How to properly do Japanese facial and body massage at home or in a salon

Japanese massage technique

Why do Japanese women of any age look young? The point here is not about plastic surgery on the face or body or the use of any miracle creams, although Japanese cosmetics are also very effective. Eastern women are helped to maintain their youth by a special worldview, for which caring for the body and face is a mandatory ritual performed regularly. If you use Japanese massage techniques with the same frequency as you brush your teeth in the morning, then the desired result from the procedures will not be long in coming.

Possible problems

Japanese facial massage has a global modifying effect on the human body. Therefore, during and after the session you need to carefully monitor the changes that occur and, if necessary, take certain measures:

  • If problem areas visible to the naked eye appear on your face, stop the massage immediately and consult a doctor.
  • Swelling should be a reason to refuse to use fatty massage oil and postpone the procedure to an earlier time of day.
  • Pimples along the lymph flow are a signal that you need to cleanse the skin more thoroughly after drainage or replace the massage product.

The procedure has another romantic name - Asahi, which means “morning sun”. This name is the highest praise, a kind of sign of quality, indicating that the lymphatic drainage facial massage created by Yukuko Tanaka, like the image of the rising luminary sacred to any Japanese, brings people goodness, joy, change, and the beginning of a new life.

Benefits for the body

The goal of a popular massage technique in Japan is to provide a rejuvenating effect by stimulating the body's natural processes. Thanks to this effect, the features become harmonious, blood circulation improves, the face smoothes and becomes toned, and the skin takes on a blooming, healthy appearance. Existing oriental techniques help strengthen facial muscles, prevent sagging, wrinkles and other age-related changes.

Reviews prove that the massage procedure not only tightens the skin and gives it a healthy color, but also improves the overall appearance and well-being of a person. In addition, popular techniques in Japan help enrich the skin with microelements, oxygen, improve regeneration and nutrition. When you experience Japanese massage techniques, swelling and signs of stress will be eliminated, and regular massage will help you stay young and well-groomed, regardless of age.

Expected effect

Facial massage is a set of exercises and movements that can increase muscle tone and affect the speed of metabolic processes and regeneration. The primary task of massaging the skin is to speed up blood circulation, get rid of possible stagnation of lymph (intercellular fluid), and strengthen the facial muscles.

1-2 weeks after the first massage session you will notice significant changes:

  • skin regeneration is enhanced, the natural rejuvenation process is launched;
  • internal processes in the cells of the epidermis and the work of the sebaceous glands are normalized;
  • improves and evens out complexion;
  • fine wrinkles are smoothed out, and deep ones become less noticeable;
  • tightening the muscle frame, strengthening the facial muscles;
  • has a pronounced lifting effect;
  • skin tone and turgor increases;
  • sagging and looseness of tissues decreases.

You can enjoy a long-lasting, noticeable effect only with regular massage treatments; a one-time session cannot solve skin problems. It is better to include massage exercises in facial care.

There are many options for rejuvenating massages; Japanese massage from Asahi Zogan is especially popular. The massage technique differs from the usual classic massage:

  • A large role is given to biologically active points and lymph flow lines. In the classic version, the master performs stroking and kneading, taking into account massage lines.
  • Pressure is performed with the palm or pads of several fingers simultaneously.
  • Particular attention is aimed at removing toxins and waste from epidermal cells, eliminating lymph congestion. After 45, toxins and lymph stagnation inhibit the natural regeneration of the integument.

One more moment! Asahi massage after 45 and 40 years is different, this is due to severe skin problems in patients. After 40, special emphasis is placed on solving problems around the eyes, mouth, and eliminating facial wrinkles. As for the massage actions of more mature skin, the master concentrates on the lifting effect, the fight against sagging cheeks, and a double chin.

Varieties of body techniques

In Eastern medicine, various massage techniques have long been practiced, and over the years they have been improved, based on extensive knowledge of human physiology and anatomy. The most popular are Amma massage, which helps stimulate the circulation of human energy, and Shiatsu, a finger pressure treatment used instead of acupuncture.


This Japanese technique is unique; it does not require the use of massage oils during the session or the presence of a special table. To perform an Amma massage, you do not need to lie down or undress - the master of oriental massage acts on parts of the body with the “yang” energy (back side), and the vulnerable area with the “yin” energy is protected at this time by pillows. Using touch, the specialist determines the level of your physical and mental state, and identifies areas of the body that are subject to negative changes.

When working with energy flows, the master influences some points of the meridians where the movement of energy is blocked for some reason, while he removes the blockage and allows energy to move freely through the channels. Meridian massage is the best way to activate the circulation of energy; in just 20 minutes you will be full of vitality, but at the same time you will feel complete relaxation.

All techniques of the Amma technique are directed from the heart. During work, stroking, stretching, kneading, and rocking are used in areas of acupressure points. Massaging is carried out with fingers, palms, elbows and even knees to enhance the effect. Amma is an effective method for treating pain in the lumbar region, displaced discs, headaches, hypertension, and various types of injuries. The Japanese technique is also an anti-stress procedure, because it helps relieve both nervous and muscle tension.


Treatment using finger pressure has long been successfully used instead of acupuncture. Shiatsu affects biologically active points, which the master often chooses intuitively. Pressure is applied to them with the base of the palm and fingers. In the area of ​​the shoulder blades, chest, carotid artery and temporal region, pressure is applied with three fingers and the base of the palm; the back and limbs are massaged with the thumbs. The pressure is applied gently, without rubbing or displacing the tissue, while the working finger is positioned perpendicular to the area being treated.

There are several Shiatsu techniques: gentle and longer pressure - for 5-10 seconds on one point, without removing your fingers (repeated 2-3 times), as well as light pressure without jerking on a point for 3-5 seconds. Many elements of the technique are easy to learn, after which they can be performed at home. The duration of a general Shiatsu session is 60 minutes, a private session is about 5-15 minutes.

Indications for testing

Active facial massage will correct many skin problems, especially the following defects:

  • decreased tone and elasticity of tissues;
  • wrinkles, creases, furrows;
  • deepening of nasolabial folds, longitudinal and transverse wrinkles on the forehead;
  • swelling, bags under the eyes;
  • double chin;
  • weakening of the muscle frame, tissue ptosis;
  • itching and discomfort caused by increased dryness of the skin;
  • vagueness of the oval.

Visiting a massage therapist or performing a massage procedure at home will help correct visible defects and prevent them from deepening. The expressed problems are worked out in more detail.

Note! Cosmetologists strongly recommend that facial massage be included in the list of regular cosmetic procedures after 40 years. Such a solution will prevent the rapid aging of the skin and correct existing age-related deficiencies.

Japanese facial massage

Below we will consider the features of popular oriental techniques: Shiatsu acupressure, zogan massage from the Japanese stylist Yukuko Tanaka and skin treatment using the Kobido method. Each of the techniques has its own subtleties, but they are all united by one goal - providing a rejuvenating effect, healing, and eliminating the undesirable consequences of external factors affecting the skin.

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The founder of this Japanese manual therapy using finger pressure is Takuhiro Nakimoshi. By acting on specific points, the lactic acid accumulated in the muscles is replaced by glycogen, which restores their natural contraction. Thanks to Shiatsu, facial wrinkles formed as a result of muscle hypertonicity are smoothed out. In addition, pressure with your fingertips stimulates blood circulation and lymph outflow, eliminating swelling, soothing the skin, and stimulating the functioning of organs.

When performing Shiatsu acupressure, you need to apply high-intensity pressure using the pads of the thumb, index and middle fingers, while the skin should be cleansed and moisturized. The time of pressure on each point is 5-7 seconds. The Japanese Shiatsu technique is as follows:

  1. Place your fingers on your forehead: your ring fingers should be in the center, the rest should be located a little further away. Press the points for 5-7 seconds. Massage all areas of the forehead in the same way.
  2. Massage the skin of the eyes and eyebrows. Using your ring fingers, press on the edge of the eyebrows, which is near the temples. Using the middle pads, press on the middle part of the eyebrows. Press on the area near the eyes with your index fingers.
  3. Press first on the outer corners of the eyes, then on the inner ones.
  4. Massage the bridge of the nose: place three fingers between the eyebrows, press for 5 seconds.
  5. To influence the upper part of the eyes, you need to press your ring fingers into the inner corners of the eyes, your middle fingers on the upper eyelids, and your index fingers should be in the outer corners of the eyes. Carry out actions carefully and gently. By analogy, do the same on the lower part of the eyes.
  6. Next, place the 3 main fingers in the subzygomatic part of the face. Press firmly, slightly pulling the skin upward.
  7. Press on the points located near the wings of the nose. Hold for 5 seconds.
  8. Press your finger on the point in the middle above the lip.
  9. To massage the corners of your lips, you need to press on them with the pads of your index fingers.
  10. You can influence the chin by pressing on the central dimple, which is located below the lips.
  11. Place three fingers along the cheekbones, placing the thumb under them. Press for 5 seconds. Repeat the action 3 times.
  12. Place 3 fingers along the neck and behind the ears. Hold for no more than 7 seconds.

Yukuko Tanaka

The Japanese stylist has brought back the forgotten massage technique of her compatriot Hiroshi Hisashi, adding new elements to increase its effectiveness. Zogan massage is a kind of gymnastics in which superficial tissues and deep muscles are exposed, due to which toxins are removed from the pores and the skin becomes toned. Providing osteopathic practice simultaneously with lymphatic drainage massage helps maintain beauty and youth for many years.

Asahi facial massage is performed in a sitting or standing position, while maintaining an even posture. The duration of one procedure should be about 10-15 minutes, and they should be done daily. Don’t forget to cleanse your skin before performing Japanese self-massage. Next, you can master the Asahi massage, which improves lymphatic drainage from the tissues of the facial muscles. However, first learn the finishing movement, which you will need to finish the exercise in any zone with the exception of the one done at the corners of the mouth:

  1. Using three fingers (ring, middle, index) of your left and right hands, lightly press on the point located near the ears - the area where the lymph nodes are located.
  2. Apply pressure with the entire length of each finger, pressing them firmly against the skin. The duration of pressure is 2 seconds.
  3. After this, smoothly descend to the collarbones with the same intensity of pressure.

Before starting the procedure, lubricate your face with massage cream, then prepare the skin by working out the area of ​​the lymph nodes. To do this, move your fingertips three times from the temporal region, moving down the neck to the collarbones. Next, do the following exercises:

  1. Smoothing the forehead. Place your ring, middle and index fingers in a horizontal position in the center of your forehead and press them tightly. Apply pressure for three seconds, move the pads towards your temples, pressing and pressing. Turn at a right angle, move your hands to the side of your face, along the ears, along the neck towards the collarbones, reducing the pressure.
  2. Massaging around the eyes. Place the pads of your working fingers near the outer corners, raising and spreading your elbows to the side. Move towards the inner corner, barely touching the skin. Fix the position by increasing the pressure. Apply moderate pressure under your brows, moving towards the outer corner. Fix the position, and after three seconds, return to the inner corner, while releasing the pressure. After this, pressing, move your fingers along the lower orbital bone, moving to the outer corner from the inner. Hold for 3 seconds, applying moderate pressure. Return to the inner corner, releasing pressure to a minimum.
  3. Chin, raising the corners of the mouth. Place your fingertips on the central dimple of the chin and press for 3 seconds. Outline your mouth, bringing your fingers together above your upper lip. Hold yourself by increasing the pressure.
  4. Lifting of the cheeks, lower part of the face. Fix one part of the face against the lower jaw bone. Slide your other hand to the outer edge of the eye, moving away from the lower jaw, while applying increased pressure. Stop and press for 3 seconds. By analogy, repeat the steps on the other side of the face.
  5. Smoothing nasolabial folds. Make 5 arched movements around the wings of the nose, slide to the bridge of the nose, and massage the back of the nose with rubbing movements.
  6. Massage the cheekbones, strengthening the middle of the face. Spread your elbows to your sides, place your fingers on your cheeks, move towards your temples, applying pressure to the skin.
  7. From the double chin. Place one palm under your chin and move it towards your earlobe, pressing the muscles well. Repeat on the other side.
  8. Face lift. Bring your hands to your chin, spread your palms to the side, bringing your elbows together. Place the bases of your palms on the chin, move them along the cheeks to the ears, pressing. Fix yourself at the extreme point.
  9. Spread your palms towards your ears, applying considerable force. Smooth your face with your index finger and thumb. At the extreme point, fixate for 3 seconds.
  10. For wrinkles on the forehead. Smooth your forehead by moving from right to left in a zigzag motion. Complete the exercise by returning to the starting position.

Kobido massage

This technique is one of the most popular massage techniques. Kobido is aimed at enhancing the regeneration of skin cells, it helps relieve tension, while producing a powerful healing effect. To perform the actions yourself, you need to carefully study the anatomical atlas, paying special attention to the lymph nodes and facial muscles. The first stage of Kobido is cleansing the skin cells, steaming, peeling and moisturizing with a special cream or oil.

Having completed the first stage, you can begin to influence the lymphatic ducts and meridians. Massaging should be done with extreme caution so as not to put pressure on the lymph nodes, as they are sensitive and vulnerable. Next you need to carefully work the facial muscles. Those who like to perform self-massage techniques on their own should take into account that it is better to entrust Kobido to professionals, because insufficient knowledge of facial anatomy can be harmful.

Preparation for the procedure

Preparing for massage exercises is a simple but important factor. You need:

  1. Remove hair and pin it up so that it does not interfere during the massage procedure.
  2. Remove makeup residue, particles of dust, grease and sweat. In a word, the skin should be perfectly clean. A mild cleanser is suitable for this. Many cosmetologists recommend cleaning the skin with a scrub on the eve of massage procedures.
  3. After cleansing, dry the skin and remove droplets of moisture using a clean cloth (paper) napkin.
  4. Apply a little massage cream or oil to a clean, dry face. Please note that massage therapists do not recommend using oil for self-massage, based on the inability to deeply work the skin on your own. It is important to check the product for an allergic reaction before the massage.
  5. Lie down on a flat surface or sit on a chair. The main thing is that your back is straight.

Clean, humidified air in the room, relaxing music and a few drops of essential oils in an aroma bowl will put you in a positive mood and help you relax.


Lymphatic drainage massages and any other effects aimed at skin rejuvenation are contraindicated for people who have:

  • any infectious disease;
  • high pressure;
  • decreased intracranial pressure;
  • skin diseases: rosacea, dermatitis, allergic manifestations;
  • pain syndrome;
  • viral disease, such as herpes;
  • diseases associated with tumors or neoplasms;
  • liver, heart, lung or kidney diseases of any severity.

How many sessions will it take?

The number and frequency of sessions are determined by the degree of the problem, as well as the choice of massage technique. Asahi massage movements after 45 years of age in order to correct imperfections on the face are recommended to be performed twice a day, every day. After a month, reduce the intensity of exposure to 2-3 times a week.

Asahi massage for facial rejuvenation after 40 and 45 years is somewhat different (pattern of massage movements, pressure pressure), so there is no difference in the quantity and frequency of performance. Visit intensive care at least twice a year.

The following actions will help to consolidate and delay the achieved effect longer:

  • adjust your diet by filling your diet with vitamin-rich foods, vegetables and fruits, excluding alcohol, fried and salty foods;
  • use high-quality cosmetics, taking into account age and skin type;
  • Be less nervous, watch your facial expressions, don’t squint, don’t wrinkle your forehead;
  • Gymnastics for the face (face building) will be useful and effective.

Speed ​​up your metabolism in 1 minute a day: Shiatsu massage for weight loss.

Japanese traditional medicine is based on the influence of individual points of the body on entire body systems. The knowledge of doctors of several centuries was combined in the technique of shiatsu massage, aimed at reducing body weight and accelerating metabolism. Impact just a few points, and the weight loss process will accelerate: without grueling physical activity and medications.

  1. The first point is a bone on the inside of the leg, located just above the foot. Massage it for 30 seconds.
  2. The second point is the bridge of the nose. Exposure time: 30 seconds.
  3. Using stroking movements, relax the back of your neck. Stroke the top of your head. Perform these movements for as long as you want: the longer, the more you can relax. This is necessary in order to calm the body, get rid of the influence of stress and balance the work of all internal organs.

Magic points: we treat diseases without doctors and drugs!

Practicing masters of shiatsu massage techniques help their patients get rid of serious illnesses without the use of medications - this is a feature of traditional Japanese medicine. Of course, novice specialists should work together with their treating doctors, but the result of a shiatsu massage will be positive in any case! We list the points whose impact will have an impact on entire systems of the body:

  • The point located 5-6 cm below the navel is responsible for the energy balance and moral state of a person.
  • Impact on the earlobes will help get rid of nervous tension. Massage them for a minute, and insomnia will have no place in your life!
  • Massage your temples and bridge of your nose to increase your focus and energy.
  • The effect on the popliteal hollows will have a beneficial effect on the health of the back - the pain will become less or completely go away.
  • Simultaneous pressure on the center of the forehead and chin will help get rid of hot flashes, pain, discomfort, cramps during menstruation or menopause.

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