How to tighten pores on your face with an egg white mask

  • 35547
  • 09-10-2020
  • Author: Mysekret Team
  • 0

Spring is coming, and this means that spring vitamin deficiency is coming. During this period, the body, and especially the skin, lacks most vitamins, the absence or deficiency of which leads to dry skin and its rapid aging. Face masks using eggs are the perfect way out of this situation! This is mainly an inexpensive and very effective method of getting rid of skin defects.

Benefits of egg face masks

Egg - ideal for home manipulations in cosmetology. Using a chicken egg will enrich your skin with a whole supply of nutrients and microelements that are useful not only when eaten for breakfast, but also for the appearance of your face.

Protein tightens the skin, helps narrow pores, and also rids the epidermis of excess fat. The use of protein will greatly whiten and protonate the skin.

The yolk is very nutritious, it perfectly softens and moisturizes the skin. The yolk contains components that prevent moisture loss and flaking of the skin. Masks using yolk are most often used for oily skin types.

Egg masks are widely used by young girls and women of all ages. They can save very young beauties from a typical problem - blackheads and pimples, and for older ladies the product will give elasticity and relieve primary wrinkles.

Reviews of skin care masks

I have been fighting enlarged pores for many years now. I tried a huge number of products. And now I have found the ideal mask for cleansing and tightening pores. Gelatin with milk just perfectly copes with these problems in two ways. After the mask, the face becomes clean and fresh. Be sure to apply your regular moisturizer.


I really like the effect of egg white on the skin. I just use it without lemon. And if there is no time to fully make a mask, then I use the remains of the protein on the shell during the cooking process. It seems to me that the protein works 100%.


I love making masks with clay. I use everything: white, blue, pink, green. It perfectly cleanses the skin and tightens pores, and white even helps remove blackheads. The only thing I don’t use is black clay, because, on the contrary, pimples appear on it.


Originally posted 2018-03-18 05:04:08.

Who are egg face masks recommended for?

All girls and women strive to improve their appearance. When making an egg face mask, remember that each product has contraindications. We must choose an effective product and not try to harm our skin.

Egg masks are recommended for use if:

  • If you have dry skin that needs hydration;
  • Blackheads and pimples;
  • Lack of vitamins in the skin;
  • For facial skin tone.

The use of egg face masks is not recommended if you have:

  • Inflammations and tumors on the skin;
  • Too hard hair;
  • Unhealed scars or scars on the skin of the face;
  • It is highly undesirable to use the product for those who have dilated blood vessels.

You should use a mask if you know exactly your skin type.

Causes of enlarged pores

Most often, oily facial skin suffers from this defect, mainly the T-zone (forehead, wings of the nose and chin), and a little less often - the cheeks. The fact is that pores are designed to remove sebum from the body, and if too much of it is produced and the skin tone is weakened, they quickly increase in size. Wide pores are easily clogged with dirt, sebum accumulates in their trunks, comedones, inflamed pimples, etc. appear.

There are essentially two main reasons why this can happen: genetics and age.

There are many more provoking factors:

  • presence of bad habits;
  • use of cosmetics of inadequate quality;
  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • unhealthy lifestyle and constant stress;
  • impaired metabolism;
  • insufficient skin care.

Face masks with egg: recipes

You can get effective cosmetic care by combining products that are widely used in the home. The main components of homemade face masks include:

  • Chicken or quail eggs;
  • Honey;
  • Lemon (lemon juice);
  • Flour;
  • Vegetable or olive oil;
  • Green and black tea;
  • Sour cream and dairy products;
  • Aloe.

Anti-wrinkle face mask with egg

An anti-wrinkle mask made from chicken eggs and honey is considered one of the most effective. Before you start using it, you need to wash your face with thermal water to cleanse your facial skin of unnecessary impurities.

Required ingredients: chicken egg yolk and honey. The method for preparing the mask is quite simple:

  • Take 1 egg yolk, mix with honey in a ratio of 1/2;
  • Apply the finished mixture to previously cleansed facial skin and leave for 15 minutes;
  • Wash off the mixture with warm water;
  • Enjoy the effect.

If you have a capillary network on your face, you should not make an egg mask against wrinkles.

Egg white mask for blackheads

An egg face mask for blackheads at home is a very effective remedy for getting rid of spots, which has a huge number of positive reviews. When making a mask, use egg white, paper towels or napkins.

Cooking method:

  • If possible, carefully separate the white from the yolk;
  • Beat the whites thoroughly;
  • Cut paper towels or napkins into small pieces;
  • Take a brush and apply a thin layer of the mixture to the desired areas of your face. Rinse your brush before starting the procedure so that no particles from previous masks remain on it;
  • Glue paper pieces onto the spread layers;
  • Wait for the mask to dry completely, then remove it with a sharp movement.

After the procedure, it is advisable not to use decorative cosmetics and not go outside for two hours.

In order to get the best effect, the egg white mask against blackheads must be repeated once a week.

Egg mask for dry skin

A face mask made from yolk and vegetable oil is necessary for dry skin types suffering from dehydration. The following ingredients are used for preparation:

  • Chicken yolk;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Lemon.

Cooking method:

  • Mix 1 fresh chicken egg yolk with vegetable oil;
  • Add 1 teaspoon lemon juice;
  • Apply the mask to the skin, leave for 15-20 minutes;
  • Rinse off with warm water.

Repeat the procedure 2 times a week to achieve better results. It is recommended for use by girls with dry skin types who have particularly enlarged pores.

Egg white and glycerin mask

Egg and glycerin face mask is another mask that is essential for moisturizing dry facial skin. After 2-3 procedures you will see stunning results!

Required ingredients:

  • Egg white;
  • Lemon;
  • Glycerol;
  • Vegetable oil.


  • Beat one egg white well;
  • Add 10 drops of lemon juice;
  • 10 drops of glycerin and the same amount of vegetable oil.

Apply the resulting mixture to your face. Leave for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Repeat the procedure every week for best results.

Egg mask for oily skin

Using a mask based on lemon juice and tea will rid the skin of excess fat and give it a healthy appearance. The main ingredients are 1 chicken egg, half a lemon, and strong brewed tea.

Cooking method:

  • Beat the egg whites until foamy;
  • Gradually add 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice to the beaten egg white;
  • Apply the mask on your face in layers. You should get 2-3 layers. Each new layer should be applied every 3-5 minutes;
  • Remove the mask using a cotton pad soaked in strongly brewed tea.

This method perfectly tightens pores and removes excess oil from them. It is recommended to perform this procedure weekly.

Egg mask for normal skin

An egg mask for normal skin helps to tone the facial skin. This mask will noticeably refresh your face and give it a healthy glow. You will need 1 chicken egg and a moisturizing (oily) cream.

Egg mask recipe:

  • The yolk and white must be shaken;
  • Apply the mixture to cleansed skin, previously lubricated with a rich cream or tonic;
  • Keep the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse off the mask with cold water.

Nourishing egg mask

A toning face mask based on juice, sour cream and vegetable oil, suitable for all skin types. To prepare it you need the following ingredients:

  • Egg white;
  • Any juice (berry, fruit, vegetable);
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Sour cream.

Cooking method:

  • Add 1 tsp to the egg yolk. berry, fruit or vegetable juice (cucumber juice is mainly used);
  • 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and mix with 1 teaspoon of sour cream (add sour cream last);
  • Apply the mask to your face. Leave for 20 minutes;
  • Rinse off with warm water.

How to check the freshness of an egg

To prepare a mask based on chicken protein, it is recommended to choose fresh eggs. How to check the suitability of eggs? There are two ways:

Method No. 1

  1. Pour running cold water into a glass container (a little less than half a glass).
  2. Place the egg in the container.
  3. Rate the result:

The egg is fresh if it has sunk to the bottom of the container (up to three days). The egg has taken a vertical position - it was laid by a chicken no more than seven days ago. If the egg floats up, one side appears - the egg is not fresh, it was laid more than 21 days ago.

After the chicken lays an egg, air accumulates in the cavity between the white and the shell. The longer the egg lies, the more air there is in the cavity sac - the egg floats above the surface of the water.

Method No. 2

After the egg has been laid, the liquid from the white-yolk mass evaporates daily. To visually check an egg for freshness, you need to break the shell and pour the contents of the egg onto a flat surface. Rate the result:

  • Round yolk in the shape of a ball; the white is elastic, jelly-like - the egg is fresh (no more than three days).
  • The bulge is clearly visible in the yolk; the white spreads - the egg was laid by the chicken within seven days.
  • Flat surface of the yolk, watery white of a cloudy color - the egg is not fresh (more than 21 days).

Rules and features of using egg masks

When applying a mask to the face, we want the skin to absorb the maximum of beneficial substances and microelements, hoping to get the desired result in the shortest possible time. However, in the pursuit of beauty, we lose sight of the rules that should be remembered when applying masks to the face.

Rule one: stay the course. Applying a mask to the face requires a mandatory course. You can achieve results with one procedure, but it will be short and almost unnoticeable. The average course of egg masks is 4-8 times a month.

Rule two: cleanse the skin. Before carrying out such a procedure, it is necessary not only to wash your face, but also to remove all kinds of contaminants from the pores. The following methods are suitable for cleansing the skin:

  • Steam bath;
  • Peeling;
  • Hot compress.

If you choose the peeling method, it must be done an hour before applying the egg mask. Other methods can be used shortly before the start of the procedure.

Rule three: restricted areas. This rule is the most important. It concerns bypassing restricted areas. It must be remembered that you should not injure the particularly delicate and most sensitive areas of the skin of the face. These include the skin around the eyes and around the lips. Failure to comply with this rule can lead to unpredictable consequences, such as burning, dry skin, and allergic reactions.

Rule four: sterility. Decide in advance what tool you will use to apply the mask to your face and take care of its cleanliness. If it's a brush, clean it thoroughly after each use. Wash your hands well if you are going to apply the egg mask with your hands. Otherwise, your efforts may be in vain.

Rule five: accuracy. Try to apply the mask carefully and evenly on your face. Avoid restricted areas of the face so as not to provoke negative reactions of the epidermis. When removing the mask from your face, do it with smooth movements without stretching the skin.

After removing the egg mask, wipe your face with various decoctions, tonics, and medicinal herbs. This procedure must be carried out with cotton pads or gauze wipes to avoid contact of polluting particles with the skin.

Rule six: relax. Relax to improve the effect of the mask. Avoid excessive activity. The ideal outcome would be to take a bath after applying the mask. Read, relax on the couch, or just lie in silence.

It is important to remember that when trying a new mask, you must know how to make it, its specific composition and application methods. This knowledge will make home procedures enjoyable and productive.

When preparing the material, consultation was carried out by:

Ekaterina Smirnova (dermatologist). Certified specialist with 20 years of experience. He is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of dermatological diseases, and removes tumors. Proficient in injection cosmetology techniques for the face and body.

Popular questions about this article

✅ What are the benefits of egg face masks?

Egg masks are popular in home cosmetology.

  • Protein is essential for tightening pores, treating acne and getting rid of blackheads.
  • The yolk gives the skin elasticity and nourishes it. Masks containing yolk help get rid of wrinkles.

✅ Recipe for anti-wrinkle egg mask

To prepare a healthy homemade anti-wrinkle egg mask you need an additional ingredient - honey.


  • mix 1 yolk and 1 tbsp. honey;
  • apply the resulting composition to the face;
  • leave the mask on for 10-15 minutes;
  • wash off with warm water.

A face mask with yolk is an excellent natural remedy for wrinkles. Therefore, we repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week to achieve better results.

✅ Recipe for a mask with egg for blackheads

To get rid of blackheads, you can prepare a mask with egg. Recipe:

  • beat the white of one egg thoroughly;
  • cut paper napkins into small squares or strips;
  • apply pieces of napkins to problem areas and apply egg mixture on top;
  • wait for the mask to dry completely;
  • pull sharply on the edge of the mask.

You will see black spots on the napkins.

This mask for blackheads is considered aggressive, so you should not repeat it more than once a week.

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What clay will help?

Cosmetic clay is a unique substance that has a huge number of beneficial properties. Depending on the color, the powder helps to cope with various problems.

For enlarged pores, white, blue and green clays are especially popular:

  • Dilute the white cosmetic powder with water, mix until it forms a paste. Add a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Distribute over skin.
  • Combine green clay powder with water, add a few drops of olive oil, liquid honey and lemon juice. Mix thoroughly and apply to the dermis.
  • Dilute blue clay powder with pre-infused and cooled green tea (can be replaced with infusion of chamomile, calendula, lemon balm, mint). Mix the mixture and spread it over your face.

When using clay-based masks, it is important not to allow the mass to dry out on your face. As soon as the mixture begins to dry out, it is recommended to wash it off.

Do homemade masks help tighten pores?

Sebaceous glands are located on almost the entire surface of the dermis. They are most concentrated in the forehead, nose, cheeks, chest and upper back.

The sebaceous glands produce sebum (sebum), which regulates the pH of the dermis and protects against pathogens. When the functions of the glands are disrupted, sebum production increases; the substance clogs the excretory ducts, which leads to their expansion.

Improper care of the facial skin and incorrectly selected cosmetics contribute to contamination and expansion of the mouth. When squeezing out pimples, deformation occurs, which also contributes to the expansion of the mouths of the sebaceous (holocrine) glands.

To narrow the excretory ducts, it is necessary to cleanse the face and make pigment-constricting masks. Homemade products based on natural ingredients can effectively cope with this task.

Ingredients that narrow the excretory ducts:

  • Eggs . As we age, the production of elastin and collagen in the body decreases. Loss of elasticity leads to an increase in pore width. Egg white is similar in structure to collagen; its use restores the tone of the dermis.
  • Citrus fruits . Lemons help cleanse the epidermis of dirt. The acid they contain destroys pathogenic flora and relieves inflammation.
  • Aloe has bactericidal properties, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and maintains the normal pH of the epidermis.
  • Honey contains a large amount of nutrients necessary to maintain the beauty and health of the dermis. Thanks to its bactericidal properties, honey kills pathogens that multiply in the mouths of the sebaceous glands. Antioxidants included in the product slow down the aging process.
  • Clay cleanses the excretory ducts and reduces the amount of sebum on the skin.

Be sure to read:
The best black clay face masks: properties and application, how to make at home

The list of ingredients for making home remedies is quite long. When selecting components, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of the skin and possible side effects.

Fruit shrinking mass

Recipes for masks based on fruits and berries have a pronounced tonic and firming effect. The following combinations of ingredients are especially effective:

  • Peel and remove white skin from a medium-sized ripe orange. Grind using a blender. Squeeze the resulting pulp slightly and apply to the dermis.
  • Peel one large ripe pear, grate and squeeze out the juice. Combine with potato starch in a 1:1 ratio. Mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply to the dermis.
  • Combine equal amounts of water and lemon juice and add to oatmeal. Mix and distribute over face.

Before using fruit-based masks, you must make sure there is no allergic reaction to the product.

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