Ellanse - rejuvenation filler based on polycaprolactone

Polycaprolactone, which came to cosmetology from classical medicine, is now actively used to rejuvenate the skin of the body and face. The safe substance was created in the form of a liquid implant under the Elance brand. It eliminates wrinkles, changes the contours of the face and its individual areas, strengthens the skin of the arms, legs, and abdomen for up to 4 years. The product is absolutely safe and perfect for people suffering from intolerance to hyaluronic acid.

About the drug and its varieties

The active component of the filler is polycaprolactone. It is actively used in classical and plastic surgery as a safe suture material. The substance is hypoallergenic, completely biodegrades over time and does not cause rejection by the human body. Its use has been practiced for 40 years, during which no negative feedback has been received.

The principle of action is based on the activation of the processes of production of collagen fibers, which provide skin tightening, increase its level of elasticity, replenish the lack of soft tissues and contribute to the overall improvement of the problem area.

Depending on the task and age of the patient, one of four products in the Ellanse line is used:

  • S (valid for up to a year);
  • M (validity from 12 to 20 months);
  • L (valid for up to 3 years);
  • E (valid for up to 4 years).

Before and after. Contour plastic. Filler

Hi all!

In this post I will talk about my experience using filler to correct the area under the eyes.

What we have: 26 years old, deep-set eyes, massive bones, chronic stress.

I'm terribly afraid of injections in the face. At the age of 24, I decided to have Botox because I inherited very active facial expressions from my parents. I love active facial expressions, but I don’t like facial wrinkles. The area between the eyebrows and the forehead are already covered with wrinkles. And this is by the age of 24!

I tried to do a massage, control my facial expressions (at least not frown or be surprised, shrinking my forehead), masks, creams... It didn’t help. The wrinkles became deeper and deeper. Botox solved the problem.

But against the backdrop of chronic stress, my face became very haggard. The eyes were the first to suffer; they sank into the orbit, losing the volume of fat in the lower eyelids. I also feel sorry for my childish cheeks, but it’s not so offensive. From colleagues and family I constantly heard “Why are you so sad?”, “Are you feeling bad?”, “Are you tired?” How offensive it was to listen to this when I was just sitting with an emotionless, relaxed face. When you yourself know about the problem, “compliments” from the outside sound even more unpleasant. Why does the face lose lipid layer during stress, while the body accumulates it?

Not fair

By the way, a well-known world personality, UN Goodwill Ambassador, beauty and talented person in everything, Angelina Jolie, also lost volume under her eyes due to stress (according to the media).

Photo taken from the Internet

On my 26th birthday (this summer) I decided to get filler. My cosmetologist, after the second Botox procedure (that is, two years after the first), said that based on my complaints, a very light fortified filler could be applied. Just make a layer between the thin skin and the wreaths that looked like a bruise. But when I arrived at the appointment, my cosmetologist was taken aback. She said that light filler would not help.

She was very surprised that last time there was no such situation with the sunken eyes. I told her the truth that my eyes can be very different and I can even control it.

For example, if I need to look very good in the morning, then at night I drink a lot of water and eat a lot of salty foods. This causes swelling under the eyes to become more pronounced and last longer. By evening, it’s as if the life energy is being sucked out of my face. That’s why I rarely take photos in the evening!

Such abuse of the body, of course, does not bring anything good. Therefore, I did not resort to this technique often.

It was decided to install a dense filler. Fillers come in different densities to target different areas. I was given one that is strictly forbidden to be injected into soft tissue. It is placed on the bone. They did it to me through a cannula, and not directly from a syringe. (I won’t write the name of the drug, because this is not a guide to action. Your cosmetologist will select the filler for you).

Location of the filler. Photo taken from the Internet

This does not replace the soft fat layer that I lost over time, but it does lift the soft tissue above the bone. I won’t go into too much detail, I’m not a cosmetologist. I completely trusted my specialist, who has golden hands and just an ocean of knowledge and practice. By the way, she is not one of those who does everything according to the client’s first request. She is a cosmetologist who advocates naturalness. If there are no compelling indicators for the procedure, she, as a rule, does not carry out it.

The drug is administered without preliminary anesthesia, because it is already included in the composition. It was very painful. It was more painful on the right side, which is more active. I don’t even remember very well how it was, because I was incredibly afraid.

After the procedure there was slight swelling and a slight bruise appeared on the right eye (where it was more painful)


I tried to find similar Before and After, but I don’t take photos often and didn’t take special photos before and after the procedure. And then the topic came up, and since I talked about rhinoseptoplasty, it’s worth describing this change so that there is an understanding of such general changes from school years to the present day. I won’t write about the haircut (although I’m also delighted that I found mine and how long it took me to get there. It’s very difficult to walk with long thick hair)

All photos from 2022

Probably the third day after the procedure. A bruise is visible

In the after photo the tone is quite light. This is not the magic of a corrector, but rather voluminous changes under the eyes. The light is almost the same

In a full-face view in equal-gray light “head-on”, changes are visible only in the nasolacrimal groove. And the correction mainly took place above the cheekbone, that is, on the outside, closer to the temples.

The result is most noticeable when the camera below and from the side shines light on your face.

On the left is a typical work morning. Without a smile, the face is completely drained. Sunken “fashionable” cheeks further emphasize the hollows under the eyes. On the right, the fillers have already settled, but against the backdrop of the filled infraorbital volumes, the face looks fresher and more vibrant.

Now, half a year later, this is the result.

While photographing the shimmering shadows, I didn’t think that the photos would be indicative of fillers. I look at the area under my eyes and think “oh, my young eyes!

The swelling has gone, there is a small nasolacrimal cavity

furrows, volume under the eyes above the cheekbones was restored.

I am very glad that the end result is the same, and not like in the first week after the procedure, with swelling.

I kiss the hands of my cosmetologist. The look became cheerful, joyful and young. I don't look tired and exhausted, even when everything is like that

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