Irina Dubtsova’s neat plastic surgery: what did the singer decide to do?

For many years now, singer Irina Dubtsova is still young and pretty. And on Instagram, the star periodically posts photos without makeup, where you can celebrate her fresh look. The singer's age is approaching her fourth decade, and she looks at most 25 years old. What is her secret and whether the artist resorted to plastic surgery - this question is of great interest to fans of the star. Let's try to lift the curtain a little on the secret of Irina Dubtsova's youth.

A little biography

Irina Dubtsova was born in Volgograd in 1982. She wanted to become a singer

destined by fate, because her father is a famous jazz performer in her hometown and founder of the Dubcoff Band.

Already in early childhood, the girl liked to play music; she herself wrote poems and romances, which she later performed. She also showed an ability to draw, but preferred singing.

Already at the age of 11, Irina became a soloist in a girls’ music group, which was very popular in Volgograd. The team existed for a couple of years, and then the participants moved on to their own careers. In 2001, Dubtsova graduated from the P. A. Serebryakov College of Arts. From the age of 15, Irina performed at a local restaurant, where, thanks to her talent, she became a star.

Before becoming a famous singer and socialite, the girl took part in various groups and television projects, such as “Girls”, “Just the same”, “Star Factory” . Moreover, in the latter she became the winner of the fourth season.

By the way, on the project Irina married the lead singer of the Plazma group Roman Chernitsyn. But their marriage did not last long, despite the birth of their son Artem. Although neither before nor after marriage she experienced a lack of admirers. After all, she has a special charm.

Irina Dubtsova with her ex-husband Roman Chernitsyn and son Artem

Irina Dubtsova has always had an outstanding and striking appearance, although she was never slender. Nevertheless, journalists always did not miss the opportunity to ask questions about her figure. The girl always explained that her weight does not go away due to hormonal medications for allergies, but as soon as the peak season passes, a few extra kilos disappear on their own.

But recently, Irina Dubtsova began to pay special attention to her appearance, and she managed to achieve excellent results. Of course, she did not gain model slimness, but she took control of her body. Now she looks sophisticated and elegant.

We recommend reading about Lolita's plastic surgery. You will learn about the reasons why Milyavskaya turned to plastic surgeons, Lolita’s operations on the face and body, and injection methods for rejuvenating the star. And here is more information about Ekaterina Gordon’s plastic surgery.

Jared Leto

The famous American singer and actor is a true fan of his craft. For the role of John Lennon's killer in the film, he gained 30 kg. He had to gain weight very quickly, so Jared began to have health problems.

Jared Leto before and after weight loss

To get back into shape, the star needed a whole year of proper nutrition and grueling workouts 6 times a week with a personal trainer.

After such hard work on himself, Jared Leto lost weight and promised never to gain excess weight again, even if he was offered a new role in the film.

Reasons for liposuction by Irina Dubtsova

Ever since the days of “Star Factory,” Irina has been on various diets and actively played sports. But the result could not be achieved due to antihistamines.

The girl began to develop complexes, but the situation worsened greatly after the birth of her son. The singer could no longer cope with her excess weight on her own. Many believe that this was the reason for the breakup with their spouse. But, one way or another, Irina Dubtsova decided on liposuction. She adjusted her curves.

However, in order for the effect of the procedure to be preserved, the girl eats properly. She does not mix proteins with carbohydrates. In addition, each serving of food should be no more than a handful. Dubtsova argues that it is important to eat a little, but often, so that the feeling of hunger does not appear and the body does not begin to put aside “reserves.” To maintain a figure in excellent condition, it is very important to exercise.

Dubtsova gives preference to boxing, because it not only helps to burn extra calories and make muscles elastic, but also to better control your body.

Nutritionist opinion

Nutritionists analyze the diet and nutritional pattern. The chosen method of losing weight is safe for health. The benefits are assumed to be due to natural products, the absence of carcinogens, and fast carbohydrates.

Dubtsova’s current height and weight parameters: 172 cm, 75 kg. The ratio is not ideal, but it emphasizes the beauty of appearance and the elegance of female forms.

After pregnancy, when Irina Dubtsova gained a lot of extra pounds, the artist took charge of herself. The results are successful despite the lack of an ideal relationship between height and weight. When Irina Dubtsova recovered greatly and the reasons why this situation arose became clear, the artist found a suitable and useful way. Losing 15 kilograms of weight is worthy confirmation. New photos and video footage confirm the results achieved.

Have you had breast surgery?

Nature did not reward the artist with a magnificent bust, despite her far from slender physique. The girl dreamed of large and beautiful breasts since she was 16 years old. Before pregnancy, she hoped that it would increase over time or after lactation.

But this did not happen, and, what is much worse, she completely lost her shape. Irina did not come to terms with this fact. After all, a woman should be beautiful regardless of the circumstances in her life. So Dubtsova once again trusted plastic surgeons.

As the singer herself stated, she had the operation out of forced circumstances, and not because it was fashionable or everyone did it. Many of her friends resorted to plastic surgery, which they later regretted. For the singer, this was a conscious and long-awaited step, so she was not afraid of the operation.

Moreover, she is also not afraid to talk about mammoplasty and does not consider it shameful. In any case, according to Dubtsova, this is better than coming up with clumsy explanations for how the first breast size turned into the third.

The artist believes that the main thing is not to “get addicted” to plastic surgery and know when to stop. It can be a good help in solving some aesthetic problems. A woman should not put up with her imperfections, but we should not forget about the limits of what is reasonable. And, even more so, you should not undergo plastic surgery if someone else wants it, for example, a husband, friend or admirer. The girl herself must realize that this is necessary and important for her.


Dubtsova Irina Viktorovna was born on February 14, 1982 in Volgograd. Mom worked as an architect, and Irina’s father was a famous musician in the city.

The girl showed interest in music from childhood; according to the singer, in the maternity hospital, when she was little, the nurses nicknamed her a singer. The newborn screamed differently than other children did. Her cry was similar to a drawn-out “la”.

She was sent to music school at the age of seven. While studying in the third grade, the future star told her parents that she no longer wanted to attend music school. They did not contradict the child, but expressed their opinion on this matter to her. In the future, Irina Dubtsova will still graduate from music school.

Irina Dubtsova as a child with her father Viktor Viktorovich. Instagram @dubtsova_official

According to the star, she was a sociable child. When she gains fame, her stage colleagues lovingly call the girl a “shark” and a woman with a masculine character. Like, she only seems like an innocent lamb, when in fact she hides a real leader, accustomed to leading others. Nevertheless, Irina Dubtsova’s first steps on stage took place as part of musical groups.

What did you do with your face?

Also, Irina Dubtsova has repeatedly said that she is not against hardware, anti-aging procedures. After all, if there are modern technologies that help a woman maintain her beauty, then why not use them. The singer has already tried almost all salon services on herself. According to experts, the artist performed the following procedures on her face:

  • Beauty injections . Although she has repeatedly stated that she is against Botox. However, experts note that she injected the toxin into the forehead, bridge of the nose and under the eyes. Thanks to Botox injections, she has no wrinkles in these areas.
  • 3D modeling . She performed this manipulation on the middle part of the face, namely in the area of ​​the cheekbones and tear trough. This is how the oval acquired a sculptural appearance and clear contours.

Irina Dubtsova looks flawless without makeup and with makeup

  • Lip shape correction . If you closely compare photographs of early years and modern ones, you will notice a slight difference in the contour of the mouth. Dubtsova probably resorted to lip surgery. But the work was done very delicately and almost unnoticeably. Only a specialist can determine the fact of its implementation.

It’s quite difficult to tell what other invasive procedures the star does based solely on photographs. But if you believe the singer herself, she is a frequent visitor to beauty salons.

We recommend reading about Irina Agibalova before plastic surgery. You will learn about how Agibalova became famous, the reasons for turning to plastic surgeons, the negative and positive results of plastic surgery. And here is more about Valeria Lukyanova before plastic surgery.

When deciding on plastic surgery, you should always remember that the result can be unpredictable and “non-refundable.” Irina Dubtsova herself warns the girls that going under the surgeon’s knife should be a last resort and only based on their own awareness of the need for the operation. The decision should be thoughtful and balanced, and not because of fashion or other people's opinions.


  • 2006 2014
    Photo: social networks, Starface

Irina has admitted more than once in her interviews that she loves cosmetic procedures and has tried almost all of them.

But the singer claims that even though she had liposuction and breast augmentation, she has a categorically bad attitude towards anti-aging Botox injections.

Useful video

Watch Irina Dubtsova's breast augmentation in this video:

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PEOPLETALK exclusive: Irina Dubtsova about plastic surgery, beauty “injections” and favorite procedures

“Under almost every selfie on Instagram I get comments like: “Everything has been remade and chopped up, there’s nothing natural left at all,” says Irina Dubtsova (37) with a smile. Indeed, in the photo (as in life) the singer looks no older than 30 - smooth, healthy skin, minimal makeup and no wrinkles. And all this is the result of regular and properly selected care. Irina spoke exclusively to PEOPLETALK about cosmetology experiments, beauty life hacks and her favorite cosmetics.





I don't go to a cosmetologist regularly. I am also very skeptical about injections. I once tried Botox, but the result was far from what I expected. I have very active facial expressions. Since the age of 12, horizontal wrinkles have appeared on my forehead, and I decided to remove them with Botox injections. But after the procedure, the eyebrows sank, it looked very strange. That's why I don't have any fillers or Botox right now.

Care procedures




I really love manual facial massage (from 2800 RUR). This is a great way to get rid of swelling. Of the hardware procedures, I prefer peelings (but I do them very rarely), the Fotona laser (perfectly evens out skin tone) (from 6,500 rubles), Biogenie microcurrents (it deals with post-acne marks) (from 2,500 rubles) and the HydraFacial procedure (from 4,500 rubles). ) - very cool. For artists, this is the best way to get their skin in order. The result is “here and now”, and no redness. All procedures are done at the Aldo Coppola salon.

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Publication from Irina Dubtsova (@dubtsova_official) June 13, 2022 at 8:58 PDT

I also really love the “Slim Face” procedure (methodology of cosmetologist Olga Moroz, cost from 7,500 rubles). It works like this: they prepare a special cocktail for you, which is injected into the fat layer, and after the procedure you look like you were stung by bees. But after four hours everything resolves. The fact is that the cocktail drives water out of the tissues. As a result, the result is already after the first procedure - the face is tightened, the skin is smooth and toned.





I don't mind. On the contrary, I think that at a certain age it is even necessary. Moreover, nowadays it is safe and looks natural. But I don't have it yet.

Favorite cosmetics

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Publication from Irina Dubtsova (@dubtsova_official) June 20, 2022 at 11:29 PDT

In everyday life I don't use makeup at all. But I have a very strict care regimen. No matter how tired I am, where I am or how I feel, I always cleanse my face. The morning begins with a cleanser (sometimes I use products with granules for exfoliation) and a toner to restore skin balance. I'm a fan of Obagi (the average price for cosmetics is from 2500 rubles)!

I tried it once, and now I only have their cosmetics on my shelves. As an additional care, I like Arcaya ampoules (from 2600 rubles), they work great - there are several lines in the range, I choose according to need.

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Posted by #arcayainrussia (@arcaya_russia) Apr 6, 2022 at 6:09 PDT

In the evening, my ritual: makeup remover foam, peeling (not every day, but as needed) and restorative tonic.

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