Ear piercing: the price of a painless procedure in the clinic

Ear piercing is a quick and painless procedure that is performed with a special gun in just a couple of seconds. The services of cosmetologists are in demand among parents who want to give earrings to their child. Adults who decide to change their image also make an appointment with a doctor. Qualified ear piercing is carried out at the Harmony clinic. You can find out prices for services and make an appointment by calling the administrator of the medical center. Our address: Rostov-on-Don, st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 170 (2nd floor).

Who is suitable for ear correction?

Psychologists can claim as much as they want that you need to accept yourself as nature created you. However, in practice, few people know how to position themselves as a person with a twist, proud of their protruding ear. If a defect negatively affects the quality of life, then there is a reason for aesthetic surgery. Correction is indicated for the following problems:

  • Prominent ears
  • hypertrophy of the cartilaginous structure (unnaturally large ears);
  • asymmetry of the paired organ;
  • lack of antihelix;
  • intrauterine anomalies;
  • forked or stretched lobe;
  • traumatic loss of part or all of the shell.

Types of otoplasty

People want to have ear surgery for various reasons, but everyone is united by the desire to achieve some aesthetic effect. Otoplasty happens:

  • aesthetic - elimination of external defects, correction in order to get closer to the ideal;
  • reconstructive - recovery from injuries or correction of developmental defects;
  • decorative - body modification (for example, the trend for “elf” ears).

All surgeons recognize the feasibility of aesthetic and reconstructive operations, but many are skeptical about decorative otoplasty. Meanwhile, aesthetic surgery clinics are performing ear surgery following requests from clients. But a good and thoughtful plastic surgeon always speaks about the patient’s responsibility for the decision made. After all, fashion passes, but pointed ears like an elf will remain for the rest of your life. Otherwise, you will face a new operation, anesthesia, a rehabilitation period and considerable expenses - the price of otoplasty after body modification will be significant.

Best age to get your ears pierced

Pediatricians are confident that ear piercing for children is justified after 4 years of age.

Firstly, it is very difficult to explain to young children how to treat a fresh wound. Children do not always let them touch a place that hurts, so it is often difficult to care for punctures.

Secondly, due to the fact that children often touch punctures with dirty hands, there is a high risk of infection of the punctures. Parents do not always have the opportunity to constantly control this moment.

Thirdly, with age, ears grow and change their size and shape, which means that piercings made in infancy may turn out to be completely asymmetrical when the child grows up.

The essence of ear correction surgery

The literal translation of the term “otoplasty” from Greek is ear shaping. The surgeon is supposed to manually shape the new shape of the ear. His actions are similar to the work of a sculptor who sculpts a beautiful figurine from clay. In European aesthetic medicine, the standard of beauty is the location of the auricle relative to the head at an angle of 30°. But among the Japanese, protruding ears are more likely to be perceived as an advantage, as they indicate openness of character and sensuality. Aesthetic ear surgery is performed under adequate anesthesia by a plastic surgeon who specializes in ENT. In 2022, not only the classical method (scalpel), but also laser technologies are used. When performing an intervention using a laser, the cost of otoplasty is more expensive. Surgical correction does not affect hearing, but only transforms the appearance of the auricle. At the same time, in-depth knowledge of physiology is required to perform operations. Whatever the reason for the intervention, the surgeon’s actions are aimed at achieving attractiveness. In general, plastic surgery for ear correction is considered a safe procedure, which is distinguished by its reasonable cost.


The operation is aimed at changing the shell and is used to give protruding ears a more aesthetic appearance.

The photos before and after ear otoplasty show that this method allows you to achieve excellent results, almost completely change their shape, and remove protruding ears.

Today, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery is used. In the first case, the surgeon almost completely recreates the damaged organ after receiving varying degrees of injury. The second method is used only for correction of protruding ears and other developmental anomalies.

An undeniable advantage is that the sutures after ear otoplasty are not visible at the end of the rehabilitation period. The surgical intervention is performed under anesthesia, but pain after otoplasty persists for 2-3 days.


The following conditions are obstacles to intervention for ear correction in children and adults:

  • bleeding disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • ear infections;
  • dermatological problems (temporary contraindication);
  • immune diseases;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding, menstruation;
  • chronic diseases in the acute phase;
  • pathologies of the heart and lungs;
  • tendency to form keloid scars.

In case of some absolute contraindications, the patient may be offered ear correction with fillers, for example, contouring of the ears with fillers based on hyaluronic acid. The effect of such procedures is temporary; the manipulation will need to be repeated in 1-2 years.

After ear piercing procedure

The ears are pierced, the earrings are inserted, now we just have to wait for the holes to heal. What to do to make this happen quickly and without complications:

  • For the first 2–3 days, it is better not to wet the puncture site with water (it is advisable not to wash your hair);
  • try not to touch the ears with clothes, and do not let the child touch them with his hands;
  • monitor the condition of the ears and regularly treat them with antiseptics 4-5 times a day for a month (further as necessary);
  • The earrings are not removed until the canal is completely healed (the formation of the canal can take from 1 to 6 months).

Benefits of ear piercing at the Rostov-on-Don medical center

  • convenient location of the clinic (city center);
  • the ability to make an appointment at a time that suits the patient;
  • ear piercing is performed by a doctor;
  • sterility during the procedure.

How is ear reshaping surgery performed?

There are dozens of different ear correction techniques. In practice, three methods of ear surgery are most often used:

  • Furnas. (circular) The skin between the back of the ear and the skull is excised, and the cartilage is tightened with fixation. The method is suitable for correcting severe protruding ears.
  • Mustarde. An incision is made on the back of the shell, excess cartilage tissue is removed, an antihelix is ​​formed and fixed with a suture.
  • Etenstrom-Stenstrom Posteriorly, the surface is incised, the cartilage is thinned, a new shell configuration is formed and several sutures are placed.

The doctor chooses the correction method most suitable for achieving the final goal. The ear plastic surgery lasts no more than 1.5 hours (usually 40-60 minutes) and follows the following scenario:

  • the patient is given anesthesia (local anesthesia is usually used);
  • markings are applied to the operating area;
  • the surgeon performs the correction using the chosen method;
  • Sterile gauze rolls and a circular bandage are applied.

Ear piercing procedure

The Harmony Clinic produces a modern method of ear piercing with the Studex system , using hypoallergenic earrings made of high-quality surgical steel and titanium. These materials do not create difficulties during wound healing.

  • the ears are thoroughly disinfected on all sides;
  • the puncture site is outlined;
  • the previously selected stud earrings are charged into the device;
  • the earlobe is inserted into a special slot at the end of the gun;
  • after which it is fired, the earring is driven into the earlobe at the moment of a targeted blow to a pre-marked place (the puncture is made not with a needle, but with a loaded, specially sharpened earring, which is immediately latched with a clasp). The procedure is quick and almost imperceptible.

Recovery after ear surgery

The patient does not lose functional abilities during ear correction; otoplasty does not affect either hearing acuity or general health. You can leave the clinic after 2-3 hours. In the first days, the operated part of the ear will hurt and swelling will form. The doctor prescribes mild analgesics and antibacterial drugs in advance, prescribes a dressing schedule and gives individual recommendations for care. For example, people with elastic and hard cartilage structures are recommended to wear an elastic bandage around the clock for a week.

You can return to your normal lifestyle and evaluate the first results of ear surgery in 2 weeks. The final assessment of the surgeon’s work is given after a few months, when all the tissues are completely restored. The effect achieved surgically is lifelong.


Reconstruction or aesthetic restoration of an organ is carried out not only in the presence of external defects, but also for medical indications:

  • Protruding or protruding ears. The normal angle between the head and the auricle should be no more than 40 degrees, but not less than 30 degrees. At the same time, protruding ones are considered a congenital defect.
  • Broken form. The photo of ears after otoplasty shows that you can also change the appearance of the earlobe.
  • Post-traumatic changes of varying degrees.

The procedure allows you to get rid of complexes. Ears after otoplasty acquire an aesthetic appearance.

Ear plastic surgery in Rostov-on-Don

Requests for enlargement, reduction and correction of the shape of the ears are not uncommon today, so prices for otoplasty in Rostov are quite affordable. Although plastic surgery on the ears can be done inexpensively, experts do not advise relying only on the price list. Since you will have to put up with changes for the rest of your life, and medical negligence can result in unpleasant complications, you should carefully choose the department and the surgeon. To do this, you should independently study reviews of the work of the medical center and doctors, check the validity of the license, and consult with several specialists. Based on the information received, you can make a decision about where you are ready to have ear surgery.

If you want to change the configuration of your ears, tighten your earlobes, or get rid of asymmetry, sign up for a consultation with specialists in aesthetic ear surgery at Medical Park. During a free face-to-face meeting with a surgeon, you can ask any questions, find out how much the operation costs in your case, and consult on the feasibility and cost of otoplasty for a child. Our doctors have performed hundreds of successful aesthetic surgeries, have excellent knowledge of the physiology of the ENT organs, are attentive to each patient and are able to perform ear plastic surgery at the highest level.

Possible complications after otoplasty

After the operation, complications may develop. In some cases, the occurrence of purulent otitis is noted, the sutures after otoplasty can also come apart, allergies to drugs, tissue swelling, suppuration of the wound, and its infection are observed. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to follow the doctor’s recommendations for restoring the body after surgery!

The procedure allows many people to restore the ear after various injuries or get rid of congenital anomalies. In the photo before and after ear otoplasty you can see all the changes.

You can make an appointment with an experienced surgeon by calling the phone numbers listed in the “Contacts” section or using the feedback form.

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