Healing algae oil: fucus, kelp, spirulina, what are their benefits for facial beauty

A healthy and even complexion, skin without wrinkles and age spots, a clean face without inflamed elements and acne - this is not a fairy tale, but a reality. Perfection can only be achieved through high-quality cosmetics and proper care. As assistants, you can use natural oils, for example, fucus oil, kelp, spirulina.

The composition of the products is filled with useful components, minerals and vitamins, which not only heal and strengthen epidermal cells, but can also solve many age-related and dermatological problems. How to properly use algae extracts, proven beauty recipes, as well as real user reviews, read on.

general description

Algae are a natural source of minerals, fat-soluble vitamins, lipids, Omega-3.6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, alginates, fucoidan and other beneficial components. A unique ingredient is often added to cosmetic products, providing hydration, nutrition, healing and rejuvenation of the skin. Cosmetologists and ordinary clients note excellent anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antiviral effects; natural compositions promote rapid regeneration and tissue restoration.

Extracts from seeds and algae thalli are used not only as a cosmetic additive, they have also found application in medicine. Seafood products are actively used to treat dermatological diseases, allergies, diabetes, vitamin deficiency, a number of problems of the respiratory, digestive and nervous systems, and for the prevention of oncology.

Oil is one of the most popular and acceptable forms; it is convenient to apply and mix with other useful ingredients to prepare homemade masks, scrubs, and creams. Oil extracts are often used for massages and wraps.

Algae oils are obtained by extraction. In addition to algae, a base oil is used, usually olive or almond. Products from marine plants are yellow, light green or brownish in color and smell like algae. They have a homogeneous fluid consistency, are easy to apply and can be easily combined with other cosmetics.

The effects of kelp on the skin

Laminaria is sometimes called sea ginseng, that is, brown algae is attributed all the qualitative characteristics of the “root of life.” Even dried seaweed contains a huge amount of a wide variety of substances that have a beneficial effect on a living organism.

They bring benefits not only when used internally, but also when used externally.

The use of masks to improve the condition of the face, which are based on kelp, has several effects at once:

  • CLEANING. Brown algae, when applied externally, quickly removes dead epidermal cells, which improves skin breathing, promotes its restoration and rejuvenation;
  • ANTI-INFLAMMATORY. The active substances of kelp accelerate the healing of wounds, remove inflammation, due to which inflamed pimples and acne disappear from the face;
  • MOISTURIZING. Algae contains components that help retain moisture in the subcutaneous layers;
  • REGENERATING. Laminaria accelerates cell renewal and normalizes biochemical reactions, which allows it to be used to rejuvenate the skin and improve its nutrition.

A course of care using masks based on kelp thallus can get rid of facial skin defects such as:

  • Flabbiness and loss of clarity of lines;
  • Acne;
  • Oily sheen;
  • Hyperpigmentation;
  • Areas of peeling and areas of irritation;
  • Increased dryness;
  • Clogged pores;
  • Uneven facial relief.

After the first day of using homemade cosmetics based on kelp, the face becomes smooth, unevenness disappears, skin tone improves, and dark spots become less noticeable visually.

After 4-5 procedures, small wrinkles, scars and visible acne marks disappear, pimples disappear, facial contours become clearer.

In terms of their effect, masks with dried kelp are comparable to salon care, but one condition is met - all the rules for preparing the compositions and applying them to the face must always be taken into account.

Interesting facts from the history of oils

Humanity has been using the value of seaweed and its medicinal properties since ancient times. Cosmetics enriched with the extract of these plants are one of the main secrets of the beauty and youth of Japanese women. Back in the 7th century, Japanese residents valued seafood gifts as worth their weight in gold; kelp was even used as payment for taxes. In addition, kelp oil was used to strengthen and heal hair, to cleanse, moisturize and preserve youthful skin of the face and body.

The peoples of coastal countries used seaweed to treat the thyroid gland and a number of dermatological diseases.


Masks containing algae have the most beneficial effect on the skin. However, they should not be applied if there is one of the following contraindications:

  • Benign and malignant tumors in the neck and face;
  • Recovery period after surgery;
  • Pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Cuperosis;
  • Individual hypersensitivity to kelp components.

The ban on the use of masks during pregnancy, thyroid diseases and rosacea is due to the fact that kelp contains a lot of iodine, which, if taken into the body in large quantities, can adversely affect the course of pathologies and intrauterine development of the fetus.

Popular algae oils

Fucus, kelp and spirulina oils remain popular in the modern cosmetics market. They are widely used in cosmetology and medicine. We will pay more attention to each product, the features of its use, composition and beneficial properties.

Fucus oil

Fucus oil is a natural and very healthy extract, obtained from the type of seaweed of the same name. Fucus is a type of brown algae, native to the seas of the Northern Hemisphere. The plant is also popularly called “sea oak” and “sea grape”.

Note! Today, there are up to 15 species of fucus algae, but in cosmetology and medicine, preference is given to fucus vesicularis.

Bladder fucus has a composition rich in amino acids, vitamins A, D, E, micro- and macroelements, healthy fatty acids, fucoidan. The unique formula of the product improves metabolism in epidermal cells, saturates weakened tissues with nutritional components, and softens the skin. Fucus oil is often used in the prevention and fight against cellulite and excess fat.

The oil extract can be purchased at a pharmacy or specialty store, or ordered online.

The drug can be used to moisturize and nourish the skin, cleanse and detoxify the epidermis. A little liquid is added to the bath, ready-made scrubs and creams.

Fucus vesicularis products are added to food to treat heartburn, thyroid problems, lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, and to improve immunity.

Kelp oil

Laminaria is a natural source of biologically active components. The product is obtained from Laminaria saccharide, a type of brown algae known to us as “sea kale”.

Laminaria oil extract is often used to rejuvenate skin. It is worth noting the moisturizing, cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect of the product. Regular use of this algae will ensure proper nutrition of the skin, normalize metabolic processes, restore a healthy complexion and lost tissue elasticity.

Interesting fact! Laminaria oil contains over 70 elements of the chemical periodic table, alginates, vitamins A, D, E, B2, amino acids, fatty acids that can improve the condition of the skin, replenish the lack of nutrients, stop the aging of cells, and make the face beautiful and clean.

Laminaria oil can solve the problem of cellulite, brittle nails and hair, and restore silkiness and lost shine to your hair.

Spirulina oil

Spirulina is a multivitamin and mineral complex; the product formula includes over 2,000 types of useful substances, amino acids, and fatty acids. To produce this unique product, spirulina microalgae (Spirulina platensis) is used.

The oil extract can be light yellow to blue-green in color with a pleasant mushroom or sunflower flavor.

The product can be used at any age, regardless of skin type.

By the way, you can get a valuable extract at home. To do this, microalgae stems are finely chopped and poured with olive or other vegetable oil, and the product is exposed to ultrasound to extract the maximum nutritional components from the plant.

Interesting fact! To get 1 liter of valuable spirulina oil, you will need about 27 kg of seafood (calculated by dry weight).

The action of the oil is aimed at restoring and improving the performance of the skin and the functioning of the body as a whole, strengthening the immune system and stabilizing metabolic processes.

Adverse reactions

If the product is used incorrectly for cosmetic purposes, seaweed can do more harm than good. Laminaria has a number of contraindications for use.

  • Blood problems. Any deviations in the functioning of the circulatory system put a taboo on algae procedures.
  • Problems with the thyroid gland. A face mask made from any algae, including kelp, prepared at home, is saturated with iodine. Therefore, in case of endocrinological problems, the reaction to the procedure is unpredictable.
  • Individual intolerance. A reaction is possible not only to iodine, but also to other components in the product. Before using algae, do a test - apply the product to your wrist.
  • Interesting situation. During the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding, any manipulations with kelp are unsafe.
  • Open wounds. If the skin is inflamed, there are cracks and a wound opens after acne removal, postpone algae treatments.

Indications for use

Algae facial oil is a source of essential nutrients. With their help, you will provide proper skin care, strengthen and improve the functioning of epidermal cells, and also get rid of a number of problems.

Indications for the use of valuable products are:

  • dull, unhealthy skin tone;
  • loss of tone and turgor;
  • the appearance of wrinkles, both facial and age-related;
  • frequent rashes, acne, inflammation;
  • capillary mesh on the face;
  • dryness and peeling of the skin.

It is recommended to use the extract in the spring, when there is a lack of minerals and vitamins, as well as to prevent early aging of the integument.

The skin type and age of the client does not matter; the product is absolutely universal. Those with dry skin will be able to fill the cells with life-giving moisture, those with problematic skin will be able to reduce inflammation and reduce the appearance of acne and inflamed elements in the future, for mature skin they will be able to partially even out the microrelief, increase the tone and elasticity of the integument, and for oily skin they will be able to normalize metabolic processes, restore a healthy color, cleanse and tighten pores.

The effectiveness of algae oils is not even discussed; you will be able to appreciate the first improvements, unprecedented softness, lightness and cleanliness of the skin after the first procedure.

The remedy will be useful for those with “orange peel” skin. Regular wraps using marine extract can correct the existing deficiency and prevent its occurrence in the future.

Application in cosmetology

It would take a very long time to list the chemical components of kelp. But the main secret lies not in the quantitative data of the active substances, but in their phenomenal combination.

Each of the substances perfectly complements each other, providing the highest possible positive effect on the skin.

In the cosmetic field, a seaweed mask is of great value due to its ability to have a complex effect on the deep structures and tissues of the epidermis.

As a result, from the first procedures you can notice the following changes:

  • complexion acquires freshness and light radiance;
  • light whitening is carried out;
  • The intensity of pigment spots decreases, and their disappearance is also possible;
  • the number of small wrinkles is reduced;
  • There are noticeably fewer rashes and blackheads;
  • the oval of the face is noticeably tightened;
  • skin tone and texture return to normal.

It is worth noting that a mask made from dry kelp for the face is equally suitable for both young and aged skin.

For older women, algae masks will help restore elasticity to skin that has lost its tone, and for young girls, seaweed face masks will serve as an excellent way to cleanse contaminated pores and stabilize the sebaceous glands.

Where is the best place to buy

You should buy a valuable product in trusted places, at a pharmacy or specialty store. Do not trust dubious manufacturers; low-quality oil or counterfeit oil can harm your health and only worsen the skin situation.

Let's look at popular oil options and their approximate cost:

  1. Fucus Alganica oil is an extract from brown algae based on olive oil. The average cost for 450 ml is 850 rubles.
  2. Hydrophilic oil with lavender aroma “Miss Laminaria” is a complete, high-quality care for dry and normal skin. Suitable for removing makeup and for daily care, can even be applied to the sensitive area around the eyes. The price of the product is 350 rubles per 100 ml. For those with very sensitive skin, the manufacturer has prepared a hydrophilic oil with the aroma of jasmine. Its cost is slightly higher - 400 rubles per 100 ml.
  3. Phyllophora algae oil is an ideal product for aging skin; it has a high regenerating and rejuvenating effect. You can buy the product for 150 rubles (60 ml).

Advice. It is preferable to choose oils in dark glass or thick plastic packaging. For convenience, packaging is done with a dispenser.

The product should be stored in a dry, cool place, or in the refrigerator. Exposure to direct sunlight is unacceptable. The shelf life is no more than 2 years, this fact is specified by the manufacturer on the packaging.

General recommendations for use

It is not difficult to achieve the desired success from using algae oil; just follow simple but important rules:

  1. Please perform a sensitivity test before using the product. Only in the absence of itching, irritation, rashes, swelling and other signs of allergy can the oil be used.
  2. Don't forget to exclude contraindications.
  3. Do not apply the product to the skin without first cleansing and removing makeup particles.
  4. Additionally, steam the skin to increase the effectiveness of the valuable extract.
  5. To prepare homemade masks and balms, use only fresh and high-quality ingredients.
  6. You should not prepare several servings of cosmetics in advance. Over time, the oil loses its beneficial properties.
  7. Choose recipes for masks, balms, and creams taking into account the characteristics and type of cover. The same applies to the frequency of procedures.

How to wash off and after care

The kelp mask is applied for 15 minutes - you should not leave it on longer, since the skin will already have received everything it needs by this time. And if you overdo it, irritation and burns are possible.

According to reviews, a seaweed face mask is best washed off with cool water. This can be either ordinary water, pre-boiled and settled, or mineral water. Even with gas, but without any sweet additives. After the mask, apply your favorite nourishing cream to the skin.

If you are uncomfortable washing off the mask, you can carefully remove it with paper napkins and then wash your face well. You should not apply night cream or moisturizer - only nourishing one.

Methods of application

Algae oil extracts can be used in several variations:

  • apply directly to problem areas;
  • for performing massage;
  • for enrichment of finished cosmetics;
  • as an important ingredient in a homemade mask, cream, or facial toner.

Algae oil can be used in its pure form. Apply a little product to problem areas and massage lightly. The procedure allows you to instantly moisturize and soften the skin. Such manipulations are especially relevant after taking a hot bath or sauna.

There is no need to rinse off the oil; just blot off the excess product with a napkin 15–20 minutes after application.

It is worth noting! You can even apply the oil to sensitive eyelid skin. The product does not weigh down the skin, acts delicately, without side effects or complications.

The oil extract is ideal for facial and body massage. After one procedure, the skin will become soft, tender and velvety!

One of the easiest ways to use this valuable product is to add 5-7 drops to a skin care cream, serum, or mask. Deep cleansing is guaranteed by the combination of valuable oil and peeling.

Homemade masks and creams with algae oil are rarely prepared. As a rule, kelp powder, brown algae, and spirulina are used for these purposes. However, no one is stopping you from experimenting, taking your favorite mask recipe and adding a few drops of a unique seafood product to it. The effect will pleasantly surprise you!

Another popular way to use this valuable extract is anti-cellulite wraps. The heated oil is applied to problem areas and wrapped in film. After 20–30 minutes, the film is removed. To obtain tangible results and quickly solve the problem of cellulite, it is recommended to perform body wraps 2-3 times a week.

Preparation of kelp base for homemade masks

To prepare cosmetic compositions for external application, it is best to take dried kelp from a pharmacy; it is sold in powder form in katon packs.

The basis of the recipe is prepared from this substance:

  • Pour a tablespoon of seaweed into a small glass container;
  • The powder is poured into a glass of cool water. You can use both filtered water and mineral water, but without gases. Hot or even warm liquid should not be used, since under thermal influence some of the beneficial components of sea ginseng evaporate;
  • The soaking time for soaked kelp is from 40 minutes to one and a half hours. During this time, the powder swells and becomes suitable for use as the main ingredient in face masks;
  • Laminaria soaked in water should be squeezed through a sieve or gauze bag. After this, the prepared gruel can be used.

Laminaria can be prepared in advance. The swollen pulp retains all its basic properties for 3-5 days. Store it in gauze and in a plastic bag on the bottom shelves of the refrigerator. There should be air access to the algae, that is, there is no need to tie the bag.

Instead of pharmaceutical kelp powder, brown algae thallus can also be used. However, before pouring water, they need to be crushed to a powdery mass.

For lips, eyelashes and eyebrows

Despite the rich composition and ambiguous range of actions , there is no data on applying algae oil to eyelashes. Your task is to be extremely careful so that the product does not get into your eyes. This may cause irritation to the mucous membrane of the eye.

Many beauties add natural extract to masks and hair balms. This will help improve the condition of your hair, make your curls strong and silky, and prevent splitting and fragility.

Seaweed has a high regenerative effect, which will be very useful when lips are damaged in windy and frosty weather. To quickly resolve the problem, apply a little product to the surface of your lips and wait until it is absorbed. Repeat manipulations several times a day until complete healing.

Recipe No. 5 – Kelp face mask with gelatin

Those with problem skin will benefit from a nutritious mixture of seaweed and gelatin. Niacin, which is found in algae, successfully fights age spots. Thanks to calcium, the skin's texture is evened out, iron accelerates blood circulation, and ascorbic acid smooths out wrinkles and rejuvenates.


  1. one package of gelatin;
  2. 20 g organic life kelp powder;
  3. 30 g lemon juice;
  4. vitamin A in tablets or capsules – 1 piece;
  5. half a glass of water.

Features of preparing and using the mask

Pour gelatin with water and leave to swell in a small saucepan. Then put it on the fire until completely dissolved, but do not boil. Cool and add kelp powder. Leave for an hour for everything to swell. Add fresh citrus juice and vitamin A to the mixture. Mix gently and apply to face. After 15 minutes, wash off.

Internal use

Algae oil is not taken internally; fresh algae are used for this, less often dried. Kelp or “sea kale” is a frequent guest on tables. Regular consumption of brown algae is used to treat arthritis, diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract, osteochondrosis and rheumatism.

Fucus seaweed is also suitable for preparing first and second courses and is used as a seasoning. In this case, a little useful ingredient is added due to its specific aroma and taste.

Advice. To soften the algae thallus, you can use water or vegetable oil.

By following a diet containing kelp, you can even lose extra pounds. Please note that you should consult your doctor before doing this. For some beauties, a diet with kelp is contraindicated, in particular for tuberculosis, urticaria, furunculosis, diathesis and kidney disease.

How to prepare and apply

Before applying the mask to your skin, make sure your face is properly prepared. Steam it, clean it with a scrub - this will open up more opportunities for the action of kelp. You have already bought dry seaweed, but now remember: kelp for the face against wrinkles is used only in wet form, the mixture needs to be prepared. How to prepare a face mask from kelp, or rather its base?

Instructions for preparing the main component

  1. Take 15 g of seaweed powder. Pour a glass of warm water (purified or mineral). But not with boiling water, since when it reacts, kelp loses its properties.
  2. The kelp should be in the water for at least one and a half to two hours until it swells well.
  3. Then drain the water through cheesecloth.
  4. Squeeze the seaweed thoroughly.
  5. Ready. Use kelp as one of the components of the mask.
  6. The amount received is enough for one time.

Apply the algae mask while lying down so that it does not “run away” from you ahead of time. A kelp mask is also suitable for the skin around the eyes - you can safely apply it in this area.

Advantages and disadvantages

Algae oil extract is a storehouse of nutrients and beneficial substances. It is easily and quickly absorbed into the skin and does not cause allergies or irritation.

Regular use of the oil guarantees a pronounced effect and makes the skin healthy and elastic. Low cost and economical consumption, a wide choice of methods of application are the undoubted advantages of the product.

The natural product has no disadvantages, except for a minimal list of contraindications.

Laminaria for rejuvenation: 10 recipes

Laminaria face mask - reviews speak of its versatility. It suits both women with dry skin and women with oiliness problems. This is why they love her, inventing more and more new recipes.

Video on the topic: Rejuvenating and refreshing kelp mask

For oily skin

With aloe for acne and wrinkles

  1. Peel the aloe leaf.
  2. Grind the pulp into a puree.
  3. Mix the prepared kelp with aloe.
  4. Let the mixture sit for another two hours until it has at least doubled in size.
  5. Apply to dry skin.

Lemon rejuvenating with whitening effect

  1. Mix kelp with protein.
  2. Squeeze the juice of one lemon slice into the pulp.
  3. Stir and spread thickly over your face.

Apple lift

  1. Chop a peeled apple (ideally green).
  2. Mix with kelp.
  3. Apply it.

With a lifting effect by leaps and bounds

  1. Grind the pressed yeast - 25 g is enough.
  2. Fill with water - 50 ml of warm liquid.
  3. Let it sit for half an hour.
  4. As soon as foam appears on top, add seaweed.
  5. Apply to skin to create a thicker layer. Well refreshes, tightens, tones.

Cleansing with oatmeal

  1. Make flour from a handful of oatmeal.
  2. Pour boiling water - half a glass is enough.
  3. Knead.
  4. Add seaweed.
  5. Stir. Apply while massaging your face.

Video on the topic A simple recipe for a homemade kelp mask

For dry skin

With clay for fine wrinkles

  1. Prepare kelp in mineral water.
  2. Mix seaweed with 25 ml of kefir.
  3. Add 25 g clay.
  4. Add three drops of sage oil.

Pull-up with honey

  1. Mix kelp with 25 ml of sour cream.
  2. Add a teaspoon of good olive oil.
  3. Melt 20 ml of honey in a water bath.
  4. Mix with prepared mixture.
  5. Apply a thick layer.

Video on the topic Rejuvenating face mask made from kelp from Beauty Ksyu

Anti-aging with quail yolks

  1. Add two quail egg yolks to the kelp.
  2. Add 30 drops of glycerin.
  3. Mix and apply.

Rejuvenating kefir option

  1. Prepare kelp in kefir.
  2. After swelling, apply to skin.

On gelatin to prevent aging

  1. Pour 10 g of gelatin with hot water (75 ml).
  2. Let it sit for 30 minutes.
  3. Mix with kelp.
  4. Add half a teaspoon of lemon juice.
  5. Give a few drops of vitamin A.
  6. Apply the thickened mass to your face.

A homemade face mask with kelp should not be used more than once every seven days. Otherwise, there will be an excess of vitamins and nutrients, which is also bad: spots and even burns may appear. Buy dried kelp only at the pharmacy. If you purchased seaweed thalli, you need to grind them using a blender. Do not take the pickled product for cosmetic purposes - it is of no use.

User reviews

In pursuit of eternal youth and facial beauty, humanity has long been using seafood, fully appreciating their benefits and effectiveness. It is difficult to find negative reviews about algae oil.

The strengths of fucus oil “Happiness of Life” are described in the following review.

his delight about fucus oil SPA Alganika . With its help you can get rid of cellulite, make your skin firm and elastic, and most importantly, without a drop of chemicals and preservatives.

The following review of kelp oil for face and body from Litoral is no less enthusiastic .

The versatility and effectiveness of Fucus Litoral oil is also emphasized by the next user.

Algae oil is a huge supply of nutrients that can make the skin beautiful and healthy, elastic and velvety.

The remedy is effective at any age. No restrictions on the type of cover, reasonable price, minimum contraindications and absolute naturalness - these are not all the advantages of the “sea” extract.

Recipe No. 1 – Laminaria face mask with honey

The best anti-wrinkle composition that can be easily prepared at home is a kelp mask enriched with honey. Sea kale contains more than four dozen useful substances. In terms of the concentration of microelements that the skin needs, algae are thousands of times ahead of land plants. The deep sea organism lives in extreme conditions, developing a colossal ability to survive. A nourishing mixture with kelp gives this property to the skin, completely reviving it. Making a mask is not difficult.


  1. two tablespoons of kelp;
  2. 100 g water;
  3. a couple of drops of vitamins E and A;
  4. a spoonful of liquid honey.

Features of preparing and using the mask

Dry kelp is poured into a glass bowl with warm water and left for one hour to swell. A teaspoon of liquid honey is also added here. If it is candied, you should first melt the healthy beekeeping product in a steamer and pour it over the swollen seaweed.

It is recommended to add two drops of pharmaceutical vitamins to the algae mixture. The composition is applied to clean skin for a quarter of an hour, after which it is washed off and the face is lubricated with cream. As a result of the procedure, pores are tightened and wrinkles become smaller.

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