Homemade masks to tighten enlarged pores on the face

Enlarged pores are one of the most common problems. The pores, being the ducts of the sebaceous glands, perform a protective function, fighting pathogenic flora and protecting the dermis from germs and bacteria. However, if the rules of facial care are violated or cosmetics are used too intensively, sebum, mixing with dust and other contaminants, clogs the ducts. This leads to the appearance of comedones, blackheads and inflammation.

Clogged pores lead to disruption of the oxygen supply to epidermal cells, which also negatively affects the appearance. The skin becomes dull, loses its natural color and elasticity.

The main task is not so much to cleanse the pores as to reduce their size. And cosmetic masks can cope with this. Most of them can be made at home using inexpensive ingredients. At the same time, they will be effective and efficient.

Causes of enlarged pores

A competent fight against enlarged pores lies not so much in the use of products, but in finding out the factors that precede this.

The main reasons for the expansion of sebaceous ducts are:

  • hormonal imbalances due to puberty, pregnancy or as a result of taking a course of hormonal medications;
  • improper skin care;
  • excess decorative cosmetics on the face;
  • unbalanced diet (consumption of large amounts of sugars and fats);
  • disruption of the normal secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • influence of UV rays;
  • heredity;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • age.

Environmental factors, climatic conditions (temperature changes, humidity), and disruption of the digestive tract are also important. Enlarged pores are often found in people with a predisposition to rosacea.


If you use masks according to the instructions and recommendations, you can achieve the most positive results:

  • Noticeable reduction of blackheads;
  • Improving the appearance of the skin;
  • Elimination of inflammation;
  • No acne or pimples;
  • Tightening of shallow wrinkles;
  • Evening out complexion.

Important! Narrowing masks are suitable for the fair sex of any age, so you can use them without restrictions.

How to deal with the problem

Most often, this problem concerns owners of oily dermis. The urgency of this problem will be reduced by eliminating the main causes of dilation of the ducts.

One of these ways is to incorporate the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle into your daily routine. You should balance your diet by reducing the content of sugar, saturated fat, simple carbohydrates and spicy foods.

Equally important is regular care, including:

  • daily cleansing;
  • weekly scrubbing (2 times every 7-8 days);
  • monthly peeling (1-2 times a month).

“Cleaning” dirt from the pores helps prevent inflammation. Masks can only be applied to cleansed dermis, otherwise they will simply be ineffective.

After deep cleaning, the effect of masks to narrow pores will be most productive. Those with dry skin are unlikely to benefit from this type of care. For them, it is preferable to choose cosmetics that do not dry out, but rather moisturize the dermis.

Masks for narrowing pores can have a number of additional effects:

  • tightening;
  • cleansing;
  • nutritious;
  • calming.

It is also worth reviewing the contents of your cosmetics bag, leaving only natural or safe decorative cosmetics for the face. A course of vitamins for skin and hair won’t hurt either.

Rules for using masks

To achieve the best effect, before using masks, you must familiarize yourself with the rules for their use:

Scheme for correct application of masks

  1. The product is applied only to cleansed dermis (lotion, tonic, scrub).
  2. The mask is applied in a top-down direction.
  3. This type of care is used no more than 2-3 times a week.
  4. You can wash off the paste only with warm water. You can use a decoction of chamomile or other calming herbs.
  5. The final stage is hydration.

There are no contraindications as such for homemade masks for narrowing pores. However, an allergic reaction may occur to certain components.

How to tighten pores on your face at home. Homemade masks to tighten pores on the face

Enlarged pores on the face can cause us a lot of discomfort. The surface of the skin with large pores looks bumpy and unattractive. It is impossible to properly apply a foundation that literally sinks into the pits of the pores and clogs them.

When mixed with dust and cosmetics, sebum clogs pores, makes it difficult for the skin to breathe naturally and gives the face an unhealthy tint, causing blackheads to appear. It’s time for those who have enlarged pores to act, because it is possible to narrow the pores on the face at home.

To get rid of enlarged pores, first become familiar with the basic functions of the skin. We need our pores. Through pores, the skin gets rid of sweat and excess sebum, through them skin breathing and heat exchange occur. Therefore, no matter how much we would like to, we cannot make the pores disappear. You can, however, make your pores smaller using natural remedies. Try them, if one of the remedies does not help, then move on to the next one.

The first steps you should take regularly to tighten the pores on your face

  • Thoroughly cleanse your skin of makeup and dust every day, always remove makeup before going to bed. During the day, instead of powdering, wipe your facial skin with your favorite cleanser - this could be a tonic, lotion, or micellar solution. Clean and free of oil and dirt, pores will shrink faster.
  • Keep your hands away from your face and only touch your face with clean hands. The face does not need additional oil and sweat from the hands.
  • Take care of your skin using quality nourishing and moisturizing ingredients
  • Eat healthy and avoid processed foods, which can irritate your skin and clog your pores. Also, avoid fatty foods; consuming fatty foods increases sebum production.
  • Do not use oil-based cosmetics. Choose cosmetics that contain zinc and magnesium, they work to reduce pore size.
  • Help your body cleanse itself - drink more water. Sufficient hydration has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.
  • Keep an eye on your bowel movements; it is normal if it is regular and daily. If this is not the case, then adjust your diet, add more vegetables and fruits.

How to reduce pores on your face


Ice tightens the skin and tightens the pores. Ice not only improves the appearance of your skin, but also invigorates it. Prepare ice cubes in the freezer in advance using decoctions of medicinal herbs that have an antibacterial effect, such as chamomile.

  • Rub your skin with ice cubes for 10-20 seconds. You can wrap a few cubes in a clean cloth and press the ice against your skin. Instead of ice, you can use clean snow, wrap it in a scarf and press it to the skin until you feel a slight tingling sensation. Do this several times a day.
  • Alternatively, you can wash your face with very cold, soft water. Do this in the morning and evening hours, but do not wash. Frequent washing is not always best - it can irritate your skin.

Face pore mask made from kefir or yogurt

Natural yogurt and kefir contain probiotics and lactobacilli, they help get rid of harmful bacteria that cause acne and inflammation in the pores, thereby reducing the size of the pores. Yogurt and kefir will help dissolve and cleanse impurities in the pores. For the mask, use only natural and unsweetened yogurt.

  • Mix yogurt or kefir well and then apply a thin layer to your face.
  • Leave for a maximum of 10 minutes.
  • Rinse off with cool, soft water.
  • Repeat once or twice a week.

Soda mask for tightening pores on the face

Regular baking soda will help balance your skin's pH and remove dirt particles from the surface of your face. If your skin is very sensitive, be careful when using baking soda as it may cause irritation. Try it on a small area of ​​skin first, and then proceed with the mask.

  • Mix two tablespoons of baking soda with 2 tablespoons of warm water to make a paste.
  • Apply the mixture to your face in circular motions and massage gently.
  • After 30 seconds, rinse the paste off your face with cold water.
  • Repeat the treatment every day for 7 days, and then reduce the frequency to 3-5 times a week.
  • After cleansing, wipe your skin with any alcohol-containing product (for example, calendula tincture), this will help the pores shrink faster. Afterwards, use an anti-acne mask.
  • Peeling with salt and honey will help tighten the pores on your face.

Homemade mask for tightening pores on the face using egg whites and lemon

We will use egg whites to tighten skin pores and extract excess oil from them. Protein masks are known for their healing properties that improve the condition of oily skin. Lemons are very versatile and can be used to improve complexion, nourish the skin, and increase its elasticity, due to the large amount of vitamin C they contain, which synthesizes collagen.

  • Beat two egg whites.
  • Add the juice of half a lemon.
  • Apply the mixture to your face and leave it on the skin until it dries. Then apply two more layers of the mask, wait until each layer dries, then apply the next one.
  • Rinse off with cool water.
  • Reapply several times a week.

To tighten the pores on your face, you can make a scrub by adding a little oatmeal to the mixture. Use egg white and 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice and oatmeal. Leave it on your face for 15-20 minutes and then lightly exfoliate by gently massaging.

Sugar-lemon scrub will help us narrow enlarged pores on the face at home

This is another homemade scrub that exfoliates the skin, removes dirt and makes pores appear smaller.

  • Mix two tablespoons of sugar and squeeze in fresh lemon juice.
  • Apply it to the skin and massage lightly for 20-30 seconds.
  • Rinse off with cool water.

Apply once or twice a week.

Apple cider vinegar for enlarged pores

Apple cider vinegar maintains the skin's natural pH balance and is used as a powerful anti-microbial and anti-bacterial agent that will help improve the condition of your skin. Vinegar also gets rid of oily shine for a long time and prevents its appearance. Always dilute apple cider vinegar before using it on your face.

  • Make a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Apply the solution to your face using a cotton pad.
  • Leave on for a few minutes and then rinse off.

It is better to use apple cider vinegar in the evening, before bed. Since it dries out the skin, apply a moisturizer after washing your face.

Cucumber juice mask for facial pores

Cucumber is a natural astringent and pore tightening agent. It also refreshes the skin and gives it a healthy glow.

  • Juice extract of one fresh cucumber (you can grate and squeeze the juice or use a juicer).
  • Apply the juice to the skin with a cotton swab.
  • Let the juice work on the skin for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash off with cold water.

Cucumber is also one of the ingredients in masks and lotions for oily skin.

Clay mask for facial pores

Clay is a natural substance and has the ability to absorb impurities from fats and oils. There are several types of clay, but we will use white clay (kaolin).

  • Mix two tablespoons of clay with enough water to make a smooth mud mask.
  • Apply the paste to your face and leave it on for 20 minutes until it dries.
  • Rinse off using cool water.
  • Repeat the mask once or twice a week.

It is quite possible to narrow the pores on your face at home if you cleanse your facial skin promptly and regularly and make masks. Before applying tightening masks, steam your skin to remove blackheads from your pores. If there is a visible reduction in the pores on the face, masks can be done less frequently, 1-2 times a week. If you do not narrow the pores and restore the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, then over time it will be much more difficult to reduce pores on aging skin, and the problems of oily skin will be added to the problems of aging skin. Take action and you will succeed. Be beautiful!


  1. Enlarged pores are a problem that most often plagues those with oily skin.
  2. The causes of this problem can be a lot of factors: from ecology to heredity.
  3. A mask to tighten pores can be easily made at home.
  4. It has minimal contraindications, consisting of individual intolerance to individual components.
  5. The care product can only be applied to previously cleansed skin.
  6. Owners of dry dermis should use such masks with caution.

Skin care rules

Most causes can be dealt with quickly, but careful skin care is still necessary. Therefore, for the epidermis with enlarged pores, there are its own rules for complete care. The main condition for good care of such skin is to prevent inflammation. Therefore, the following manipulations are used as preventive measures:

  • regular cleansing and use of non-traumatic peeling every other day;
  • complete make-up removal every evening;
  • Use warm or cool water to wash your face; do not steam such skin;
  • Ice cubes that can be used to wipe your face can be an excellent help for tightening pores;
  • To improve skin quality, you should also use cosmetics with zinc.

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