Olga Seryabkina: height, weight, body measurements, eye color, breast size, biography. Olga Seryabkina - biography, information, personal life Who is Olga Seryabkina

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Olga Seryabkina is a bright and spectacular girl, she looks great without makeup and amazing after the work of experienced makeup artists. The singer has a type of appearance that allows her to try on different, sometimes diametrically opposed, images. This ability to change “masks” every day surprises fans, and many of them are sure that the next “wonderful transformation” is the work of an experienced cosmetologist, and perhaps a plastic surgeon. Most often, the naturalness of the nose, lips and breasts of a charming pop star is questioned.


The future singer Olga Seryabkina was born in Moscow on April 12, 1985. The girl’s parents had nothing to do with art, but still decided that they were raising a creative child. Therefore, from the age of 6, they sent their daughter to a ballroom dancing school. And it was these activities that became Olya’s main hobby. The flexible and graceful girl moved perfectly to the beat of the music. She had a great sense of melody and put a special meaning into her movements. It is not surprising that her diligence and love for dancing later bore fruit. Olga has repeatedly taken part in international competitions, where she received honorary awards. And when Seryabkina turned 17, she was deservedly awarded the title of candidate master of sports of Russia. In parallel with ballroom dancing, she also managed to attend classes at the art school in the pop singing department.

All photos 13

Having graduated from high school, the young girl did not yet count on a successful career in ballroom dancing. Therefore, on the advice of my parents, I entered a university at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, where I received my basic education and a diploma as a translator. And as life showed, in the future she found a worthy use for her knowledge. Since Seryabkina’s favorite hobby was dancing, her career began with them. Since 2004, she began performing in ballet with the popular performer Irakli, and also sang along with him as a backing vocalist. The graceful and graceful Olga Seryabkina was immediately noticed. And they invited me to join the Serebro group, founded by Max Fadeev. However, at the very beginning of the work, internal disagreements began to arise in the group. Olya could not reach an understanding with Elena Temnikova, another soloist, thanks to whom she got into the team. They often argued, and these conflicts greatly interfered with work. To save the group, Fadeev even invited Olya to leave. But soon the disagreements ended, the relationship between Olga and Elena improved over time, and they subsequently became best friends.

2007 brought the Serebro group a prize-winning third place in the annual Eurovision Song Contest. In this regard, the popularity of the group began to increase sharply, the girls became famous, and they gained many new fans.

During the same period, Olga Seryabkina began writing lyrics for her band. And later her compositions began to be performed by other pop singers - Glukoza, the group "China", Yulia Savicheva.

For about 10 years, the singer worked in Fadeev’s project, delighting listeners with new songs. However, in 2015, she became bored within the same group. Therefore, she began a solo career under the pseudonym Holy Molly. In addition, Olga began to write and perform songs in English.

Despite the latest events in her life, the popular singer is in no hurry to break off business relations with Maxim Fadeev. And Seryabkina wrote her first composition, Holy Molly, together with the producer. And the presentation of the sensational Kill Me All Night Long video on YouTube was also presented on Fadeev’s official channel.

At the same time, a new round in Seryabkina’s career began. She participated in the filming of the film “The Best Day,” where her partner was the famous film actor Dmitry Nagiyev. In 2016, Seryabkina released a collection of her own poems called “A Thousand “M””.

Throughout her solo career, the singer successfully collaborates with such artists as Yegor Creed, rapper Gnoyny, and tops the ITunes and VKontakte charts.

Interesting facts from the singer’s life:

    as Seryabkina says about herself: “I am an avid car enthusiast!” She loves cars and one of her hobbies is traveling around the capital at night;

    the singer also likes to experiment with her own appearance. Proof of this are numerous photos of Seryabkina on Instagram;

    The singer’s biography also notes some strange facts. She suffers from a rare disease called pediophobia - an unreasonable fear of dolls.

Personal life

Singer Olga Seryabkina tries not to advertise her personal relationships, but devotes all her energy and strength to work.

When she danced in ballet with Irakli, they were often seen together at public events and various celebrity parties. Journalists have already begun to talk about a love relationship between Seryabkina and the popular singer, but these rumors were ultimately not confirmed.

After the premiere of the Kill Me All Night Long video clip, many photographs of Olga with DJ MEG appeared in the media, which caused gossip about their love affair. Although the singer states that she has only friendly relations with DJ MEG, especially since he is married.

At one time, Internet pages were full of information that Seryabkina was pregnant. At the same time, journalists voiced several candidates for the role of the father. However, the singer said that there was no pregnancy and she simply gained weight over the winter.

The peculiar relationship between Olga Seryabkina and Elena Temnikova was the focus of media attention. They often publicly showed each other unusual signs of attention and kissed. Which, naturally, shocked those around them and caused jealousy among their men. But a couple of years later, Elena Temnikova got married and left for the Maldives. And it turned out that they were connected with Seryabkina only by strong female friendship.

Recently, the unmarried beauty has become more relaxed and relaxed, and on the Internet you can find photos of her with a variety of men. The media constantly report about Seryabkina’s love affairs with one thing or another, but in reality, the heart of the popular singer is not yet occupied by anyone. Thanks to her perseverance and determination, Seryabkina made a successful career. She only needed three years to become the impeccable leader of the Silver group. The talented girl speaks three languages ​​perfectly and writes texts for her repertoire. And in order to always look slim and beautiful, the singer spends a lot of time in the gym. That is why her seductive forms are so loved by fashion glossy magazines.

Olga Seryabkina was a singer of the popular domestic group “Serebro”. She doesn't like to be constantly under the piercing gaze of journalists. Olga works in the genre of popular music, and her pseudonym is Holy Molly.

Childhood and youth

Olga was born under the sign of Aries, in the capital, on April twelfth, eighty-five. There were no creative people in Olga’s family, despite this, her parents decided that their daughter should graduate from music school. Olga also studied choreography at the same time.

Little Olga’s whole day was scheduled minute by minute: a dance class, music, and she also had to do the homework that was assigned at school. From birth, the girl had a sense of tact; this is what allowed her to bring her unusual, deep meaning to the dance. It was dancing that became the meaning of her whole life.

Parents advised Olga to graduate from college, which she did with success, receiving an excellent profession as a translator from German and English. This knowledge came in handy for her in her future work.

Career and creativity

At the beginning of the two thousandth, Olga began her career in show business. She worked for Irakli Pirtskhalava as a dancer and backing vocalist. The small (Olga’s height is 158 cm) and fragile (weight 54 kg) girl could not go unnoticed.

With the support of Elena Temnikova, Olga joined the Serebro group, where she began a dizzying career as a singer. However, her relationships with other girls in the team did not work out. Disputes and scandals greatly interfered with the work in the group and Olga began to think about leaving the project, but stopped in time. Over time, Olga found a common language with Elena, and they became best friends.

In 2007, the group successfully took second place at the Eurovision Song Contest. At the same time, Olga first tried her hand at writing lyrics for the group. After the Eurovision Song Contest, the girls became very famous.

Her persistent, focused nature helped her take the place of leader in the group. She began writing songs to the music of Max Fadeev. She speaks two languages ​​perfectly: English and German.

Private life

Her private life is hidden from prying eyes. There are many rumors about her relationships with various guys, that she is pregnant, but all these remain just rumors.

Olga devotes most of her life to work and has no time left for her personal life. Her best friend is still Elena Temnikova. However, journalists very often write about her alleged novels. But the heart of the Russian beauty is free at the moment.

Now Olga is building her solo career under the pseudonym Holy Molly.

On her blog on Instagram: www.instagram.com/serebro_official, you can see photos from her personal archive and performances, chat with the star, and learn a lot of interesting things from the girl’s life.

Olga Seryabkina is a famous singer, member of the popular group “Serebro”. She is incredibly famous and popular not only in the Russian Federation, but also far beyond its borders after her performance in Eurovision, but there are a large number of rumors about her life and creative path, which the singer generates with her behavior. She writes poems that are performed by the Serebro group and the singer herself in the solo project MOLLI.

Her talent is limitless, as viewers are convinced of more than once. In 2015, she also became an actress, playing one of the main roles in the musical film “The Best Day.”

Now the popular singer and actress is working on one of her new projects, which will soon be released on Russian screens.

Creative path

In 2006, painstaking work began on song material, images of participants and the concept of the group, which, in addition to Olga, included “manufacturer” Elena Temnikova and Maria Lizorkina. A year later, the group took third place at the Eurovision Song Contest. During this period, Seryabkina first tried herself as a lyricist for a group. After participating in an international competition, the girl group woke up famous.

Molly (Olga Seryabkina) ft. DJ MEG – Kill me all night

In December 2015, viewers met Seryabkina the actress. She played one of the key roles in the comedy “The Best Day.” Her heroine is provincial singer Alina Shepot, who crashed into the car of policeman Petya (Dmitry Nagiyev).

Height, weight, age. How old is Olga Seryabkina

The Serebro group has recently become very famous again in the vast expanses of our country. All the girls participating are incredibly popular, so for fans of this group there is no secret regarding the question: “Height, weight, age, how old is Olga Seryabkina.”

One of the soloists of the Serebro group, Olga Seryabkina, is short and has a slender build. The girl is very petite and impressive.

Olga Seryabkina’s figure parameters are almost ideal 88/60/88. With a height of 158 cm, her weight is 54 kg. The girl is very proud of her parameters. She notes that she achieved such results thanks to perseverance and patience. He constantly plays sports and adheres to a healthy lifestyle.

The lead singer of the Serebro group recently celebrated her 32nd birthday. The singer’s zodiac sign is Aries, since her birth took place in mid-April. According to the Chinese horoscope, the year of the green wooden ox was born.

Biography of Olga Seryabkina

The biography of Olga Seryabkina is very brief. The singer does not want to focus attention on herself, so she talks very little about her life.

It is well known that he was born on an April day in 1985. The artist jokes that the country celebrated Cosmonautics Day, so she decided to be born to rejoice with everyone. Since childhood, Olga has been a creative person. At the age of 5 she began dancing. A year later, the future singer began studying at a ballet school, to which she is grateful for the development of her perseverance and perseverance. She loved to play sports, becoming a candidate for master of sports.

In high school, she began to study pop vocals, as she had a rare ear for vocals. Olga Serebryakova graduated from general education and music school with excellent marks. The girl decided to become a translator of English and German, immediately entering one of the most prestigious universities in the country.


Olga Seryabkina was born on April 12, 1985 in the very heart of Moscow - on Taganka, in the family of Yuri and Lyudmila Seryabkin. My father was a military man, and my mother was an engineer. The girl's grandparents lived with them. She also has a younger brother Oleg. From the age of six, Olya studied ballroom dancing. Already at this time, she demonstrated strength of character and time after time refuted the doubts of teachers, who at first did not believe in the baby’s success in the choreographic field. “When I first came to the dance, they didn’t want to take me - they decided that I didn’t have a sense of rhythm,” Olga recalled. But later she proved the opposite and even became the coach’s favorite. At the age of 12 she became a master's candidate in ballroom dancing.

The girl managed to combine dance classes and almost excellent performance at school. In her final certificate she had only three B grades, although, as Seryabkina admitted, she had a clear inclination towards humanitarian subjects - Russian, English, literature, but in the exact sciences she sometimes had to “negotiate” with teachers. Not with bribes, but with activism - Olya was the first in everything related to amateur performances and school self-government. In her free time, she loved to write poems and small skits, which she acted out in front of her parents.

At the age of 17, Olga graduated from school and began studying linguistics at the Institute of International Law and Economics. She was one of the most promising students of the course and after graduation she became a certified synchronist in both English and German. But by that time she already knew for sure that she would not work in her specialty

Personal life of Olga Seryabkina

Olga Seryabkina leads a very active creative activity. Fans want to know more about her, but the popular singer keeps secrets. Olga Seryabkina’s personal life consists of a number of rumors, which she is in no hurry to either debunk or confirm.

At the beginning of her career, Olga was credited with an affair with Irakli Pitskhalava. But the young people did not confirm this in any way.

Then Olga began dating DJ MEG, again according to some media reports. But the pseudo-lovers laughed it off. Olga later denied an affair with MEG, claiming that they simply recorded a joint track and were on friendly terms.

In 2015, Seryabkina again intrigued fans by talking about a beautiful lover, but without naming his name. Later Olga said that she broke up with her lover, again without saying who he was. But fans decided that this was said about rapper Oksimiron, with whom the girl appeared more than once at social events.

Photos that appeared on her Instagram page with Oleg Miami, who participated in the show “The Voice,” immediately gave rise to rumors that the singer began to be in a new relationship. The young couple even appeared at social events, and Oleg, as stated in the media, called Olga his beloved. But the singer, having heard this, denied everything. She said that they were friends, and that journalists had misinterpreted their friendship.

After the release of the video for the song “If You Don’t Love Me,” persistent rumors began to appear that Olga Seryabkina and Yegor Creed were dating, but the young people did not comment on this, forcing journalists to look more and more closely at them, asking questions and giving rise to rumors.

More than once, Olga was credited with a non-traditional orientation, attributed to an affair with Elena Temnikova. The girls themselves provoked rumors by posting provocative rumors. After Temnikova’s wedding, the girls did not communicate because they had a fight. But recently the singers made peace, which they reported on their Instagram pages.

Family of Olga Seryabkina

Olga Seryabkina’s family was not a creative family, as the popular singer herself has repeatedly said. The artist’s father recently died, which she cannot calmly talk about.

In one of the interviews, the girl admitted that she was raised in strictness. Until she was 18, her father did not allow her to come home later than 10 p.m. He supported all his daughter's endeavors. Predicting his early death, the singer's father told her to live joyfully, as he lived. After the death of her beloved dad, the singer at first did not understand how to live, but now she believes that he became her guardian angel, helping in solving all her problems.

Very little is known about the parents' lives. It became known that his father was a professional military man, and his mother was an engineer. Now Olga Seryabkina has a family - a mother and grandmother who support her.

The singer also considers her producer, Max Fadeev, to be a member of her family, who helps complete all the creative projects of the young performer. She calls him her creative dad and is grateful to him for everything.

Does Seryabkina have naked photos?

Seryabkina’s main calling card is, of course, her erotic and shocking behavior. The singer herself says that she treats such things differently than other people:

“I’m not afraid to extend my hand to the audience from the stage. Many artists are very afraid that they will suddenly be dragged into the crowd. The most incensed fan takes my hand extremely carefully. If, for example, I now completely undress in front of you, you will not risk approaching me and behaving familiarly!”

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It is clear that with such a position it is difficult to expect shyness from Olga. She doesn't show any shyness. The singer is not at all averse to being photographed in a swimsuit backwards...


. and turn around in your swimsuit backwards.


Moreover, Olga cannot be denied a sense of humor...

. nor in a sense of provocation. So, she recently rode an ATV, wearing transparent leggings and... nothing underneath.

Only the most open-eyed saw that under the black leggings there were more ones - just flesh-colored.

But, of course, Olga also has a photo where she appears completely naked. In this form, she was photographed for her first big solo album, “Orca in the Sky.”


It is not surprising that there are a lot of rumors about such an artist. On the Internet you can often find queries like “Seryabkina porn” or “Seryabkina leaked photos.” But there is no reliable porn with the singer on the Internet, and the “amateur pictures” are very similar to a stylish PR campaign by Olga herself.

Social network


And in the end, why do you need to look for some kind of underground materials if a woman, even in clothes, manages to look nakeder than other strippers?



Children of Olga Seryabkina

Olga Seryabkina’s children have not yet been born. Recently, in an interview, the singer admitted that she is not yet ready for family relationships and having children. She says that children are a big responsibility that she is not yet ready for. The girl says that the child should appear one day, but it has not yet arrived. When this moment will come, the popular artist does not know, but says that she will share it with everyone.

Recently, Olga Seryabkina shared with her fans that she had children. Journalists immediately began writing about this event, wondering who the father was. But soon the singer said that children appeared, but not with her, but with her... cat, and she simply became a happy mistress.

Olga Seryabkina is involved in charity work, participating in the work of the Give Yourself Life charity foundation. She participates in fundraising events to help sick children.

Olga Seryabkina's husband

In 2002, the singer began working with Irakli Pirtskhalava. After meeting Lena Temnikova, she became a member of the Serebro group, which took 3rd place at the prestigious Eurovision music competition in 2007. The girl is still a soloist in this group, but combines this with the development of her own solo activities. She took the pseudonym Holy Molly and successfully performs, performing her own songs.

In 2015, the girl starred with Dmitry Nagiyev in the karaoke comedy “The Best Day.”

Now Olga Serebkina writes songs not only for herself and her team, but also for other pop performers.

On her birthday, the singer released a collection of poems that she herself wrote. She called the book "A Thousand M's." The collection consists of 54 poems.

Group "Silver"

The singer’s creative biography began in 2002. For two years, the girl worked as a backing vocalist and dancer for singer Irakli Pirtskhalava. The petite but vibrant performer was noticed. In 2004, Olga met Elena Temnikova, and she brought her friend to the Serebro group. From that moment on, the singer’s rapid career growth began.

Seryabkina with her seductive parameters was also noticed by fashionable men's magazines, where rather candid photo shoots of the artist soon appeared. The singer's photographs in magazines such as Maxim brought her fame.

But in the group where Seryabkina came, relations with other participants were not always good. Rumor has it that conflicts often arose between Olya and Lena Temnikova. It got to the point that the singer was even planning to leave the Serebro group. Producer Maxim Fadeev said that he had already found a replacement for Ole, but at the last moment the artist changed her mind and stayed.

Maxim Fadeev previously announced sad news for fans of the SEREBRO group: Olga Seryabkina is leaving...
Posted by Tickets Ponominalu on Sunday, October 14, 2018

Olga Seryabkina and Maxim Fadeev
In 2007, an as yet unknown group took part in Eurovision, sensationally taking 3rd place. The international competition and excellent results became a significant boost to the group's popularity. Now the whole country knew the girls by sight. From this year, Olga began writing songs for her band.

In 2009, the group released their first album, “OpiumRoz,” and in 2012, the presentation of their second album, “Silver,” Mama Lover, took place. In addition, Seryabkina’s songs began to appear in the repertoires of such famous performers as Glyuk’oZa and Yulia Savicheva, as well as the group “China”. Nevertheless, Olga did not consider herself a songwriter; she did not study this anywhere.

In 2016, Serebro’s third album, “The Power of Three,” was released. After this, the group underwent some changes: vocalist Daria Shashina was replaced by Katya Kishchuk. In the same year, 4 music videos were shot for the band’s songs, 3 of which featured a new member.

In October 2018, Olga announced her departure from the Serebro group. Together with her, other participants decided to leave the team - Katya Kishchuk and Tatyana Morgunova. The last concerts of the Serebro group took place in February 2022.

Photo of Olga Seryabkina before and after plastic surgery

Recently, Olga Serebkina posed nude for the famous men's magazine "Maxim", where there was a photo of naked Olga Serbyakina. Many could see that the girl is in good shape and has excellent shape. Rumors immediately arose that she had undergone plastic surgery, as stated by many well-known magazine and newspaper publishers.

They posted photographs of the artist and signed them Photo of Olga Seryabkina before and after plastic surgery. In some publications you can even get acquainted with comments left by a doctor - a plastic surgeon. They claim that Seryabkina had rhinoplasty, corrected her mouth, breasts, and also her butt.

The performer mocks these idle speculations by posting candid photographs on her Instagram page. She says her body is natural. The artist did nothing to correct it, as her fans can see for themselves.

Plastic surgery ^

Olga Seryabkina’s bright appearance is constantly called artificial. Fans suspect that Olga Seryabkina has had her breasts enlarged because, in their opinion, her bust size is too large for her fragile figure.

Despite constant questions, Olga denies the presence of surgical intervention. She confidently declares that her shape is gifted by nature, and maintaining herself in perfect shape requires constant training and a balanced diet. The only thing the singer admits is that she constantly visits the cosmetologist’s office.

Instagram and Wikipedia Olga Seryabkina

Olga Seryabkina’s Instagram and Wikipedia pages are very visited. The singer leads them herself, posting the most current information here.

Several tens of thousands of users subscribe to the Instagram page. Here the singer posts numerous photos dedicated to various moments of her creative activity. Everything is filled with emotions, which the singer generously shares with her fans.

The singer loves to be the center of attention, as everyone can see. She often exhibits photographs in which she is presented in nude style.

But several photographs present a different image of Olga Seryabkina. She is depicted at home or on a walk. But fans are convinced that her main area of ​​life today is the stage, which can be easily seen.

In addition, Olga Seryabkina often posts new projects in which she takes part in her microblog.

Olga Seryabkina, a member of the Serebro group, maintains an Instagram page for herself and her entire musical group. The name of the account is “serebro_official”, but, nevertheless, it is Olya’s photos that appear there more often than others. And therefore we can say that this Instagram page is both personal for Olga Seryabkina and official for the Serebro group.


Why didn’t Olga have a relationship with other members of the Serebro group?

Most often, conflicts occurred with Elena Temnikova. She claimed that Olga had a love affair with the group’s producer, Maxim Fadeev. Seryabkina immediately responded to the accusations. She explained to reporters that Lena was taking revenge on her.

There was a romantic relationship between the girls, but then Olga sorted out her feelings and realized that she liked men. Due to the scandal that arose, the artist was going to leave the team, but at the last moment she changed her mind.

Why did Maxim Fadeev terminate his contract with Molly?

The popular producer decided to recruit a new team, so he said goodbye to all his charges. Olga was the only one who thanked Fadeev for his cooperation. In her Instagram microblog, she wrote that Maxim influenced her formation and development as a singer.

There were rumors that Seryabkina was pregnant from Fadeev, but this turned out to be just media gossip


The lead singer of the Serebro group, Olga Seryabkina, who gathers crowds of fans in concert halls and hundreds of thousands of subscribers on Instagram, was born in 1985, in the capital of Russia. The family was far from creative, but for the girl, who showed talent in singing, music and dancing as a child, they did everything to develop these abilities. Thus, at the age of seven, Olya not only went to first grade, but was also enrolled in a ballroom dancing club and a music school. Now Olya Seryabkina sometimes remembers how difficult it was to devote time to two hobbies at once, and at the same time have time to do homework and study well.

Despite the fact that by the age of seventeen Seryabkina had already become a candidate for master of sports in ballroom dancing, her parents insisted that the girl receive a higher education, which could come in handy if Olga did not succeed in show business. And therefore, in addition to a diploma from the School of Arts, where she studied at the department of pop singing, the lead singer of the group “Silver” also has a diploma as a translator, she is fluent in English and German.

The girl’s career in show business began with work in ballet and as backing vocals for the Georgian singer and Star Factory graduate, Irakli Pirtskhalava. By the way, there were rumors about a romance between him and Olga, but this information was not confirmed.

In 2004, producer Maxim Fadeev, who at that time was recruiting girls for the future group “Silver,” noticed a bright girl as a backup dancer for his ward Irakli, and invited her to take part in the casting, which Olga eventually successfully passed.

Next came Eurovision and the rapid growth of the group’s popularity, but Seryabkina’s relationship with the team was not easy. Due to conflicts with Elena Temnikova, the girl even thought about leaving the group, but in the end she stayed.

Now, in addition to participating in the group, Olya is developing her own project, called “Molly,” for which the girl writes songs herself. By the way, some pieces of “Silver” were also written by Olga Seryabkina, her compositions are performed by Glukoza, the group “China” and Yulia Savicheva.

As for the singer’s personal life, absolutely nothing is known about her; judging by Olga Seryabkina’s photo on Instagram, she is now alone. The petite beauty was credited with having affairs with both Irakli Pirtskhalava (which we have already mentioned) and DJ MEG. with whom the girl recorded a joint musical composition, with rapper Oksimiron, and with “The Voice” participant Oleg Miami. But each time Olya insisted that she had purely friendly relations with each of these young people. It’s hard to believe that this talented and beautiful singer is still alone, but if this is not the case, Olga hides her beau very carefully.

Translator and singer

She was born into an ordinary family, where no one had anything to do with art or show business, but her creative streak took over, and in parallel with her dancing classes, Seryabkina intensively studied vocals. The girl studied at an art school, where she successfully completed her studies in the pop singing department.

At the same time, she received a higher education and a diploma as a translator in English and German.

All that remains to be reported is Olga Seryabkina’s age, height, and weight, which have remained close to ideal for many years, thanks to diligent work on her body in the gym. It’s hard to believe, but the always young and daring girl has already crossed the thirty-year mark. Olga was born in 1985.


The official page of Olga Seryabkina and the Serebro group on Instagram is simply off the charts with the abundance of female beauty. Both the singer herself and other members of the group post their selfies and personal photos here, and not so long ago a candid photo shoot from Maxim magazine was published. In addition to pictures of the girls, on this Instagram page you can find information about upcoming performances, premieres of clips (both from “Silver” and from the “Molly” project), fresh photos and videos from concerts.

You can see all this by going to the official Instagram website and opening the page of the Serebro group managed by Olga Seryabkina, or you can just stay on our website, because we publish new pictures immediately after the star posts them online.

Read with this article:

For 10 years now, the Serebro group has been delighting fans with new, bright, non-standard tracks that inexplicably become hits. Despite the recent increase in personnel changes in the silver platters, their sound quality has not deteriorated at all.

In 2006, the famous singer, composer and producer opened a casting call to create a new youth project. He chose a name that was light and memorable – “Silver”. After completing the selection, he took the risk, without prior advertising and release of the debut track, to send unknown girls to conquer the top of the international Eurovision song contest.

In 2007, the first performance of Fadeev’s wards took place on the Eurovision stage.

The group “Silver” skillfully and with drive performed the composition “Song#1”, which took an honorable third place. This date is considered to be the official birthday of the project.

The first composition of the project

Returning to their homeland, the girls instantly became popular. The first composition of the team included: , . Many fans know the first participant from the time of the reality show “Star Factory”, where Lena confidently reached the final. The girl was fond of music since childhood, so she saw her future only in show business. After graduating from school, the future singer wanted to enter a theater university, but plans changed after successfully passing the casting for the “Star Factory”.

Temnikova reached the final, losing first place. Subsequently, the ex-factory owner toured the cities of Russia with other participants in the project. Later, Fadeev invited the girl to become a participant in a new project, to which she, without hesitation, gave a positive answer.

Since childhood, Olga Seryabkina has been fond of dancing, which came easily to her.

The girl had plasticity and grace, which allowed her to receive the CMS category at the age of 17. Olga has a higher education and is a translator by profession, but she has not worked in her field.

In 2002, Seryabkina became a backing vocalist for ex-manufacturer Irakli Pirtskhalava. During one of her performances, she met Temnikova, who introduced her to Max Fadeev. The producer approved her candidacy for participation in the Silver group. But for a long time, Olga’s difficult character prevented her from establishing relationships with colleagues and teachers.

Then the passions in the team subsided, the girls became friends. Seryabkina became not only the lead singer of the project, but also the author of some songs. She also writes lyrics for many domestic performers.

Marina Lizorkina got into the Serebro group through an online casting. From early childhood, the girl attended music school, then studied at the pop department of the Institute of Contemporary Art. Before her participation in the project, Marina sang in the Ukrainian group “Formula”. So Lizorkina became the third soloist of the Silvers.

The beginning of the triumphal procession

After a successful performance in Helsinki, the “silver” began to actively record tracks. Following the single “Song#1”, no less popular works were released: “Breathe”, “Whatsyourproblem?”. In 2007, the group, which was gaining popularity, was nominated for “Debut of the Year” according to the MTV Russia Music Awards and ZDAwords.

At the beginning of 2008, the lyrical, emotional composition “Opium” was presented.

It is worth noting that Max Fadeev himself became the director and producer of the video work. An English version of this track was later recorded. In December of the same year, the song “Say, Don’t Be Silent” appeared on radio broadcasts of domestic stations, becoming the rightful leader of the country’s top ten singles.

At the next ceremony of the Russian version of MTV, the girls band “Serebro” was recognized as “Best Group”. In April 2009, the presentation of the debut album “OpiumROZ” took place, which included all the well-known compositions of the group. The “silver girls” performance, held on Poklonnaya Hill, was attended by more than 70,000 people, which was a clear confirmation of the girls’ popularity.

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First changes

In the summer of 2009, Marina Lizorkina left the “Silver” project, deciding to devote herself to painting. Her place was taken by, who has been interested in choreography and dancing since childhood. For some time the girl was a member of the “StreetJazz” dance studio.

With the updated lineup, the “silver girls” immediately recorded another hit, “Sladko” or “LikeMaryVarner,” authored by Seryabkina. This track instantly hit the top rating charts, and the number of downloads in the first few days after its release amounted to millions. The group received its third Golden Gramophone in 2009.

The following year, the “Silver” team was included in five nominations of the international festival “OEVideoMusicAwards”. The girls won in the “Best Internashional Video” category for their work “Not Time”. At the end of July 2011, the Europa plus radio station released the group’s main hit, “MamaLover.” A little later, a Russian-language version of the track “Mama Lyuba” was recorded.

During the first week of rotation, the new clip was viewed more than 1,000,000 times on the Internet resource YouTube. In many European countries, this composition took leading places on television and radio charts. In May 2012, the “silver” went on a tour of Europe,

within which we visited countries such as Italy, France, Spain.

The premiere of the single “GUN” took place on the channel of the Mexican music label EGO. Within 7 days of its rotation, the number of views exceeded the million mark. The Italians especially appreciated the work of the Russian group, making the track “GUN” platinum. The unofficial video “SexyAss” was liked by the Japanese. Fadeev signed a lucrative contract with the leading label in Japan.

The second mega hit of the “Silver” project was the composition “Mi Mimi”

, breaking all possible views records on YouTube. Within a few months, their number exceeded 15 million. In September 2013, Anastasia Karpova made a statement at one of the concerts, announcing her departure from the group and the start of a solo career.

In November 2022, Olga Seryabkina said on her Instagram that the composition of the Serebro group would completely change in 2019, Maxim Fadeev conducted the selection of the group’s soloists. As a result of the selection, Irina Titova, Elizaveta Kornilova and Marianna Kochurova were included in the new group.

Fans have largely criticized the new members of the group, but now they are at the very start of their career, perhaps over time the situation will change and they will feel the love of the listeners.

Solo career

In October 2022, Olga Seryabkina announced her departure from Silver. The singer's contract with the group was valid until the beginning of 2022. She emphasized that she is not leaving Fadeev’s Malfa label - she will promote the Molly brand under his name. The singer also promised the imminent release of her debut solo album and new material for “Serebro”.

In 2022, Olga Seryabkina finally left Serebra

In January 2022, the first video for the song from the upcoming album Molly was released. For this important task, the composition “Because Love” was chosen. The preview of the video on YouTube featured a joint photograph of Seryabkina and Yegor Creed, hence the words “Why not with me? Why are you with someone else? I’ll pretend that I’m going home, all because love” was regarded as an explanation of feelings for Creed.

On January 27, Olga appeared on stage for the last time as part of “Silver”.

In the spring of 2022, on the “beautiful” date, April 4 (4.04), Olga Seryabkina presented her debut solo album “Orca in the Sky”. The track list of the album consisted of 14 compositions, of which the most memorable, according to music critics, were the songs “Orca”, “I Just Love You”, “Don’t Be Afraid” and the song “Scattering Silver” together with Max Fadeev. Molly ft. Max Fadeev – Scattering Silver “Scattering Silver” is the result of Olga’s 12 years of performances as part of “Silver” and the beginning of a new era as a solo performer of Molly. “When you leave [from the Serebro group – approx. uznayvse.ru] - I’m happy for the first time. Because I know that this is not a loss...,” Fadeev commented on the premiere of this track.

Album cover “Orca in the Sky”

“This album is me. Today. Now. The music in it is completely saturated with me and love,” Olga says about “Orca in the Sky,” without hiding the fact that she associates herself with the killer whale. The album turned out to be very personal. While working on the material, Seryabkina did not adhere to any concept, but simply transferred to paper and notes what she was experiencing at the moment. That’s why the songs turned out to be so different in genre and meaning.

In May, a video for the song “I’m Not Crying” was released. As Olga admitted, she was inspired to create the video by prophetic dreams in which the singer believes. So, one day she dreamed about how she was running away from a pack of dogs, and after that something terrible happened (the singer does not comment on what exactly). This dream was inspired by the scene from the video “I’m not crying,” only Olga put a different meaning into it: “Letting go of the dogs = letting go of fears. When they run, I’m free too.”

Molly - I’m not crying A month later, a video for the song “Beautiful Boy” appeared on YouTube, after which Fadeev and Seryabkina were convicted of plagiarism from the group “Tatu” and their song “Gay Boy”, the meaning of these compositions was very similar.

Still from the video “Beautiful Boy”

The story of the creation of “Beautiful Boy” is autobiographical. In her youth, Olga Seryabkina became close to a handsome young man. They became best friends, sharing everything secret. Olga felt that she had fallen in love, so when a friend confessed to her doubts about his own sexuality, she was depressed, but over time she “overcame this stage.” Olga is generally known as a supporter of the LGBT community and rightly believes that love knows no boundaries.

In September 2022, Molly appeared on the Comment Out show along with blogger Danila Poperechny. They had to leave ridiculous comments on the Instagrams of Max Fadeev, Oleg Gazmanov and Sergei Lavrov, and if they refused, they were forced to perform funny tasks. For example, for Olga’s refusal to write a comment about the pilot Danil Yusupov, who heroically landed a plane in a corn field, on Margarita Simonyan’s Instagram, Poperechny wrote his name in wax on the singer’s stomach.

Comment Out: Seryabkina and Poperechny October began for Olga with the filming of a video for the song “Scorched by the Sun.” In addition to swimming in a huge amount of gold glitter, the singer remembered working on the video because she had to film herself in one of the scenes. But since Olga has long perceived the camera not as a technique, but as a portal to her fans, there were no problems.

Still from the video “Scorched by the Sun”

Viewers had mixed reactions to the clip. A large number of critical comments were caused by the abundance of advertising integrations in the video. YouTube users reminded Olga that advertising is inappropriate in the music video. As a result, in two weeks the video failed to gain even a million views. However, for Molly this work was important: “For me, the most important thing is that the sun always shines inside to the maximum. This vibe is reflected in the video.” Despite the fact that Seryabkina released her debut solo album back in 2022, in 2022 she decided to abandon the pseudonym Molly. So, in February, she announced that she would now perform exclusively under her own name, and in the same month she presented the song “What Have You Done.” In April of the same year, Olga presented fans with the single “Under Water.” Olga Seryabkina - Flashback In the spring of 2022, Seryabkina released a mini-album “Reasons”, consisting of four compositions, and in October she presented a new composition Flashback.

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