Mango oil for face: properties and use in cosmetology, reviews

Mango butter: properties and applications, useful characteristics, chemical composition, reviews - these are not all the queries that those who want to get maximum information about the new ingredient in a cosmetic product are looking for answers to. In fact, this is a unique product that is suitable for caring for the face, area around the eyes, hair and other parts of the body thanks to a unique combination of components, including fats and vitamins. When buying a jar, you should know that you can save a lot on this, because the product will replace most of your home cosmetics bag and each family member, even if he is only three months old, will be able to find benefits for himself. Detailed information about the properties and uses of mango butter is presented in the text below.

Mango fruit plant

Short story

Now the fruits of the mango plant can be found on the shelves of retail chains everywhere, and for this you do not need to go to a specific place or look for a delivery method. The cost of this fruit is quite affordable, but does everyone know that five to six thousand years ago everything was completely different. There is no reliable data about which country is the homeland and there are only assumptions that it is India, but in any case, this is a plant of a tropical climate, which, thanks to cultivation, now grows in such warm countries as:

  • China;
  • Thailand;
  • Indonesia;
  • Mexico;
  • Brazil;
  • Pakistan;
  • Nigeria, etc.

These countries share dominance in the import of juicy fruits and at the same time act as suppliers of a valuable product that is extracted from the woody seed - mango oil. There are also only guesses about the history of its origin, namely in India it is a means of traditional medicine.

Briefly about the plant

The above mentioned oil is extracted from the fruit of the Indian mangifera. This is a tropical evergreen mango tree that produces broad leaves and small flowers.

The tree bears fruits that are yellow, red and green. Their weight reaches 1 and even 2 kg. The fruits have an unusual aroma and rich taste.

In search of a mango tree, you can go to South, Central America or Mexico: the boundaries of its habitat have expanded so far. The tree is native to India. The tropical belt of Africa and even Australia considered it an honor to host this wonderful plant.

What it is

Mango butter is a product obtained by cold pressing the contents of the seeds of the well-known exotic fruit. The production technology involves an extraction stage and further extraction by pressing, so it is quite difficult to carry out this procedure at home. Its main difference from other butter group oils is its not completely solid consistency, if, for example, compared with cocoa, due to which it has better penetration into the deep layers of the epidermis. Due to its unique properties, this product can often be found as part of industrial care products or separately in the form of:

  • unrefined;
  • cosmetic;
  • refined.

All varieties on the market are intended for external use only, which should be taken into account.

It is also possible to use lip balm as an alternative during the cold season to prevent cracking.

It is also worth knowing that mango butter, which should have a mild odor, is resistant to environmental factors, according to information from literature sources, but this does not mean that it can be stored at high temperatures or is able to prevent the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays when exposed to the sun all day (even high-tech products can perform the task for no more than two hours).

Mango butter (butter) description:

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  • texture similar to softened butter (room temperature, above 30 degrees / C - liquid);
  • shade – snow-white – beige;
  • taste - neutral

Due to its ease of use, the valuable seed product has found application in the cosmetics industry.

How do you get it?

This product is obtained not from the pulp itself, but from the seeds. Two methods are used for its manufacture:

  • cold pressing method;
  • extraction method.

If pressing is used, the chemical structure of all the beneficial contents of the mango seed is preserved, since this is a purely mechanical method of making butter.

The already crushed seeds are placed under a press, the oily substance itself is squeezed out, but this substance is not allowed to heat up. Low temperature promotes the release of unchanged fatty acids and vitamins into the finished product.

During extraction, chemical solvents are used to ensure maximum degreasing of the original product.

Mango butter: chemical composition

Before moving on to analyzing the positive effects, it is worth understanding the constituent components, because the presence or absence of certain compounds and their concentration determine the main effect.

Fatty acid Percentage content,%






Oleic (omega-9)






Despite the fact that the product consists of 97.0% fat, it also contains:

  • phytosterols;
  • carotenoids;
  • tocopherols;
  • retinol acetate (vtamin A);
  • cholecalciferol (vitamin D);
  • alpha-tocopherol acetate (E).

Saturated fatty acids create a protective film that prevents the harmful effects of environmental factors, while simultaneously sealing the dermis with existing moisture levels.

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For this reason, it is better to apply mango oil to pre-moistened epidermis.

Monounsaturated fatty acids, due to their similar properties to the substances that make up the lipid barrier, improve the penetration of nutritional compounds into the deep layers, and together with polyunsaturated fatty acids, they slow down the aging process.

Phytosterols have an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect, retinol acetate evens out skin tone, and tocopherol removes free radicals.

Benefits of mango fruit

Benefits of mango butter

Positive impact is determined by the following effects:

  • moisturizing;
  • regenerative;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anti-burn;
  • eliminating pigmentation;
  • rejuvenating;
  • nutritious;
  • softening;
  • protective (harmful effects of ultraviolet rays);
  • stimulating (massage of the epidermis of the head);
  • leveling (derma tone);
  • antiallergic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • slowing down the natural aging process.

In the cold season it can be used as a lip balm, and in the warm season it can be used to reduce the risk of peeling and burns.

At home, in India, this drug is used to treat diseases of the epidermis, which is best done only after consulting a doctor, because there is no data on clinical trials.

In this case, we are talking about the general case, because each manufacturer attaches instructions for use to the product, which describes in detail lists of positive and negative effects, and refined mango butter, the properties of which are determined by the purification method, in theory loses some of the valuable compounds, therefore retains more degree of moisturizing effect.

The product intended for cosmetic purposes does not have additional purification to remove impurity components, so its ingestion is prohibited. In addition, the products of some brands contain tocopherol for stabilization or other substances, which is also worth paying attention to and, if possible, choosing an unrefined product.

Mango butter: benefits for women

If you are a representative of the fairer sex and are not yet familiar with such a wonderful method of caring for the area around the eyes, rough heels, and lips, then it’s time to try it to make sure of the unique effect. Another advantage is the wide spectrum of action, thanks to which there are no restrictions on use for cosmetic purposes by gender and age - each family member will surely find something useful in mango oil.

IMPORTANT. Do not forget about possible allergic reactions - conduct a preliminary test (apply a small amount to the forearm, and after 15 minutes check for redness, itching and other unpleasant facts of individual intolerance).

According to reviews, after a month of use, most girls replaced most of their skin care products with this product, which is not entirely correct: for the best effect, it is better to add the oil to a cream or mask and in a concentration of no more than 10%, and also use it in courses so as not to cause addiction.

IMPORTANT. Expectant mothers can use this method to prevent the formation of stretch marks on the abdomen that appear after childbirth with the help of daily massage with this product.

Mango butter: benefits for men

The skin of the stronger sex also needs timely care, because it is exposed to external factors every day, and besides, shaving noticeably injures the epidermis, causing irritation. Due to the presence of phytosterols and monounsaturated fatty acids and an easy-to-apply creamy texture, mango butter is quite suitable for use as an aftershave balm, and in cold weather it will eliminate the effects of frostbite on the dermis.

Mango butter: properties and use in cosmetology

This product is used in the cosmetics industry in the form of ready-made products containing the specified component or as an ingredient in homemade mixtures. In the previous section, we examined in detail the unique effect on the epidermis, but does everyone know exactly how best to use it for guaranteed results.

Mango oil for hair

As opposed to coconut pulp, this extract contains a larger amount of monounsaturated fatty acids, which not only smooth out scales, but also extend the life of balms and masks with other components. In fact, it is currently impossible to restore the damaged structure of the hair shaft due to the lack of complete analogues of human collagen, so the best measure would be to accelerate growth. A good helper in this situation is mango oil, which relieves inflammation, prevents itching and flaking, nourishes the follicles, increases density, awakening the bulbs.

IMPORTANT. A big advantage over cocoa bean squeezing is its consistency, which is more convenient for application.

Mango butter for face, reviews

Care should be taken when caring for this area, since products with a low comedogenic index can still cause more acne, and even if you have dry dermis, there is no guarantee that this will not happen. In this regard, it can be used in its pure form only in the area around the eyes, where there are no sebaceous glands, and it is better to apply masks to the face or add your favorite oil to creams.

It is worth knowing that reviews of mango butter for the facial area indicate the absence of side effects, even in women with a combined type of epidermis. This fact should not be considered as a guarantee, because everything here directly depends on the manufacturer, the presence of additives, refining and individual characteristics.

Mango oil for tanning

Scientific studies have been carried out repeatedly regarding the ability of oils to act as sunscreens, as a result of which in some cases the possibility of delaying ultraviolet rays was confirmed, in others the data showed a lower percentage. Here it is worth understanding that mango oil itself does not have a delay factor, for this you should add shea butter or something else to it, but its pronounced regenerative properties can serve as a means of preventing redness and peeling. For this reason, in its mono version it is better to apply it after sunbathing to calm the stressed dermis.

Mango butter for the skin around the eyes

Here, all the unique properties can be used in full: massage, compresses, the main thing is to do this on a pre-moistened dermis and not leave it on for more than 15 minutes. You should also take into account the regularity and frequency of procedures - one per week is enough, the course is from 4 to 8 weeks (two months).

Benefits for the face

Nutrients based on mango fruits have a positive effect on the skin:

  • softening it, moisturizing every cell;
  • protecting from environmental influences;
  • eliminating pigmentation. Including age;
  • activating the revival of epidermal cells;
  • eliminating oily shine on the cheeks and in the T zone, normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • leveling the microrelief of the face;
  • removing blackheads and soothing sensitive skin;
  • eliminating peeling, improving complexion.

Benefits of mango for facial skin.

Mango is a universal fruit for any skin type. Eliminating oily shine and flaking, it is a salvation for combination faces.

The presence of folic acid and phylloquinone allows the use of mango pulp masks to solve almost all problems of different skin types.

Fund rating

Hard mango butter is in the product line of most manufacturers; there are brands that have managed to win the trust of customers, and to make it more convenient for you to choose a product, we have compiled a rating of popular ones, based on reviews.

Brand Volume/weight Recommend, % price, rub.
Zeitoun 50 ml. 100 650,0
PERFECT4u 50 ml. 98 350,0
Levrana 150 ml. 98 450,0
Life-flo 266 ml. 90 750,0
ARS (refined) 50 ml. 90 350,0
MedikoMed 75 ml. 90 260,0
Planeta Organica 100 ml. 86 850,0
Spivak (refined) 100 gr. 84 300,0
Botany 30 ml. 78 300,0
Aromatics 50 ml. 76 400,0

Analyzing the presented data, we can conclude that the Zeytun brand is distinguished by its high cost and quality. For this reason, this product is not so easy to purchase - it cannot be ordered on some services due to out of stock. However, there are other brands whose oils are just as effective at a lower price.

Mango butter: harm, contraindications

Despite all the advantages, too frequent use in its pure form or as an additional ingredient in home cosmetics may disrupt the functioning of the protective skin layer due to oversaturation with nutrients, and, as a result, thinning and early aging. For this reason, it is worth using in courses; there should be breaks of 2-3 days between procedures.

Despite the large number of positive aspects, there are also disadvantages: an allergy to mango butter is possible. To avoid this unpleasant phenomenon, you should first check the sensitivity of the epidermis.

Contraindications for use are:

  • individual intolerance;
  • oily/combination type of epidermis or strands;
  • the presence of skin infections, burns, open wounds.

To reduce the symptoms of dermal diseases, you should consult a dermatologist before use.

Single notes

Mango butter is a butter, and if it is in a solid state, it does not spread well on the skin. It should be heated a little - after that it will easily be absorbed into the part to which it is applied, be it skin, hair or nails. At the same time, there was no unpleasant sensation of oiliness.

The use of oil should be avoided if individual intolerance is observed (allergies, rashes, discomfort). This is rare, since the substance is hypoallergenic.

Correct storage conditions are simple. The container must be dark and well closed. It is best to store in the refrigerator or at room temperature. If you comply with all the above conditions, the oil will be preserved and retain its properties for up to two years. This is explained by the fact that the product is resistant to oxidation. If stored incorrectly, the oil will deteriorate and can be harmful, so be careful and take care of yourself.

Mango butter is a butter, and if it is in a solid state, it does not spread well on the skin. It should be heated a little - after that it will be easily absorbed into the part to which it is applied, be it skin, hair or nails. At the same time, there was no unpleasant sensation of oiliness.

Rules for selection and storage

Unfortunately, it is possible to assess whether a product meets the stated requirements only after payment, but if a counterfeit is discovered, it is not always possible to return it. If we don't take into account the worst case scenario, a careful study of the appearance and data presented on the packaging can significantly reduce the risk of wasting money. Worth considering:

  • intact, undamaged packaging;
  • no worn out places, all entries must be clear and easy to read;
  • data on compliance with quality requirements;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • compliance with the stated expiration dates.

It is worth knowing that mango butter, which can be bought at a pharmacy or specialty store, should not be too cheap - a low price may indicate a lack of quality. After payment, you should examine the appearance of the contents of the package: darkening, unpleasant odors, traces of mold, rot and other types of damage are not allowed.

Description of mango butter:

  • solid consistency at room temperature;
  • white, cream, yellowish tint;
  • neutral aroma.

If the room is not too hot, but there is a liquid mass inside, then the product is either damaged or counterfeit.

Over time, valuable compounds are destroyed, from which hazardous compounds are synthesized. For this reason, you should not store the product longer than the period indicated on the package, or in open form, in the sun.

With the onset of summer heat, it is better to place the jar of the product in the refrigerator, because at high temperatures, monounsaturated fatty acids oxidize.

Nail care

Regular use of oil will strengthen brittle nails. They will become stronger and noticeably harder, and the nail fold and cuticle will be abundantly moisturized. To do this, rub the oil into the nail plate overnight.

Beauty and health go hand in hand, so mango oil has found application in medicine.

The product in question effectively improves the structure of the nail plates, preventing their fragility. It is advisable to apply the oil at night to the nail and adjacent skin, and by the morning, the cuticle will be well moisturized and the nail will have a healthy appearance.


Mango oil has a fairly high rating online - products of the brands “Zeytun”, “PERFECT4u”, “Levrana” scored 5.0 points out of a possible 5.0, which indicates high quality and effectiveness of use for cosmetic purposes. Many girls replace most creams and other care products with this product, noting a noticeable improvement.

Yulia, 35 years old

Three months ago I saw mango butter on sale. There were many reviews at that time, many of them laudatory. Based on the positive impressions of the fair sex, I bought it and I can say with confidence that it is universal: from the ends of the hair to the rough skin of the heels - there is application everywhere. I recommend.

Maria, 25 years old

Hair loss after childbirth has become a real problem. I tried many home and natural remedies, but I could not achieve the desired result, namely to reduce hair loss. I was already determined to make a hair mask with onions, but I found mango butter from my sister, and after three uses an improvement was already visible. I recommend.

Juliana, 18 years old

Once upon a time, my sister gave me mango butter. It lay there for at least six months, and I still didn’t know what to do with it. When I was about to make a bath for my hands and nails again, I discovered that I had run out of shea butter and had to take what I had. As a result, I didn’t notice a difference - it softens no worse, I even started smearing my heels. I recommend.

Mango fruit


How is mango butter different from other butters?

The chemical composition of the solid extract obtained from the seeds is dominated by monounsaturated fatty acids, which, due to their affinity for the lipid layer of the dermis, improve the penetration of beneficial compounds into the deep layers of the dermis. Along with these substances, the components include carotenoids, which enhance the synthesis of melanin by the dermis, and tocopherols, strong antioxidants and anticancer agents. This combination determines the main effect on the epidermis - nourishing, regenerative. The addition of other oils provides additional properties - the ability to delay ultraviolet rays.

Where can you buy mango butter?

You can purchase a jar of solid composition in a pharmacy chain or an online store that specializes in selling natural cosmetics. Since we are talking about products intended for personal use, you should treat the place of purchase with extreme caution: choose a network where you can get acquainted with the certificate of quality and the opinions of other buyers.

Doesn't mango butter clog pores?

According to the scale developed by scientists, this product does not have a tendency to cause acne, but it should be borne in mind that all the results were obtained not on humans, but on animals. For this reason, when used in its pure form, acne may appear on dry skin types - an individual approach is required.

Can you make mango butter at home?

At the moment, manufacturers do not disclose the exact technology for manufacturing the product, which has a solid consistency: all that is known is that the raw material is first extracted and then pressed. In addition, at the output, all products are subject to quality control using modern physical and chemical analysis methods. For this reason, we can say that it is impossible to make a full-fledged analogue of an industrial product at home.

Can mango butter be used on the skin around the eyes?

Cosmetologists recommend using it with extreme caution in areas where there are sebaceous glands. If we talk about the periocular dermis, it is the first to show age and the reason for this is the absence of glands responsible for the production of sebum. For this reason, this area of ​​the face requires special care, and oils can be equipped with all the necessary substances, and mango is no exception - regular application in the form of compresses or driving in with massage movements (no more than 2 times/week) can:

  • eliminate swelling, dark circles;
  • prevent early wrinkles.

Does mango butter have a UV filter?

According to research conducted by American scientists, some types of oils can block direct rays of light, preventing harmful effects on the dermis. With prolonged exposure to the sun, even products developed by high-tech laboratories cope with their task only for two hours. What follows is the reverse process: due to decomposition, free radicals enter the epidermis, so the applied layer should be washed off and applied again.

This fact applies to specially selected compositions, and as for fruit seed extract, there is no data on the delay of light rays in the sources, so for those with sensitive epidermis, it is better to select a ready-made combination with shea butter (for example, “Cosmos”).

The fact is that based on the chemical composition of mango butter, we can say that it prevents the formation of burns, peeling, redness, has a regenerative effect on tissue, improves melanin synthesis, therefore, in its mono variation, it is more suitable for use after sunbathing.

Can you eat mango butter?

There is no reliable information on this issue on the services about properties and application. Here it is worth understanding that the product on the market is intended for cosmetic use, that is, it may contain impurities that can be harmful to health if ingested. Summarizing the information presented, we can answer that this product cannot be eaten.

How to use mango butter for face?

Despite the low comedogenicity index, for those with oily and combination dermis, according to the recommendations of cosmetologists, it is better to include this product in ready-made creams or homemade masks. This requirement can be explained by the presence in the chemical composition of saturated fatty acids, which seal the dermis, creating a protective film. If the epidermis produces more oil, acne may form due to the closure of pores with excess oil.

For this reason, the dermis must be thoroughly cleansed before use, and mango oil should be applied to a moistened epidermis.

Help for hair

The ideal hair care product is mango butter. Properties and application allow you to improve the structure and appearance of hair. The product consists of almost 90% essential fatty acids, beneficial for the health of curls. In addition, the composition includes other necessary components:

  • B vitamins.
  • Flavonoids.
  • Potassium.
  • Copper.
  • Magnesium.
  • Lupeol (a component that actively prevents inflammatory processes).
  • Vitamin C.

Thanks to this supply of nutrients, your hair will become more luxurious. What does anyone who wants to use this hair butter buy?

  • Saturation of curls with necessary moisture.
  • Each hair will be protected from UV exposure and covered with film.
  • Abundant nutrition will be provided to split ends.
  • Removing inflammatory processes that occur on the dermis of the head.
  • Strengthening hair.
  • Regenerating effect.
  • If you use mango oil, your hair will be easy to comb and will become vibrant and fluffy.

  • The oil ingredients envelop the hair shaft and protect it from injury.
  • Hair scales are smoothed out.
  • The strands become less brittle, they become elastic, obedient, and strong.
  • The benefits don't end there. Beautiful and well-groomed hands are the calling card of any woman.

    For hair care, mango oil is combined in a minimal amount with hair balm (in a ratio of 1 to 10). The resulting mixture is applied to the hair, distributed evenly over it and easily rubbed into the scalp. Then wash off with water at the optimal temperature after 5-7 minutes.

    As an option, you can try massaging the scalp with a mixture of two oils: mango and jojoba, mixed in equal proportions.

    The revitalizing elements of mango butter envelop each hair, gently smoothing its scales and at the same time nourishing, moisturizing and restoring the hair along its entire length. The result is manageable, easy to comb and shiny hair that is less likely to break. They not only look healthy, but they are also healthy inside.

  1. Saturation of curls with necessary moisture.
  2. Each hair will be protected from UV exposure and covered with film.
  3. Abundant nutrition will be provided to split ends.
  4. Removing inflammatory processes that occur on the dermis of the head.
  5. Strengthening hair.
  6. Regenerating effect.
  1. The oil ingredients envelop the hair shaft and protect it from injury.
  2. Hair scales are smoothed out.
  3. The strands become less brittle, they become elastic, obedient, and strong.

Mango butter is rich in vitamins A, C and E. These are the most important microelements for the health and beauty of hair. In addition, the product effectively combats dry strands and gives strength to depleted curls. But these are not all the beneficial properties of mango oil:

  • One of the main criteria for hair health is a sufficient amount of moisture inside it. Mango butter successfully replenishes the existing lack of moisture.
  • The product prevents the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation by enveloping each hair with an invisible film and thus creating a protective barrier.
  • The oil is very useful for women with naturally curly hair. It perfectly holds hair scales together, making them softer and more manageable.
  • Brief summary

    1. Mango butter, the properties and use of which are limited to external use, is a universal care product: from split ends of hair to rough heels, which will become completely different in two or three treatments.
    2. At the moment, there is no reliable information about the homeland and history - India is only conditionally named as the parent of this unique gift to people.
    3. Mango essential oil is extracted from the juicy pulp of the fruit, and oil is extracted from the seeds, so these are two completely different products and it is incorrect to identify them due to the difference in chemical composition, appearance and properties.
    4. According to reviews, most buyers replaced tanning cream, eye cream and other cosmetic industry products with this product.
    5. Despite all the advantages, there are also a number of disadvantages - the lack of pronounced protection from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays and others.

    Serving, etiquette

    A whole, ripe mango is cut into four pieces, each of which is turned skin side up and held in place with a dessert fork. Then the pulp is separated from the shell, and the slices are cut into pieces. Mango is eaten with a fork. Before serving, remove the pit from the fruit. To do this, the fruit is first washed, then the seed is cut around the seed across the fibers, and the halves are turned in different directions. If the bone has grown to the pulp, it is cut out.

    When setting the table, bowls of water are placed near the mango dish or lightly moistened napkins are placed to clean the fingers from the dyes concentrated in the pulp of the fruit.

    To soften the oily taste, the fruit is served chilled.

    ( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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