Anti-wrinkle drug "Panthenol": beneficial substances and the principle of their action

The website will tell you today how to maintain firmness and youthfulness of the skin using panthenol around the eyes. Is the available pharmaceutical remedy against wrinkles and bags under the eyes really that effective?

Panthenol, also known as d-panthenol or dexpanthenol, is a derivative of pantothenic acid - provitamin B5. It is pantothenic acid, contained in almost any cell of a living organism, that affects the process of skin restoration. It becomes especially necessary for the body during abrasions, burns, cuts and other skin injuries. Panthenol helps young mothers eliminate cracked nipples and diaper dermatitis in babies. But older ladies prefer to apply panthenol under their eyes to stop age-related changes. You can learn about the benefits of panthenol-based products now on the website

What kind of remedy is this?

Panthenol is a drug that actively restores damaged skin, retains moisture in it and has a positive effect on regeneration processes.

Direct prescription of the drug:

  • burns;
  • wounds;
  • abrasions;
  • other damage to the epidermis.

Panthenol is available in three forms:

  1. Cream and ointment . The basis of the ointment is a fat base, the cream is an emulsion base. These preparations contain 5% active substances.
  2. Spray . Inside the can contains a composition that, when sprayed, forms a foam; this substance, light in texture, quickly and deeply penetrates the skin layers.

Is it effective in treating facial wrinkles?

The effectiveness of Panetnol in the fight against wrinkles is evidenced by numerous positive reviews from women who have experienced the effects of this product.

Clinical trials have not been conducted in this area, so there is no scientific confirmation of the advisability of using Panthenol against wrinkles.


Panthenol is suitable for those with dry skin; the fact is that it contains liquid paraffin, which is contraindicated for oily skin. It clogs the pores, which leads to acne.

As for the delicate skin around the eyes, Panthenol accelerates tissue regeneration in this area and stimulates the growth of new cells.

If the skin around the eyes is very dry, it is recommended to use an ointment that will additionally nourish the skin; in other cases, you can use a spray.

It is necessary to understand that Panthenol is not able to fight age-related changes in the skin, this drug only restores the epidermis, it does not affect internal processes in any way.

Effect of using Panthenol for the face:

  • increasing elasticity due to cell renewal and restoration of collagen fibers;
  • smoothing out small facial wrinkles;
  • restoring skin tone and giving it a healthy color;
  • prevention of aging;
  • relief of the unpleasant feeling of skin tightness;
  • elimination of local redness and pimples;
  • reducing the appearance of shallow scars and spots left from acne.

Reviews from cosmetologists about Panthenol cream from EVO

Cosmetologists have different opinions on the use of Panthenol cream for the face. Some consider it justified and effective, since the product has a number of positive qualities comparable in action to the best branded cosmetic products. Others argue that to solve age-related problems, there are products specifically designed for this purpose with a smaller list of contraindications and side effects.

Basic recommendations for those who decide to use Panthenol for the face:

  • For those with very dry, dehydrated skin that is prone to flaking, it is better to take oil-based ointments. You are guaranteed to receive deep hydration, even complexion, intensive nutrition and improved metabolic processes. It is better to use at night. For severe problems - every day, for moderate problems - once every two to three days. It is best to focus on the condition of the skin daily;
  • normal skin requires special protection in the autumn-winter period. You need to use the cream regularly once a week at night. In spring and summer, especially with increased photosensitivity, it is better not to use;
  • oily skin also needs hydration, nutrition and stimulation of internal processes at the cellular level. Oil-based products and creams can clog pores and cause acne. Panthenol spray can be applied to the face twice a day, having previously cleansed it of any cosmetics and impurities.

Feedback from experts will help answer many questions.

Marina, cosmetologist, Perm

“I often recommend to my clients to use Panthenol if they have certain problems that cannot be solved with classic anti-aging cosmetics. I noticed positive dynamics with increased dryness, flaking, fine wrinkles and loss of elasticity at the age of 45 years. At an older age, problems are solved, but the visual effect is not as pronounced.”

Anna, dermatologist, Moscow

“Sorry, colleagues, but I do not recommend that my patients use medications where they can do without medications. Panthenol is a medicine, don’t forget about it. And he has clear evidence."

Irina, cosmetologist, St. Petersburg

“Fighting wrinkles in the early stages is a feasible mission for Panthenol. At an older age, certain problems such as dryness, flaking, cracks and even pigmentation can also be eliminated with this remedy.”

Oksana, cosmetologist, Samara

“I recommend it to all my clients who have age-related problems with their facial skin. Regeneration processes improve, the epidermis is moisturized. But you shouldn’t count on complete relief from wrinkles.”

Victoria, cosmetologist, Ryazan

“It’s medicine in Africa too. Dear women, do not risk using Panthenol cream yourself. You don’t prescribe antibiotics for yourself, do you?!”

Olga, dermatologist, Omsk

“If you want to get rid of the side effects of your outdoor activities in hot countries, use Panthenol. There must be compelling reasons for daily use, the presence of which can only be determined by a specialist.”

Tatyana, cosmetologist, Novosibirsk

“You don’t need to be so categorical in your judgments about medicines. After all, patients do not run to the doctor to prescribe Aspirin for them when they have a fever. If you see significant problems on your face that your cosmetics do not solve, try Panthenol, only carefully and without fanaticism. If you don’t see any improvement in a couple of days, then you are welcome to see a specialist.”

We bring to your attention a review of Panthenol from Evo:

Active and beneficial substances and their principle of action

The main active component of Panthenol is dexpanthenol. When it comes into contact with the skin, it is transformed into pantothenic acid.

This substance has very small molecules, and therefore they easily penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, where they exert their therapeutic effects . In this case, the body absorbs 50% of the active substance.

Dexpanthenol accelerates skin regeneration at the cellular level, and also pushes the body to produce its own collagen and elastin.

In addition, the epidermis is protected from adverse environmental influences - a thin foam forms on the surface of the skin, which prevents moisture evaporation and normalizes the hydrolipid balance.

As a result, the skin is moisturized, smoothed, and its velvety returns . Dexpanthenol is also necessary for the skin as a building material - it produces coenzyme-A, which maintains skin tone and preserves its youth.

Expert opinion

Dmitrieva Elena Yurievna

Gynecologist-endocrinologist, 40 years of experience

Panthenol began to be used to combat wrinkles relatively recently, but has already gained fame. It must be said that it is completely useless in the fight against age-related changes, since it has no effect on the internal processes occurring in the skin. Positive reviews about it mainly concern the elimination of facial wrinkles. It is effective only against small and fresh skin folds; to get rid of deep wrinkles, it is better to use other means. It is not recommended to use this drug too often, especially for patients with oily skin types - the components of the product can clog pores, resulting in acne.

What is Panthenol and how is it useful?

Panthenol is more of a trade name than the essence of the product itself. The active ingredient is dexpanthenol, a vitamin from group B. When it comes into contact with the skin, it turns into pantothenic acid, which protects against external factors. Products based on dexpanthenol have anti-inflammatory and restorative properties.

Note! Panthenol is a medicinal product. It is not a cosmetic product and initially its functions did not include the fight against age-related changes as such.

Panthenol, as a medication, is prescribed to solve the following problems:

  • burns of varying degrees;
  • diaper rash (including diaper dermatitis);
  • furunculosis;
  • bedsores;
  • various types of dermatitis in children and adults;
  • cracked nipples during breastfeeding;
  • lesions of the skin with or without damage to its integrity.

Taking into account all the features of such a substance as panthenol, the face cream will perform the following functions:

  • eliminate dryness, flaking and deeply moisturize the epidermis;
  • fight swelling and signs of fatigue on the skin;
  • improve tissue regeneration;
  • heal wounds and smooth out scars;
  • smooth out small wrinkles;
  • stimulate the production of collagen fibers;
  • improve metabolic processes in the tissues of the epidermis and dermis;
  • maintain water balance in the skin;
  • relieve signs of dermatitis;
  • improve skin elasticity and smoothness.

Isn’t that a very impressive list of useful qualities?! However, it is not used everywhere and not everyone can do it.

Types of Panthenol

As mentioned above, the active ingredient of Panthenol is dexpanthenol, it can also be found in the following products:

  1. Dexpanthenol - available in the form of ointment and cream. It differs from Panthenol in its excipients. It contains water, nipazole, petroleum jelly, cholesterol, nipagin.
  2. Pantoderm - ointment. It also differs in the composition of auxiliary components - dehydrated lanolin, petroleum jelly, almond oil, lanolin alcohol, water, wax, cetostaryl alcohol.
  3. D panthenol - cream. In addition to dexpanthenol, it contains propellant, glycerin, paraffin, peracetic acid, lanolin, cetyl alcohol, phenonip, distilled water, beeswax, and emulsifier.

Composition of the drug

Depending on the form of the drug, the following components are included in Panthenol::

  1. Vaseline, lanolin, liquid paraffin. This is the base of the ointment. These components soften the skin and protect it from the negative effects of environmental factors.
  2. Dimethicone, cetium alcohol, cosmetic wax, glycerol monostearate are the components of the cream. All except cosmetic wax are comedogenic.
  3. Cetyl and stearyl alcohol, propylene glycol are contained in the spray. They provide the foamy structure of this form of the drug.
  4. Allatonin. Soothes the skin in case of irritation, softens it, and prevents excessive dryness.
  5. Vitamin E. Has an antioxidant effect on the skin, protects against the effects of free radicals, and maintains elasticity.

Indications for use

The main indications for the use of Panthenol are burns, abrasions, wounds, and postoperative sutures.

As for the use of this drug in cosmetology, it is used in the following cases:

  • inflammatory processes in the skin;
  • tightness and flaking of the skin;
  • the presence of small facial wrinkles;
  • poor complexion;
  • presence of scars and stretch marks;
  • disturbed water-lipid balance;
  • loss of skin firmness and elasticity.

Since Panthenol is a pharmaceutical-type product, it is not recommended to use it off-label without consulting a dermatologist.

Who is this cream suitable for?

As we have already mentioned, it is recommended to use Panthenol in any pharmacological form if you have very specific problems. It cannot be said that it has serious contraindications. But still they exist (more on this a little later).

By and large, there are three forms of drugs based on dexpanthenol:

  • ointment containing fatty components;
  • emulsion-based cream;
  • a spray that produces foam when sprayed.

Cosmetic products with a healing effect are also produced: milk with olive oil, foam for washing, lipstick.

Cosmetologists recommend using Panthenol cream in the following cases:

  • inflammatory processes on the face;
  • acne, acne, comedones;
  • dryness and flaking of the skin that cannot be eliminated by traditional means;
  • burns, stretch marks, injuries.

Panthenol anti-wrinkle face cream, according to women’s reviews, does not provide much effectiveness. He can smooth out small wrinkles, but effectively dealing with pronounced age-related changes is not his “competence.”

Basic rules of use

Before using Panthenol for the first time as a cosmetic product, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test..

To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the inner elbow or the back of the wrist and wait a few hours. If there is no negative reaction on the skin, Panthenol can be used to combat wrinkles.

For dry skin, it is recommended to use ointment or cream . The product can be applied twice a day after cleansing the skin.


For the skin around the eyes, it is better to use a cream; it will carefully care for this delicate area and absorb quickly.

Long-term use of Panthenol as a cosmetic product is not recommended. It is best to carry out treatment in courses - 7 days a month.

Disadvantages of Dexpanthenol cream

Now, actually, about contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to any component of the selected drug;
  • under 18 years of age – without direct evidence;
  • hypervitaminosis;
  • herpetic infection;
  • kidney problems;
  • the period of bearing and feeding a child;
  • elevated body temperature.

But this is not all “tar in the ointment”. There are a number of significant disadvantages of using pharmaceutical cream, ointment or spray with dexpanthenol, which must be taken into account before using it in order to get rid of existing problems.

  1. With regular and fairly frequent use, peeling of the skin may occur due to frequent renewal of epidermal cells. The regenerative function for which this product is so valued has the opposite effect in this case.
  2. Ointment with panthenol, if applied frequently, can provoke the development of an allergic reaction.
  3. The products can cause side effects, so before the first use you need to conduct a tolerance test.
  4. As mentioned earlier, it is powerless against deep age wrinkles.
  5. Excessive use can cause an excess of vitamin B, which, like its deficiency, is fraught with negative consequences.

The conclusion from all of the above is that Panthenol cream (Dexpanthenol, Bepanten, D Panetnol, Panthenol-Ratiopharm) is suitable for skin with problems. It has not only a cosmetic, but also a therapeutic effect. To counteract age-related changes, you can use this pharmaceutical product, but carefully and moderately.

Instructions for use

Using Panthenol is quite simple. Before applying the product, you need to cleanse the skin of makeup and impurities, then apply a small amount of the product and distribute it evenly over the skin. There is no need to wash off Panthenol.

Many women speak positively about the mask with Panthenol . To prepare it you will need an equal amount of Panthenol, camphor and tea tree ether. All components are mixed well and applied in a thin layer to the face.

After 20 minutes, the mixture is washed off and the skin is treated with alcohol-free lotion . This mask can be done once a week, in the evening.

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