Singer LP (Laura Pergolizzi) - biography, personal life, why she looks like a guy, height and weight, photo

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Who is the LP really - a man or a woman?
This is the question asked by everyone who sees a star for the first time in person or in a photo. A riot of black curls almost covering his face, a thin figure without curves, narrow shoulders and equally narrow hips, the absence of even a hint of “form” - LP has no breasts, no buttocks, no hips. Only the name Laura indicates that she is female, but the singer prefers to be called as androgynous as she looks - LP. Reference. Androgynes are people with equally developed male and female characteristics and qualities, or deprived of sexual characteristics and qualities.


To begin with, it is worth noting that the pseudonym LP stands for Laura Pergolizzi (Laura Pergolizzi). Perhaps this fact should definitely answer the question of whether the lead singer of the LP group is a man or a woman. But not everything is so simple, because society is accustomed to focusing on external data, and sometimes it is so easy to make a mistake about the gender of someone, especially celebrities.

Creative path

The future star began her creative journey after graduating from high school. Walter Whitman in 1996. The girl makes her own choice of life path. During that difficult time for the singer, her father actively supported her. After all, it was not easy for her to come to terms with the early death of her mother. It was then that Laura Pergolizzi's biography changed forever: she chose a musical career. The girl began to use the pseudonym LP, making it up from the initial letters of her first and last name. The history of the singer's pseudonym goes back to the days when she worked as a waitress in New York. In one of the interviews, Laura said that a girl worked in that restaurant, whose name was also Laura. They were constantly confused. And it should be noted, from the words of the singer herself, that she did not like the name Laura, it was then that the idea of ​​calling herself LP arose. “Laura is a gentle, romantic name, it doesn’t fit with my image at all,” says the singer.

At that time, she sang in a duet with her friend Alicia, the duet was called Lionfish. The girls came up with such an original name for their group by combining their own zodiac signs - Leo and Pisces. There was no particular musical direction; both melodic ballads and avant-garde were performed. The singer collaborated with the musical group The Plan. And the first 11 musical compositions of the duo were recorded at David Lauren's studio.

The beginning of the LP journey

Laura Pergolizzi, or rather her extraordinary appearance, often confuses at first glance - it is not always clear whether the person in front of your eyes is a man or a woman. LP owes such a bright appearance to her parents: her Neapolitan mother and half-Sicilian, half-Irish father.

But once you hear her powerful, deep songs, it immediately becomes clear: Laura Pergolizzi is a woman from cropped boyfriend jeans to the last curl (we’ll talk about orientation separately), albeit with a fair amount of tomboyishness.

Laura Pergolizzi's biography begins in Huntington, New York, where she was born in the spring of 1981.

The next 15 years of her life are rather poorly covered in the media - LP practically does not talk about this period in numerous interviews. Except that she once mentioned that as a child she was terribly embarrassed about her voice and preferred to sing with the lawnmower or vacuum cleaner on so that no one could hear her.

And only in 1996 events began to occur that radically changed the life of the future singer.

After graduating from high school, Laura Pergolizzi moved to the capital of her home state. This is where LP’s biography begins as a singer-songwriter: she assembles her own group called Lionfish, with which she begins to give concerts, performing her own repertoire.

At the same time, Laura Pergolizzi first began to use her creative pseudonym - LP, although this nickname was assigned to her back in school summer camp.

In 1998, she was noticed by David Lowery from the group Cracker. He was so shocked by Laura’s voice that he invited her to participate in the recording of the album of his musical group. Subsequently, he also became the producer of the debut LP album “Heart-Shaped Scar” (2001).

The further biography of Laura Pergolizzi was marked by the release of another album - in 2004, “Suburban Sprawl & Alcogol” was released (I recommend listening to supporters of the opinion that the LP is pop), which was the result of a collaboration with Linda Perry from the group 4 Non Blondes.

Around the same time, Laura Pergolizzi received a cross earring as a gift from a friend, which he got from Madonna during the filming of one of her videos. Since then, Laura Pergolizzi has not left her side even for a day. At the same time, she claims that this cross does not have any religious significance - it is just a favorite earring.

Laura Pergolizzi's first albums did not bring her fame, despite a fairly warm reception from music critics and a major tour in support of Suburban Sprawl & Alcogol. There was still a long way ahead.

2010 marked the beginning of a new era in LP’s biography - she moved to Los Angeles. It is in this city that Laura Pergolizzi's active musical activity begins.

In November, she collaborated with Rihanna on the song “Cheers (Drink to That).” Later he collaborates with Christina Aguilera, Backstreet Boys, The Veronicas and Cher.

But LP has always perceived collaboration with pop music stars as an additional option to its creativity. She always reserved the best songs, with deep personal overtones, for herself.

In 2012, the creative biography of the LP was marked by a breakthrough: music lovers finally appreciated the track “Into the Wild” released as a single, which would later be included in her 3rd album.

Laura Pergolizzi began to use artistic whistling in songs precisely after this song. In the studio, preparing to perform “Into the Wild,” LP, out of habit, whistled the melody. The producer and director liked the sound so much that they decided to record it. Since then, almost no Laura Pergolizzi performance has been complete without whistling.

In 2014, the full-length LP “Forever for Now” was released. Its release was preceded by two singles - “Night Like This” (March 2014) and “Someday” (June 2014).

The album “Forever for Now” was highly praised by music critics. Thus, on the official LP page on Wikipedia it is said that Stephen Thomas Irlewine in his review awarded the disc 5 stars. And the American magazine "American Songwriter's" noted that LP songs can take a leading place in the prime time of any radio station.

Finally deserved fame around the world

This period in the LP’s biography began with the release of the fourth album “Lost On You” in 2016.

The first single, “Muddy Waters,” from the then-unrecorded LP “Lost On You,” was released in September 2015, and the following summer it was featured in the finale of an episode of the popular TV series “Orange Is the New Black.” - in original) .

But the key track of the album was the song “Lost On You” by Laura Pergolizzi that gave it its name. She first performed it at the Coca Cola Summer Festival 2016 in Rome. As a result, this composition reached the top of the charts on most European radio stations in record time.

And it’s not surprising, because “Lost On You” is a deeply frank track and talks about the personal life of Laura Pergolizzi. In it, she literally depicted her own love tragedy.

Laura Pergolizzi's song "Lost On You" is dedicated to the performer's close friend Tamzin Brown, whose relationship ended in failure. This fact takes on special meaning when you find out that Laura Pergolizzi is a lesbian. However, LP does not hide this fact.

She claims that her parents were always loyal to any “eccentricities” of their daughter. True, Laura fully realized her sexual orientation and told everyone about it only after the death of her mother. The father only recently took this seriously, since he always preferred to consider this recognition of his daughter just a teenage hobby.

The literal translation of “Lost On You” sounds something like “Spent on you” or “Lost in you.” True, in this form, this phrase taken out of context does not carry the semantic load that is inherent in it.

But if you look at the lyrics of the song, it becomes clearer what meaning Laura Pergolizzi put into this phrase. The key vector of the song is the question addressed to Laura's ex-friend (played in the video by model Laura Hanson Sims): “...all these things that I wasted [time] on you? nerves? feelings?], tell me - was it all in vain?

It turns out that the meaning of “Lost On You” is not in banal feelings about lost love, but in an attempt to understand whether this relationship left at least some trace in the soul of LP’s former passion. In addition, from the last frames of the video, in which Laura kisses her new girlfriend, Lauren Ruth Ward, it becomes clear that life goes on for her, despite the still fresh image of her former lover in her memory.

By the way, in December 2016, Lauren (she also sings well) published a video for her song “Make Love To Myself,” which also plays out an emotional lesbian story, and an LP appears in the finale, which is quite symbolic.

But Laura Pergolizzi is not far behind her new lover - at the beginning of 2017, she again pleased her fans with “delicious” new products, all with the same touch of her intimate experiences. On January 26, the premiere of two videos took place at once - for the LP tracks “Other People” (the background to the “Lost On You” video) and “Tightrope”, in which the main role was assigned to Lauren Ruth Ward (appearing in each other’s videos seems to be becoming good tradition).

And in the middle of summer, the video “When we're high” was released, in which the already familiar lesbian theme is simply abundant. All videos are thematically interconnected - each of them, like chapters in a novel, reveals new details of the plot of LP’s personal life.

By the way, this summer (in July) Laura and Lauren got engaged in Paris, where they were part of the triumphant LP tour of Europe. According to them, very soon they will officially become wife and wife

To sum it up, I dare to express the opinion that in the near future, the work of Laura Pergolizzi, in terms of the level of contribution to the development of modern music, will begin to be put on a par with Bob Dylan, Roy Orbison (one of the idols of LP) and other great musicians/performers who are revered by fans from all over the world.

Personal life

LP does not hide the fact that he adheres to non-traditional sexual orientation. In an interview, the singer said that her mother died without knowing that her daughter was a lesbian. For a long time, her father believed that Laura’s passion for women would pass with age. But when I realized that this was not so, I took my daughter’s choice calmly.

LP and Tamzin Brown

By the way, the androgynous style that the singer prefers confuses many listeners - Pergolizzi wears clothes of a men's cut. Suits that fit her figure emphasize the singer’s slenderness (her weight is 54 kg with a height of 174 cm).

Not much is known about Laura’s personal life. According to available sources, she dated actress Tamzin Brown in 2012. Neither party disclosed the details of this affair. LP fans conducted a thorough analysis of both girls’ social networks, from which it became clear only that they broke up in 2015. The breakdown of relations with Tamzin inspired Pergolizzi to write the song “Lost on you” - the singer mentioned this in several interviews.

LP and Lauren Ruth Ward

Interestingly, Laura’s new girlfriend, singer and composer Lauren Ruth Ward, first appeared in the last seconds of the video for the song “Lost on you”. There is no information about how exactly they met - we only know that Lauren supported LP after breaking up with Tamzin. Soon the friendly feelings grew into deeper ones. The lovers even got paired tattoos in the form of the number “7”, symbolizing the start date of their relationship.

Age, height, weight, alleged plastic surgery LP singer

Creative pseudonym / Real name LP/Laura Pergolizzi.
Date of birth/place of birthMarch 18, 1981 / USA, Long Island.
Height, weight, figure parameters (chest-waist-hips)162 cm / 60 kg /81-61-84 cm.
Confirmed plastic surgeriesNo.
Alleged plastic surgeriesMentoplasty, chin contouring, gender reassignment surgery


The desire to sing arose in childhood, but Laura dared to realize her dream only after thirty years. The vocal range of her own voice was so large that it drowned out the sounds of the lawnmower. Her voice is a magical instrument that ranges from a gentle baritone to the unimaginable trills of a nightingale. Let us note that LP has had artistic whistling skills since childhood.

Laura Pergolizzi was born on March 18, 1981 in Long Island, New York. The American singer is of Italian descent, her father is half Sicilian, half Irish, and her mother is Neapolitan. Her maternal grandparents emigrated from Italy to the United States.

Interesting information about Laura Pergolizzi (LP singer):

  • has Italian roots;
  • plays the harmonica and ukulele (ukulele);
  • masterfully masters artistic whistling and inserts it into compositions;
  • perceives everything that happens in life with humor;
  • became popular in 2016 thanks to the song “lost on you”, although she had recorded 3 albums before that;
  • For more than 12 years she has been wearing the same earring in the form of a cross, which, according to legend, belonged to the Madonna.

Music sensation

It so happened that the suffering and experience of unsuccessful relationships as a result inspired the singer to create a hit, which became a new round in the biography of the LP singer. Note that the LP gained popularity in the United States back in 2012. After the release of the song Lost On You, which took first place in the charts of France, Poland, Greece, Belgium, Israel. In Italy, the single reached third place.

The singer's style and image

The singer spent a long time and carefully honing her style. Her desire to achieve maximum correspondence between her internal state and external appearance was natural. Today, being in this image, she feels as comfortable as possible, which inevitably affects the singer’s work and personal life. The biography of the LP singer is not replete with scandals or intrigues. She is mysterious and reserved. An integral part of the singer's style and image are sunglasses. They are always with her, or almost always. In one of her interviews, LP said that they are a part of herself, she doesn’t know whether she will continue to wear them, because the world around her still scares her.

The girl is fond of yoga. I would also like to note her special love for accessories in the shape of crosses. Laura has said in more than one interview that she is not religious, and that crosses are just a symbol of rock music for her.

Moreover, the singer, without a hint of embarrassment, likes to joke about her resemblance to a man. There is quite a history of her being mistaken for a guy. And one of them, according to Laura, is quite funny. In the women's shower, a woman and her daughter jumped out of the shower screaming at the sight of LP. “What are you doing here?” she screamed. “Easy there, lady! Calm down and relax, your daughter is not in danger.”

Originality in everything

In addition to her vocal abilities, the LP is also distinguished by another trademark - artistic whistling, which she masters no less masterfully. And here, too, chance played a huge role; for LP, whistling in the studio, while writing songs and just thinking about something is a common thing, and only an attentive producer advised to make this a special feature in the singer’s work. The singer’s wide vocal range, original arrangements, and artistic whistling harmoniously merged together.

But as a child, LP was embarrassed by her unusual timbre and always turned on the vacuum cleaner or lawn mower at full power so that no one could hear her vocal exercises. However, even then the power of her voice drowned out any technique, but now this voice has brought her worldwide popularity.

No less original than her songs is the appearance of the LP. She calls her clothing style androgynous, and wears suits tailored exclusively to her figure. At the same time, the girl gives preference to short jackets, leather jackets, T-shirts, shirts, jeans, boots and hats. An old friend gave her the cross earring, and the earring had previously belonged to Madonna. For LP, the cross is not a sacred sign; she does not identify herself with any religion, but considers Jesus to be a kind of rebel.

Also, one of the obligatory attributes of LP’s image is large sunglasses, and the singer likes them so much that she wears them almost everywhere. The singer’s numerous tattoos are no less original, the main one of which is the image of a sailing ship on LP’s chest. The girl hardly uses makeup.

If you want to enjoy the work of this magnificent singer, you should attend the LP concert, for which you can buy tickets on our website.
Here you can also find out the times of LP concerts, prices and the tour schedule of the singer’s concerts in Ukraine. Author: Cloud Konstantin

Long-awaited recognition

Left without producers, LP continued to perform. The girl tried to sell some songs that she wrote but did not want to perform, and soon became a successful songwriter. From 2006 to 2014, she created songs for Cher, Christina Aguilera, Leona Lewis and other stars of the pop scene. She did not sell the most personal songs dedicated to her girls and breakups with them; they were included in her third album, which brought her worldwide fame.

"Forever for Now" released by Warner Bros. Records in late 2014 marked the LP's victory in the fight for self-expression.

The 2022 album quite expectedly became a sales leader in America and Europe. “Lost on You” is a musical canvas, as if woven from stylistic combinations of rock trends of the new time. When asked about her style, LP says that style is freedom and she didn't come up with anything new, she just followed her heart.

In the fall of 2022, LP performed in Sochi as a guest of the New Wave competition for young performers.

LP during 2019 tour

In 2022, the singer toured European countries and performed at the best venues in Russia and Ukraine.





The singer presented her first debut album, which turned out to be very successful, to the public in 2001. One of the musical compositions was performed in the film drama “Eternal Values”. Three years later, the singer released her second album together with Linda Perry. It is he who brings her first popularity and attracts the attention of the fashionable music industry. Soon LP receives an offer from one of the executives at Jam Records. The biography of the singer LP could have gone in a completely different direction, since the main requirement of such an alliance was the requirement to radically change the image of the singer. And despite receiving a tempting offer from the famous studio, the singer refused to cooperate. Left without a producer, the girl continued to write songs. The LP's musical biography is replenished with songs for recognized pop stars. In the period from 2006 to 2014, the singer was the author of some songs by Rihanna, Cher, Christina Aguilera. For many years, the LP singer wrote songs for other stars. And now she herself is famous throughout the world! Her video for the song Lost on you was watched by almost 280 million viewers on the You Tube channel. The singer's musical career continues to develop rapidly. In addition, she collaborates with other performers. The LP recorded a duet with the legendary Mylène Farmen, this composition took first place in the French iTunes chat.

On the site

In St. Petersburg, LP performed at the popular A2 club in the city, designed for 3.5 thousand spectators.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon the sound check began. For about an hour, the band - guitar, bass, keys and drums - entertained themselves with hits from Metallica, Nirvana and the timeless riff Smoke on the Water by Deep Purple. At this time, two sound technicians were turning the knobs, and the artist’s personal bodyguard, Didier, was checking how the site’s security was organized. In total, 12 people constantly work with the LP on tour.

While I was following Didier around the hall, from the entrance to the club to the stage, to the balconies, behind the stage, to the dressing rooms, I learned that he was Belgian, worked for 10 years with Madonna. He came to Russia more than once - with Black Sabbath, Linkin Park, Metallica, Deep Purple and other artists. He likes our audience; there have never been any serious incidents either at concerts or during travel. With LP the tour is going smoothly. Perhaps during the flight from Irkutsk to Krasnoyarsk, a tipsy business class passenger decided that Michael Jackson was flying with him on the plane and wanted to meet him. But everything was quickly explained to him, and he calmed down.

— Is it a good job to protect stars on tour? — I ask Didier.

- Excellent! You travel constantly, and you also get paid for it. Much money. I'm happy.

The musicians also looked satisfied and adequate. Despite the busy schedule and long flights, they did not have any serious problems or conflicts either with each other or with LP. And the band has been on tour for two months now. She flew to Vladivostok from Mexico via Japan. After Moscow there will be more concerts in Minsk, Kyiv, Kharkov, Odessa and Lvov. And then - to Europe for another month and a half.

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