Vacuum massage of the face and body at home: benefits, how to do it correctly

It doesn’t matter what question about vacuum massage you are looking for in this article - you will definitely find it here! All about vacuum facial and body massage for beginners and professionals. We'll tell you about vacuum massage at home and the rules for conducting sessions for masters. We will analyze the indications and contraindications in detail, explain how to choose cups, and answer “tricky” questions: what to do if bruises appear? What rules should you follow to make the procedure even more effective? why is vacuum massage more effective than visiting a fitness room? How to save money on sessions with a professional master?

Vacuum massage: what is special?

During classical performance, the specialist exerts influence only with his hands, making the necessary movements to achieve a certain result. The use of cups allows you to enhance the effect thanks to the vacuum - it further improves blood flow, has a more intense effect on the skin, increases its elasticity and allows you to get rid of extra centimeters. Therefore, vacuum massage is one of the most effective techniques. The technique is used for almost all areas of the body: legs, buttocks, arms, abdomen, back, as well as for the face.

Contraindications and precautions

Despite many advantages and a large army of fans, anti-cellulite massage cannot be recommended to everyone. An absolute contraindication will be cancer and autoimmune diseases, as well as severe diabetes and other similar ailments. The procedure should not be practiced if:

  • a large number of flat or convex moles in the treatment area;
  • inflammations or wounds on the skin;
  • eczema, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis;
  • pregnancy at any stage;
  • varicose veins and other vascular problems;
  • high blood pressure;
  • increased skin sensitivity.

In very rare cases, there is an allergic reaction to the silicone from which the jars are made. Much more often, irritation is caused by incorrectly selected oil or cream.

If itching, hives, burning and other negative symptoms appear, it is recommended to interrupt the sessions and try to change the skin lubricant.

When processing, you should focus on problem areas: legs, buttocks, abdomen, upper arms and back. Do not massage the inner thighs, décolleté, breasts, spine or lower back.

Down with extra pounds: results of vacuum body massage

  • Getting rid of extra centimeters in the treated area.
  • Improving blood circulation and lymph flow.
  • Reduction of cellulite.
  • Acceleration of metabolism.
  • Relaxation of muscles, elimination of spasms.
  • Increased level of performance and immunity.
  • Improving skin quality: increasing its elasticity, moisturizing.
  • Getting rid of age-related skin changes: wrinkles, creases, drooping of the face.
  • Getting rid of swelling of the legs.
  • Fighting headaches, discomfort in the back, insomnia.
  • Reduces the appearance of stretch marks and scars.

Effect of the procedure

After a cupping massage, a person can expect the disappearance of cellulite in the treated areas and notice that the skin has tightened. Body contours will become smoother, small wrinkles and stretch marks will be smoothed out. These effects are valuable from a beauty point of view.

Also, such a massage can relieve tension, increase immunity, and reduce pain. Muscles begin to recover faster after injuries. Even with cupping massage, the effects of pinched nerves can be eliminated.

Cupping massage relieves tension

On a note! Cupping massage may well be combined with a number of other procedures - for example, honey massage, acupuncture, manual therapy.

Choosing vacuum cans

Silicone or rubber. Lightweight, inexpensive, easy to use. An excellent choice for beginners. Cons: short-lived.

Glass with pear. Durable and quite easy to use: the bulb is pressed, after which the jar itself leans against the skin, forming a vacuum. Plus: they do not absorb odors and do not change color, which happens with silicone specimens.

Glass. They have a more intense effect compared to previous options. Only suitable for real professionals! There is a risk of bruising and burns - these cans are first heated and then pressed against the body.

Latex. Musthave for facial massage: they are sold in sets consisting of cans of several sizes, including very small ones, they are used for delicate areas (crow's feet area, areas under the eyes and nasolabial triangle).

With magnet. A magnet is inserted inside the jar itself, which has a beneficial effect on the energy of the body, improving all its basic functions, balancing morale.

Types of vacuum massage.

  1. Canned dynamic. The simplest method, which can be done at home: the cups are slid over the surface of the body, working the desired area.
  2. Canned spot. A more complex technique involves applying the can to specific areas. The master must clearly control the strength and duration of the impact, and also know the active points. Helps get rid of back pain and reduce the thickness of the fat layer.
  3. Vacuum roller. This is a hardware type of massage that uses attachments that create a vacuum. Inside each nozzle there is a roller that additionally works on the area captured by the device.
  4. Laser-vacuum. A hardware technique that has no equal in the fight against stretch marks, scars and cellulite.

A noticeable effect becomes noticeable after 3-5 sessions. An improvement in general condition, a feeling of lightness and a surge of strength is observed after the first session.

Cupping massage techniques

Cupping back massage can be performed using one of two types of techniques - static or kinetic. Let's consider the features of their implementation.

Static massage involves placing about 10-16 cans on certain areas of the body. Once installed, they do not move on the skin. This type of massage is also called local massage. The procedure lasts about 5-15 minutes and the duration will depend on the patient’s age and muscle density. For example, for small children the cups are placed for 5-10 minutes, for adults - for 15-25 minutes. The jars are placed on the body at a distance of about 3-5 cm from each other, in areas where bones do not protrude and there are no indentations.

Static cupping massage

Kinetic (or total) cupping massage is performed with 1-2 cups that constantly move over the surface of the skin. Circular, straight, zigzag and spiral movements, “figure eights” are performed. The can moves forward with light pressure; as it moves, a small skin roll should form in front of it, while the can moves back more relaxed. The duration of such a massage varies depending on the indications and preparedness of the patient. The first sessions should not be longer than 5-10 minutes, then you can extend the massage up to 20 minutes. It is carried out until persistent redness of the skin appears. It is recommended to perform movements from the bottom up.

Scheme of kinetic cupping massage

Advice! If the patient complains of pain, you can add more cream or oil to the skin and reduce the vacuum inside the jar.

Cupping or hardware massage: what to choose?

The choice is individual and depends on the professionalism of the master who performs the vacuum massage. The good thing about the vacuum cupping procedure is that you can do it yourself at home. The hardware technique is distinguished by the ability to select the desired degree of impact. A good master will be able to correctly select the same characteristics during a cupping massage.

How to prepare for a massage?

The effectiveness of massage procedures largely depends on how prepared the patient is for them.

If you want to find out in more detail a description of cupping massage for spinal osteochondrosis, and also consider for whom massage is contraindicated, you can read an article about it on our portal.

Step 1. You need to fully study the technique of the chosen massage, become familiar with it, find out its features and indications for use.

Learn massage techniques

Step 2. It is recommended to go to the doctor and consult whether it is possible to do a massage in any particular case. It is especially important not to neglect this step for those who have chronic diseases or other health problems.

Talk to your doctor

Step 3. Next, you should choose a massage therapist and sign up for a session. The easiest way is to buy a subscription right away. You can also ask someone close to you to master the technique and do massage at home.

Sign up for a session

Step 4. It is important to take a shower before the massage to cleanse the skin of dirt and sweat.

Be sure to take a shower

Step 5. It is advisable to wear comfortable clothes made from natural fabrics.

Wear comfortable clothes

Step 6. It is recommended to come to your massage in a good mood.

Come in a good mood

Basic rules for conducting vacuum massage.

  1. The session begins after the room has been ventilated: it should not be stuffy, otherwise the waste and toxins that will leave the body during a vacuum massage will begin to penetrate back into the skin, causing a deterioration in the well-being and quality of the skin (irritation and acne may appear).
  2. 10 minutes - that's enough! The first session of a home massage should not exceed 10 minutes, professional - 20 minutes.
  3. The mammary glands, groin area, knee, and elbow cavities cannot be massaged!
  4. Bruises after a home massage are a bad sign. Do not allow them to appear, and if this happens, then read the article to the end - there we talked about how to fix it.
  5. Vacuum sessions are carried out at intervals of one day. Duration - 15 times. Repeat the course after 6 months.
  6. Down up! All movements are carried out in this direction - according to the direction of lymph flow. The abdomen and buttocks are worked according to a different scheme, which we will discuss further.
  7. If the goal of the course is to get rid of kilograms and cellulite, then you will have to “work” not only during the vacuum procedure: we advise you to stop eating junk food and alcohol, and also add physical exercise, follow a sleep schedule and drink 2 liters of water a day. This will improve the effectiveness of the course.
  8. It is better to refrain from eating for one to two hours before the session - this is especially important for procedures aimed at working the abdominal area. After a vacuum massage, it is useful to drink a glass of warm water to restore the body's water balance.

And finally, statements from great people about massage

The effect of massage is the natural restorative power of the body, the power of life Hippocrates

Massage is truly beneficial and prevents organ diseases Avicenna

When there are many diseases, there is only one reason - the spine of Hippocrates

A massage can replace any medicine in the world, but all the medicines together will not replace the effects of a Tissot massage

Massage has always played a huge role in healing, and people should have long ago erected a monument to the hands of the massage therapist I.M. Sarnizov-Serazini

The purpose of the massage is to destroy painful substances found in the muscles that have not been removed from the body by physical exercise Avicenna

The world needs massage because Osho's love has disappeared from the world

Our body talks to us all the time, if only we took the time to listen to Louise Hay

A sick and unhappy person needs a massage, but a healthy and happy person needs a massage. Eastern proverb

Besides massage, the way to stay healthy is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you don't like. Mark Twain

Stages of the vacuum procedure:

  • Apply heated oil to the legs and buttocks area. The product is applied in a thin layer so as not to reduce the effect of the cups on the skin.
  • Self-massage is performed in a standing position. During the professional procedure, the client must assume a lying position.
  • Warm up your body for two minutes using manual massage or cupping.
  • Start by working the lower areas of your legs: from your calves to your knees. Squeeze the jar and “place” it on the skin so that a vacuum forms inside. Swipe the can from bottom to top. Work the area up to the knee for 5 minutes.
  • Move to the area above the knee (up to the buttocks). Act on it in the same direction - from bottom to top. Be careful with the knee cavity area, do not put strong pressure on it. Time - 5 minutes.
  • Work the buttock area in the same way for 5 minutes. The direction is from the inside to the outside. The movements are carried out slightly diagonally - from bottom to top.
  • Remove any remaining oil.

The exposure time for each zone is increased to 10 minutes for the second and subsequent sessions. During the first vacuum procedure, be careful: do the massage “half-heartedly” to check the sensitivity of the skin and prevent the possibility of bruising.

  • Stomach.

Getting rid of the sides, diastasis, and cellulite in this area is the desire of many. We talk about how to forget about these problems in 15 sessions.

  • Apply oil to the abdominal area.
  • At home, the procedure is carried out in a standing or lying position - whichever is most convenient for you. During the professional procedure, the client must assume a lying position.
  • Use jars to work the area clockwise. Exposure time: 5 minutes. Do not apply pressure to the navel!
  • Using massage movements, “break” the fat in the side area. Time - 5 minutes.
  • Remove any remaining oil. Lie down for 2-3 minutes.
  • Hands.

The area of ​​the hands that is difficult to work with physical exercises can be effectively treated with a vacuum procedure.

  • Apply oil to the abdominal area.
  • At home, the procedure is performed in a standing position. During the professional procedure, the client must assume a lying position.
  • For 5-10 minutes, work the areas of the inner and outer surfaces of your arms in the direction from the hand to the shoulder. The method helps to get rid of cellulite and excess fat deposits in this area.

  • Back.

A very effective procedure that allows you to solve two problems at once: unwanted fat deposits and cellulite in this area and back pain.

The procedure is carried out by analogy with sessions for previous zones. Movements are performed from the bottom up (from the lower back to the neck) and in horizontal lines in the direction from the spine to the sides. The area of ​​the spine itself is not treated; 1-2 cm are removed from it.

  • Face.

The technique is very popular: it is used at home or by making an appointment with a professional.

  • Apply the oil to cleansed facial skin.
  • Using light hand movements, warm up the skin in the direction of the massage lines: from the center of the chin to the earlobes, from the nose to the earlobes, from the outer corner of the eye to the temples. The forehead area is worked from bottom to top using vertical movements.
  • Using a small-diameter jar (we recommend choosing silicone options), work on the area of ​​the face, neck, and décolleté in the direction of the same lines. Time - 5 minutes for the first session, 10 - for subsequent ones. For small areas (nasolabial folds, wrinkles around the eyes, nose) it is customary to use a jar with a diameter of 22 mm, for the rest - 33 mm.
  • Thoroughly rinse off any remaining oil.
  • Apply moisturizer.

Benefits for the body, individual organs and systems

Doctors divide the benefits of massage according to areas of influence - into individual areas of the body, systems and organs. The beneficial effects are largely due to the activation of the lymphatic system, due to which the cells are cleansed of harmful substances. Kneading the body tissues helps increase the outflow of lymph, while most patients experience unwanted stagnation.


  • — spasm relief;
  • — improvement of microcirculation;
  • - decrease in lactic acid concentration;
  • — strengthening the muscle corset;
  • - increased outflow of lymphatic fluid;
  • - prevention of atrophy;
  • - elimination of seizures;
  • - increase in physical strength.


  • — improvement of blood supply;
  • — improvement of joint mobility;
  • - reduction of fatigue in the joint area.


  • — cleansing the skin of old epidermis;
  • - removal of secretions from the sweat and sebaceous glands;
  • — increasing the smoothness and elasticity of the skin;
  • — improvement of metabolic processes;
  • - reducing the amount of fat in subcutaneous fat.


  • - improved blood circulation;
  • — elimination of lymph stagnation;
  • - facilitating the functioning of internal organs and the heart;
  • — elimination of congestion in the veins;
  • - improvement of gas exchange in tissues.


  • — correct and rapid muscle development;
  • - enhanced sensory perception;
  • - improved coordination of movements;
  • — prevention of curvature of posture;
  • — reducing the tension that arises during the educational process.

The benefits of massage depend on the exposure time

For a positive effect, it is important to complete the full course. In most cases, patients need from 7 to 10 sessions. The session time is determined by the doctor - ranging from 15 minutes to 1 hour. The effect of massage is observed after several procedures

Self-massage of the face at home: what results can you expect?

Let’s not argue: a procedure performed by a specialist cannot be compared with a home session, but this does not reduce the luxurious effect of a ten-minute massage a day:

  • You will forget about morning puffiness.
  • Dull complexion and dry skin will be a thing of the past.
  • Rashes will no longer bother you. The procedure can be performed even for those with oily skin who have redness or pimples (minor). Don't be afraid of the effect of the oil - it won't clog your pores if you choose it correctly. The effect of the procedure will be positive: blood circulation improves and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized. Give priority to jojoba and grape seed oil. It can be diluted with the base one - olive.
  • The skin will acquire tone, the appearance of wrinkles and creases will decrease, the oval of the face will be more defined, the cheekbones and chin will take on a “sculpted” appearance.
  • Emulsions, creams, serums will begin to work more actively if you apply them after the procedure, when the pores are open and blood circulation is accelerated. Home care will become more effective.

In what cases can the procedure cause harm?

Harm from massage is possible in the following cases:

  • — performing massage if there are contraindications;
  • — exceeding the recommended duration of the procedure (more than 1 hour);
  • — visiting a massage room during exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • — performing a massage in the presence of fever (flu, ARVI);
  • - contacting specialists while intoxicated.

Be attentive to your feelings - if slight fatigue occurs after a massage, then visit a specialist no more than every other day so that the body recovers. Before a massage session, it is also recommended to measure blood pressure for those who suffer from hypotension or hypertension, so that the massage therapist can select a tonic or relaxing technique.

Allergy sufferers need to be careful

Domestic scientists N. S. Zvonitsky and D. E. Alpern proved an increase in histamine in the blood after a massage session. Individuals with severe allergies may feel harm because the condition is treated with antihistamines.

Why is the procedure more effective than visiting the fitness room?

Regular physical activity is the right thing to do! But some areas are very difficult to work out in the gym: the inner side of the arm or thigh, the area of ​​the knees, the sides. Vacuum massage comes to the rescue, allowing you to target almost any area of ​​the body. Also, the procedure is a “salvation” for those who are concerned about the problem of diastasis. Such people should not do physical exercises aimed at pumping up the abs, and vacuum massage helps them get rid of the problem of an “overhanging” belly.


Vacuum massage with Icoone Laser is suitable not only for cosmetic, but also for medical purposes. In particular, in addition to fighting cellulite and orange peel, it also helps to cope with:

  • manifestations of varicose veins;
  • lymphostasis;
  • consequences of injuries and sprains;
  • muscle spasms, etc.

Also, massage, combined with laser treatment, is used to smooth out scars and cicatrices during the period of preparation for plastic surgery. These procedures are in great demand among young mothers: massage helps to quickly return to their usual shape, tighten the skin where it is necessary (for example, not the thighs and abdomen). The Aikun device allows you to achieve good results when treating stretch marks - they lighten and become less noticeable over time.

Vacuum massage after childbirth.

During pregnancy and the lactation period, the procedure cannot be performed, but after that it is possible and necessary! We talk about the results of proper vacuum massage after childbirth:

  • Getting rid of scars and stretch marks, reducing the appearance of scars;
  • Treatment of diastasis, external improvement of the abdominal area;
  • Getting rid of extra pounds, accelerating metabolism, reducing swelling;
  • Reducing the appearance of cellulite;
  • Improving blood circulation, increasing immunity;
  • Improving general well-being and increasing the level of performance.

SOS! What to do if bruises appear?

  1. Skip next session.
  2. Reduce the degree of exposure and procedure time.
  3. Change banks. This is especially true for those who use the glass option - they may prefer rubber or silicone.
  4. If you perform a vacuum back massage at a professional level, then bruises and bruises tell you that it was performed correctly and that these are the places where the points of greatest spasm are located. The rules of implementation can be learned at massage schools.

How to save on sessions with a professional master?

Simple arithmetic. A course of vacuum massage of the legs and buttocks costs an average of 15,000 - 20,000 rubles. It is worth repeating the course once every six months. For a year you will have to pay a “tidy” amount of 30,000 - 40,000 rubles.

How to save money?

Learn to become a vacuum massage master on your own and help solve aesthetic and health problems for yourself and your loved ones for free. And make massage your life's work if you want it. After all, then the price of 15,000 - 20,000 rubles per course, which you will not give away, but they will pay you, will become a joyful event.

The price of the training program pays for even one massage course from a professional master - you can save money and learn how to perform the technique yourself. A profitable investment in the beauty and health of your body? Definitely! A good prospect and opportunity to start working for yourself? Yes!

You can familiarize yourself with training programs, the price of which is already paid off during the course, on our website. They are suitable even for beginners: during training, we provide free use of a massage table at home, and provide students with all consumables without additional fees. The programs include blocks of training in selling their services, so the School’s students quickly overcome their fear of sales and receive their first regular clients even before completing the courses!

Author of the article:

Practicing: 15 years, Teaching: 8 years

Harm from unprofessional massage

The inability to correctly distribute the load on the muscles, incorrect execution of techniques, rough transitions between techniques and poor knowledge of anatomical nuances are common mistakes made by non-professionals. Unskilled behavior is aggravated by an inattentive study of the patient’s medical history, while experienced massage therapists always conduct a preliminary consultation about the patient’s health condition. From such incorrect actions, the patient risks not improving, but worsening his health.

Possible negative consequences:

  • - damage to muscle tissue;
  • — the appearance of pain due to incorrect work with trigger points;
  • - intensification of existing inflammation;
  • — disruption of the functioning of internal organs;
  • - infection due to non-compliance with hygiene rules.

There is an increased risk of injury when performing deep massage by a non-professional, which can even damage nerve endings. Self-taught people often perform strength techniques that are not recommended by doctors, who note a high risk of disc displacement and even fractures when performing such techniques.

Unprofessional massage therapists are dangerous

Medical fact. “The actions of half-educated massage therapists create disappointing statistics: about 15% of patients who completed a course with such a pseudo-specialist require additional restorative therapy.” (Robert Gotlin, sports physician from the Beth Israel Medical Center, USA).

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