Jasmine oil: properties and uses for facial beauty

Jasmine essential oil, the properties and uses of which, despite the fact that few have not heard about the legendary flowers, remain unknown to many. In fact, the note is present in expensive perfumes intended for women, and all because the floral aroma enhances the longevity of the perfume. This is the main area of ​​use for such an expensive and unique remedy that can revive fading feelings, ignite a fire of passion, or simply help you fall asleep. The smell helps you relax and cope with worries, and get into a creative mood. What other secrets does this seemingly familiar ether hold?


general description

One of the most expensive ethers is collected early in the morning, before dawn. It is at this time that the concentration of volatile substances increases to the maximum, giving a special, sensual aroma. In the first stage, jasmine concrete is obtained by extracting the flowers and usually has a waxy or viscous texture. At the second stage, treatment occurs with ethyl alcohol, which is heated to 50°. Then the separated oil cools to 20° and goes through several degrees of purification. As a result of removing wax particles, it is possible to obtain jasmine absolute.

The concrete is a waxy substance with a pronounced yellow-red color and a bright characteristic aroma. The essential oil is red-brown in color and the viscous liquid retains the scent of freshly cut jasmine. Precipitation may appear and the color may change to dark red.

Widespread in cosmetology and perfumery. Enrich creams, emulsions, tonics, peelings, shampoos.

Attention! It has excellent properties to rejuvenate the skin and restore a fresh, even tone.

It is quite difficult to obtain jasmine absolute at home. It is important to use high-quality raw materials that have not been processed with chemical solutions. Flowers are collected in dry, clear weather in the early morning. The process of obtaining oil is quite long and labor-intensive:

  1. You need to take 2 glass sheets and apply pork or nutria fat 1–3 mm thick to the surface.
  2. Distribute jasmine petals evenly on one sheet and cover with a second one.
  3. Wrap tightly in paper and secure with tape. Place in a bag and leave to warm up in sunlight for 1–3 days.
  4. Then you need to separate the finished petals from the fat. You need to place it in a water bath, first put the flowers in a sieve, and place the sieve on a saucepan. Place the entire structure in a water bath.
  5. The collected fat is again processed into the glass sheets and the sheets are laid. The procedure is repeated 7 times for maximum saturation with ether.
  6. To extract the absolute, alcohol is added to the jasmine fat and shaken vigorously for 8–10 hours.
  7. Collect the separated oil using a pipette and place it in a prepared dark glass bottle.

What it is

Jasmine essential oil is a highly volatile vegetable fat that is obtained by enfleurage, steam distillation or extraction of the flowers of the corresponding plant collected at night or before dawn. The odorous liquid is isolated from the following types of jasmine:

  • large-flowered, in Latin “Jasminum grandiflorum”, grows in Asian countries;
  • fragrant, in Latin “Jasminum odoratissimum”, more often found on the African continent;
  • Indian, or Arabic, in Latin “Jasminum sambac”, grows on the Indian Peninsula.

Jasmine is a shrubby plant notable for its fragrant white flowers that smell of spices. It is the fragrant flowers that serve as the raw material for the production of essential oil, which is most often used in perfumery. The highest quality and most concentrated fat is the fat isolated by the enfleurage method, since steam distillation leads to partial destruction of the composition.

The fragrant liquid is not obtained using cold pressing technology, and the plant does not grow in Russia. Some species are grown in Crimea; in other regions you can find mock orange, not jasmine. This is a completely different plant.

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Description of oil:

  • consistency – homogeneous, viscous;
  • transparent;
  • sediment – ​​may appear during storage;
  • shade – yellow or orange-brown, over time it can turn into red with a brown tint;
  • The aroma is very noticeable, floral, with honey, fresh, fruity notes.

The smell of jasmine has a beneficial effect on the mind, and therefore has been of interest to people since ancient times.

A little history

The evergreen shrub originally grew at the foot of the Himalayas in India. Today it is cultivated in Asia, Europe, and Australia. The beneficial properties of the fragrant flower were widely used in ancient times. Jasmine was dried, ground, and the powder was added to various potions to treat skin diseases and respiratory pathologies.

Avicenna mentioned jasmine in his writings as an effective remedy for whitening skin, getting rid of freckles, toning, and getting rid of nervous disorders. In India, women used flowers and oil to care for their face and body. The natural remedy made it possible to preserve the youth and beauty of oriental beauties, and today it is part of Ayurvedic cosmetics.

In many cultures, jasmine represents femininity, attractiveness and grace. An ancient Indian legend contributed to this. Princess Jasmine fell in love with the Sun God, but he rejected the young beauty. Then the girl committed suicide, her body turned to ashes. The Sun God created a beautiful flower from the ashes, which smelled only at night, enveloping it in an intoxicating aroma.

The magical properties of jasmine

Snow-white, fragrant jasmine flowers in eastern countries are associated with pure, sublime love. They are also used in love magic. So, it is believed that if a girl drinks tea with the flowers of this plant that she likes, a strong attraction will arise between them, the outcome of which will be the same - a wedding and a long, happy life.

In China, for example, a teapot with brewed jasmine flowers was always kept at hand in case the betrothed one knocked on the door...

You need to collect flowers at night, during the new moon - it is in the dark that jasmine intensifies its aroma, and at the same time its magical properties increase.

In addition to the ability to attract love, this flower also has the properties of a money talisman - to attract money, a ritual is performed with the burning of dried twigs. The petals are placed in the wallet so that the money in it does not transfer.

Prophetic dreams

Those who want to see prophetic dreams or develop the gift of clairvoyance are recommended to sleep in a room where there is a vase with branches of this plant. It’s even better if the jasmine bush grows under the bedroom windows. It is good to use the aroma of this plant in order to tune in to meditation.

In family life

Jasmine helps not only to attract love, but also to nourish it in already established relationships. To do this, it is recommended to place sachets of herbs with jasmine flowers throughout the house. This plant is also a powerful aphrodisiac. This is partly due to the use of jasmine in magic - you can use it to cast a powerful love spell, which will not harm the person it is directed at. It is believed that, being a pure plant, jasmine simply cannot cause any harm - a strong love attraction will arise only when there were already prerequisites for sympathy.

Natural (not synthetic!) essential oils have the same magical properties as the flowers themselves.

Some tips on how you can use the magical properties of jasmine in aromatherapy:

  • A drop of oil on the corner of the pillow is for prophetic dreams.
  • Adding to a drink or dish to increase mutual passion.
  • Use for cosmetic purposes - to preserve youth and beauty.
  • In an aroma lamp - to relieve tension, increase stress resistance, and self-confidence.
  • A drop in your pocket means good luck in business.

Beneficial features

Jasmine ether includes about 120 elements, it is worth highlighting the main components:

  • benzyl alcohol has antiseptic properties, tightens pores, prevents the spread of infection;
  • phytol strengthens thin capillaries, tones, improves blood flow, promotes the transport of nutrients;
  • jasmone helps restore elasticity and firmness to the skin, prevents the destruction of collagen fibers, and improves the immune properties of the skin;
  • Linalool softens dead epithelial cells, stimulates renewal processes, and whitens the skin.

The amber liquid is still used today to treat skin diseases. Prescribed for eczema, dermatitis, as well as to eliminate acne and pustules. In cosmetology it is used primarily to restore tired, mature skin and improve the condition of problematic skin.

Is it possible to smear the belly with jasmine oil during pregnancy?

While pregnant, women resort to various methods to maintain skin elasticity in order to prevent stretch marks. The use of non-traditional means is also used. Jasmine oil is used for massage more often than others during this period. But it is advisable to dilute the ether with any basic oil extract. The therapeutic mixture is applied to the skin of the abdomen once a day, mainly in the evening.

Important! Thanks to its unique composition, jasmine oil can eliminate burn marks.

Indications for use

The dense aroma oil is recommended for use by all skin types except sensitive. May cause irritation and allergic reaction. An effective product used for dry, oily, problematic dermis. It has a number of useful properties:

  • restores firmness and elasticity;
  • stimulates blood flow;
  • tones, improves color and structure;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • whitens pigmentation;
  • helps cure acne, prevents inflammation and redness;
  • regulates sebium synthesis, gives the skin a healthy matte tone;
  • normalizes water balance, prevents dryness and flaking;
  • removes toxins, oxidants, activates renewal processes.

Composition and benefits of jasmine oil

Jasmine aromatic oil has a number of beneficial properties. Since ancient times, it has been considered an effective antidepressant and aphrodisiac. It is often used to treat gynecological diseases.

The composition of the essential product includes the following components:

  • eugenol;
  • esters;
  • indole;
  • benzyl acetate;
  • salicylic and formic acid;
  • jasmone;
  • alcohols.

The aroma of jasmine has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and the entire body as a whole. It helps you relax after a hard day and speed up the process of falling asleep. This is why essential oil substances are often used to scent rooms. In addition, it helps relieve pain and muscle spasms. The remedy regulates the functioning of the respiratory system and fights inflammatory processes. It has been used in medicine since the Middle Ages.

The beneficial properties of essential oil include:

  • expectorant effect;
  • antioxidant effect;
  • elimination of edema;
  • calming effect;
  • relief of spasms and pain;
  • neutralization of unpleasant odors;
  • restorative effect;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • strengthening immune defense;
  • normalization of blood pressure.

Comment! Regular inhalation of the aroma of essential jasmine concentrate helps cope with nervous and physical fatigue.

Where is the best place to buy oil?

It is better to purchase jasmine aroma oil at a pharmacy or cosmetic store. It belongs to the group of expensive ethers; to avoid buying counterfeits, it is better to give preference to well-known brands. The cost depends not only on the volume, but also on the manufacturer. The price varies from 500 to 2500 rubles. Available in a dark glass bottle with a 3–5 ml pipette dispenser.

The oil should be stored in a cool place away from sunlight. In hot climates, it is better to place the bottle in the refrigerator. Do not allow water to get into the bottle; the ether loses its properties.

Important point! The shelf life is from 9 to 18 months; a spoiled product can be detected by the appearance of a fishy, ​​rancid odor.

How to choose the right one and storage features

The lack of regulatory authorities in our country, the high cost on the market and the relative rarity of jasmine essential oil are the main factors that those wishing to buy a quality product must be patient. The originality of the contents of a purchased bottle can be determined only on the basis of a laboratory study of the composition of the oily substance, so an ordinary buyer who does not want to spend money on an expensive test can only take into account the data from the packaging.

It is the label that very often already reveals a low-quality product - the absence of any data that carries important information for a potential buyer, or incorrect information speaks for itself.

What you need to pay attention to:

  • bottle volume – up to 10 milliliters;
  • information about the country of manufacture, importer;
  • production method - enfleurage, steam distillation or extraction with organic solvents;
  • the Latin name of the plant is indicated;
  • price – should not be low (the average on the market is from 1500 rubles per 10 ml., for the highest quality – 3000 rubles);
  • in the column called “Composition” it is written “100% natural jasmine essential oil;
  • there is information about the production date, expiration date, storage conditions.

A conscientious manufacturer strives to present the buyer with information as much as possible, but even the presence of all the listed records does not guarantee one hundred percent quality.

After opening, the bottle must be hermetically sealed with a lid and placed in a cool, dry place, inaccessible to direct sunlight.

Ten years ago, one essential oil company posted information that the quality of odorous liquids can be determined by the degree of volatility. Allegedly, if oil is dropped onto paper, the highest quality oil will evaporate so that it will not leave a trace. This information does not provide any basis without information about the behavior of a particular oil, and essential oils containing heavy fractions will in any case leave a greasy mark. What was meant here was possible dilution, and then only of specific products.

General recommendations

Cosmetologists advise using flower essential oil for home body care. You can enrich ready-made creams, mix with base oils, add to tonics, lotions, shampoos. It is important to know the application features so that the natural product reveals all its beneficial qualities:

  • use in minimal dosages, the ether has a pronounced odor, high concentrations can lead to headaches and skin irritation;
  • it is optimal to introduce no more than 2 drops of ether per 10 ml of base; it can be mixed with base oils of almond, jojoba, olive, mango, peach, and apricot kernels;
  • goes well with esters of lemon, orange, bergamot, lemon balm, rose, geranium, sandalwood;
  • you need to mix in a ceramic or glass container; when interacting with metal, an oxidation reaction occurs;
  • ether is added before use, it is necessary to measure a single volume; if you add the oil directly to the jar with the base, the shelf life of the product will be significantly reduced;
  • can be used throughout the year without restrictions, but to avoid the addictive effect after use for a month, you need to take a break, you can resume after 6-8 weeks;
  • Suitable for dry, oily, problematic combination dermis, restores elasticity to elastic mature skin, whitens pigmentation and freckles.

Harm and contraindications

We wrote above that jasmine essential oil is a component of expensive perfumes, but we cannot ignore the other side of the issue - the side effects on the body. In an effort to become desirable and gain popularity, do not forget about the extremely small dosages provided for this product.

So, for aromatization, you should not use more than 3 drops for every 15 square meters of room. Failure to follow the rule may cause headaches, nausea, vomiting and other side effects. If there are children under three years old in the house, it is better to avoid any procedures with jasmine oil, since the functioning of the respiratory system may be impaired.

Before using such a valuable product internally, you need to pay attention to the purpose, which is provided for in the instructions for use. Due to the high biological activity, 1 drop per glass can be a lot; this etherol is diluted in a liter. For this reason, other oils that have fewer side effects are often used for the internal method.

If you still decide to drink etherol, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications, which include the presence of:

  • individual intolerance;
  • hypotension;
  • impaired functioning of internal organs (kidneys);
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • children under 6 years of age;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

External procedures should be abandoned if there is an individual intolerance, skin infection, burn, wound, cut. Treatment of skin diseases is prescribed by a doctor, and incorrect therapy can increase the symptoms of the disease.

Before external procedures, it is necessary to check for a tendency to an allergic reaction. You will need to drop the prepared mixture onto your forearm and leave. After 20 minutes, the absence of itching, burning, tingling and other unpleasant sensations or manifestations in the form of rashes and redness in the area of ​​application indicates possible further use for cosmetic purposes.

It is better to avoid cosmetic and aromatherapy procedures if you have:

  • individual intolerance;
  • children under 3 years of age;
  • first, second trimester of pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • hypotension;
  • epilepsy.

The drug normalizes blood pressure in hypertension, which is completely useless if the background is low, since a decrease can cause a headache. Jasmine essential oil helps increase the tone of the uterus, which leads to satisfaction with sexual intercourse in women, but can lead to miscarriage or premature birth in pregnant women.

IMPORTANT. It is worth considering that there is no data on a possible phototoxic effect, but this does not mean the absence of such an effect. For this reason, it is better to use the product for cosmetic purposes an hour before going out into the fresh air. This is necessary so as not to cause skin burns.

Methods of application

Flower ether can be used to enrich various compositions. Cream with jasmine oil has a magical effect on the skin. Provides nutrition, hydration, prevents aging processes. It is useful to use tonics and lotions for oily, problem skin. Facial massage will help get rid of deep wrinkles; beneficial components penetrate into the deep layers and activate the synthesis of collagen fibers.

Cream with jasmine essential oil:

  1. Choose a suitable base, cream according to your skin type or oil. For oily or combination skin, you can also use a base oil, taking into account the degree of comedogenicity. For dry, dehydrated skin, olive oil, jojoba oil, and wheat germ oil are suitable. If there is excess sebium synthesis, it is better to stop at hemp, argan, peach or mango.
  2. Preheat the base to room temperature. Add 1-2 drops of jasmine per 10 ml of product, mix well.
  3. Clean your face; for better penetration of the components, you can steam it.
  4. Apply the finished home remedy in a thin layer along the massage lines, being careful not to stretch the skin.
  5. After half an hour, lightly blot with cosmetic wipes, then you can start applying makeup.

Modeling mask

A natural recipe with floral essential oil helps restore firmness and elasticity to aging skin. Allows you to restore the contour of the oval, maintain clarity of lines, and prevent the manifestations of ptosis. An effective product nourishes, moisturizes the skin, copes with dryness and flaking.


  • 2 drops of jasmine essential oil;
  • 10 gr. starch;
  • 5 gr. oatmeal;
  • 5 gr. cottage cheese;
  • 5 ml cocoa butter.

Grind the flakes into powder in a coffee grinder, mix with starch and cottage cheese, ground through a sieve. Separately combine cocoa butter and jasmine butter, then add to the rest of the ingredients. Dilute with a small amount of green tea, cleanse your face and steam. Apply the plasticizing mask from the chin, moving up to the forehead. Leave for half an hour, then carefully remove, wipe the covers with water and olive oil.

It is recommended to carry out courses of 10–12 sessions, repeating care procedures 3 times a year.

Anti-wrinkle mask

When the first wrinkles and peeling appear, you should use a proven recipe. A mask with magic ether refreshes color, removes toxins, and restores skin texture. Regular use improves color, strengthens thin capillaries, and eliminates pigmentation.


  • a drop of jasmine ether;
  • 10 gr. shea butter;
  • yolk.

Combine shea butter and yolk, add jasmine essential oil. In the evening, cleanse the skin of makeup and treat with thermal or mineral water. Distribute the finished product along the massage lines and leave to act overnight. In the morning, remove any remaining residue with a micellar solution and repeat the care procedure 3 times a week.

Mask for oily skin

Gives an even, healthy tone and eliminates oily shine. Detox mask regulates the secretion of sebaceous glands. Relieves inflammation, redness on the skin, tightens pores. Regular use improves the overall condition of the skin and prevents the formation of acne.


  • 2 drops of jasmine essential oil;
  • 2 aspirin tablets;
  • 10 gr. blue clay;
  • 5 ml argan oil.

Heat the argan oil in a water bath, then add the flower ether. Crush aspirin, mix with cosmetic clay, add a composition of oils. Clean the skin, you can scrub. Distribute in a dense layer on the face, excluding the eyelids and lip area. Leave for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Acne toner

For youthful, problem skin, it is recommended to use a product based on natural ingredients. Application allows you to restore the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and is an effective means for the prevention and treatment of acne.


  • 3 drops of jasmine essential oil;
  • 3 drops of lemon ether;
  • 50 ml of thyme decoction;
  • 5 ml apricot kernel oil.

Heat the kernel oil in a water bath and add the esters. Separately prepare the herbal decoction, when it cools down, strain, mix with the composition of oils. Treat skin morning and evening after washing.

Note! After toner, you need to apply a moisturizing or mattifying cream.

Recipes for using oil

To carry out caring procedures for hair, face and body, jasmine oil is combined with other oils to achieve maximum results, or used independently. The product has the greatest effect when used as an ingredient for the preparation of various masks. To increase the effectiveness of its healing properties, the liquid is used in accordance with proven recipes.

For hair

Most often, healing oil is used while combing hair, applying 1-2 drops to the ends of the cloves. In addition, the liquid can be added to shampoo or conditioner in the amount of 2 drops per 1 serving of product. After the procedure, your hair will acquire a floral aroma.

It is useful to massage the surface of the head by applying a few drops of liquid to your hands. This will speed up the process of hair growth, and the roots will receive the necessary nutrition.

Jasmine oil can be applied to a comb and used for hair care.

The oil is included as a component in the following mask recipes to improve hair condition:

  1. Getting rid of dandruff. You will need 1 tablespoon of aloe juice and the same amount of jojoba oil. The mixture must be supplemented with jasmine and sage oil in the amount of 2-3 drops. Rub the mixture into the hair roots and distribute over the entire length, leaving the mask on for 1 hour.
  2. Adding shine and moisturizing. In a water bath, prepare 1 tablespoon of honey with the addition of the same amount of castor oil. Add jasmine oil to the mixture - no more than 2 drops. Use the bulk of the mixture to rub into the surface of the head, and distribute the remaining composition throughout the hair. The optimal effect is achieved 1.5 hours after applying the mask.
  3. Eliminating the problem of hair loss. Take 1/3 of a lemon and squeeze the juice out of it. Add 2 tablespoons of burdock oil and 2 drops of jasmine oil to the liquid. First, massage the mixture into the surface of your head for 15 minutes, and then do not wash off the mixture for 1 hour.
  4. Nourishes dry ends. Using a water bath, heat 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil with 2 drops of jasmine oil combined with the same amount of ylang-ylang oil. Apply as a mask to hair, leaving for 1 hour.
  5. Accelerated growth. Prepare the mixture by mixing 2 yolks with honey and 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Supplement the composition with jasmine oil in an amount of no more than 2 drops. The healing mixture is applied to the hair and left for 2 hours.

After use, the mask is washed off with water and shampoo. Try to cleanse your hair thoroughly to completely remove any oils. Remember that the prepared mixtures are applied to dried hair. Jasmine oil is universal and suitable for use on any type of hair and scalp, including sensitive and dry hair.

When applying oil to your hair, pay special attention to rubbing the product into the roots.

For skin care

To care for the surface of the face and body, any products in the form of creams, lotions, milks are supplemented with oil in a ratio of 1:9. The product effectively tightens deformed areas, nourishes the surface, improves regenerative properties, evens out the complexion, treats irritation, acne marks, scars and stretch marks.

When adding other oils, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of your skin type. So, for areas prone to oiliness, a mixture of jasmine oil in combination with bergamot or rosemary oil is suitable. In order to moisturize an excessively dry surface, concentrated sandalwood, lavender or rose oil is added to the composition.

To prepare masks designed to care for various types of facial surfaces, use the following recipes.

  1. For dry surfaces. In a glass container, shake 3 drops of rose and jasmine oils with the addition of 50 grams of base oil. Leave the mixture on particularly dry areas of the face for 30 minutes.
  2. To nourish facial tissues. You will need 1 teaspoon of avocado oil combined with the same amount of hazelnut and jojoba oil. Add an additional drop of geranium, jasmine, and vanilla oil. The ingredients must be mixed in a dark container and left for 2 days. After preparation, the mixture is used as a mask for 20 minutes, 2 times a day for 3 weeks.
  3. From wrinkles. The ingredients you will need are jasmine oil at the rate of 2 drops per 1 serving of the mixture, as well as gelatin in the amount of 1 tablespoon and coconut oil (1 teaspoon). Using a sponge, spread the mixture over the surface of the face, following the massage lines. Keep the mask on for 25 minutes.
  4. For areas with high fat content. Combine a drop of bergamot, jasmine and cajeput oils with the addition of 5 drops of jojoba oil and the same amount of grape seed oil. Use the product as a replacement for cream.
  5. For tissue regeneration. Use a mixture of 5 drops of non-concentrated jasmine oil with the addition of 9 drops of almond oil and 5 drops of jojoba oil, avocado and almond ether, and add 3 drops of wheat oil. The product is applied in the evening and left on the surface of the face overnight.

The effectiveness of caring for various parts of the body using oil is best demonstrated during massage procedures. To do this, you need to supplement the massage oil with 5 drops of jasmine at the rate of every 15 ml of the main product. During the session, blood circulation and skin elasticity improve significantly.

Jasmine oil relaxes muscles well when used for massage

In aromatherapy

In addition to antispasmodic and analgesic properties, jasmine flower oil is characterized by antidepressant effects. When inhaling the scent, the severity of anxiety and neurotic manifestations decreases, the influence of stress factors is eliminated, the problem of insomnia is solved and overstrain is relieved. In addition, mental performance increases and clarity of thinking is achieved.

The following options for using the product are common in aromatherapy:

  1. In aroma lamps. This is the most effective way to create a healing aroma. To achieve a therapeutic effect, you will need 3 drops of liquid, which must be added to the water of a special aroma lamp. In addition, you can use a regular saucer with water.
  2. When added to a bath. Taking a bath with 3-4 drops of the substance has a relaxing and calming effect. The oil should be dripped into the foam or milk, since it will not dissolve in water. The procedure time is approximately 30 minutes.
  3. In aromatic pendants. If you wear a pendant, then adding just one drop of the product will provide protection from stress and negative emotions throughout the day.

For the first time during an aromatherapy session, try adding only 1 drop of liquid, gradually increasing the amount of the product to 4 drops.

3 drops of jasmine oil are enough for an aromatherapy session

Application for lips, eyelashes, hair

The bright aroma of jasmine is widely used in perfume compositions. But jasmine is not suitable for eyelash and lip care. May cause dizziness, tearing, affects cognitive abilities, distracts attention.

The ether is effective for figure correction and is used in massage mixtures to increase elasticity and reduce volume.

Also used to strengthen and grow hair. You can add shine and shine to your hair by aromatherapy.

The effect of aroma oil on the emotional sphere

Historically, jasmine scent has been associated with monetary success and love affairs. This essential oil develops imagination, stimulates creativity and activity. Jasmine promotes a bright and realistic attitude towards life, optimism, self-confidence; it belongs to the oils that quickly lift the mood and cause mild euphoria. But at the same time, jasmine oil also has a calming and stabilizing effect, which promotes deep relaxation.

This is an excellent choice if you need to get rid of apathy, excessive laziness, indifference, relieve fatigue, exhaustion and stress, and overcome psychological uncertainty. It is actively used to combat nervous disorders and depression, obsessions and fears.

This is one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs and active stimulants, which enhances desire, eliminates coldness and disharmony. Jasmine enhances mutual trust, self-confidence, and brings a feeling of lightness and balance.

Internal use

Jasmine oil is not suitable for nutritional enrichment or oral administration; it is used only for external manipulation. An effective remedy for spasmodic pain in the stomach, muscle neuralgia. Improves the functioning of the nervous, endocrine and respiratory systems. Prescribed to alleviate the course of colds and hypertension.

Refers to “female” oils, restores hormonal balance, prevents toxicosis during pregnancy.

Not recommended for use if you have individual sensitivity. Also, high concentration can cause dizziness and attention deficit.

How to use jasmine essential oil

This is one of the rare and unique oils that has an antispasmodic effect and simultaneously increases libido and lowers blood pressure. Therefore, such a valuable remedy was not spared by traditional medicine.

How to use:

  • hormonal imbalances in women, menstrual irregularities, depression, frigidity, hypertension - aromatherapy procedures;
  • fatigue, joint pain - aroma baths;
  • tension caused by stress - massage (mixed with basic);
  • otitis - mix 1 drop/tablespoon with any base, massage the auricle;
  • runny nose, nasal congestion, cough - hot 1 drop per glass of hot water, breathe for 5 minutes, or cold inhalation - 1 drop. on a scarf, breathe for 4 minutes;
  • sore throat, severe sore throat - gargle twice a day with a solution of 1 drop per glass of warm water;
  • disturbed sleep – place 1 drop on the pillow;
  • joint pain, rheumatism - compress or rubbing with a mixture with any base in a safe proportion;

Before using for medicinal purposes, be sure to consult a doctor so as not to increase the symptoms of the disease.

Harmful properties of jasmine oil

Precautionary measures

Before use, the oil must be tested for possible allergies. Apply a mixture of ether and base oil to your wrist, wait for half an hour for a possible reaction. Floral ether cannot be used in its pure form due to the content of alcohol solvents. In the absence of burning or redness, it can be used for cosmetic purposes.

It is important to adhere to the recommended concentration; dosed use of ether will help avoid dizziness, migraines, and impaired cognitive abilities. Contraindications also include the first trimester of pregnancy, kidney pathologies and hypotension.

The healing properties of jasmine oil components

Jasmine oil belongs to the absolute category, as it is made from the flowers of the plant of the same name using a solvent extraction method. The liquid has a viscous consistency and a dark brown color with a yellowish tint. The process of obtaining the product is highly complex: flowers are collected at night, and they must be processed within 1 hour to avoid loss of beneficial properties.

Since one bottle of liquid in its pure form is quite expensive due to the complexity of production, the oil sold through pharmacy chains is most often an already diluted substance. Nevertheless, the healing properties of the product are fully preserved and allow the oil to be used for medical, as well as cosmetic and perfume purposes.

Oil with the best characteristics is produced in Japan, China, Italy, France and Morocco.

The oil is obtained from jasmine flowers using solvent extraction.

The aroma of the liquid is characterized by the presence of sweet exotic shades. It is not for nothing that jasmine is considered a natural aphrodisiac, because the smell of flowers and the extracts obtained from them enhance sexual attractiveness and potency indicators, and also help get rid of frigidity.

The substance contains the following useful elements:

  • jasmone;
  • eugenol;
  • alcohols;
  • esters.

The combination of these components has a rejuvenating and moisturizing effect on the surface of the face and body. With regular use of the liquid, wrinkles and wounds are eliminated, acne and other inflammatory manifestations heal due to the antiseptic characteristics of the product. The oil helps strengthen the hair structure, relieves excessive dryness of the scalp, and promotes shine and elasticity of the hair.

The effect of oil on the female body is unique: when inhaling the scent during aromatherapy, the muscle tissue of the uterus relaxes, inflammatory processes are cured, and the severity of pain during menstrual periods is reduced.

Jasmine oil has a dark brown color and thick consistency.

Advantages and disadvantages

Jasmine essential oil is a valuable product for face and body care. Transforms skin, improves tone and structure, eliminates inflammation and redness. It is important to follow the general recommendations for use to achieve the desired effect. It is worth considering the main advantages and disadvantages.


  • Suitable for all skin types;
  • copes with major aesthetic problems, is used in an anti-aging program, as well as for the treatment of acne;
  • combines with base oils and esters; you can enrich creams, emulsions, tonics, shampoos;
  • widely used for beauty and shine of hair;
  • economical consumption, 1-2 drops are enough for one-time use;
  • can be used throughout the year.


  • high cost of ether;
  • high concentrations can lead to redness, skin irritation, headaches, and confusion;
  • not recommended in the first months of pregnancy, with hypotension.

Short story

The history of the plant called jasmine goes back to ancient times. There are many legends about its pleasantly smelling white flowers. They were used by the most ancient peoples of the world during wedding ceremonies to treat various diseases. Only in the 16th century did the flower come to the territory of Europe, but scientists do not have a common opinion about where the world distribution of the plant begins: some believe that it is India, others believe that it is Iran.

For centuries, jasmine was considered the flower of love, and, as it turns out now, for a reason. Now, as a result of research, evidence has been obtained that there are essential oils that can excite consciousness and increase attraction to a partner. This volatile fat also belongs to a number of aphrodisiacs.

User reviews

Many have already been able to appreciate the beneficial properties of jasmine ether, using them in care procedures for the face, body, and hair.

The user describes the features of jasmine ether, suitable for all skin types, gives an elastic, well-groomed appearance.

A participant describes his experience using jasmine oil.

The review describes the therapeutic effect and indicates the need for use in a very diluted form.

Other reviews can be found by following the link.


Is Jasmine Essential Oil Phototoxic?

Manufacturers have not established any data to give a specific answer to the question, which is due to differences in production methods. For this reason, you should not use the product immediately before going out into the fresh air.

Is it possible to make jasmine essential oil at home?

There are many options for performing the procedure for extracting fat from flowers, which are also available at home, but they all have low yields. Taking into account the complexity of performing the enfleurage method even in production conditions, since the scheme includes several stages, the simplest option is the preparation of an oil extract.

What should be done:

  • before dawn or at dawn, collect jasmine flowers;
  • dry the raw materials;
  • immerse in a glass jar;
  • add any vegetable oil without a pronounced aroma;
  • close the container with a lid and place on the windowsill for two weeks;
  • strain.

It should be stored in a dry place, away from direct light. When the liquid acquires a darker shade or an unpleasant, rancid odor, which indicates spoilage, it is better to throw the product away.

In central Russia, despite all the efforts of scientists, specially bred plant varieties grow that are not used to obtain essential oil. For this reason, it is impossible to obtain an authentic and similar extract to the one on the market at home without the necessary raw materials.

Can I drink jasmine essential oil?

It is possible, but only if this method of use is provided for in the instructions. The fact is that products obtained from the same raw materials, but using different methods, differ in properties and do not always benefit from internal use.

General characteristics of jasmine oil

Jasmine oil is one of the most sought after products used in herbal medicine. It has a lot of useful properties and the following physical properties:

  • Thick consistency;
  • Viscosity and oiliness;
  • Transparency;
  • Orange, brown or dark brown color;
  • Pleasant smell of honey mixed with a tart spicy aroma.

Jasmine ether is believed to be a powerful natural aphrodisiac. This substance increases sexual desire, successfully fights impotence and other serious sexual disorders.

The product is often used in gynecology, as it reduces the tone of the uterus and reduces pain during menstruation and childbirth. It is also successfully used to relieve the inflammatory process in the treatment and prevention of gynecological diseases.

This substance is also a powerful natural antidepressant. It is actively used in psychotherapy to normalize sleep, combat stress and chronic fatigue syndrome.

If you often breathe jasmine ether, mental activity is activated and memory improves. Also, using the oil normalizes metabolism and helps cope with hormonal problems.

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