The benefits of butter for facial skin: recipes for wrinkles, reviews

Butter can be found in any refrigerator. We, one way or another, eat this food every day. But did you know that you can use butter on your face, neck and décolleté, to care for damaged hair and chapped lips? It turns out that the product has not only excellent gastronomic properties. It can also be used in cosmetology.

In this article we will tell you how to do this with maximum benefit for you. Is butter cream suitable for any skin? Should I use it pure or mixed with other substances? It is a common myth that fats are harmful. Let's try to refute it in this essay. At least we will try to convince you that fat is harmful to the skin. Do you think that butter is recommended only for those with dry epidermis? The proverb “knocks out fire with fire” is quite applicable to fats.

general description

Butter is made from milk by separating or churning the cream. It has a high fat content - from 78 to 82%, ghee is considered a more high-calorie product, the proportion of lipids reaches a maximum of 99%. For centuries, the traditional product was prepared independently; on farms where there was always fresh milk, excellent butter was also obtained.

It has a dense consistency and turns into a liquid state when the temperature rises. It has a light yellow color, a pleasant milky-creamy taste, a high-quality product does not have a pronounced aroma. In cosmetology, oils of plant origin are mainly used.

The creamy product is traditional in Ayurvedic medicine. In the East, melted butter called ghee is used. For centuries, healers have used a valuable remedy to restore strength and energy. It has a light nutty taste and aroma achieved through prolonged boiling of the creamy base.

Types of butter:

  • traditional is prepared from fresh, pasteurized cream, the mass fraction of fat is 82%;
  • Ghee is produced by heating from traditional butter, the high proportion of fat is 99%, it is produced in industrial conditions at a temperature of 40–50°, separated from water, protein and sugar using a centrifuge, then heated to 100°, whipped with compressed air, packaged banks;
  • ghee is clarified butter, popular in India and Pakistan, which differs from industrial production by prolonged simmering over fire, the protein sediment caramelizes, giving a light nutty taste and bright yellow color to the product.

How to cook at home:

  1. You will need cow's cream, collected using a separator, or sour cream, which can be found on the market as “collected”.
  2. Install the mixer, load sour cream or cream into it. Carefully wrap the open flask of the device with cling film so that you can beat with a whisk without obstacles. During operation, an oily liquid will be released so that it does not splash around the kitchen and needs to be fixed with film.
  3. You need to start whipping at high speed, and when liquid appears, switch to a lower mode.
  4. As soon as the butter begins to stick to the whisk, turn off the mixer.
  5. Pass the resulting oil through a sieve, separating the liquid. This is buttermilk and can be jarred and used for both culinary and cosmetic purposes.
  6. Then you need to rinse the oil under running water.
  7. To get rid of excess liquid, the product needs to be shaped and placed in a cold jar. Shake vigorously until the last drops of liquid are separated.
  8. Then wrap it in parchment and store it in the refrigerator.

Fat-based masks

You should use homemade cosmetics 1.5 hours before bedtime. Before application, the skin is also well cleansed, and the compositions are kept for a maximum of 20 minutes. You need to cleanse the epidermis with plain water:

  • With cottage cheese. Take the high-fat ingredient in the amount of 1 spoon and mix with 1 spoon of honey. Add a spoonful of warm milk and a spoonful of butter.
  • Banana. Take 1 spoon of banana puree and combine with a spoon of melted butter.

  • Yolk. Add 1 spoon of butter to 1 beaten yolk.
  • With shea butter. A combination of 10 g of softened creamy product with 1 tsp is effective against wrinkles. parsley and the same amount of shea fat (shea).
  • Beans. Prepare from 2 tbsp. l. red beans that have just been cooked, pureed. Add 2 tbsp. l. boiled mashed potatoes and 1 tbsp. l. dairy ingredient. Add 1 tablespoon olive oil to the recipe and mix well. If the product is too thick, add wheat flour to it.

  • From potatoes. Take 1 potato and boil it, then mash it. Add 1 spoon of oil to 3 spoons.
  • Prepare a mask from white bread by taking the pulp and soaking it in the melted ingredient.

Such masks will become an affordable and simple way to combat wrinkles around the eyes. But only a high-quality product of animal origin, judging by the reviews of women and cosmetologists, can provide benefits.

A little history

The oil was first produced in Ireland in the 5th century and later spread throughout Europe. Norwegian sailors delivered barrels of valuable products to all corners of the Old World. The obtaining process was labor-intensive and expensive, so only noble people could afford the delicacy. It appeared in Rus' in the 9th century, it was obtained from cream, sour cream and sour milk. It was only in the 19th century that industrial production began.

Ghee oil is widely used in Eastern medicine; it is also called golden gold. Traditionally used for massage mixtures, due to its easy absorption and deep penetration into the skin. In particular, the Netra Tarpana procedure or medicinal eye baths are based specifically on the ghee. It is considered an effective cure for most diseases; a product aged for more than 10 years is used for medical purposes.

By the way! In cosmetology, it was used by Indian beauties to nourish and rejuvenate the skin, smooth out wrinkles, and add elasticity. The product was the basis for creating various aroma compositions to maximize the magical effect of the oil.

Beneficial features

The natural product is recommended for use for cosmetic purposes due to its balanced composition:

  • proteins are a structural unit of cells, necessary for tissue renewal processes, protect the integument from damage, promote rapid healing of wounds and burns;
  • Vitamin A supports oxygen respiration and blood flow, activates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, improves skin tone, eliminates signs of fatigue, and is effective in preventing aging;
  • B vitamins smooth out wrinkles, prevent the formation of new wrinkles, soothe inflammation, redness, and promote oxygen saturation of tissues;
  • Vitamin D relieves dryness and flaking, restores the hydrolipid mantle, protects the skin from aggressive environmental factors;
  • Vitamin E prevents the aging process, increases tissue density and elasticity, neutralizes the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation, quickly transforms the skin, giving it a well-groomed appearance;
  • carotene is effective for preventing pigmentation, has whitening properties, soothes irritated, inflamed dermis, and restores protective functions;
  • minerals soften the skin, give it a velvety feel, nourish it, and promote rapid renewal.

The trans fat content does not allow the oil to be used for problematic, porous skin. Leads to clogging of the sebaceous ducts, activation of sebium synthesis, rashes, and the formation of acne.

Indications for use

The product is recommended for the care of dry, sensitive, normal skin. It will also help improve the condition of aging dermis that is prone to pigmentation. Systemic use will allow you to achieve a lasting transformation effect thanks to the beneficial properties of butter:

  • nourishes, moisturizes;
  • has a slight whitening effect;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • helps restore smooth terrain;
  • relieves dryness and inflammation;
  • activates healing processes;
  • protects against the formation of pigmentation.

Structural composition of ghee

Increased interest among European peoples in ghee appeared after studying the structural composition of the substance. Most scientists were surprised by the high concentration of beneficial compounds in the product, which has long been consumed orally and applied to the skin by Indian residents. The consistency of ghee contains the following substances:

  • Vitamin complex – “PP”, “A”, “B2”, “B3”, “B5”, “E”, “D”.
  • Beta-carotene – 0.4 milligrams.
  • Saturated fatty acids – 64.3 grams.
  • Ash – 100 milligrams.
  • Water – 0.7 milliliters
  • Micro and macroelements - manganese and calcium, copper and magnesium, zinc and sodium, iron and potassium, as well as phosphorus.
  • Cholesterol – 220 milligrams.
  • Polyunsaturated omega-3 acids – 2.9 grams.

Ghee is a 100% natural product that is optimal for consumption and cosmetic skin care. Adults and children, men and women can appreciate the beneficial properties of ghee substance, because the list of contraindications for the use of such a consistency is extremely small.

Where is the best place to buy

You can purchase it at the market or in a store; it is better to give preference to large retail chains, where they can provide documents for the goods and also comply with storage conditions. It is recommended to choose traditional oil with 82% fat content without additives and fillers, from well-known brands. Price 100 gr. varies from 90 to 350 rubles.

Sold in factory-made opaque paper packaging. It should be stored at a temperature of 0 to 6° in the refrigerator in the vegetable and fruit compartment. It is advisable to keep it in an oil dish or darkened container. Shelf life after opening the package is up to 3 weeks.

Ghee is sold in a glass jar, the product can be found in the supermarket or you can place an order online. The cost depends on the volume of the product and the manufacturer, 200, 250 g. can be bought for 350–400 rubles, 500 g. — for 650 rub. You should also store it on the side shelf of the refrigerator; a high-quality product will not deteriorate for several years.

Attention! It is very easy to identify old butter yourself; a pronounced unpleasant odor and rancid taste appear, which is not characteristic of a dairy product.

General recommendations

To effectively use natural facial care products, you should adhere to the basic rules:

  • before the first use, you need to test for possible allergies, apply a little on your wrist, wipe off with a napkin after half an hour, if there is no redness, you can use it to create a recipe;
  • recommended for use on dry, sensitive, normal and aging dermis, contraindicated for oily, problematic, acne-prone skin;
  • can be used in its pure form, also combined with vegetable and essential oils, herbs, berries, pharmaceutical ingredients;
  • due to the high fat content of the product, it is more suitable for evening procedures;
  • can be used throughout the year, but a special effect is observed in winter, when the skin needs special nutrition;
  • the oil creates a filmy feeling on the skin, so it is recommended to use a minimal amount so as not to overload the face, creating a greenhouse effect;
  • should not be added to ready-made cosmetic products; it reveals its properties to the maximum in home recipes;
  • When mixing, you need to use glass, clay or plastic dishes; oil is prone to oxidation when interacting with metal.

Methods of application

Butter makes an excellent base for homemade recipes. Nourishes, moisturizes, protects against aggressive environmental factors. But for a lasting, pronounced result, it is necessary to prepare the skin for the cosmetic procedure.

Skin cleansing:

  1. To remove makeup, you can use cream or micellar water.
  2. Cleanse the skin using gommage or gel selected according to your skin type.
  3. You can steam it using a compress or a warming mask.

Mask for dry skin

A mask with butter copes with peeling and a feeling of tightness Nourishes, softens dead cells, gives a fresh, well-groomed appearance. This effective product is suitable for dry, normal skin and will help prevent aging of mature skin.


  • 5 gr. butter;
  • 5 gr. cottage cheese;
  • 3 drops of orange ether.

Melt the butter in a water bath, mix with cottage cheese to obtain a homogeneous consistency, add citrus essential oil. Distribute with a cosmetic spatula after cleansing the skin, lightly pressing the mixture onto the skin. Leave for half an hour, then carefully remove the residue. There is no need to use additional cream; repeat the care procedure 2-3 times a week.

Whitening mask

At home, it is easy to prepare an effective remedy that restores the skin after the summer season. It copes well with age spots, moisturizes the skin, and ensures tissue regeneration. You can use the mask to revive stressed skin, refreshes the tone, and eliminates signs of fatigue.


  • 5 gr. butter;
  • 5 gr. white clay;
  • ascorutin tablet;
  • 2 drops of lavender essential oil.

Mash the butter with a fork, crush the ascorutin in a mortar, mix with white clay powder and herbal ether. Add a small amount of green tea to obtain a thinner consistency. Apply to cleansed face, excluding eyelid area. The mask lasts for 15 minutes, then wash off the residue and wipe the skin with water and lemon juice.

Anti-wrinkle mask

mask based on a natural product has anti-aging properties, smooths out wrinkles, and softens the skin Helps normalize intracellular processes, increases protective properties. Relieves redness and inflammation, soothes irritated dermis.


  • 5 gr. ghee;
  • 5 gr. honey;
  • 10 gr. pharmaceutical chamomile.

Grind chamomile flowers into powder in a coffee grinder, mix with honey and ghee. Distribute on cleansed skin, including eyelids and lips, leave for 20 minutes. Wash off with plantain herbal decoction; for a pronounced effect, it is recommended to carry out 8–10 sessions.

Eye mask

To eliminate bags under the eyes, whiten dark circles, and add elasticity to thin, delicate skin, you should use a homemade recipe. Smoothes crow's feet and combats puffiness with a nourishing mask for the area around the eyes.


  • 10 gr. ghee;
  • 3 sprigs of parsley;
  • 5 gr. rice starch.

Mix melted butter with starch and freshly squeezed parsley juice. Form 2 cakes from the prepared mixture, remove eye makeup, and place on eyelids. The top can be secured with a damp compress. Leave for 20 minutes, after removing the mass, you can apply additional moisturizer.

Who is it suitable for?

So, the benefits of butter for the face are obvious. This product is truly versatile. It does not cause irritation or allergic reactions. However, not everyone benefits from butter equally. Those with oily skin with enlarged pores should use this product sparingly. You can lubricate the area around the eyes with oil, and even then at night to avoid oily shine. In the morning, you need to wipe off any remaining product with a cotton pad. But all other skin types (normal, combination, and especially dry) will benefit from butter.

The retinol contained in the product will refresh and rejuvenate the face and increase turgor. Beta-carotene has a healing effect and relieves irritation. Vitamins C, A and group B serve as protection against harmful free radicals, which lead to sagging skin. Folic acid deeply nourishes the inner layers of the dermis, saturates them with moisture, and also relieves peeling. Niacin returns a fresh and healthy complexion to the face. This substance also improves turgor.

Application for lips, eyelashes, lips

Butter can be used in masks for dry, porous hair. Perfectly nourishes, moisturizes, prevents tangling, and facilitates combing. It is worth remembering that a greasy base is quite problematic to wash off, so it is recommended to use it before washing your hair.

Important! Do not apply to the scalp and root area, as it may provoke increased secretion of the glands. Also, you should not apply it in its pure form; it is better to mix it with essential oils or berry juices, which add additional shine to your curls.

The product will not have the desired effect for eyelashes, but for eyebrow care you should use a folk remedy. It will soothe the skin after correction and help give a well-groomed appearance by softening the hairs.

To nourish and moisturize lips, butter will become an indispensable remedy, especially if you are prone to dryness and flaking. You can prepare the product by mixing it with beeswax or apply it pure. Quickly restores delicate skin, prevents the formation of cracks and inflammatory processes. It is better to use at night, when applied in the morning it is difficult to apply makeup, the oil forms a film on top of which it is difficult to apply lipstick or tint.

Face masks made from butter for wrinkles

Here are three more homemade beauty recipes that will give your skin smoothness:

  • Honey mask. Mix the two ingredients in equal proportions. If the honey is too sugary, heat it until it becomes liquid. Apply and leave for 25 minutes.
  • Chamomile. Pour a tablespoon of flowers into half a glass of boiling water. Let stand for two hours, after which we filter the infusion. Mix a small amount (20 ml) with 25 grams of oil. Apply the mask to your face and wash off after 20 minutes.
  • Yolk. We carefully separate the protein. Mix the yolk with 25 grams of oil and apply to the face. Wash with warm water after half an hour.

Internal use

The traditional product is widely used in cooking for making sandwiches, sauces, creams, and is an excellent dressing for side dishes and salads. The beneficial properties of the oil are due to the content of proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Regular use can improve your general condition and affect the functioning of systems and organs.

Beneficial features:

  • improves brain function;
  • increases cognitive abilities;
  • normalizes digestion processes;
  • recommended for ulcers and gastritis;
  • increases performance;
  • eliminates nervousness, depression;
  • effective for the prevention of cancer.

It is recommended to consume no more than 30 grams in the first half of the day.

Note! It is not recommended to include in the diet of overweight people suffering from diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages

Modern cosmetology includes many active ingredients that allow you to effectively care for your face and body. But in addition to innovative technologies, it is worth using traditional products, the benefits and effects of which are not inferior to expensive, branded products. In addition to the positive properties, there are also disadvantages that are also important to consider.


  • suitable for dry, sensitive, normal, aging skin;
  • has no age restrictions;
  • has a complex effect on the integument;
  • butter can be used instead of cream, and you can also create effective homemade recipes based on it;
  • can be prepared at home;
  • an affordable product is sold in any supermarket;
  • can be used at any time of the year.


  • not recommended for daytime use, creates the feeling of an oily film;
  • use is contraindicated for oily, problematic dermis, as well as for individual intolerance.

What is his secret

The human body absolutely needs fats. Both plant and animal. The composition of butter is almost 83% fat. This product is prepared by processing heavy cream.

It is a common myth that fats are harmful to the body. Our body vitally needs this source of energy. Indeed, without this component, the body is simply not able to synthesize some hormones, as a result, the person’s body’s energy is sharply depleted, his body seems to “dry out.” This also applies to our epidermis.

This natural product can smooth out wrinkles, increase the tone and elasticity of the epidermis. Do you want to thoroughly cleanse the dermis and remove all the smallest impurities? Use butter on your face, it will effectively remove all waste from the surface of the dermis.

User reviews

There are not many users on forums who use natural products for cosmetic purposes. But if you look, you will still find beauties who have already experienced the miracle remedy.

The girl recommends smearing your face with butter-based cream. After use, the skin is soft and tender like a child's.

A participant describes her feelings after using a mask with butter. Recommends making a mask before going to bed, because you are unlikely to want to strain your eyes after a spa treatment.

The girl describes her experience of using ghee.

Simple manipulation in 2 minutes

You can even just take the oil in your hands, hold it until it melts, spread it on the skin of the upper and lower eyelids literally overnight and leave it like that. It will be absorbed.

By the way, it’s worth thinking about using it, even if the wrinkles are not so obvious or appear only with facial expressions. Overnight, the skin will become moisturized, soft and soft. As a nice “bonus”, applying eyeliner will become much easier.

Just think what regular cow's milk butter can do!

Butter alone does not work as well against wrinkles around the eyes as in combination with other components. Therefore, here are some more effective recipes.

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