Dangerous areas on the face where it is not advisable to inject filler

Wrinkles are divided into several groups according to their origin: static, facial and age-related. They appear at different times for different reasons. The first to appear, as a rule, are facial wrinkles - a person’s face is constantly in motion: we frown, smile, and this affects the condition of the skin. In places where facial muscles are actively working, such wrinkles can appear as early as 25 years of age. One of the most “vulnerable” areas is the forehead and the area between the eyebrows. As a result of active facial expressions, this area is the first to suffer.

Fortunately, correction of eyebrow wrinkles can cope with the problem. In our BL clinic, the most advanced compounds are used to carry out this procedure.

What methods do we use?

The two main methods that will solve the problem are:

  • Fillers based on hyaluronic acid. These are drugs that help replenish lost volume. When fillers are injected, the wrinkle is literally “pushed out” - it fills the fold, and in addition, it has a positive effect on the overall condition of the skin, provides deep hydration, nutrition, and stimulates the production of its own collagen and elastin.
  • Botox. By injecting Botox into the area between the eyebrows, you can achieve deep relaxation of the muscles in this area. Thanks to this, a person gets the opportunity to “unlearn” the habit of frowning. Wrinkles are smoothed out. The effect of Botox is completely reversible, it goes away after a while, but since the habit of wrinkling the forehead disappears, the folds do not form again. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated - it is safe.

How to remove wrinkles between eyebrows?

It has been proven that the most effective method for eliminating wrinkles that appear due to facial activity is botulinum therapy. There is no more effective method yet.

What is its essence?

Using injections, a drug based on botulinum toxin type A is injected into the desired area, which temporarily blocks muscle activity: its intensity decreases and the skin gradually smoothes out. This method of aesthetic correction has been used in cosmetology for more than 30 years and over these years has proven itself to be excellent! With its help, you can quickly get rid of a variety of folds and furrows on the face - on the bridge of the nose and between the eyebrows, on the forehead and around the eyes. At the same time, there is no need to be afraid that the face will become motionless, without emotions. In the last 5 years, doctors have given preference to the “living face” technique, which allows one to preserve individuality.

After about 4-6 months, the effect of the “beauty injections” stops, and the injections can be repeated without causing any harm to health.

By the way, this method can also be used for preventive purposes. If you are young, but notice that you often frown, do not wait for the depressions between the eyebrows to become visible, make an appointment with a cosmetologist to stop this process.


There are several types of drugs for this procedure. The pioneer here was American-made Botox, then Dysport appeared, which is produced by a French company, and after that Xeomin, developed in Germany. All of them are certified in the Russian Federation. “Come il faut” uses Dysport and Xeomin, as they are among the most modern.


It should be noted that such medical manipulations can only be performed by a cosmetologist, and not by a cosmetology nurse or a doctor of another specialization. In addition, the doctor must undergo an appropriate training course, have several years of experience and a good hand, because the cost of a mistake is too high. You can easily find on the Internet photos of the work of unfortunate “cosmetologists” with swelling, facial distortions and similar undesirable consequences. That’s why choosing a qualified cosmetologist is so important! Under no circumstances should you contact those who perform procedures at home, because you will not have any confidence that the drug being administered has a registration certificate, that it has been stored correctly, and that its expiration date has not expired. And when visiting a beauty salon or clinic, ask to see a medical license.

If the furrows have long settled between the eyebrows and are visible to the naked eye, then botulinum therapy alone will not be enough. In this case, its combination with contour plastic surgery is used. Botulinum toxin reduces facial activity, and filler based on hyaluronic acid smooths out creases from the inside, leveling the surface of the forehead. There are many filler drugs. For example, our center uses more than 10 varieties of them. To determine which one is suitable for a particular person, a consultation with a cosmetologist is necessary.

To prevent the appearance of wrinkles, as well as in combination with botulinum therapy, mesotherapy or biorevitalization procedures will be useful. They will provide deep hydration and nutrition to the skin, saturate it with useful elements, make it fresh, full and give a healthy glow.

As for face-building, which is now fashionable, today there is no scientific evidence of its effectiveness. On the contrary, with incorrect, uncontrolled exercises for the facial muscles or unprofessional use of massage movements, there is a risk of aggravating the situation. Therefore, we recommend using these methods only under the supervision of a specialist.

Recommendations for eliminating wrinkles for different age groups:

Up to 30 years:

  • Regular cosmetic care to ensure nutrition and hydration of the dermis
  • A course of mesotherapy or biorevitalization 1-2 times a year
  • Botulinum toxin injections if folds are already starting to form

After 40 years:

  • Professional beauty care for nutrition and hydration combined with massage on a regular basis
  • Bioreparation course 1-2 times a year
  • Botulinum toxin injections 2 times a year
  • Phototherapy or SMAS lifting as a preventive measure for aging

After 50 years:

  • Botulinum therapy 2 times a year
  • Contour plastic surgery 2 times a year
  • Thread lifting of the forehead area
  • SMAS lifting of the forehead area to tighten and stimulate collagen production
  • Bioreparation for comprehensive skin rejuvenation
  • Care treatments aimed at hydration and nutrition

Botulinum therapy
It should be noted that each of the listed procedures has both indications and contraindications, so first a consultation with a cosmetologist is required. On it, the doctor identifies complaints and wishes, collects an anamnesis (medical history), fills out a medical record, and only after that gives recommendations on professional and home care to solve the problem.

Is it possible to get rid of eyebrow wrinkles at home?

Let's be honest - if there are already folds on the skin, only a cosmetologist will help. No creams, masks or self-massages will get rid of them! It’s better to make an appointment with a doctor right away, rather than spend fortunes on expensive cosmetics and Facebook building lessons.

In the case when wrinkles are just beginning to appear, for the purpose of prevention, you can try to get rid of the habit of frowning. There is a lot of advice on this matter on the Internet, although we have not checked their reliability and effectiveness, but you can try to control your facial expressions. One option is to constantly keep a mirror in front of you and monitor your facial expression in it. This is convenient if you work while sitting at a computer - as soon as your eyebrows move, you can immediately correct their position. Whether it will be possible to get rid of this bad habit in this way is unknown, but you can try.

One more point: how you apply the care cream is extremely important in home care. This should be done strictly along the massage lines, which are located close to the blood vessels, therefore they are most sensitive to the beneficial ingredients of the creams. In the forehead area, these lines are located up from the bridge of the nose. Apply the cream with both hands in an arcuate motion: from the center between the eyebrows to the side areas and temples, and from the eyebrows with vertical upward movements.

And don't forget to get enough sleep! Adequate sleep is the main friend of your youth and beauty.

How the procedure works and how often to repeat it

At the first stage, the doctor cleanses the skin of the face and treats it with an antiseptic solution. Then, using special thin needles, the necessary drug is injected into the problem area. If necessary, you can use a special anesthetic gel, but even without it, the injections are usually well tolerated.

Botox for wrinkles between the eyebrows can be done once every six months - the dose of the drug is small, and, as a rule, there are no side effects. If you choose contour plastic surgery, most likely you will also have to do repeated injections in about six months. Sometimes the effect lasts longer - up to a year (this greatly depends on the individual characteristics of the body and lifestyle - for example, the metabolism of people involved in sports is much faster, and the composition is eliminated earlier).

Reasons for their appearance

Let's start with the fact that all wrinkles are divided into dynamic and static. The former are visible when the facial muscles contract, and the latter even in a calm, relaxed state. The area between the eyebrows is extremely mobile: the eyebrows move on their own when a person is out of sorts, looking at bright light, or thinking. Of course, for some people this process is more pronounced, and for others less so, but sooner or later everyone faces this problem. At first, vertical furrows appear only during the manifestation of emotions, and over the years they are firmly fixed here, giving the facial expression a gloomy appearance.

According to cosmetologists, by the age of 25, glabellar creases appear in 30% of the population. In addition to individual characteristics, this is also due to the fact that young people often spend half the day bent over a smartphone, tablet or laptop. This head position also stimulates the appearance of uneven skin in this area of ​​the face.

In addition to the factors listed above, the following also play a role:

  • Genetic predisposition
  • Illiterate skin care
  • Chronic stress

Why do eyebrow wrinkles appear?

Eyebrow wrinkles are facial ; they arise and appear in emotional people who are accustomed to actively working with facial expressions during a conversation.

Important! The muscle responsible for the formation of the eyebrow wrinkle is difficult to control, and it is almost impossible to unlearn frowning.

Moreover, it often comes into a state of hypertonicity (constant tension in a shortened state, not even with emotions) and the wrinkle does not disappear even in a state of rest and absence of facial expressions. Moreover, with age, regeneration slows down, depressions and creases form - traces of facial activity.

Unfortunately, the presence of a brow wrinkle gives the face an angry or stern expression and adds up to 10 years of age to its owner, and therefore makes you think about how to get rid of the brow wrinkle.

A smooth forehead is associated with youth, the formation of longitudinal and transverse wrinkles, even shallow ones, or only with muscle movements, is associated with fatigue and age.

There are a number of other reasons that lead to the formation of deep wrinkles with varying severity between the eyebrows:

  • Exposure to ultraviolet rays, i.e. tanning abuse. UV rays dry out the skin, leading to dehydration and contribute to the destruction of collagen fibers. A special term is used - photoaging. Characteristic signs are early wrinkles, deep wrinkles, dry and rough skin. Dark spots.
  • Working at a computer or spending a long time in front of the screens of a smartphone, laptop, etc. The skin is exposed to blue light, which is no less harmful than ultraviolet rays. They activate the production of free radicals, the mechanism is similar to the action of ultraviolet radiation, only the penetrating ability of the rays is much higher. The term is digital aging.
  • Bad habits. Smoking provokes spasm of small blood vessels, skin nutrition is disrupted, and there is a lack of oxygen and active microelements. In addition, nicotine destroys Vitamin C. According to research, smokers have 60% less Vitamin C than non-smokers.
  • Abuse of sweets leads to the process of glycation of dermal proteins. This is the gluing of collagen threads by sugar, which causes it to become stiff and the skin loses its firmness and elasticity. But worse than that, these glued fibers do not undergo natural disintegration and replacement with new fibers, which occurs normally in the skin. The term is glycoaging.
  • Lack of sleep. Our body in general and skin in particular live according to circadian rhythms. Adequate sleep is necessary for renewal; it is at night that the synthetic processes of collagen production and cell renewal occur. During the day, the main function of the skin is protective. With disturbed and short sleep, the body wears out, which affects both the condition of the skin and the appearance of noticeable skin folds.

New technique for correcting glabellar wrinkles.

Glabellar wrinkles - wrinkles between the eyebrows, the so-called “wrinkles of anger”, vertical facial wrinkles between the eyebrows occur with intense activity of the muscles of the upper part of the face. Glabella is the skin between the eyebrows and above the nose. Glabellar lines are vertical lines that form between the eyebrows and can appear as one vertical line or two or more lines, and can also appear at an angle to the inner corners of the eyebrows. Due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure, in the upper third of the face there is a large number of depressor muscles, the excessive activity of which leads to the formation of deep folds. When we frown, the muscles of the lower forehead contract in a downward direction, causing the skin between the eyebrows to tighten. Wrinkles are formed as a result of constant movement due to the lack of elasticity of the skin. The second factor is age, sun and genetics. Every person develops wrinkles on the forehead over time, and although it is unlikely that they will be completely removed, they can be made less noticeable. They can be corrected with botulinum toxin and fillers.

Dermatologists from Turkey demonstrated their own filler correction technique, focusing on its safety.

Experts are confident that this technique of introducing contour gel reduces the risk of tissue necrosis, because it takes into account the passage of the supratrochlear artery and its branches and provides for deep injection of filler into the periosteum.

To assess safety, an experiment was conducted with the participation of 50 volunteers. The results were published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology.

The assessment was carried out based on the severity of wrinkles in men and women before injections and 2 weeks after using the Rao-Goldman scale. The average volume of injected filler was 0.61 ± 0.12 ml.

The specialists used a three-point correction - three points were marked at approximately equal distances from each other in the area of ​​glabella wrinkles, then a needle was placed in them perpendicular to the skin until it reached the periosteum. Doctors then analyzed the type of bleeding. If it was punctate, slow and small, then the conclusion was made that it was capillary, and, thus, the supratrochlear artery and its branches did not pass through the intended injection site.

In this case, a 25-gauge 50 mm cannula was inserted perpendicular to the periosteum with HA at a concentration of 20 mg/ml and 0.3% lidocaine.

If the bleeding was severe and difficult to stop, it was concluded that the needle entered the lumen of the supratrochlear artery or one of its branches. The injection at such a point was canceled and a new point was determined.

Eight patients experienced side effects: two had ecchymosis, five had erythema and edema, and one patient had local infection. The problems resolved within a few days after additional therapy was prescribed.


  1. Şahan, A, Karaosmanoğlu, N, Özdemir Çetinkaya, P. A new three-point filler technique to maximize safety for the correction of glabellar rhytids: Evaluation of 50 patients. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2020; 00: 1– 5. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocd.13399
  2. 1nep.ru

How to get rid of glabellar wrinkles at home

The main task when working with an interglabellar wrinkle is to independently learn to relax the muscle that wrinkles the eyebrow . This will help:

  • Special exercises for the face: pinching, “train”, pulsation combining elements of face-building and self-massage. Remember that wrinkles can only be removed if they are performed regularly.
  • Massage: blood flow helps relax the muscle. A relaxed state helps to “remember” it and subsequently control facial expressions.
  • Taping: special elastic adhesive strips. Fixing relaxed muscles for smoothing out creases and remembering the state of muscle relaxation.
  • Preparations with botulinum-like peptides: the most famous founder of the group is Argireline; several botulinum-like peptides have now been synthesized, working on the same principle - temporary blockade of acetylcholine receptors and prevention of impulse, as a result of which muscle contraction also becomes impossible. The result is that wrinkles are smoothed out.

The advantage of synthetic peptides is the complete absence of side effects and effective removal of facial wrinkles. When applied to the skin of the face, the muscle relaxant effect does not occur immediately, but after about 3-5 days and reaches a maximum by the 28th day of use.

Example of a drug with peptides:

DermaQuest peptide facial serum - a powerful rejuvenating effect for the skin of the face and around the eyes. 60% consists of peptides.

When exactly is it needed:

  • Expression wrinkles on the face and around the eyes – botulinum-like peptides – Botox effect;
  • Wrinkles - creases - filling from the inside - peptides stimulate the synthesis of dermal matrix components, replenishing the missing volumes in the deep layers of the skin and are capable of filling the space of the dermis with collagen during regular use. Thus eliminating wrinkles and giving elasticity to the skin;
  • Bags under the eyes – complexes against puffiness and pigment deposits under the eyes – eliminates dark circles and bags under the eyes;

Contains complexes of moisturizing, soothing and restorative effects that help remove dryness and tightness of facial skin.

The first results of use are visible after 10 days.

The advantage of the serum : it will get rid of wrinkles without injections; if injections are made, it will prolong their effect over time.

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