How to use olive oil for the face against wrinkles: beneficial properties and recipes for the best masks + reviews from women

Beneficial features

Squeezing the fruit of the olive tree has the following beneficial effects on the skin::

  • forms a thin film that not only protects the epidermis from the harmful effects of the environment, but also promotes uniform distribution of tanning and prevents burns from prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • improves metabolism inside cells, resulting in improved skin tone and color;
  • promotes rapid regeneration - wounds and other skin damage heal faster;
  • removes minor rashes;
  • smoothes out wrinkles;
  • eliminates dryness;
  • tightens pores;
  • relieves irritation;
  • improves blood supply to cells;
  • stimulates the production of collagen fibers, which are responsible for the elasticity of the skin;
  • tightens sagging areas;
  • cleanses of dead particles;
  • softens;
  • awakens hair follicles, resulting in thicker eyebrows and eyelashes;
  • eliminates cracks on lips.

Olive oil is an effective remedy for fine and shallow wrinkles; it works worse with deep skin folds.

What is olive oil and what are its benefits?

Olive oil is a natural product that is obtained from the olive tree. It contains the following beneficial substances:

  • vitamins E, A, D, K, B;
  • calcium, iron, copper;
  • squalene (hydration component);
  • carotene;
  • monounsaturated fats.

In turn, vitamin E provides the skin with youth, A moisturizes, makes it more elastic, and vitamins D, K, B and fats maintain good skin condition. Squalene provides hydration, and carotene prevents the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.

About base oils for the skin around the eyes >>

Thus, olive oil has a beneficial effect on the skin, providing it with:

  • moisturizing, softening;
  • preservation of youth;
  • epidermis renewal;
  • UV protection;
  • tone, recovery;
  • cleansing (gets rid of dead skin particles);


  • neutralizes negative external influences;
  • increases cell viability;
  • is an antioxidant.

When used directly around and under the eyes, the properties are:

  • do not clog pores;
  • reduce deep wrinkles (with regular use);
  • smooth out small wrinkles;
  • relieve puffiness, remove swelling;
  • give radiance to the skin.

Thanks to this positive effect, olive oil is used around the eyes, on the face, hands, and also the whole body.

In addition, this product is hypoallergenic, making it ideal for sensitive skin.

A large number of cosmetic products contain this oil, but it can be used in its pure form, as well as as part of various products.

Does it help with wrinkles?

The effectiveness of olive oil against wrinkles has been proven by a large number of women..

After just a week of use, there is a significant improvement in the condition of the skin, an increase in its elasticity, small wrinkles are quickly smoothed out, and deep wrinkles reduce their volume, as a result of which they become visually less noticeable.


Olive oil is a storehouse of vitamins for aging skin, which allows you to quickly improve your complexion, reduce puffiness and neutralize other signs of skin aging.

The big advantage of this product is that it can be safely used on the delicate and very sensitive skin around the eyes - crow's feet, dark circles under gas, swelling - all this can be removed.

Active substances and principle of action

The benefits of olive oil are due to its composition.

Oil is rich:

  1. Fatty acids . The main part is represented by Omega 9 (oleic acid), Omega 6 (linoleic acid) and palmitic acid. These acids actively participate in the process of skin cell renewal and promote rapid healing of damage.
  2. Tocopherols (vitamin E) . It is an active antioxidant that helps fight signs of skin aging.
  3. Vitamins A, D and K. They help increase cell protection, improve metabolic processes, and maintain optimal water balance in cells.
  4. Phenols . These substances increase local immunity, therefore, cells increase their resistance to negative environmental factors.
  5. Squalene . It is a moisturizing plant-derived carotenoid that not only retains moisture in the skin, but also stimulates the body's own production of aqueous matter.

Expert opinion

Shustova Olga Leonidovna

Obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category

Olive oil is a natural anti-aging agent that can be used by all women, regardless of age and skin type. But it is especially useful for dry types; with regular use, it will help eliminate flaking and relieve the feeling of skin tightness. For oily types, olive oil is no less useful, but in this case it is better to use it as part of masks with drying ingredients. When it comes to reducing the depth of wrinkles, olive oil does reduce the signs of aging. This happens by stimulating the body to synthesize its own collagen fibers, due to which wrinkles are reduced and the skin tightens and becomes more elastic.

Oil composition and characteristics

The highest quality olive extract is obtained by squeezing the pulp of fresh fruits without heat treatment. This product is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids: oleic (60-80%), linoleic (4-14%), palmitic (15%), peanut and omega-3.

The oil also contains:

  • vitamins – D, E, K, A;
  • squalenium (antitumor agent);
  • polyphenols and phenolic acids;
  • terpene alcohols;
  • sterols (elements that prevent the formation of cholesterol) and so on.

Olive extract is a product that can slow down the aging of the body: vitamin E is an antioxidant that resists radicals that destroy cells. Consuming oil has a beneficial effect on the structure of nails, skin and hair. It can also be applied to covers.

Cosmetic properties of olive extract:

  • easily absorbed;
  • does not clog pores;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • eliminates dryness;
  • increases skin turgor;
  • helps smooth out wrinkles;
  • nourishes, moisturizes and softens;
  • regenerates epidermal cells;
  • protects against external factors.

Basic application rules

Despite the fact that olive oil is used by a large number of women, not many of them are aware that there are certain rules:

1What is the duration of useOlive oil is not recommended for continuous use for more than 3 weeks. The fact is that the film that covers the skin after application and protects from the negative influence of the environment prevents the skin from breathing. Therefore, after three weeks you should definitely take a break for 7-10 days.
2Is it suitable for oily skinThose with oily skin should avoid using the pure product; it is better to mix it with honey, lemon juice, sour cream, and so on.
3What to do for allergy sufferersBefore first use, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction. Apply a little product to the inner crook of the elbow or the inside of the wrist. Wait a few hours, and if there is no irritation, redness or other negative manifestations, the oil can be used for its intended purpose.
4What is the application timePeople with normal skin type are recommended to keep the product for about half an hour, with oily skin - no more than 10-15 minutes, with dry skin - up to 50 minutes.
5What to do around the eyesIt is best to make lotions for the delicate skin around the eyes - soak cotton pads in slightly heated oil, apply them to problem areas, and place a warm towel on top for better effect.
6What to do to enhance the effectIn order to enhance effectiveness, it is recommended to add vitamin E.
7How to storeYou can store the prepared products in the refrigerator for a week, after which they not only lose their beneficial properties, but can also be dangerous to the skin.

Causes of female aging

Aging is an irreversible physiological process. Unfortunately, it is laid down at the genetic level, and there is no escape from it. Having overcome his individual milestone, sooner or later each person begins to grow old. At this moment, the body undergoes a whole complex of natural changes, accompanied by a slowdown in metabolic processes and a weakening of protective functions. At the same time, the endocrine system begins hormonal changes. All this can significantly affect both the general well-being and the appearance of a woman.

The skin of the face is like a mirror - it can reveal one’s true age or visually age a person

The second important reason is a combination of third-party factors. The list could go on forever, but here are just the most basic ones:

  • habitat - ecology, weather conditions, etc.;
  • lifestyle - bad habits, eating, sleeping and drinking patterns;
  • ultraviolet - solarium and sun rays;
  • care (including lack thereof) for skin and body;
  • past illnesses;
  • overweight;
  • stressful situations;
  • physical condition of the body, etc.

The elasticity and tone of the skin directly depend on the collagen content in the connective tissues

Over time, cell division “errors” begin to occur, proteins become damaged, and the lipid layer becomes thinner. But due to aggressive environmental influences, age-related changes can begin much earlier. This is where deep wrinkles with signs of early aging come from.

Sudden temperature changes and strong winds dry out, so in bad weather the skin needs protection no less than on a sunny afternoon.

The damage caused by ultraviolet rays is considered especially underestimated. When away from home, many people simply forget about the need to apply cream with SPF protection. But the sun injures the epidermis and collagen fibers, which gradually leads to so-called photoaging - the skin becomes pigmented, becomes hard and flabby.

For those who like to make faces, wrinkles may appear at the age of 15–20

But you can “grow old” even at an early age. By actively expressing emotions through facial expressions, we ourselves often become the culprits in the formation of wrinkles. The fact is that muscles, constantly tense, gradually lose the ability to completely relax. As a result, those who smile get crow's feet, and those who grumble get horizontal “stripes” on their foreheads. But this is not a reason to avoid expressing feelings. Any moisturizing or toning care product can cope with expression lines. And to delay the reappearance, from now on try to wash your face with cool water, rub your face less often and squint less.

The role of oils in rejuvenation

To think that you don’t use oils at all is not a completely correct belief. Any good cream (serum) contains from 5 to 40% cosmetic oils of plant origin, where about 1–4% is often esters.

To prolong youth, mandatory care is necessary. The face, décolleté and neck especially need this. Being unprotected even by clothing, they, like hands, are easily susceptible to age-related changes. Over the years, the skin irreversibly loses some of the nutrients and valuable moisture necessary to maintain proper collagen levels.

Application of oil, in addition to nutrition, gives a soft lifting effect

Cosmetic oils are a good addition to traditional care. Plant lipids are rich in vitamins and perfectly nourish the skin, when used correctly, not only restoring softness and velvety, but also noticeably tightening. Not to mention that with the help of some oils you can also get rid of several problems at once, ranging from pigmentation to dermatitis.

How to use it correctly in its pure form

When using olive oil in its pure form, you must follow these rules::

  • cleanse your face of impurities;
  • heat the required amount of oil in a water bath;
  • soak a cotton swab;
  • treat the face along massage lines, paying special attention to problem areas;
  • maintain the recommended time;
  • blot off any remaining product with a dry cloth.

You can wipe your face with a swab dipped in olive oil to protect the skin from adverse factors and to prevent the appearance of wrinkles..

Some recommendations for use

Olive oil in its pure form should not be used for oily skin - it is recommended to dilute it with acidic products. It could be citrus fruits.

Olive extract is ideal for aging skin prone to dryness.

In addition, if you have problems with your facial skin (for example, acne), it is not recommended to constantly use the oil. After two weeks of use, you need to take a month break.

The desired effect will be achieved only from a natural, unrefined product.

Side effects of using the extract, including on the eyes, include individual intolerance to the product. If there is no itching or rash, you can safely use products that contain olive oil.

It should be used for the appearance of small pimples, loss of skin elasticity, including around the eyes, loss of healthy shine, and the appearance or increase of wrinkles.

Olive oil is not recommended for young teenage girls when there is increased production of skin secretions or acne.

Thus, olive oil is a product with a minimum of side effects. Among the many similar products, olive oil is suitable for all skin types. The exception is oily skin, in which case the extract is used with other products.

Mask recipes

There are many options for masks. Below are the Top 10.

With vitamin E

  • Description . Very effectively eliminates crow's feet and bags under the eyes.
  • Cooking . Mix a tablespoon of oil and 10 drops of vitamin E (sold in pharmacies in ampoules).
  • Usage . Dip your fingertips into the mixture and apply it around the eyes with light tapping movements.
  • Result . The skin around the eyes is smoothed, tightened, dark circles and swelling disappear.

With fruits and vegetables

  • Description . Skin nutrition.
  • Cooking . Grind cabbage, cucumber, zucchini and any fruit in a blender, add warm oil (1:3).
  • Usage . Apply to face for 20 minutes, then rinse with herbal decoction or water with lemon juice.
  • Result . Improved complexion, healthy glow, smooth out wrinkles.

With yeast

  • Description . A purifying and smoothing mask.
  • Cooking . Dissolve 10 grams of yeast in water or milk. Then mix with a teaspoon of oil.
  • Usage . Apply to face for half an hour. Then rinse with warm water.
  • Result . Clean, smooth skin without wrinkles or rashes.

With honey and egg

  • Description . Anti-aging mask.
  • Cooking . Mix the yolk with a teaspoon of honey, add a tablespoon of oil.
  • Usage . Apply to face for 25 minutes. Particularly actively treat problem areas with wrinkles. Rinse off with warm water.
  • Result . Young, clean skin, reduction in wrinkle depth.

With clay

  • Description . Drying mask.
  • Cooking . Mix 2 tablespoons of blue or white clay with olive oil until you obtain a sour cream consistency.
  • Usage . Apply to face for 15 minutes, rinse with water and apply moisturizer.
  • Result . Relieving inflammation, smoothing wrinkles.

With wax

  • Description . Anti-aging mask.
  • Cooking . Mix beeswax (50g) with olive oil (150g).
  • Usage . Apply to face for 25 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Result . Eliminate dryness, slow down the aging process, tighten the nasolabial fold.

With cabbage

  • Description . For oily skin.
  • Cooking . Mix the crushed cabbage leaf into a pulp with a teaspoon of olive oil.
  • Usage . Apply to face for 15 minutes, rinse with cool water.
  • Result . Reducing skin oiliness, smoothing wrinkles.

With flour

  • Description . Cleansing mask.
  • Cooking . Mix rice or wheat flour with olive oil in equal proportions.
  • Usage . Apply to face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • Result . Clean skin without wrinkles, narrowing pores, getting rid of comedones.

With cottage cheese and sour cream

  • Description . Whitening mask.
  • Cooking . Mix low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream, carrot juice and olive oil in equal quantities.
  • Usage . Apply evenly to face and décolleté. You can “walk” with an ice cube on top. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Result . Smooth, youthful skin without pigmentation.

With kefir

  • Description . Suitable for oily skin.
  • Cooking . Mix a tablespoon of kefir with a teaspoon of oil.
  • Usage . Apply to face for 15 minutes. Rinse with water and lemon.
  • Result . Beautiful clean skin without wrinkles.

Applying oil to the skin around the eyes

As you know, the skin around the eyes is very thin and therefore requires special delicate care. Olive oil is an ideal remedy. There are several effective means of protecting the eye area.

  • Apply a small amount of warmed product to the area under the eyes with your fingertips using light movements. After about 40 minutes, you can remove the olive product with a napkin and, if necessary, leave it overnight. This procedure will provide nutrition to the delicate skin of the eye, and will also help get rid of the so-called “crow’s feet”.
  • Mix 1 yolk, juice of half a lemon, a pinch of zest, olive oil (teaspoon). Apply the resulting mixture to your eyelids for 30 minutes. The effect is removal of pigmentation, toning, softening and increasing elasticity of the skin around the eye.

Rejuvenating mask

  • Mix the contents of one vitamin E capsule with 1 tablespoon of olive extract. Apply to eyelids with patting movements, remove residues after 25 minutes with a napkin. A daily mask is more effective.

Mask for dark circles

  • Add two drops of lemon juice to one tablespoon of olive extract, apply for 10 minutes and wipe off. The mask will help cope with small folds and dark circles, tone the eye skin, and strengthen capillaries.

Cream recipes

Creams are also very effective against wrinkles. Below are the 3 recipes.

With care cream

  • Description . Suitable for any skin type.
  • Cooking . Mix a small amount of care cream with half a teaspoon of olive oil.
  • Usage . According to the instructions for the care product.
  • Result . Strengthening the effect of skin care cream components, smoothing wrinkles.

With beeswax

  • Description . Anti-aging effect.
  • Cooking . Melt beeswax (1 part), mix with olive oil (4 parts), add a few drops of essential oil.
  • Usage . Apply to face 2 hours before bedtime. Remove residues with a dry cloth.
  • Result . Tight skin without wrinkles.

Oil mixture

  • Description . Reversing age-related changes.
  • Cooking . Mix olive, castor, flax and pumpkin oils in equal quantities.
  • Usage . Apply in the evening for 3-4 hours. Then pat your face dry with a dry cloth.
  • Result . Rejuvenation and saturation of the skin with nutrients.

Oil based cleansing lotion

Another way to use olive extract is to create a cleansing lotion.


  • cucumber juice – 30 ml;
  • mineral water – 60 ml;
  • rose ether – 4 drops;
  • rose hydrolate – 60 ml;
  • olive oil – 30 ml.

All components should be mixed and used to remove eye makeup every day. The product can be stored in the refrigerator for 4 days. It has moisturizing and restorative properties thanks to the presence of cucumber and rose.

Scrub recipes

Scrubs occupy a separate niche in the large list of anti-wrinkle products. The most popular recipes can be viewed below.

With oatmeal

  • Description . Skin cleansing.
  • Cooking . Mix crushed oatmeal with olive oil.
  • Usage . Massage the composition onto the skin along the massage lines for 3-5 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Result . Clean, tightened skin, wrinkle prevention.

With honey

  • Description . Cleansing and nutrition.
  • Cooking . Mix thick candied honey with olive oil.
  • Usage . Cleanse your face with massage movements for 3-5 minutes.
  • Result . Healthy, clean, young skin.

With coffee

  • Description . Deep cleansing.
  • Cooking . Mix ground coffee with olive oil.
  • Usage . Massage your facial skin with this product along the massage lines for 3-5 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  • Result . Well cleaned ugly skin without wrinkles.

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