How fir oil is useful for facial beauty: recipes for wrinkles and acne, reviews

Fir oil is made from shoots, needles and cones of Siberian fir. This tree has a distinctive property - it does not grow in an environmentally negative environment, and therefore the product from the processing of its components is of high quality. People also call it resin. The oil is produced by steam distillation, that is, steam distillation of pine needles and branches of various fir species.

In cosmetology, fir oil for the face is used to tone the skin and protect it from bacteria. In addition, it can be found in cosmetic products for strengthening hair and against dandruff. It has an antifungal and deodorizing effect and is used in perfumery.

Fir essential oil is a pale yellow oily liquid with a pronounced tart camphor-coniferous, balsamic aroma, slightly sweet.

general description

Fir oil is obtained by steam distillation. The raw materials are needles, cones, and young branches of the plant.

The substance turns out to be pale yellow with a bright pine tonic aroma. The smell is fresh, tart, with notes of sweetness. The consistency is liquid, oily. The distillate is classified as essential oils.

At home, you can make a macerate (tincture of pine needles). There are also options on sale with a thicker consistency and darker color. This product is the result of a combination of green mass and resin: resin.

The essential fir version is often used in aromatherapy.

In cosmetology, the substance is often used as an antiseptic.

Attention! Fir distillate, like most coniferous products, can be seen in cosmetics for oily, masculine skin.

How to deal with sweating?

On hot summer days, sweating of the face seems to be the number one problem - one can only dream of matte skin. And this is not difficult to solve. We need to prepare tonic cosmetic ice .

A little history

The natural habitat of fir is considered to be northern Europe. The tree is cultivated in many countries with a temperate climate: Poland, Switzerland, Germany, France, Austria, Yugoslavia, North America, East Asia. In Russia, fir is found in the wild, in organized plantings.

The beneficial properties of coniferous trees have been known since ancient times. Fir serves as a raw material for the production of turpentine, chamber, essential oil, and resin. Fragrant extracts were mentioned by Hippocrates as a wound-healing agent.

The tree has a special property: it does not grow in an unfavorable ecological environment. This indicates the high quality of products obtained from the plant.

Essential pomace is made from different types of fir growing in different areas. Options made from trees from Tuva and Khakassia are of particular value.

Composition of fir oil

Fir oil has a liquid structure and thin consistency.

The smell is pleasant, with notes of mint and lemon, the color is from yellow to green. The composition is enriched with camphor, cadinene, myrcene, phytoncides and other organic components. All of them, as a result of proper use, can provide one or another benefit to the human body. The product must be stored in a dry, dark place out of reach of children.

Did you know? Fir needles do not fall off even from dry tree branches. That is why this coniferous plant is so popular as an attribute of the New Year holidays.

Composition and beneficial properties

Fir ether contains:

  • organic acids - aimed at tissue renewal;
  • a lot of vitamins C, E - help maintain normal characteristics of the epidermis, prevent the aging process;
  • astaxanthin (a powerful antioxidant) - provides protection against negative external factors that contribute to early aging;
  • hydrocarbon aromatic terpenes (pinene, camphene, limonene) - help even out the shade of fabrics, soften the surface, stimulate the appearance of a tactile sensation of velvety;
  • cineole (natural antiseptic) - aimed at combating harmful bacteria and fungi;
  • borneol - restores impaired skin elasticity and firmness;
  • camphor - has a calming effect, promotes rapid relief of inflammatory processes.

Fir oil is classified as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent. The substance helps relieve swelling, cleanse, tone the skin, improve the relief and surface quality.

Note! The ether has good anti-aging abilities.

Indications for use

The use of fir oil for cosmetic purposes is common. This option is most suitable for oily, problematic, mature skin.

Cosmetologists recommend paying attention to the ether in the following cases:

  • there is increased sebum secretion, a tendency to the appearance of acne and pimples;
  • the problem of eczema, herpes, psoriasis is familiar;
  • signs of fading have appeared (excessive dryness, sagging, wrinkles).

Fir oil will help regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, cope with inflammatory processes, and help eliminate the causes of pustular rashes, furunculosis, and infiltrates. A comprehensive approach to care will lead to positive results for noticeable signs of aging.

The use of ether will also help eliminate excessive sweating and unpleasant odor of skin secretions.

Fir oil product is not recommended for continuous use. The product is suitable for situational or course use. The option of continuous use is possible when performing procedures no more than once a week.

How to deal with acne?

In the case of acne-prone skin, it is permissible to use fir oil without mixing it with esters of other plants. Taking a cotton swab, carefully apply it to the painful points. There is no need to treat the entire face with pure oil extract. Its ability to intensely dry out inflamed pimples can be harmful, even if you have very oily skin.

It is recommended to carry out such manipulations twice a day - no more often and not exceeding a week in duration.

In the same way, oil is used for the formation of boils and herpes rash.

Features of purchase and storage

It is better to buy fir oil in specialized stores. The manufacturer of the substance must be credible.

It is advisable to choose options produced in the area where the tree grows. The low price (up to 100 rubles) should alert you.

Fir ether, like most fragrant pomace, is recommended to be stored in a cool place without access to a bottle of light or oxygen. The stopper is tightly sealed after each use. Room temperature up to +25…30°C is suitable. It is not recommended to cool the product too much (freezing from -5°C).

The shelf life of unopened ether is usually limited to 5 years. Used packaging is stored for no more than 2 years. Over time, the substance becomes too hot and its organoleptic qualities are lost. It is not recommended to use this option internally or for facial skin care.

Efficiency and result

Fir oil gives excellent results if you use it sparingly and do not overdo it. It perfectly cleanses the skin, eliminates inflammation, minor defects, and allows you to regulate sebum secretion. With all this, the price of fir oil is quite low and you can buy it in almost any pharmacy.

Depending on the volume and manufacturer, you can find a bottle of this product at an average price of 55 to 240 rubles. And thanks to the wide range of therapeutic effects, this product can be used not only in cosmetics, but also, for example, for relaxing baths.

Terms of use

Fir essential oil cannot be applied externally in its pure form. Typically, solutions of 2–10% are used. This will provide a beneficial effect and protect against negative side effects. Before use in any form, it is necessary to perform an individual sensitivity test.

Fir is added to creams, masks, and lotions. The base can be a ready-made product or a homemade mixture of ingredients. Usually 5–10 drops of concentrate per 15 g of base is sufficient.

This option goes well with esters of other conifers, citrus fruits, spices (cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, pepper), rosemary, verbena, citronella.

Are we getting old?

Time is inexorable, and there comes a time when we suddenly notice how the skin becomes flabby and aging.

Due to its pronounced tonic effect, fir oil can be used for the face against wrinkles. It prevents dehydration, and under its influence blood microcirculation improves .

To enhance the effect of the usual anti-aging cream, fir oil is added to it.

Premature aging can be delayed by preparing and using an oil solution. It consists of a base oil, three to four drops of fir extract and a concentrated vitamin solution - vitamins of groups A, B, E are used. Wheat germ or apricot kernel oils, which are well refreshing for aging skin, can be used as a base oil.

After washing with heated water and without wiping your face dry, apply the oil mixture and leave for up to forty minutes. It is recommended to use this solution three to four times a week.

Elderly, parched skin will benefit from a mask of mashed potatoes (one potato and 10 grams of cream is enough) with the addition of three drops of fir ether. The smooth porcelain skin of Asian women is admirable. When grooming, they are guided by the “three-second rule.” It lies in the fact that, after washing with warm water, they immediately, in a matter of seconds, apply all the care products to the still damp skin.

Methods of application

Fir oil is more often used for baths and aromatherapy, but in combination with other ingredients it is possible to create good mixtures for facial care.

This option is not used to affect the delicate areas around the eyes and lips, but is suitable for medicinal purposes and oral administration.

Facial beauty recipes

Fir oil is perfect for caring for oily, problematic, aging skin. The substance perfectly restores tissue structure, promotes the healing of wounds, abrasions, helps get rid of acne and other disorders of normal functioning.

For oily skin

A soft mask with oatmeal and salt will help regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands without drying out the tissue. To 1 tsp. add 2-3 drops of fir ether to crushed sea salt. Additionally add 1 tsp. finely ground oatmeal, previously soaked in the same amount of warm milk. The mass is distributed over the face, avoiding the eye and lip areas. After a quarter of an hour, rinse the skin with moderately warm water.

Advice. Additionally, it is recommended to tone the tissues with an ice cube.

For combination skin

A mask made from egg white and fir ether will help narrow pores, remove oily shine, while nourishing the tissue. To prepare the product, beat the white of 1 chicken egg into a light foam.

To achieve the desired consistency, it is better to work with a fork or whisk rather than a mixer. Add 5 drops of fir oil to the resulting mass.

The composition must be thoroughly mixed. The mask is applied for 20 minutes. After time, the skin is cleansed, toned, and you can additionally use a moisturizer.

For aging skin

You can start making a mask with fir oil, which has an anti-aging effect, from the age of 25. To prepare the composition, make a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. base oil (it is better to take olive or grape seed extract), 2 drops of pine ether.

The mass is applied to the skin for 20 minutes. After the time has passed, wash your face and use a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

For normal, dry skin

A mask with fir oil can also be used to care for normal, dry skin. To prepare, mix thoroughly mashed potatoes, previously boiled in their skins, 10 g of medium-fat cream, 3 drops of fir ether.

The mask is applied for 15–20 minutes. After this, the skin is rinsed with warm water. Additionally, you can tonize or moisturize with cream.

Cleansing mask

The effect will help deeply cleanse the pores and get rid of acne. To prepare, dilute 10 g of cosmetic clay with water. For dry skin, it is permissible to replace the liquid with milk, for oily, problematic skin - with a decoction of chamomile or string. Add 2-3 drops of fir oil to the mass, which has a consistency similar to sour cream.

The composition is applied to the surface of the face, paying special attention to problem areas: nose area, chin, forehead. The mask is removed after 20 minutes. It is recommended to wipe the skin with an ice cube or rinse with cool water.

Eyebrow and eyelash care

will help stop rapid hair loss, strengthen roots, and give eyebrows and eyelashes a natural shine . You will need basic fatty oil of vegetable origin: olive, walnut, almond. To 1 tsp. bases add a couple of drops of fir ether. The mask is applied to the hairs for 20–30 minutes.

Important! Avoid contact of the substance with the mucous membrane of the eyes. The composition is carefully washed off with water.

Effect on lips

In a minimal amount, ether can be used to care for the skin of the lips. It is enough to add 1 drop of fir extract to honey, cream or base oil.

The mixture is applied as a mask for 15–20 minutes. After time, the composition is washed off, and the sponges are nourished with a rich balm.

Regular weekly treatments will help get rid of wrinkles and maintain skin tone.


For medicinal purposes, fir oil can be taken internally. Up to 2 times a day, take 1 drop of ether mixed with 1 tsp. honey, jam or edible vegetable oil.

The substance will have an immunomodulating, antiseptic, expectorant, healing, and tonic effect. The product constricts blood vessels (useful for rosacea), increases blood pressure during hypotension.

Cannot be used internally for gastritis or ulcers. Do not eat on an empty stomach. Internal use is excluded for kidney pathologies.

The effect of fir oil on aging skin

Fir ether has a rejuvenating effect on the skin:

  • smooth out small wrinkles;
  • increase skin elasticity;
  • reduce wrinkles;
  • fight puffiness under the eyes.

The use of fir oil will be beneficial for both young and older skin. When used in a course, fir substances restore tissue structure, tighten and rejuvenate the skin.

Precautionary measures

Fir essential oil is classified as a potent agent. The substance may cause noticeable irritation. Those with thin, sensitive skin are especially susceptible to negative effects. Negative phenomena are more common when attempting regular continuous use of ether.

Important point! Fir oil causes more pronounced reactions after long-term storage.

When applied to the surface of the skin, a cold burning sensation is felt. After 2-3 minutes, symptoms should disappear.

When ingested, nausea and heartburn may occur. Drinking the product with a glass of kefir or mint tea will help alleviate the symptoms.

It is not recommended to use fir oil in any form during pregnancy, with individual intolerance, or kidney disease. Use the product externally for hypertension with caution. Your doctor will always tell you in detail why using a substance is dangerous.

Mask options

The use of fir oil in homemade masks is especially recommended. You need to choose an option taking into account the characteristics of your skin.

With avocado

This option perfectly moisturizes and smoothes the skin. To prepare it, you need to use a ripe avocado. Peel half the fruit and grind until a homogeneous puree is obtained. Combine the resulting puree with 50 grams of thick natural yogurt and three drops of fir ether. Mix everything and apply for twenty minutes.

With apple

This composition is universal, it smoothes wrinkles well and refreshes.

The base will be a baked apple. Bake half of the peeled fruit in the oven or microwave and mash it into a puree. Add a teaspoon of natural honey and olive oil to the apple, stir and enrich the composition with three drops of fir ether.


This version of the mask is recommended for use for pronounced wrinkles. It is necessary to separate the egg white and beat it to a stable foam. Separately, melt a spoonful of honey, mix it with a spoonful of sour cream and three drops of fir ether. Gently mix the honey-sour cream mixture with the egg whites. Apply for twenty minutes.


This composition is recommended for oily skin with enlarged pores. It is necessary to stir a spoonful of dry mustard powder with a small amount of water until a thick mass is obtained. Pour into the mixture a teaspoon of lemon juice, the contents of one capsule of a solution of vitamin E in oil, and five drops of fir oil. Keep this composition on the skin for no more than five minutes. If you feel a strong burning sensation, do not tolerate it, wash it off earlier.


This simple composition perfectly tones and nourishes. You will need two chicken egg yolks, which will need to be ground with a tablespoon of base oil, such as almond oil, and four drops of fir ether.

Apply the composition with a brush in several layers. Each new layer is applied after the previous one has dried. Fifteen minutes after applying the last layer, the composition is washed off with water.


Masks that contain several different oils - basic and essential - are very effective. The prepared compositions are applied to the face using a tampon in several layers. Then you will need to lie down, cover your face with a terry towel and lie there for about half an hour. After that, excess oil can be removed with paper napkins.

Formulation options:

  • Take a teaspoon of base oils (grape seed, avocado and almond) and add three drops of fir ether. This composition refreshes and tones well.
  • Mix a spoonful of almond oil and wheat germ base, add three drops of fir ether and the contents of five capsules of the vitamin preparation “Aevit”. This composition tightens and eliminates sagging
  • Mix a spoonful of avocado and olive oils and add three drops of fir ether. The composition gives the face a healthier color and increases elasticity.

User reviews

Fir essential oil is often used to care for oily, problem skin. The effect of the substance is assessed positively, the care option is recommended as an effective solution to the problem.

Many are interested in the product, but doubt the quality of the copies on sale, and are afraid of the strong effect of the concentrated ether.

I liked the effect on oily skin.

Positive results in the fight against post-acne.

I like the cosmetic effect, but the strong smell of the substance confuses me.

What skin problems can we solve?

A skin defect, called by the quite euphonious “name” of acne, is nothing more than acne, acne, pimples. The sebaceous glands are susceptible to this scourge.

Unattractive blackheads are “disguised” under comedones. Their appearance on the skin is also associated with the sebaceous glands - their blockage. Both problems equally plague women (and men too). Most often, those with oily skin suffer from them.

Fir oil is widely used in getting rid of blackheads and acne due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It prevents the excessive production of fatty secretions, cleanses enlarged pores on the face, and promotes deep cleansing of the epidermis .

The product has proven itself very well in the fight against boils and carbuncles. Fir oil nourishes aging dehydrated skin, on which facial wrinkles and creases form early.

If you regularly use this essential oil, you can say goodbye to facial swelling, while fine wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes elastic and firm.

Cosmetologists and dermatologists recommend fir oil for dermatitis, infiltrates, psoriasis, frostbite of the face, and for the treatment of herpetic rashes on the lips.

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