When can you wet your eyebrows after permanent makeup, timing.

Permanent makeup is a luxury for the modern woman. The drawing always looks perfect, regardless of the weather and environmental conditions. A good cosmetologist will adjust the shape, thickness, and give a suitable shade. It is recommended to renew the application no more than once a year, which is convenient and economical. At the same time, you should know when you can wet your eyebrows after tattooing, so that one wrong action does not spoil the result.

Changes that occur during eyebrow tattooing

The variability of the insertion depth is within 0.3 – 0.8 mm, depending on the chosen technique. Under aseptic conditions, application will not cause side effects such as infection, but it will cause discomfort. When the top layer of skin is damaged, blood and ichor are released. This provokes the appearance of swelling, redness and crusting after 2-3 days.

Proper care helps to quickly relieve swelling within a day. The wound heals within a week, but complete restoration of the skin requires at least 20 days.

During the session, after drawing a sketch, the master applies an anesthetic, which begins to act after 15 minutes. The work itself takes 1.5-2 hours, no more. At the end, the specialist applies an antiseptic solution and healing cream to the damaged skin. These substances need to treat the wound for the first few days, every 2-3 hours.

Preparing for eyebrow tattooing

Unsuccessful eyebrow tattoo

Permanent impact on the skin of the eyebrow line is a kind of stress for the tissues. Therefore, you need to prepare not only your face, but also your entire body for the procedure, getting ready for tattooing in advance:

  • 2 weeks before the scheduled session, stop taking all medications: antibiotics, blood pressure medications, hormonal drugs;
  • even aspirin is contraindicated as a blood thinner and reduces blood clotting;
  • 7-10 days before permanent hair removal, hair removal is excluded;
  • during the same period, visiting a solarium, peeling and using scrubs is not recommended;
  • 3 days before tattooing, stop plucking and dyeing eyebrows - these procedures injure the upper layer of the dermis, which may cause the permanent to be postponed to a later date;
  • the day before the procedure, alcohol is removed from the diet, energy drinks are contraindicated; an alcoholic drink negatively affects blood flow, which weakens the effect of anesthetics used during the procedure;
  • immediately before applying eyebrow tattoo, avoid drinking coffee and strong tea; hot tonic drinks affect blood vessels, increasing the pressure in them.

A few hours before the start of the session, all makeup is removed from the face. If you have a piercing on your eyebrows, that should also be removed.

Piercing is a hindrance to tattooing

Important! In case of cold infections or sudden inflammation of the skin on the face, the procedure will have to be postponed for a while. The permanent is not prescribed for the period of menstruation.

Why you shouldn’t get your eyebrows wet after permanent makeup

A crust on the surface of the wound protects the skin from foreign viruses and pathogenic microorganisms. It cannot be peeled off until it completely falls off on its own, otherwise the pigment will not be absorbed and a scar will appear on the surface. During washing, the surface layer softens, which causes a violation of its integrity. What consequences may arise:

  • infectious infection;
  • intensification or resumption of the inflammatory process;
  • uneven distribution of pigment over the drawing area due to excessive secretion along with the ichor;
  • long-term skin restoration;
  • Repeated scrapings cause scars.

The crust disappears on its own within 1 – 1.5 weeks from the date of the procedure.

If swelling increases 2-3 days after the injection of the pigment, it is recommended to consult a doctor to prescribe an antiallergic drug. Don't be alarmed if the drawing looks pale after the scab falls off. Due to the new layer of epidermis, it is difficult to see, but within 2-3 weeks the color will fully manifest itself.

What not to do after the procedure

The procedure is performed using a machine with disposable tips that make microscopic punctures. A professional can draw arrows, correct the shape of the eyes, and choose the appropriate color.

Eyelid tattooing can visually correct visual asymmetry of the eyes or face. There are three types of permanent eye makeup:

  1. Classic - pigment fills the space between the eyelashes.
  2. Tattoo “arrow” - using paint, the artist applies a line to the eyelids.
  3. Filling the interlash space with shading - after applying the pigment, the specialist shades it, making the line slightly fuzzy.

The master will give recommendations for care and tell you what not to do after eyelid tattooing:

  1. Rub the skin with your hands or a towel. You can introduce an infection into the wounds, erase the pigment - the result will turn pale.
  2. Wet the skin with the location of the long-lasting cosmetic product within 24 hours after the procedure. Since the needle penetrates to a small depth, the permanent can be washed away. If water gets on the tattoo area, do not wipe it off, but leave it to dry.
  3. Use cosmetics immediately after the procedure. Avoid products with harsh chemicals.
  4. Try to get rid of the crusts. The crust protects the damaged area of ​​the skin, and healing occurs underneath it. There is no need to touch it for the regeneration process to go faster.
  5. Use lotions and alcohol-containing eye creams for a month after tattooing. Because of them, the color may change shade or turn pale. There is a risk of increasing the healing time of wounds.
  6. Be exposed to physical activity. Excessive sweating can damage the pigment.
  7. Do not let the crusts dry out too much - apply the cream recommended by the master as care.
  8. Contact skin with dirty hands. There is a risk of infection.
  9. Do not use mascara for at least three days. The skin heals completely only after 21 days.
  10. Wear contact lenses.
  11. Abuse alcohol.

By following the care recommendations, you can get a high-quality and beautiful effect on your eyelids. If you use the services of a professional, take into account his opinion and follow the instructions, there will be no problems after the tattoo procedure, and correction will not be needed soon.

The permanent eyelid makeup procedure will help a woman become irresistible. Despite the painful sensations, tattooing will delight you for a long time. You don’t have to fuss with eyeshadow, eyeliner, or eyeliner in the morning. Just tint your eyelashes and the look is ready.

Why can't you get your tattoo wet?

Before answering the question “how much should you not wet?”, you need to understand why you should not wet. This is not a whim of the masters to torment you, but an important rule of tattoo care

During healing, crusts form on permanent makeup, which protect exposed skin from dirt and damage, and they also hold the pigment where it was applied. In simple words, if the crusts are torn and swollen from water, then the tattoo will take root very poorly or will not exist at all ‍♀️

How long not to wet your eyebrows after tattooing?

When can you wash your face after tattooing? The application must not be treated with water for a week after the session. It is also recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • regularly apply wound healing ointment based on dexapanthenol and treat the surface with chlorhexidine;
  • When going outside, use Vaseline, soothing cream or sunscreen;
  • do not be exposed to direct sunlight for a long period;
  • Do not visit the solarium, bathhouse or swimming pool.

Also not allowed during the recovery period:

  • use aggressive alcohol-based antiseptics;
  • touching the pillow with your eyebrows while sleeping;
  • scratch and tear off the crust;
  • use eye shadow and pencils for the first two weeks.

Careful adherence to the recommendations will speed up the healing of the wounded surface and prolong the durability of the work.

What happens to the skin during a session

Permanent eyebrow makeup is a cosmetic procedure during which the master, using a special device or a hand-held manipulator with a blade at the tip, introduces a certain amount of coloring pigment under the skin.

Full compliance with sterility, the use of disposable materials and instruments makes the tattoo procedure absolutely safe. Provided that the client has no contraindications to its implementation.

After eyebrow microblading , when the integrity of the upper layer of the skin is damaged, redness, irritation, swelling, and ichor discharge are observed in the affected area. After a while, at the site of lymph secretion, a crust forms, which cannot be removed independently, so as not to provoke an infection or disturb the location of the dye under the skin.

Proper care allows you to get rid of swelling of the epidermis after just a couple of days, the crust will disappear in 10 days, and it will take up to four weeks for the wound surface to completely heal.

When a woman is hypersensitive to pain or has severe allergic reactions, the specialist can use anesthetics to relieve pain. And to reduce the likelihood of developing allergies, the client will take antihistamines.

When the tattooing process is completed, the cosmetologist applies an antiseptic to the affected area, as well as a means to accelerate wound healing. After this, the entire recovery process is entirely in the hands of the woman. Arriving home, she should periodically remove the secreted ichor with a clean cotton swab, wipe her eyebrows with a disinfectant composition, and also use wound-healing ointments.

How to wash your hair without getting your eyebrows wet after tattooing

During the first three days, showering is completely prohibited. It is best to wash your hair before going to the salon. This will prevent running water from accidentally entering the wound. When a crust appears, you need to wash carefully. Hair is rinsed with the head tilted. It’s best to have an assistant who can carefully wash them off from behind without touching your face. The second option is to use dry shampoo. Convenient product to use without water. A special product is applied along the length of the hair, after which it is thoroughly combed.

How to wash your face with permanent hair

You can wash your face with permanent eyebrow makeup, but without steaming the unhealed eyebrows or tearing off the crust. Minimize the time your eyebrows come in contact with water. Use cotton pads soaked in water at room temperature. Use hypoallergenic cleansers: baby soap, proven foam or micellar water are suitable.

During the entire healing process, you will need to abandon the bath in favor of a quick shower so as not to steam the skin. Try not to use too hot water, or make sure there is good ventilation so that steam does not accumulate in the room - for example, you can leave the shower stall slightly open. Dry shampoos can help out as a way to keep your hair neat without having to wash your hair every day.

How to wash your face without hurting your eyebrows

To do this, it is enough to treat the entire face with water, with the exception of the area with a wounded surface. It is not healthy to completely exclude skin contact with moisture, as it is not hygienic. It is enough to dip a napkin in micellar water, after which the eyelids, cheeks, chin, nose and lips are treated with gentle movements. It is better to wipe the forehead and temple area with a damp cloth.

When washing, try not to let any drops get on your face. It is forbidden to wipe the skin with a terry towel, as it can tear off the crust. For this it is better to use dry wipes. If you make careful dipping movements, damage will not occur.

Possible complications

Even if tattooing is performed according to all the rules, some complications may develop after the procedure:

  • An allergic reaction to an anesthetic or dye. In mild cases, the allergy is manifested by hyperemia, swelling, and itching of the skin at the site of exposure. Quite rarely, the reaction can occur with severe swelling of the face and neck (Quincke's edema). If an allergic reaction develops, the tattoo procedure should be stopped and the client should take an antihistamine.
  • Scar formation. This complication develops rarely and only if the body is prone to such a reaction in response to injury to the skin.
  • Infection. If the master neglected the rules of asepsis and antisepsis when performing the procedure: did not sterilize the instruments, did not use disposable gloves, did not properly clean the skin in the eyebrow area, then bacteria can penetrate through microdamages. The infectious process is manifested by pain, the formation of purulent crusts, and redness of the skin around the eyebrows. In severe cases, there is an increase in body temperature and general malaise.

The development of infection can also be caused by improper care after the procedure. Despite the fact that the damage to the skin is extremely small, the eyebrow area after applying the pigment is still very vulnerable. Let's look at how to properly care for the permanent makeup area.

On what day can you wet your eyebrows after tattooing?

Complete refusal to wash for 1-1.5 weeks after the session reduces the risk of infectious media entering the damaged wound. Prevents intensification of the inflammatory process. The timing varies from person to person and varies from 4 to 10 days depending on the capabilities of the immune system. With reduced protective functions of the body, the healing process will take longer than in normal conditions.

At first, it is recommended to use water with a moderate temperature. Tap water and boiling water negatively affect the condition of the epidermis. Avoid using soaps and harsh scrubs that dry out the skin. During the acute recovery period, physical activity in the gym that causes excessive sweating is limited.

Avoiding contact with water after permanent eyebrow makeup throughout the entire recovery period has a positive effect on reparative processes. Careful care is the key to long-lasting results.

Proper care for permanent tattoo healing

If you have already decided on shape correction and tattooing, then you should learn and remember some important ways to maintain health and prolong the effect after a salon service:

  • Use antibacterial agents - this will reduce the risk of infection in the inflamed skin.
  • Fat creams and ointments are not necessary, but if there is severe “drying” and a feeling of tightness, you can use them as additional nutrition for the eyebrows.
  • Do not visit places where large numbers of people gather - shopping centers, stuffy reception areas.
  • Avoid water and solar procedures - going to steam rooms, solariums, swimming pools.
  • Do not peel off dried tattoo crusts under any circumstances - they should peel off the skin only naturally.
  • Never cover your eyebrows with a bandage - it prevents air flow and normal restoration of the epidermis.
  • Postpone cosmetic procedures of daily comprehensive care until complete “recovery”.
  • If possible, do not use decorative cosmetics - do not clog pores that you cannot clean properly.

When is visiting the bathhouse and sauna allowed?

Tattooing is equated to quite serious cosmetic procedures, since the skin is injured during the process of micropigmentation. After completing the procedure, it is very important to follow the recommendations of the master. This guarantees successful and speedy healing of injured skin areas and obtaining the expected result.

To understand how long you can’t go to the bathhouse after tattooing, you need to find out how long the healing period lasts. Conventionally, experts divide this time into 3 periods:

  1. The occurrence of inflammation after the procedure. This period lasts from 1 to 7 days. The area of ​​skin injured by the needle turns red and crusts form on it.
  2. The period of peeling of crusts and “sliding” of color. Usually lasts 7-15 days.
  3. Color restoration. Complete healing of the tattoo. The final healing period lasts 15-30 days.

Thus, it will be possible to visit the bathhouse only after the tattooed eyebrows have completely healed, that is, about a month after the procedure. Artists are often asked if they can go to the sauna after tattoo correction. Since the healing period after correction is shorter, you will be able to visit this establishment 2-3 weeks after the manipulation.

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