Parafango - an effective method of getting rid of cellulite

Paraffin has been used as a cosmetic product since ancient times. It was applied to the skin to create a vacuum coating and saturate it with vitamins. During the procedure, the body, thanks to the airtight coating, could not give off heat to the environment, so the skin began to warm up and smooth out. In this case, fat accumulations are broken down.


In modern cosmetology, paraffin is also popular. In beauty salons it is used for various health therapies, for example, paraffin therapy is used to combat cellulite.

Parafango is the newest way to eliminate cellulite and burn subcutaneous fat. Problem areas are smeared with a special composition for subsequent wrapping.

Interesting ! The technique appeared relatively recently. The technology was created and patented in Germany, and was presented to the audience there as a grand discovery in the field of cosmetology.

This method is considered quite new

The procedure uses a mixture of seaweed, paraffin and therapeutic mud. At first, the procedure was used to treat rheumatism, but when an excellent cosmetic effect was noticed, it began to be used to prevent and combat cellulite. The combination of paraffin therapy and algae treatment in one method promotes the breakdown of excess fat, has a detoxifying effect, restores the skin, and has a calming effect.

Seaweed together with healing mud and paraffin work wonders

Paraffin composition

People knew about the healing properties of mud many centuries ago. The first notes about applying mud to the body for medicinal purposes appeared in Ancient Egypt. Then they used mud collected from the Nile flood. These mentions date back to the second century AD. In the 19th century, widespread construction of mud baths began, and “Egyptian” procedures began to spread throughout the globe.

The method became popular in the 19th century

In the mid-20th century, German cosmetologists combined the results of smearing the body with a composition of algae and silt with the warming effect of paraffin applications. Mud baths or masks could give the best effect if they were heated before use. Paraffin combines such qualities as high heat capacity and low thermal conductivity. This means that it absorbs heat very well and releases it very slowly.

In 1952, under the leadership of Professor Hesse, experiments were carried out studying the effects of seaweed in combination with paraffin on the human body. During the experiment, the mixture was applied to some areas of the body, after which the treated areas were wrapped in film to enhance the effect.

Even 50-60 years ago, the properties of seaweed were studied

Initially, the technique was developed as a therapeutic procedure and was used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system and internal organs. But in the process of using parafango, along with medicinal properties, a cosmetic effect was also noticed.

In modern cosmetology, paraffin therapy is used to eliminate cellulite. The mixture must be used hot.

Interesting ! Paraffin melts at a temperature not lower than 53 degrees.

Due to the high temperature, parafango gives a lifting effect. The product can act as a filter: remove harmful substances and toxins, expand pores for better penetration of nutrients and promote fat burning.

The lifting effect is achieved due to high temperature

Difference with other wraps

Parafango is effective for the breakdown of subcutaneous fat, which is why it is recommended for the correction of “orange peel” skin. This result is helped by the unique properties of sea mud and algae, as well as the thermal effect of paraffin, which, in fact, replaces a thermal blanket.

Heat increases microcirculation, blood flow, dilates pores, and stimulates sweating. The greenhouse effect helps to detoxify the body and remove pastiness, as lymphatic drainage is normalized. Warm, moisturized skin actively absorbs beneficial substances, which accelerates cellular regeneration. Hardening of paraffin provides additional lifting to tissues. The composition of the parafango wrap is removed without problems, without injuring the dermis and without requiring additional hygiene procedures.

Parafango wraps justify their popularity 100%. We recommend.

Ingredients for the mixture

Laminaria - enriched with antioxidants and polysaccharides; contains a lot of carotene and the entire set of B vitamins, many minerals. Algae are easily absorbed by the human body, stimulate the production of elastin fibers, slow down aging, and have a rejuvenating effect.


Bladderwort is the main component of cosmetic mixtures; it speeds up metabolism and stimulates detoxification processes. The component contains many vitamins, especially high concentrations of vitamins E and C.


Brown algae - helps fight cellulite.

Brown algae

Paraffin - warms and nourishes the skin, maintains temperature.

A paraffin-based mixture can be purchased at a pharmacy, it is affordable - such a purchase will not break your pocket. The mixture can be used not only by mature women with progressive cellulite, but also by young ladies who want to maintain the tone and elasticity of the skin, as well as by anyone who wants to improve their health.

You can buy the mixture at any pharmacy

What is paraffin

Photo by Ron Lach: Pexels
This substance is a mixture of solid hydrocarbons that melt at temperatures below 53 degrees Celsius. This allows, when applied to the skin, to slightly warm up the problem area, stimulating microcirculation, metabolic processes and sweating.

In addition, the thermal effect opens the pores of the skin, which allows you to quickly remove accumulated toxins and waste, and also ensures the unhindered penetration of beneficial substances into the dermis and burns fat. As it cools, the paraffin decreases in size and puts pressure on the skin, promoting a lifting effect and removing pastiness.

In parafango wraps it is combined with kelp and healing mud. The basis of the cosmetic result is kelp, which is an excellent antioxidant that rejuvenates the skin, fills it with carotene, B vitamins, and minerals. Since seaweed is easily absorbed by the human body, kelp becomes a trigger for enhanced synthesis of collagen and elastin in the connective tissue of the dermis, slows down aging, and makes the skin strong and elastic.

Blistered ficus is used together with kelp - it speeds up metabolic processes and enhances detoxification. Due to vitamins E and C, this seaweed renews cells and removes free radicals.

Therapeutic sea mud consists of the remains of algae, silt, and plankton. It contains useful components that moisturize and nourish the dermis and activate its regeneration.

The principle of paraffin therapy

To perform parafango, you need to prepare a composition of paraffin, seaweed and healing mud. All components are saturated with vitamins, rich in iodine, vitamins A, D, B, K, B and nicotinic acid.

Parafango wraps are offered in spa salons. The procedure is carried out using cosmetic paraffin, which is heated to 50–54 degrees. This prevents burns. Before applying the mixture, problem areas are exfoliated using salt peeling.

Interesting ! Stagnant cellulite requires the use of serum, which normalizes the water-salt balance and improves blood microcirculation.

The parafango procedure can be found in spas.

After preparation, the composition is applied to the treated areas. The body is then wrapped in film to produce a greenhouse effect. The procedure ends with a massage.

Indications for parafango:

  • prevention and treatment of cellulite;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • resorption of chronic or congestive swelling;
  • figure correction;
  • increasing skin tone.

Parafango allows you to achieve improved skin condition

The duration of the procedure is from 40 to 60 minutes. The result can be assessed after the first session. You can get the maximum effect by undergoing intensive therapy, consisting of 8-10 sessions with a short interval between them.

Interesting ! When correcting your figure, you can split from 1 to 2 cm of fat in one procedure.

The results from parafango last a long time

Clay wraps – for weight loss and detoxification of the body

Clay is a natural material that during wraps:

  • draws out excess liquid;
  • activates microcirculation;
  • accelerates lipolysis processes;
  • absorbs toxins, carcinogens and cell waste products;
  • has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • reduces joint pain, irritation and itching in skin diseases;
  • saturates tissues with microelements necessary for normal cell metabolism, promoting their rejuvenation.

Clay wrapping can be hot or cold.
Blue clay has the most powerful anti-cellulite effect. In addition, with its regular use, intestinal function improves, and the skin becomes very smooth and soft - like a child’s. Doctors at the PRAGA clinic prescribe wraps only when they are sure that the patient does not have any contraindications to them. The mixtures are selected in such a way as to obtain the maximum aesthetic and therapeutic effect.

Result of the procedure

Modeling a feminine figure and significantly reducing waist size - wrapping helps to get rid of excess weight and have a local effect on problem areas. The good effectiveness of the method allows you to get excellent reviews from satisfied customers.

The procedure helps to change your figure

Rejuvenation - this effect is provided by sea silt included in the mixture. It nourishes and saturates the skin with moisture. The high sulfur content promotes high-quality cleansing of pores and removal of dead skin particles from the skin surface.

Skin rejuvenation can be achieved

Removal of cellulite - thanks to the wrap, the liquid that accumulates in the intercellular spaces is eliminated.

Treatment of joint pain - painful syndrome is perfectly relieved by marine ingredients and the effects of hot paraffin.

Chronic edema disappears due to improved metabolism.

Many other things can be fixed too

What is needed for the procedure

The procedure kit includes the following components.

  • Special mixture. The composition of the mass includes purified cosmetic paraffin, algae (kelp and bladderwrack) and sea healing mud. Thanks to natural components, a composition rich in iodine, nicotinic acid, retinol and vitamins B, C, D, E and K is obtained.
  • Large scrub. Sea salt acts as abrasive particles.
  • Anti-cellulite serum.
  • Brush for applying medicinal mass.
  • Thick cellophane film for wrapping.
  • Thermal blanket for cosmetic procedures.

The difference between parafango and other cosmetic procedures

After the session there is no need to take hygiene procedures. The mixture is easily removed from the body without leaving behind dirty marks. The number and frequency of procedures will be determined by a specialist after studying the characteristics of your figure and general condition. Typically, sessions are held once every 3 days for several weeks.

You need to undergo parafango procedures for several weeks

Parafango gives results that are superior to those that can be obtained from a similar procedure of mud baths, although their usefulness should not be excluded. But due to the fact that paraffin gives off heat very slowly, when wrapping it lingers for a long time.

Interesting ! Due to the rapid cooling of the mud bath, the effectiveness of the procedure decreases significantly, and it is inferior in effectiveness to parafango.

Parafango is more effective than simple paraffin and mud bath

After completing a full course of parafango procedures, problem areas are reduced in size, weight is slightly but reduced, and skin condition improves.

The procedure allows you to tone not only the “defective” areas, but the entire body as a whole. But you need to keep in mind that you can get and maintain results with a balanced diet, active physical exercise and giving up bad habits.

All factors must be taken into account when performing parafango

Indications and contraindications

Parafango is a universal procedure; it can be used to care equally well for the skin of the thighs, abdomen, buttocks, arms and legs. It removes aesthetic and physical imperfections, therefore it is indicated for:

  • prevention and treatment of “orange peel”;
  • correction of fat traps (remember those? These are breeches, ears at the waist and similar delights);
  • treatment of flabbiness and prolapse (sagging) of the dermis, increasing its tone;
  • removing pastiness;
  • relieving dry skin, getting rid of calluses and corns;
  • strengthening vascular walls;
  • turning out the contours of the figure.

Contraindications include:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual intolerance to the mixture;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • hypertrichosis;
  • tumors;
  • thrombophlebitis;

Procedure "Parafango"

  • dermatitis and dermatoses, mycosis of the skin;
  • gynecological pathologies;
  • hypertension.

Difference between parafango and regular wrap

Parafango wrap is more effective in breaking down subcutaneous fat and getting rid of cellulite. The rich content of sea silt, unique micro-components of algae and the warming effect of molten paraffin help in this. A positive point is that there is no need to use a thermal blanket, which creates special conditions to increase the effectiveness of the procedure. The person is coated with a cosmetic or medicinal mixture and placed inside to expose the body to the mixture at high temperatures for a long time.

Interesting ! In the case of parafango, the function of a thermal blanket is taken over by molten paraffin.

In parafango everything is based on the heat from molten paraffin

An increase in temperature increases blood flow, improves microcirculation, nourishes the subcutaneous layers, stimulates sweating and expands pores.

Paraffin is necessary not only to maintain high temperatures, but also to create a waterproof coating. In this way, you can achieve a greenhouse effect, in which the outflow of lymph will flow better and toxins will be eliminated faster.

Paraffin creates a greenhouse effect that helps cleanse the skin

Warm and hydrated skin better absorbs the active elements of algae and other components. Thanks to this, the skin and subcutaneous layers are enriched with useful substances, which accelerates regenerative processes.

Interesting ! When paraffin hardens, the skin tightens, so parafango is considered a lifting procedure.

Parafango is considered a lifting procedure

A big plus is the ease with which the completely frozen mass is removed from the surface of the skin, without leaving marks or injuring the epidermis.

All of the above advantages of the “hot wrap” procedure explain its great popularity around the world.

This procedure is considered quite popular

Contraindications to parafango:

  • pregnancy period;
  • open wounds and fresh scratches;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • high pressure;
  • skin diseases.

Contraindications must be taken into account

The procedure requires the following tools:

  • special mixture;
  • anti-cellulite serum;
  • coarse sea salt scrub;
  • thick film;
  • brush for distributing the mixture.

Parafango is performed using special tools


Relative and absolute contraindications to parafango wraps are:

  • gynecological diseases, both acute and chronic;
  • pregnancy period;
  • the presence of any blood clots in the walls of blood vessels (in order to find out about this, you need to undergo an ultrasound examination of the veins and arteries of the leg and upper extremities, all main and large vessels, arteries of the neck and head, aorta, heart);
  • wounds and fistulas on the body;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of internal organs and systems;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • hypertension, hypertension, cardiac ischemia, cardiovascular failure, infectious diseases, as well as heart muscle defects;
  • dermatological diseases of various origins in the acute and chronic phase and course.

How is the parafango procedure performed?

The main goal of parafango is to correct the silhouette and eliminate the “orange peel”. After the preparatory measures, the skin is peeled and serum is applied to it. Preparatory manipulations and the procedure itself take up to 1 hour.

Parafango lasts one hour

Parafango applique

Used in most cases for treatment. The composition of the mixture is similar to a cosmetic one; it contains purified paraffin and sea mud. The product is applied in a thick layer to problem areas and left on the skin for 40-50 minutes.

The basis of the procedure is the application of paraffin and sea mud

Procedure for joints

Despite the fact that parafango is gaining increasing popularity as a cosmetological method that helps get rid of sagging skin and cellulite, a product made from therapeutic mud and paraffin is also used to successfully treat joint pain. Patients who have undergone the procedure note relief, decreased pain, and improved mobility. The composition is prepared according to the method described above and distributed over the problem area.

Interesting ! The number of sessions is determined by the doctor and depends on the course of the disease.

This procedure helps strengthen joints

Cold parafango

Amazingly, cold application of this mixture can have the same healing effect on the body as hot application. Cold procedures have restorative, tonic and anti-aging effects. Low temperatures, like high ones, help to adjust the silhouette. The composition is applied topically. Sessions can be either one-time or performed as a course of therapy.

Cold parafango is considered no less popular.

Baths for limbs

Used to remove irritation and dryness on the skin of the hands. Using paraffin, you can prevent aging and sagging.

Interesting ! Paraffin in the form of a cosmetic product helps soften the rough surface of the feet, remove hard calluses and corns, and relieves fatigue and pain in the extremities.

You can make paraffin baths

For the session, you need to heat the mixture in a device specially designed for this. Limbs need to be immersed and pulled out of the container several times. After the layer on the arms and legs has hardened, you need to wait half an hour, and then remove it and apply a nourishing cosmetic to the skin.

The main thing is to heat the paraffin in a special device.

Can everyone do a parafango wrap?

Like all other hot wraps, parafango is not given to pregnant and lactating women in beauty salons and beauty clinics. Contraindications also include:

  • allergy to the components of the mixture;
  • menstruation;
  • acute inflammatory, infectious and skin diseases;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • varicose veins;
  • hypertension;
  • skin damage;
  • hypertrichosis;
  • heart, liver and kidney diseases;
  • oncological and gynecological diseases

If they undertake to do parafango in a salon without asking any questions about their state of health, then it is better to refuse the procedure.

Our cosmetologists carefully examine each patient for contraindications - this guarantees the absence of complications and side effects.


Pre-steaming the skin removes dead skin cells. This cleansing is of great importance for skin health. If the dead layer is not removed in a timely manner, it can cause various problems. To speed up the process, you need to use cosmetic scrubs.

After the peeling procedure, you can begin paraffin therapy. The mixture for parafango is heated until all the paraffin, which is the main active component of the product, has melted.

Interesting ! Paraffin is heated not only to enhance the cosmetic or therapeutic effects, but also to make the procedure as pleasant as possible.

It is important to melt the paraffin

The mixture is distributed over the body with a brush, in an even, but not too dense layer. The thicker the layer, the longer the mixture will harden.

After the session, an anti-cellulite massage is recommended. This procedure helps to consolidate the result. For massage, creams with anti-cellulite action are used, which help solve the problem of cellulite and allow you to relax.

Interesting ! Also, these cosmetics saturate the skin with nutritional components and preserve youth.

Anti-cellulite massage will be a great addition to parafango

Methods of using the application

There are several ways to apply parafango, which depend on the tasks assigned to the cosmetologist:

  1. Applications. The composition is applied to the skin in several layers (one layer is approximately 1 cm) without the use of any devices. It hardens at a temperature of 38-40 degrees. Parafango applications are used for medicinal purposes in diseases of the locomotor system, as they reduce muscle pain, muscle spasms, promote muscle relaxation, and also have a calming effect.
  2. Wrap. The composition is also applied in several layers; after applying it, the body area is wrapped in film and a warm towel. The procedure time is from 30 minutes to one and a half hours (depending on your own feelings). The wrap is used to reduce fat deposits and cellulite.
  3. Baths. The process is that the parafango composition is applied by immersing hands or feet in baths with the composition. The procedure helps get rid of cracks, calluses, moisturizes the skin well, relieves fatigue and tension.
  4. Face masks. After applying the composition, a mini-sauna effect occurs under it, which promotes the expansion of pores, deep hydration, penetration of microelements, and also reduces swelling, the number of wrinkles and improves blood circulation.

Before using any type of procedure, the first step is to prepare the skin and/or body. The same preparation is necessary when using parafango. To prepare the skin for the procedure, the first thing you need to do is steam it. It's no secret that when steaming, the pores open up and begin to breathe better. By the way, this effect is useful without the use of procedures. The more regularly and better you steam your skin, the cleaner it will be and the better it will breathe. Accordingly, such skin will receive much more nutrients from nature.

Additional bonuses when steaming

Also, when steaming, dead skin particles begin to separate. This kind of separation is important. After all, if old, outdated skin remains, it can cause various skin diseases. To improve the “shedding” effect, special scrubs are used.

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After applying the scrub, your skin is ready for parafango. The mixture, which is the parafango mixture, is heated. It is not heated for convenience. Although this reason will also work. After all, it is much more pleasant when a warm and pleasant liquid is applied to your skin than a cold one. The mixture is heated until all the paraffin, which in turn is the main component of this substance, has melted.

Apply the parafango mixture with a brush. The layer of the mixture should be uniform and not very dense. The denser the layer, the longer the procedure itself will take. The procedure lasts exactly as long as necessary for the paraffin to harden.

After the procedure, the client usually receives a special anti-cellulite massage. This massage makes it possible to consolidate the result and prolong the effect. During the massage, special creams are used that have a beneficial effect on the removal of cellulite and provide additional relaxation. These creams will nourish the skin with beneficial substances and help it maintain its beauty.

Parafango in the salon

Women often wonder if the procedure can be done at home. To understand the difference, you need to consider each session separately. If you come to the salon, professional cosmetologists take responsibility for the result and the possible occurrence of various complications. The patient can not worry about anything and enjoy the procedure.

There is no reason to worry about the effect of parafango

A parafango session consists of several stages:

  • the patient sits on a special couch and relaxes;
  • the specialist prepares the skin for the procedure: peels, massages the skin with anti-cellulite cream;
  • the heated mixture is applied to problem areas, the product is distributed over the surface of the skin with a brush;
  • For better action of the product, the body is wrapped in film.

The duration of the procedure is determined by the doctor according to individual indications. The session can last from half an hour to 2 hours. After the expiration of the period, the cosmetologist cuts off the film and removes layers of the product from the body.

Interesting ! The result is secured with an anti-cellulite massage.

We must not forget the importance of massage after the procedure

After the session, the volume of the waist, buttocks, hips and other problem areas is measured. The results obtained are compared with those before the session. But you can achieve maximum results after completing the full course.

Getting rid of excess fat is very pleasant. Especially if all the manipulations are carried out by a specialist, and after the procedure you can simply enjoy the result.

Interesting ! The only regret is the high cost of the service.

It is better if the procedure is carried out by a specialist

Parafango techniques


The actual wrapping is carried out for the purpose of modeling the figure and eliminating cellulite crust. It is preceded by preparation procedures such as exfoliation of the top layer of skin followed by application of serum.

The duration of the session can be one hour, if we also take into account the duration of the preparatory processes and massage. The wrap is kept on the body for forty minutes. In addition to wrapping, there are 2 more methods of performing the parafango procedure.


It is most often used as a therapeutic therapy. The same mixture is used. It is applied in the form of a heated layer, the thickness of which is 10 mm, to problematic areas, and kept for forty to fifty minutes, as with wrapping.


They are used only on the extremities to eliminate dry skin on them and prevent its aging. For feet, they are used as a softening agent for the skin on the feet, eliminating roughness, hard calluses, cracks, and corns.

The mixture is heated using a special heating apparatus, then you need to put your hands or feet in it and take it out and put it in again several times. When this mass hardens, it should be held for twenty to thirty minutes, after which the layers are removed, and the skin is treated using cream.

Is it possible to do parafango at home?

You can conduct a paraffin therapy session yourself if you have all the necessary equipment and cosmetics:

  • container for melting paraffin;
  • purified paraffin;
  • Body Scrub;
  • seaweed and similar dirt;
  • brush for distributing paraffin;
  • serum with anti-cellulite effect;
  • cling film.

To carry out the procedure correctly at home, you need to have everything you need

How to prepare the mixture yourself?

To prepare the composition for paraffin therapy, no special skills are required.

Step-by-step recommendations for a home procedure.

  1. Paraffin must be melted.
  2. Mix melted paraffin with seaweed and mud.
  3. Mix everything until smooth.

You only need to do three steps to prepare the mixture at home

Interesting ! You can use someone else's help or try to do everything yourself.

If you have an assistant, you can safely treat the entire body with the composition. If there are none, it will be more convenient to apply the product only to problem areas where there is the largest accumulation of fat or cellulite.

The sequence of actions for carrying out the procedure.

  1. Cleanse the skin using a scrub.
  2. Rub an anti-cellulite agent into the treated areas.
  3. Apply several layers of the mixture using a brush.
  4. Wrap the coated area of ​​the body in film.
  5. After the required time has passed, the film must be removed and the layers of paraffin removed. You can increase skin tone with massage using special creams.

To be effective, everything needs to be done according to plan.

Safety precautions when working with parafango

1. You cannot heat parafango in a plastic container.

2. You cannot add other cosmetics, such as wax, to the finished parafango.

3. Before starting use, be sure to check the temperature of the finished mixture by applying a small amount to your wrist.

4. Do not pour melted parafango out of the container.

5. Before the first procedure, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test. Take some of the prepared mixture and apply it on your wrist. After 1 hour it can be removed, but the test result must be assessed after 24 hours. If redness appears, it is better not to use parafango.

Duration and frequency of sessions

The duration of sessions and their number are determined by the cosmetologist, having studied the patient’s problem and the condition of his body. A typical course may include 5-10 procedures. The time interval between them is 2-3 days. The course can last up to several weeks. If you complete all therapy, you can count on the effectiveness and durability of the result.

Only a cosmetologist can determine the number and duration of sessions

When using the procedure for medicinal purposes, the duration and number of sessions is determined by the doctor. The course may consist of 15-20 sessions.

Interesting ! This treatment is suitable for various joint diseases and swelling.

It is recommended to purchase the mixture exclusively in pharmacies, so as not to buy a fake. When choosing, you can focus on price. A high-quality composition will cost from 500 to 800 rubles per 0.5 kg, and a ready-made kit for the procedure with the necessary tools will cost 15 thousand rubles.

You need to take mixtures only in pharmacies

Parafango wrap courses

The duration of the procedure in the salon is determined by the cosmetologist, taking into account individual characteristics. In the standard case, the course includes eight to ten procedures, the number of which is determined by the initial condition of the skin. The interval from one procedure to another is three days. As a rule, the duration of the course is several weeks.

Extremity baths are used much less frequently and take less time. But for treatment purposes, the course duration can be long.

In addition, this technique is used in the treatment of certain diseases, in particular osteochondrosis. In such a situation, the course and duration of the procedures are determined by the attending physician. The course can range from fifteen to twenty procedures, this is determined by the initial condition of the patient and further dynamics.

Hygienic requirements

Primary requirements.

  1. Paraffin therapy is performed only on previously cleansed skin.
  2. The used composition is no longer used.
  3. After the session you should not carry out any hygiene procedures. The mixture does not leave any residue on the body.

Parafango can be used not only to reduce weight, but also to tone the entire body. It is recommended to combine the procedure with proper nutrition and exercise.

After the session you will not have to shower or wash off any remaining mixture from your skin.

What determines the price of a wrap?

The price of a wrap in a beauty salon or cosmetology clinic directly depends on the mixture used for the procedure. For example, at the PRAGA clinic, one session of the “chocolate” Algologie program costs several times more than a honey wrap.

The cost of the procedure for the whole body is the highest. Therefore, many patients limit themselves only to wrapping problem areas - the abdomen, thighs, legs.

The most popular wrap is for the abdomen, thanks to which it is possible to remove fat, tighten the skin and restore its elasticity, and make stretch marks less noticeable.


Alena, Moscow

“I completed a course of parafango procedures - I really like this method! My volumes have really decreased significantly (hips from 112 cm decreased to 102, and waist - from 83 to 72). It’s so great that you can do nothing and lose weight. The dream of many girls! I know that the gym is not my thing at all, so this is definitely my method. During the procedure, I relaxed, read books, listened to music, and even managed to sleep. I recommend it to anyone who wants to lose weight easily!”

Inna, Makhachkala

“Why go to the gym and exhaust yourself with workouts if you can literally lie down and lose weight? And this despite the fact that you can do this even at home, without spending money on salon treatments! All this can be provided by parafango - just a “lifesaver” for those who cannot or do not want to play sports. First I went to the clinic for procedures, and then I saw a mixture for this procedure in the pharmacy. I tried it at home and realized that it turned out no worse. Now I do such procedures once every 2-3 days for a month (then I take a break for one month) and enjoy life!”

Disadvantages, advantages, contraindications

Of course, there are certain difficulties associated with the use of paraffin. Firstly, liquid paraffin tends to drip from the areas to which it is applied, so it is better to think in advance about laying something on the floor or you can use a rag with which you will wipe up these drips. It is almost impossible to wash paraffin, so when putting on warm underwear, you should be prepared for the fact that it will be hopelessly damaged. Remember, melted paraffin cannot be poured into the toilet or bathtub, as this will not only damage the plumbing, but also clog the pipeline.

It is very convenient that this mask does not need to be washed off after use. Heated paraffin promotes a more complete penetration of essential oils into the tissue, due to which the effect of the mask is enhanced several times. The skin becomes unusually even and smooth; many who have tried this wrap note that they have never seen it so firm and elastic. Stretch marks and cellulite disappear right before your eyes.

Many have used paraffin masks to reduce the effects of cesarean sections. After a five-minute paraffin mask, you need to apply heparin ointment to the seam, this can reduce redness and reduce the volume of the seam.

It is not advisable to apply a paraffin mask to a reddened face; it should not be done if the blood vessels are dilated. Paraffin masks should be used with caution for women who have excess hair growth, because... they can enhance this process several times. Paraffin therapy is contraindicated for pustular skin lesions, heart and vascular diseases, hypertension, sclerosis, etc.


  • Angela, 32 years old, writes that she made a wrap mixed with Parafango seaweed. I melted the paraffin in a water bath, and poured water over the algae to swell a little. Then I mixed everything and applied it to the body. The result was very pleasing, the skin seemed to be reborn, but next time I’ll probably grind the fucus into powder, because... it crumbles when applied;
  • Marina, 28 years old, writes that a specialist came to my house and did such a wrap. The skin becomes very smooth, and all toxins are eliminated, but I didn’t notice anything about the reduction in volume;
  • Elena, 33 years old, writes that she tried to do the wrap at home, but didn’t like it because the process was labor-intensive, the paraffin leaked, and it stained the entire bathtub. It’s better to go to the salon, yes, you will need the Nth amount of money, but the result is worth it.


We will indicate the approximate cost of such a procedure in clinics in different cities of Russia.

CityCost of one procedure
Moscow3500 rub.
Saint Petersburg3200 rub.
Ryazan3500 rub.
Samara2900 rub.
Nizhny Novgorod2500 rub.
Ufa2500 rub.
Vladivostok2900 rub.

In a paraffin cocoon - a wrap for persistent

If you are a veteran of the fight against cellulite, if you are unsuccessfully trying to give your body the ideal shape, and the hated “orange peel” does not want to disappear, try paraffin wrap at home for cellulite.

This procedure will not only help you get rid of cellulite deposits and unnecessary centimeters on the waist and hips, but will also bring pleasure because it is extremely pleasant.

Properties of paraffin

What is so wonderful about paraffin? First of all, the paraffin you need is not simple, but cosmetic.

It differs from the usual one in the degree of purification and in that it does not contain dyes or other unnecessary frills, but contains useful cosmetic additives: various extracts, oils and vitamins that will help smooth out cellulite tubercles.

Paraffin, cooling very slowly, heats the skin by about 1 - 1.5 degrees. This slight increase in temperature is quite enough to obtain an anti-cellulite effect.

It is achieved through:

  • the so-called “sauna effect”. Under the influence of hot paraffin, increased sweating begins. This leads to an acceleration of metabolic processes, stimulation of the process of lipid destruction and smoothing of the skin. Water does not evaporate due to the paraffin film, it penetrates back into the skin, and toxins remain on the surface of the body. The skin is filled with moisture and tightened;
  • lymphatic drainage effect of cooling paraffin. When cooling, paraffin slightly decreases in volume, the paraffin film tightly fits the body, slightly compresses it and literally squeezes excess liquid out of the skin. As a result, swelling decreases and skin condition improves;
  • The cosmetic components contained in paraffin, under the influence of elevated temperatures, easily penetrate through the pores deep into the epidermis and exert their beneficial effect on your skin.

For your information!

When the paraffin is removed, its beneficial effect continues until the skin cools down. That is, the processes of resorption of cellulite nodules and smoothing of the skin continue.

Photos before and after procedures

Photos before and after the course of parafango procedures No. 1

Photos before and after the course of parafango procedures No. 2

Photos before and after the course of parafango procedures No. 3

Parafango - wrap for weight loss and healing

Parafango is a wrap that combines the benefits of thalassotherapy and paraffin therapy. The aesthetic result of the course of procedures is a reduction in the volume of problem areas of the body, smoothing the skin texture, tightening and rejuvenating it. The therapeutic effect of parafango wraps is to accelerate metabolic processes in the body, relieve nervous tension, pain in joints and muscles.

Home holding

You can buy the ingredients at the pharmacy and prepare it yourself at home. It will not be easy to carry out the parafango wrapping procedure alone, so an assistant is very welcome.

Mix the paraffin melted in a water bath with algae until smooth and apply the warm mixture over the summer with a flat soft brush, distributing it evenly. We wrap the film on top and cover ourselves with a thermal blanket or a warm blanket. We lie like this for half an hour to a full hour. You can relax to pleasant music.

Just don’t forget that before using the parafango wrap, be sure to cleanse the skin with peeling or scrub and massage using anti-cellulite cream. Next, we apply parafango, wrap the treated areas with film and cover ourselves with a blanket.

When the time is up, cut the film, remove it and repeat the massage. It will take approximately ten to fifteen sessions to achieve noticeable results. The duration of each of them at home is from an hour to an hour and a half.

Contraindications for carrying out

But parafango is not a universal procedure. There are also contraindications. If you have skin or gynecological diseases, hypertension, or thrombophlebitis, the procedure cannot be performed. You should not decide on it during pregnancy either.

In case of skin injuries and varicose veins, procedures are prohibited in such areas. If there is an allergy to the components of parafango, the procedure is cancelled. You should find out contraindications before starting the parafango wrap, and not make sure that there are problems after application.

When to do parafango

When should parafango be performed? After the wraps, the skin tightens and becomes smooth, so when losing weight, the procedure is very useful for improving the condition of the skin.

It makes sense to use parafango wrap for rejuvenation: minerals and vitamins perfectly tone the dermis, increasing lymph flow and eliminating swelling. The orange peel disappears and its appearance is prevented.

A wrap session also helps with fatigue. If your legs are tired, parafango is applied to your feet. Blood circulation increases, and even after just one use a positive effect is noticeable.

The parafango wrap procedure is also effective for joint pain. The properties of algae can reduce pain and improve joint mobility.

Possible complications

Complications are possible after paraffin wrap:

  • Allergic reaction due to individual intolerance to the components of the mixture;
  • Burns when using a paraffin composition at a temperature of 55 degrees. You can get a burn if you do not warm up the treated areas of the body;
  • Stretching of the venous vessels, loss of their tone with varicose veins;
  • Thickening and rapid growth of unwanted hair in the paraffin-treated area;
  • Decreased blood pressure.

Advice! To avoid getting burned, dip your finger in the mixture before applying paraffin to your body. If you feel comfortable, continue the wrapping procedure. If it’s hot, wait a little for the mass to cool down a few degrees.

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