laser resurfacing, which eliminates pigmentation and smoothes the skin;
  6. Altera is an ultrasonic lift that is performed using the American Altera device.

How to fix problems?

Starting from 45-50 years old, the main problem becomes sagging skin and the formation of deep skin folds. The main reason for this process is loss of elasticity, thinning of collagen fibers that support the skin and ensure its turgor.

The optimal solution to the problem is exposure to fractional laser and radio frequency radiation. Laser radiation penetrates the skin and evaporates areas of dead cells. Radiofrequency radiation is absorbed by protein fibers and causes them to instantly heat up. Thanks to this, they contract and become denser.

An ideal complement to hardware techniques is thread lifting. With its help, you can create a stable, durable frame that will hold the skin for many months and years.

Dry skin is another factor in aging. It is associated with a lack of hyaluronic acid, a natural means of retaining moisture. To solve this problem, you need to saturate the skin with hyaluronic acid and activate its synthesis.

The activation of metabolic processes is of particular importance. Skin renewal at the cellular level depends on them. A slowdown in recovery processes leads to progressive sagging, sagging skin, the appearance and deepening of wrinkles and folds. This can be prevented with the help of injection technologies that transfer metabolic processes to “youth mode”.

Face lift exercises

  1. Open your mouth slightly (you don’t need to make any movements with your tongue). Move your chin back and forth several times (moderately quickly).
  2. Turn your head to the left and lift it slightly. Open your mouth, and so that the muscles of the neck and chin tense. Hold in this state for 5 seconds, after which turn your head to the right. Perform the movements several times.
  3. Grit your teeth and smile, pressing your tongue on the roof of your mouth and feeling the muscles of your chin tense. You need to remain in this position for 5 seconds, after which you need to relax.



Swelling, drooping corners of the eyes and eyelids, wrinkles are the most popular problem among people over fifty years of age.

Surveys of American cosmetology clinics conducted in 2018 showed that eyelid manipulation was more in demand than classic lifting. What can this tell us?

Taking care of the skin of the eyelids is necessary from the first wrinkles: caring masks, creams or massages will help avoid a disappointing appearance in the future. If you are already noticing the “symptoms” of age, intervene immediately.

Blepharoplasty can remove wrinkles and cleverly restore a fresh look to your eyelids. The operation is easy to carry out even under local anesthesia; it leaves no traces and requires little recovery time. The result will last a long time (5-7 years for the upper eyelids and almost indefinitely for the lower eyelids, which age more slowly), and the removal of excess fat and skin in the process will prevent other problems from developing.


As a rule, age-related changes affect the entire face as a whole, including the neck and subchin area. If the changes are already pronounced, then a full face and neck lift (facelift) will really help.

You may need a combination of SMAS lifts with other face lifts:

  1. combining a facelift with an eyelid lift. The operation takes 3.5 hours.
  2. combination of SMAS lift with frontotemporal lift. The operation takes 4.5 hours.


In experienced hands, operations go smoothly. We must remember that there will be a recovery period. Feels like you've had the flu. After an endoscopic lift, bruises are visible only in the eyelid area; active swelling lasts for several days. The recovery period depends on the general condition of the body, your bad habits, etc. Smoking is not a contraindication for a facelift, but can affect the duration of the recovery period. Typically, after a facelift, 3 dressings are performed over 10-14 days. With eyelid surgery, the sutures are removed earlier - on the 4-5th day. After the sutures are removed, 2 weeks later, during an examination by a plastic surgeon, recommendations are given for the further postoperative period. In case of departure, you can get advice by phone or Internet.

After lifting with incisions, the bruises disappear after 2-3 weeks, swelling after 3-4 days. You will forget about the operation in 1.5-2 months

A facelift is not a painful procedure. Mostly, patients complain of some tightness and stiffness for 2 weeks. Painkillers after a facelift are taken for 1-2 days

How does hardware rejuvenation work?

Not as difficult as you might think! When the device operates, radiofrequency energy is used, and at the same time the heating temperature of the skin is controlled. The effect of thermolifting appears instantly!

Thanks to its high safety and effectiveness, the Fractora Firm applicator allows you to solve a wide range of aesthetic problems :

• lifting, correction of facial contours, elimination of the “double chin” • skin tightening, elimination of sagging; • rejuvenation - reduction of pores, reduction of wrinkles, • express rejuvenation, instant lifting effect; • eliminating puffiness around the eyes and dark circles.

What to consider when choosing a facial contour restoration technique?

In a good way, it is necessary to restore the oval of the face in a comprehensive manner - using all the achievements of modern cosmetology. But this doesn't always work out.

Therefore, it is worth understanding what you need to pay attention to when choosing a method.

According to the type of aging.

In cosmetology, there are four types of facial aging - finely wrinkled, muscular, tired and deformed. If the finely wrinkled type of aging is characteristic of slender European women, and the muscular type is characteristic of Asian women, then the tired and deformed type is characteristic of Russian women. With these types of aging, there is excess skin and subcutaneous fat. Serious procedures that penetrate deep under the skin will help with these types of aging.

For age.

The launch of skin regeneration mechanisms, including the production of collagen and elastin, largely depends on the amount of female sex hormones estrogen. With age, their production decreases, and with menopause it stops completely. As a result, many cosmetological and hardware techniques based on the regeneration effect work worse.

To the problem.

Even with the same type of aging, the manifestations of gravitational ptosis occur very individually. Some people have bags under their eyes, others have a double chin. You need to understand what problem worries you the most and start with it. Or work with the face comprehensively.

Lifting massage: technique

  1. Preparation. Clean your skin of decorative cosmetics and apply moisturizer to your hands. Choose a comfortable body position and relax.
  2. Light stroking along the massage lines to slightly warm up the skin.
  3. Tingling. No excessive effort is required.
  4. Smoothing. The essence is to perform smoothing movements with the back of the hand, which are called simply and clearly - friction.
  5. Patting along the contour of the face. Particular attention is paid to the cheeks and chin.
  6. Stroking to soothe the skin.
  7. The final stage is washing and applying a cream with a lifting effect.
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