Features of permanent lip makeup with 3 D effect

Permanent tattooing of lips 3D effect, like eyebrows or eyes, transforms a woman’s appearance, giving her appearance a neat and well-groomed appearance. Representatives of the fair sex who strive for beauty positively evaluate this cosmetic procedure because it allows them to make their lips more expressive, sexy and vibrant. And the main advantage of a tattoo is a visual increase in volume and a clear outline for a long period.

What is and features of the 3D procedure

Permanent lip makeup 3d is a salon procedure that includes:

  • asymmetry correction;
  • elimination of minor cosmetic defects in the form of scars;
  • highlighting a clear outline;
  • giving the lips a natural swelling;
  • pigment saturation;
  • raising corners;
  • creating long-lasting and high-quality lip makeup.

Tattooing technology is characterized by the introduction of a dye along the contour of the lips and their surface. The technique uses several similar shades of color. This makes it possible to achieve visual super volume without the use of injectable drugs with a chemical composition. The procedure is carried out by an experienced cosmetologist who achieves the desired result, producing smooth transitions of tones. Thanks to this technique, a woman’s face is transformed, becoming fresh, bright and more youthful.

Advantages of the method

Permanent makeup is a way to correct minor flaws in appearance without using drastic methods. There are no indications for 3D lip tattooing. But most often girls turn to a professional for help:

  • with a thinly defined mouth line;
  • with small scars;
  • at the first signs of depigmentation or discoloration;
  • to obtain a lasting and long-lasting lipstick effect.

3D technology can even affect the shape of the mouth, correcting slight asymmetry. The disadvantage of the technology is that the process of creating a plump mouth is very lengthy. For convenience, it is divided into several sessions with an interval of 3-5 weeks.

Types of 3D tattoo

There are several types of permanent 3D tattoo, each of which is aimed at achieving a particular effect.

  1. Tattoo with 3D effect
This technique is complicated by the simultaneous use of several similar shades at once. To introduce pigment, needles of various diameters are used. The purpose of tattooing is to increase volume with a natural look, correct shape, and highlight a clear contour. 3D lip tattooing is performed in several stages (from 2 to 4). Each session includes a break for complete restoration and healing of the skin.
  1. Lip tattoo with 3D shading
The procedure is characterized by achieving a smooth transition from a darker color along the contour to a light shade in the middle. There are lip tattoos with partial and full 3D shading. Partial is performed to correct asymmetry and a slight visual enlargement of the lips. At the same time, the lips look as natural and attractive as possible. Full shading implies decorative tattooing with uniform filling of the lips with coloring pigment. After this procedure, they look painted and fresh. Full shading can also correct unevenness, hide defects, emphasize the contour, increase or decrease volume.

Who is 3D tattoo suitable for?

This permanent technique is not a panacea for the complete absence of volume. Lip tattooing will not replace filler injections, but will add natural volume, emphasize color, and correct shape.

Most often, masters recommend this technique to those women who want:

  • form a clear contour, make the transition between the labial surface and the surrounding skin more expressive;
  • make the shade deeper, richer;
  • emphasize natural swelling;
  • get rid of light areas in the corners;
  • hide small wrinkles, scars, age spots, defects;
  • correct minor asymmetry;
  • raise the drooping corners;
  • get rid of the daily need to apply makeup, constantly renew lipstick, gloss or pencil.

Features of the event

Permanent 3D makeup, when applied by an inexperienced specialist, is fraught with problems ranging from incomplete achievement of the effect to infection; it is important to choose the right salon and artist. To do this you need:

  • View photos of the work of this cosmetologist, consult with friends who have already performed the procedure at this institution, ask for a book of reviews and suggestions. If a beauty salon does not have a portfolio and a book with reviews of the work performed, then it is worth considering whether you can entrust your appearance to such an establishment.
  • Pay attention to the condition of the equipment and the cleanliness of the office. The design of the room is its calling card, and the level of cleanliness indicates compliance with the rules for disinfecting tools and the workplace.
  • Do not hesitate to inquire about the master’s qualification level and ask for relevant documents confirming his specialty and experience.
  • Ask about the quality of the coloring agent, its composition and service life. You should not think that such actions are “inconvenient” - we are talking about possible negative consequences for the client’s appearance and health.

The tattoo is applied using a special machine using replaceable sterile needles of various thicknesses. Most replacement tools are individual and disposable. They are removed from vacuum bags in front of the client and discarded after the session.

Tips for care during healing

After the procedure, the specialist will tell you how to care for the treated area while it heals. To ensure a high-quality result and extend the period of wearing the pigment, it is extremely important to follow all home care instructions after each session of applying permanent 3D makeup.

During the healing period, it is necessary to disinfect the skin and treat it with ointment. As a rule, a cosmetologist recommends using antibacterial soap, Chlorhexidine, as well as Depanthenol or Bepanten. For deeper hydration, you can use Vaseline.

During the healing period you cannot:

  • steam the skin;
  • comb the area, remove peeling;
  • independently select preparations for moisturizing, disinfecting, healing the skin;
  • use aggressive creams, lotions, ointments based on alcohol, peroxide, use peelings, scrubs;
  • go to the pool, sauna, solarium, bathhouse.

More detailed recommendations can be obtained from a cosmetologist. Detailed care tips are also described in our article.

Stages of applying permanent 3D effect

  1. Together with the specialist, shades of pigment are selected (at this stage you should be extremely careful - an unsuccessfully chosen color for a long period will make you regret the procedure done) and all the nuances of the operation and the desired result are discussed. To choose the right base color and its shades, you can start from the tone of the lipstick that the girl is used to using.
  2. Decorative cosmetics are removed from the client's face.
  3. Local anesthesia is used and the skin behind the lip contour is protected.
  4. A mineral-based dye is injected, creating the desired lip contour (this completes the first procedure).
  5. The paint is shaded over the entire surface (over the next few sessions).

A decorative tattoo on the lips is made using short jerks so as not to stretch the skin. Next, strokes are drawn from the contour to the center. Thin lines of different shades are located close to each other so much that an image of a single pattern is created with visualization of highlights.

The 3D effect will not appear immediately after the procedure, but several days later, after the swelling has decreased and slight inflammation has subsided, which is normal for skin trauma.

Lip tattoo using 3D technique: before and after photos

You can see the result of the work of our studio’s masters in the photographs before and after 3D lip tattoo. Immediately after the procedure, the permanent looks as bright as possible:

After 2-3 weeks, the color loses its brightness, and already before correction the skin looks more natural. The photo shows lips immediately after 3D tattoo and before the first correction:

Healed skin before correction:

After all sessions are completed, your appearance will become much more well-groomed, more expressive, and brighter. The result is worth the effort. 3D technology will provide additional volume and create a more sensual image. The final result of lip tattoo using 3D technique is presented in the photo:

Indications and contraindications

Indications for this cosmetic surgery are:

  • fuzzy outline;
  • presence of Fordyce granules;
  • freckles on the lips;
  • scars, traces of trauma, postoperative scars;
  • asymmetry;
  • too thin lips;
  • pale skin.

To make 3D lips, all you need is a desire to be beautiful and the absence of contraindications, including:

  • age under 18 years;
  • low pain threshold;
  • blood diseases;
  • HIV and AIDS;
  • manifestations of skin diseases on the lips;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • the presence of keloid scars and the tendency to form them;
  • moles on the lips and other neoplasms;
  • epilepsy;
  • exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • problems with the nervous system;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin on the lips.


The first correction is carried out a month after the last procedure. On it, the master corrects shortcomings that he missed in his work, or adds something. These may be gaps in pigment, or a sharp transition.

Subsequent corrections can be carried out at any time; they are prescribed by the client at will. If he is satisfied with the gradual fading of the color, he does not make any correction at all, and then undergoes microblading again.

The optimal time for corrections is once a year, or a year and a half. During this time, the color does not become dull, and correction will help highlight it.

Care, how long it lasts and correction

After each session and correction, it is not recommended to wet your lips, drink or eat hot, salty, spicy, sour foods, or use cosmetics. Care for injured skin involves treatment with Miramistin or Chlorhexidine twice a day during the first week. It is also necessary to apply regenerating ointments, protect yourself from sunlight and do not rip off the crusts.

Correction is carried out after complete regeneration of the skin - after 4-5 weeks. The permanent stays on the lips for 2-7 years, depending on skin type, quality of paint, shade saturation, and experience of the artist.

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Basic principles of creating lip tattoos

When deciding to do 3D permanent makeup, find a good specialist. It is advisable to trust a master working in a cosmetology salon. This will help evaluate his preliminary work, become familiar with the conditions, sterility of the workplace, and the quality of the equipment and materials used. The information collected will help you make a decision; if the tattoo on your lips is unsuccessful, you will have to remove it with a laser.

You should prepare before the procedure. This will help avoid unpleasant consequences and complications during work.

  1. A week before the 3D tattoo session, it is recommended to take antiviral medications. This will help avoid herpes rashes. The cosmetologist will tell you which drug to take.
  2. Try not to be nervous, avoid stressful situations, and sleep well.
  3. A day before the 3D lip tattoo procedure, give up alcohol, smoking, junk, spicy food, and coffee. This affects the functioning of the body and the circulatory system, causing bleeding when the pigment is introduced.

During permanent makeup, the 3D artist uses a tattoo machine with disposable needles of different diameters. He must open the package in front of you, insert the removable part into the device, and throw it away when finished. Reuse is not permitted.

The process itself takes place in several stages:

  1. Selection of lip shades 3D. The client and the master carefully select the color scheme, taking into account the woman’s preferences. This could be the color of your favorite lipstick, or more natural tones. The main thing is to make the right choice so that you don’t have to regret it after finishing the work.
  2. Removing decorative cosmetics, cleaning the work area.
  3. Lips are a sensitive area of ​​the face, with many nerve endings. Tattooing involves inserting a needle under the skin, causing microtrauma. You can't do without anesthesia. At the local level, the area is treated with an anesthetic to reduce the pain of the procedure.
  4. The first session only allows for drawing the contour of the lips, creating the main line of the 3D tattoo on the lips. After the client goes home to rest, time is given for the restoration and healing of delicate skin.
  5. The second session involves 3D shading and filling the surface of the lips with pigment. The artist applies the main color, moving in short jerks from the contour to the center. Lines of different shades run close to each other, creating the impression of a single pattern with a glare effect. Depending on the color saturation, several additional procedures may be required; the number of sessions is determined by a specialist.

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It is not possible to immediately evaluate the result of a 3D tattoo. A few days later, when the swelling and minor inflammation subsides, you can better examine the permanent makeup.

Proper care will help preserve and prolong the 3D effect. After the procedure, you should not wet your lips, scratch, or rub the tattoo site. It is advisable to refrain from drinking (drink drinks only through a straw), and eating spicy, sour, and hot foods. While the permanent makeup application surface is healing, do not use decorative cosmetics. Treat them with Miramistin or Chlorhexidine 2 times a day for a week. To speed up healing, you need to use an ointment or cream with a healing effect. Do not peel off the crust as it forms. Avoid the sun.

After a month, it is recommended to have your lip tattoo corrected. This will improve the achieved 3D effect and correct minor errors that can be made even by an experienced craftsman. A beautiful smile will serve as a decoration for your face for two to five years.

About the advantages and disadvantages

3D eyebrow makeup is not a budget procedure and will cost more than simple permanent makeup. However, it has undeniable advantages:

  1. There is no need to apply decorative cosmetics every day.
  2. The eyebrow pencil will no longer get dirty or wash off at the most inopportune moment.
  3. Tattooing can correct facial imperfections and disguise scars.
  4. Long-term results: by paying once you will get the effect for a period of 1.5 to 2 years.

It is worth noting that the skin recovery period after the pigment is introduced is up to 6 weeks. If the skin is aged, then the period can increase by 7 – 14 days.

Despite all the positive aspects of the permanent, it is worth remembering that each introduction into the body also has its disadvantages. First of all, this is clogging of the pores, after which natural eyebrows begin to grow more slowly; if you use the procedure often, it is possible that the hairs will simply stop growing.

The second possible disadvantage is the human factor, the mistake of the master. Therefore, do 3D eyebrow tinting only in trusted salons with a good reputation, because correcting an unsuitable eyebrow shape will not be so easy. In addition, qualified salons guarantee safety in terms of sterility of instruments.

How does the procedure work?

The result of the procedure is difficult to reverse; all details must be discussed in advance. The specialist individually selects the shape, color, thickness of the eyebrows for the client, and draws a sketch with a pencil directly on the client’s face. A woman evaluates the expected effect of a 3D tattoo and makes adjustments if desired. After this, the brow artist gets to work:

  1. All instruments - the machine and needles - are treated with an alcohol solution for disinfection. Most often, the master does this on his own, but can repeat the procedure with the client. Immediately before the process begins, the eyebrow area is anesthetized with a drug.
  2. First of all, a 3D tattoo specialist performs a soft application of the design by shading.
  3. After this stage is completed, the hairs will look like they were just drawn with a pencil. Shotting exists as a separate method.
  4. Next, using a needle, the eyebrow bristles are drawn directly according to the chosen shape and the tattoo is shaded. The paint is injected under the skin with a special needle to a maximum depth of 0.5 millimeters.

During the procedure, the master constantly uses disinfectants for disinfection. At the end, the specialist finalizes the unpainted areas. Upon completion of all actions, the eyebrows are treated with a special compound that strengthens the paint.


Microblading of lips with a volumetric effect will allow many girls to fulfill their dreams and desires. Now the main disadvantage of the service is its cost; modern equipment and cosmetologists avoid other factors.

You need to decide on the procedure if you are confident in your desire. To do this, think about the decision so as not to regret it later. Microblading is difficult to remove like a tattoo. This requires several laser removal sessions, so protect yourself in advance.

Rules of care

First of all, remember that the quality of the makeup itself depends on how well your skin heals in the first weeks. If you managed to achieve an excellent result, and you want to maintain it for as long as possible, then you should follow some rules:

  1. Do not use exfoliants on the tattooed area.
  2. In sunny weather, use products with UV protection.
  3. Before visiting the pool, lubricate your eyebrows with a rich cream.

By following all the rules, you can stay with beautiful eyebrow makeup for a long time. The maximum period for wearing 3D paint is 5 years, and this is a long period of time for which it is worth taking a little care of your skin. Then the result will please you for a long time.

See also: Step-by-step implementation of 3D eyebrow tattoo (video)

Preparation for the procedure

Before going to a specialist for lip tattooing, you should thoroughly prepare. Some manipulations done in advance will help achieve the desired result and avoid the development of complications. This will greatly facilitate the work of the cosmetologist.

Measures to take before going to the beauty salon:

  • 3-7 days before the procedure, start taking antiviral medications. Introducing pigment into the skin using micropunctures can weaken the immune system. In turn, this will lead to the appearance of herpes on the lips. The disease directly affects the final result of permanent makeup. The virus will simply “eat” the pigment and leave behind discolored areas of the skin;
  • The day before the procedure, you should review your diet. You should avoid strong tea, coffee, alcohol, and energy drinks. Also, you should not get carried away with eating seafood, as such food affects blood clotting;
  • Plan your affairs. It is worth choosing the day of the procedure taking into account the possible appearance of swelling. It is better to get a tattoo on the weekend or while on vacation;
  • Bring lipstick with you to your consultation with a specialist. This will help explain to the cosmetologist what color your lips should be. If necessary, you can show a photo of the desired effect on your phone.

If all precautions are taken, permanent makeup will work out well.

What you need to know before going to the salon

First of all, you should think about what eyebrow shape you want. To do this, you need to take into account the shape of your face and the shape of your eyes. For example, for a round face, it is worth making slightly raised eyebrows with rounded tips. A triangular contour will decorate the “house” or “falling” eyebrows. The oval face type is considered the most correct, however, it also has its own nuances. To avoid making your face overly elongated, give your eyebrows a rounded shape with a smooth break line. A narrow face is perhaps the only type where straight eyebrows will look good, but they should not be too thin.

There is another type of face, a heart. In this case, girls have a fairly wide forehead and a narrow chin. Here the eyebrows should be natural, not too wide or narrow, and the rounded top point of the eyebrow will help balance the chin.

We also recommend thinking about the desired hair color in advance. Blondes suit light brown tones, fair-haired girls suit gray-brown shades, brown-haired girls will be decorated with chocolate tones, and brunettes often prefer black. But this is not a rule, you can choose shades and tones to your own taste, the main thing is that they look appropriate on your face. When you have already looked at photographs of models on the Internet and chosen the shape and color of the desired eyebrows, it is worth finding out what they will do with you.

Healing process and color

Of course, the choice of shades primarily depends on the color of your eyebrows. After tattooing, a thin film forms within 2–3 days. It lasts for about a week. When it starts to fade, it may seem like there is no color at all. In fact, this happens because of the contrast, that is, your color is a little darker than what you did. But you must wait another two days. If the procedure is done correctly, your eyebrows will look a little lighter than you expected. After a month, when the skin has recovered, they will become a little darker.

How long 3-D eyebrow tattoo will last depends primarily on the characteristics of the body. As a rule, the skin perceives the pigment as a foreign substance and, of course, tries to get rid of it. For women over 30, this process takes longer, and accordingly, the tattoo lasts about 2-3 years. But in young girls, the pigment will lighten much faster, and correction may be needed within a year and a half.

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