Bikini photoepilation is a safe way to get rid of hair

Photoepilation is one of the safest, most effective and painless methods of hair removal. The popularity of this method is steadily growing every year. With the help of photoepilation, you can permanently remove hair from any part of the face and body, get rid of the problem of ingrown hairs and constant irritation after shaving.

The most popular are photoepilation of the deep bikini area (intimate photoepilation) and photoepilation of the armpits, which allow you to remove unwanted hair and feel confident in any situation.

How is the photoepilation procedure performed?

The procedure is shown in the following photographs:

Before the session begins, the doctor clarifies all indications and explains contraindications for the procedure, determines the necessary parameters of the procedure depending on the skin phototype, hair color and thickness. For maximum effectiveness of the photoepilation procedure, the hair length should be no more than 1-1.5 mm. With longer hairs, some of the energy is dissipated while it reaches the hair follicle, which leads to a decrease in the intensity of the effect. Therefore, if the hair length is 3...5 mm or more, it is necessary to shave it or remove it with depilatory cream 2 days before the procedure.


It is prohibited to pluck or pull out hairs during the course of photoepilation, or to use wax, sugar and other types of hair removal associated with the removal of the hair root.

The patient should definitely wear special dark glasses to protect their eyes from bright flashes. Before starting the procedure, the doctor applies a transparent cooling gel to the skin, which absorbs the thermal energy released during the outbreak and eliminates possible negative consequences. The specific area is then treated with flashes of light of a specific area. After the photoepilation procedure, a soothing lotion or cream is applied to the treated area.

What is the deep bikini area?

Many women remove secondary hair on the inner thighs and partly on the pubic area. Classic (hair is removed along the panty line) or Brazilian (only a thin strip of pubic hair remains) hair removal gives the intimate area a well-groomed appearance. However, the remaining hairs are visible under underwear.

Salons offer a more “large-scale” service - complete hair removal from the lower abdomen, inner thighs, pubis, labia and between the buttocks. The intimate area is completely deprived of hair. After epilation of a deep bikini, a woman looks perfect.

Difference between epilation and depilation

The fear that bikini hair removal is extremely painful is completely unfounded. Only depilation can cause severe pain. The difference between these methods is as follows:

  • Depilation involves removing the hair shaft using wax, an epilator, special creams, sugar caramel (sugaring) or simple plucking. Hair is removed instantly, no stubble remains like, for example, after shaving. But the hair follicles remain intact, and after some time the hair in the bikini area grows again. A woman does not enjoy smooth skin for long - from several days to 2-3 weeks. Depilation at home is very painful. Even a salon procedure using pain-relieving gels does not completely relieve pain. Whether the short-term result of depilation is worth this suffering is up to each woman to decide for herself.
  • Bikini hair removal not only removes unwanted hair, but also acts directly on the hair follicles. The hair does not fall off immediately, the skin becomes smooth after a week. After each procedure, fewer and fewer hairs appear, they grow more slowly, become thinner and lighter. To achieve 100% effect, several sessions of deep bikini hair removal will be required. Radical hair removal is carried out in several ways, they are described below. Some of these methods are completely painless, others cause some discomfort.

Severe pain can occur after an incorrectly performed procedure. Therefore, it is very important to choose a good hair removal specialist. Pay attention to the presence of certificates confirming the qualifications of the master, and read reviews about the salon.

What are the advantages of the iPulse photoepilation device (England)?

Our center uses the latest photoepilation device iPulse (England), which has the largest flash area of ​​9 cm2, which requires significantly fewer flashes to treat various areas compared to other devices (most devices have a flash area of ​​up to 3 cm2). Therefore, the speed of the procedure is much higher. For example, photoepilation of the legs takes about 30 minutes, and photoepilation of a deep bikini takes only 15 minutes. It should also be noted that the procedures are well tolerated and painless due to the simultaneous cooling of the treated area.

Pros and cons of photoepilation in the bikini area

No method of body hair removal can be called completely safe and painless. Any method of depilation has its own disadvantages and advantages.

The advantages of bikini photoepilation are as follows:

  1. Long lasting effect.
  2. The skin is not damaged.
  3. Safety from the point of view of the absence of wounds and abrasions.
  4. Hygiene.
  5. The result is noticeable after the first session.
  6. Short duration, 20–30 minutes is enough for one session.
  7. No ingrown hairs after the procedure.
  8. Suitable for particularly sensitive and delicate skin bordering mucous tissues.

Disadvantages of photoepilation of the intimate area:

  1. With high power of the light beam, pain and burning are felt, especially in the deep bikini area.
  2. Lack of effectiveness for those with dark hair and dark skin, blond or gray hair.
  3. The need for several sessions.
  4. High price.
  5. Existing risks of pigmentation and burning of the skin.

What measures to take for safe photoepilation

In order for the procedure to be completed safely, you need to prepare for it. A visit to a dermatologist is mandatory if you are going for photoepilation for the first time. The doctor will examine the skin for damage, inflammation and herpes, which, at first glance, are invisible.

Also useful measures to ensure safe photoepilation would be:

  • hair removal one month before the date of photoepilation only with a razor;
  • wash your body thoroughly the previous day;
  • do not use cosmetics for the skin.

How many treatments are needed?

In order to get rid of unwanted hair forever, the photoepilation procedure should be repeated 6-8 times depending on the treated area with an interval of 1-1.5 months, and then maintenance procedures on average once a year. This is due to the fact that under the influence of light, only those bulbs are destroyed that were in the active growth phase (anagen), when the hair grows and comes to the surface of the skin and is able to “conduct” the energy of the impulse to the hair follicle. The so-called “sleeping” bulbs, from which the hair has not yet grown, are not affected, so it is necessary to maintain a certain interval (1-1.5 months) for the appearance of new hair - conductors of impulse energy on the surface of the skin.

Thus, the number of procedures and the intervals between them depend on the time of maturation of the bulb and the appearance of new hairs on the surface of the skin. It should be noted that hair growth periods differ in different parts of the body. On average, the development cycle of a hair is 6-8 months from the moment it falls out until a new one grows from the same bulb. This determines the number of photoepilation procedures.

The number and frequency of procedures are individual and depend on many reasons:

  • hormonal levels that determine the degree of hair growth
  • constitution, age and gender of a particular person
  • use of certain depilation methods before the photoepilation procedure.


I finally decided to have bikini photoepilation and I’ll tell you that this turned out to be the most effective area for me, the result was visible after just 3 procedures, I think a couple more sessions and I’ll forget about it. Really, I’m really happy with the result on the bikini, I can just breathe out.


I did a deep bikini and armpits. Personally, my armpits hardly hurt, the result was excellent the first time. A deep bikini is WILDLY painful, the pubis is tolerable, and the lips and clitoral area are hell. The result on my pubic area turned out to be good, but in the area of ​​the lips and clitoris - not so much, since my skin there is too dark, and my hair, due to long-term sugar hair removal, has a structure that is not suitable for photos.

Medusa Gorgon

I want to share my impressions about the photoepilation procedure... Exactly 3 years have passed since the first session, I don’t regret spending my time and money on it. The result is good. Now I recommend this procedure to all my advanced friends who are tired of dealing with this problem using “grandmother’s” methods. The procedure itself is a little uncomfortable, but it’s quite possible to wait half an hour and it’s not fatal. If your pain threshold is very low, you can ask for pain relief (I realized that this is important for the bikini area). In my opinion, waxing is much more painful, and the effect does not last long. Much depends on the level of the clinic (not a beauty salon or beauty salon) and the specialist; my doctor (I emphasize a dermatologist) did a wonderful job of carrying out the procedure, attentive and tactful, and also had time to chat with her. I recommend starting photoepilation in the off-season.


The procedure is quite delicate; the length of the hairs must be only a few millimeters, otherwise they will melt and stick to the device. Therefore, during the first procedure, the cosmetologist herself shaved off my hair, leaving a small stubble, oh, as I remember, it’s already embarrassing. Then they gave me goggles, put some cooling gel in there, and told me to start squealing if it hurt. There was no additional pain relief. The pain is felt, BUT! From the height of electrolysis, which I am doing at the moment, I want to say that it does not hurt at all! Well, or extremely tolerant. I “oohed” to myself, but didn’t show it or make a sound. But the girl at the reception complained that she also wanted to undergo photoepilation, but was very afraid of the pain. The procedure itself takes about half an hour - an hour for a deep bikini, it's quite fast. The coverage area of ​​the tip of the device is the size of a thin rib of a matchbox, so the process goes quickly. After the first session, I didn’t notice the result at all; it began to appear from the third procedure. My hair began to fall out before my eyes, or rather, it fell on my underwear, its growth slowed down, and towards the end I stopped shaving it altogether, because there was nothing. After completing the prescribed 8 sessions, I walked around happy for several months... until I saw new hairs!!! Yes, they were soft and light brown, the same as if I had never shaved them... But this is not permanent hair removal! Someone wrote that hair can grow back after 5 years, at least that way, but not in a few months. The thickness and length of my hair returned, I really wanted to cry, because I was sorry for the money spent.

Margarita Brusnikina

Photoepilation is very popular today due to its convenience and effectiveness. When carried out correctly, it does not injure the skin and does not cause any significant side effects. Daily use of a razor can lead to irritation on the skin, and the use of an epilator, wax or sugaring paste can cause ingrown hairs. Photoepilation will gradually and accurately destroy all unwanted vegetation without creating blemishes on the skin. At the same time, the procedure also has disadvantages, including the presence of contraindications, so before resorting to this method of removing unwanted hair, you must carefully study all its features.

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Hair removal with powerful light waves is a relatively safe procedure, but there are some contraindications to its implementation:

  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • damage to the skin that will be affected;
  • dark or dark skin (risk of burns);
  • psychological disorders;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • oncological processes;
  • individual intolerance to ultraviolet radiation;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • diabetes;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • taking certain medications;
  • any dermatological diseases.

Bikini photoepilation should not be done during menstruation, after recent sunbathing or visiting a solarium, if there are piercings or tattoos in this area, as well as for girls under 16 years of age. Before you sign up for an hair removal procedure, you must consult with a specialist.

Offers from our clinic

Bikini photoepilation in Moscow has become available! Reasonable prices, qualified and experienced specialists, modern equipment make the course of treatment prompt and effective. Our clients do not experience discomfort during sessions and are happy to sign up for photoepilation of other areas. The event is open to both women and men.

Choosing the right clinic will allow you to get the desired result in a few months without fear for your health.

See our price list for the cost of the procedure.

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